Chronotherapy PDF
Chronotherapy PDF
Chronotherapy PDF
• delayed sleep phase type sleep disorder (DSPTSD)
• shift work type sleep disorder
• jet lag type sleep disorder
• undefined type.
Sack, Robert. Treatment of cricadian Rhythm Sleep Disorders. Handbook of Slee Disorders. Second Edition.
0.5 ms- 30
min <20 horas
a media
30 min -6
Frecuencia >24 horas
>6 dias Circamareal Circalunar circaanual
Regulation of sleep-wake rhythm
• Sleep and wake: Modulation of the thalamus
and the cortex by the brain stem.
• Cholinergic, noradrenergic and serotoninergic
• Direct effects on cortical function.
Homeostatic process S and
the circadian process C
• Circadian process C: is
Alternation of periods with high and
low sleep propensity
Circadian rhythm sleep disorders (CRSDs)
• Chronotherapy
• Timing of sleep is intentionally delayed several hours
• If relapse The procedure is repeated.
Delayed Sleep Phase Type D.
Circadian rhythm sleep disorder
• Prevalence of
• learning disorders: 19.3%
• personality disorders: 12- 22.4%.
Gökben Hizli F, et Al. [Delayed sleep phase type sleep disorder and chronotherapy]. Turk Psikiyatri Derg. 2009;20(2):183-187.
Delayed Sleep Phase Type D.
Dagan Y (2002) Circadian rhythm sleep disorders in psychiatry. Isr J Psychiatry Relat Sci, 39: 19-27.
Prescribed Sleep Schedule
• Prescribe a sleep schedule
• In conjunction with treatments that
promote circadian phase advances
Prescribed Sleep Schedule
Dagan Y (2002) Circadian rhythm sleep disorders in psychiatry. Isr J Psychiatry Relat Sci, 39: 19-27.
Combination Treatment
Early starts and late finishes how work start time and
workload affect sleep
• not be classified as night work duration and timing,
alertness, cognitive
performance, and circadian
Shifts have the capacity to cause circadian disruption phase
• high prevalence of sleep deficiency
Methods: Participants and Protocol
• All pilots working for a single airline.
• Cycle worked a baseline block (baseline):
• 5 days of short work shifts
• Starting in the mid-morning
• 2 flight segments. (2 hrs)
**4 days off.
• 5 early starts (early)
**3 days off
• 5 midday starts (midday) --- Included more flight segments and longer work shifts.
**3 days off
• 5 late duties (late) -- to start in the late afternoon followed.
** 4 days off
Methods: Study Protocol
• Ipod:
• study questionnaires
• daily sleep diary
• study schedule and
• iPod version of the psychomotor vigilance task (PVT)
• The morning sleep diary also included: Samn Perelli fatigue scale and a
Sleep quality rating
** 4 days off
• 44 pilots (4 female)
• Aged 30.8 +- 7.1 years
Results: Impact of schedule start time on sleep
Study participants attempted to initiate sleep at significantly
different times during each of the study blocks relative to their
baseline bedtime
Results: Impact of schedule start time on sleep
• Sleep efficiency was not significantly different for any work schedule type
relative to baseline (early P = 0.34, midday P = 0.55, late P = 0.12)
• Wake after sleep onset (WASO) was not significant for midday (P = 0.12) or
late work shifts (P = 0.71) relative to baseline
• There was significantly more WASO during the sleep preceding early work
shifts compared to baseline (P = 0.03).
Results: Impact of schedule start time on performance
• Statistically significant increase in mean reaction time (RT) and lapses (> 500 m sg)
• Decrease in transformed reaction time between the baseline condition and each
of the more challenging flight schedules
Results: Impact of schedule
start time on performance
Midday work shifts, which included higher workload with many flight sectors,
was associated with performance impairment in comparison to baseline, but
no difference in sleep duration.