Advanced Design of Infrastructure Projects in Infraworks and Revit

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Advanced design of Infrastructure Projects in

Infraworks and Revit
Jakub Bielski

Ara Ashikian

Learning Objectives
• Design detailed infrastructure projects, bridges and tunnels.
• Enhance productivity though integrated design.
• Implement proper workflows and tools for specific projects and tasks.
• Collaborate with industry partners for better outcome.

Parametric design of Infrastructure projects is one of the most disruptive branches of AEC
industry. Engineers and drafters adopt emerging technologies and learns new skills to manage
different type of data, integrate workflow for better cross-industry collaboration and more sustain
design development.
During this class you’ll get know tools and workflows for design of multiple types of
infrastructure projects such as, concrete, steel, composite and girder bridges, tunnels and more.
Each one based on the practical example from industry leaders.
Autodesk Infraworks and SOFiSTiK Bridge + Infrastructure Modeler provide complimentary
solutions for the preliminary, detailed and structural design. Experience how industry leaders
and early adopters of new technologies managed to boost their productivity and automate
processes by mainstreaming the flow of data.

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Jakub Bielski is a Product Manager for BIM Infrastructure in SOFiSTiK, German software
provider for FEA and BIM solutions. He is responsible for the development of the SOFiSTiK
Bridge + Infrastructure Modeler, Application on Revit. He helps clients in the BIM transformation
and solves numerus support cases, also with custom made workflows. Participant at the
conferences and author of engineering articles. Prior to joining SOFiSTiK we was getting
experience in the construction and participating in the design competitions.

Ara Ashikian is the Senior Product Line Manager for the Autodesk Civil Structures product
development teams. Prior to joining Autodesk in 2013, he had over 20 years of experience as a
bridge engineer and a software developer, working on a large number of bridge projects,
including preliminary, detailed and construction engineering design aspects for a wide range of
bridge types. These projects included the detailed construction engineering of the EG LNG
suspension bridge in Africa, as well as for the New Bay Bridge (self-anchored suspension
bridge in California), the detailed engineering for the launching of the Kicking Horse Canyon in
the Canadian Rockies as well as for the Coast Meridian cable stayed bridge in Vancouver.

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Infrastructure Projects

Tackling Infrastructure projects with Autodesk Platforms and SOFiSTiK Apps for
Infrastructure projects consist of different structure types, such us bridges, tunnels, cantilever
walls. Engineers and drafters have to face multiple tasks in different design phases and data
During this session you will learn about the advanced workflows and functionalities of SOFiSTiK
Bridge + Infrastructure Modeler as well as in context modelling of civil structures in Autodesk
Infraworks. We will guide you through general workflows and specific tasks that can be solved
with advanced BIM processes and tools.

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SOFiSTiK Bridge + Infrastructure Modeler

First Section of this handout will cover general overview of the SOFiSTiK Bridge + Infrastructure
Modeler, following by specific topics of advanced workflow and user applications.

Who we are? What we do?
SOFiSTiK AG is a german software provider, that specializes in the FE Analysis and BIM
applications based on Autodesk Revit platform. Historically, SOFiSTiK is using Autodesk
AutoCAD as platform as the preprocessor for Structure Analysis, as model creation tool.
Nowadays, Revit platform is also utilize to offer solutions for Structural Analysis and Design,
Rebar Detailing and modeling of Infrastructure structures.

Where to find us?

SOFiSTiK is mainly based in Bavaria, Germany. However, we can also offices in Austria,
USA, London, Izrael and South Africa. We are also cooperating with multiple partners
around the world.
You can get in touch with us via our website

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SOFiSTiK Bridge + Infrastructure Modeler
SOFiSTiK Bridge + Infrastrucure modeler is and application based on Revit platform, that
enables you design of infrastructure projects. Generic approach to solve specific tasks of
infrastructure design provides wide usage across many engineering structures, such us bridges,
tunnels or retaining walls.

General Workflow
SOFiSTiK Bridge + Infrastructure Modeler focuses on axis-based design for definition of
Super and Substructure components and other equipment.

The backbone of the infrastructure project is axis, which consists of a horizontal and
vertical alignment. Axes can be also built by usage of coordinate points, lines and can be
associated to one another. Later on, Superstructure components are created by the
extrusion of Profile along the axis or placement of 3D Substructure components at
specific stations. Views, Tables and Sheets are created based on the 3D model.
To learn more about SOFiSTiK Bridge + Infrastructure Modeler functionalities, visit our
website and check upcoming webinars and recording

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Structure Parametrization

Infrastructre design features multiple linear structures with complex, quite often
complicated cross section. User defined profiles are certainly needed, even by non-
complicated projects. Additionally, varying dimensions along the axis requires
corresponding tools and solutions in order to create geometry according to the given

SOFiSTiK Bridge + Infrastructure Modeler tackles this task with two different

2D Profile or 3D components can be parametrize by assigning the Variables to the

Family Parameters or by assignment of Shape Handle Points to already created axis.
Using numerical or geometrical approach gives you the flexibility to parametrize your
structure with given data and logical constraints.

Variable + Parameters
Numerical Parametrization is based on the assignment of Variable to the Family Parameters
(instance). Variable is the representation of the function along the axis with values at the
specific stations. You can create them by using the table (Station, Value, Transition) or by
writing a function in Equation Editor. Variables are defined in the axis dialog and can be seen as
its integral part. While creating the components, you can reach out to each variable and connect
it with the given parameter.

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Shape Handle Point + Axis
Graphical Parametrisation method utilizes Shape Handle Points, which control the geometry of
the Revit Family (2D Profile or 3D Component) and the relative position of selected axis to the
main axes. You can assign the Shape Handle Point to secondary axis or other main axis.
Shape Handle Point changes its relative position according to the main axis (which was used to
create component) and therefore also the geomery of the component.

Project Example: Tunnel Project by SNCF

The objective of this project was to reconstruct existing geometry of the tunnel based on the old
drawings and 3D point cloud. Due to the rheological deformations and old construction
techniques, it was not possible to create accurate geometry by extrusion of constant profiles.
Therefore, 2D section of the point cloud were extruded and used as a basis for the reskeching
of multiple tunnel profiles with the reference to its station.
Later on, secondary axes of the tunnel were constructed form control points. Each control point
was defined as Shape Handle Point in the Tunnel Profile (used by SOFiSTiK Bridge +
Infrastructure Modeler) to control tunnels geometry accordingly.
To see the workflow, please refer to the class video.

Cross Member Array

One of the recent developments of SOFiSTiK Bridge + Infrastructure Modeler was

introduction of Cross Member Array, which, as name indicates, enables you to place
multiple 3D Families along an axis. Using Family Parameters or Shape Handle Points,
you can parametrize the structure with Variables or other axes. Similar to the
Parametrisation of profiles.

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Adaptive Points
Significant difference between the Super- or Substructure tools is the possibility to place
Adaptive Generic Families with multiple adaptive points, as shown in the picture above.
Adaptive Points are placed according to the layout rule defined in the tool dialog and control the
position and the geometry of the placed components.

1 Adaptive Point
Controls the position (station/chainage) of placed components. The Variables are
evaluated on the same station and Shape Handle Points are placed accordingly
2 Adaptive Points
Control the position and the geometry of the component. For proper parametrization
puroposes, the Local Station was introduced. You can define the station (position)
between first and second adaptive point, to define the station for evaluation of variable or
position of Shape Handle Point.
3 Adaptive Points
Controls the position and geometry of components with the consideration of axis
curvature. Definition of components with 3 Adaptive Points enable to create curved
structures. The parametrization is also made with the indication of local stations.

Distribution along an axis

Adaptive Components are distributed along an axis at the placements and between them. You
can define layout rules (such as numer, maximum length, etc.) and use different measurement
types (such as curve parameter or chord length).

Project Example: Koralm Tunnel KAT2 by AMBERG Engineering

As an example for this functionality, we can take a look at the tunnel project, that is being
constructed using TBM method. Multiple segments (tunnel blocks) are placed along an axis to
create cylindrical shape. The position of each segment is predefined by the chainage value and
rotation angle at the axis plane.
To see the functionalities, please refer to the class video.

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BIM Models are not only the representation of geometry, but also the container of data, that
comes along with it. We want to input information to the model, share it or extract it from the
model. One of the examples is the extraction of geometrical data from the model for the purpose
of survey take-off. We can read linear, areal and volumetric values and connect the to the
parameters for further scheduling and quantity tables.

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Linear Structures
Linear structures are create by extrution of profiles along an axis. Therefore, the definition of the
quantities and parameters is also done at the profile.

Points to Edges
In order to get the information about particular line/edge, we need to select a point, that
will be extruded along an axis. In this case we go from 0D to 1D.
Lines to Faces
To get the information about particular area/face, we need to select the line, that will be
extruded along an axis. In case the line does not take part in the creation of the
component, it can be marked as invisible. Value of the area, that this invisible line
creates will be connected to the parameter anyway. This is useful, when you want to
calculated the area of not modelled components, such as isolations.

3D Components
Edges, Faces, Volumes
When dealing with 3D families, the workflow is a bit more straightforward. In this case, we can
select edges, faces and volumes and assign it to the corresponding parameters with the
corresponding type (length, area, volume). This procedure can be done in the Family or in the

Project Example: Underpass and Rail Bridge in Dt. Wagram by IBBS ZT

In this example you will see how to exctract line and area data of the cantilerver wall. In the
Profile Family, Reference Points are assigned to the length parameter and lines are assigned to
the area parameters. After loading the Profile Family to project and Refreshing Values of
Quantification tools, corresponding values of edges and faces appear in the parameters.
To see the workflow, please refer to the class video.

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Infra Browser

Infra Browser is a user friendly tool to browse through infrastructure components and axes.
Elements are grouped in the logical way with the reference to dependencies between them.
Additionally, context specific functions are available, such as select, isolate or delete.

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Project Example: Protection Gallery by WTM Engineers
To see where this functionality can be useful, we can take a look at the protection gallery
modelled with the multiple V-Shaped column frames, parametrized along an axis. We can see
the structure of the project (Axis > Secondary Axis > Components), select elements and isolate
it for detailed verification.
To see the functionalities, please refer to the class video.

Shop Drawings

Creation of the drawings and sheets from the model, can be challenging task for
infrastructure projects. Therefore, SOFiSTiK Bridge + Infrastructure Modeler offers a
wide pallet of different helpful tools. Check out this webinar to learn more about Shop
Drawings functionalities.

Automatic Section Views

As long as everything is perpendicular/parallel, it’s relative easy to create a section view in
Revit. However, it’s not the case when dealing with infra-projects. In Shop Drawings Panel, you
can find ‘Section’ tool which creates multiple section views at the given station perpendicular to
the selected axis.

Generation of Dimensions
Detailing and annotating the structure is also very time-consuming task. You can accelerate this
process by using some of our tools.
Elements Dimensions
To create dimensions of all available references of selected elements.
References Dimensions
To create quick dimensions of all references selected in the selection box.

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Profile Dimensions
To place dimensions at the Superstructure Component that are defined in the Profile Familz of
this component.

Project Example:
We can take a look at some this functionalities on the example of hollow box girder bridge
modelled along the curved axis.
To see the functionalities, please refer to the class video.

Analytical Model

Analysis Link- Export of Geometrical Data

SOFiSTiK’s core competence is the creation and analysis of FE models, specially bridges.
Due to the similarity of data structure, you can export the geometrical information (Axis, Profiles,
Variables) of bridge to analytical module (graphical preprocessor SOFiPLUS) and use it as a
basis for further creation of analytical model (including loads, boundary conditions,
combinations, etc.).
Afterwards, you can get the get full advantage of SOFiSTiK FE modules capabilities for
analysis, detailing and documentation.
You can check out this webinar to learn more about bridge design with SOFiSTiK tools.

Freedom of modelling
SOFiSTiK’s generic approach to design is also ensured by the described above analysis link.
It’s up to you what kind of model (beam, shell, hybrid) you want to model and how to use the
given information from SOFiSTiK Bridge + Infrastructure Modeler and Revit.

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InfraWorks led Bridge Workflows

Modeling an existing interchange with 7 bridges

In this paper, we will look at some of the key aspects for modeling the following interchange (the
following image is from Google Earth).

The completed InfraWorks model is shown below.

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Let’s next take a closer look at images of some of the actual bridges, along with their parametric
InfraWorks model counterparts. Since the purpose of this paper is to outline some of the key
asepcts in the workflow, the InfraWorks model are not necessarily complete, but rather,
indicative. While they contain most of the key elements, there is room for further refinements.

It should also be noted that due to the highly efficient, direct modeling workflows, the entire
interchange and all 7 of the bridges, the extraction of detailied refined bridge analysis models,
the publishing and opening in Revit, was carried out in just a few hours.

The interchange has a number of steel bridges, as well as a couple of pre-stressed concrete
girder bridges. Most of the steel bridges are continuous, 2 span, composite steel plate girder
superstructures. One of the bridges is a single span configuration.

The design of these bridges has also opted to have significant retaining walls built to support the
earthwork near the abutments.

The following images show an actual twin steel bridge and the corresponding InfraWorks model.
Note that the images for the actual bridges were taken from Google StreetView.

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The next bridge shown below is one of the concrete girder bridges where an integral straddle
pier was used. It also has more complex retaining walls. The angled MSE walls below the
abutments were modeled in InfraWorks using a custom parametric Inventor based MSE wall

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The approaches of this bridge also have some curved in plan retaining walls. These were
modeled as tunnels using a custom parametric, simple to create, Inventor component as shown
below. The in-canvas ability to add slices along elements such as tunnels, was used, to vary
various dimensions of these walls.

Finally, the last 2 images in this section show the other 2-span concrete bridge and the single
span steel bridge.

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Modeling options for the interchange roads

The roads for the interchange could be modeled directly in InfraWorks, using the various road
modeling tools. Alternatively, they could be modeled in Civil 3D and imported as a data source
in the InfraWorks model. One could also combine both approaches, by starting in InfraWorks
and then, refining the road models in Civil 3D.

When using a Civil 3D model as a data source in InfraWorks, one can use the horizontal and
vertical alignments of the road, with the road cross section based on an InfraWorks component
road. Alternatively, if the Civil 3D model includes a corridor, the corridor can be used to define
the detailed road geometry. This approaches allows for a greater degree of control for creating
very detailed road geometries as a starting point for bridge and tunnel modeling in InfraWorks.

While InfraWorks has some built-in roadside grading functionality, including some limited control
neqr bridge abutments, for this InfraWorks model, with the large retaining walls built near the
abutments, further control was required. One approach would have been to leverage Civil 3D to
manually control the grading in the corridor models.

Another approach would be to open the InfraWorks bridges in Civil 3D, including the retaining
walls and then, to use the very powerful new feature in Civil 3D 2022.0, called grading
optimization. The following 4 images illustrate the essence of this workflow, for a slightly more
complex bridge layout. Once the bridge model is opened in Civil 3D, various zones and

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constraints can be added to guide the computational engine used by the grading optimization
feature. The resulting regraded surfaced can then be pulled into the Civil 3D model and used to
update the original InfraWorks model.

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For the interchange that is the subject of this paper, yet another approach was used. The Civil
3D model, with the interchange roads and grading was added as a data source to the
InfraWorks model. By indicated to InfraWorks that the Civil 3D roadside grading should be
treated as an existing ground surface, one is then able to leverage InfraWorks’ Grading Areas
feature. This allows users to reshape the existing terrain.

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With the Civil 3D model brought into InfraWorks, the following images shows the Grading Areas
tool being used to interactively modify the terrain to accommodate the opening for the bridge,
and the retaining walls.

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The slopes around the edges of the Grading Area can be controlled with the Rule Grading
option shown in the Stack Panel on the right of the screen. In addition, the position and
elevation of the vertices making up the outline of the Grading Area can be individually and
interactively controlled.

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Bridges can now be added directly along desired segments of the interchange roads.

Modeling of a steel bridge

The next few images illustrate the key steps in modeling one of the steel bridges in this
interchange. Once a bridge is placed along a road, a default bridge is automatically created.
The user can than quickly modify the parametric bridge components, either by changing
parameters that control their geometries, or by replacing components with others from the
dedicated librairies. One can also use Inventor to create additional custom, parametric bridge
and tunnel components.

The bridge (and tunnel) modeling can leverage the in-context workflow, wherein, for example, a
user can move and rotate a pier, based on information conveyed by the model’s terrain, aerial
imagery, point clouds and the like,

In the images below, the default concrete girder bridge was modified, such that the
superstructure has curved in-plan composite steel plate girders. Custom bearings with
pedestals and anchor bolts were selected from the bearing library. A custom abutment, with a
parametric retaining wall was used and its parameters adjusted to reflect the chosed design
layout. Using the in-canvas workflow, cross frames and diaphragms were quickly and precisely
placed in a desired layout between the steel girders.

Thus, in the matter of a few minutes, a detailed steel bridge model was created. Since a
number of other steel bridges in this interchange are similar in style, this bridge was saved to a
bridge template library to further accelerate the modeling of the other similar bridges.

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Publishing the interchange to Revit and Civil 3D

All seven bridges in this interchange were modeled. For the other steel bridges, once the
bridges were added along the roads, the number of piers and girders were adjusted. But
instead of making incremental changes to all the bridge components, as was done for the first
steel bridge, the bridge saved to the template was used to updated all their components and
parameters. After a few minor adjustments, and after adding the cross frames and diaphragms,
the modeling was complete.

The next step is to open the entire interchange and all 7 bridges in Revit to add rebar detailing
and to create construction drawings. With this workflow, one simply has to select one or more
bridges and publish these civil structures. This published model can be saved on the local
computer, LAN or on the Autodesk Construction Cloud platform.

This published model can then be opened from Revit and all the geometry, including all their
parameters become available to carry out the rebar modeling and construction drawing tasks.
The same published model can also be opened directly in Civil 3D. Either in the original
drawings that have the road design or in new drawings.

Any subsequent changes to the bridge layouts and parameters in InfraWorks can be published
as a change set and users would see notifications of pending changes in Revit and Civil 3D. If
accepted, these models would then be updated and all changes, such as rebar or dimensions in
drawings, would automatically get updated.

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In a similar way, if changes are made in Civil 3D to the original road design geometry, the
InfraWorks model can be updated by refreshing the corresponding Civil 3D data source. The
affected bridges and tunnels would then automatically get updated. In turn, when it makes
sense, an update could then be published in InfraWorks to trigger changes to Revit etc.

In summary, the InfraWorks led workflow provides for multiple teams and personas on
infrastructure projects to collaborate and seamlessly update the design as it progresses from
concept to detail design, while allowing each persona to leverage the dedicated software that
best meets their requirements.

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Extracting structural analysis models from InfraWorks model

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The InfraWorks bridge design workflow provides structural engineers with the ability to leverage
the integrated Line Girder Analysis (LGA) and Refined Bridge Analysis (RBA) capabilities.

For this curved in plan steel bridge with skewed abutments and central pier, one might start by
carrying out check on one or all the steel girders using the LGA approach. Here, a continuous
beam model of the bridge is generated, based on the deck and girder dimensions, span lengths
and support conditions. Autodesk Structural Bridge Design (ASBD) is used behind the scenes
to establish the factored bending moment and shear envelopes along the girders, using a lateral
distribution factor from a design standard, such as AASHTO LRFD.

The steel or concrete girders are checked at many locations along their length for strength and
stability code cluases, and in the case of prestressed girders, an initial tendon layout, with
harped or straight and debonded tendons, is established.

High level summaries are provided at a glance along with a very detailed report that shows
every aspect of the calculations. Users can also open the underlying continuous beam model
directly in ASBD from InfraWorks, for further review or refinement.

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In addition to the LGA, an engineer might elect to extract a detailed grillage, offset girder of finite
element analysis model for the superstructure. The engineer controls all the key parameters,
such as mesh sizes, that will be used in the creation of the detailed and fully calibrated analysis

A detailed report is provided showing the details of the analysis model, the computation of all
the section properties etc.

Once the analysis model is ready, the engineer can open it up directly in ASBD, and as of
InfraWorks 2022.1, also in Autodesk Robot. The engineer can then review or modify aspects of
the analysis model, add the desired live loading and carry out the analysis.

Detailed analysis results are then available. For FEA models of the superstructure, in addition
to viewing deflections and FE stresses, graphically or numerically, all the FE stresses are
integrated to show bending moment and shear diagrams along virtual members.

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With this fully integrated workflow, the task of creating such detailed analysis models, that if
created with conventional workflows, can takes hours and days to create and calibrate, is down
to a few minutes. This opens up many possibilities to explore in far greater detail, advanced
analysis much earlier in the design cycle, leading to more reliable estimates and option

In fact, due to the parametric nature of the bridge model, it becomes simpler to explore
variations on bridge concepts at early stages. For instance, as shown in the following images,
one might decide to adjust the steel girders, by directly changing the girders to make them
variable depth near the pier. This is done by interactively adding slices at desired locations
along a girder and modifying the corresponding girder geometry parameters, such as depth. It
should be noted that in such cases, the geometry of the cross frames, diaphragms, bearings etc
are automatically adjusted.

The engineer can then decide to extract another detailed finite element analysis model of this
revised superstructure for further investigation and design.

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Modeling with New Complex 3D Girders feature

The bridge shown below was modeled with prestressed concrete I girders. For some bridge
superstructure types, such as for prestressed super T girders in ANZ, the geometry of the
concrete girders is too complex to be properly modeled using the simpler approach, where a
cross section of a girder is extruded along the length of the span.

In the case of super T girders, the end details of the girders are more complex, they have
internal diaphragms with chamfers, curved in plan flanges when the road is along a curved
alignments etc. A new feature was added to InfraWorks 2022.0 allowing users to create and
use complex parametric 3D girders. The workflow essentially only differs in that when choosing
a girder type from the library, a filter can highlight the list of available 3D girders. InfraWorks is
able to place these correctly on the bearings and accommodates updates to pier offsets and
their skew angles.

With these more detailed 3D girders, the user will typically have a greater number of parameters
to control the layout options, as shown in the 3rd image below. From InfraWorks, all the
parameters of the bridge can also easily be accessed from an Excel spreadsheet. Changes can
be made quickly to multiple 3D girder parameters, or for that matter, to any other bridge
parameter, and the InfraWorks model can then be updated to reflect all such changes.

Bridges that make use of these more detailed 3D girders can also be published and opened in
Revit and Civil 3D, as shown in the last image.

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