Lesson 3: The ASSURE Model

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Republic of the Philippine


San Isidro, Tomas Oppus, Southern Leyte


Unit V. Theories and Principles in the Use and Design of Technology Driven Lessons

Lesson 3: The ASSURE Model

Lesson Outcomes

1. Identified learning theories and principles applied in the use and design of
learning lessons with technology
2. Applied the ASSURE Model in crafting a lesson

A well-planned lesson plan is half of the battle won; the other half is the delivery of
the lesson by the facilitator who has the pedagogical skills in implementing what has
been planned. This will ensure the achievement of learning outcomes. This will engage
learners to perform expected standards. That is why, it is important that before
teaching, elements needed to be incorporated when designing a plan have to be plotted

A Who is you audience?
1. demographics 2. General Characteristics 3. Entry Competencies 4. Learning Competencies

S What students need to learn?
1. Learning Outcomes 2. Course Rubrics
a. Skill/concept b. proficiency or accuracy c. conditions of performance
S What do instructors need to use for face to face, online and hybrid teaching?
1. Select instructional materials 2. Produce new materials 3.Repurpose existing materials


U How do instructors use materials?
1. Preview materials 2. Prepare environment 3. Provide instruction


R Students will actively engage in:
1. Discussion 2. Small group activities 3. Formative assessment


E What works? What doesn’t? Summative evaluation of:
1. Instructional delivery 2. Revision of media and materials to improve students’ outcomes

Figure 1. The ASSURE Model

In designing a lesson with the integration of technology, it is crucial to observe a
framework that can act as a guide in its formulation (Heinrich & Smaldino, 2002). The
ASSURE Model identifies six essential elements in the instructional process.

The ASSURE Model

ASSURE Model is a guide in crafting an instructional flow that can guide the
teacher in integrating appropriate technology and media into the instructional process.
It also refers to a systemic approach that the teacher can use when writing an
instructional plan.

This model is composed of six essential steps in planning instruction.

Theoretically, it is a mental framework that a teacher considers.

Step 1: Analyze Learners.

With the learner as the center of the instruction process, the initial consideration
is to get a clear picture of the learners’ learning styles, age level, interests or preferences,
background, special needs and cultural diversity.

Step 2: State Objectives.

This is the main instruction guide that will direct the flow to reach the target.
Known as the learning outcome expected of the lesson, this statement describes what
the learner would be able to perform as a result of instruction.

The mark of a good set of learning objectives is conformity to the ABCDs of well-
stated learning objectives. They are as follows:
 Audience – For whom is the objective intended?
 Behavior – What is the behavior or performance to be demonstrated?
 Conditions – What are the conditions under which the behavior or performance
will be observed?
 Degree – To what degree will the knowledge or skill be mastered?

Step 3: Select Methods, Media, and Materials.

Selecting the appropriate way of delivering the lesson and using the applicable
media or technology can effectively make learners acquire understanding of the lesson
or gain the competence desired. The teacher has to decide which strategy, materials or
technology would be best considering the learners and the desired learning outcomes.

First, you should figure out which delivery method will be best for your
instruction. For instance, what proportion of your instruction will be instructor-
centered and what proportion of will be student-centered? The first of these are
strategies such as lecture, demonstration or showing a video. The second are strategies
such as group discussion or cooperative group work.

Common sense weighs in on the side of learner-centered strategies. Learning

becomes more exciting when there is more class participation. Ultimately, it’s the
learner who must gain mastery over the material, not the teacher. However, there will be
a certain amount of crucial information and technique that the teacher must give over
and demonstrate.

Learning is at its best when the teacher merely leads the student into discovering
the correct answer to a problem themselves. An effective teacher is merely a facilitator
to the process of learning.

Once you select your teaching strategy, then it’s time to figure out which
technology, media, and materials best support the method of teaching that you’re using.
This ranges from simple tools such as chalk and blackboard to more sophisticated ones
such as power-point presentations. What must be remembered is that the instructor is
the essential ingredient in giving over the material. Fancy tools are useful, but it
ultimately boils down to having someone who knows more than what the textbook

Step 4: Utilize Methods, Media and Materials.

Having selected the strategy, media and materials is halfway of the task done.
Planning how to implement these entails a lot of consideration. Bearing in mind the
learning outcome of the lesson, the teacher decides which part of the instructional flow
will a particular material or technology be employed and the manner on how it will be
more effective to achieve the learning outcome.

It’s important to follow the “Five P’s” process to achieve this:

Preview the Technology, Media, and Materials

This means that it’s important to plan ahead of time just how you’re going to use them.
It’s good to do a dry run of your lesson before you actually teach it. Make sure that the
whole lesson will go smoothly and seamlessly.
Prepare the Technology, Media, and Materials

You need to gather together all of the things that you will need to teach your lesson.
They must be working properly. For example, if you are making a power-point
presentation, then you’ll need to create the text and graphics for each screen.

Prepare the Environment

There is some minimal preparation required to set up the learning environment. Simple
things like making sure that you have enough desks are important. Also, if you have
control over the situation, you should make sure that there are no sources of noise that
will disturb the students.

Prepare the Learners

First, you need to clearly inform the learners as to what the learning objectives are. This
will help the learners create a mental map of what they need to absorb. Next, it’s
important to tell the students how they will be assessed. You need to tell them what
their assignments will be, how they will be graded, if there are tests, etc. Also, you
should explain to the students what the benefits of learning the material are.

Provide the Learning Experience

You then actually carry out the lesson. This is where all of your planning takes effect.
You should be prepared to carry out the lesson with every prior step of the process in
mind. This will insure your success as a teacher.

Step 5: Require Learner Participation.

Student engagement is an important element. The learners have to be made to

understand their role I taking accountability of their own learning. Therefore, the
teacher has to design sections of the lesson where the learners are guided to participate
in and perform tasks with minimal or no supervision at all.

The most basic step that you can take is requiring participation of the students in class
discussions. A more sophisticated approach would require that students prepare questions and
comments at home to bring into the class. You might try even allowing individual students to
lead classes or discussions in the style of a seminar.

Step 6: Evaluate Student Performance.

Assessing learners’ performance can take place across phases of the lesson.
However, it is emphasized that the basic rule is that the evaluation should be congruent
to the learning outcome provided in the lesson. Some learning outcomes can be
sufficiently evaluated using a pen and paper test but there are other learning outcomes
that can be assessed by using rubric or having an aggregated write-up through the use
of portfolio assessment. The teacher decides which is appropriate for the intention of
the evaluative activity.
The following questions are useful to ask during this evaluation:

 Did your lesson meet the learning objectives that you planned? How will you
determine whether the students reach the objectives? Is your way of assessing
the students in line with your learning objectives?
 Can this lesson be improved? How? How are you going to assess the weaknesses
in your presentation?
 Was your choice of media and materials a good one? How will you assess the
effectiveness of these tools?
 Is it possible that other technologies, media, and materials would have done a
better job?

The final step in your evaluation should focus on feedback from your students. Was
their experience positive overall? Do they feel that they have reached your objectives
and their own personal objectives? How will you determine whether or not your
performance was effective?

In conclusion, the ASSURE process is really just a matter of common sense. However,
it is good to follow a regimented guide to improve your teaching technique. Any effective
teacher knows that the perfection of their technique does not come overnight, and there
is always room for improvement. By following the ASSURE process, you will be sure to
improve your teaching for many years to come.

On your own…

Write your reflections gained from the lesson. The following questions will serve as your

1. What have you learned from this lesson on ASSURE Model?

2. How will you use what you have learned from the lesson?
3. What did you find difficult to understand?
4. If you found an item or step difficult, what action will you take to address your

Design your lesson (to be demonstrated in the classroom as a Final Term

requirement) by writing a brief outline of the plan. Explain how the ASSURE Model has
helped in the process of designing it. Discuss the rationale of the decisions.

Elements in an What is it? Explain the reason for the decision in

Instructional relation to the ASSURE Model
Lesson Topic:
Subject Area:
Level of Learners:
Duration: one hour lesson
Technology Tools:

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