Session 8 Quest For Meaning and Fulfilment
Session 8 Quest For Meaning and Fulfilment
Session 8 Quest For Meaning and Fulfilment
Session 8 If … then
The Quest for Meaningful and Fulfillment
• Happiness is understood as
the moment in which all one‟s
desires are satisfied, but
humanity always wants more.
• Happiness is a commodity
Purpose and Action Content & Understanding
This material has been prepared by Dr.Surya Tahora, Professor, Science of Spirituality. It is meant for use only in PGEMP at SPJIMR. No part
of this material may be reproduced, used or transmitted in any form without the permission of Dr.Surya Tahora
Reference slides
The Quest for Meaning and Fulfillment
Definitions of Meaning
“In the meaningful life, you “Meaning is based on
use your highest strengths our capacity to
Content &
and talents to belong to perceive order and Understandin
and serve something you coherence in our g
believe is larger than the existence, pursue our Purpose and
self.” goals, and feel the
- Martin Seligman fulfilment that follows
these achievements.”
and fulfillment
2.How do I make my life more Meaningful & Fulfilling ?
Meaning enables people to - Paul Wong
interpret and organize their
experience, achieve a sense of
own worth and place, identify
the things that matter to them,
and effectively direct their
energies. –Michael Steger
Sacred (relating with sacred or divine being, meditating, attending retreats, spiritual books)
Creativity (involved in creative activities such as arts, painting, music, writing, etc.)
@SPJIMR Courage . Heart @SPJIMR Adapted from Finding Purpose and Meaning In Life , Offered by University of Michigan , Coursera Courage . Heart
This material has been prepared by Dr.Surya Tahora, Professor, Science of Spirituality. It is meant for use only in PGEMP at SPJIMR. No part
of this material may be reproduced, used or transmitted in any form without the permission of Dr.Surya Tahora
Reference slides
The Quest for Meaning and Fulfillment
Individual Reflection
Raghav‟s „Meaning‟ Statement STEP 1 - Reflect on learnings from this session ,the indicative areas and reflective
questions. Write a statement which will make your life meaningful and fulfilling , your
„Be Goals‟.
1 Family
2 Relationships
3 Education &
Personal Growth
4 Power
5 Recognition/Fam
6 Health
7 Career
8 Pleasure
9 Possessions
10 Sacred
11 Altruism
12 Creativity
Adapted from Finding Purpose and Meaning In Life , Offered by University of Michigan , Coursera Courage . Heart @SPJIMR Courage . Heart
@SPJIMR Courage . Heart @SPJIMR Adapted from Finding Purpose and Meaning In Life , Offered by University of Michigan , Coursera Courage . Heart
This material has been prepared by Dr.Surya Tahora, Professor, Science of Spirituality. It is meant for use only in PGEMP at SPJIMR. No part
of this material may be reproduced, used or transmitted in any form without the permission of Dr.Surya Tahora
Reference slides
The Quest for Meaning and Fulfillment
STEP 2 - Based on your Be Goals , choose 3 spheres which have the highest priority for you.
How to work These are spheres describing who you want to be . Be clear why you have chosen these 3 spheres .
STEP 3. What are your "do" and "action," goals corresponding to each of these 3 spheres
be goals,habits – SPHERE 1 :
i)For my „be „ goal _______ one of my "do" goals is to be more _________.
ii)I can achieve my "do" goal by _________ (tied to a specific "action" goal).
Key qualities- iii) Having evaluated different possibilities , I will schedule my action goal
challenges in my routine by __________.
Why? Meaningful i)For my „be „ goal _______ one of my "do" goals is to be more _________.
ii)I can achieve my "do" goal by _________ (tied to a specific "action" goal).
iii) Having evaluated different possibilities , I will schedule my action goal
in my routine by __________.
i)For my „be „ goal _______ one of my "do" goals is to be more _________.
ii)I can achieve my "do" goal by _________ (tied to a specific "action" goal).
iii) Having evaluated different possibilities , I will schedule my action goal
in my routine by __________.
1. Which learning from this topic is an important area of development for my career?
ACAD GRP 1 (5 nos )-TOPIC (session 1,2) - Subjectivity and Decision Making 2. Which practices across the course can be beneficial to me for this area?
ACAD GRP 2 (5 nos )- TOPIC (session 3) - Objectivity and Decision Making
ACAD GRP 3 (5 nos ) -TOPIC ( session 4,5 ) – Mindfulness and Practices 4. As a group share key learnings from this topic in a creative way. (2 mins , any 1-2 group
ACAD GRP 4 (5 nos )- TOPIC (session 4,5)- The Objectivity Framework members to present) . For eg you can include a song , video , article , reading , drama , movie
ACAD GRP 5 (4 nos ) -TOPIC (session 6,7)- Boundaries and Compassion clip , dance to support your creative expression .
ACAD GRP 6 (4 nos ) -TOPIC (session 8)- The Quest for Meaning & Fulfillment
Please note :
i) Total time for presentation is 6-7 mins
ii) Prof Surya Tahora, Prof. Sajili Chawla & Prof. Ajinkya Navare will be present for this
concluding session
This material has been prepared by Dr.Surya Tahora, Professor, Science of Spirituality. It is meant for use only in PGEMP at SPJIMR. No part
of this material may be reproduced, used or transmitted in any form without the permission of Dr.Surya Tahora