The Complex Model of REBT
The Complex Model of REBT
The Complex Model of REBT
1. Introductory Comments
Before I tackle the substance of this paper, which is a defence of the core
model of REBT from some unsupportable claims made by Bond and
Dryden (1996), I would like to review my take on the strengths of Rational
Emotive Behaviour Therapy.
The central model used in REBT is the ABC model, which is normally
presented like this:
The first unhelpful aspect of Bond and Dryden (1996) was that they
conflated the content of the arguments in Ellis (1958) - concerning the
ways in which cognition and emotion "are not two entirely different
processes, but that they significantly overlap in many respects " - and the
Ellis (1994) arguments concerning the complexities of the As, Bs, Cs and
their interactions. These discussions concern quite distinct aspects of
human functioning, in my reading and interpretation. The first (or 1958
presentation) is concerned with how thinking and feeling interact in the
processing of incoming stimuli - which in the later-emerging A>B>C model
would place them as overlapping processes at point B. The second (or
1994 presentation) extends the discussion of overlapping phenomena to
include how the A's, B's and C's each overlap and interact with each
other. This interpretation seems to me to be supported by the following
statement from Ellis (1994), page 80:
"Perhaps the main thing I want to emphasize in this (1994) chapter is that
not only, as I have previously theorized (in 1958-62), are cognitions,
emotions, and behaviours interactional, and not only are they practically
never entirely disparate and pure, but the same thing seems to go for the
ABC's of REBT." (Dates in brackets added for clarification - JWB).
What this means is that, in Ellis (1958) - and incidentally also in Ellis 1962 -
Albert Ellis is describing how thinking and feeling are overlapping and
interactional, at the level of stimulus processing, but he has not yet
posited the A>B>C model. If the ABC model had existed in 1958, I am
confident that Albert Ellis would have said "thinking and feeling are
overlapping processes at point B in the model". However, in Ellis (1994),
he has moved on to look at the ways in which (now that the A>B>C model
has existed for more than two decades) all three elements of the A>B>C
model influence each other. Bond and Dryden do not acknowledge this
distinction, indicating that they have misunderstood the 1958
argument. Instead, they "invent" something which they call an
"interdependency principle" which they say Ellis has proposed as his
explanation of the interactions between the As, Bs and Cs; and they
overlook the very strong probability that what Ellis (1958) is referring to is
interaction of thinking and emotion within point B of the later model,
which did not exist at that time. (In Ellis [1958], [1962], [1994], and again,
later, in Ellis and Dryden [1997/1999] the concept which is used is
"interaction" and "interactional", not "interdependent" or
"interdependency". [See in particular, Ellis and Dryden, 1997/1999, page 5,
second and third paragraphs]). So this label, created by Bond and Dryden
(1996) - the so-called "interdependence principle" - is not a phrase used by
Albert Ellis, in 1958 or 1962; nor in 1994. Furthermore, this label is
confusing and misleading, if only for the reason that I have been able to
distinguish four types of interdependency, ranging from a weak form to an
ultra-strong form. (Byrne, 2003, page 7). So I want to start by going back
to the 1958 presentation - Ellis, 1958 - of the ways in which thinking and
feeling are said by Albert Ellis to be interrelated.
"It is also hypothesized that among adult humans raised in a social culture,
thinking and emoting are so closely interrelated that they usually
accompany each other, act in a cause-and-effect relationship, and in
certain (although hardly all) respects are essentially the same thing, so
that one's thinking becomes one's emotion and emoting becomes one's
thought". (Page 36).
If we want to model this proposition, in my view, then this is how we
would do it. Firstly, we would review the S>O>R model of the neo-
behaviourists as follows, as this model did exist at that time. (The neo-
behaviourists, of course, were part of the "cognitive turn", or "cognitive
revolution" against the stimulus>response model of the classical and
operant behaviourists).
In the S>O>R model, most of the "reality" is contained in part ‘O': the
organism itself. The ‘S' is frequently seen as an "incoming stimulus",
though in humans in particular, the "internally generated stimuli" are just
as important. And also, the ‘S' is largely an interpretative inference created
in the mind of the human subject. So, again in the case of humans, even
part of the ‘S' is essentially contained within the ‘O'. The ‘R' is
conceptualized as the response of the organism, such as a rat jumping
upon sensing an electrical current in the floor of its cage. In the case of
humans, the ‘R' is partly observable behaviour of a gross physical kind,
such as running away, punching, kicking; partly more subtle physical
behaviour, such as withdrawing from society; and partly even more subtle
non-verbal behaviours, such as squinting, smiling, scowling, teeth-baring,
and so on. But underlying those visible "outputs", at point ‘R', are a whole
load of invisible electro-chemical outputs, and cardio-vascular outputs,
and hormonal outputs, and so on.
So again, much of the ‘R' is invisible, and contained "inside" of the
organism (‘O'); while the visible "outputs" are technically "outside" of the
organism, but still non-separate manifestations of the activation of the
organism. So even with the S and the R, we can never find a 'response'
"separated" from the organism. Now please note that none of this
"interactional nature" of the S>O>R model prevented the neo-
behaviourists from designing and developing ingenious experiments to
test their theories of how organisms were "wired up" at ‘O'. And why
not? Because: while the S, O and R are not separate from each other, they
are distinct phases in a process of sensing, processing and outputting. They
can be distinguished from each other. Relations between them can be
inferred and hypothesized. Predictions can be made - on the basis of
theories about what goes on inside ‘O' - about what will happen if the
stimulus (‘S') is changed in some kind of way.
The S>O>R model preceded the A>B>C model, and there is clearly a close
fit between the three elements of the two models. The stimulus (S) is
equivalent to the Activating Event (A), while the response (R) is equivalent
to the Consequence (C). What I want to emphasize here is that in the
S>O>R model, the O is the whole organism, human or otherwise. In the
A>B>C model, by association, we can think of the B as the whole organism,
with the emphasis on the belief system. And again by extension we can
note that Ellis (1958) is proposing that the organism has "overlapping"
thinking and feeling processes (as well as behavioural processing
capabilities). Now, even though he does not present a model, in 1958, and
does not say "where" that overlapping takes place, my interpretation is
that it takes place at point B in the later-developed A>B>C model, as
Figure 2: The overlapping of thinking and feeling in Ellis (1958)
If this model is correct, and I think it probably is, then does this in any way
prevent us inferring that irrational beliefs, at point B in the model,
determine or cause unhealthy negative emotions at point C, as suggested
by Bond and Dryden, 1996? Not at all; if we recognize that "irrational
beliefs" is shorthand for "irrational cognitive/emotive/behavioural
attitudes and beliefs". The fact that thinking and feeling interact at the
level of "processing" within the human organism, and seem to be in many
respects "essentially the same kind of phenomenon", does not in any way
compromise the model which states that this cognitive-emotive processing
(at point B) is responsible for the resulting emotional-behavioural outputs
at point C in the model. When that cognitive-emotive processing is
rational, we get reasonable upsets (emotional-behavioural) at point
C. When that cognitive-emotional processing at point B is irrational, we
get overly-upset emotions-behaviours at point C.
(Much of the confusion in Bond and Dryden [1996] may be caused by the
fact that they have not realized that, although adult thinking-feeling
processing, at point B, comes to be dominated by language from about the
age of seven years, and especially from puberty onwards - as argued by
Vygotsky - this does not remove or eliminate the underlying electro-
chemical processing of synaptic signals in the cognitive and emotive
centres of the brain. It also does not remove or eliminate the non-verbal,
visual schemas which underlie the verbal; nor the kinaesthetic schemas
which underlie the visual - as argued by Bruner. [See Bruner and Vygotsky,
in Wood, 1988/1994]).
When I first started to teach REBT to others, in 1992-93, and later when I
began to work in private practice as an REBT therapist, in 1999, I was
constantly striving to find a way to visually represent human emotion in a
way which would make it understandable to my clients, and to allow them
to intervene in their own processes. In addition to presenting various
forms of the A>B>C model, I also developed something called "the Y-
model", to illustrate the kinaesthetic/bodily aspect of emotion
arousal. Initially this was rather crude, but after receiving developmental
feedback from my supervisor, I eventually produced Figure 7 below:
Figure 7: Jim Byrne's Y-Model of Emotion linked to Physiological Arousal
The Y-model shows all the major emotions dealt with in REBT therapy,
plotted on a vertical scale of physiological arousal - with extreme forms of
depression, hurt, guilt and shame at the minimum level of physiological
arousal, and the most extreme forms of anxiety and anger at the maximum
level of physiological arousal. Each individual is assumed to have their
own baseline, or resting level of arousal. (Gottman [1997], page 25). I do
not propose to go through this model in detail here, merely to state that a
depressed individual behaves very differently, kinaesthetically/
behaviourally, than an angry person. And a concerned individual, for
example, does not get as aroused as a person who is feeling anxious. Thus
visceral/facial/kinaesthetic/bodily arousal is part of the process of
producing and experiencing emotion arousal. Furthermore, each of the
states of emotion arousal in Figure 7 is assumed to be caused by the
interaction of (1) a particular A2 (perception/ interpretation/ inference);
plus (2) a particular overlapping cognitive-emotive "belief/attitude",
classified as rB (rational belief) or iB (irrational belief). Let us now revisit
the A>B>C model, as combined with the Y-model.
Figure 8: The A>B>C Model Related to the Y-Model
"Perhaps the main thing I want to emphasize in this (1994) chapter is that
not only, as I have previously theorized (in 1958-62), are cognitions,
emotions, and behaviours interactional, and not only are they practically
never entirely disparate and pure, but the same thing seems to go for the
ABC's of REBT." (Dates in brackets added for clarification - JWB).
"It is finally hypothesized that since man is a uniquely sign-, symbol-, and
language-creating animal, both thinking, and emoting tend to take the
form of self-talk or internalized sentences; and that, for all practical
purposes, the sentences that human beings keep telling themselves are or
become their thoughts and emotions". (Page 36).
Ellis (1958) goes on to admit that emotional outputs can exist without
thought - but only momentarily. This is another very good example of Ellis
(1958) foreshadowing much later developments. This statement fits in
with LeDoux's (1996) view of the unconscious causation of automatic
emotions (at C2) triggered via the B1. (However, this idea was already
present in Arnold [1960] who was thoroughly reviewed by Ellis
[1962]). But what Ellis is saying is that, the maintenance of such an
emotion depends upon subsequent appraisals of the output at C2, (at a
subsequent A2), which is precisely what modern ‘cognitive appraisal
theory' contends. Ellis's statement anticipates the work of Schachter and
Singer [1962] by four years. And indeed, Schachter and Singer, like so
many after them, may simply have been ploughing Ellis's 1958 and 1962
furrows even deeper.
Finally, to sum up: I think Ellis (1958) was saying that an incoming stimulus,
being encountered by a human organism, triggers cognitive-emotive-
kinaesthetic processing, which is essentially sign-, symbol-, and language
based processing, which results in an emotional-behavioural output which
is coloured or shaped by the nature (rational or irrational) of the cognitive-
emotive-behavioural processing. We can fit this into the later developed
A>B>C model as follows:
If this model can be supported, and if it had been accepted by Albert Ellis
as being a true reflection of his 1958-62 thinking, then there would be no
basis to Bond and Dryden's (1996) claim that, because of the way Ellis
(1958) construes the interactions of thinking, feeling and behaving, it
"...cannot be established that cognitions are at the core of psychological
disturbance and health (the core hypothesis)". (Bond and Dryden, 1996,
page 29). Indeed, if this model had been accepted by Albert Ellis as
representing his 1958-62 thinking, then there is no basis to Bond and
Dryden's claim that "the core hypothesis" of REBT is that "cognitions are
at the core of psychological disturbance and health". It is certainly my
view that the core hypothesis of REBT is that "Rational beliefs" and
"Irrational beliefs" - (which includes "rational" and "irrational" attitudes as
inborn orientations [Ellis, 1976]) - are responsible for how we appraise
incoming signals, and the emotional-behavioural outputs that we produce
in response to those signals. And while language dominates our cognitive-
emotive processing, it does not entirely or exclusively constitute
it. Indeed, very much more of our processing at point B in the A>B>C
model is non-verbal than that which is verbal. And although Albert Ellis
tends to emphasize what clients are "telling themselves" to make
themselves upset, his writings reveal a much richer description of
cognitive-emotive-behavioural functioning than is suggested in this
therapeutic shorthand.
Concluding Comment
The core of this paper was written in 2003 and never published, perhaps to
some extent because of the politics of REBT factional differences at that
time; but also because I wanted to retain control over the content of my
writings, and not have them emasculated by individuals who were out of
sympathy with my integrative approach. It is now being published by the
Institute for CENT studies as the foundation of that element of CENT
which derives from REBT. it is also intended as a posthumous acclaim of
Dr Ellis's grasp of the complexity of human functioning, which was often
allowed to drop out of the cut and thrust of REBT therapy sessions, and
out of simplistic, popular representations of this model of therapy. REBT
is a highly complex understanding of the highly complex human mind -
which is probably the most complex entity in the universe. CENT is
similarly complex, as a measure of the clients with whom we deal.
Bond, F.W. and Dryden, W. (1996). Why Two, Central REBT Hypotheses
Appear Untestable. Journal of Rational-Emotive & Cognitive-Behavior
Therapy, 14(1), 29-40.
Byrne, J.W. (2003a). On the conceptual errors of Bond and Dryden, 1996:
or how to scientifically validate the central hypotheses of REBT,
Occasional Paper No.7, 94pp, Hebden Bridge: ABC Coaching Publications.
Damasio, A.R. (2000). The Feeling of What Happens: body, emotion and the
making of consciousness, London, Vintage.
Gottman, John (1997). Why Marriages Succeed or Fail: and how you can
make yours last, London, Bloomsbury.
PS: There are seven papers on the subject of CENT therapy on the CENT
Institute page.
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