BSBTWK503 Task 1
BSBTWK503 Task 1
BSBTWK503 Task 1
Manage Meetings
Assessment Task 1
First, define the work of the team. Exclude topics where one person has clear accountability
and can proceed without input. Instead, focus on the items where the team’s input will
change the trajectory of the work.
Second, parse the items into different categories so meetings can be tailored to the
content. Meetings become ineffective when they combine different types of discussions,
because we aren’t good at changing the pace or tenor of a conversation once it starts. Make
things easier by splitting discussions into categories.
Third, determine the frequency with which you need to discuss each category. The short
time horizon topics (e.g., revising projections for the coming month) need to happen
frequently. Less urgent topics and can be discussed less frequently.
Fourth, set the length of the different meetings. Each type of meeting needs a very
different feel. A regular operational meeting needs to be crisp and therefore as short as
possible. Strategic meetings need more time because the topics require space for people to
explore and dissent.
Fifth, plan for overflow. If I could choose one meeting effectiveness tip that would make
almost all teams more efficient it would be to schedule a regular overflow spot on the
4. Outline three (3) of the key arrangements that need to be made for a meeting.
Organization Management
Staff Support
The chairperson will report to the higher authority within the organization, such as
the president or CEO. They are in the direct line of command within this organization
and are charged with enforcing policies handed down to them.
The chairperson may be called on to act as the public face of the organization. In the
case of a press meeting, the chairperson will be the one delivering the reports,
findings, or other actions of a committee to the public. They might be called on to
give speeches at events, where they report on the progress of their committee or
8. In relation to group dynamics, explain how, in the role of a chairperson, you would
manage the following situations:
I will manage by Giving verbal pats on the back typically encourages the person to
keep talking and explaining. (Examples: “That’s an intriguing idea. Others?” “Good
idea.” “I like that.” “That could work.”) Withholding such pats can extinguish the
dominator’s input. If someone continues a dialogue long after it should have ended,
chances are great that’s because the dominator feels compelled to have “the last
word.” So let him. I will give eye contact, a smile, a nod, or an open palm. Then turn
to someone else for another contribution on the topic.
when two people are having a private conversation within the meeting.
I will Focus on the behaviour, not the person. And will Stay in the realm of neutral
enforcers such as ground rules, rather than attacking individuals. For example, bring
up the "stay on agenda" ground rules for ramblers, bores and other timewasters.
When two or more people engage in a side discussion, remind them of the "one
meeting" ground rule. Suggest that their discussion be shared with the entire group,
or continued privately at the break. A more drastic approach is to separate people,
a la grade school. This can be done in a subtle way, such as breaking into smaller
groups for discussion.
9. Explain group dynamics, including how these are important in relation to
conducting meetings.
Group dynamics refer to the adjustive changes that take place in the group structure as a
result of changes in any part of it. As Kurt Lewin puts it, “a change in a part brings change
throughout the entire system analogous to the change witnessed in an electrical or magnetic
field.” The adjustive changes may take place in the process of interpersonal behaviour or
intergroup behaviour. Interpersonal behaviour is governed by interpersonal needs. What a
member wants to contribute, what he can contribute to the group cause and the extent to
which he will interact with the other members of the group will depend upon factors such as
his physique, mental abilities and intelligence, aptitude, interest and personality.
Intergroup behaviour consists of interactions between the various groups and depends upon
factors like the knowledge of the task, objectives and interdependence. When the groups
know their job and the objectives behind it, they are likely to perform better.
10. As a chairperson, you need to be aware of the different roles that may be present during a
meeting. Provide a definition for each role listed below.
Role Definition
1. Establishing ground rules: participants need to know what type of meeting this is. The
rules, formalities, procedures, etc. Is the meeting formal, informal, a brainstorming session
or just an update meeting? Is it expecting members to report progress, present new
initiatives, just listen or are they to debate? Ground rules cultivate the basic ingredients and
set the stage.
2. Setting objectives and the agenda: to meet plans, we need to plan our meetings. The
more concrete our meeting objectives, the more focused our agenda will be. The more
prepared the participants are the more meaningful a discussion can be held. Think of what
overall outcome want from the meeting and give all participants something to prepare for
the meeting.
Worldly connection: the thing about virtual meetings is that attendees can come
from anywhere. Provided they can make the scheduled time, with distance being no
obstacle, it can allow participants to join from all over the world. What else can
foster such an intense feeling of inclusivity within an organization?
Broader information sharing: following on from the above, having such a varied list
of attendees also allows for a diverse range of opinions and sharing of information.
Being easily able to open the meeting to the wider audience means we can invite
opinions from across our business, providing insight and expertise that we may not
have had access to in a traditional meeting.
14. Describe the use of webcams for meetings, including a brief description of how to use
video conferencing software and common features.
Webcam meetings allow users to meet face-to-face even when separated by an
ocean. These convenient, eco-friendly video chats serve as a more personal
alternative to audio-only calls, whether made for business or pleasure. Meeting via
webcam saves money on airfares and long-distance fees. The process of setting up a
video chat varies depending on the software you're using, but a few basic principles
apply across applications.
Video conferencing software is a tool used by two parties to communicate via video
and audio using an Internet connection. It enables the parties to initiate and conduct
live conferences and remote meetings by transmitting audio, video, and text. This
type of software has grown in popularity not only among individuals but businesses
as well, and also includes auxiliary features like file sharing, electronic whiteboards
and file transfer.
15. List three (3) different applications you can use to communicate with someone using web
1. Google hangouts: If you have a Google account, you have access to Google
Hangouts. For free Gmail and G Suite Basic customers, Google Hangouts
allows for up to 10 people to chat in a video call. The service also supports
simultaneous voice chat and allows participants to join a conference via
email or a shareable link.
3. Skype: Skype is a popular VoIP app that most users will have heard of by
now. It’s suitable for video conferencing for small teams of up to 50 people
(including the host), free of charge. The company rolled out the expanded
video calling feature in April 2019, improving on the previous limit of 25.
16. Explain the purpose of an agenda and identify five (5) items that should be included in an
An agenda is used in business meetings to outline the main topics that will be
addressed and to keep it on track. Agendas are also often used as a personal tool to
keep track of events, responsibilities and deadlines in the future. There are three
main components of a general meeting agenda. The first aim is to outline the most
important issues that will be discussed so that members can prepare ahead of time.
The second component is to let members know the minimum amount of
information they must know ahead of time. Finally, an agenda also contains a goal of
what the meeting should accomplish.
Five items that should be included in an agenda.
17. Explain the purpose of meeting minutes and list five (5) items that should be included in
meeting minutes.
Taking meeting minutes is important for both historical record-keeping and as a
reference for guests who couldn’t attend. Despite the nomenclature, meeting
minutes don’t have anything to do with actual minutes — meeting minutes are just
about documenting the key decisions that were made and what’s to come next as a
18. Explain the difference between informal meeting minutes and formal meeting minutes.
Formal meeting minutes: formal meeting minutes are traditional minutes written for large
groups and legislative bodies. The following items are generally included in the order shown:
19. Access the Corporations Act 2001 from the Internet and identify the information from the
Act that relates to notices of meetings. Now answer the following questions:
a) To whom must a notice of meeting be provided?
Written notice of a meeting of a company's members must be given individually to
each member entitled to vote at the meeting and to each director. Notice need only
be given to 1 member of a joint membership. Notice to joint members must be given
to the joint member named first in the register of members.
b) How must the notice of the meeting be provided? Indicate at least two (2) ways.
lodging their AGM notice, proxy form, and any other accompanying
documents with the ASX at the same time they are sent to shareholders
notifying ASX of the date of the AGM at least five business days before the
closing date for receipt of director nominations
20. Identify two (2) organizational policies and procedures relevant to conducting meetings.
Legal Requirements – These are policies and procedures which are required from some
organizations by law. An agenda, a chairperson and formal minutes of the meeting are legal
requirements in many places, and consider good business practice in others. In many
countries, an agenda and minutes of the meeting must be stored indefinitely.
Organizational Requirements – these requirements are not formally required by law, but
may have been introduced to increase transparency, protect the shareholders or to ensure
that employees can operate in a safe workplace, which is free from health hazards or
Policies and procedures for meetings are designed to represent the interests of those who
attend the meeting as well as those who are not at the meeting, such as shareholders and
the general public. In some areas, there are formal policies and procedures, which are legal
requirements and are designed to ensure that all formal meetings are transparent and the
participants are accountable.