FujiFilm CR User Guide
FujiFilm CR User Guide
FujiFilm CR User Guide
Table of Contents
General CR Information
2. Pediatric patients are considered to be those three (3) years old and under. Over the age of
three, process as an adult.
3. Use the smallest Imaging Plate (IP) available for the exam.
4. The green stripe refers to the hanging protocol of the image and is generally oriented to
the top (cephalic) or to the patient’s right side.
• For 8 X 10 only, the green stripe or green dots should be cephalic or to
the patient’s right side.
5. If a cassette has not been used in 48 hours, you should erase it using the Secondary
Erasure. Use Primary Erase for direct x-ray exposures (exposure errors) on the IP.
6. When a body part thickness is greater than 10cm a grid is recommended, i.e., shoulders,
knee, and c-spines.
7. Approximate kVp for Portable chest (non-grid) should be 70-85 kVp. Do not use above
90 kVp without a grid. Portable chests with a grid, the kVp should never be higher
than 110.
8. Approximated kVp for Portable Abdomens with Grid should be 65-85 kVp.
9. Centering and positioning are very important! Keep the patient well-centered on the
10. When doing extremity work you can do two or more views on one cassette. Keep the views
close together and use lead strips to mask the views. Take caution not to overlap exposure
11. Collimate to the proper field size: avoid having extra anatomy in the image.
12. The Fuji CR reader is able to compensate in density for over- and under-exposure:
• Underexposure is evident by a noisy or mottled appearance on the image,
and a high “S” number >500.
• Overexposure is evident only by a very low “S” number <75.
Use the Primary Erase Mode for IP’s with direct x-ray exposures (exposure errors) that need to
be erased from an IP.
Erase Mode Procedures: The erase button must be pressed for each IP and prior to insertion of
the cassette.
1. FCR 5000 series readers- on the status monitor of the FCR 5000 reader, press the
reading mode icon, then select the erasure mode needed. Insert cassette to be erased.
Upon completion of the erasure cycle, the reader reverts back to routine processing
2. FCR5501 Chest Reader - select Erase IP at the IIP. This erases one IP. Repeat
proceedure if the second IP needs to be erased.
In addition to pixel size, image size on hardcopy and softcopy is affected by cassette selection.
Reduction of images done with a 14 x 14 or 14 x 17 IP is not always favorable. Using the
smallest imaging plate for the exam eliminates scatter outside the initial collimation and will
help create a more representative histogram during the reading. It also prevents the reader from
including anatomy not in the primary region of interest in the histogram.
Frequency of Use
The Imaging Plates used in Computed Radiography are sensitive to all types of radiation, and
when used infrequently can store enough naturally occurring radiation to adversely effect an
image. It is recommended that an Erasure, using the Secondary Erasure Mode, or an IP change,
using the Change IP function, be completed on any plate that has not been used in any given 48
hour period. Erasure or Change should also be performed on any imaging plate discovered in
an area where it may have been exposed to scatter radiation.
Note: As opposed to the AC-1 series, models of CR readers such as the CR 9000, 9501 and
AC-3 have a special filter design to suppress the occurrence of the moiré artifact on printed
images, and the use of 103LP grids may be acceptable in the 14 x 17 size. However, these are
not suitable for HQ images or 5000 series readers. If existing 103 line grids are currently being
used in these accounts, good positioning skills help to reduce grid artifact caused by angulation
or an off-center beam. The viewing of CR images on a monitor may show the moiré pattern
because the process of sub-sampling reduces the original CR matrix size to a number suitable
for CRT display. If this occurs, or in the case of HQ (4K x 4K) imaging or the use of an FCR
5000 series reader, the employment of grids of no less than 150 lines/inch is recommended for
all sizes.
I. Grid frequency
Grid frequency is expressed as lines per centimeter or lines per inch. The higher the frequency,
(the more lines per inch), the thinner and less obtrusive the grid lines appear in the image.
Most grids are between 80 and 152 lines per inch.
Grid ratio is the relationship between the height of the lead strips and the space between the
lead strips. The higher the grid ratio, the better the absorption of scatter radiation. The lower
the grid ratio the more forgiving the grid becomes to positioning error. A 6:1 ratio would be a
good choice for portable exams allowing superior ease of use with adequate cleanup. A 10:1 or
12:1 ratio would be a good choice in the radiology department where a multitude of exams may
be performed under a more fixed geometry and at a higher level of kVp.
The most popular grid choices are parallel and focused. Parallel grids compromise image
quality at the outer edges of the image and should not be used at distances less than 48 inches
but are less critical to beam centering. In the focused grid design, the lead strips are angled to
coincide with the geometry of the X-ray beam and must be used within distances specified by
their focal range using a well-centered beam.
IV. Size
Size refers to the physical demonstrations of the grid, however it is important to recognize that
typically, smaller cassettes are read at higher sampling rates. Because of this, it is important to
select a grid of high frequency when employing 10 x 12 inch or smaller cassettes. Consult the
recommendation chart in the selection of the most appropriate grids for your use.
As dose decreases in an electronic imaging system, noise from the amplified lower signal
increases. It is the responsibility of each facility to establish exposure ranges that employ the
lowest dose based on the image quality desired per examination. For example, many facilities
employ multiple film/screen systems to optimize specific exams:
CR promotes exposure ranges capable of optimizing image quality for all exams, typically
employing the same imaging plate and cassette. CR offers a tool to help judge the exposure
used on each exam. This tool is called the “S” number. For a thorough explanation of how to
use this value to optimize image quality at the lowest dose, see pages 9-11.
Automatic Exposure Controls (AEC) are used in the same manner as with screen/film systems.
Experienced CR users frequently utilize the AEC’s + density setting controls for
optimizing image quality.
Note: Even when a phototimer is used, resulted mAs may change depending on the type of
cassette and detector (mostly due to backscatter characteristics from the cassette/detector). If
the phototimer was optimized for conventional screen/film, it should be checked and adjusted
when starting to use CR systems.
The following procedure can be used to set up the AEC with CR:
The calibration of the “S” number is based on a 1mR exposure at 80 kVp and a SID of 72”.
With this exposure, the “S” number range should be about 200.
“S” numbers under 75 should be considered overexposed, even though they may look normal
in appearance (see pages 11-13). If the “S” number goes below 25 and the “L” value is
typically greater than 2.0 image quality may be compromised. These grossly overexposed
images could appear white (underexposed looking) due to overcorrection of the EDR.
Underexposure is exhibited by a high “S” number, generally greater than 500. An underexposed
image will have a greater amount of quantum mottle (noise) in the image. The amount of
mottle/noise on the image will be proportional to a high (>500) “S” number.
Exposure is not the only factor that affects the “S” number values. “S” number values can also
be affected during patient examination. Other factors contributing to the “S” number are:
Because of Exposure Data Recognition (EDR) auto mode (see page 14 for more information),
the “S” numbers can vary significantly even under the same subject and exposure conditions.
The following “S” number ranges should prove as an acceptable guide when accessing
exposure recommendations.
Example A Example B
Example A demonstrates a well-collimated and exposed chest image. From this image a typical
histogram appearance occurs. The width of the usable histogram is measured in decades of
dose. Example A demonstrates a histogram with an “L” value of 2.0.
Example B, the non-collimated view, contains additional abdomen image information. The
inclusion of this unnecessary information produces a wider histogram of 2.5 decades of dose.
This wider histogram reduces image quality and alters the “S” number. “S” number is the
center of the usable histogram. Even though the same exposure factors were used on both
images, the inclusion of the abdominal region on Example B increased the “L” value and
subsequently increased the “S” number.
“L” values are as important as “S” numbers when critiquing images. On most studies “L”
values typically range between 1.7 to 2.3. Abnormal “L” values will create abnormal “S”
numbers. Images should not be rejected or repeated because of “S” number alone. Image
quality should be judged on the hardcopy or diagnostic workstation. If you have questions
about gross under-exposure or over-exposure, see Acceptable Exposure Range for CR Plates.
Other factors that should be considered when critiquing CR images are collimation, kVp, mAs,
positioning and the processing menu selected.
Unlike standard screen/film systems which indicate over or underexposure by obviously dark or
light radiographs, density compensation (a functioning of EDR) makes exposure errors less
obvious. As a result, image quality can be severely reduced without the obvious “red flag” of
light or dark films.
The “S” and “L” values printed on a computed radiograph can be useful in determining if
exposure conditions have caused a loss in image quality. Relative to the anatomy being
imaged, “S” serves as an indicator of average exposure level, and “L” represents the exposure’s
latitude. The following table indicates the acceptable and unacceptable “S” & “L” combina-
tions. Combinations outside the acceptable range should be reviewed and the exposure
repeated if a lack of contrast or excessive mottle is apparent.
Please post the following two charts near your CR Reader(s) for technologist reference.
1,000 recommended exposure range
possible over exposure
1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 2 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7
FCR (AC-1 or later)
Standard Reading Range
HR Imaging Plate
FUJIFILM Medical Systems USA, Inc. Copyright © 2004
recommended exposure range
possible overexposure
1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 2 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7
Understanding EDR- Auto Mode
The Auto processing mode will adjust both the density and the contrast. Auto processing mode
is used for the majority of examinations in CR.
Auto mode processing allows for image data on the IP to be sampled and uses the Exposure
Data Recognizer (EDR) to determine optimal reading conditions. A histogram is created using
the raw image data. The histogram data will be processed in a manor consistent with the ana-
tomical menu choice. For this reason, it is important that the menu selected on the IIP corre-
sponds with the patient examination. If the density and contrast appear to be incorrect for the
particular examination, verify that the IP was processed under the proper anatomical menu.
More than one view can be exposed on a single IP. In Auto processing mode, collimated
borders are detected with a function known as split exposure recognition processing. For the
best results, the collimated borders should be sharp and well defined. This ensures that
unnecessary information, such as scatter, outside the collimated edges will be eliminated from
the histogram analysis. This process is often referred to as PRIEF (Pattern Recognizer for
Irradiated Exposure Field).
In difficult circumstances, where proper collimation and good positioning seem impossible to
obtain, Semi, Semi-X, or Fixed modes might be a better EDR choice.
Green Stripe
7x7 cm
10x10 cm
The size of the center reading area varies with menu selection. However, it is always based on
the physical center of the imaging plate. If the primary area of interest is not positioned to the
center of the cassette, improper densities may be displayed. The Semi mode is not recommended
when a high absorption object, such as metal prosthesis, is located in the center region of the
cassette. These situations are better handled in the Auto or Fixed modes.
Green Stripe
7 8 9
4 5 6
1 2 3
It is important to always remember the orientation of the cassette. Was the green stripe up
during the exam? This is most important for specifying the area of interest. Semi-X mode is
selected at the IIP, under the EDR mode. This gives you a picture of the drawing on the top
right. Select the sector you want to use as the central location for correcting the output density
of the anatomical position. This usually corresponds to the thickest portion of the anatomi-
cal view. Use the keyboard to enter the value. To change the output average density, press
the DENSITY key and input the density value (0.3-2.64). In most cases the default of 1.2 will
work well.
If you make DENSITY too high, the result may be a noisy and dark image.
Strive for the best density without darkening the whole image.
How do you correct for a light or dark image in the fixed mode? By adjusting your technique
and/or reprocessing the image at the Fuji workstation.
The fixed mode is best used for the problem image, for example:
X-Table Hips
C7-T1 Laterals
Any Body Part with a lot of Metal Hardware
Any Image you Cannot Center Properly
Fixed Mode is found under the EDR (Exposure Data Recognition) function. The EDR is nor-
mally in the AUTO mode. To enter the Fixed Mode, press the button next to Fixed. Over time,
facilities will develop typical “S” number ranges for each exam type. Input a value represent-
ing the “S” number that you wish to emulate. Enter a fixed “S” number
relative to the procedure performed. Press <enter>. Process the IP. Adjust the radiographic
exposure as necessary or reprocess the image at your workstation.
Contrast Resolution
GT Contrast Type: offers linear and non-linear gradation curves to vary the toe and
shoulder portions of the curve. Curve selections from A-P.
GC Rotation Center: used when contrast is to be varied and density remains the
same. Defines density point of GA.
Range of 0.3-2.6, with increments of 0.1.
RN Frequency Rank: set to suit the anatomical structure size being visualized
(enhanced). Low # = large organs; higher # = bone trabeculae.
Range of 0-9, with increments of 1.0.
Note: Care must be taken when making adjustments to processing parameters. It is possible to
degrade image information if the algorithms are improperly applied. Contact your local
imaging specialist for more information on these adjustments.
DRN Rank of Dynamic Range Control (0-9). This parameter defines the unsharp mask,
and should be kept at a relatively large kernel size with regards to the kernel (RN)
being used by the regular processing parameters. This number is inversely
proportional. “0” being the most unsharp and “9” being the sharpest.
DRT Type of Dynamic Range Control (A-H). For visualizing the necessary density range.
This type is to transform the smoothed signal. Curves “A” through “D” represent
high density, radiopaque areas. Curves “E” through “H” represent a low density,
radiolucent area. The range is A<B<C<D high density, E<F<G<H low density.
ORN Rank of Tomographic Artifact Suppression (0-9). This is used for setting spatial
frequency. This parameter defines the one-dimensional unsharp mask. This number
should be kept relatively large so it will have more affect on the artifact and will not
increase the grain or mottle of the image.
ORT Direction of Tomographic Artifact Suppression (0-1). This number is for setting the
direction of the cassette. Zero “0” for the cassette in the vertical position and one
“1” for the cassette in the horizontal position.
ORE Enhancement of one dimension spatial frequency (0.0-9.9, 10-16). This parameter
defines the weighting factors of which the TAS is applied to the original image.
When using the TAS the edge enhancement (RE) of the original image should be set relatively
low to decrease the mottle or grain of the image.
Note: Care must be taken when making adjustments to processing parameters. It is possible to
degrade image information if the algorithms are improperly applied. Contact your local
imaging specialist for more information on these adjustments.
Image Plate Number: This is the barcode number of the plate used to capture the displayed
Exposure Mode: This single letter represents the EDR mode selected at the IIP
A = Automatic M = Manual
S = Semi or Semi-X F = Fixed
Menu Code (MPM): This is a four-digit code that corresponds to the exam name chosen at the
CR Device: A user defined single letter that identifies the CR device from which the image was
produced. Typically the letter A is chosen for the first reader and B for the second, etc.
Image Number: This number is a Fuji CR accession number. The number starts at 001 and
runs continuously from 12:00:01 A.M. to 12:00:00 P.M. creating a daily log.
Processing Parameter: This list of letters, numbers and symbols represent the default
processing parameters. NOTE: If the parameters are followed by the star symbol (*), this is an
indication that the parameters have been changed from the default values.
Exam Name: This name corresponds to the Menu Code at the top of the film. The name for
each exam is user defined.
L Number: This number represents the latitude of the image displayed on film.
S Number: This number represents the photostimulable luminescence (sensitivity) given off
by the imaging plate while being scanned in the reader.
Contrast and Density Shift: Following the letter C on this line of information are two
numbers separated by a comma. Preceding each of these numbers is either a (*) which
represents positive values, or a (/) which indicates negative values. The defaults are set at
*1.0, *1.0 and represent no change in contrast or density from default values.
Requisition Number: An Eight-character user defined field. Input for this field is done at the
Patient Name: A twenty-character user defined field. Input for this field is done at the IIP.
Date and Time of Processing: This represents the time the Imaging Plate was processed and
not the exposure time.
Film Mark: Input for this field is done at the IIP using the MARK function. This field allows
for custom annotation. NOTE: This field cannot be used to replace anatomical L/R markers.
Sex and Date of Birth: Input for these fields is done at the IIP. The field for patient sex is a
single letter field for M or F, it can also be left blank. The format for date of birth is user
defined, or the patients age can be substituted in this field.
Image Size: This scale represents the image size reduction if applicable.
2. Was the body part well centered? Was the correct amount of collimation used?
• Use grid if the body part is over 10 cm. (This includes large portable chests).
For grid recommendations see pages 6 and 7.
• Leaded strips should be used when doing more than one exposure on a
4. Was the correct kVp range used for the body part?
6. Was the “S” number within the acceptable range for this exam? See pages 9 and 10.
7. Was the “L” value within the acceptable range for the “S” number? See pages 10-13.
8. Has the IP been used within the last 24 hours? Was the IP exposed to scatter radiation
prior to use?
Neonatal Specific-
1. Was the correct menu selected? Neonatal exams are different than pediatric.
2. Was the kVp at least 55? Was the mAs at least 1?
3. Was the smallest cassette used?
4. Was the body part positioned in the middle of the IP?
5. Are the “S” numbers and “L” values in the correct range? See pages 9-13.
Image contrast and density are Improper selection of Check to see that the image
too high or too low. anatomical menu was processed under the correct
menu name.
Image contrast and/or density Film processing Check the density calibration
increase or decrease day to day. on the laser printer, adjust if
Image Quality
Sharpness (appearance of unsharpness)
Image looks unsharp in certain Image contrast and/or A higher contrast or higher
areas of interest. density set too low density may improve the
impression on sharpness. Try
a slight increase in the GA or
Sharpness continued...
Overall image graininess RE set too high RE should be 0.0 to 1.0 for
for images in the same an enhanced image (too
anatomical menu low of RE can seem like an
unsharp image).
Graininess continued...
Inconsistent Grainy Images X-ray exposures too low Increase X-ray exposure. As
dose decreases X-ray noise
(quantum noise increases).
“S” numbers greater than
500-exhibit underexposure.
Note: Even when a phototimer is
used, resulted mAs may change
depending on the type of
cassette and detector (mostly
due to backscatter characteristics
from the cassette/detector). If the
phototimer was optimized for
conventional screen/film, it should
be checked and adjusted when
starting to use CR system.
Artifacts appear on the border RE set too high Strong enhancement may
high-contrast anatomies and causes image processing
materials, such as bone and artifact around high
metal contrast edges.
White, irregular artifact Mechanical damage to Check the surface of the IP,
appear on the image. the phosphor see if there mechanical
damage of the same shape.
White, grain-like artifacts Phosphor damage or dust Check the surface of the IP
appear on the image. and see if any dust has
adhered to it. If so, wipe it
away using the proper
cleaning technique.
See pages 30 and 31.
Artifacts Continued...
Monthly: Inspect Imaging Plates and clean as needed. Inspect cassettes for any
physical damage.
Monthly Procedures
IP Cleaning: While wearing lint free cotton gloves, inspect the IP’s visually; remove any dirt,
hair, or lint. Use either a lint free cloth (photographic lens cloth) gently rubbing the surface of
the IP, or brush the IP with a camel hair brush. If artifacts remain, use the recommended
cleaning solution, always following the guidelines (MSDS) recommended by the distributor of
the cleaning solution.
Anhydrous ethanol is the only solution used for cleaning IP’s ST-V/HR-V generation or
higher. (Do not use water, screen cleaner or isopropyl alcohol to clean IP’s). Put a small
amount of the solution on the lint free cloth and wipe the surface of the IP in a zigzag pattern to
remove the artifacts. If an artifact cannot be removed by these methods or if physical damage
is noted, the plate should be removed from service.
Cassette Inspection: Inspect cassettes for physical damage. (Insertion of a broken cassette
into a CR reader can result in mechanical failure and system shutdown). Check cassette hinges,
hinge rivets and clasps. Inspect lead backing for peeling or other physical damage.
Cassette Cleaning: CR cassettes can be cleaned with any of the cleaning solutions typically
used for the cleaning of screen/film radiographic cassettes. Always remove the IP before
cleaning. DO NOT immerse the cassette when cleaning.
A protective (plastic) bag should be used with the presence of blood or other body fluids. DO
NOT insert a moist cassette into the CR reader. If necessary, remove the IP from wet cassette
and insert (make sure the IP is dry) into a dry cassette. Blood or other body fluids should be
cleaned with the appropriate germicidal agent. Always wear appropriate protective clothing
when handling any solution.
Hospital laboratories or pharmacies usually have this solution in stock for other uses, so we are
recommending the radiology Q.C. department simply obtain their needed supply from their
laboratory. In the event this is not the case, small quantities (5 gallons or less per year) can be
purchased from:
Isopropyl alcohol can only be used for cleaning IP’s STIII generation and older.
FUJIFILM Medical Systems USA warrants Fuji CR Imaging Plates to be free from
manufacturing defects for 1,000 exposures or one year from date of installation (or sale if
installation is not documented), whichever comes first. This warranty is voided if the IP is not
handled, exposed, cleaned or processed in the manner described in the FCR Reader Service
and/or Operations Manual or if the IP is used in anything other than a Fuji-manufactured CR
FUJIFILM Medical Systems USA warrants Fuji CR cassettes for a period of one year from date
of installation (or sale if installation is not document).
The following terms apply to the warranty for both CR Imaging Plates and cassettes.
1. The product must have been purchased from FUJIFILM Medical Systems USA, or an
authorized reseller.
2. Products honored under warranty, by FUJIFILM Medical Systems USA, become Fuji’s
* This warranty policy is limited to Imaging Plates purchased directly from FUJIFILM Medical
Systems USA.
Many products used on a regular basis at healthcare facilities such as oil, fluorescent light
bulbs, sharps, disposable surgical supplies, and test specimens must be disposed of in a
specialized manner. Your FCR Imaging Plates (IP’s) contain a small amount of barium which
must be discarded in accordance with the laws of you state and the U.S. Environmental
Protection Agency (EPA). The disposal of used IP’s must be handled by a licensed transport
and disposal company and must not be disposed of improperly.
FUJIFILM Medical Systems USA has provided this simple guide to assist you in the proper
disposal of your IP’s, which should make compliance easier. Please call your local Fuji CR
Specialist or call (800) 431-1850 and ask for the Environmental/Regulatory Affairs Department.
Your Responsibilities
Your facility may already have an EPA identification number. If you do not, you may need to
apply for an EPA ID number from your state. Contact your state environmental protection
agency for the appropriate forms. The used IP’s must be removed by an authorized transporter
and disposal organization. Please remember that you are ultimately responsible for how the
used IP’s are disposed.
* This information pertains to customers within the U.S.A. For customers outside the U.S.A.,
contact your appropriate environmental agency.
2. Have the used IP’s removed by an authorized organization (your state environmental
protection agency can help you locate an authorized and reputable disposal organization).
3. Prior to removal of the used IP’s, ensure that the transporter has an accurate manifest.
4. Ensure that a copy of the manifest is forwarded to you within 35 days of the day the used
IP’s were accepted by the transporter.
5. Assure that you or your transporter provides copied of the manifest to both the origin and
recipient states.
6. The paperwork must be maintained by your organization for a minimum of three years.
Note: Any images that need to be review by an imaging specialist should be placed on this log. Include any
additional information such as technique, grid or positioning issues. A copy of this log should be placed in all areas
where images are reviewed.