Itu-T: Functional Requirements For Quantum Key Distribution Networks

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I n t e r n a t i o n a l T e l e c o m mu n i c a t i o n U n i o n

ITU-T Y.3801


Cloud Computing

Functional requirements for quantum key

distribution networks

Recommendation ITU-T Y.3801



General Y.100–Y.199
Services, applications and middleware Y.200–Y.299
Network aspects Y.300–Y.399
Interfaces and protocols Y.400–Y.499
Numbering, addressing and naming Y.500–Y.599
Operation, administration and maintenance Y.600–Y.699
Security Y.700–Y.799
Performances Y.800–Y.899
General Y.1000–Y.1099
Services and applications Y.1100–Y.1199
Architecture, access, network capabilities and resource management Y.1200–Y.1299
Transport Y.1300–Y.1399
Interworking Y.1400–Y.1499
Quality of service and network performance Y.1500–Y.1599
Signalling Y.1600–Y.1699
Operation, administration and maintenance Y.1700–Y.1799
Charging Y.1800–Y.1899
IPTV over NGN Y.1900–Y.1999
Frameworks and functional architecture models Y.2000–Y.2099
Quality of Service and performance Y.2100–Y.2199
Service aspects: Service capabilities and service architecture Y.2200–Y.2249
Service aspects: Interoperability of services and networks in NGN Y.2250–Y.2299
Enhancements to NGN Y.2300–Y.2399
Network management Y.2400–Y.2499
Network control architectures and protocols Y.2500–Y.2599
Packet-based Networks Y.2600–Y.2699
Security Y.2700–Y.2799
Generalized mobility Y.2800–Y.2899
Carrier grade open environment Y.2900–Y.2999
General Y.4000–Y.4049
Definitions and terminologies Y.4050–Y.4099
Requirements and use cases Y.4100–Y.4249
Infrastructure, connectivity and networks Y.4250–Y.4399
Frameworks, architectures and protocols Y.4400–Y.4549
Services, applications, computation and data processing Y.4550–Y.4699
Management, control and performance Y.4700–Y.4799
Identification and security Y.4800–Y.4899
Evaluation and assessment Y.4900–Y.4999

For further details, please refer to the list of ITU-T Recommendations.

Recommendation ITU-T Y.3801

Functional requirements for quantum key distribution networks

In the context of quantum key distribution networks (QKDNs), Recommendation ITU-T Y.3801
specifies the functional requirements for quantum layer, the key management layer, the QKDN control
layer and the QKDN management layer.

Edition Recommendation Approval Study Group Unique ID*
1.0 ITU-T Y.3801 2020-04-29 13 11.1002/1000/14258

QKD (quantum key distribution), QKDN (QKD network), QKDN functional requirements.

* To access the Recommendation, type the URL in the address field of your web
browser, followed by the Recommendation's unique ID. For example,

Rec. ITU-T Y.3801 (04/2020) i

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such words does not suggest that compliance with the Recommendation is required of any party.


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ii Rec. ITU-T Y.3801 (04/2020)

Table of Contents
1 Scope ........................................................................................................................ 1
2 References ................................................................................................................ 1
3 Definitions ................................................................................................................ 1
3.1 Terms defined elsewhere ............................................................................. 1
3.2 Terms defined in this Recommendation ....................................................... 2
4 Abbreviations and acronyms ..................................................................................... 3
5 Conventions .............................................................................................................. 3
6 Introduction .............................................................................................................. 3
7 Functional requirements for quantum layer ............................................................... 3
8 Functional requirements for key management layer ................................................... 4
9 Functional Requirements for QKDN control layer ..................................................... 5
10 Functional requirements of QKDN management layer .............................................. 5
11 Security Considerations............................................................................................. 6
Bibliography ........................................................................................................................ 7

Rec. ITU-T Y.3801 (04/2020) iii

Recommendation ITU-T Y.3801

Functional requirements for quantum key distribution networks

1 Scope
This Recommendation specifies the functional requirements for quantum key distribution networks
(QKDN) as follows:
– functional requirements for quantum layer;
– functional requirements for key management layer;
– functional requirements for QKDN control layer;
– functional requirements for QKDN management layer.

2 References
The following ITU-T Recommendations and other references contain provisions which, through
reference in this text, constitute provisions of this Recommendation. At the time of publication, the
editions indicated were valid. All Recommendations and other references are subject to revision;
users of this Recommendation are therefore encouraged to investigate the possibility of applying the
most recent edition of the Recommendations and other references listed below. A list of the currently
valid ITU-T Recommendations is regularly published. The reference to a document within this
Recommendation does not give it, as a stand-alone document, the status of a Recommendation.
[ITU-T Y.3800] Recommendation ITU-T Y.3800 (2019), Overview on networks supporting
quantum key distribution.

3 Definitions

3.1 Terms defined elsewhere

This Recommendation uses the following terms defined elsewhere:
3.1.1 access control [b-ITU-T X.800]: The prevention of unauthorized use of a resource, including
the prevention of use of a resource in an unauthorized manner.
3.1.2 classical channel [b-ETSI GR QKD 007]: Communication channel that is used by two
communicating parties for exchanging data encoded in a form that may be non-destructively read and
fully reproduced.
3.1.3 information theoretically secure (IT-secure) [ITU-T Y.3800]: Secure against any
deciphering attack with unbounded computational resources.
3.1.4 key life cycle [ITU-T Y.3800]: A sequence of steps that a key undergoes from its reception
by a key manager (KM) through its use in a cryptographic application and until deletion or
preservation depending on the key management policy.
3.1.5 key management [ITU-T Y.3800]: All activities performed on keys during their life cycle
starting from their reception from the quantum layer, storage, formatting, relay, synchronization,
authentication, to supply to a cryptographic application and deletion or preservation depending on the
key management policy.
3.1.6 key manager (KM) [ITU-T Y.3800]: A functional module located in a quantum key
distribution (QKD) node to perform key management in the key management layer.
3.1.7 key manager link (KM link) [ITU-T Y.3800]: A communication link connecting key
managers (KMs) to perform key management.

Rec. ITU-T Y.3801 (04/2020) 1

3.1.8 key relay [ITU-T Y.3800]: A method to share keys between arbitrary quantum key
distribution (QKD) nodes via intermediate QKD node(s).
3.1.9 key supply [ITU-T Y.3800]: A function providing keys to cryptographic applications.
3.1.10 quantum channel [b-ETSI GR QKD 007]: Communication channel for transmitting
quantum signals.
3.1.11 quantum key distribution (QKD) [b-ETSI GR QKD 007]: Procedure or method for
generating and distributing symmetrical cryptographic keys with information theoretical security
based on quantum information theory.
3.1.12 quantum key distribution link (QKD link) [ITU-T Y.3800]: A communication link
between two quantum key distribution (QKD) modules to operate the QKD.
NOTE – A QKD link consists of a quantum channel for the transmission of quantum signals, and a classical
channel used to exchange information for synchronization and key distillation.
3.1.13 quantum key distribution module (QKD module) [ITU-T Y.3800]: A set of hardware and
software components that implements cryptographic functions and quantum optical processes,
including quantum key distribution (QKD) protocols, synchronization, distillation for key generation,
and is contained within a defined cryptographic boundary.
NOTE – A QKD module is connected to a QKD link, acting as an endpoint module in which a key is generated.
These are two types of QKD modules, namely, the transmitters and the receivers.
3.1.14 quantum key distribution network (QKDN) [ITU-T Y.3800]: A network comprised of two
or more quantum key distribution (QKD) nodes connected through QKD links.
NOTE – A QKDN allows sharing keys between the QKD nodes by key relay when they are not directly
connected by a QKD link.
3.1.15 quantum key distribution network controller (QKDN controller) [ITU-T Y.3800]:
A functional module, which is located in a quantum key distribution (QKD) network control layer to
control a QKD network.
3.1.16 quantum key distribution network manager (QKDN manager) [ITU-T Y.3800]:
A functional module, which is located in a quantum key distribution (QKD) network management
layer to monitor and manage a QKD network.
3.1.17 quantum key distribution node (QKD node) [ITU-T Y.3800]: A node that contains one or
more quantum key distribution (QKD) modules protected against intrusion and attacks by
unauthorized parties.
NOTE – A QKD node can contain a key manager (KM).
3.1.18 quality of service (QoS) [b-ITU-T Q.1743]: The collective effect of service performances,
which determine the degree of satisfaction of a user of a service. It is characterized by the combined
aspects of performance factors applicable to all services, such as:
– service operability performance;
– service accessibility performance;
– service retainability performance;
– service integrity performance; and
– other factors specific to each service.
3.1.19 user network [ITU-T Y.3800]: A network in which cryptographic applications consume
keys supplied by a quantum key distribution (QKD) network.

3.2 Terms defined in this Recommendation


2 Rec. ITU-T Y.3801 (04/2020)

4 Abbreviations and acronyms
This Recommendation uses the following abbreviations and acronyms:
AES Advanced Encryption Standard
IT-secure Information Theoretically secure
KM Key Manager
OTP One-Time Pad
QKD Quantum Key Distribution
QKDN QKD Network
QoS Quality of Service

5 Conventions
In this Recommendation:
The keywords ''is required to'' indicate a requirement which must be strictly followed and from which
no deviation is permitted if conformance to this Recommendation is to be claimed.
The keywords ''is recommended'' indicate a requirement which is recommended but which is not
absolutely required. Thus, this requirement need not be present to claim conformance.
Some requirements in this Recommendation refer to information (i.e., key management, status, fault,
performance, accounting, configuration, security related information) provided by entities within a
quantum key distribution network (QKDN) for control and/or management purposes. The
information provided under a requirement will depend on the use case and/or implementation. How
to specify the information included is outside the scope of this Recommendation and the selection
made in an implementation will not prevent a claim of conformance with this Recommendation.
In this Recommendation, "key" means "symmetric random bit strings" produced by QKDN.

6 Introduction
Clauses 7 to 10 specify the functional requirements for QKDN, meeting the QKDN capabilities and
the layer structure of QKDN specified in [ITU-T Y.3800]. Since the scope of this Recommendation
is to specify the functional requirements from the network aspect, some security requirements are
mentioned when the requirement is directly related to the security of keys. General security
management of a whole QKDN and detailed security issues in each layer and trusted node are outside
the scope of this Recommendation.

7 Functional requirements for quantum layer

To generate keys in a QKDN, quantum key distribution (QKD) protocols should meet the following
Req_Q.1 The QKD protocols are required to be provably secure and allow IT-secure key
To generate keys in a QKDN, a QKD module should meet the following requirements:
Req_Q.2 The QKD module is required to implement functions that are necessary to execute one
or more QKD protocols with a corresponding QKD module connected by a QKD link.
NOTE 1 – Functions of the QKD modules may include random number generation, quantum communication,
distillation for key generation, and quantum channel synchronization.
NOTE 2 – The QKD module acts as an endpoint module in which a key is generated.

Rec. ITU-T Y.3801 (04/2020) 3

NOTE 3 – A QKD link may include one or more quantum relay point(s) to extend a distance of QKD as
described in [ITU-T Y.3800].
Req_Q.3 The QKD module is required to be contained within a defined cryptographic boundary.
Req_Q.4 A pair of QKD modules connected by a QKD link is required to transfer a key to
corresponding key managers (KMs) via an appropriate interface.
Req_Q.5 The QKD module is recommended to provide status information of the QKD module
and optionally of the QKD link to the KM.
Req_Q.6 The QKD module is required to provide status information of the QKD module and
optionally of the QKD link to the QKDN controller.
Req_Q.7 The QKD module is required to provide fault and performance information of the QKD
module to the QKDN manager.

8 Functional requirements for key management layer

To manage keys in a QKDN securely, reliably, and efficiently, a KM should meet the following
Req_KM 1 The KM is recommended to be compatible with various kinds of QKD modules which
implement different protocols.
Req_KM 2 The KM is required to receive keys from a QKD module(s) via an appropriate
interface, and to store them securely when storage is necessary.
Req_KM 3 The KM is recommended to format keys where necessary for internal purposes or for
key supply or key relay, including combining or splitting where lengths are not
Req_KM 4 The KM is recommended to receive status information of QKD module(s) and QKD
link(s) from the QKD module(s) in the quantum layer.
NOTE 1 – The KM can forward the status information to the QKDN controller.
Req_KM 5 The KM is required to provide:
– information on key management for QKDN control functions to the QKDN controller;
– information on key management for QKDN management functions to the QKDN manager;
– fault and performance information of the KM and KM links to the QKDN manager.
NOTE 2 – Information on key management may include information such as which QKD module the key
comes from, which node the key is relayed to, timestamp, the cryptographic application to which the key is
supplied, shared key amount of a KM link, key consumption rate, KM link status, accounting and alarm on
Req_KM 6 The KM is recommended to support key relay employing highly secure encryption
(e.g., one-time pad (OTP) [b-Shannon 1949]) via trusted node(s) to establish keys
between any two remote KMs connected to a QKDN with three or more nodes.
Req_KM 7 The KM is recommended to support another appropriate method (e.g., advanced
encryption standard (AES) [b-ISO/IEC 18033-3], [b-FIPS PUB 197]) for key relay
according to key management policy.
Req_KM 8 To make key relay reliable and secure, the KMs and KM links are recommended to
have capabilities of key synchronization, entity authentication and message
Req_KM 9 To make key relay efficient, the KMs are recommended to cooperate with each other
under the control of the QKDN controller.
Req_KM 10 Where a QKD node supplies keys by design or configuration to the user network, the
following requirements are applied:

4 Rec. ITU-T Y.3801 (04/2020)

– the KM is required to receive key requests from authorized cryptographic applications via
the key supply interface;
NOTE 3 – In some cases key requests are received by the KM through a KM link.
– the KM is required to supply the requested number of keys to a cryptographic application in
the service layer of the user network via a key supply interface, subject to any key
management policies, when sufficient keys are available;
– the KM is required to supply keys to cryptographic applications in the service layer of the
user network via a key supply interface with security capabilities;
– the KM is recommended to present a key supply interface that various cryptographic
applications in the service layer of the user network can utilize;
NOTE 4 – Cryptographic applications may have diverse requirements and run on various environments.
Design goals for key supply interfaces include broad usability and flexible extensibility for current and future
– the KM is recommended to support access control of cryptographic applications.
– the KM is required to apply the key management policy.
NOTE 5 – Key management policy may include deleting the keys or preserving the keys in key storage after
the key supply has been executed.
Req_KM 11 The KM is required to provide elements of key life cycle management.

9 Functional requirements for QKDN control layer

To control a QKDN for secure, stable, efficient, and robust operations and services, a QKDN
controller should meet the following requirements:
Req_C 1 The QKDN controller is required to provide routing control of key relay if the key relay
function is supported by a QKDN.
Req_C 2 The QKDN controller is recommended to provide configuration control of QKD modules,
QKD links, KMs and KM links.
Req_C 3 The QKDN controller is recommended to provide charging policy control.
Req_C 4 The QKDN controller is recommended to provide quality of service (QoS) policy control.
Req_C 5 The QKDN controller is recommended to support and ensure access control of functional
elements in the quantum layer and the key management layer.
Req_C 6 The QKDN controller is recommended to provide session control.
NOTE – The session is the communication between KMs to establish the end-to-end key or to supply keys to
cryptographic applications in the service layer of the user network. The session control initiates, maintains,
and terminates the session.
Req_C 7 The QKDN controller is recommended to provide fault, performance, accounting, and
configuration information to a QKDN manager.

10 Functional requirements of QKDN management layer

To support monitoring, and management of a QKDN as a whole, and to support user network
management, a QKD manager should meet the following requirements.
Req_M 1 The QKDN manager is required to provide fault management to support:
– collecting/receiving status information provided by the quantum, key management, and
QKDN control layers;
– analysing the status information collected/received for fault indicators.
Req_M 2 The QKDN manager is recommended to provide fault management to support:

Rec. ITU-T Y.3801 (04/2020) 5

– root-cause analysis capability;
– diagnosis capability;
– management of failure resolving policies, and interactions with relevant functional
components for healing actions.
Req_M 3 The QKDN manager is required to provide configuration management to support:
– management of resource provisioning.
Req_M 4 The QKDN manager is recommended to provide configuration management to support:
– routing and rerouting of key relay if the QKDN supports key relay.
– collecting and managing a network topology;
– resource configuration for inventory management;
– changing of managed resources based on the demand and availability;
– discovering QKD managed resources in the managed QKDN.
Req_M 5 The QKDN manager is recommended to provide accounting management to support:
– key supply services and their policies.
Req_M 6 The QKDN manager is required to provide performance management to support:
– collecting/receiving performance information from the quantum layer, the key management
layer and the QKDN control layer;
– analysing the QKDN performance information collected/received.
Req_M 7 The QKDN manager is recommended to provide performance management to support:
– QoS of key supply;
– management of key supply service policies.
Req_M 8 The QKDN manager is required to provide security management to support:
– collecting/receiving security related management information from the QKDN.
Req_M 9 The QKDN manager is required to support key life cycle management for KMs.
Req_M 10 The QKDN manager is recommended to provide security management to support:
– management of authentication and authorization.
Req_M 11 The QKDN manager is recommended to perform cross-layer management orchestration
and also to support management requests from a user network management.

11 Security considerations
In order to mitigate security threats and potential attacks, issues of confidentiality, integrity,
authenticity, non-repudiation, availability and traceability need to be addressed, and appropriate
security and privacy protection schemes should be considered in the QKDN, the user network and
interfaces between the two networks. Details are outside the scope of this Recommendation.

6 Rec. ITU-T Y.3801 (04/2020)


[b-ITU-T Q.1743] Recommendation ITU-T Q.1743 (2016), IMT-Advanced references to

Release 11 of LTE-Advanced evolved packet core network.
[b-ITU-T X.800] Recommendation ITU-T X.800, Security architecture for Open Systems
Interconnection for CCITT applications.
[b-ETSI GR QKD 007] ETSI GR QKD 007 (2018), Quantum Key Distribution (QKD);
[b-ISO/IEC 18033-3] ISO/IEC 10833-3:2010 (2010), Information technology – Security
techniques – Encryption algorithms – Part 3: Block ciphers.
[b-FIPS PUB 197] Federal Information Processing Standards Publication 197 (2001),
[b-Shannon 1949] Shannon, Claude, 1949, Communication Theory of Secrecy Systems,
Bell System Technical Journal, vol. 28, pp. 666–682.

Rec. ITU-T Y.3801 (04/2020) 7


Series A Organization of the work of ITU-T

Series D Tariff and accounting principles and international telecommunication/ICT economic and
policy issues

Series E Overall network operation, telephone service, service operation and human factors

Series F Non-telephone telecommunication services

Series G Transmission systems and media, digital systems and networks

Series H Audiovisual and multimedia systems

Series I Integrated services digital network

Series J Cable networks and transmission of television, sound programme and other multimedia

Series K Protection against interference

Series L Environment and ICTs, climate change, e-waste, energy efficiency; construction, installation
and protection of cables and other elements of outside plant

Series M Telecommunication management, including TMN and network maintenance

Series N Maintenance: international sound programme and television transmission circuits

Series O Specifications of measuring equipment

Series P Telephone transmission quality, telephone installations, local line networks

Series Q Switching and signalling, and associated measurements and tests

Series R Telegraph transmission

Series S Telegraph services terminal equipment

Series T Terminals for telematic services

Series U Telegraph switching

Series V Data communication over the telephone network

Series X Data networks, open system communications and security

Series Y Global information infrastructure, Internet protocol aspects, next-generation networks,
Internet of Things and smart cities

Series Z Languages and general software aspects for telecommunication systems

Printed in Switzerland
Geneva, 2020

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