TOR Strider Mode 2205
TOR Strider Mode 2205
TOR Strider Mode 2205
rom the moment we meet Aragorn in The Lord of the The concept of solo pen-and-paper roleplaying originates
Rings, we feel drawn to his hard-bitten stoicism and with the “choose your own adventure” novels of the ‘70s and
uncanny survivability. Who is this dark, hooded fig- the random dungeon generation tables in early editions of
ure subsisting on the edges of civilization, living in popular roleplaying games.
harmony with the shadowed wilds — and on what sorts of Solo tools have since evolved beyond those experiences.
adventures does he embark? Contemporary solo systems are designed to offer the same
With Strider Mode for The One Ring, players can set out on engaging narrative flexibility for a solo player as you experi-
solo journeys in the vein of Aragorn’s missions across Middle- ence in a game led by a Loremaster.
earth, facing danger and darkness with only steel, cunning, Since pen-and-paper roleplaying is typically a collabora-
and hope as companions. tive group activity, you might wonder what makes solo role-
playing worthwhile. While indeed a different experience, solo
When you begin a Strider Mode campaign, create a single and experience afforded by their lone wanderings across
Player-hero, much like you would in a traditional campaign Middle-earth.
guided by a Loremaster. All Player-hero cultures and callings
are available to you, and there are only slight considerations YOUR SAFE HAVEN
for Virtues as noted below. Without a Company at your side, the safe haven is a particu-
When creating your solo character, consider the kinds of larly important aspect of your Player-hero’s story. It’s there you
stories you want to tell, and the themes you want to explore. find allies, friends, perhaps even family. Consider why your safe
Messenger, Treasure Hunter, and Warden are callings well haven represents not only sanctuary for your Player-hero, but
suited to the Strider Mode experience, but any calling works. also home — a hearth always lit to guide you back from the wilds.
hERO As a solo player, you have a Fellowship score equal to 3 plus
any additional bonuses from Virtues, Cultural Blessings, and
PREVIOUS EXPERIENCE your Patron. Your Fellowship score, rather than representing
When allocating your previous experience (page 46 in The the bonds between you and your Company, instead signifies
One Ring core rules), you have 15 points to spend, instead your connection to the communities you serve and the wilds
of 10. This represents your Player-hero’s additional “grit” you roam — a hope that cannot be diminished by the Shadow.
1 This particular delicacy is a rare treat. What is 1 The people need hope in these dark times.
this precious item, and where can it be found? Where is this remote settlement, and what
good news do you bring?
2 Scout the area and make a note of significant
landmarks to aid cartography. How has the land 2 Carry word of the Enemy’s movements to our
changed? trusted ally. Who is this ally, and how can they
aid us?
3 The roads grow dark and perilous. What vital
missive do you carry, and to whom must it be 3 A possible ally has made themselves known
delivered? to us. Who is this ally, and what must we do to
earn their trust?
4 An ancient text confounds attempts to decipher
it. What is the nature of this text, and who pos- 4 Our vision is clouded, our path uncertain. We
sesses the knowledge to translate it? must capture a servant of the Enemy. Who are
they, and what do they know?
5 The Enemy holds a map of special significance.
What secrets does this map hold, and why is it 5 News has reached us of a terrible weapon the
vital? Enemy means to bear. What is this weapon, and
who wields it?
6 An artifact of great importance has resurfaced.
What is this item, and why must we find it 6 The Shadow has captured an ally. Who is this
before the enemy does? ally, and where are they imprisoned?
3 A group of travellers seeks escort through the Achieve a notable personal goal 1 Adventure Point
wilds. Who are they, and what is their vital and 1 Skill Point
mission? Complete a patron’s mission 1 Adventure Point
4 The Shadow corrupts a sacred site. What is this and 1 Skill Point
place, and what foul presence now taints it? Complete a meaningful journey 2 Skill Points
5 A precious flower blooms for the first time in Face a Noteworthy Encounter during 1 Skill Point
many years. What is this plant, and why is it so a journey
Reveal a significant location or 1 Adventure Point
6 An ancient, sacred tree hosts a foul presence. discovery
What is this shadow, and can it be purged?
Overcome a tricky obstacle 1 Skill point
2 You gain the attention of a potential ally 4 You are hindered by difficult terrain or an unfa-
vourable environment
3 An enemy inadvertently reveals their position
5 You find yourself ill-equipped for the
4 You gain favoured ground
5 Enemies run afoul of danger
6 A favoured weapon or item is lost, broken, or
6 You locate or learn of a useful item sacrificed
7 Your success instils new hope or renewed 7 You are plagued by troubling visions or
resolve thoughts
9 You learn or realize something which gives 9 You learn or realize something which adds a
helpful insight into your mission new complication to your mission
10 You encounter an opportunity suited to your 10 You face a test which is contrary to your nature
nature or abilities or abilities
Gain Insight You gain additional information, not necessarily related to the task at hand. For example, while helping a
sick individual with a HEALING roll you discover the trace of poison. Or you spot a sentry while sneaking
into a ruin with a roll of STEALTH .
Go quietly You achieve your goal noiselessly or without otherwise attracting attention.
Make haste You complete the attempted task in a shorter time (about half the expected time).
Widen Influence You can influence more than the specific number of subjects originally targeted by the action. As a
general rule, each Success icon spent corresponds to one additional subject or group of subjects. For
example, following a roll of INSIGHT , you spot a second person acting suspiciously at an inn; a roll of
ENHEARTEN aimed to affect half a dozen individuals allows you to influence a full dozen.
Build advantage You carry forward your success to improve your position or confidence for a related task; gain (1d) on your
next skill roll.
Cancel a Failure If playing co-op with other players, you help another Player-hero who failed within the scope of the same
skill roll; the failed roll is considered a success.
Standard Simple Failure, Eluding the watch of a Bounder in the Shire, entertaining a crowd of inebriated
OR Success with Woe patrons at an inn, climbing a tall tree.
Hazardous Failure with Woe Stealing mushrooms from a farm guarded by ferocious dogs, climbing atop a
crumbling tower, or trying to swim the waters of a swift-running river.
Foolish Disaster! Picking the pockets of a hungry Troll, playing a riddle game with a Dragon, or
bandying words with an angry Wizard.
Certain 1 or greater
Likely 4 or greater
Middling 6 or greater
Doubtful 8 or greater
Unthinkable 10
THE LORE TABLE Depending on the situation, the result might be taken liter-
Use the Lore Table to help reveal details when asking an ally, or interpreted as an abstraction. Part of the fun of solo
open-ended question about a situation or event. The table roleplaying is deciding how these enigmatic riddles relate to
includes three columns: Action, Aspect, and Focus. You can your current situation. If a result doesn’t fit or is hard to inter-
roll on one column for a single word prompt, or two or pret within the context of the current situation, roll again or
more to construct a prompt phrase. The Lore Table is par- check adjacent rows for your answer.
ticularly useful for generating patron quests, or determin-
ing Distinctive Features for characters encountered on your
journeys. For example, your Player-hero enters a roadside inn and recog-
To roll on the table, use one 12-sided Feat die to deter- nizes among the patronage a friend they thought dead. Roll-
mine the section, and one six-sided Success die for the row. ing on the Lore Table to determine the Player-hero’s connection
The Lore Table can answer questions such as: to the person, you roll an Action of “Break” and a Focus of
♦ “What is the nature of these woods?” (Aspect) “Fellowship.” You decide that the Player-hero once travelled
♦ “What mission does my patron have for me?” (Action, with this person in a Company, and together fought many
Aspect, Focus) battles and journeyed many leagues — but also that this per-
♦ “What do I find within the ruins?” (Aspect, Focus) son’s disappearance led to the fracturing of your Fellowship.
Use the guidelines detailed on pages 170–171 of The One Ring +4 The Player-hero is protected by the blessing
core rulebook, as described below. of a Wizard, or another powerful character
♦ Whenever a die roll made outside of combat produces
+2 The Player-hero is travelling under a false
an icon, regardless of whether the roll resulted in
name, treading paths that are seldom trod-
success or failure, raise Eye Awareness by 1 point
den, or otherwise taking actions to be discreet
♦ Whenever the Player-hero gains 1 more shadow points
and unobtrusive
outside of combat, increase the Eye Awareness level by
that amount −2 The Player-hero has gained great renown in
♦ Magical successes using a marvellous artefact or won- the area thanks to some exceptional deed
drous item might increase Eye Awareness, as per the
−4 The Enemy is actively looking for the Player-
guidelines on page 171 of The One Ring core rulebook.
hero, or their mission or goal is known to
Also, an result on the Ill-Fortune Table (page 8) will
raise the Eye Awareness Score by 2. This is in addition to the
increase from the initial result which triggered a roll on
that table. The Eye is fixed upon you!
In Strider Mode, the solo player finds themselves in the
SKIRMISH STANCE unique position of controlling both their Player-hero and
Combat in Strider Mode operates much the same as in the adversaries in their path.
The One Ring core rules, with a number of opening volleys In combat, an adversary uses the weapon best suited to
(depending on the distance between combatants) preced- the situation, depending on the stance of the Player-hero. If
ing close combat. multiple weapons apply, the adversary uses the one which
But for Player-heroes who prefer bows and thrown weap- gives them the biggest advantage or greatest chance of deal-
ons, the Skirmish stance allows a solo Player-hero to fight “on ing damage.
the move,” exchanging ranged attacks while seeking advan-
tageous positions from which to strike. SPECIAL DAMAGE
When spending icons to trigger special damage from an
SKIRMISH STANCE (RANGED COMBAT) adversary, use the Heavy Blow special damage result unless
You fight on the move, navigating the terrain and exchanging the adversary lists a special damage option in its stat block.
volleys with pursuing or fleeing foes.
♦ You can only attack your adversaries using ranged FELL ABILITIES
weapons. Adversaries that attack you with melee weap- If using an adversary’s Fell Ability would give them a clear
ons lose (1d), while those who attack you with ranged advantage in combat, they use it, spending any Resolve/Hate
weapons suffer no penalty. required. If the ability would come at a cost or pose a risk
♦ For ranged attack rolls, you lose (1d). to the adversary or their allies, you can ask the Telling Table
♦ To escape from combat, roll for your ranged attack (page 10) to determine the enemy’s behaviour.
(without losing (1d) on the roll). If you succeed, you
do not inflict any damage but instead leave the battle-
field — otherwise you remain engaged.
♦ Combat Task: Gain Ground
2–3 Ill Choices If the roll fails, gain 1 Shadow point (Dread). 2
4–7 Mishap If the roll fails, add 1 day to the length of the journey, and gain 1 addi- 2
tional Fatigue.
8–9 Short Cut If the roll succeeds, reduce the length of the journey by 1 day. 1
10 Chance-meeting If the roll succeeds, no Fatigue is gained, and you may improvise an 1
encounter favouring your Player-hero.
SOLO JOURNEY EVENTS Take a moment to envision the nature of the incident or
To resolve journey events for a lone Player-hero, skip the opportunity using the Event Detail prompt. If you need more
event’s target step (page 112 of The One Ring core rulebook). information, you can use the Telling Table (page 10) or
Instead, you are always the target of the event, and the chal- Lore Table (page 11) to answer questions about the event.
lenged ability is determined by the event’s nature. Once you have imagined the event and your character’s
As described on page 113 of The One Ring core rulebook, response, make the indicated skill roll. As described in the
roll on the Journey Events Table to determine the event type. standard journey rules, if the event takes place in a hex sug-
Your current location affects this roll as follows: gesting a hard terrain, lose (1d) on this roll. If the event hap-
♦ If it is within a Border Land, make a Favoured Feat die roll. pens along a road, gain (1d).
♦ If it is within a Wild Land, roll one Feat die. Finally, resolve the scene using the consequence and
♦ If it is within a Dark Land, make an Ill-favoured Feat die roll. Fatigue Points gained or lost as shown in each Event Detail
The Journey Events table above is slightly modified from the
version in the core rules to put the focus on a lone Player-hero. EVENT DETAIL: TERRIBLE MISFORTUNE
Once the event type is determined, choose one of the fol- SUCCESS
lowing options to help envision the nature of the event and
the challenge or opportunity your character faces. 1 Dire confrontation Noteworthy Encounter
♦ Based on the result from the Solo Journey Events
2 Rival Predator HUNTING to avoid
Table, imagine an incident or opportunity in a way
becoming the hunted
that fits the current situation and surroundings. Then,
make a test using an appropriate skill: EXPLORE , 3 Violent weather EXPLORE to find shelter
AWARENESS , or HUNTING . Check the Solo Journey
4 Hidden hazard AWARENESS to avoid
Events table for the consequences of this skill roll.
stumbling into danger
♦ Reveal the nature of the event using an Event Detail
Table (see below). 5 Dangerous terrain EXPLORE to find a safer
6 Stalking enemy AWARENESS to spot the
To help envision the nature of an event, use an Event Detail
foul presence
table to expand on the information provided by the Solo Jour-
ney Events Table. CONSEQUENCES OF THE SKILL ROLL: If the roll fails, the target
First, select the appropriate table for the type of event, is Wounded.
and check your result by rolling one Success Die. To speed
things along, you can roll this Success Die alongside your
Feat Die when first rolling on the Solo Journey Events Table.
during the journey and resolve events accordingly. Take care In either case, use the original version of the Journey
to balance the focus of the events across both Player-heroes. Events Table when playing cooperatively (page 112 of The
If you are unsure which Player-hero is the target of an event, One Ring core rulebook) to properly include the Company
make a random roll to decide. in the consequences of an event. As with solo play, you can
A larger Company of three or more Player-heroes should use the Event Detail tables for more insight into the nature
use the journey roles and sequence as detailed in The One of an event.
Ring core rulebook. This includes assigning journey roles.
Fellowship Phase
The Fellowship Phase is a player-driven segment of the game Take the time to imagine your Player-hero’s interactions
where a Player-hero visits a safe haven to reflect on their and activities during the Fellowship Phase. For the solo adven-
adventures, rest and recover, and undertake personal projects. turer, this is a welcome opportunity to bask in the warm glow
The structure of the Fellowship Phase, as described on of community before setting off alone once again into the
pages 118–120 of The One Ring core rulebook, is unchanged wilds. Much of what defines the story of your character is how
for solo players. You can set the duration and location of the they relate to others, and what personal goals they pursue
Fellowship Phase as appropriate to your current situation, with the comfort of safety and time.
with a longer break for Yule approximately once every three
Fellowship Phases. You will perform updates to spend accu-
mulated Experience Points gained through milestones, and
select one or more Undertakings.
As detailed on page 119 of The One Ring core
rulebook, the Loremaster would normally deter-
mine the number of Shadow points to remove
during the Fellowship Phase. As a solo player,
you instead decide how many Shadow points to
remove based on how your actions have impacted
the fight against the encroaching Shadow.
♦ If your actions have at least marginally
interfered with the return of the Shadow,
recover 1 Shadow point;
♦ If your deeds have actively hindered or
damaged the Enemy, remove 2 Shadow
♦ If you have committed feats that would
gain the attention of the Dark Lord himself,
or at least one of his major servants, remove
3 Shadow points
Accept a mission from a patron 1 Adventure Point Your actions catch the Eye of the Enemy.
Increase Eye Awareness by 2.
Achieve a notable personal goal 1 Adventure Point
and 1 Skill Point 1 You draw unwanted attention
Complete a patron’s mission 1 Adventure Point 2 Your actions are observed by someone of
and 1 Skill Point ill-intent
Complete a meaningful journey 2 Skill Points 3 Unexpected enemies emerge or are sighted
Face a Noteworthy Encounter during 1 Skill Point 4 You are hindered by difficult terrain or an unfa-
a journey vourable environment
Reveal a significant location or 1 Adventure Point 5 You find yourself ill-equipped for the
discovery circumstances
Overcome a tricky obstacle 1 Skill point 6 A favoured weapon or item is lost, broken, or
Participate in a Council 1 Skill Point
7 You are plagued by troubling visions or
Survive a dangerous combat 1 Adventure Point
Face a Revelation Episode 1 Adventure Point
8 An old injury or stress resurfaces
9 You learn or realize something which gives : Always yes, with an extreme result or twist
helpful insight into your mission : Always no, with an extreme result or twist
10 You encounter an opportunity suited to your
nature or abilities
Gain Insight You gain additional information, not necessarily related to the task at hand. For example, while helping a
sick individual with a HEALING roll you discover the trace of poison. Or you spot a sentry while sneaking
into a ruin with a roll of STEALTH .
Go quietly You achieve your goal noiselessly or without otherwise attracting attention.
Make haste You complete the attempted task in a shorter time (about half the expected time).
Widen Influence You can influence more than the specific number of subjects originally targeted by the action. As a
general rule, each Success icon spent corresponds to one additional subject or group of subjects. For
example, following a roll of INSIGHT , you spot a second person acting suspiciously at an inn; a roll of
ENHEARTEN aimed to affect half a dozen individuals allows you to influence a full dozen.
Build advantage You carry forward your success to improve your position or confidence for a related task; gain (1d) on your
next skill roll.
Cancel a Failure If playing co-op with other players, you help another Player-hero who failed within the scope of the same
skill roll; the failed roll is considered a success.
Standard Simple Failure, Eluding the watch of a Bounder in the Shire, entertaining a crowd of inebriated
OR Success with Woe patrons at an inn, climbing a tall tree.
Hazardous Failure with Woe Stealing mushrooms from a farm guarded by ferocious dogs, climbing atop a
crumbling tower, or trying to swim the waters of a swift-running river.
Foolish Disaster! Picking the pockets of a hungry Troll, playing a riddle game with a Dragon, or
bandying words with an angry Wizard.
2–3 Ill Choices If the roll fails, gain 1 Shadow point (Dread). 2
4–7 Mishap If the roll fails, add 1 day to the length of the journey, and gain 1 addi- 2
tional Fatigue.
8–9 Short Cut If the roll succeeds, reduce the length of the journey by 1 day. 1
10 Chance-meeting If the roll succeeds, no Fatigue is gained, and you may improvise an 1
encounter favouring your Player-hero.
5 Disorienting environs EXPLORE to find your 5 Favourable weather EXPLORE to make the
way most of it
CONSEQUENCES OF THE SKILL ROLL: If the roll fails, gain CONSEQUENCES OF THE SKILL ROLL: If the roll succeeds,
1 Shadow point (Dread). reduce the length of the journey by 1 day.
2 Lost direction EXPLORE to find your 2 Fellow traveller EXPLORE to learn about
way the path ahead
4 Abundant foraging HUNTING to replenish 4 Enemy minions launch an ambush or lay a trap
your rations
5 Enemy minions pick up your trail
5 Ancient monument AWARENESS to recog-
6 An important location is overtaken by an enemy
nize its significance
7 An item you carry holds a curse, or is hunted by
6 Peaceful sanctuary Noteworthy Encounter
an enemy
8 You are tempted by something greatly desired,
regain 1 Hope.
to the detriment of your mission
9 Malicious lies cause others to mistrust or
fear you
Border Land 18
1 This particular delicacy is a rare treat. What is 1 The people need hope in these dark times.
this precious item, and where can it be found? Where is this remote settlement, and what
good news do you bring?
2 Scout the area and make a note of significant
landmarks to aid cartography. How has the land 2 Carry word of the Enemy’s movements to our
changed? trusted ally. Who is this ally, and how can they
aid us?
3 The roads grow dark and perilous. What vital
missive do you carry, and to whom must it be 3 A possible ally has made themselves known
delivered? to us. Who is this ally, and what must we do to
earn their trust?
4 An ancient text confounds attempts to decipher
it. What is the nature of this text, and who pos- 4 Our vision is clouded, our path uncertain. We
sesses the knowledge to translate it? must capture a servant of the Enemy. Who are
they, and what do they know?
5 The Enemy holds a map of special significance.
What secrets does this map hold, and why is it 5 News has reached us of a terrible weapon the
vital? Enemy means to bear. What is this weapon, and
who wields it?
6 An artifact of great importance has resurfaced.
What is this item, and why must we find it 6 The Shadow has captured an ally. Who is this
before the enemy does? ally, and where are they imprisoned?
2 An ancient enemy of the Elves has resurfaced 2 A powerful servant of the Enemy lurks nearby.
and made themselves known. Who are they, Who are they, and why do they target our
and what grudge do they bear? Rangers?
3 Hope falters in these dark days, so travel to a 3 Enemy patrols prowl along the road, targeting
remote beacon and rekindle its flame. What merchants and supply wagons. Who leads these
shadowy presence seeks to prevent this? deadly patrols?
4 Our missives fall into the hands of the Enemy. 4 A settlement has come under the eye of the
What fate befalls our messengers? Shadow. Why is this place significant?
5 An artifact of great importance to the Elves is 5 Monstrous servants of the Enemy encroach.
carried by a servant of the Enemy. Who is this What manner of weapon do they carry?
creature, and why do they covet the artifact?
6 We’ve received no word from a remote Ranger
6 The ships of the Grey Havens are fashioned refuge. What fate has befallen our allies?
from sacred wood. What malady taints these
Shawn Tomkin and Matt Click
Francesco Nepitello and Marco Maggi
Alvaro Tapia, Jan Pospíšil, Melissa Spandri,
Luca Sotgiu, Federica Costantini
Strider, The One Ring, Middle-earth, and The Lord of the Rings and the characters, items, events, and places therein
are trademarks or registered trademarks of the Saul Zaentz Company d/b/a Middle-earth Enterprises (SZC)
and are used under license by Sophisticated Games Ltd. and their respective licensees. All rights reserved.