Common Philippine Folk Dances
Common Philippine Folk Dances
Common Philippine Folk Dances
While a dance means to move rhythmically to music, Singkil is a Mindanao folk dance that originated
typically following a set sequence of steps, there’s in Lake Lanao
certainly more to it than its literal meaning. Dance is a Singkil is a Mindanao folk dance that originated
source of entertainment and a good healthy lifestyle. from the Maranao people and is based on the
But as for the Philippine folk dances, we see a bigger story in the Darangen, the pre-Islamic Maranao
picture and a deeper meaning. interpretation of the ancient Hindu Indian epic,
the Ramayana.
A traditional dance in the Philippines connects us to a
place’s culture. It is about history, traditions and 6. Kappa Malong-Malong
majestic beauty of the place it is associated with. The
cultural dances in the Philippines evolved from different A tribal dance in the Philippines that originated
regions which are distinct from one another as they are from the Maranao tribe in Mindanao
affected by religion and culture. The Kappa Malong-Malong is a cultural dance
in the Philippines influenced by Muslims. The
12 Most Popular Philippine Folk Dances malong is a tubular garment, and the folk
dance essentially shows the many ways it can
When talking about dance in the Philippines, we can’t
be worn. This traditional dance in the
help but think of the classic Filipino folk dance that put
Philippines is not only for women though, there
the country on the world map. Here’s a list of folk
is also a men’s version of the dance since they
dances in the Philippines you should know if you want
wear malongs in different ways.
to learn more about the country’s culture:
7. Cariñosa
1. Tinikling
A local dance in the Philippines that originated
A Philippine folk dance that originated in Leyte
in Panay Island
Tinikling is one of the most famous dances in
If there’s one type of folk dance in the
the Philippines. The movements of this Filipino
Philippines that will surprise you, it’s Cariñosa
folk dance imitate the movements of the tikling
Philippine folk dance. You might think that
bird as it walks around through tall grass and
most of the Philippine folk dances include
between tree branches. People use bamboo
women characters that have a shy and Maria
poles to perform this Filipino traditional dance.
Clara personality. While it’s true, Carinosa
Tinikling is composed of three basic steps which
dance is a Filipino cultural dance made for
include singles, doubles, and hops.
flirting, hence it’s a courtship dance in the
2. Itik-Itik Philippines.
11. Kuratsa
12. Pantomina