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Microwave Transmission Guide

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2.1 2.2 Line of Site Considerations Link Design Process 2.2.1 Loss/Attenuation Calculation 2.2.2 Fading & Fading Margin Calculations 2.2.3 Frequency Planning & Interference calculations 2.2.4 Quality & Availability Tools Software Installation & Activation Loading of sites/links GIS Configuration 3.4.1 Site Coordinates 3.4.2 DEM Configuration 3.4.3 Clutter data Configuration of Installation parameters 3.5.1 Design Link 3.5.2 Antenna Configuration 3.5.3 Equipment Configuration Antenna Equipment files Radio Equipment files Coupling Equipment Frequency Planning Rain Calculations Path Profile Transmission Reports Flowchart Tools Preparation Procedure Report

3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4


3.6 3.7 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5



Microwave transmission is a technology of transmitting information by use of radio waves whose radio spectrum ranges across frequencies of roughly 1GHz to 30GHz and wavelengths of 1.0cm to 30cm. Fig 1: Radio Spectrum

Small capacity systems generally employ the frequencies less than 3 GHz while medium and large capacity systems utilize frequencies ranging from 3 to 15 GHz. Frequencies > 15 GHz are essentially used for short-haul transmission. Microwave radio communication requires a clear line-of-sight (LOS) condition. Radio LOS takes into account the concept of Fresnel ellipsoids and their clearance criteria. Properties of a microwave link are: Involve line of sight (LOS) communication technology Affected greatly by environmental constraints, including rain fade Have very limited penetration capabilities through obstacles such as hills, buildings and trees.



All MW Links require a clear LOS. Fresnel zones must be clear of any obstacles. Typically the first Fresnel zone (N=1) is used to determine obstruction loss. Presence of obstacles results in reduced received power due to reflections or diffractions. The direct path between the transmitter and the receiver needs a clearance above ground of at least 60% of the radius of the first Fresnel zone to achieve free space propagation conditions. Clearance is described as any criterion to ensure sufficient antenna heights so that, in the worst case of refraction (for which k is minimum) the receiver antenna is not placed in the diffraction region. Clearance criteria to be satisfied under normal propagation conditions : - Clearance of 60% or greater at the minimum k suggested for the certain path. - Clearance of 100% or greater at k=4/3. - In case of space diversity, the antenna can have a 60% clearance at k=4/3 plus allowance for tree growth, buildings (usually 3 meter).


Microwave Link Design process includes: Loss/attenuation Calculations Fading and fade margins calculations Frequency planning and interference calculations Quality and availability calculations Fig 2: Link Design Flowchart


The losses shown below are used to calculate the Link Budget. The link budget can be defined as a calculation involving the gain and loss factors associated with the antennas, transmitters, transmission lines and propagation environment, to determine the maximum distance at which a transmitter and receiver can successfully operate. System gain depends on the radio equipment and modulation used.

Fig 3: Link Budget diagram

Losses considered include: PROPAGATION LOSSES

Are due to the earth terrain and atmosphere. Propagation losses include: -Free space loss: is dependent on operating frequency and path length (distance). -Vegetation attenuation. -Obstacle loss: e.g. due to buildings. -Gas absorption: is dependent on frequency, temperature and humidity of the

atmosphere. -Attenuation due to precipitation: is dependent on frequency, polarization used, rain Intensity. Attenuation increases above 10GHz and with the use of horizontal polarization. BRANCHING LOSSES Present from the hardware used to deliver the transmitter/receiver output to/from the antenna.


This can be defined as unpredictable and sporadic in character like fog, moving objects crossing the path, poor equipment installation and less than perfect antenna alignment etc.

2.2.2 FADING & FADING MARGINS CALCULATIONS Fading is defined as the variation of the strength of a received radio carrier signal due to atmospheric changes and/or ground and water reflections in the propagation path.
These calculations comprise of: -Multipath fading: is dominant for frequencies lower than 10GHz. -Rain fading: Is dominant for frequencies above 10GHz. -Refraction-diffraction fading. The fade margin is calculated with respect to the receiver threshold level for a given bit-error rate (BER).The radio can handle anything that affects the radio signal within the fade margin but if it is exceeded, then the link could go down and therefore become unavailable


The objective of frequency planning is to assign frequencies to a network using as few frequencies as possible and in a manner such that the quality and availability of the radio link path is minimally affected by interference. The following considerations should be made when planning radio frequencies:

Determining a frequency band that is suitable for the specific link (path length, site location, terrain topography and atmospheric effects) Prevention of mutual interference such as interference among radio frequency channels in the actual path, interference to and from other radio paths, interference to and from satellite communication systems Correct selection of a frequency band allows the required transmission capacity while efficiently utilizing the available radio frequency spectrum. The available frequency band is subdivided into two halves, a lower (go) and an upper (return) duplex half. The duplex spacing is always sufficiently large so that the radio equipment can operate interference free under duplex operation. The width of each channel depends on the capacity of the radio link and the type of modulation used. Frequency planning of a few paths can be carried out manually but, for larger networks, it is highly recommended to employ a software transmission design tool. One such vendor independent tool is Pathloss 5.0. Interference in microwave systems is caused by the presence of an undesired signal in a receiver. When this undesired signal exceeds certain limiting values, the quality of the desired received signal is affected. To maintain reliable service, the ratio of the desired received signal to the (undesired) interfering signal should always be larger than the threshold value.


The main purpose of the quality and availability calculations is to set up reasonable quality and availability objectives for the microwave path.

A major concern for microwave system users is how often and for how long a system might be out of service. Required path (link) availability. Path length can be extended by lowering the availability requirement, e.g. from 99.999% to 99.99%. Availability is the time in minutes per year that the link will deliver the engineered specifications. Required throughput availability. Throughput availability applies a guarantee level to a specified throughput, whereas path availability guarantees only that the link is active. For a given path length, throughput availability is a more stringent performance specification than link availability.

Pathloss 5.0 is a software program which provides an interface for link planning.




Run Pathloss 5.0 software Click on Pathloss 5.0 icon and activate the program by keying in the appropriate serial number. Fig 4: Software Activation


Site/Link information can be loaded into Pathloss 5.0 by importing a site text file or a link text file. Basic information in these files includes but is not limited to: Site Name Station code Longitude Latitude Tower Type etc. Link text file must contain the above data for both Site A and Site B. Fig 5: Example of a site text file

3.4 GIS CONFIGURATION 3.4.1 Site Coordinates Set projection category as geographic. Set Datum type to be used Define which hemispheres will be defined as positive for both Longitude and Latitude. Fig 6: Site Coordinate configuration


Digital Elevation Model Set projection category as geographic. Set datum to be used. Set the Digital Elevation Model (DEM) The common DEMs are SRTM (World), GT0P030 (World), BIL projected DEM. Select location of files in setup and file index. Fig 7: DEM Configuration

3.4.3 Clutter data Set projection category as geographic. Set datum to be used. Set the Clutter model. The common clutter model is GLCC (World). Select location of files in setup and file index. Fig 8: Clutter configuration

Save the GIS Configurations made.



Design Link

Left click on the desired link and select transmission analysis. Select design link. Select the application to be used i.e. Microwave, Adaptive modulation or land mobile. Select frequency in MHz Select polarization to be used for the specific link. Specify the design scope, parameters and specifications you intend to use. Fig 9: Design Link configuration

3.5.2 Antenna Configuration Set transmit/ receive configurations for antennas used in the link. Fig 10: Antenna configuration


Equipment configuration Antenna Equipment files Main characteristics of antenna equipment are: Gain and directivity Antenna diagram and beamwidth at 3dB Secondary lobes Front-to-back ratio Polarization Weight and resistance to the wind To load antenna equipment files: Click on icon to load antenna equipment files. Antenna equipment files are in .asd format. Click on to save changes made.

Fig 11: Antenna equipment configuration Radio Equipment Files Click on icon to load radio equipment files. Radio Equipment files are in .rsd format. Click on to save changes made.

Fig 12: Radio Equipment configuration 3.5.4

Coupling Equipment icon to load coupling equipment files. to save changes made.

Click on Click on

Frequency Planning Click on icon to load frequency channel configurations.

Fig 13: Frequency planning configuration

3.5.5 Rain Calculations Click on Click on to select the rain region. to save changes made.

Fig 14: Rain Calculations


Once all the above settings have been configured the path profile will be as shown below: Fig 15: Path Profile example


Reports can either be summarized or detailed. Click on Reports in the transmission analysis window and select one of the above options. Examples are shown below: Fig 16: Summary report

F = 23000.00 MHz K = 1.33 %F1 = 60.0 Latitude Longitude True azimuth () Vertical angle () Elevation (m) Antenna model TIE TIE 04 47 42.30 S 011 53 32.20 E 263.43 -0.07 22.21 VHLP2.5-220 (TR) POINTE NOIRE HQ 04 48 02.90 S 011 50 33.90 E 83.43 0.03 11.75 VHLP2.5-220 (TR)



Antenna gain (dBi) 42.60 42.60 Antenna height (m) 35.00 40.30 TX line model EW220 EW220 TX loss (dB) 0.00 0.00 RX loss (dB) 0.00 0.00 Radio modelEH23-93E1-256QAM-27.5MhEH23-93E1-256QAMTX power (dBm) EIRP (dBm) TX channel assignments 13.50 13.50 56.10 56.10 2h 23058.00V 2l 22050.00V 5l 22134.00V 5h 23142.00V -36.92 -36.92 27.58 27.58 27.40 27.40 99.99986 43.96 99.99216 99.99202

Receive signal (dBm) Thermal fade margin (dB) Effective fade margin (dB) Annual 2 way multipath availability (%) Annual 2 way multipath unavailability (sec) Annual rain availability (%) Annual rain + multipath availability (%)

Fig 17: Detailed Report

TIE TIE POINTE NOIRE HQ Latitude 04 47 42.30 S 04 48 02.90 S Longitude 011 53 32.20 E 011 50 33.90 E True azimuth () 263.43 83.43 Vertical angle () -0.07 0.03 Elevation (m) 22.21 11.75 Antenna model VHLP2.5-220 (TR) VHLP2.5-220 (TR) Antenna file name 0818a 0818a Antenna gain (dBi) 42.60 42.60 Antenna height (m) 35.00 40.30 TX line model EW220 EW220 TX line unit loss (dB/100 m) 27.95 27.95 Frequency (MHz) 23000.00 Polarization Vertical Path length (km) 5.53 Free space loss (dB) 134.56 Atmospheric absorption loss (dB) 1.06 Net path loss (dB) 50.42 50.42 Radio model EH23-93E1-256QAM-27.5MhEH23-93E1-256QAM-27.5Mh Radio file name e3h23256093e1 e3h23256093e1 TX power (dBm) 13.50 13.50 Emission designator 27M5D7W 27M5D7W EIRP (dBm) 56.10 56.10 TX channel assignments 2h 23058.00V 2l 22050.00V 5l 22134.00V 5h 23142.00V RX threshold criteria 1E-6 BER 1E-6 BER RX threshold level (dBm) -64.50 -64.50 Receive signal (dBm) -36.92 -36.92 Thermal fade margin (dB) 27.58 27.58 Dispersive fade margin (dB) 46.00 46.00 Dispersive fade occurrence factor 3.00 Effective fade margin (dB) 27.40 27.40 Climatic factor 2.00 Terrain roughness (m) 6.10 C factor 6.58 Average annual temperature (C) 24.25 Fade occurrence factor (Po) 1.536E-002 Worst month multipath availability (%) 99.99983 99.99980

Worst month multipath unavailability (sec) Annual multipath availability (%) Annual multipath unavailability (sec) Annual 2 way multipath availability (%) Annual 2 way multipath unavailability (sec) Polarization 0.01% rain rate (mm/hr) Flat fade margin - rain (dB) Rain attenuation (dB) Annual rain availability (%) Annual rain unavailability (min) Annual rain + multipath availability (%) Annual rain + multipath unavailability (min)

4.48 99.99994 20.15 99.99986 43.96 Vertical 58.21 27.58 27.58 99.99216 41.23 99.99202 41.96

5.29 99.99992 23.81

A LOS Survey is carried out to verify that the proposed network design is feasible considering LOS constraints.


Fig 18: Survey Flowchart

Compass Digital Camera GPS Navigator Binoculars Tape measure


Verification of sites positions and altitudes Confirmation of line-of-sight using GPS Compass Binocular Take photographs Check available space on the tower (if existing tower) and measure tower heights with tape measure. Path and propagation notes

List hops to be surveyed. Critical obstacles should be marked in order to verify LOS in the field. Organize access and authorization to the sites Prepare LOS survey form.

The survey report may include but is not limited to: Site Data Name Coordinates Height Address Proposed Tower Height. LOS Confirmation Azimuth and Elevation Path short description Photographs

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