Tutorial-3 PCS 2021-22 (17-5-2022)

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Malaviya National Institute of Technology Jaipur

Chemical Engineering Department

21CHT817 Pollution Control Systems
Session: 2021-22
Date of Assignment: 17-5-2022
Due date of submission: 20-5-2022
Tutorial - 3
1. A municipal wastewater has the following characteristics:

(i) Influent BOD5 : 360 mg/L

(ii) Required effluent standard (BOD of treated effluent) : 25 mg/L
(iii) BOD influent loading: 1620 kg/day

Determine the volume of a single stage stone trickling filter and the resulting number of trickling filter
units with 2.5 m depth and 40 m dia. using NRC equation for following recirculation ratios:

(a) 1:1 and (b) 2:1.

2. A dumpsite fire emits 3 g/s of NOx. Determine the NOx concentration at 2 km downwind if the
windspeed U10 = 5 m/s and the stability is class D. What is the maximum concentration at ground level
and also at 50 m above ground? Use Gaussian equation.

3. A 915 MW power plant with a load factor of 72.5% and an efficiency of 40% uses coal as a fuel source.
The coal has a 1% sulphur content and a calorific value of 30 MJ/kg. The stack tip is 200 m high with
a diameter of 7 m. If neutral conditions prevail, determine the maximum ground level concentration of
SO2 at 1, 10 and 100 km from the stack. U10 = 4 m/s, Ts = 150 ºC, Ta = 20 ºC and Vs = 15 m/s.

4. A chimney with a designed stack height of 250 m is emitting sulphur dioxide at a rate of 500 g/s on a
sunny day in June (unstable condition) with moderate windspeed (5 to 7 m/s) at the stack altitude.
Estimate the concentration of sulphur dioxide downwind at the following locations:

(i) SO2 concentration at (1000, 0, 0, 250), i.e. downwind direction at 1 km distance on ground
level on the plume centre-line. SO2 emission is coming from a stack height of 250 m.
(ii) SO2 concentration at (1000, 50, 0, 250), i.e. downwind direction at 1 km distance on ground
level 50 m apart perpendicular in the horizontal direction to to the plume centre-line. SO2
emission is coming from a stack height of 250 m.
(iii) SO2 concentration at (1000, 50, 20, 250), i.e. downwind direction at 1 km distance 20 m
above ground level and 50 m apart perpendicular in the horizontal direction to the plume
centre-line. SO2 emission is coming from a stack height of 250 m.

Part (iv) is to estimate the horizontal distance from plume centerline at ground level for which
ground level concentration of SO2 is given along with coordinates and other data pertaining to
emission rate and height of emission.

(iv) If SO2 concentration at (1000, y, 20, 250), i.e. downwind direction at 1 km distance 20 m
above ground level and with a definite horizontal spread w.r.t. to the plume centre-line is =
100 μg/m3. SO2 emission is coming from a stack height of 250 m. What will be the value of
y, the horizontal distance from the plume centre-line?


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