Beer Production Summary
Beer Production Summary
Beer Production Summary
Assistant Professor, Department of Catering Science and Hotel Management
Abstract - This document gives you detailed information of manufacturing process of beer,
various ingredients used to beer making, history and definition of beer.
1. Key terms
2. History
3. Ingredients for beer production
4. Production of beer
5. Process of beer making
6. Brand names
7. Conclusion
Key Terms
Ale - It means top fermented beer
Fermentation - it is the process in which yeast acts on sugar and converts in to alcohol
Fining - it is the process of clarifying the beer
Hop back - it is the container where the hops are removed from the wort
Hop - dried flower of hop plant used in beer making to get the bitter taste
Isinglass - it is a substance made from the air bladders of fish. Used in fining
Lager - it means bottom fermented beer
Paraflow - it refers to heat exchange system
Wort - sweet liquid just before the fermentation
Yeast - it is a small single celled living organism that ferments sugar
It is believed that the beer making is to be over 10,000 years old. Ancient Egyptians brewed
beer about 6000 years ago and many countries used various cereals to brew beer. Egyptians
used barley in beer making, Africans used millets, and corn is the USA, Wheat in Iraq and
rice in Asia.
For many centuries brewer’s heated cereals over open fires which resulted in dark, smoky
malt that produced dark beer with a strong flavor. Later in 15th century the brewers
introduced hops in the beer making process. The addition of hops gave a unique bitter taste
to the beer and protected beer from going sour. The first beer brewed with hops in England
was bitter ale.
In later years with all the technological developments, many breweries turned to mass
production with many brewing special equipment with the help of employing large number
of people
Beer is a brewed and fermented drink prepared from malted cereals, especially barley. In
the brewing process, the malt is extracted from the cereal by addition of hot water which
results in the product called wort and the hops are added to hot wort to obtain flavor and
bitter taste. It is the n cooled and fermented with the addition of yeast..
Production of Beer
Beer production involves a series of complicated process, the following are the steps
involved in the production of beer.
Hop back
Cooling and pitching
Maturing and pasteurization
Brightening and clarifying
Fosters Australia
Tiger Singapore
Dortmunder Germany
Beer is an alcoholic drink obtained from fermented brew of barley malt. The average
alcoholic content of beer is 4%. The basic styles of beer are ale and lager, available in
various alcoholic strength. Beers should be stored in well ventilated rooms away from the
sunlight. The ideal temperature of a beer cellar is 13 – 15’c. Frequent fluctuations in the
storage temperature will spoil the beer.