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February 14, 2022: U.S. Department of Transportation

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February 14, 2022

U.S. Department 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE

of Transportation Washington, DC 20590

Pipeline and Hazardous

Materials Safety

DOT-SP 11194


(FOR RENEWAL, SEE 49 CFR 107.109)

1. GRANTEE: Cobham Mission Systems Orchard Park Inc.

Westminster, MD


a. This special permit authorizes the manufacture, mark, sale, and use of non-DOT
specification fully wrapped carbon-fiber reinforced aluminum lined cylinders for the
transportation in commerce of the materials authorized by this special permit. This
special permit provides no relief from the Hazardous Materials Regulations (HMR) other
than as specifically stated herein. The most recent revision supersedes all previous

b. The safety analyses performed in development of this special permit only

considered the hazards and risks associated with transportation in commerce.

c. In accordance with 49 CFR 107.107(a) party status may not be granted to a

manufacturing permit. These packagings may be used in accordance with 49 CFR

3. REGULATORY SYSTEM AFFECTED: 49 CFR Parts 106, 107 and 171- 180.

4. REGULATIONS FROM WHICH EXEMPTED: 49 CFR §§ 172.203(a) and 172.301(c)

in that the marking requirements are waived and §§ 173.302a(a)(1), 173.304a(a)(1), and
180.205 in that non-specification cylinders are not authorized, except as specified herein.

Tracking Number: 2022014821

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5. BASIS: This special permit is based on the application of Carleton Technologies, Inc.,
dated September 25, 2018, submitted in accordance with § 107.109, and additional
information submitted January 16, 2022.


Hazardous Material Description

Proper Shipping Name Hazard Identi- Packing

Class/ fication Group
Division Number

Air, compressed 2.2 UN1002 N/A

Argon, compressed 2.2 UN1006 N/A

Carbon dioxide, compressed 2.2 UN1013 N/A

Compressed gas, n.o.s. 2.2 UN1956 N/A

Compressed gas, oxidizing, n.o.s. 2.2 UN3156 N/A

Helium, compressed 2.2 UN1046 N/A

Heptafluoropropane or Refrigerant gas R 227 2.2 UN3296 N/A

Hydrogen, compressed 2.1 UN1049 N/A

Liquefied gas, oxidizing, n.o.s. 2.2 UN3157 N/A

Methane, compressed or Natural gas, 2.1 UN1971 N/A

compressed (with high methane content)

Nitrogen, compressed 2.2 UN1066 N/A

Nitrous oxide 2.2 UN1070 N/A

Oxygen, compressed 2.2 UN1072 N/A

Pentafluoroethane or Refrigerant gas R 125 2.2 UN3220 N/A

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a. PACKAGING: Prescribed packaging is a fully wrapped carbon-fiber reinforced

aluminum lined cylinder manufactured and marked in conformance with Basic
Requirements for Fully Wrapped Carbon-Fiber Reinforced Aluminum Lined Cylinders
(DOT-CFFC Fifth Revision), dated March 2007.

b. TESTING: Cylinders retested prior to July 1, 2001 must be retested within 36

months of the retest date marked on the cylinder. Cylinders retested after July 1, 2001
must be reinspected and hydrostatically retested at least once every five years. Testing
must be performed in accordance with § 180.205, tested to 5/3 of the marked service
pressure, and the latest edition of CGA pamphlet C-6.2 “Guidelines for Visual Inspection
and Re-qualification of Fiber Reinforced High Pressure Cylinders”, except as specifically
noted herein:

(1) Cylinders must be volumetrically tested by the water jacket method

suitable for the determination of the cylinder expansion for a minimum test time
of one minute.

(2) A maximum permanent expansion to total expansion ratio does not apply.
The cylinder must be condemned if the elastic expansion exceeds the rejection
elastic expansion (REE) as marked on the cylinder.

(3) Retest markings must be applied on a label securely affixed to the cylinder
and overcoated with epoxy, near the original test date. Metal stamping of the
composite surface is prohibited. Reheat treatment of rejected cylinders is not

(4) Cylinders with fiber damage (cuts, abrasions, etc.) that exceed Level 1
type damage as defined in CGA Pamphlet C-6.2 and meet the following depth and
length criteria are considered to have Level 2 damage:

(i) Depth: Damage that upon visual inspection is seen to penetrate the
outer fiberglass layer but does not expose the carbon layer beneath, or that
has a measured depth of greater than 0.005 inches and less than 0.045
inches for cylinders with an outside diameter greater than 7.5 inches or
less than 0.035 inches for cylinders 7.5 inches or less in outside diameter;
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(ii) Length: Damage that has a maximum allowable length of:

Region Direction of fiber damage Maximum length of


Cylinder sidewall and domes Transverse to fiber direction 20% of the length of the
(longitudinal direction) straight sidewall section of
the cylinder

Cylinder sidewall and domes In the direction of the fiber 20% of the length of the
(circumferential direction) straight sidewall section of
the cylinder

(5) Cylinders with damage that meet the Level 2 criteria must be rejected.
Retesters must contact the cylinder manufacturer in the event that damage is
questionable based on this criteria. Repair of rejected cylinders is authorized for
Level 2 type damage. Repairs must be made in accordance with CGA pamphlet
C-6.2, prior to the hydrostatic pressure test. Repairs must be evaluated after the
hydrostatic test.

(6) Cylinders that have direct fiber damage that penetrates through the outer
fiberglass layer and into the carbon layer, or that have a measured damage depth
of greater than the Level 2 maximum stated in (5)(a) above are considered to have
Level 3 type damage. Cylinders that have damage with depth meeting Level 2,
but length exceeding the Level 2 maximum are considered to have Level 3 type
damage. Cylinders with Level 3 type damage are not authorized to be repaired,
and must be condemned.

(7) A hydrostatic retest may be repeated as provided for in § 180.205(g), only

two such retests are permitted. Pressurization prior to the official hydrostatic test
for the purpose of a systems check must not exceed 85% of the required test


(1) Cylinders manufactured under this special permit are not authorized for
use fifteen (15) years after the date of manufacture.

(2) Cylinders may not be used for underwater breathing purposes.

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(3) Cylinders used in oxygen service must conform with
§ 173.302(b)(5)(1)-(4). Cylinders used in nitrous oxide service must conform with
§ 173.304a(a)(1).

(4) A cylinder that has been subjected to fire may not be returned to service.

(5) Transportation of flammable gases is not authorized aboard passenger-

carrying aircraft or cargo vessel.

(6) Transportation of oxygen is only authorized when in accordance with

§ 175.501.

(7) Cylinders must be packaged in accordance with § 173.301(a)(9).


a. In accordance with the provisions of Paragraph (b) of § 173.22a, persons may use
the packaging authorized by this special permit for the transportation of the hazardous
materials specified in paragraph 6, only in conformance with the terms of this special

b. A person who is not a holder of this special permit, but receives a package
covered by this special permit, may reoffer it for transportation provided no modification
or change is made to the package or its contents and it is offered for transportation in
conformance with this special permit and the HMR.

c. A current copy of this special permit must be maintained at each facility where
the package is offered or reoffered for transportation.

d. A current copy of this special permit must be maintained at each facility where
the packaging is manufactured under this special permit. It must be made available to a
DOT representative upon request.

e. Each packaging manufactured under the authority of this special permit must be
either (1) marked with the name of the manufacturer and location (city and state) of the
facility at which it is manufactured or (2) marked with a registration symbol designated
for a specific manufacturing facility by the Office of Hazardous Materials Special
Permits and Approvals for a specific manufacturing facility.

f. The cylinders described in this special permit are authorized only for normal
transportation as an article of commerce i.e., the movement of hazardous materials
packages from consignor to consignee.
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g. The requirements to mark shipping papers and packages with the special permit
number in accordance with §§ 172.203(a) and 172.301(c), respectively, are waived.

9. MODES OF TRANSPORTATION AUTHORIZED: Motor vehicle, rail freight, cargo

vessel, cargo-only aircraft, and passenger-carrying aircraft (see paragraphs 7.c.(5) and (6)
for restrictions).

10. MODAL REQUIREMENTS: None required by this special permit.

11. COMPLIANCE: Failure by a person to comply with any of the following may result in
suspension or revocation of this special permit and penalties prescribed by the Federal
hazardous materials transportation law, 49 U.S.C. 5101 et seq:

o All terms and conditions prescribed in this special permit and the Hazardous
Materials Regulations, 49 CFR Parts 171-180.

o Persons operating under the terms of this special permit must comply with the
security plan requirement in Subpart I of Part 172 of the HMR, when applicable.

o Registration required by § 107.601 et seq., when applicable.

Each "Hazmat employee", as defined in § 171.8, who performs a function subject to this
special permit must receive training on the requirements and conditions of this special
permit in addition to the training required by §§ 172.700 through 172.704.

No person may use or apply this special permit, including display of its number, when
this special permit has expired or is otherwise no longer in effect.

Under Title VII of the Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transportation Equity Act:
A Legacy for Users (SAFETEA-LU) - 'The Hazardous Materials Safety and Security
Reauthorization Act of 2005' (Pub. L. 109-59), 119 Stat. 1144 (August 10, 2005),
amended the Federal hazardous materials transportation law by changing the term
“exemption” to “special permit” and authorizes a special permit to be granted up to two
years for new special permits and up to four years for renewals.

12. REPORTING REQUIREMENTS: Shipments or operations conducted under this special

permit are subject to the Hazardous Materials Incident Reporting requirements specified
in 49 CFR §§ 171.15 - Immediate notice of certain hazardous materials incidents, and
171.16 - Detailed hazardous materials incident reports. In addition, the grantee(s) of this
special permit must notify the Associate Administrator for Hazardous Materials Safety, in
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writing, of any incident involving a package, shipment or operation conducted under
terms of this special permit.

Issued in Washington, D.C.:

for William Schoonover

Associate Administrator for Hazardous Materials Safety

Address all inquiries to: Associate Administrator for Hazardous Materials Safety, Pipeline and
Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, U.S. Department of Transportation, East Building
PHH-13, 1200 New Jersey Avenue, Southeast, Washington, D.C. 20590.

Copies of this special permit may be obtained by accessing the Hazardous Materials Safety
Homepage at https://www.phmsa.dot.gov/approvals-and-permits/hazmat/special-permits-search.
Photo reproductions and legible reductions of this special permit are permitted. Any alteration of
this special permit is prohibited.


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