TOR Peoples of Wilderland 2205
TOR Peoples of Wilderland 2205
TOR Peoples of Wilderland 2205
of wilderland
Beorn indeed became a great chief afterwards in those regions and ruled
a wide land between the mountains and the wood...
When Beorn broke his isolation after the Battle of Five Armies, chosen as their own. All foes of the Beornings are mortal foes,
many Men chose him as their chieftain — mountain-hunters but friends who prove to be trustworthy are friends for life.
and fighters without allegiance, warriors who lost their fam- It is not unusual for Beornings to answer the call of adven-
ilies or who forsook their clans due to their violent tempers, ture as early as at 14 years of age, especially if their families
and needful souls drawn to his protective nature. have suffered at the hand of the servants of the Enemy. The
Though initially few in numbers, these Beornings rap- hardiest (and luckiest!) among them continue up to their
idly demonstrated that only those who are welcomed by the forties. Favouring efficiency over subtlety, Beornings usually
skin-changer can hope to cross the Great River Anduin with carry sharp axes and long spears to battle.
their lives. And Beorn does not welcome anybody with ease.
Beornings are tough to kill and fight like cornered animals:
when they see their own blood they are filled with a red wrath.
Beornings are rugged men with brawny arms and legs, and
lively women with undaunted eyes. Their spirit is reflected When you are Wounded, all your Attack rolls and
in their appearance: the women have long, wild hair and the P ROTECTION rolls are Favoured.
men unkempt beards. Born free, they pay no tribute nor bow
Swiftly he returned and his wrath was redoubled…
to any crown, keeping at peace the strip of land they have
the same language and share a common vocabulary of per-
sonal names. The Beornings and the Woodmen are set apart
Choose one set of Attributes, or roll a Success die: especially by their peculiar use of bynames and nicknames.
ROLL STRENGTH HEART WITS The Beornings are gradually embracing the custom of
choosing for themselves names honouring their renowned
1 5 7 2
chieftain, either by having a B as the first letter or containing
2 4 7 3 the word for Bear (for example, Balderic, Beranald, Beor-
mud, and so on). They further individualise their names by
3 5 6 3
adding a byname, referring to their provenances or occu-
4 4 6 4 pations, or physical or temperamental qualities (Arnulf the
Old, Berangar the Eloquent). Bynames are often bestowed
5 5 5 4
by an event, especially if connected to a special feat of skill
6 6 6 2 or deed of renown.
Calculate the following scores based on your chosen Attribute
Endurance STRENGTH + 22
Some say that Beorn is under his own enchantment, and that
he has extended its influence upon his folk. SPLITTING BLOW
♦ Choose three STRENGTH Skills and mark them with a Your strokes are so heavy that you are capable of rending the
dot (or bear paw!) on your character sheet. Whenever armour of your adversaries, a hold-over from a time when a
you use any one of the three marked Skills, you can Northman needed the strength to pierce the skin of a Dragon.
spend 1 Hope to achieve a Magical success. ♦ When you score a Piercing Blow on a close com-
bat attack, the PROTECTION roll of the target is
“At any rate he is under no enchantment but his own.”
BROTHER TO BEARS …he slew Scatha, the great dragon of Ered Mithrin, and the land
had peace from the long-worms afterwards.
Beorn has taught you to heed the call of your ancient ani-
mal heritage. You hear it especially when the wrath of battle
♦ Raise your maximum Endurance by 1 point. In addi- The honey-cakes of the Beornings are legendary among trav-
tion, you don’t lose (1d) on your Brawling attacks, and ellers. You have been shown the secret of their making and
your unarmed attack rolls produce a Piercing Blow on can prepare them for the consumption of all members of
a result of , with an Injury rating of 12. your Company.
♦ Additionally, you can communicate with bears by mak- ♦ Each time you gain Fatigue from a Journey Event, you
ing appropriate Skill rolls, usually using COURTESY , gain 1 point less.
PERSUADE , or SONG , to receive tidings, deliver mes- ♦ Additionally, raise your Company’s Fellowship rating
sages, and so on. by 1 point.
“… I once saw him sitting all alone on the top of the Carrock at The making of these was one of his secrets; but honey was in them,
night watching the moon sinking towards the Misty Mountains, as in most of his foods…
and I heard him growl in the tongue of bears.”
When attacking your enemies, your physical power pushes
you to favour brute force over precision.
♦ When inflicting Special Damage in combat, add +2 to
your STRENGTH rating on a Heavy Blow.
Standing near was a huge man with a thick black beard and hair,
and great bare arms and legs with knotted muscles.
of Mirkwood
In a great hall with pillars hewn out of the living stone sat the Elvenking on a chair of carven wood.
Also called Wood-elves, the denizens of Northern Mirkwood STANDARD OF LIVING — FRUGAL
are the followers of Thranduil the Elvenking. They are a The Elves of Mirkwood consider themselves under siege at
reclusive folk, considered by many to be less wise or ambitious all times, and dedicate much of their wealth to their defence.
than Elves of nobler lineage, just because they seem content
to rejoice in leading hunts and holding feasts, even under the
threat of what lurks in the dark of Mirkwood.
In truth, it is this love for Middle-earth and their hope of Choose one set of Attributes, or roll a Success die:
reclaiming the entire forest from the Shadow of Dol Guldur ROLL STRENGTH HEART WITS
that has made them staunch fighters, dedicated to resisting
1 5 2 7
the encroaching darkness, either alone or side-by-side with
trusted allies. 2 4 3 7
3 5 3 6
Characteristics 4 4 4 6
The Elves of Mirkwood are a fair but hardy folk, even though
5 5 4 5
their power is slowly waning. They are immortal warriors, as
they share the fate of all Firstborn, and are devoted to the 6 6 2 6
preservation of their hidden realm.
Wood-elves rarely become adventurers before they reach DERIVED STATS
at least a few centuries of age. Leaving the Woodland Realm Calculate the following scores based on your chosen Attribute
too early is generally frowned upon, as wishing to go on adven- ratings:
tures is seen as forsaking their duty as keepers of the forest.
Endurance STRENGTH + 18
A martial folk, Silvan Elves are rarely found without a bow or
spear at the ready. Hope HEART +8
Parry WITS + 14
While fond of the Sun, the Elves of Mirkwood find themselves
at greater ease under moonlight or starlight, or among the SKILLS
shadows of a forest; their senses are keener, their burdens Copy the listed Skill ranks onto the character sheet; then, choose
lighter, their movements exceedingly sure and graceful. one Skill among the two underlined and mark it as Favoured.
Copy the following Combat Proficiency ranks onto the char-
acter sheet, selecting a preferred Proficiency when offered
a choice. MALE NAMES
Amras, Aredhel, Beleganor, Belegon, Calanhir,
Bows OR Spears 2
Carmagor, Dagorhir, Durandir, Edrahil, Ellahir,
Choose one Combat Proficiency 1 Fincalan, Fuindor, Galdagor, Galdor, Hallas,
Hirimlad, Ithildir, Lascalan, Linaith, Mablin, Malanor,
Nauros, Orgalad, Pelegorn, Sargon.
Choose two Distinctive Features among those listed: Cunning, FEMALE NAMES
Fair, Fierce, Keen-eyed, Merry, Proud, Secretive, Swift. Anórel, Aranel, Arbereth, Baraniel, Calanril,
Celebrindal, Celenneth, Elanor, Elwing, Eraniel,
LANGUAGES AND TYPICAL NAMES Fimbrethil, Gloredhel, Idril, Irilde, Laurelin,
The Silvan Elves used to speak an original Woodland tongue, Lôrwend, Lothíriel, Meneloth, Moriel, Narieth,
but are gradually embracing the use of Sindarin. Their names Narniel, Nimloth, Nimrodel, Níniel, Tarandîs.
are usually in that language.
Though their magic was strong, even in those days they were wary.
of Wilderland
There were many of them, and they were brave and well armed, and even the Wargs
dared not attack them if there were many together, or in the bright day.
The Woodmen of Wilderland are frontiersmen of the North, STANDARD OF LIVING — FRUGAL
sharing their heritage with the Bardings. They live in sparse, The Woodmen carve a living out of meagre hunts, burning
isolated villages and homesteads surrounded by wooden stock- charcoal and breeding animals. Their constant fight with the
ades, built along the borders of the great forest, or in the val- Wood and its wild things leaves them struggling to do more
leys to the west of the river Anduin. Threatened by the shadow than simply survive.
of Dol Guldur and what lurks in the depths of Mirkwood, the
Woodmen are hunters and trackers of wild animals, battling
Orcs and Spiders in self-defence.
The Wizard Radagast, one of the Wise of Middle-earth, has Choose one set of Attributes, or roll a Success die:
chosen to live amongst the Woodmen since time immemorial, ROLL STRENGTH HEART WITS
taking residence in Rhosgobel. A master of shapes and a tender
1 2 5 7
of beasts, his teachings have proven invaluable to the forest folk.
2 3 4 7
3 3 5 6
Copy the following Combat Proficiency ranks onto the char-
acter sheet, selecting a preferred Proficiency when offered
a choice. MALE NAMES
Amalric, Ansegisel, Audovald, Balderic, Beranald,
Axes OR Bows 2
Beormud, Ebrimuth, Euric, Gisalric, Grimbald,
Choose one Combat Proficiency 1 Gundovald, Hartgard, Hartnid, Imnachar, Ingelram,
Malaric, Munderic, Odo, Odovacar, Reginar, Ricfried,
Sigibert, Sunnegisil, Theodebert, Theodemir,
DISTINCTIVE FEATURES Theudebald, Theuderic, Waleran, Willicar.
Choose two Distinctive Features among those listed: Cun-
ning, Eager, Faithful, Patient, Stern, Swift, True-hearted, Wary. FEMALE NAMES
Adosinda, Amalfrida, Amalina, Avagisa, Avina,
LANGUAGES AND TYPICAL NAMES Basina, Beranhild, Brunihild, Deuteria, Gailavira,
The Northmen inhabiting the Vales of the Anduin River — Garsendis, Geleswinta, Gelvira, Grimhild, Gunteuch,
the Beornings and Woodmen — speak the same language Hermesind, Heva, Hilduara, Ingund, Radegund,
but favour different names. They are further set apart by Sichild, Verich, Waldrada, Wisigard.
their use of bynames and nicknames. The Woodmen do
not show particular preferences, but it is a common prac- WOODMAN NICKNAMES
tice among adventurers to keep their real name a secret, The Bird-keeper, the Bowman, the Bride, the Bright
preferring to let themselves be known only by a nickname one, the Eagle, the Healer, the Hound, the Hunter,
(the Bride, the Hound). the Quick, the Shepherd, the Shield-bearer, the
Silent one, the Spear-shaker, the Wood-goer.
Your folk have always delighted in training great, long-jawed Francesco Nepitello
hounds, stronger than wolves. You have chosen a wolfhound A D D I T I ONA L D EV ELOPM ENT
Michele Garbuggio
of Wilderland to accompany you in your wanderings.
♦ When you make an AWARENESS or HUNTING roll you
Jan Pospíšil
gain (1d) if the hound is with you.
♦ In combat, the hound counts as another Player-hero Dan Algstrand, Christian Granath,
fighting in a Close Combat stance, and the first close Niklas Brandt
combat attack aimed at you each round loses (1d). PR OOFR EA D I NG
♦ Finally, if you are hit by a Piercing Blow, you can Brandon Bowling
choose to cancel it, wounding your hound instead. B R A ND M A NA GER
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