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Food Category Name Food Sub Category Name Product Name FSSR Number
01 - Dairy products and analogues, 01.1 - Milk and dairy-based drinks Buffalo Milk[] 2.1.2 (2) (b)(1)
excluding products of food
category 2.0
01 - Dairy products and analogues, 01.1 - Milk and dairy-based drinks Cow Milk[] 2.1.2.(2) (b)(2)
excluding products of food
category 2.0
01 - Dairy products and analogues, 01.1 - Milk and dairy-based drinks Goat or Sheep Milk[] 2.1.2 (2) (b)(3)
excluding products of food
category 2.0
01 - Dairy products and analogues, 01.1 - Milk and dairy-based drinks Camel Milk[] 2.1.2 (2)(b)(4)
excluding products of food
category 2.0
01 - Dairy products and analogues, 01.1 - Milk and dairy-based drinks Mixed Milk[] 2.1.2 (2)(b) (5)
excluding products of food
category 2.0
01 - Dairy products and analogues, 01.1 - Milk and dairy-based drinks Standardized Milk[] 2.1.2 (2) (b)(6)
excluding products of food
category 2.0
01 - Dairy products and analogues, 01.1 - Milk and dairy-based drinks Toned Milk[] 2.1.2 (2) (b)(7)
excluding products of food
category 2.0
01 - Dairy products and analogues, 01.1 - Milk and dairy-based drinks Double Toned Milk[] 2.1.2.(2) (b)(8)
excluding products of food
category 2.0
01 - Dairy products and analogues, 01.1 - Milk and dairy-based drinks Skimmed Milk[] 2.1.2 (2)(b) (9)
excluding products of food
category 2.0 1/42
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01 - Dairy products and analogues, 01.1 - Milk and dairy-based drinks Full Cream Milk[] 2.1.2 (2) (b)(10)
excluding products of food
category 2.0
01 - Dairy products and analogues, 01.1 - Milk and dairy-based drinks Buttermilk (plain)[] 2.1.13(1) (c)
excluding products of food
category 2.0
01 - Dairy products and analogues, 01.1 - Milk and dairy-based drinks Flavoured Milk[01.1.2] 2.1.3
excluding products of food
category 2.0
01 - Dairy products and analogues, 01.1 - Milk and dairy-based drinks Flavoured fermented milk[01.1.2] 2.1.13(1)(b)
excluding products of food
category 2.0
01 - Dairy products and analogues, 01.1 - Milk and dairy-based drinks Drinks based on fermented milk 2.1.13(1) (c)
excluding products of food [01.1.2]
category 2.0
01 - Dairy products and analogues, 01.2 - Fermented and renneted milk products Fermented Milk[01.2.1] 2.1.13(1) (a)
excluding products of food (plain), excluding food category (dairy-based
category 2.0 drinks)
01 - Dairy products and analogues, 01.2 - Fermented and renneted milk products Chakka[01.2.1] 2.1.13 (1)(d) (i)
excluding products of food (plain), excluding food category (dairy-based
category 2.0 drinks)
01 - Dairy products and analogues, 01.3 - Condensed milk and analogues (plain) Evaporated or Concentrated 2.1.4
excluding products of food Milk[01.3.1]
category 2.0
01 - Dairy products and analogues, 01.3 - Condensed milk and analogues (plain) Sweetened Condensed Milk[01.3.1] 2.1.5
excluding products of food
category 2.0
01 - Dairy products and analogues, 01.3 - Condensed milk and analogues (plain) Milk Protein Concentrate [01.3.1] 2.1.21
excluding products of food
category 2.0
01 - Dairy products and analogues, 01.3 - Condensed milk and analogues (plain) Khoa[01.3.1] 2.1.6
excluding products of food
category 2.0
01 - Dairy products and analogues, 01.4 - Cream (plain) and the like Malai[01.4.1] 2.1.7 (1) (e)
excluding products of food
category 2.0
01 - Dairy products and analogues, 01.4 - Cream (plain) and the like Cream[01.4.2] 2.1.7 (1) (a-d)
excluding products of food
category 2.0
01 - Dairy products and analogues, 01.5 - Milk powder and cream powder and powder Milk Powders and Cream 2.1.10
excluding products of food analogues (plain) Powder[01.5.1]
category 2.0
01 - Dairy products and analogues, 01.5 - Milk powder and cream powder and powder Edible Casein Products[01.5.1] 2.1.18
excluding products of food analogues (plain)
category 2.0
01 - Dairy products and analogues, 01.5 - Milk powder and cream powder and powder Dairy Whitener[] 2.1.11
excluding products of food analogues (plain)
category 2.0
01 - Dairy products and analogues, 01.5 - Milk powder and cream powder and powder Dairy Permeate Powders[1.5.1] 2.1.24
excluding products of food analogues (plain)
category 2.0
01 - Dairy products and analogues, 01.6 - Cheese and analogues Chhana and Paneer[01.6.1] 2.1.16
excluding products of food
category 2.0 2/42
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01 - Dairy products and analogues, 01.6 - Cheese and analogues Cottage Cheese and Creamed Cottage 2.1.17 (1) (a) (ag)
excluding products of food Cheese[01.6.1]
category 2.0
01 - Dairy products and analogues, 01.6 - Cheese and analogues Cream Cheese (Rahmfrischkase) 2.1.17 (1) (a)(ah)
excluding products of food [01.6.1]
category 2.0
01 - Dairy products and analogues, 01.6 - Cheese and analogues Coulommiers Cheese[01.6.1] 2.1.17 (1) (a)(ai)
excluding products of food
category 2.0
01 - Dairy products and analogues, 01.6 - Cheese and analogues Provolone[01.6.1] 2.1.17 (1) (a) (ao)
excluding products of food
category 2.0
01 - Dairy products and analogues, 01.6 - Cheese and analogues Cheddar Cheese[] 2.1.17(1) (a)(aa)
excluding products of food
category 2.0
01 - Dairy products and analogues, 01.6 - Cheese and analogues Danbo Cheese[] 2.1.17(1) (a) (ab)
excluding products of food
category 2.0
01 - Dairy products and analogues, 01.6 - Cheese and analogues Edam Cheese[] 2.1.17(1) (a) (ac)
excluding products of food
category 2.0
01 - Dairy products and analogues, 01.6 - Cheese and analogues Gouda Cheese[] 2.1.17(1) (a)(ad)
excluding products of food
category 2.0
01 - Dairy products and analogues, 01.6 - Cheese and analogues Havarti Cheese[] 2.1.17(1) (a) (ae)
excluding products of food
category 2.0
01 - Dairy products and analogues, 01.6 - Cheese and analogues Tilsiter[] 2.1.17(1) (a) (af)
excluding products of food
category 2.0
01 - Dairy products and analogues, 01.6 - Cheese and analogues Camembert Cheese[] 2.1.17(1) (a) (aj)
excluding products of food
category 2.0
01 - Dairy products and analogues, 01.6 - Cheese and analogues Brie Cheese[] 2.1.17 (1) (a)(ak)
excluding products of food
category 2.0
01 - Dairy products and analogues, 01.6 - Cheese and analogues Saint Paulin[] 2.1.17 (1) (a)(al)
excluding products of food
category 2.0
01 - Dairy products and analogues, 01.6 - Cheese and analogues Samsoe[] 2.1.17(1) (a)(am)
excluding products of food
category 2.0
01 - Dairy products and analogues, 01.6 - Cheese and analogues Emmental or Emmentaler[] 2.1.17(1) (a) (an)
excluding products of food
category 2.0
01 - Dairy products and analogues, 01.6 - Cheese and analogues Extra Hard Grating Cheese[] 2.1.17(1) (a)(ap)
excluding products of food
category 2.0
01 - Dairy products and analogues, 01.6 - Cheese and analogues Mould Ripened Cheese[] 2.1.17(1) (B)
excluding products of food
category 2.0
01 - Dairy products and analogues, 01.6 - Cheese and analogues Processed Cheese[] 2.1.17(1) (b) (ba)
excluding products of food
category 2.0 3/42
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01 - Dairy products and analogues, 01.6 - Cheese and analogues Processed Cheese Spread[] 2.1.17(1) (b) (bb)
excluding products of food
category 2.0
01 - Dairy products and analogues, 01.6 - Cheese and analogues Flavoured Processed 2.1.17(1) (b) (ba)
excluding products of food Cheese[]
category 2.0
01 - Dairy products and analogues, 01.6 - Cheese and analogues Mozzarella Cheese[1.6.1] 2.1.17 (2) (a) (aq)
excluding products of food
category 2.0
01 - Dairy products and analogues, 01.6 - Cheese and analogues Pizza Cheese[] 2.1.17 (2)(c)(g)
excluding products of food
category 2.0
01 - Dairy products and analogues, 01.6 - Cheese and analogues Creamed whey cheese[01.6.3, 01.6.6] 2.1.17 (c) (a)
excluding products of food
category 2.0
01 - Dairy products and analogues, 01.6 - Cheese and analogues Whey Cheese[01.6.3, 01.6.6] 2.1.17 (c) (b)
excluding products of food
category 2.0
01 - Dairy products and analogues, 01.6 - Cheese and analogues Skimmed whey cheese[01.6.3, 2.1.17 (c) (c)
excluding products of food 01.6.6]
category 2.0
01 - Dairy products and analogues, 01.6 - Cheese and analogues Soft cheese in brine[01.6.2] 2.1.17 (d) (ca)
excluding products of food
category 2.0
01 - Dairy products and analogues, 01.6 - Cheese and analogues Semi-hard cheese in brine[01.6.2] 2.1.17 (d) (b)
excluding products of food
category 2.0
01 - Dairy products and analogues, 01.7 - Dairy-based desserts Shrikhand[01.7] 2.1.13 (1) (d) (ii)
excluding products of food
category 2.0
01 - Dairy products and analogues, 01.7 - Dairy-based desserts Ice Cream, Kulfi, Chocolate Ice Cream, 2.1.14
excluding products of food Softy Ice-Cream, Milk Ice, Milk Lolly
category 2.0 and Dried Ice Cream Mix[01.7]
01 - Dairy products and analogues, 01.7 - Dairy-based desserts Frozen Desserts or Confections with 2.1.15
excluding products of food Added Vegetable Oil/ Fat or
category 2.0 Vegetable Protein, or both[01.7]
01 - Dairy products and analogues, 01.7 - Dairy-based desserts Flavoured Yoghurt[01.7] 2.1.13 (2) (c ) (iv)
excluding products of food
category 2.0
01 - Dairy products and analogues, 01.8 - Whey and whey products, excluding whey Whey Protein Concentrate[01.8.2] 2.1.22
excluding products of food cheeses
category 2.0
01 - Dairy products and analogues, 01.8 - Whey and whey products, excluding whey Whey Powder[01.8.2] 2.1.12
excluding products of food cheeses
category 2.0
02 - Fats and oils, and fat 02.1 - Fats and oils essentially free from water Milk fat[02.1.1] 2.1.8 (i)
02 - Fats and oils, and fat 02.1 - Fats and oils essentially free from water Butter oil[02.1.1] 2.1.8 (ii)
02 - Fats and oils, and fat 02.1 - Fats and oils essentially free from water Anhydrous milk fat[02.1.1] 2.1.8 (iii)
02 - Fats and oils, and fat 02.1 - Fats and oils essentially free from water Anhydrous butter oil[02.1.1] 2.1.8 (iv)
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02 - Fats and oils, and fat 02.1 - Fats and oils essentially free from water Ghee[02.1.1] 2.1.8(v)
02 - Fats and oils, and fat 02.1 - Fats and oils essentially free from water Coconut oil (naryal ka tel)[02.1.2] 2.2.1(1)
02 - Fats and oils, and fat 02.1 - Fats and oils essentially free from water Virgin Coconut Oil[02.1.2] 2.2.1(1)(A)
02 - Fats and oils, and fat 02.1 - Fats and oils essentially free from water Cotton seed oil (binola ka tel)[02.1.2] 2.2.1(2)
02 - Fats and oils, and fat 02.1 - Fats and oils essentially free from water Groundnut oil (moongh-phali-ka tel) 2.2.1(3)
emulsions [02.1.2]
02 - Fats and oils, and fat 02.1 - Fats and oils essentially free from water Flaxseed or Linseed oil (tisi ka tel) 2.2.1(4)
emulsions [02.1.2]
02 - Fats and oils, and fat 02.1 - Fats and oils essentially free from water Mahua oil[02.1.2] 2.2.1(5)
02 - Fats and oils, and fat 02.1 - Fats and oils essentially free from water Rapeseed oil (toria oil) or mustard oil 2.2.1(6)
emulsions (sarson ka tel)[02.1.2]
02 - Fats and oils, and fat 02.1 - Fats and oils essentially free from water Rapeseed or mustard oil-low erucic 2.2.1(7)
emulsions acid[02.1.2]
02 - Fats and oils, and fat 02.1 - Fats and oils essentially free from water Refined olive oil[02.1.2] 2.2.1(8) (2) (A) (i)
02 - Fats and oils, and fat 02.1 - Fats and oils essentially free from water Olive oil[02.1.2] 2.2.1(8) (2) (A) (ii)
02 - Fats and oils, and fat 02.1 - Fats and oils essentially free from water Extra virgin olive oil[02.1.2] 2.2.1(8) (2) (A) (iii)
02 - Fats and oils, and fat 02.1 - Fats and oils essentially free from water Virgin olive oil[02.1.2] 2.2.1(8) (2) (A)(iv)
02 - Fats and oils, and fat 02.1 - Fats and oils essentially free from water Ordinary Virgin Olive oil[02.1.2] 2.2.1(8) (2) (A) (v)
02 - Fats and oils, and fat 02.1 - Fats and oils essentially free from water Refined olive-pomace oil[02.1.2] 2.2.1(8) (2) (A) (vi)
02 - Fats and oils, and fat 02.1 - Fats and oils essentially free from water Olive-pomace oil[02.1.2] 2.2.1(8) (2) (A) (vii)
02 - Fats and oils, and fat 02.1 - Fats and oils essentially free from water Poppy seed oil[02.1.2] 2.2.1(9)
02 - Fats and oils, and fat 02.1 - Fats and oils essentially free from water Safflower seed oil (barrey ka tel) 2.2.1(10)
emulsions [02.1.2]
02 - Fats and oils, and fat 02.1 - Fats and oils essentially free from water Taramira Oil[02.1.2] 2.2.1 (11)
02 - Fats and oils, and fat 02.1 - Fats and oils essentially free from water Til Oil (Gingelly or sesame oil)[02.1.2] 2.2.1(12)
02 - Fats and oils, and fat 02.1 - Fats and oils essentially free from water Niger Seed Oil (Sargiya ka tel)[02.1.2] 2.2.1(13)
02 - Fats and oils, and fat 02.1 - Fats and oils essentially free from water Soyabean oil[02.1.2] 2.2.1(14)
02 - Fats and oils, and fat 02.1 - Fats and oils essentially free from water Maize (corn) oil[02.1.2] 2.2.1(15)
02 - Fats and oils, and fat 02.1 - Fats and oils essentially free from water Almond oil[02.1.2] 2.2.1(17)
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02 - Fats and oils, and fat 02.1 - Fats and oils essentially free from water Water-melon seed oil[02.1.2] 2.2.1(18)
02 - Fats and oils, and fat 02.1 - Fats and oils essentially free from water Palm oil[02.1.2] 2.2.1(19)
02 - Fats and oils, and fat 02.1 - Fats and oils essentially free from water Palmolein [02.1.2] 2.2.1(20)
02 - Fats and oils, and fat 02.1 - Fats and oils essentially free from water Palm kernel oil[02.1.2] 2.2.1(21)
02 - Fats and oils, and fat 02.1 - Fats and oils essentially free from water Sun flower seed oil[02.1.2] 2.2.1(22)
02 - Fats and oils, and fat 02.1 - Fats and oils essentially free from water Imported Safflower seed oil and 2.2.1(10.1)
emulsions Safflower seed oil (High Oleic Acid –
Imported or domestic)[02.1.2]
02 - Fats and oils, and fat 02.1 - Fats and oils essentially free from water Rice bran oil[02.1.2] 2.2.1(23)
02 - Fats and oils, and fat 02.1 - Fats and oils essentially free from water Multi Source Edible Oil[02.1.2] 2.2.1(24)
02 - Fats and oils, and fat 02.1 - Fats and oils essentially free from water Avocado oil[02.1.2] 2.2.1 (25)
02 - Fats and oils, and fat 02.1 - Fats and oils essentially free from water Palm Stearin[02.1.2] 2.2.1 (26)
02 - Fats and oils, and fat 02.1 - Fats and oils essentially free from water Palm Kernel Stearin[02.1.2] 2.2.1 (27)
02 - Fats and oils, and fat 02.1 - Fats and oils essentially free from water Palm Kernel Olein[02.1.2] 2.2.1 (28)
02 - Fats and oils, and fat 02.1 - Fats and oils essentially free from water Palm Superolein[02.1.2] 2.2.1 (29)
02 - Fats and oils, and fat 02.1 - Fats and oils essentially free from water Chia Oil[02.1.2] 2.2.1(30)
02 - Fats and oils, and fat 02.1 - Fats and oils essentially free from water Interesterified [vegetable fat/Oil] 2.2.2
emulsions [02.1.2]
02 - Fats and oils, and fat 02.1 - Fats and oils essentially free from water Partially hydrogenated and 2.2.3(1)
emulsions winterised soyabean oil[02.1.2]
02 - Fats and oils, and fat 02.1 - Fats and oils essentially free from water Partially hydrogenated soyabean 2.2.3(2)
emulsions oil[02.1.2]
02 - Fats and oils, and fat 02.1 - Fats and oils essentially free from water Cocoa butter[02.1.2] 2.2.4(5)
02 - Fats and oils, and fat 02.1 - Fats and oils essentially free from water Refined salseed fat[02.1.2] 2.2.4(6)
02 - Fats and oils, and fat 02.1 - Fats and oils essentially free from water Kokum Fat[02.1.2] 2.2.4(7)
02 - Fats and oils, and fat 02.1 - Fats and oils essentially free from water Mango Kernel Fat[02.1.2] 2.2.4(8)
02 - Fats and oils, and fat 02.1 - Fats and oils essentially free from water Dhupa Fat[02.1.2] 2.2.4(9)
02 - Fats and oils, and fat 02.1 - Fats and oils essentially free from water Phulwara Fat[02.1.2] 2.2.4(10)
02 - Fats and oils, and fat 02.1 - Fats and oils essentially free from water Vanaspati[02.1.2] 2.2.6(1)
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02 - Fats and oils, and fat 02.1 - Fats and oils essentially free from water Bakery shortening[02.1.2] 2.2.6(2)
02 - Fats and oils, and fat 02.1 - Fats and oils essentially free from water Beef fat or suet[02.1.3] 2.2.4 (1)
02 - Fats and oils, and fat 02.1 - Fats and oils essentially free from water Mutton fat[02.1.3] 2.2.4(2)
02 - Fats and oils, and fat 02.1 - Fats and oils essentially free from water Goat fat[02.1.3] 2.2.4(3)
02 - Fats and oils, and fat 02.1 - Fats and oils essentially free from water Lard[02.1.3] 2.2.4(4)
02 - Fats and oils, and fat 02.1 - Fats and oils essentially free from water Sardine Oil[02.1.3] 2.6.1 (12)
02 - Fats and oils, and fat 02.1 - Fats and oils essentially free from water Refined Coconut Oil[02.1.2] 2.2.1(16)(i)
02 - Fats and oils, and fat 02.1 - Fats and oils essentially free from water Refined Cottonseed Oil[02.1.2] 2.2.1(16)(ii)
02 - Fats and oils, and fat 02.1 - Fats and oils essentially free from water Refined Groundnut Oil[02.1.2] 2.2.1(16)(iii)
02 - Fats and oils, and fat 02.1 - Fats and oils essentially free from water Refined Nigerseed Oil[02.1.2] 2.2.1(16)(iv)
02 - Fats and oils, and fat 02.1 - Fats and oils essentially free from water Refined Safflower Oil[02.1.2] 2.2.1(16)(v)
02 - Fats and oils, and fat 02.1 - Fats and oils essentially free from water Refined Sesame Oil[02.1.2] 2.2.1(16)(vi)
02 - Fats and oils, and fat 02.1 - Fats and oils essentially free from water Refined Soyabean Oil[02.1.2] 2.2.1(16)(vii)
02 - Fats and oils, and fat 02.1 - Fats and oils essentially free from water Refined Sunflower Oil[02.1.2] 2.2.1(16)(vii)
02 - Fats and oils, and fat 02.1 - Fats and oils essentially free from water Refined Mustard/Rapeseed 2.2.1(16)(ix)
emulsions Oil[02.1.2]
02 - Fats and oils, and fat 02.1 - Fats and oils essentially free from water Refined Linseed Oil[02.1.2] 2.2.1(16)(x)
02 - Fats and oils, and fat 02.1 - Fats and oils essentially free from water Refined Mahua Oil[02.1.2] 2.2.1(16)(xi)
02 - Fats and oils, and fat 02.1 - Fats and oils essentially free from water Refined Poppyseed Oil[02.1.2] 2.2.1(16)(xiii)
02 - Fats and oils, and fat 02.1 - Fats and oils essentially free from water Refined Taramira Oil[02.1.2] 2.2.1(16)(xiv)
02 - Fats and oils, and fat 02.1 - Fats and oils essentially free from water Refined Maize (Corn) oil[02.1.2] 2.2.1(16)(xv)
02 - Fats and oils, and fat 02.1 - Fats and oils essentially free from water Refined Watermelonseed Oil[02.1.2] 2.2.1(16)(xvi)
02 - Fats and oils, and fat 02.1 - Fats and oils essentially free from water Refined Palm Oil[02.1.2] 2.2.1(16)(xvii)
02 - Fats and oils, and fat 02.1 - Fats and oils essentially free from water Refined Palmolein[02.1.2] 2.2.1(16)(xviii)
02 - Fats and oils, and fat 02.1 - Fats and oils essentially free from water Refined Palm Kernel Oil[02.1.2] 2.2.1(16)(xix)
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02 - Fats and oils, and fat 02.1 - Fats and oils essentially free from water Refined Rice Bran Oil[02.1.2] 2.2.1(16)(xx)
02 - Fats and oils, and fat 02.1 - Fats and oils essentially free from water Refined Salseed fat[02.1.2] 2.2.1(16)(xxi)
02 - Fats and oils, and fat 02.1 - Fats and oils essentially free from water Refined Mango Kernel fat[02.1.2] 2.2.1(16)(xxii)
02 - Fats and oils, and fat 02.1 - Fats and oils essentially free from water Refined Kokum fat[02.1.2] 2.2.1(16)(xxiii)
02 - Fats and oils, and fat 02.1 - Fats and oils essentially free from water Refined Dhupa fat[02.1.2] 2.2.1(16)(xxiv)
02 - Fats and oils, and fat 02.1 - Fats and oils essentially free from water Refined Phulawara fat[02.2] 2.2.1(16)(xxv)
02 - Fats and oils, and fat 02.1 - Fats and oils essentially free from water Shea butter[2.1.2] 2.2.4 (12)
02 - Fats and oils, and fat 02.1 - Fats and oils essentially free from water Borneo tallow/ Illipe butter[2.1.2] 2.2.4 (13)
02 - Fats and oils, and fat 02.1 - Fats and oils essentially free from water Grapeseed oil[2.1.2] 2.2.1 (31)
02 - Fats and oils, and fat 02.1 - Fats and oils essentially free from water Sunflower seed Oil-High Oleic 2.2.1(22.01)
emulsions acid[02.1.2]
02 - Fats and oils, and fat 02.2 - Fat emulsions mainly of type water-in-oil Table margarine[02.2.2] 2.2.5 (1)
02 - Fats and oils, and fat 02.2 - Fat emulsions mainly of type water-in-oil Bakery and Industrial 2.2.5(2)
emulsions Margarine[02.2.2]
02 - Fats and oils, and fat 02.2 - Fat emulsions mainly of type water-in-oil Fat spread[02.2.2] 2.2.5(3)
02 - Fats and oils, and fat 02.2 - Fat emulsions mainly of type water-in-oil Butter[02.2.1] 2.1.9
03 - Edible ices, including sherbet 03 - Edible ices, including sorbet (ice candy) Ice Lollies or Edible Ices[03.0] 2.7.5
and sorbe
04 - Fruits and vegetables 04.1 - Fruits Vanilla pods[] 2.3.50 (1) (a)
(including mushrooms and fungi,
roots and tubers, fresh pulses and
legumes, and aloe vera),
seaweeds, and nuts and seeds
04 - Fruits and vegetables 04.1 - Fruits Cut vanilla[] 2.3.50 (1) (b)
(including mushrooms and fungi,
roots and tubers, fresh pulses and
legumes, and aloe vera),
seaweeds, and nuts and seeds 8/42
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04 - Fruits and vegetables 04.1 - Fruits Dry fruits and Nuts[] 2.3.47(5)
(including mushrooms and fungi,
roots and tubers, fresh pulses and
legumes, and aloe vera),
seaweeds, and nuts and seeds
04 - Fruits and vegetables 04.1 - Fruits Pickles (made from Fruits)[] 2.3.43
(including mushrooms and fungi,
roots and tubers, fresh pulses and
legumes, and aloe vera),
seaweeds, and nuts and seeds 9/42
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04 - Fruits and vegetables 04.1 - Fruits Jams, Fruit Jellies and 2.3.31
(including mushrooms and fungi, Marmalades[]
roots and tubers, fresh pulses and
legumes, and aloe vera),
seaweeds, and nuts and seeds
04 - Fruits and vegetables 04.1 - Fruits Candied, Crystallised And Glazed 2.3.26
(including mushrooms and fungi, Fruit / Vegetable / Rhizome / Fruit
roots and tubers, fresh pulses and Peel[]
legumes, and aloe vera),
seaweeds, and nuts and seeds
04 - Fruits and vegetables 04.1 - Fruits Thermally processed Mango Pulp/ 2.3.11
(including mushrooms and fungi, Puree and Sweetened mango Pulp/
roots and tubers, fresh pulses and Puree[]
legumes, and aloe vera),
seaweeds, and nuts and seeds
04 - Fruits and vegetables 04.1 - Fruits Thermally Processed Fruit Pulp/ 2.3.12
(including mushrooms and fungi, Puree and Sweetened Fruit
roots and tubers, fresh pulses and Pulp/Puree other than
legumes, and aloe vera), Mango[]
seaweeds, and nuts and seeds
04 - Fruits and vegetables 04.1 - Fruits Fruit Pulp/Puree with Preservatives 2.3.16
(including mushrooms and fungi, for Industrial Use only[]
roots and tubers, fresh pulses and
legumes, and aloe vera),
seaweeds, and nuts and seeds
04 - Fruits and vegetables 04.1 - Fruits Concentrated Fruit Pulp/Puree with 2.3.17(3)
(including mushrooms and fungi, Preservatives for industrial use
roots and tubers, fresh pulses and only[]
legumes, and aloe vera),
seaweeds, and nuts and seeds 10/42
06/05/2022, 13:47 FoSCoS - FSSAI
04 - Fruits and vegetables 04.1 - Fruits Pickles (made from Fruits)[] 2.3.43
(including mushrooms and fungi,
roots and tubers, fresh pulses and
legumes, and aloe vera),
seaweeds, and nuts and seeds
04 - Fruits and vegetables 04.1 - Fruits Untreated fresh fruit[] File No. 12(2) 2018/FBO
(including mushrooms and fungi, representation/Enf/FSSAI
roots and tubers, fresh pulses and (Vol. II) dated 10 Aug.
legumes, and aloe vera), 2021
seaweeds, and nuts and seeds
04 - Fruits and vegetables 04.1 - Fruits Surface-treated fresh fruit[] File No. 12(2) 2018/FBO
(including mushrooms and fungi, representation/Enf/FSSAI
roots and tubers, fresh pulses and (Vol. II) dated 10 Aug.
legumes, and aloe vera), 2021
seaweeds, and nuts and seeds
04 - Fruits and vegetables 04.1 - Fruits Peeled or cut, minimally processed File No. 12(2) 2018/FBO
(including mushrooms and fungi, fruit[] representation/Enf/FSSAI
roots and tubers, fresh pulses and (Vol. II) dated 10 Aug.
legumes, and aloe vera), 2021
seaweeds, and nuts and seeds 11/42
06/05/2022, 13:47 FoSCoS - FSSAI
04 - Fruits and vegetables 04.2 - Vegetables (including mushrooms and fungi, Frozen Vegetables[] 2.3.38
(including mushrooms and fungi, roots and tubers, pulses and legumes, and aloe
roots and tubers, fresh pulses and vera), seaweeds, and nuts and seeds
legumes, and aloe vera),
seaweeds, and nuts and seeds
04 - Fruits and vegetables 04.2 - Vegetables (including mushrooms and fungi, Quick Frozen Fungi[] 2.3.62 (3) (vi)
(including mushrooms and fungi, roots and tubers, pulses and legumes, and aloe
roots and tubers, fresh pulses and vera), seaweeds, and nuts and seeds
legumes, and aloe vera),
seaweeds, and nuts and seeds
04 - Fruits and vegetables 04.2 - Vegetables (including mushrooms and fungi, Dehydrated Vegetables[] 2.3.36
(including mushrooms and fungi, roots and tubers, pulses and legumes, and aloe
roots and tubers, fresh pulses and vera), seaweeds, and nuts and seeds
legumes, and aloe vera),
seaweeds, and nuts and seeds
04 - Fruits and vegetables 04.2 - Vegetables (including mushrooms and fungi, Dried fungi [] 2.3.62 (3) (i)
(including mushrooms and fungi, roots and tubers, pulses and legumes, and aloe
roots and tubers, fresh pulses and vera), seaweeds, and nuts and seeds
legumes, and aloe vera),
seaweeds, and nuts and seeds
04 - Fruits and vegetables 04.2 - Vegetables (including mushrooms and fungi, Fungi Grits and Fungi 2.3.62 (3) (ii)
(including mushrooms and fungi, roots and tubers, pulses and legumes, and aloe Powder[]
roots and tubers, fresh pulses and vera), seaweeds, and nuts and seeds
legumes, and aloe vera),
seaweeds, and nuts and seeds
04 - Fruits and vegetables 04.2 - Vegetables (including mushrooms and fungi, Fungi extract and Fungi 2.3.62 (3) (viii)
(including mushrooms and fungi, roots and tubers, pulses and legumes, and aloe Concentrate[]
roots and tubers, fresh pulses and vera), seaweeds, and nuts and seeds
legumes, and aloe vera),
seaweeds, and nuts and seeds
04 - Fruits and vegetables 04.2 - Vegetables (including mushrooms and fungi, Dried Fungi Concentrate[] 2.3.62 (3) (ix)
(including mushrooms and fungi, roots and tubers, pulses and legumes, and aloe
roots and tubers, fresh pulses and vera), seaweeds, and nuts and seeds
legumes, and aloe vera),
seaweeds, and nuts and seeds
04 - Fruits and vegetables 04.2 - Vegetables (including mushrooms and fungi, Pickles made from vegetables or 2.3.43
(including mushrooms and fungi, roots and tubers, pulses and legumes, and aloe other edible plant material including
roots and tubers, fresh pulses and vera), seaweeds, and nuts and seeds mushrooms[]
legumes, and aloe vera),
seaweeds, and nuts and seeds
04 - Fruits and vegetables 04.2 - Vegetables (including mushrooms and fungi, Pickles made from combination of 2.3.43
(including mushrooms and fungi, roots and tubers, pulses and legumes, and aloe fruits or vegetables or other edible
roots and tubers, fresh pulses and vera), seaweeds, and nuts and seeds plant material including mushrooms
legumes, and aloe vera), (Mixed)[]
seaweeds, and nuts and seeds
04 - Fruits and vegetables 04.2 - Vegetables (including mushrooms and fungi, Table Olives[] 2.3.44
(including mushrooms and fungi, roots and tubers, pulses and legumes, and aloe
roots and tubers, fresh pulses and vera), seaweeds, and nuts and seeds
legumes, and aloe vera),
seaweeds, and nuts and seeds
04 - Fruits and vegetables 04.2 - Vegetables (including mushrooms and fungi, Fungi in olive oil and other vegetable 2.3.62 (3) (v)
(including mushrooms and fungi, roots and tubers, pulses and legumes, and aloe oils[]
roots and tubers, fresh pulses and vera), seaweeds, and nuts and seeds
legumes, and aloe vera),
seaweeds, and nuts and seeds
04 - Fruits and vegetables 04.2 - Vegetables (including mushrooms and fungi, Salted fungi (semi processed 2.3.62 (3) (x)
(including mushrooms and fungi, roots and tubers, pulses and legumes, and aloe products)[]
roots and tubers, fresh pulses and vera), seaweeds, and nuts and seeds
legumes, and aloe vera),
seaweeds, and nuts and seeds 12/42
06/05/2022, 13:47 FoSCoS - FSSAI
04 - Fruits and vegetables 04.2 - Vegetables (including mushrooms and fungi, Thermally Processed 2.3.3
(including mushrooms and fungi, roots and tubers, pulses and legumes, and aloe Vegetables[]
roots and tubers, fresh pulses and vera), seaweeds, and nuts and seeds
legumes, and aloe vera),
seaweeds, and nuts and seeds
04 - Fruits and vegetables 04.2 - Vegetables (including mushrooms and fungi, Canned Tomatoes[] 2.3.3A
(including mushrooms and fungi, roots and tubers, pulses and legumes, and aloe
roots and tubers, fresh pulses and vera), seaweeds, and nuts and seeds
legumes, and aloe vera),
seaweeds, and nuts and seeds
04 - Fruits and vegetables 04.2 - Vegetables (including mushrooms and fungi, Thermally processed Curried 2.3.4
(including mushrooms and fungi, roots and tubers, pulses and legumes, and aloe Vegetables/Ready to Eat
roots and tubers, fresh pulses and vera), seaweeds, and nuts and seeds Vegetables[]
legumes, and aloe vera),
seaweeds, and nuts and seeds
04 - Fruits and vegetables 04.2 - Vegetables (including mushrooms and fungi, Canned Chestnuts and Canned 2.3.61
(including mushrooms and fungi, roots and tubers, pulses and legumes, and aloe Chestnut Puree[]
roots and tubers, fresh pulses and vera), seaweeds, and nuts and seeds
legumes, and aloe vera),
seaweeds, and nuts and seeds
04 - Fruits and vegetables 04.2 - Vegetables (including mushrooms and fungi, Sterilized Fungi[] 2.3.62 (3) (vii)
(including mushrooms and fungi, roots and tubers, pulses and legumes, and aloe
roots and tubers, fresh pulses and vera), seaweeds, and nuts and seeds
legumes, and aloe vera),
seaweeds, and nuts and seeds
04 - Fruits and vegetables 04.2 - Vegetables (including mushrooms and fungi, Thermally Processed Tomato Puree 2.3.14
(including mushrooms and fungi, roots and tubers, pulses and legumes, and aloe and Paste[]
roots and tubers, fresh pulses and vera), seaweeds, and nuts and seeds
legumes, and aloe vera),
seaweeds, and nuts and seeds
04 - Fruits and vegetables 04.2 - Vegetables (including mushrooms and fungi, Peanut Butter[] 2.2.4(11)
(including mushrooms and fungi, roots and tubers, pulses and legumes, and aloe
roots and tubers, fresh pulses and vera), seaweeds, and nuts and seeds
legumes, and aloe vera),
seaweeds, and nuts and seeds
04 - Fruits and vegetables 04.2 - Vegetables (including mushrooms and fungi, Vegetable Pulp/Puree with 2.3.16
(including mushrooms and fungi, roots and tubers, pulses and legumes, and aloe Preservatives for Industrial Use
roots and tubers, fresh pulses and vera), seaweeds, and nuts and seeds only[]
legumes, and aloe vera),
seaweeds, and nuts and seeds
04 - Fruits and vegetables 04.2 - Vegetables (including mushrooms and fungi, Concentrated Vegetable Pulp/Puree 2.3.17(4)
(including mushrooms and fungi, roots and tubers, pulses and legumes, and aloe with Preservatives for industrial use
roots and tubers, fresh pulses and vera), seaweeds, and nuts and seeds only[]
legumes, and aloe vera),
seaweeds, and nuts and seeds
04 - Fruits and vegetables 04.2 - Vegetables (including mushrooms and fungi, Ginger paste[] 2.3.28 (2)(4)
(including mushrooms and fungi, roots and tubers, pulses and legumes, and aloe
roots and tubers, fresh pulses and vera), seaweeds, and nuts and seeds
legumes, and aloe vera),
seaweeds, and nuts and seeds
04 - Fruits and vegetables 04.2 - Vegetables (including mushrooms and fungi, Cocoa Beans[] 2.3.54
(including mushrooms and fungi, roots and tubers, pulses and legumes, and aloe
roots and tubers, fresh pulses and vera), seaweeds, and nuts and seeds
legumes, and aloe vera),
seaweeds, and nuts and seeds
04 - Fruits and vegetables 04.2 - Vegetables (including mushrooms and fungi, Pickled Fungi[] 2.3.62 (3) (iii)
(including mushrooms and fungi, roots and tubers, pulses and legumes, and aloe
roots and tubers, fresh pulses and vera), seaweeds, and nuts and seeds
legumes, and aloe vera),
seaweeds, and nuts and seeds 13/42
06/05/2022, 13:47 FoSCoS - FSSAI
04 - Fruits and vegetables 04.2 - Vegetables (including mushrooms and fungi, Fermented Fungi[] 2.3.62 (3) (iv)
(including mushrooms and fungi, roots and tubers, pulses and legumes, and aloe
roots and tubers, fresh pulses and vera), seaweeds, and nuts and seeds
legumes, and aloe vera),
seaweeds, and nuts and seeds
04 - Fruits and vegetables 04.2 - Vegetables (including mushrooms and fungi, Frozen Curried Vegetables/Ready-to- 2.3.39
(including mushrooms and fungi, roots and tubers, pulses and legumes, and aloe Eat Vegetables[]
roots and tubers, fresh pulses and vera), seaweeds, and nuts and seeds
legumes, and aloe vera),
seaweeds, and nuts and seeds
04 - Fruits and vegetables 04.2 - Vegetables (including mushrooms and fungi, Quick Frozen Fried Potatoes[] 2.3.60
(including mushrooms and fungi, roots and tubers, pulses and legumes, and aloe
roots and tubers, fresh pulses and vera), seaweeds, and nuts and seeds
legumes, and aloe vera),
seaweeds, and nuts and seeds
04 - Fruits and vegetables 04.2 - Vegetables (including mushrooms and fungi, Untreated fresh vegetables[] File No. 12(2) 2018/FBO
(including mushrooms and fungi, roots and tubers, pulses and legumes, and aloe representation/Enf/FSSAI
roots and tubers, fresh pulses and vera), seaweeds, and nuts and seeds (Vol. II) dated 10 Aug.
legumes, and aloe vera), 2021
seaweeds, and nuts and seeds
04 - Fruits and vegetables 04.2 - Vegetables (including mushrooms and fungi, Surface-treated fresh File No. 12(2) 2018/FBO
(including mushrooms and fungi, roots and tubers, pulses and legumes, and aloe vegetables[] representation/Enf/FSSAI
roots and tubers, fresh pulses and vera), seaweeds, and nuts and seeds (Vol. II) dated 10 Aug.
legumes, and aloe vera), 2021
seaweeds, and nuts and seeds
04 - Fruits and vegetables 04.2 - Vegetables (including mushrooms and fungi, Peeled, cut or shredded minimally File No. 12(2) 2018/FBO
(including mushrooms and fungi, roots and tubers, pulses and legumes, and aloe processed vegetables[] representation/Enf/FSSAI
roots and tubers, fresh pulses and vera), seaweeds, and nuts and seeds (Vol. II) dated 10 Aug.
legumes, and aloe vera), 2021
seaweeds, and nuts and seeds
04 - Fruits and vegetables 04.2 - Vegetables (including mushrooms and fungi, YELLOW PEA POWDER[] 2.4.36
(including mushrooms and fungi, roots and tubers, pulses and legumes, and aloe
roots and tubers, fresh pulses and vera), seaweeds, and nuts and seeds
legumes, and aloe vera),
seaweeds, and nuts and seeds
05 - Confectionery 05.1 - Cocoa products and chocolate products Dry Mixtures of Cocoa and 2.7.6
including imitations and chocolate substitutes Sugars[05.1.1]
05 - Confectionery 05.1 - Cocoa products and chocolate products Cocoa Powder[05.1.1] 2.7.7
including imitations and chocolate substitutes
05 - Confectionery 05.1 - Cocoa products and chocolate products Cocoa mass or Cocoa/Chocolate 2.7.8
including imitations and chocolate substitutes Liquor and Cocoa Cake[05.1.1]
05 - Confectionery 05.2 - Confectionery including hard and soft candy, Sugar boiled confectionery (Hard 2.7.1
nougats, etc. other than food categories 5.1, 5.3, Candy)[05.2.1]
and 5.4
05 - Confectionery 05.2 - Confectionery including hard and soft candy, Sugar boiled confectionery (Soft 2.7.1
nougats, etc. other than food categories 5.1, 5.3, Candy)[05.2.2]
and 5.4
05 - Confectionery 05.2 - Confectionery including hard and soft candy, Lozenges[05.2.1] 2.7.2
nougats, etc. other than food categories 5.1, 5.3,
and 5.4
05 - Confectionery 05.2 - Confectionery including hard and soft candy, Dried fruits/vegetables/nut based File No. RCD-
nougats, etc. other than food categories 5.1, 5.3, mouth fresheners[] 12005/1/2021-
and 5.4 Regulatory-FSSAI-Part (1)
dated 22nd September,
2021 14/42
06/05/2022, 13:47 FoSCoS - FSSAI
05 - Confectionery 05.2 - Confectionery including hard and soft candy, Spice based mouth File No. RCD-
nougats, etc. other than food categories 5.1, 5.3, fresheners[] 12005/1/2021-
and 5.4 Regulatory-FSSAI-Part (1)
dated 22nd September,
05 - Confectionery 05.2 - Confectionery including hard and soft candy, Other traditional mouth fresheners File No. RCD-
nougats, etc. other than food categories 5.1, 5.3, not covered under and 12005/1/2021-
and 5.4[] Regulatory-FSSAI-Part (1)
dated 22nd September,
05 - Confectionery 05.3 - Chewing gum Chewing gum and bubble gum[05.3] 2.7.3
06 - Cereals and cereal products, 06.1 - Whole, broken, or flaked grain, including rice Bean[06.1] 2.3.48
derived from cereal grains, from
roots and tubers, pulses,legumes
and pith or soft core of palm tree,
excluding bakery wares of food
category 7.0
06 - Cereals and cereal products, 06.1 - Whole, broken, or flaked grain, including rice Soyabeans[06.1] 2.4.19
derived from cereal grains, from
roots and tubers, pulses,legumes
and pith or soft core of palm tree,
excluding bakery wares of food
category 7.0
06 - Cereals and cereal products, 06.1 - Whole, broken, or flaked grain, including rice Pearl Barley (Jau)[06.1] 2.4.5 (1)
derived from cereal grains, from
roots and tubers, pulses,legumes
and pith or soft core of palm tree,
excluding bakery wares of food
category 7.0
06 - Cereals and cereal products, 06.1 - Whole, broken, or flaked grain, including rice Wholemeal barley powder or barley 2.4.5 (2)
derived from cereal grains, from flour or choker yukt jau ka
roots and tubers, pulses,legumes churan[06.1]
and pith or soft core of palm tree,
excluding bakery wares of food
category 7.0
06 - Cereals and cereal products, 06.1 - Whole, broken, or flaked grain, including rice Wheat[06.1] 2.4.6 (2)
derived from cereal grains, from
roots and tubers, pulses,legumes
and pith or soft core of palm tree,
excluding bakery wares of food
category 7.0
06 - Cereals and cereal products, 06.1 - Whole, broken, or flaked grain, including rice Maize[06.1] 2.4.6 (3)
derived from cereal grains, from
roots and tubers, pulses,legumes
and pith or soft core of palm tree,
excluding bakery wares of food
category 7.0
06 - Cereals and cereal products, 06.1 - Whole, broken, or flaked grain, including rice Jawar [06.1] 2.4.6 (4)
derived from cereal grains, from
roots and tubers, pulses,legumes
and pith or soft core of palm tree,
excluding bakery wares of food
category 7.0
06 - Cereals and cereal products, 06.1 - Whole, broken, or flaked grain, including rice Rice[06.1] 2.4.6. (24)
derived from cereal grains, from
roots and tubers, pulses,legumes
and pith or soft core of palm tree,
excluding bakery wares of food
category 7.0 15/42
06/05/2022, 13:47 FoSCoS - FSSAI
06 - Cereals and cereal products, 06.1 - Whole, broken, or flaked grain, including rice Any other foodgrains[06.1] 2.4.6 (15)
derived from cereal grains, from
roots and tubers, pulses,legumes
and pith or soft core of palm tree,
excluding bakery wares of food
category 7.0
06 - Cereals and cereal products, 06.1 - Whole, broken, or flaked grain, including rice Unprocessed whole raw pulses (not 2.4.6 (16)
derived from cereal grains, from for direct human consumption)[06.1]
roots and tubers, pulses,legumes
and pith or soft core of palm tree,
excluding bakery wares of food
category 7.0
06 - Cereals and cereal products, 06.1 - Whole, broken, or flaked grain, including rice Oats[06.1] 2.4.6 (17)
derived from cereal grains, from
roots and tubers, pulses,legumes
and pith or soft core of palm tree,
excluding bakery wares of food
category 7.0
06 - Cereals and cereal products, 06.1 - Whole, broken, or flaked grain, including rice Quinoa[06.1] 2.4.6 (18)
derived from cereal grains, from
roots and tubers, pulses,legumes
and pith or soft core of palm tree,
excluding bakery wares of food
category 7.0
06 - Cereals and cereal products, 06.1 - Whole, broken, or flaked grain, including rice Durum Wheat[06.1] 2.4.6 (19)
derived from cereal grains, from
roots and tubers, pulses,legumes
and pith or soft core of palm tree,
excluding bakery wares of food
category 7.0
06 - Cereals and cereal products, 06.1 - Whole, broken, or flaked grain, including rice Finger Millet (Ragi)[06.1] 2.4.6 (20)
derived from cereal grains, from
roots and tubers, pulses,legumes
and pith or soft core of palm tree,
excluding bakery wares of food
category 7.0
06 - Cereals and cereal products, 06.1 - Whole, broken, or flaked grain, including rice Amaranth[06.1] 2.4.6 (21)
derived from cereal grains, from
roots and tubers, pulses,legumes
and pith or soft core of palm tree,
excluding bakery wares of food
category 7.0
06 - Cereals and cereal products, 06.1 - Whole, broken, or flaked grain, including rice Pulses (Lentil (Masur), Black gram 2.4.6 (22)
derived from cereal grains, from (Urd), Green gram (Moong), Bengal
roots and tubers, pulses,legumes gram (Chana or Chick pea) or Kabuli
and pith or soft core of palm tree, chana or Chhole or(green chick pea)
excluding bakery wares of food hara chana, Red gram (Arhar), Horse
category 7.0 gram (Kulthi), Field bean (Black,
Brown, White), Sem, Peas dry
(Matra), Soybean, Rajmah or Double
beans or Broad beans or Black beans,
Lobia or black eyed beans or black
eyed white lobia, Moth bean (matki))
06 - Cereals and cereal products, 06.1 - Whole, broken, or flaked grain, including rice Whole and decorticated pearl millet 2.4.6 (23)
derived from cereal grains, from grains (Bajra)[06.1]
roots and tubers, pulses,legumes
and pith or soft core of palm tree,
excluding bakery wares of food
category 7.0 16/42
06/05/2022, 13:47 FoSCoS - FSSAI
06 - Cereals and cereal products, 06.1 - Whole, broken, or flaked grain, including rice Chia Seeds[6.1] 2.4.6 (25)
derived from cereal grains, from
roots and tubers, pulses,legumes
and pith or soft core of palm tree,
excluding bakery wares of food
category 7.0
06 - Cereals and cereal products, 06.1 - Whole, broken, or flaked grain, including rice JOWAR (Sorghum grains)[6.1] 2.4.6 (4)
derived from cereal grains, from
roots and tubers, pulses,legumes
and pith or soft core of palm tree,
excluding bakery wares of food
category 7.0
06 - Cereals and cereal products, 06.2 - Flours and starches (including soybean Solvent Extract Soya Flour[06.2.1] 2.4.13(1)
derived from cereal grains, from powder)
roots and tubers, pulses,legumes
and pith or soft core of palm tree,
excluding bakery wares of food
category 7.0
06 - Cereals and cereal products, 06.2 - Flours and starches (including soybean Solvent Extracted Groundnut 2.4.13(2)
derived from cereal grains, from powder) Flour[6.2.1]
roots and tubers, pulses,legumes
and pith or soft core of palm tree,
excluding bakery wares of food
category 7.0
06 - Cereals and cereal products, 06.2 - Flours and starches (including soybean Solvent Extracted Sesame 2.4.13(3)
derived from cereal grains, from powder) Flour[6.2.1]
roots and tubers, pulses,legumes
and pith or soft core of palm tree,
excluding bakery wares of food
category 7.0
06 - Cereals and cereal products, 06.2 - Flours and starches (including soybean Solvent Extracted Coconut 2.4.13(4)
derived from cereal grains, from powder) Flour[6.2.1]
roots and tubers, pulses,legumes
and pith or soft core of palm tree,
excluding bakery wares of food
category 7.0
06 - Cereals and cereal products, 06.2 - Flours and starches (including soybean Solvent Extracted Cotton seed 2.4.13(5)
derived from cereal grains, from powder) Flour[6.2.1]
roots and tubers, pulses,legumes
and pith or soft core of palm tree,
excluding bakery wares of food
category 7.0
06 - Cereals and cereal products, 06.2 - Flours and starches (including soybean Atta [06.2.1] 2.4.1
derived from cereal grains, from powder)
roots and tubers, pulses,legumes
and pith or soft core of palm tree,
excluding bakery wares of food
category 7.0
06 - Cereals and cereal products, 06.2 - Flours and starches (including soybean Wheat Protein Products including 2.4.22
derived from cereal grains, from powder) Wheat Gluten[06.2.1]
roots and tubers, pulses,legumes
and pith or soft core of palm tree,
excluding bakery wares of food
category 7.0
06 - Cereals and cereal products, 06.2 - Flours and starches (including soybean Maida (Refined Wheat Flour)[06.2.1] 2.4.2(1)
derived from cereal grains, from powder)
roots and tubers, pulses,legumes
and pith or soft core of palm tree,
excluding bakery wares of food
category 7.0 17/42
06/05/2022, 13:47 FoSCoS - FSSAI
06 - Cereals and cereal products, 06.2 - Flours and starches (including soybean Semolina (Suji or Rawa)[06.2.1] 2.4.3
derived from cereal grains, from powder)
roots and tubers, pulses,legumes
and pith or soft core of palm tree,
excluding bakery wares of food
category 7.0
06 - Cereals and cereal products, 06.2 - Flours and starches (including soybean Besan[06.2.1] 2.4.4
derived from cereal grains, from powder)
roots and tubers, pulses,legumes
and pith or soft core of palm tree,
excluding bakery wares of food
category 7.0
06 - Cereals and cereal products, 06.2 - Flours and starches (including soybean Expeller Pressed Edible Groundnut 2.4.16
derived from cereal grains, from powder) Flour[06.2.1]
roots and tubers, pulses,legumes
and pith or soft core of palm tree,
excluding bakery wares of food
category 7.0
06 - Cereals and cereal products, 06.2 - Flours and starches (including soybean Bajra Flour (Pearl Millet Flour) 2.4.17
derived from cereal grains, from powder) [06.2.1]
roots and tubers, pulses,legumes
and pith or soft core of palm tree,
excluding bakery wares of food
category 7.0
06 - Cereals and cereal products, 06.2 - Flours and starches (including soybean Jowar Flour (Sorghum Flour)[06.2.1] 2.4.18
derived from cereal grains, from powder)
roots and tubers, pulses,legumes
and pith or soft core of palm tree,
excluding bakery wares of food
category 7.0
06 - Cereals and cereal products, 06.2 - Flours and starches (including soybean Whole Maize (Corn) Flour[06.2.1] 2.4.21
derived from cereal grains, from powder)
roots and tubers, pulses,legumes
and pith or soft core of palm tree,
excluding bakery wares of food
category 7.0
06 - Cereals and cereal products, 06.2 - Flours and starches (including soybean Durum Wheat Semolina and Whole 2.4.23
derived from cereal grains, from powder) durum wheat semolina[06.2.1]
roots and tubers, pulses,legumes
and pith or soft core of palm tree,
excluding bakery wares of food
category 7.0
06 - Cereals and cereal products, 06.2 - Flours and starches (including soybean Degermed Maize (Corn) Meal and 2.4.24
derived from cereal grains, from powder) Maize (Corn) Grits[06.2.1]
roots and tubers, pulses,legumes
and pith or soft core of palm tree,
excluding bakery wares of food
category 7.0
06 - Cereals and cereal products, 06.2 - Flours and starches (including soybean Sago flour [06.2.1] 2.4.28
derived from cereal grains, from powder)
roots and tubers, pulses,legumes
and pith or soft core of palm tree,
excluding bakery wares of food
category 7.0
06 - Cereals and cereal products, 06.2 - Flours and starches (including soybean Custard powder[06.2.1] 2.4.9
derived from cereal grains, from powder)
roots and tubers, pulses,legumes
and pith or soft core of palm tree,
excluding bakery wares of food
category 7.0 18/42
06/05/2022, 13:47 FoSCoS - FSSAI
06 - Cereals and cereal products, 06.2 - Flours and starches (including soybean Carob Powder[06.2.1] 2.11.7
derived from cereal grains, from powder)
roots and tubers, pulses,legumes
and pith or soft core of palm tree,
excluding bakery wares of food
category 7.0
06 - Cereals and cereal products, 06.2 - Flours and starches (including soybean MAIZE STARCH[06.2.2] 2.4.7
derived from cereal grains, from powder)
roots and tubers, pulses,legumes
and pith or soft core of palm tree,
excluding bakery wares of food
category 7.0
06 - Cereals and cereal products, 06.2 - Flours and starches (including soybean Arrowroot[06.2.2] 2.4.14 (1)
derived from cereal grains, from powder)
roots and tubers, pulses,legumes
and pith or soft core of palm tree,
excluding bakery wares of food
category 7.0
06 - Cereals and cereal products, 06.2 - Flours and starches (including soybean Tapioca Sago[06.2.2] 2.4.14 (2)
derived from cereal grains, from powder)
roots and tubers, pulses,legumes
and pith or soft core of palm tree,
excluding bakery wares of food
category 7.0
06 - Cereals and cereal products, 06.2 - Flours and starches (including soybean Palm sago starch[06.2.2] 2.4.14 (3)
derived from cereal grains, from powder)
roots and tubers, pulses,legumes
and pith or soft core of palm tree,
excluding bakery wares of food
category 7.0
06 - Cereals and cereal products, 06.2 - Flours and starches (including soybean Cassava or Tapioca product (Gari) 2.4.31
derived from cereal grains, from powder) [6.2.1]
roots and tubers, pulses,legumes
and pith or soft core of palm tree,
excluding bakery wares of food
category 7.0
06 - Cereals and cereal products, 06.2 - Flours and starches (including soybean Edible Cassava or Tapioca Flour[6.2.1] 2.4.32
derived from cereal grains, from powder)
roots and tubers, pulses,legumes
and pith or soft core of palm tree,
excluding bakery wares of food
category 7.0
06 - Cereals and cereal products, 06.2 - Flours and starches (including soybean Roasted Bengal Gram Flour ( Chana 2.4.33
derived from cereal grains, from powder) Sattu)[6.2.1]
roots and tubers, pulses,legumes
and pith or soft core of palm tree,
excluding bakery wares of food
category 7.0
06 - Cereals and cereal products, 06.2 - Flours and starches (including soybean Wheat bran[6.2.1] 2.4.29
derived from cereal grains, from powder)
roots and tubers, pulses,legumes
and pith or soft core of palm tree,
excluding bakery wares of food
category 7.0
06 - Cereals and cereal products, 06.2 - Flours and starches (including soybean Ragi Flour[6.2.1] 2.4.34
derived from cereal grains, from powder)
roots and tubers, pulses,legumes
and pith or soft core of palm tree,
excluding bakery wares of food
category 7.0 19/42
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06 - Cereals and cereal products, 06.2 - Flours and starches (including soybean WATER CHESTNUT FLOUR (SINGHARE 2.3.64
derived from cereal grains, from powder) KA ATTA)[6.2.1]
roots and tubers, pulses,legumes
and pith or soft core of palm tree,
excluding bakery wares of food
category 7.0
06 - Cereals and cereal products, 06.2 - Flours and starches (including soybean Multigrain flour (atta)[6.2.1] 2.4.37
derived from cereal grains, from powder)
roots and tubers, pulses,legumes
and pith or soft core of palm tree,
excluding bakery wares of food
category 7.0
06 - Cereals and cereal products, 06.2 - Flours and starches (including soybean Mixed Millet Flour[6.2.1] 2.4.38
derived from cereal grains, from powder)
roots and tubers, pulses,legumes
and pith or soft core of palm tree,
excluding bakery wares of food
category 7.0
06 - Cereals and cereal products, 06.3 - Breakfast cereals, including rolled oats Corn Flakes[06.3] 2.4.8
derived from cereal grains, from
roots and tubers, pulses,legumes
and pith or soft core of palm tree,
excluding bakery wares of food
category 7.0
06 - Cereals and cereal products, 06.3 - Breakfast cereals, including rolled oats Oat Products[06.3] 2.4.12
derived from cereal grains, from
roots and tubers, pulses,legumes
and pith or soft core of palm tree,
excluding bakery wares of food
category 7.0
06 - Cereals and cereal products, 06.3 - Breakfast cereals, including rolled oats Fruit/Vegetable, Cereal Flakes[06.3] 2.3.20
derived from cereal grains, from
roots and tubers, pulses,legumes
and pith or soft core of palm tree,
excluding bakery wares of food
category 7.0
06 - Cereals and cereal products, 06.3 - Breakfast cereals, including rolled oats Breakfast Cereal[6.3] 2.4.35
derived from cereal grains, from
roots and tubers, pulses,legumes
and pith or soft core of palm tree,
excluding bakery wares of food
category 7.0
06 - Cereals and cereal products, 06.4 - Pastas and noodles and like products Macaroni Products[06.4.2] 2.4.10
derived from cereal grains, from
roots and tubers, pulses,legumes
and pith or soft core of palm tree,
excluding bakery wares of food
category 7.0
06 - Cereals and cereal products, 06.4 - Pastas and noodles and like products Macaroni Products[06.4.3] 2.4.10
derived from cereal grains, from
roots and tubers, pulses,legumes
and pith or soft core of palm tree,
excluding bakery wares of food
category 7.0
06 - Cereals and cereal products, 06.7 - Pre-cooked or processed cereal/grain/legume Malted Milk Food[06.7] 2.4.11(1)
derived from cereal grains, from products
roots and tubers, pulses,legumes
and pith or soft core of palm tree,
excluding bakery wares of food
category 7.0 20/42
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06 - Cereals and cereal products, 06.7 - Pre-cooked or processed cereal/grain/legume Malt Based Foods(Malt Food)[06.7] 2.4.11(2)
derived from cereal grains, from products
roots and tubers, pulses,legumes
and pith or soft core of palm tree,
excluding bakery wares of food
category 7.0
06 - Cereals and cereal products, 06.7 - Pre-cooked or processed cereal/grain/legume Malt Extract[06.7] 2.4.11 (3)
derived from cereal grains, from products
roots and tubers, pulses,legumes
and pith or soft core of palm tree,
excluding bakery wares of food
category 7.0
06 - Cereals and cereal products, 06.7 - Pre-cooked or processed cereal/grain/legume Couscous[06.7] 2.4.25
derived from cereal grains, from products
roots and tubers, pulses,legumes
and pith or soft core of palm tree,
excluding bakery wares of food
category 7.0
06 - Cereals and cereal products, 06.8 - Soybean products (excluding soybean-based Soy Protein Products[06.8] 2.4.20
derived from cereal grains, from seasonings, and condiments of food category 12.9)
roots and tubers, pulses,legumes
and pith or soft core of palm tree,
excluding bakery wares of food
category 7.0
06 - Cereals and cereal products, 06.8 - Soybean products (excluding soybean-based Textured Soy Protein (Soy Bari or Soy 2.4.27
derived from cereal grains, from seasonings, and condiments of food category 12.9) Chunks or Soy Granules)[06.8]
roots and tubers, pulses,legumes
and pith or soft core of palm tree,
excluding bakery wares of food
category 7.0
06 - Cereals and cereal products, 06.8 - Soybean products (excluding soybean-based Tempe [06.8.6] 2.4.26
derived from cereal grains, from seasonings, and condiments of food category 12.9)
roots and tubers, pulses,legumes
and pith or soft core of palm tree,
excluding bakery wares of food
category 7.0
06 - Cereals and cereal products, 06.8 - Soybean products (excluding soybean-based Fermented soybean paste[06.8.6] 2.3.57
derived from cereal grains, from seasonings, and condiments of food category 12.9)
roots and tubers, pulses,legumes
and pith or soft core of palm tree,
excluding bakery wares of food
category 7.0
06 - Cereals and cereal products, 06.8 - Soybean products (excluding soybean-based Soybean Beverages and Related 2.4.30 (1)
derived from cereal grains, from seasonings, and condiments of food category 12.9) Products[6.8.1]
roots and tubers, pulses,legumes
and pith or soft core of palm tree,
excluding bakery wares of food
category 7.0
06 - Cereals and cereal products, 06.8 - Soybean products (excluding soybean-based Soybean Curd and Related 2.4.30 (2)
derived from cereal grains, from seasonings, and condiments of food category 12.9) Products[6.8..3]
roots and tubers, pulses,legumes
and pith or soft core of palm tree,
excluding bakery wares of food
category 7.0
06 - Cereals and cereal products, 06.8 - Soybean products (excluding soybean-based Compressed Soybean Curd[6.8.4] 2.4.30 (3)
derived from cereal grains, from seasonings, and condiments of food category 12.9)
roots and tubers, pulses,legumes
and pith or soft core of palm tree,
excluding bakery wares of food
category 7.0 21/42
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06 - Cereals and cereal products, 06.8 - Soybean products (excluding soybean-based Dehydrated Soybean Curd Film[6.8.2] 2.4.30 (4)
derived from cereal grains, from seasonings, and condiments of food category 12.9)
roots and tubers, pulses,legumes
and pith or soft core of palm tree,
excluding bakery wares of food
category 7.0
06 - Cereals and cereal products, 06.8 - Soybean products (excluding soybean-based Tofu[6.8.3] 2.4.30 (5)
derived from cereal grains, from seasonings, and condiments of food category 12.9)
roots and tubers, pulses,legumes
and pith or soft core of palm tree,
excluding bakery wares of food
category 7.0
07 - Bakery products 07.1 - Bread and ordinary bakery wares and mixes Bread and Bread-Type 2.4.15(2)
07 - Bakery products 07.2 - Fine bakery wares (sweet, salty, savoury) and Biscuit [07.2.1] 2.4.15(1)
07 - Bakery products 07.2 - Fine bakery wares (sweet, salty, savoury) and Wafer Biscuit[7.2.2] 2.4.15 (1)
08 - Meat and meat products, 08.1 - Fresh / frozen / chilled / ground meat and Fresh or Chilled or Frozen Pork or Pig 2.5.2 (7)
including poultry and game poultry Meat[08.1]
08 - Meat and meat products, 08.1 - Fresh / frozen / chilled / ground meat and Fresh or Chilled or Frozen Beef[08.1] 2.5.2 (8)
including poultry and game poultry
08 - Meat and meat products, 08.1 - Fresh / frozen / chilled / ground meat and Fresh or Chilled or Frozen chevon or 2.5.2 (9)
including poultry and game poultry Goat Meat[08.1]
08 - Meat and meat products, 08.1 - Fresh / frozen / chilled / ground meat and Fresh or Chilled or Frozen Mutton or 2.5.2 (10)
including poultry and game poultry Sheep Meat[08.1]
08 - Meat and meat products, 08.1 - Fresh / frozen / chilled / ground meat and Fresh or Chilled or Frozen Poultry 2.5.2 (11)
including poultry and game poultry Meat[08.1]
08 - Meat and meat products, 08.1 - Fresh / frozen / chilled / ground meat and Fresh or Chilled or Frozen Rabbit 2.5.2 (6)
including poultry and game poultry meat[8.1]
08 - Meat and meat products, 08.2 - Processed meat, and poultry products in Canned or Retort Pouch Meat 2.5.2 (1)
including poultry and game whole pieces or cuts Products[8.2.2]
08 - Meat and meat products, 08.2 - Processed meat, and poultry products in Dried or Dehydrated Meat 2.5.2 (4)
including poultry and game whole pieces or cuts Products[8.2]
08 - Meat and meat products, 08.2 - Processed meat, and poultry products in Cooked or Semi-Cooked Meat 2.5.2 (5)
including poultry and game whole pieces or cuts Products[8.2]
08 - Meat and meat products, 08.2 - Processed meat, and poultry products in Fresh or Chilled or Frozen Rabbit 2.5.2 (6)
including poultry and game whole pieces or cuts meat[8.2.3]
08 - Meat and meat products, 08.3 - Processed comminuted meat and poultry MARINATED MEAT PRODUCTS[8.3.1] 2.5.2 (12)
including poultry and game products
08 - Meat and meat products, 08.3 - Processed comminuted meat and poultry FERMENTED MEAT 2.5.2 (13)
including poultry and game products PRODUCTS[]
08 - Meat and meat products, 08.3 - Processed comminuted meat and poultry Canned or Retort Pouch Meat 2.5.2 (1)
including poultry and game products Products[8.3.2]
08 - Meat and meat products, 08.3 - Processed comminuted meat and poultry Comminuted or Restructured Meat 2.5.2 (2)
including poultry and game products Products[8.3]
08 - Meat and meat products, 08.3 - Processed comminuted meat and poultry Cured or Pickled and Cooked or 2.5.2 (3)
including poultry and game products Smoked Meat Products, or both[8.3]
08 - Meat and meat products, 08.4 - Edible casings (e.g sausage casings) Animal Casings[8.4] 2.5.2 (14)
including poultry and game 22/42
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09 - Fish and fish products, 09.1 - Fresh fish and fish products, including Live and Raw Bivalve 2.6.1 (18)
including molluscs, crustaceans, molluscs, crustaceans, and echinoderms Molluscs[09.1.2]
and echinoderms
09 - Fish and fish products, 09.2 - Processed fish and fish products, including Frozen shrimp[09.2.1] 2.6.1 (1)
including molluscs, crustaceans, molluscs, crustaceans, and echinoderms
and echinoderms
09 - Fish and fish products, 09.2 - Processed fish and fish products, including Frozen Lobsters[09.2.1] 2.6.1(2)
including molluscs, crustaceans, molluscs, crustaceans, and echinoderms
and echinoderms
09 - Fish and fish products, 09.2 - Processed fish and fish products, including Frozen squid and parts of 2.6.1 (3)
including molluscs, crustaceans, molluscs, crustaceans, and echinoderms squid[09.2.1]
and echinoderms
09 - Fish and fish products, 09.2 - Processed fish and fish products, including Frozen finfish[09.2.1] 2.6.1 (4)
including molluscs, crustaceans, molluscs, crustaceans, and echinoderms
and echinoderms
09 - Fish and fish products, 09.2 - Processed fish and fish products, including Frozen fish fillets[09.2.1] 2.6.1 (5)
including molluscs, crustaceans, molluscs, crustaceans, and echinoderms
and echinoderms
09 - Fish and fish products, 09.2 - Processed fish and fish products, including Frozen Cephalopods[09.2.1] 2.6.1 (9)
including molluscs, crustaceans, molluscs, crustaceans, and echinoderms
and echinoderms
09 - Fish and fish products, 09.2 - Processed fish and fish products, including Frozen Clam meat[09.2.1] 2.6.1 (17)
including molluscs, crustaceans, molluscs, crustaceans, and echinoderms
and echinoderms
09 - Fish and fish products, 09.2 - Processed fish and fish products, including Fresh and Quick Frozen Raw Scallop 2.6.1 (22)
including molluscs, crustaceans, molluscs, crustaceans, and echinoderms Products[09.2.1]
and echinoderms
09 - Fish and fish products, 09.2 - Processed fish and fish products, including Quick Frozen Fish Sticks (fish fingers), 2.6.1 (21)
including molluscs, crustaceans, molluscs, crustaceans, and echinoderms Fish Portions and Fish Fillets -
and echinoderms Breaded or Battered[09.2.2]
09 - Fish and fish products, 09.2 - Processed fish and fish products, including Frozen Minced Fish Meat[09.2.3] 2.6.1 (15)
including molluscs, crustaceans, molluscs, crustaceans, and echinoderms
and echinoderms
09 - Fish and fish products, 09.2 - Processed fish and fish products, including Salted Fish/ dried salted fish[09.2.5] 2.6.1 (7)
including molluscs, crustaceans, molluscs, crustaceans, and echinoderms
and echinoderms
09 - Fish and fish products, 09.2 - Processed fish and fish products, including Edible Fish Powder[09.2.5] 2.6.1(13)
including molluscs, crustaceans, molluscs, crustaceans, and echinoderms
and echinoderms
09 - Fish and fish products, 09.2 - Processed fish and fish products, including Freeze dried prawns (Shrimps) 2.6.1(16)
including molluscs, crustaceans, molluscs, crustaceans, and echinoderms [09.2.5]
and echinoderms
09 - Fish and fish products, 09.2 - Processed fish and fish products, including Smoked Fishery Products[09.2.5] 2.6.1 (10)
including molluscs, crustaceans, molluscs, crustaceans, and echinoderms
and echinoderms
09 - Fish and fish products, 09.2 - Processed fish and fish products, including Pasteurized Fish Sausage[] 2.6.1 (23)
including molluscs, crustaceans, molluscs, crustaceans, and echinoderms
and echinoderms
09 - Fish and fish products, 09.2 - Processed fish and fish products, including Pasteurised Crab Meat[] 2.6.1 (24)
including molluscs, crustaceans, molluscs, crustaceans, and echinoderms
and echinoderms
09 - Fish and fish products, 09.3 - Semi-preserved fish and fish products, Fish pickles[09.3.2] 2.6.1(14)
including molluscs, crustaceans, including molluscs, crustaceans, and echinoderms
and echinoderms 23/42
06/05/2022, 13:47 FoSCoS - FSSAI
09 - Fish and fish products, 09.3 - Semi-preserved fish and fish products, Sturgeon Caviar[09.3.3] 2.6.1 (19)
including molluscs, crustaceans, including molluscs, crustaceans, and echinoderms
and echinoderms
09 - Fish and fish products, 09.4 - Fully preserved, including canned or Canned Fishery Products[09.4] 2.6.1 (8)
including molluscs, crustaceans, fermented fish and fish products, including
and echinoderms molluscs, crustaceans, and echinoderms
09 - Fish and fish products, 09.4 - Fully preserved, including canned or Ready –to-Eat Finfish or Shell Fish 2.6.1(11)
including molluscs, crustaceans, fermented fish and fish products, including Curry in Retortable Pouches.[09.4]
and echinoderms molluscs, crustaceans, and echinoderms
10 - Eggs and egg products 10.1 - Fresh eggs Fresh Eggs[10.1] 2.5.3
10 - Eggs and egg products 10.2 - Egg products Frozen Egg Products[10.2.2] 2.5.3 (2)
10 - Eggs and egg products 10.2 - Egg products Egg powder[10.2.3] 2.5.3 (3)
10 - Eggs and egg products 10.2 - Egg products Liquid Egg Products[10.2.1] 2.5.3 (4)
10 - Eggs and egg products 10.3 - Preserved eggs, including alkaline, salted, Pickled Eggs[10.3] 2.5.3 (5)
and canned eggs
11 - Sweeteners, including honey 11.1 - Refined and raw sugars Refined Sugar[11.1.1] 2.8.1(2)
11 - Sweeteners, including honey 11.1 - Refined and raw sugars Dextrose[11.1.1] 2.8.5
11 - Sweeteners, including honey 11.1 - Refined and raw sugars Icing Sugar[11.1.2] 2.8.1(6)
11 - Sweeteners, including honey 11.1 - Refined and raw sugars Khandsari Sugar[11.1.3] 2.8.1(3)
11 - Sweeteners, including honey 11.1 - Refined and raw sugars Bura Sugar[11.1.3] 2.8.1(4)
11 - Sweeteners, including honey 11.1 - Refined and raw sugars Dried Glucose Syrup[] 2.8.7
11 - Sweeteners, including honey 11.1 - Refined and raw sugars Golden Syrup[] 2.8.6
11 - Sweeteners, including honey 11.1 - Refined and raw sugars Edible Lactose[11.1.4] 2.1.20
11 - Sweeteners, including honey 11.1 - Refined and raw sugars Plantation White Sugar[11.1.5] 2.8.1(1)
11 - Sweeteners, including honey 11.1 - Refined and raw sugars Cube Sugar[11.1.5] 2.8.1(5)
11 - Sweeteners, including honey 11.1 - Refined and raw sugars Misri[11.1.5] 2.8.2
11 - Sweeteners, including honey 11.1 - Refined and raw sugars Gur or Jaggery[11.1.6] 2.8.4(1)
11 - Sweeteners, including honey 11.1 - Refined and raw sugars Cane jaggery or cane gur[] 2.8.4(2)
11 - Sweeteners, including honey 11.6 - Table-top sweeteners, including those Sodium Saccharin (Food Grade)[11.6] 2.8.8
containing high-intensity sweeteners
11 - Sweeteners, including honey 11.6 - Table-top sweeteners, including those Aspartyl Phenyl Alanine Methyl Ester 2.8.9
containing high-intensity sweeteners (Aspertame)[11.6]
11 - Sweeteners, including honey 11.6 - Table-top sweeteners, including those Acesulfame Potassium[11.6] 2.8.10
containing high-intensity sweeteners
11 - Sweeteners, including honey 11.6 - Table-top sweeteners, including those Sucralose[11.6] 2.8.11
containing high-intensity sweeteners
11 - Sweeteners, including honey 11.6 - Table-top sweeteners, including those Calcium Saccharin (Food Grade)[11.6] 2.8.12
containing high-intensity sweeteners
12 - Salts, spices, soups, sauces, 12.10 - Protein products other than from soybeans Vegetable Protein Products[12.10] 2.3.59
salads and protein products
12 - Salts, spices, soups, sauces, 12.1 - Salt and salt substitutes Edible Common Salt[12.1.1] 2.9.30 (1)
salads and protein products
12 - Salts, spices, soups, sauces, 12.1 - Salt and salt substitutes Iodised salt[12.1.1] 2.9.30(2)
salads and protein products 24/42
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12 - Salts, spices, soups, sauces, 12.1 - Salt and salt substitutes Iron Fortified Iodized Salt (double 2.9.30(5)
salads and protein products Fortified salt)[12.1.1]
12 - Salts, spices, soups, sauces, 12.1 - Salt and salt substitutes Salt Substitutes[12.1.2] 2.9.30(6)
salads and protein products
12 - Salts, spices, soups, sauces, 12.2 - Herbs, spices, seasonings, and condiments Caraway (Siahjira)[12.2.1] 2.9.1
salads and protein products
12 - Salts, spices, soups, sauces, 12.2 - Herbs, spices, seasonings, and condiments Cardamom (Elaichi)[12.2.1] 2.9.2
salads and protein products
12 - Salts, spices, soups, sauces, 12.2 - Herbs, spices, seasonings, and condiments Chillies and Capsicum (Lal Mirchi) 2.9.3
salads and protein products [12.2.1]
12 - Salts, spices, soups, sauces, 12.2 - Herbs, spices, seasonings, and condiments Cinnamon (Dalchini)[12.2.1] 2.9.4
salads and protein products
12 - Salts, spices, soups, sauces, 12.2 - Herbs, spices, seasonings, and condiments Cassia (Taj)[12.2.1] 2.9.5
salads and protein products
12 - Salts, spices, soups, sauces, 12.2 - Herbs, spices, seasonings, and condiments Cloves (Laung)[12.2.1] 2.9.6
salads and protein products
12 - Salts, spices, soups, sauces, 12.2 - Herbs, spices, seasonings, and condiments Coriander (Dhania)[12.2.1] 2.9.7
salads and protein products
12 - Salts, spices, soups, sauces, 12.2 - Herbs, spices, seasonings, and condiments Cumin (Zeera, Kalonji)[12.2.1] 2.9.8
salads and protein products
12 - Salts, spices, soups, sauces, 12.2 - Herbs, spices, seasonings, and condiments Fennel (Saunf)[12.2.1] 2.9.9
salads and protein products
12 - Salts, spices, soups, sauces, 12.2 - Herbs, spices, seasonings, and condiments Fenugreek (Methi)[12.2.1] 2.9.10
salads and protein products
12 - Salts, spices, soups, sauces, 12.2 - Herbs, spices, seasonings, and condiments Dried Ginger (Sonth, Dried Adrak) 2.9.11
salads and protein products [12.2.1]
12 - Salts, spices, soups, sauces, 12.2 - Herbs, spices, seasonings, and condiments Mace (Jaipatri)[12.2.1] 2.9.12
salads and protein products
12 - Salts, spices, soups, sauces, 12.2 - Herbs, spices, seasonings, and condiments Mustard (Rai, Sarson)[12.2.1] 2.9.13
salads and protein products
12 - Salts, spices, soups, sauces, 12.2 - Herbs, spices, seasonings, and condiments Nutmeg (Jaiphal)[12.2.1] 2.9.14
salads and protein products
12 - Salts, spices, soups, sauces, 12.2 - Herbs, spices, seasonings, and condiments BLACK, WHITE & GREEN (BWG) 2.9.15
salads and protein products PEPPERS[12.2.1]
12 - Salts, spices, soups, sauces, 12.2 - Herbs, spices, seasonings, and condiments Poppy (Khas Khas)[12.2.1] 2.9.16
salads and protein products
12 - Salts, spices, soups, sauces, 12.2 - Herbs, spices, seasonings, and condiments Saffron (Kesar)[12.2.1] 2.9.17
salads and protein products
12 - Salts, spices, soups, sauces, 12.2 - Herbs, spices, seasonings, and condiments Turmeric (Haldi)[12.2.1] 2.9.18
salads and protein products
12 - Salts, spices, soups, sauces, 12.2 - Herbs, spices, seasonings, and condiments Curry Powder[12.2.1] 2.9.19
salads and protein products
12 - Salts, spices, soups, sauces, 12.2 - Herbs, spices, seasonings, and condiments Mixed Masala[12.2.1] 2.9.20
salads and protein products
12 - Salts, spices, soups, sauces, 12.2 - Herbs, spices, seasonings, and condiments Aniseed (Saunf) [12.2.1] 2.9.21
salads and protein products
12 - Salts, spices, soups, sauces, 12.2 - Herbs, spices, seasonings, and condiments Ajowan (Bishops seed)[12.2.1] 2.9.22
salads and protein products 25/42
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12 - Salts, spices, soups, sauces, 12.2 - Herbs, spices, seasonings, and condiments Dried Mango Slices[12.2.1] 2.9.23
salads and protein products
12 - Salts, spices, soups, sauces, 12.2 - Herbs, spices, seasonings, and condiments Dried Mango Powder (Amchur) 2.9.24
salads and protein products [12.2.1]
12 - Salts, spices, soups, sauces, 12.2 - Herbs, spices, seasonings, and condiments Garlic (Lahsun)[12.2.1] 2.9.26
salads and protein products
12 - Salts, spices, soups, sauces, 12.2 - Herbs, spices, seasonings, and condiments Celery[12.2.1] 2.9.27
salads and protein products
12 - Salts, spices, soups, sauces, 12.2 - Herbs, spices, seasonings, and condiments Dehydrated Onion (Sukha Pyaj) 2.9.28
salads and protein products [12.2.1]
12 - Salts, spices, soups, sauces, 12.2 - Herbs, spices, seasonings, and condiments Asafoetida (Hing or Hingra)[12.2.1] 2.9.29
salads and protein products
12 - Salts, spices, soups, sauces, 12.2 - Herbs, spices, seasonings, and condiments Harrisa (Red Hot Pepper Paste) 2.3.58
salads and protein products [12.2.1]
12 - Salts, spices, soups, sauces, 12.2 - Herbs, spices, seasonings, and condiments Seasoning[12.2.2] 2.9.31
salads and protein products
12 - Salts, spices, soups, sauces, 12.2 - Herbs, spices, seasonings, and condiments SPICE OLEORESINS[12.2.1] 2.9.32
salads and protein products
12 - Salts, spices, soups, sauces, 12.2 - Herbs, spices, seasonings, and condiments TEJPAT[12.2.1] 2.9.33
salads and protein products
12 - Salts, spices, soups, sauces, 12.2 - Herbs, spices, seasonings, and condiments STAR ANISE[12.2.1] 2.9.34
salads and protein products
12 - Salts, spices, soups, sauces, 12.2 - Herbs, spices, seasonings, and condiments Dried Oregano[12.2.1] 2.9.35
salads and protein products
12 - Salts, spices, soups, sauces, 12.2 - Herbs, spices, seasonings, and condiments Pimento or Allspice[12.2.1] 2.9.36
salads and protein products
12 - Salts, spices, soups, sauces, 12.2 - Herbs, spices, seasonings, and condiments Dried Laurel or Dried Bay Leaf 2.9.37
salads and protein products [12.2.1]
12 - Salts, spices, soups, sauces, 12.2 - Herbs, spices, seasonings, and condiments Dried Mint[12.2.1] 2.9.38
salads and protein products
12 - Salts, spices, soups, sauces, 12.2 - Herbs, spices, seasonings, and condiments Dried Rosemary[12.2.1] 2.9.39
salads and protein products
12 - Salts, spices, soups, sauces, 12.2 - Herbs, spices, seasonings, and condiments DRIED THYME[12.2.1] 2.9.40
salads and protein products
12 - Salts, spices, soups, sauces, 12.2 - Herbs, spices, seasonings, and condiments DRIED SAGE[12.2.1] 2.9.41
salads and protein products
12 - Salts, spices, soups, sauces, 12.2 - Herbs, spices, seasonings, and condiments Dried Sweet Basil Leaves[12.2.1] 2.9.42
salads and protein products
12 - Salts, spices, soups, sauces, 12.5 - Soups and broths Thermally Processed Vegetable 2.3.5
salads and protein products Soups[12.5.1]
12 - Salts, spices, soups, sauces, 12.5 - Soups and broths Soup Powders[12.5.2] 2.3.15
salads and protein products
12 - Salts, spices, soups, sauces, 12.6 - Sauces and like products Fish Sauce[12.6] 2.6.11(20)
salads and protein products
12 - Salts, spices, soups, sauces, 12.6 - Sauces and like products Tomato Ketchup and Tomato 2.3.27
salads and protein products Sauce[12.6.2] 26/42
06/05/2022, 13:47 FoSCoS - FSSAI
12 - Salts, spices, soups, sauces, 12.6 - Sauces and like products Chilli Sauce [12.6.2] 2.3.28 (2)(1)
salads and protein products
12 - Salts, spices, soups, sauces, 12.6 - Sauces and like products Fruits/Vegetable Sauces [12.6.2] 2.3.28 (2)(2)
salads and protein products
12 - Salts, spices, soups, sauces, 12.6 - Sauces and like products Culinary Sauce[12.6.2] 2.3.28 (2)(3)
salads and protein products
12 - Salts, spices, soups, sauces, 12.6 - Sauces and like products Culinary Pastes[12.6.3] 2.3.28 (2)(3)
salads and protein products
12 - Salts, spices, soups, sauces, 12.9 - Soybean-based seasonings and condiments SOYBEAN SAUCE[12.9.2] 2.3.29
salads and protein products
13 - Foodstuffs intended for 13.1 - Infant formulae, follow-up formulae, and Infant formula[13.1.1] chapter 2 (7)of Infant
particular nutritional uses formulae for special medical purposes for infants Nutrition Reguations
13 - Foodstuffs intended for 13.1 - Infant formulae, follow-up formulae, and Follow-up Formula[13.1.2] chapter 3(10) of Infant
particular nutritional uses formulae for special medical purposes for infants Nutrition Reguations
13 - Foodstuffs intended for 13.1 - Infant formulae, follow-up formulae, and Preterm infant milk substitute[13.1.3] Chapter 4 (13) of Infant
particular nutritional uses formulae for special medical purposes for infants Nutrition Reguation 2020
13 - Foodstuffs intended for 13.1 - Infant formulae, follow-up formulae, and Food for special medical purpose Chapter 4 (12) of Infant
particular nutritional uses formulae for special medical purposes for infants intended for infants[13.1.3] Nutrition reguation 2020
13 - Foodstuffs intended for 13.1 - Infant formulae, follow-up formulae, and Lactose free infant milk Chapter 4 (14) of Infant
particular nutritional uses formulae for special medical purposes for infants substitutes[13.1.3] Nutrition reguation 2020
13 - Foodstuffs intended for 13.1 - Infant formulae, follow-up formulae, and Hypoallergenic infant milk Chapter 4 (15) of Infant
particular nutritional uses formulae for special medical purposes for infants substitutes[13.1.3] Nutrition reguation 2020
13 - Foodstuffs intended for 13.1 - Infant formulae, follow-up formulae, and Foods for Infants with Inborn Errors Chapter 4 (16) of Infant
particular nutritional uses formulae for special medical purposes for infants of Metabolism (IEM)[13.1.3] Nutrition reguation 2020
13 - Foodstuffs intended for 13.2 - Complementary foods for infants and young Milk-cereal based complementary chapter 3 (8)of Infant
particular nutritional uses children food[13.2] Nutrition Reguations
13 - Foodstuffs intended for 13.2 - Complementary foods for infants and young Processed cereal based chapter 3 (9)of Infant
particular nutritional uses children complementary food[13.2] Nutrition Reguations
13 - Foodstuffs intended for 13.2 - Complementary foods for infants and young Formulated supplements for 2.4.11 (4)
particular nutritional uses children children[13.2]
13 - Foodstuffs intended for 13.2 - Complementary foods for infants and young Food for Infants based on traditional Chapter 3 (11) of Infant
particular nutritional uses children food ingredients[13.2] Nutrition Reguation 2020
14 - Beverages, excluding dairy 14.1 - Non-alcoholic ("soft") beverages Mineral water[14.1.1] 2.10.7
14 - Beverages, excluding dairy 14.1 - Non-alcoholic ("soft") beverages Packaged Drinking Water (other than 2.10.8
products Mineral Water)[14.1.1]
14 - Beverages, excluding dairy 14.1 - Non-alcoholic ("soft") beverages Drinking Water (Purified) sold 2.10.9
products through vending machine[14.1.1]
14 - Beverages, excluding dairy 14.1 - Non-alcoholic ("soft") beverages FRUIT JUICES[] 2.3.6
14 - Beverages, excluding dairy 14.1 - Non-alcoholic ("soft") beverages Fruit Juice with Preservatives for 2.3.16
products Industrial Use only[]
14 - Beverages, excluding dairy 14.1 - Non-alcoholic ("soft") beverages VEGETABLE JUICES[] 2.3.7
14 - Beverages, excluding dairy 14.1 - Non-alcoholic ("soft") beverages Thermally Processed Tomato 2.3.8
products Juice[] 27/42
06/05/2022, 13:47 FoSCoS - FSSAI
14 - Beverages, excluding dairy 14.1 - Non-alcoholic ("soft") beverages Vegetable Juice with Preservatives for 2.3.16
products Industrial Use only[]
14 - Beverages, excluding dairy 14.1 - Non-alcoholic ("soft") beverages Thermally Processed Concentrated 2.3.13
products Fruit Juice Pulp/ Puree[]
14 - Beverages, excluding dairy 14.1 - Non-alcoholic ("soft") beverages Concentrated Fruit Juice with 2.3.17(1)
products Preservatives for industrial use
14 - Beverages, excluding dairy 14.1 - Non-alcoholic ("soft") beverages Concentrated Vegetable Juice with 2.3.17(2)
products Preservatives for industrial use
14 - Beverages, excluding dairy 14.1 - Non-alcoholic ("soft") beverages Thermally Processed Concentrated 2.3.13
products Vegetable Juice Pulp/ Puree[]
14 - Beverages, excluding dairy 14.1 - Non-alcoholic ("soft") beverages Themally Processed Fruit 2.3.9
products Nectars[]
14 - Beverages, excluding dairy 14.1 - Non-alcoholic ("soft") beverages Carbonated Water[] 2.10.6 (1)
14 - Beverages, excluding dairy 14.1 - Non-alcoholic ("soft") beverages Non-carbonated Water Based 2.10.6 (3)
products Beverages (Non-Alcoholic)[]
14 - Beverages, excluding dairy 14.1 - Non-alcoholic ("soft") beverages Thermally Processed Fruit Beverages 2.3.10
products / Fruit Drink/ Ready to Serve Fruit
14 - Beverages, excluding dairy 14.1 - Non-alcoholic ("soft") beverages Ginger Cocktail[] 2.3.22
14 - Beverages, excluding dairy 14.1 - Non-alcoholic ("soft") beverages Squash [] 2.3.21(1)
14 - Beverages, excluding dairy 14.1 - Non-alcoholic ("soft") beverages Fruit Syrup/ Fruit Sharbats[] 2.3.21(3)
14 - Beverages, excluding dairy 14.1 - Non-alcoholic ("soft") beverages Barley Water[] 2.3.21(5)
14 - Beverages, excluding dairy 14.1 - Non-alcoholic ("soft") beverages Synthetic Syrup for use in Dispensers 2.3.23
products for Carbonated Water[]
14 - Beverages, excluding dairy 14.1 - Non-alcoholic ("soft") beverages Synthetic Syrup or Sharbat[] 2.3.24
14 - Beverages, excluding dairy 14.1 - Non-alcoholic ("soft") beverages Fruit Based Beverage Mix/Powdered 2.3.40
products Fruit Based Beverage[]
14 - Beverages, excluding dairy 14.1 - Non-alcoholic ("soft") beverages Coffee-Chicory Mixture[14.1.5] 2.10.4
14 - Beverages, excluding dairy 14.1 - Non-alcoholic ("soft") beverages Caffeinated Beverage[14.1.5] 2.10.6 (2)
products 28/42
06/05/2022, 13:47 FoSCoS - FSSAI
14 - Beverages, excluding dairy 14.1 - Non-alcoholic ("soft") beverages Carbonated Fruit Beverages or Fruit 2.3.30
products Drinks[14.1.4]
14 - Beverages, excluding dairy 14.1 - Non-alcoholic ("soft") beverages Kangra Tea[14.1.5] 2.10.1(2)
14 - Beverages, excluding dairy 14.1 - Non-alcoholic ("soft") beverages Green Tea[14.1.5] 2.10.1(3)
14 - Beverages, excluding dairy 14.1 - Non-alcoholic ("soft") beverages Instant Tea in Solid Form[14.1.5] 2.10.1 (4)
14 - Beverages, excluding dairy 14.2 - Alcoholic beverages, including alcohol-free Toddy[14.2] 2.10.5 (1)
products and low-alcoholic counterparts
14 - Beverages, excluding dairy 14.2 - Alcoholic beverages, including alcohol-free Carbonated Wine[14.2] of alcoholic
products and low-alcoholic counterparts beverage regulation
14 - Beverages, excluding dairy 14.2 - Alcoholic beverages, including alcohol-free Fortified wine[14.2] 3.1.3 of alcoholic
products and low-alcoholic counterparts beverage regulation
14 - Beverages, excluding dairy 14.2 - Alcoholic beverages, including alcohol-free Beer[14.2.1] 4.1of alcoholic beverage
products and low-alcoholic counterparts regulation
14 - Beverages, excluding dairy 14.2 - Alcoholic beverages, including alcohol-free Drought Beer[14.2.1] 4.2 of alcoholic beverage
products and low-alcoholic counterparts regulation
14 - Beverages, excluding dairy 14.2 - Alcoholic beverages, including alcohol-free Cider[14.2.2] of alcoholic
products and low-alcoholic counterparts beverage regulation
14 - Beverages, excluding dairy 14.2 - Alcoholic beverages, including alcohol-free Perry[14.2.2] of alcoholic
products and low-alcoholic counterparts beverage regulation
14 - Beverages, excluding dairy 14.2 - Alcoholic beverages, including alcohol-free Table or Grape Wine[14.2.3] 3.1.1 of alcoholic
products and low-alcoholic counterparts beverage regulation
14 - Beverages, excluding dairy 14.2 - Alcoholic beverages, including alcohol-free Red wine[14.2.3] of alcoholic
products and low-alcoholic counterparts beverage regulation
14 - Beverages, excluding dairy 14.2 - Alcoholic beverages, including alcohol-free White wine[14.2.3] of alcoholic
products and low-alcoholic counterparts beverage regulation
14 - Beverages, excluding dairy 14.2 - Alcoholic beverages, including alcohol-free Semi sparkling or Crackling of alcoholic
products and low-alcoholic counterparts wine[] beverage regulation
14 - Beverages, excluding dairy 14.2 - Alcoholic beverages, including alcohol-free Sparkling wine[] of alcoholic
products and low-alcoholic counterparts beverage regulation
14 - Beverages, excluding dairy 14.2 - Alcoholic beverages, including alcohol-free Fruit wine (other than grape wine) 3.1.4 of alcoholic
products and low-alcoholic counterparts [14.2.4] beverage regulation
14 - Beverages, excluding dairy 14.2 - Alcoholic beverages, including alcohol-free Other fruit wines[14.2.4] of alcoholic
products and low-alcoholic counterparts beverage regulation
14 - Beverages, excluding dairy 14.2 - Alcoholic beverages, including alcohol-free Palm wine[14.2.4] of alcoholic
products and low-alcoholic counterparts beverage regulation
14 - Beverages, excluding dairy 14.2 - Alcoholic beverages, including alcohol-free Bamboo wine[14.2.4] of alcoholic
products and low-alcoholic counterparts beverage regulation
14 - Beverages, excluding dairy 14.2 - Alcoholic beverages, including alcohol-free Brandy[14.2.6] 2.1 of alcoholic beverage
products and low-alcoholic counterparts regulation
14 - Beverages, excluding dairy 14.2 - Alcoholic beverages, including alcohol-free Country Liquors[14.2.6] 2.2 of alcoholic beverage
products and low-alcoholic counterparts regulation
14 - Beverages, excluding dairy 14.2 - Alcoholic beverages, including alcohol-free Fenny or Feni[14.2.6] 2.3 of alcoholic beverage
products and low-alcoholic counterparts regulation
14 - Beverages, excluding dairy 14.2 - Alcoholic beverages, including alcohol-free Gin[14.2.6] 2.4 of alcoholic beverage
products and low-alcoholic counterparts regulation 29/42
06/05/2022, 13:47 FoSCoS - FSSAI
14 - Beverages, excluding dairy 14.2 - Alcoholic beverages, including alcohol-free Rum[14.2.6] 2.5 of alcoholic beverage
products and low-alcoholic counterparts regulation
14 - Beverages, excluding dairy 14.2 - Alcoholic beverages, including alcohol-free Vodka[14.2.6] 2.6 of alcoholic beverage
products and low-alcoholic counterparts regulation
14 - Beverages, excluding dairy 14.2 - Alcoholic beverages, including alcohol-free Liqueur or cordial or apertifs[14.2.6] 2.7 of alcoholic beverage
products and low-alcoholic counterparts regulation
14 - Beverages, excluding dairy 14.2 - Alcoholic beverages, including alcohol-free Whisky or Whiskey[14.2.6] 2.8 of alcoholic beverage
products and low-alcoholic counterparts regulation
14 - Beverages, excluding dairy 14.2 - Alcoholic beverages, including alcohol-free Pot-still or column distilled 2.9 of alcoholic beverage
products and low-alcoholic counterparts spirit[14.2.6] regulation
14 - Beverages, excluding dairy 14.2 - Alcoholic beverages, including alcohol-free Vermouth Wine[14.2.7] (i)of alcoholic
products and low-alcoholic counterparts beverage regulation
14 - Beverages, excluding dairy 14.2 - Alcoholic beverages, including alcohol-free Bitter aromatized wine[14.2.7] (ii)of alcoholic
products and low-alcoholic counterparts beverage regulation
14 - Beverages, excluding dairy 14.2 - Alcoholic beverages, including alcohol-free Dessert wine[14.2.7] (iii)of alcoholic
products and low-alcoholic counterparts beverage regulation
99 - Substances added to food 99.1 - Food Additives- All Food Additives permitted Colouring foods[99.1] 2.3.65
and/or standardised under FSS (Food Products
Standards and Food Additives) Regulations, 2011
and FSS Nutraceutical Regulations, 2016 and their
99 - Substances added to food 99.1 - Food Additives- All Food Additives permitted Gelatin from Fish Processing 2.6.1(25)
and/or standardised under FSS (Food Products Waste[99.1]
Standards and Food Additives) Regulations, 2011
and FSS Nutraceutical Regulations, 2016 and their
99 - Substances added to food 99.1 - Food Additives- All Food Additives permitted Bees wax[99.1] 2.8.3(2)
and/or standardised under FSS (Food Products
Standards and Food Additives) Regulations, 2011
and FSS Nutraceutical Regulations, 2016 and their
99 - Substances added to food 99.1 - Food Additives- All Food Additives permitted Sodium Saccharin (Food Grade)[99.1] 2.8.8
and/or standardised under FSS (Food Products
Standards and Food Additives) Regulations, 2011
and FSS Nutraceutical Regulations, 2016 and their
99 - Substances added to food 99.1 - Food Additives- All Food Additives permitted ASPARTYL PHENYL ALANINE METHYL 2.8.9
and/or standardised under FSS (Food Products ESTER (ASPERTAME)[99.1]
Standards and Food Additives) Regulations, 2011
and FSS Nutraceutical Regulations, 2016 and their
99 - Substances added to food 99.1 - Food Additives- All Food Additives permitted Acesulfame Potassium[99.1] 2.8.10
and/or standardised under FSS (Food Products
Standards and Food Additives) Regulations, 2011
and FSS Nutraceutical Regulations, 2016 and their
99 - Substances added to food 99.1 - Food Additives- All Food Additives permitted Sucralose[99.1] 2.8.11(1)
and/or standardised under FSS (Food Products
Standards and Food Additives) Regulations, 2011
and FSS Nutraceutical Regulations, 2016 and their
99 - Substances added to food 99.1 - Food Additives- All Food Additives permitted Calcium Saccharin (Food Grade)[99.1] 2.8.12
and/or standardised under FSS (Food Products
Standards and Food Additives) Regulations, 2011
and FSS Nutraceutical Regulations, 2016 and their
preparations 30/42
06/05/2022, 13:47 FoSCoS - FSSAI
99 - Substances added to food 99.1 - Food Additives- All Food Additives permitted Baking powder[99.1] 2.11.1
and/or standardised under FSS (Food Products
Standards and Food Additives) Regulations, 2011
and FSS Nutraceutical Regulations, 2016 and their
99 - Substances added to food 99.1 - Food Additives- All Food Additives permitted Gelatin[99.1] 2.11.3
and/or standardised under FSS (Food Products
Standards and Food Additives) Regulations, 2011
and FSS Nutraceutical Regulations, 2016 and their
99 - Substances added to food 99.1 - Food Additives- All Food Additives permitted Food Colours Tartrazine [99.1] 3.2.1(1)
and/or standardised under FSS (Food Products
Standards and Food Additives) Regulations, 2011
and FSS Nutraceutical Regulations, 2016 and their
99 - Substances added to food 99.1 - Food Additives- All Food Additives permitted Food Colours Sunset yellow[99.1] 3.2.1(2)
and/or standardised under FSS (Food Products
Standards and Food Additives) Regulations, 2011
and FSS Nutraceutical Regulations, 2016 and their
99 - Substances added to food 99.1 - Food Additives- All Food Additives permitted Food Colours Erythrosine[99.1] 3.2.1(3)
and/or standardised under FSS (Food Products
Standards and Food Additives) Regulations, 2011
and FSS Nutraceutical Regulations, 2016 and their
99 - Substances added to food 99.1 - Food Additives- All Food Additives permitted Food Colours INDIGO CARMINE[99.1] 3.2.1(4)
and/or standardised under FSS (Food Products
Standards and Food Additives) Regulations, 2011
and FSS Nutraceutical Regulations, 2016 and their
99 - Substances added to food 99.1 - Food Additives- All Food Additives permitted Food Colours Beta-carotene[99.1] 3.2.1(5)
and/or standardised under FSS (Food Products
Standards and Food Additives) Regulations, 2011
and FSS Nutraceutical Regulations, 2016 and their
99 - Substances added to food 99.1 - Food Additives- All Food Additives permitted Food Colours Chlorophyll[99.1] 3.2.1(6)
and/or standardised under FSS (Food Products
Standards and Food Additives) Regulations, 2011
and FSS Nutraceutical Regulations, 2016 and their
99 - Substances added to food 99.1 - Food Additives- All Food Additives permitted Food Colours Caramel[99.1] 3.2.1(7)
and/or standardised under FSS (Food Products
Standards and Food Additives) Regulations, 2011
and FSS Nutraceutical Regulations, 2016 and their
99 - Substances added to food 99.1 - Food Additives- All Food Additives permitted Food Colours Annatto[99.1] 3.2.1(8)
and/or standardised under FSS (Food Products
Standards and Food Additives) Regulations, 2011
and FSS Nutraceutical Regulations, 2016 and their
99 - Substances added to food 99.1 - Food Additives- All Food Additives permitted Food Colours Riboflavin[99.1] 3.2.1(9)
and/or standardised under FSS (Food Products
Standards and Food Additives) Regulations, 2011
and FSS Nutraceutical Regulations, 2016 and their
99 - Substances added to food 99.1 - Food Additives- All Food Additives permitted Food Colours Ponceau-4R[99.1] 3.2.1(10)
and/or standardised under FSS (Food Products
Standards and Food Additives) Regulations, 2011
and FSS Nutraceutical Regulations, 2016 and their
preparations 31/42
06/05/2022, 13:47 FoSCoS - FSSAI
99 - Substances added to food 99.1 - Food Additives- All Food Additives permitted Food Colours Carmoisine[99.1] 3.2.1(11)
and/or standardised under FSS (Food Products
Standards and Food Additives) Regulations, 2011
and FSS Nutraceutical Regulations, 2016 and their
99 - Substances added to food 99.1 - Food Additives- All Food Additives permitted Food Colours Synthetic Food Colour- 3.2.1(12)
and/or standardised under FSS (Food Products preparation and Mixtures[99.1]
Standards and Food Additives) Regulations, 2011
and FSS Nutraceutical Regulations, 2016 and their
99 - Substances added to food 99.1 - Food Additives- All Food Additives permitted Food Colours Brilliant Blue FCF[99.1] 3.2.1(13)
and/or standardised under FSS (Food Products
Standards and Food Additives) Regulations, 2011
and FSS Nutraceutical Regulations, 2016 and their
99 - Substances added to food 99.1 - Food Additives- All Food Additives permitted Food Colours Fast Green FCF[99.1] 3.2.1(14)
and/or standardised under FSS (Food Products
Standards and Food Additives) Regulations, 2011
and FSS Nutraceutical Regulations, 2016 and their
99 - Substances added to food 99.1 - Food Additives- All Food Additives permitted Food Colours Aluminium Lake of 3.2.1(15)
and/or standardised under FSS (Food Products Sunset Yellow FCF[99.1]
Standards and Food Additives) Regulations, 2011
and FSS Nutraceutical Regulations, 2016 and their
99 - Substances added to food 99.1 - Food Additives- All Food Additives permitted Food Colours Beta apo 8 3.2.1(16)
and/or standardised under FSS (Food Products carotenol[99.1]
Standards and Food Additives) Regulations, 2011
and FSS Nutraceutical Regulations, 2016 and their
99 - Substances added to food 99.1 - Food Additives- All Food Additives permitted Food Colours Ethylester of beta apo 8 3.2.1(17)
and/or standardised under FSS (Food Products carotenoic acid[99.1]
Standards and Food Additives) Regulations, 2011
and FSS Nutraceutical Regulations, 2016 and their
99 - Substances added to food 99.1 - Food Additives- All Food Additives permitted Food Colours Titanium dioxide[99.1] 3.2.1(18)
and/or standardised under FSS (Food Products
Standards and Food Additives) Regulations, 2011
and FSS Nutraceutical Regulations, 2016 and their
99 - Substances added to food 99.1 - Food Additives- All Food Additives permitted Sweetener Steviol Glycoside[99.1] 3.2.2(1)
and/or standardised under FSS (Food Products
Standards and Food Additives) Regulations, 2011
and FSS Nutraceutical Regulations, 2016 and their
99 - Substances added to food 99.1 - Food Additives- All Food Additives permitted Food Preservatives Sodium 3.2.9(1)
and/or standardised under FSS (Food Products benzoate[99.1]
Standards and Food Additives) Regulations, 2011
and FSS Nutraceutical Regulations, 2016 and their
99 - Substances added to food 99.1 - Food Additives- All Food Additives permitted Food Preservatives Benzoic 3.2.9(2)
and/or standardised under FSS (Food Products Acid[99.1]
Standards and Food Additives) Regulations, 2011
and FSS Nutraceutical Regulations, 2016 and their
99 - Substances added to food 99.1 - Food Additives- All Food Additives permitted Food Preservatives Potassium 3.2.9(3)
and/or standardised under FSS (Food Products Nitrate[99.1]
Standards and Food Additives) Regulations, 2011
and FSS Nutraceutical Regulations, 2016 and their
preparations 32/42
06/05/2022, 13:47 FoSCoS - FSSAI
99 - Substances added to food 99.1 - Food Additives- All Food Additives permitted Food Preservatives Sorbic Acid[99.1] 3.2.9(4)
and/or standardised under FSS (Food Products
Standards and Food Additives) Regulations, 2011
and FSS Nutraceutical Regulations, 2016 and their
99 - Substances added to food 99.1 - Food Additives- All Food Additives permitted Food Preservatives Potassium 3.2.9(5)
and/or standardised under FSS (Food Products Nitrite[99.1]
Standards and Food Additives) Regulations, 2011
and FSS Nutraceutical Regulations, 2016 and their
99 - Substances added to food 99.1 - Food Additives- All Food Additives permitted Food Preservatives Sodium 3.2.9(6)
and/or standardised under FSS (Food Products Propionate[99.1]
Standards and Food Additives) Regulations, 2011
and FSS Nutraceutical Regulations, 2016 and their
99 - Substances added to food 99.1 - Food Additives- All Food Additives permitted Food Preservatives Sulphur 3.2.9(7)
and/or standardised under FSS (Food Products Dioxide[99.1]
Standards and Food Additives) Regulations, 2011
and FSS Nutraceutical Regulations, 2016 and their
99 - Substances added to food 99.1 - Food Additives- All Food Additives permitted Acidity Regulators Ammonium 3.2.10 (1)
and/or standardised under FSS (Food Products hydrogen carbonate[99.1]
Standards and Food Additives) Regulations, 2011
and FSS Nutraceutical Regulations, 2016 and their
99 - Substances added to food 99.1 - Food Additives- All Food Additives permitted Acidity Regulators Trisodium 3.2.10(2)
and/or standardised under FSS (Food Products Citrate[99.1]
Standards and Food Additives) Regulations, 2011
and FSS Nutraceutical Regulations, 2016 and their
99 - Substances added to food 99.1 - Food Additives- All Food Additives permitted Acidity Regulators Fumaric Acid[99.1] 3.2.10(3)
and/or standardised under FSS (Food Products
Standards and Food Additives) Regulations, 2011
and FSS Nutraceutical Regulations, 2016 and their
99 - Substances added to food 99.1 - Food Additives- All Food Additives permitted Acidity Regulators L(+/-)tartaric 3.2.10(4)
and/or standardised under FSS (Food Products Acid[99.1]
Standards and Food Additives) Regulations, 2011
and FSS Nutraceutical Regulations, 2016 and their
99 - Substances added to food 99.1 - Food Additives- All Food Additives permitted Acidity Regulators Dicalcium 3.2.10(5)
and/or standardised under FSS (Food Products Phosphate[99.1]
Standards and Food Additives) Regulations, 2011
and FSS Nutraceutical Regulations, 2016 and their
99 - Substances added to food 99.1 - Food Additives- All Food Additives permitted Acidity Regulators Phosphoric 3.2.10(6)
and/or standardised under FSS (Food Products Acid[99.1]
Standards and Food Additives) Regulations, 2011
and FSS Nutraceutical Regulations, 2016 and their
99 - Substances added to food 99.1 - Food Additives- All Food Additives permitted Acidity Regulators Citric Acid[99.1] 3.2.10(7)
and/or standardised under FSS (Food Products
Standards and Food Additives) Regulations, 2011
and FSS Nutraceutical Regulations, 2016 and their
99 - Substances added to food 99.1 - Food Additives- All Food Additives permitted Acidity Regulators Malic Acid[99.1] 3.2.10(8)
and/or standardised under FSS (Food Products
Standards and Food Additives) Regulations, 2011
and FSS Nutraceutical Regulations, 2016 and their
preparations 33/42
06/05/2022, 13:47 FoSCoS - FSSAI
99 - Substances added to food 99.1 - Food Additives- All Food Additives permitted Acidity Regulators Sodium 3.2.10(9)
and/or standardised under FSS (Food Products Hydroxide[99.1]
Standards and Food Additives) Regulations, 2011
and FSS Nutraceutical Regulations, 2016 and their
99 - Substances added to food 99.1 - Food Additives- All Food Additives permitted Gelling Agent or Thickener or 3.2.11(1)
and/or standardised under FSS (Food Products Stabilizer Sodium Alginate[99.1]
Standards and Food Additives) Regulations, 2011
and FSS Nutraceutical Regulations, 2016 and their
99 - Substances added to food 99.1 - Food Additives- All Food Additives permitted Gelling Agent or Thickener or 3.2.11(2)
and/or standardised under FSS (Food Products Stabilizer Sodium Carboxy Methyl
Standards and Food Additives) Regulations, 2011 Cellulose[99.1]
and FSS Nutraceutical Regulations, 2016 and their
99 - Substances added to food 99.1 - Food Additives- All Food Additives permitted Gelling Agent or Thickener or 3.2.11(3)
and/or standardised under FSS (Food Products Stabilizer Sodium Carboxy Methyl
Standards and Food Additives) Regulations, 2011 Cellulose, Enzyme Hydrolysed[99.1]
and FSS Nutraceutical Regulations, 2016 and their
99 - Substances added to food 99.1 - Food Additives- All Food Additives permitted Gelling Agent or Thickener or 3.2.11(4)
and/or standardised under FSS (Food Products Stabilizer Agar[99.1]
Standards and Food Additives) Regulations, 2011
and FSS Nutraceutical Regulations, 2016 and their
99 - Substances added to food 99.1 - Food Additives- All Food Additives permitted Gelling Agent or Thickener or 3.2.11(5)
and/or standardised under FSS (Food Products Stabilizer Gum arabic[99.1]
Standards and Food Additives) Regulations, 2011
and FSS Nutraceutical Regulations, 2016 and their
99 - Substances added to food 99.1 - Food Additives- All Food Additives permitted Gelling Agent or Thickener or 3.2.11(6)
and/or standardised under FSS (Food Products Stabilizer Tragacanth Gum[99.1]
Standards and Food Additives) Regulations, 2011
and FSS Nutraceutical Regulations, 2016 and their
99 - Substances added to food 99.1 - Food Additives- All Food Additives permitted Gelling Agent or Thickener or 3.2.11(7)
and/or standardised under FSS (Food Products Stabilizer Gum Ghatti[99.1]
Standards and Food Additives) Regulations, 2011
and FSS Nutraceutical Regulations, 2016 and their
99 - Substances added to food 99.1 - Food Additives- All Food Additives permitted Gelling Agent or Thickener or 3.2.11(8)
and/or standardised under FSS (Food Products Stabilizer Calcium Alginate[99.1]
Standards and Food Additives) Regulations, 2011
and FSS Nutraceutical Regulations, 2016 and their
99 - Substances added to food 99.1 - Food Additives- All Food Additives permitted Gelling Agent or Thickener or 3.2.11(9)
and/or standardised under FSS (Food Products Stabilizer Alginic Acid[99.1]
Standards and Food Additives) Regulations, 2011
and FSS Nutraceutical Regulations, 2016 and their
99 - Substances added to food 99.1 - Food Additives- All Food Additives permitted Gelling Agent or Thickener or 3.2.11(10)
and/or standardised under FSS (Food Products Stabilizer Guar Gum[99.1]
Standards and Food Additives) Regulations, 2011
and FSS Nutraceutical Regulations, 2016 and their
99 - Substances added to food 99.1 - Food Additives- All Food Additives permitted Gelling Agent or Thickener or 3.2.11(11)
and/or standardised under FSS (Food Products Stabilizer Gum Karaya[99.1]
Standards and Food Additives) Regulations, 2011
and FSS Nutraceutical Regulations, 2016 and their
preparations 34/42
06/05/2022, 13:47 FoSCoS - FSSAI
99 - Substances added to food 99.1 - Food Additives- All Food Additives permitted Gelling Agent or Thickener or 3.2.11(12)
and/or standardised under FSS (Food Products Stabilizer Polyglycerol Esters of Fatty
Standards and Food Additives) Regulations, 2011 Acids[99.1]
and FSS Nutraceutical Regulations, 2016 and their
99 - Substances added to food 99.1 - Food Additives- All Food Additives permitted Gelling Agent or Thickener or 3.2.11(13)
and/or standardised under FSS (Food Products Stabilizer Polyglycerol Esters of
Standards and Food Additives) Regulations, 2011 Interesterified Ricinolic Acid[99.1]
and FSS Nutraceutical Regulations, 2016 and their
99 - Substances added to food 99.1 - Food Additives- All Food Additives permitted Gelling Agent or Thickener or 3.2.11(14)
and/or standardised under FSS (Food Products Stabilizer Glycerol esters of Wood
Standards and Food Additives) Regulations, 2011 rosin[99.1]
and FSS Nutraceutical Regulations, 2016 and their
99 - Substances added to food 99.1 - Food Additives- All Food Additives permitted Gelling Agent or Thickener or 3.2.11(15)
and/or standardised under FSS (Food Products Stabilizer Pectin[99.1]
Standards and Food Additives) Regulations, 2011
and FSS Nutraceutical Regulations, 2016 and their
99 - Substances added to food 99.1 - Food Additives- All Food Additives permitted Gelling Agent or Thickener or 3.2.11(16)
and/or standardised under FSS (Food Products Stabilizer Carrageenan[99.1]
Standards and Food Additives) Regulations, 2011
and FSS Nutraceutical Regulations, 2016 and their
99 - Substances added to food 99.1 - Food Additives- All Food Additives permitted Antioxidants Butylated 3.2.12(1)
and/or standardised under FSS (Food Products Hydroxyanisole[99.1]
Standards and Food Additives) Regulations, 2011
and FSS Nutraceutical Regulations, 2016 and their
99 - Substances added to food 99.1 - Food Additives- All Food Additives permitted Antioxidants Dodecyl Gallate[99.1] 3.2.12(2)
and/or standardised under FSS (Food Products
Standards and Food Additives) Regulations, 2011
and FSS Nutraceutical Regulations, 2016 and their
99 - Substances added to food 99.1 - Food Additives- All Food Additives permitted Antioxidants Propyl Gallate[99.1] 3.2.12(3)
and/or standardised under FSS (Food Products
Standards and Food Additives) Regulations, 2011
and FSS Nutraceutical Regulations, 2016 and their
99 - Substances added to food 99.1 - Food Additives- All Food Additives permitted Antioxidants Octly Gallate[99.1] 3.2.12(4)
and/or standardised under FSS (Food Products
Standards and Food Additives) Regulations, 2011
and FSS Nutraceutical Regulations, 2016 and their
99 - Substances added to food 99.1 - Food Additives- All Food Additives permitted Antioxidants Ascorbyl Palmitate[99.1] 3.2.12(5)
and/or standardised under FSS (Food Products
Standards and Food Additives) Regulations, 2011
and FSS Nutraceutical Regulations, 2016 and their
99 - Substances added to food 99.1 - Food Additives- All Food Additives permitted Antioxidants Sodium Ascorbate[99.1] 3.2.12(6)
and/or standardised under FSS (Food Products
Standards and Food Additives) Regulations, 2011
and FSS Nutraceutical Regulations, 2016 and their
99 - Substances added to food 99.1 - Food Additives- All Food Additives permitted Flavor Enhancers Monosodium L- 3.2.13(1)
and/or standardised under FSS (Food Products Glutamate[99.1]
Standards and Food Additives) Regulations, 2011
and FSS Nutraceutical Regulations, 2016 and their
preparations 35/42
06/05/2022, 13:47 FoSCoS - FSSAI
99 - Substances added to food 99.1 - Food Additives- All Food Additives permitted Glazing Agent Mineral Oil (Low 3.2.14 (1)
and/or standardised under FSS (Food Products Viscosity)[99.1]
Standards and Food Additives) Regulations, 2011
and FSS Nutraceutical Regulations, 2016 and their
99 - Substances added to food 99.1 - Food Additives- All Food Additives permitted Glazing Agent Mineral oil High 3.2.14(2)
and/or standardised under FSS (Food Products viscosity[99.1]
Standards and Food Additives) Regulations, 2011
and FSS Nutraceutical Regulations, 2016 and their
99 - Substances added to food 99.1 - Food Additives- All Food Additives permitted Humectant or wetting agent or 3.2.15 (1)
and/or standardised under FSS (Food Products dispersing agent Propylene
Standards and Food Additives) Regulations, 2011 glycol[99.1]
and FSS Nutraceutical Regulations, 2016 and their
99 - Substances added to food 99.1 - Food Additives- All Food Additives permitted Sweetner or humectant or 3.2.16 (1)
and/or standardised under FSS (Food Products sequestrant Sorbitol[99.1]
Standards and Food Additives) Regulations, 2011
and FSS Nutraceutical Regulations, 2016 and their
99 - Substances added to food 99.1 - Food Additives- All Food Additives permitted Bakers Yeast (Compressed)/(Dried) 3.2.3
and/or standardised under FSS (Food Products [99.1]
Standards and Food Additives) Regulations, 2011
and FSS Nutraceutical Regulations, 2016 and their
99 - Substances added to food 99.1 - Food Additives- All Food Additives permitted Lactic Acid INS 270[99.1] 3.2.4
and/or standardised under FSS (Food Products
Standards and Food Additives) Regulations, 2011
and FSS Nutraceutical Regulations, 2016 and their
99 - Substances added to food 99.1 - Food Additives- All Food Additives permitted Ascorbic Acid INS 300[99.1] 3.2.5
and/or standardised under FSS (Food Products
Standards and Food Additives) Regulations, 2011
and FSS Nutraceutical Regulations, 2016 and their
99 - Substances added to food 99.1 - Food Additives- All Food Additives permitted Calcium Propionate INS 282[99.1] 3.2.6
and/or standardised under FSS (Food Products
Standards and Food Additives) Regulations, 2011
and FSS Nutraceutical Regulations, 2016 and their
99 - Substances added to food 99.1 - Food Additives- All Food Additives permitted Sodium Meta Bisulphite INS 3.2.7
and/or standardised under FSS (Food Products 223[99.1]
Standards and Food Additives) Regulations, 2011
and FSS Nutraceutical Regulations, 2016 and their
99 - Substances added to food 99.1 - Food Additives- All Food Additives permitted Potassium Meta Bisulphite INS 3.2.8
and/or standardised under FSS (Food Products 224[99.1]
Standards and Food Additives) Regulations, 2011
and FSS Nutraceutical Regulations, 2016 and their
99 - Substances added to food 99.1 - Food Additives- All Food Additives permitted Trehalose[99.1] 3.3.4
and/or standardised under FSS (Food Products
Standards and Food Additives) Regulations, 2011
and FSS Nutraceutical Regulations, 2016 and their
99 - Substances added to food 99.1 - Food Additives- All Food Additives permitted Sajji Khar[99.1] Sajji Khar Order.pdf
and/or standardised under FSS (Food Products
Standards and Food Additives) Regulations, 2011
and FSS Nutraceutical Regulations, 2016 and their
preparations 36/42
06/05/2022, 13:47 FoSCoS - FSSAI
99 - Substances added to food 99.1 - Food Additives- All Food Additives permitted Additives permitted under Appendix- FSS (FPS&FA) Regulations
and/or standardised under FSS (Food Products A of FSS(FPS&FA) Regulations, 2011
Standards and Food Additives) Regulations, 2011 excluding those already
and FSS Nutraceutical Regulations, 2016 and their standardised[99.1]
99 - Substances added to food 99.1 - Food Additives- All Food Additives permitted Additives VA-VF of Nutraceutical Nutraceutical
and/or standardised under FSS (Food Products Regulations excluding those already Regulations
Standards and Food Additives) Regulations, 2011 standardised[99.1]
and FSS Nutraceutical Regulations, 2016 and their
99 - Substances added to food 99.1 - Food Additives- All Food Additives permitted Mixture/preparations/premix of food FSS (FPS&FA) Regulations
and/or standardised under FSS (Food Products additives[99.1] and Nutraceutical
Standards and Food Additives) Regulations, 2011 Regulations
and FSS Nutraceutical Regulations, 2016 and their
99 - Substances added to food 99.2 - Enzymes and their preparations- Enzymes Permitted enzymes and their NA
specified under FSSR and mixtures/preparations preparations excluding those already
thereof meant to be used further in food products listed under Processing Aids and
excluding those already mentioned under Nutraceutical Regulations[99.2]
Processing Aids and Nutraceutical Regulations
99 - Substances added to food 99.3 - Flavoring and their preparations- Flavors Mixture/preparations/premix of 3.3.1 of FSS (FPS&FA)
specified under FSSR and their preparations , flavouring substances[99.3] Regulations
except those which are prohibited under FSSR
99 - Substances added to food 99.3 - Flavoring and their preparations- Flavors Natural Flavors and Natural Flavoring 3.3.1 of FSS (FPS&FA)
specified under FSSR and their preparations , Substances[99.3] Regulations
except those which are prohibited under FSSR
99 - Substances added to food 99.3 - Flavoring and their preparations- Flavors Nature-identical Flavoring 3.3.1 of FSS (FPS&FA)
specified under FSSR and their preparations , Substances[99.3] Regulations
except those which are prohibited under FSSR
99 - Substances added to food 99.3 - Flavoring and their preparations- Flavors Artifical Flavouring Substances[99.3] 3.3.1 of FSS (FPS&FA)
specified under FSSR and their preparations , Regulations
except those which are prohibited under FSSR
99 - Substances added to food 99.4 - Processing Aids- All Processing Aids listed Antifoaming Agents [99.4] Appendix C
under FSS (Food Products Standards and Food
Additives) Regulations, 2011 and their
preparations. To be used only in the specified Food
Product for which the respective Processing Aid is
allowed under FSSR.
99 - Substances added to food 99.4 - Processing Aids- All Processing Aids listed Catalyst[99.4] Appendix C
under FSS (Food Products Standards and Food
Additives) Regulations, 2011 and their
preparations. To be used only in the specified Food
Product for which the respective Processing Aid is
allowed under FSSR.
99 - Substances added to food 99.4 - Processing Aids- All Processing Aids listed Clarifying Agents and Filtration Aids Appendix C
under FSS (Food Products Standards and Food [99.4]
Additives) Regulations, 2011 and their
preparations. To be used only in the specified Food
Product for which the respective Processing Aid is
allowed under FSSR.
99 - Substances added to food 99.4 - Processing Aids- All Processing Aids listed Lubricants, Release and Antistick Appendix C
under FSS (Food Products Standards and Food agents [99.4]
Additives) Regulations, 2011 and their
preparations. To be used only in the specified Food
Product for which the respective Processing Aid is
allowed under FSSR. 37/42
06/05/2022, 13:47 FoSCoS - FSSAI
99 - Substances added to food 99.4 - Processing Aids- All Processing Aids listed Microbial control agents, Microbial Appendix C
under FSS (Food Products Standards and Food nutrients and microbial nutrient
Additives) Regulations, 2011 and their adjuncts [99.4]
preparations. To be used only in the specified Food
Product for which the respective Processing Aid is
allowed under FSSR.
99 - Substances added to food 99.4 - Processing Aids- All Processing Aids listed Solvent for extraction and processing Appendix C
under FSS (Food Products Standards and Food [99.4]
Additives) Regulations, 2011 and their
preparations. To be used only in the specified Food
Product for which the respective Processing Aid is
allowed under FSSR.
99 - Substances added to food 99.4 - Processing Aids- All Processing Aids listed Bleaching, Washing, Denuding and Appendix C
under FSS (Food Products Standards and Food peeling agents [99.4]
Additives) Regulations, 2011 and their
preparations. To be used only in the specified Food
Product for which the respective Processing Aid is
allowed under FSSR.
99 - Substances added to food 99.4 - Processing Aids- All Processing Aids listed Flocculating agents [99.4] Appendix C
under FSS (Food Products Standards and Food
Additives) Regulations, 2011 and their
preparations. To be used only in the specified Food
Product for which the respective Processing Aid is
allowed under FSSR.
99 - Substances added to food 99.4 - Processing Aids- All Processing Aids listed Contact freezing and colouring agnets Appendix C
under FSS (Food Products Standards and Food [99.4]
Additives) Regulations, 2011 and their
preparations. To be used only in the specified Food
Product for which the respective Processing Aid is
allowed under FSSR.
99 - Substances added to food 99.4 - Processing Aids- All Processing Aids listed Desiccating agents [99.4] Appendix C
under FSS (Food Products Standards and Food
Additives) Regulations, 2011 and their
preparations. To be used only in the specified Food
Product for which the respective Processing Aid is
allowed under FSSR.
99 - Substances added to food 99.4 - Processing Aids- All Processing Aids listed Enzymes [99.4] Appendix C
under FSS (Food Products Standards and Food
Additives) Regulations, 2011 and their
preparations. To be used only in the specified Food
Product for which the respective Processing Aid is
allowed under FSSR.
99 - Substances added to food 99.4 - Processing Aids- All Processing Aids listed Generally Permitted Processing Aids Appendix C
under FSS (Food Products Standards and Food [99.4]
Additives) Regulations, 2011 and their
preparations. To be used only in the specified Food
Product for which the respective Processing Aid is
allowed under FSSR.
99 - Substances added to food 99.4 - Processing Aids- All Processing Aids listed Mixture/premix/preparations of Appendix C
under FSS (Food Products Standards and Food processing aids permitted under FSS
Additives) Regulations, 2011 and their (Food Products Standards and Food
preparations. To be used only in the specified Food Additives) Regulations, 2011[99.4]
Product for which the respective Processing Aid is
allowed under FSSR.
99 - Substances added to food 99.5 - Nutrients and their preparations- Fortified Rice Kernel[99.5] NA
Micronutrients specified under FSSR and their
preparations/premixes of nutrients, Fortified Rice
Kernel 38/42
06/05/2022, 13:47 FoSCoS - FSSAI
99 - Substances added to food 99.5 - Nutrients and their preparations- Premix for Fortified Rice Kernel[99.5] NA
Micronutrients specified under FSSR and their
preparations/premixes of nutrients, Fortified Rice
99 - Substances added to food 99.5 - Nutrients and their preparations- Premix for Fortified Atta/Fortified NA
Micronutrients specified under FSSR and their Multigrain Atta[99.5]
preparations/premixes of nutrients, Fortified Rice
99 - Substances added to food 99.5 - Nutrients and their preparations- Premix for Fortified Maida[99.5] NA
Micronutrients specified under FSSR and their
preparations/premixes of nutrients, Fortified Rice
99 - Substances added to food 99.5 - Nutrients and their preparations- Premix for Fortified Oil[99.5] NA
Micronutrients specified under FSSR and their
preparations/premixes of nutrients, Fortified Rice
99 - Substances added to food 99.5 - Nutrients and their preparations- Premix for Fortified Milk[99.5] NA
Micronutrients specified under FSSR and their
preparations/premixes of nutrients, Fortified Rice
99 - Substances added to food 99.5 - Nutrients and their preparations- Premix for Fortified Milk NA
Micronutrients specified under FSSR and their Powder[99.5]
preparations/premixes of nutrients, Fortified Rice
99 - Substances added to food 99.5 - Nutrients and their preparations- Premix for Double Fortified Salt[99.5] NA
Micronutrients specified under FSSR and their
preparations/premixes of nutrients, Fortified Rice
99 - Substances added to food 99.5 - Nutrients and their preparations- Premix for Fortified Cereal NA
Micronutrients specified under FSSR and their Products[99.5]
preparations/premixes of nutrients, Fortified Rice
99 - Substances added to food 99.5 - Nutrients and their preparations- Premix for Fortified Bakery NA
Micronutrients specified under FSSR and their Wares[99.5]
preparations/premixes of nutrients, Fortified Rice
99 - Substances added to food 99.5 - Nutrients and their preparations- Premix for Fortified Fruit Juices[99.5] NA
Micronutrients specified under FSSR and their
preparations/premixes of nutrients, Fortified Rice
99 - Substances added to food 99.5 - Nutrients and their preparations- Nutrients listed under FSSR and their NA
Micronutrients specified under FSSR and their preparations including Nutraceutical
preparations/premixes of nutrients, Fortified Rice Regulations (Schedule I and II), Not
Kernel meant for direct consumption[99.5]
99 - Substances added to food 99.6 - Microorganisms and Microbial Preparations Microorganisms specified under FSSR NA
including those listed under
Nutraceutical Regulations (Schedule
VII) and their preparations, Not
meant for direct consumption[99.6]
99 - Substances added to food 99.7 - Functional Ingredients Dietary Fibre (Dextrin-soluble fibre) 2.11.8 of FSS (FPS&FA)
[99.7] Regulations
99 - Substances added to food 99.7 - Functional Ingredients Neutral Spirit/Neutral FSS Alcoholic Beverages
Alcohol/Neutral Grain Spirit/Pure Regulations
Grain alcohol or Extra neutral alcohol
99 - Substances added to food 99.7 - Functional Ingredients Oligofructose[99.7] 3.3.2 of FSS (FPS&FA)
Regulations 39/42
06/05/2022, 13:47 FoSCoS - FSSAI
99 - Substances added to food 99.7 - Functional Ingredients Lactulose Syrup[99.7] 3.3.3 of FSS (FPS&FA)
99 - Substances added to food 99.7 - Functional Ingredients Phyto or plant Stanol[99.7] 3.3.5 of FSS (FPS&FA)
99 - Substances added to food 99.7 - Functional Ingredients Phyto or plant Sterol[99.7] 3.3.6 of FSS (FPS&FA)
99 - Substances added to food 99.7 - Functional Ingredients Ingredients listed under Schedule IV, Nutraceutical
Schedule VI and Schedule VIII of Regulations
Nutraceutical Regulations [99.7]
99 - Substances added to food 99.7 - Functional Ingredients Mixtures/preparations/premix of FSS (FPS&FA) Regulations
functional ingredients[99.7] and Nutraceutical
100 - Standardised Food Product 100 - Standardised Food Product excluding those Cow or Buffalo Colostrum and 2.1.23
excluding those covered under covered under category 1-14 Colostrum Products[100]
category 1-14
100 - Standardised Food Product 100 - Standardised Food Product excluding those Royal Jelly[100] 2.8.3 (3)
excluding those covered under covered under category 1-14
category 1-14
100 - Standardised Food Product 100 - Standardised Food Product excluding those Pan Masala[100] 2.11.5
excluding those covered under covered under category 1-14
category 1-14
100 - Standardised Food Product 100 - Standardised Food Product excluding those SILVER LEAF (Chandi-ka-warq)[100] 2.11.4
excluding those covered under covered under category 1-14
category 1-14
18- Indian Sweets and Indian 18.1 -INDIAN SWEETS Khoa Based Sweets[] 1(13)/Indian Snacks and
Snacks & Savouries products Sweets/Codex/FSSAI-
2021 dated 19th July
18- Indian Sweets and Indian 18.1 -INDIAN SWEETS Chhana based Sweets[] 1(13)/Indian Snacks and
Snacks & Savouries products Sweets/Codex/FSSAI-
2021 dated 19th July
18- Indian Sweets and Indian 18.1 -INDIAN SWEETS Fermented milk products based 1(13)/Indian Snacks and
Snacks & Savouries products Indian Sweets[] Sweets/Codex/FSSAI-
2021 dated 19th July
18- Indian Sweets and Indian 18.1 -INDIAN SWEETS Other composite milk products based 1(13)/Indian Snacks and
Snacks & Savouries products Indian Sweets[] Sweets/Codex/FSSAI-
2021 dated 19th July
18- Indian Sweets and Indian 18.1 -INDIAN SWEETS Cereal based Sweets[] 1(13)/Indian Snacks and
Snacks & Savouries products Sweets/Codex/FSSAI-
2021 dated 19th July
18- Indian Sweets and Indian 18.1 -INDIAN SWEETS Pulses based Sweets[] 1(13)/Indian Snacks and
Snacks & Savouries products Sweets/Codex/FSSAI-
2021 dated 19th July
18- Indian Sweets and Indian 18.1 -INDIAN SWEETS Starch based Sweets[] 1(13)/Indian Snacks and
Snacks & Savouries products Sweets/Codex/FSSAI-
2021 dated 19th July
18- Indian Sweets and Indian 18.1 -INDIAN SWEETS Dry Fruit and nuts based 1(13)/Indian Snacks and
Snacks & Savouries products Sweets[18.1.3] Sweets/Codex/FSSAI-
2021 dated 19th July
2021 40/42
06/05/2022, 13:47 FoSCoS - FSSAI
18- Indian Sweets and Indian 18.1 -INDIAN SWEETS Indian Confections[18.1.4] 1(13)/Indian Snacks and
Snacks & Savouries products Sweets/Codex/FSSAI-
2021 dated 19th July
18- Indian Sweets and Indian 18.1 -INDIAN SWEETS Fruit and Vegetables based 1(13)/Indian Snacks and
Snacks & Savouries products Sweets[18.1.5] Sweets/Codex/FSSAI-
2021 dated 19th July
18- Indian Sweets and Indian 18.2 -INDIAN SNACKS & SAVOURIES PRODUCTS Cereal or pulses flour/ Starch based 1(13)/Indian Snacks and
Snacks & Savouries products snacks & savouries[18.2.1] Sweets/Codex/FSSAI-
2021 dated 19th July
18- Indian Sweets and Indian 18.2 -INDIAN SNACKS & SAVOURIES PRODUCTS Fruit and vegetable based snacks & 1(13)/Indian Snacks and
Snacks & Savouries products savouries[18.2.2] Sweets/Codex/FSSAI-
2021 dated 19th July
18- Indian Sweets and Indian 18.2 -INDIAN SNACKS & SAVOURIES PRODUCTS Dry fruits and nuts based snacks & 1(13)/Indian Snacks and
Snacks & Savouries products savouries[18.2.3] Sweets/Codex/FSSAI-
2021 dated 19th July
18- Indian Sweets and Indian 18.2 -INDIAN SNACKS & SAVOURIES PRODUCTS Ready to eat and Ready to cook 1(13)/Indian Snacks and
Snacks & Savouries products products[18.2.4] Sweets/Codex/FSSAI-
2021 dated 19th July
101 - Hemp Seeds and Seed 101.1 - Hemp Seeds and Seed Products Hemp Seed[101.1] 2.16
101 - Hemp Seeds and Seed 101.1 - Hemp Seeds and Seed Products Oil Extracted from Hemp 2.16
Products Seeds[101.2]
101 - Hemp Seeds and Seed 101.1 - Hemp Seeds and Seed Products Hemp Seed Flour[101.3] 2.16
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