Electronics: Fully Integrated Low-Ripple Switched-Capacitor DC-DC Converter With Parallel Low-Dropout Regulator
Electronics: Fully Integrated Low-Ripple Switched-Capacitor DC-DC Converter With Parallel Low-Dropout Regulator
Electronics: Fully Integrated Low-Ripple Switched-Capacitor DC-DC Converter With Parallel Low-Dropout Regulator
Fully Integrated Low-Ripple Switched-Capacitor
DC–DC Converter with Parallel
Low-Dropout Regulator
Jeong-Yun Lee, Gwang-Sub Kim, Kwang-Il Oh and Donghyun Baek *
Microwave Embedded Circuit and System Laboratory, School of Electrical Engineering, Chung-Ang University,
Seoul 06974, Korea; lostria1985@gmail.com (J.-Y.L.); gsubkim@naver.com (G.-S.K.);
dhrhkddlf6763@hanmail.net (K.-I.O.)
* Correspondence: dhbaek@cau.ac.kr; Tel.: +82-02-820-5828
Received: 20 November 2018; Accepted: 11 January 2019; Published: 16 January 2019
Abstract: In this paper, we propose a fully integrated switched-capacitor DC–DC converter with low
ripple and fast transient response for portable low-power electronic devices. The proposed converter
reduces the output ripple by filtering the control ripple via combining a low-dropout regulator
with a main switched-capacitor DC–DC converter with a four-bit digital capacitance modulation
control. In addition, the four-phase interleaved technique applied to the main converter reduces
the switching ripple. The proposed converter provides an output voltage ranging from 1.2 to 1.5 V
from a 3.3 V supply. Its peak efficiency reaches 73% with ripple voltages below 55 mV over the
entire output power range. The transient response time for a load current variation from 100 µA to
50 mA is measured to be 800 ns. Importantly, the converter chip, which is fabricated using 0.13 µm
complementary metal–oxide–semiconductor (CMOS) technology, has a size of 2.04 mm2 . We believe
that our approach can contribute to advancements in power sources for applications such as wearable
electronics and the Internet of Things.
1. Introduction
Rapid advances in the Internet of Things and wearable electronic devices have led to an increasing
demand for various types of sensors [1]. For portability, such devices/applications are usually powered
by small batteries, which limit the operating time of sensor-based devices. Therefore, in order to
increase the battery efficiency to provide longer operating times, power management units such
as power management integrated circuits (ICs) are used to control power consumption [2,3]. The
power management IC can be mounted on the same printed circuit board as the sensor IC, as shown
in Figure 1a. Meanwhile, certain off-chip passive components such as inductors and capacitors
are additionally required for external support of the power management IC because they cannot
be integrated into the chip. In this regard, although multichip configurations are convenient for
a sensor module design, the cost and size of the resulting modules increase. Thus, integration of
the power management unit and passive components into a single sensor chip (Figure 1b) is being
actively pursued to reduce the module size and to increase market competitiveness [4–9]. The power
management unit normally comprises a high-efficiency switching DC–DC converter and a linear
low-dropout regulator. The switching DC–DC converter adjusts the battery voltage that drops over
time to a fixed supply voltage, and its output drives the low dropout regulator to provide a voltage
with low ripple and low noise to supply-sensitive analog components on the sensors [10,11].
(a) (b)
(a) (b)
Figure 1.
Figure 1. Types
Types of sensor modules:
of sensor modules: (a)
(a) Sensor
Sensor module
module with
with multichip
multichip architecture
architecture and
and (b) fully
(b) fully
Figure 1. Types of sensor modules: (a) Sensor module with multichip architecture and (b) fully
integrated sensor module (PMIC, power management IC; PMU, power management unit; and LDO,
integrated sensor
sensor module (PMIC, power
module (PMIC, power management
management IC;
PMU, power
power management
management unit;
unit; and
and LDO,
linear low
linear low dropout regulator).
linear low dropout
dropout regulator).
(a) (b)
(a) (b)
Figure 2. Configuration of the step-down switching DC–DC converters: (a) Inductor-based converter
Figure 2. Configuration
Figure of
of the
the step-down
step-down switching
Configuration converter. DC–DC converters:
switching DC–DC converters: (a)
(a) Inductor-based
Inductor-based converter
and (b)2.capacitor-based
and (b) capacitor-based converter.
and (b) capacitor-based converter.
On the other hand, integrated inductors based on complementary metal–oxide–semiconductor
On the other hand, integrated inductors based on on complementary
complementary metal–oxide–semiconductor
(CMOS) technology present many limitations. First, the feasible inductance LS on a chip is limited
(CMOS) technology present many limitations. First, First, the feasible inductance LSS on on a chip is limited
from a few to some tens of nanohenries due to the planar layout structure and fabrication cost. Thus,
from a few to some tens of nanohenries due to the planar layout structure and fabrication cost. Thus, Thus,
integrated inductor-based converters should increase the modulation frequency to maintain ripple
integrated inductor-based converters should increase the modulation frequency to maintain ripple
levels; however, this also increases the switching loss. Second, series resistance RS is very high, which
levels; however,
alsoincreases thethe
increases switching loss.
switching Second,
loss. seriesseries
Second, resistance RS is very
resistance R ishigh,
leads to an increased inductor loss over the switching loss, regardless of the useS of expensive
leads to an increased inductor loss over the switching loss, regardless of the use of expensive
additional manufacturing processes involving thick metals or integrated magnetic materials. Finally,
additional manufacturing processes involving thick metals or integrated magnetic materials. Finally,
the integrated inductor exhibits power loss due to the large parasitic capacitance in relation to the
the integrated inductor exhibits power loss due to the large parasitic capacitance in relation to the
Electronics 2019, 8, 98 3 of 16
which leads to an increased inductor loss over the switching loss, regardless of the use of expensive
additional manufacturing
Electronics 2019, processes involving thick metals or integrated magnetic materials. Finally,
8, x FOR PEER REVIEW 3 of 15
the integrated inductor exhibits power loss due to the large parasitic capacitance in relation to the
substrate. In contrast, integrated capacitors afford either high parallel resistance RFF or high Q factor
the metal–insulator–metal
via the metal–insulator–metal (MIM) (MIM) structure.
structure. Therefore, when passive components are realized
technology, capacitors
with CMOS technology, capacitors afford
afford better
better energy
energy density
density per
per chip
chip area relative to inductors, as
explained in References [18–20]. Consequently, capacitor-based converters exhibit better power and
cost efficiency than inductor-based
inductor-based converters
converters in low-power
in low-power applications,
applications, such assuch as sensors
sensors and Internetand
of Thingsofdevices.
Things devices.
Figure 33shows
Figure shows thethe block
block diagram
diagram of a commonly
of a commonly used switched-capacitor
used switched-capacitor (SC) DC–DC (SC)converter
utilizing utilizing one-boundary hysteresis
hysteresis feedback forfeedback for output
output voltage voltage
regulation andregulation
its outputand its voltage.
ripple output
The voltage.provides
controller The controller provides
switching controlswitching
signals tocontrol signals in
the converter to phase
the converter
with theininput
phase withCLK.
clock the
The clock CLK. The
one-boundary one-boundary
hysteresis hysteresis
configuration configuration
employs employs only
only one comparator forone comparator
the feedback for the
control to
feedback the
compare control
output to compare the output
voltage with voltagevoltage
the reference with the reference
V REF [21]. Involtage VREFstate,
the steady [21]. this
In the steady
state, this
causes feedback causes
a low-frequency a low-frequency
control control the
ripple. In addition, ripple. In addition,
converter DC–DCthe
“dumps” converter
from the charge
the input to the from
flyingthe input toand
capacitor thefrom
capacitorand from
to the the capacitor
output at discretetotime
the output
discrete time
according to theintervals accordingThis
clock frequency. to discrete
the clock frequency.
charge transferThis discrete
causes charge transfer
an unavoidable causes
switching an
The switchingswitching ripple. lower
ripple is usually The switching ripple is
than the control usually
ripple lowerthe
because than the control
switching rippleisbecause
frequency higher
the switching
than the control frequency
frequency. is higher than the control frequency.
Figure 3.3.Block
Figure Blockdiagram of the
diagram of switched-capacitor (SC) DC–DC
the switched-capacitor converter
(SC) DC–DC using one-boundary
converter hysteresis
using one-boundary
feedback and its output ripple voltage.
hysteresis feedback and its output ripple voltage.
Fully integrated SC DC–DC converters require additional techniques to suppress the ripple due
Fully integrated SC DC–DC converters require additional techniques to suppress the ripple due
to the size limitations of the load and flying capacitors. Figure 4 shows three representative ripple
to the size limitations of the load and flying capacitors. Figure 4 shows three representative ripple
mitigation techniques applied to the SC DC–DC converters. The capacitance modulation technique
mitigation techniques applied to the SC DC–DC converters. The capacitance modulation technique
regulates the capacity of the flying capacitor, which transfers the charge to the load, to suppress
regulates the capacity of the flying capacitor, which transfers the charge to the load, to suppress the
the ripple. Flying capacitors are divided into several capacitors controlled by digital codes [15].
ripple. Flying capacitors are divided into several capacitors controlled by digital codes [15]. The
The capacitance modulation operates as a low-capacity flying capacitor in the light-load state and is
capacitance modulation operates as a low-capacity flying capacitor in the light-load state and is
controlled to operate as a high-capacity flying capacitor in the heavy-load state. Further, pulse–width
controlled to operate as a high-capacity flying capacitor in the heavy-load state. Further, pulse–width
modulation controls the time for which the flying capacitor is connected to the load. This method
modulation controls the time for which the flying capacitor is connected to the load. This method
reduces the ripple by regulating the amount of charge delivered to the load per clock cycle [22].
reduces the ripple by regulating the amount of charge delivered to the load per clock cycle [22].
Figure 4.
Figure Ripplemitigation
4. Ripple mitigation techniques.
The multiphase interleaving technique divides a converter into multiple units and drives each
unit in a different clock phase [19]. Because each converter operates in different phases, it appears
that the ripple waveform is operating at a frequency that is equal to the number of interleaved phases.
The ripple is reduced by the number of interleaved phases.
Against this backdrop, here, we propose a low-ripple fast-transient SC DC–DC converter operating
over the output current range, which integrates all the active and passive components on a single chip.
The converter employs a two-boundary hysteresis control with interleaving through a four-bit DCpM
to reduce the switching ripple and a parallel low-dropout regulator (LDR) to considerably mitigate
the ripple.
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
Figure 5.
Figure 5. Operation
Operation of
of aa step-down
step-down SC
DC–DC converter.
converter. (a) Block diagram
(a) Block diagram of
of aa 2:1
2:1 step-down
step-down SCSC
DC–DC converter;
DC–DC converter; (b) operation during
(b) operation during phase
phase 1;
1; (c)
(c) operation
operation during
during phase
phase 2;
2; and
and (d)
(d) the
the output
voltage ripple.
voltage ripple.
Figure 6 shows a simplified model of the 2:1 step-down SC DC–DC converter. The parallel resistor
RP represents the shunt loss due to parasitic capacitances in the switches and flying capacitors. We
note here that RP is independent of the output current. The output impedance RO is connected in
series with the load resistor RL . RO changes the load voltage, and its power loss, called series loss, is
the sum of the switch conductance loss and the intrinsic SC loss. The switch conductance loss is caused
by the resistance in the on state of the switch. Increasing the size of the switch reduces the conductance
loss but increases the shunt loss via the parasitic capacitance of the switch [23]. The intrinsic SC loss is
caused by voltage ripple ∆V F due to the charge and discharge of the capacitor, as shown in Figure 5d.
The intrinsic SC loss of a 2:1 step-down SC DC–DC converter can be expressed as [24,25]
∆VF IL 2
PCF = IL · = (1)
2 4 · CF · fSW
where f SW denotes the switching frequency related to the two-phase operation. A fully-integrated
SC DC–DC converter provides a relatively large load current with a small flying capacitance due to
chip size limitations. Therefore, the intrinsic SC loss is larger than the switch conductance loss. In
this paper, assuming an ideal switch, only the intrinsic SC loss is expressed as the series loss. Upon
applying Equation (1) to this simplified model, the load current can be approximated as
(VBAT /2 − VL )
IL ≈ = 4 · CF · fSW · (VBAT /2 − VL ) (2)
The SC DC–DC converters regulate the output voltage via changing the value of Ro, which is
adjusted through either frequency or pulse–width modulation of the switching clock.
(VBAT / 2 − VL )
IL ≈ = 4 ⋅ CF ⋅ fSW ⋅ (VBAT / 2 − VL ) (2)
The SC DC–DC converters regulate the output voltage via changing the value of Ro, which is
Electronics 2019, 8, 98 6 of 16
adjusted through either frequency or pulse–width modulation of the switching clock.
Figure 7.
Figure Block diagram
7. Block diagram of
of ss four-phase
four-phase interleaved
interleaved SC
DC–DC converter.
Figure 8 shows the operation of a four-phase interleaved SC DC–DC converter including the
Figure 8 shows the operation of a four-phase interleaved SC DC–DC converter including the
output voltage ripple with and without phase interleaving. In Figure 8a, each SC DC–DC converter
output voltage ripple with and without phase interleaving. In Figure 8a, each SC DC–DC converter
without phase interleaving operates at the same clock phase (Φ and Φ2 ), producing output ripple ∆V L .
without phase interleaving operates at the same clock phase1 (Φ1 and Φ2), producing output ripple
In Figure 8b, each converter of the interleaving configuration operates with 45◦ phase-shifted clocks
ΔVL. In Figure 8b, each converter of the interleaving configuration operates with 45° phase-shifted
(ΦA_1 , ΦB_1 , ΦC_1 , and ΦD_1 ). Therefore, the effective switching frequency f ripple in the converter
clocks (ΦA_1, ΦB_1, ΦC_1, and ΦD_1). Therefore, the effective switching frequency fripple in the converter
increases by a factor of four relative to the case with no interleaving, thereby reducing the output
increases by a factor of four relative to the case with no interleaving, thereby reducing the output
ripple to 25% of the original ∆V L . Multiphase interleaving reduces the voltage ripple by increasing the
ripple to 25% of the original ΔV L. Multiphase interleaving reduces the voltage ripple by increasing
the effective switching frequency but maintains switching losses. To mitigate the output voltage
ripple, a load capacitor is generally used. Multiphase interleaving also decreases this load capacitor
value by a factor of four due to the increased ripple frequency.
Figure 8 shows the operation of a four-phase interleaved SC DC–DC converter including the
output voltage ripple with and without phase interleaving. In Figure 8a, each SC DC–DC converter
without phase interleaving operates at the same clock phase (Φ1 and Φ2), producing output ripple
ΔVL. In Figure 8b, each converter of the interleaving configuration operates with 45° phase-shifted
clocks (Φ2019,
Electronics A_1, 8,
Φ98B_1, ΦC_1, and ΦD_1). Therefore, the effective switching frequency fripple in the converter
7 of 16
increases by a factor of four relative to the case with no interleaving, thereby reducing the output
ripple to 25% of the original ΔVL. Multiphase interleaving reduces the voltage ripple by increasing
effective switching frequency but maintains switching losses. To mitigate the output voltage ripple, a
the effective switching frequency but maintains switching losses. To mitigate the output voltage
load capacitor is generally used. Multiphase interleaving also decreases this load capacitor value by a
ripple, a load capacitor is generally used. Multiphase interleaving also decreases this load capacitor
factor of four due to the increased ripple frequency.
value by a factor of four due to the increased ripple frequency.
(a) (b)
Figure 8.
Figure 8. Operation
Operationof of
an an
interleaved switched-capacitor
interleaved (SC) (SC)
switched-capacitor DC–DC converter:
DC–DC (a) Without
converter: interleaving
(a) Without
and (b) uponand
interleaving applying interleaving.
(b) upon applying interleaving.
light load heavy load light load heavy load light load heavy load
Φ1 Φ1 Φ1
Φ2 Φ2 Φ2
F↓ F↑ D↓ D↑ C↓ C↑
2.4. DCpM
2.4. DCpMControl
The DCpM
The DCpM approach
controlof of
amountof flying capacitance
of flying associated
capacitance with the
associated charge
with the
charge in the converter, therebythereby
in the converter, enabling load current
enabling regulation
load current given that
regulation giventhethat
amount of charge
the amount of
transferred in one clock cycle is proportional to this capacitance. With this
charge transferred in one clock cycle is proportional to this capacitance. With this method, the total method, the total switch
size involved
switch in the output
size involved currentcurrent
in the output of the SC of DC–DC converter
the SC DC–DC can be adjusted
converter according
can be adjusted to the size
according to
of the flying capacitance. Thus, the shunt loss originating from parasitic capacitances
the size of the flying capacitance. Thus, the shunt loss originating from parasitic capacitances of the of the flying
flying and switches
capacitors and the
and switches andconduction
the conduction loss due
loss to
duethetoswitch resistance
the switch are reduced
resistance are reduced whenwhenthe
the current is low,
current thereby
is low, maintaining
thereby maintaining highhighefficiency under
efficiency lightlight
under load.load.
In the
In the implementation
implementation of of the
DC–DC converter
converter with
with DCpM
DCpM control,
control, the
the flying
flying capacitor
capacitor is is
divided into
divided into aa binary-weight
binary-weight bank.
bank. Figure
Figure 10 10 shows
shows thethe structure
structure of of the
the SC
DC–DC converter
converter withwith aa
four-bit DCpM
four-bit DCpM control.
control. The
banksof ofsize
and x8. These
These four converter cells form a single matrix, and the charge transfer operation
converter cells form a single matrix, and the charge transfer operation is enabled is enabled by
by controlcode C[3:0].
code Figure
C[3:0]. 11 shows
Figure 11 showsa model of theofproposed
a model the proposedSC DC–DCSC DC–DCconverter based on
converter a four-bit
based on a
DCpM. The 2:1 transformer represents the required voltage step-down
four-bit DCpM. The 2:1 transformer represents the required voltage step-down process. The output process. The output impedance
RO and the Rshunt
impedance O andimpedance RP are binary-weighted
the shunt impedance according toaccording
RP are binary-weighted the DCpM to control
the DCpM signal. The
signal. impedance is determined
output impedance as 1/(4·CF ·f SW
is determined as),1/(4·C
where f SW
F·fSW and CFfSW
), where denote
and C the switching
F denote frequency
the switching
and the unit
frequency andflying capacitance,
the unit respectively.respectively.
flying capacitance, The load current
The loadIL ofcurrent
the converter
IL of thecan be expressed
converter can be as
expressed as
X 3
IL = 4 · (0.5 · VBAT − VL ) · fSW · 3 C[n] · 2nn · CF (3)
I L = 4 ⋅ ( 0.5 ⋅ VBAT − VL ) ⋅ fSW ⋅ n=C
n =0
0 [ ]
n ⋅ 2 ⋅ CF (3)
where V I and V L represent the input and output voltages, respectively, and DCpM code C[n] determines
the output current.
Electronics 2019, 8, x FOR PEER REVIEW 8 of 15
Electronics 2019, 8, x FOR PEER REVIEW 8 of 15
where VI and VL represent the input and output voltages, respectively, and DCpM code C[n]
Electronics 2019, 8, 98 9 of 16
where VI and the output current.
VL represent the input and output voltages, respectively, and DCpM code C[n]
determines the output current.
Figure 10. Binary-weighted switched-capacitor (SC) DC–DC converter cells for DCpM.
Figure 10. Binary-weighted switched-capacitor
10. Binary-weighted switched-capacitor (SC)
DC–DC converter
converter cells
cells for
for DCpM.
C[3] RO/23
VBAT VBAT/2 C[3] RO/23
C[2] RO/22
C[2] RO/22
C[1] RO/21 CL RL
C[1] RO/21 CL RL
C[0] RO/20
C[0] RO/20
Figure 11.
Figure Model of
11. Model of the
the proposed
proposed switched-capacitor
switched-capacitor (SC)
DC–DC converter
converter using
using aa four-bit
four-bit DCpM.
Figure 11. Model of the proposed switched-capacitor (SC) DC–DC converter using a four-bit DCpM.
3. Proposed Low-Ripple SC DC–DC Converter
3. Proposed Low-Ripple SC DC–DC Converter
Figure 12
3. Proposed shows the block
Low-Ripple diagram
SC DC–DC of the proposed SC DC–DC converter, which is composed of a
Figure 12 shows the block diagram of the proposed SC DC–DC converter, which is composed of
main converter, an auxiliary LDR, and a DCpM controller. The main converter provides most of the
a main converter,
Figure 12 shows an the
auxiliary LDR, andofathe
block diagram DCpM controller.
proposed The main
SC DC–DC converter
converter, whichprovides most of
is composed
current to the load, whereas the LDR assists the main converter to provide an accurate output current.
the current
a main to the load,
converter, whereasLDR,
an auxiliary the LDR
and aassists
DCpMthe main converter
controller. The main to provide
converter anprovides
The LDR is powered by a small four-phase interleaved SC converter to improve efficiency. To reduce
current. The LDR is powered by a small four-phase interleaved SC converter to
the current to the load, whereas the LDR assists the main converter to provide an accurate outputimprove efficiency.
the switching ripple, four interleaved phases (0◦ , 45◦ , 90◦ , and 135◦ ) are adopted for the SC DC–DC
To reduce
current. theLDR
The switching ripple,by
is powered four interleaved
a small phases
four-phase (0°, 45°, 90°,
interleaved SC and 135°) are
converter adopted efficiency.
to improve for the SC
converter cells. The current of the main converter is controlled by the DCpM, which compares the
To reduceconverter cells.ripple,
the switching The current of the main
four interleaved converter
phases (0°, 45°, is controlled
90°, and 135°) by
are the DCpM,
adopted which
for the SC
output voltage with two reference voltages using two clocked comparators. If output voltage V O >
compares the output
DC–DC converter voltage
cells. Thewith two of
current reference
the mainvoltages usingistwo
converter clocked comparators.
controlled by the DCpM, If output
V REF + ∆V or <V REF − ∆V, the binary code decreases or increases, respectively. If V L lies between
compares VOthe
> Voutput
voltage − ΔV,
with twothe binary code
reference decreases
voltages using twoor increases, respectively. If
clocked comparators. If output
VL lies
V REF + ∆V and V REF − ∆V, the binary code remains unchanged.
voltage VVOREF
>V + REF
ΔV+andΔV V
ΔV,− the
ΔV,binary code code
the binary remains unchanged.
decreases or increases, respectively. If VL lies
between VREF + ΔV and VREF − ΔV, the binary code remains unchanged.
Electronics 2019, 8, 98 10 of 16
Electronics 2019, 8, x FOR PEER REVIEW 9 of 15
Figure 12.
12. Block
switched-capacitor (SC)
DC–DC converter.
Figure 13a
Figure 13a shows
shows one
one ofof the four-phase
four-phase interleaved
interleaved SC SC DC–DC
DC–DC converter
converter matrices
matrices used
used in
in the
main converter,
main converter,which whichis is
composed of four converter
of four cells. cells.
converter Each cell
Each employs a 2:1 step-down
cell employs topology
a 2:1 step-down
and operates
topology in a bi-phase
and operates mode (Φmode
in a bi-phase 1 and (ΦΦ21) and
withΦ50% duty
2) with 50% cycle.
duty The magnitudes
cycle. The magnitudesof the of
flying CF andCswitches
capacitors are four-bit
F and switches binary-weighted.
are four-bit Binary code
binary-weighted. BinaryC[3:0]
codeof C[3:0]
the DCpMof thecontroller
either enables
controller eitheror enables
each converter
of eachcell to adjustcell
converter thetooutput
adjustcurrent. As shown
the output current.in
As shown13b,inthe auxiliary
Figure LDR
13b, the powered
auxiliary LDR bypowered
the smallby four-phase SC converter
the small four-phase SCemploys
converter a employs
p–channel a
p–channel metal–oxide–semiconductor(PMOS) pass transistor
(PMOS) pass and a two-stage
transistor operational
and a two-stage amplifier. amplifier.
operational Figure 14
shows the
Figure block diagram
14 shows the blockofdiagram
the proposed
of theLDR-assisted SC DC–DC converter
proposed LDR-assisted SC DC–DC with a low output
converter with ripple.
a low
The proposed
output ripple. converter
The proposedexhibits only a switching
converter exhibits only ripple, and the main
a switching converter
ripple, and theismaincontrolled by the
converter is
DCpM viaby
controlled two-boundary
the DCpM viahysteresis
two-boundary feedback, whichfeedback,
hysteresis also produces
whichaalso low-frequency control ripple.
produces a low-frequency
control ripple.the two-boundary
Nevertheless, the controller
two-boundary can limit the control
controller ripple
can limit controlVripple
the ∆V and VVREF
REF − between REF −+
∆V Therefore,
VREF + ∆V. theTherefore,
LDR with the a low
LDR output
withcurrent capability
a low output can compensate
current capability can forcompensate
the output current
for the
output due to
current the feedback
fluctuation duecontrol
to theripple by providing
feedback an opposite-phase
control ripple by providing accurate current to the
an opposite-phase
load. This
accurate approach
current ensures
to the load. that
Thisthe DCpM ensures
approach control bits
the DCpM coarse controltuning are fixed atcoarse
bits performing every
tuning current
at everyand hence,
output the output
current range,voltage
and hence, ripple
the proposed converter
voltage ripple of thepresents
proposed no
control ripple
converter due to
presents nohysteresis feedback
control ripple due to but only switching
hysteresis feedback ripple.
but only switching ripple.
Figure 15a
Figure 15a shows
shows aa simplified
simplified model
model of of the
the proposed
proposed SC SC DC–DC
DC–DC converter,
converter, where
where thethe 2:1
transformer represents
represents thethe 2:1
2:1 voltage
voltage step-down
step-down process.
process. TheThe main
main converter
converter is is described
described using
using aa
binary-weighed unit-resistance RO
binary-weighed unit-resistance O,, which equals
equals 1/(4·C FLY·f
1/(4·CFLY ·fSW
SW),), where
where fSW SWandand C CFLY
FLY represent
represent the
switching frequency and unit flying capacitance, respectively. Current IIMAIN
respectively. Current MAIN ofofthe
the main
converter cancan bebe expressed as
I MAIN = 4 ⋅ ki ⋅ ( 0.5 ⋅ VBAT − VL ) ⋅ fSW ⋅ X
C [ n ] ⋅ 2n ⋅nCF
IMAIN = 4 · ki · (0.5 · VBAT − VL ) · fSW n·=0 C[n] · 2 · CF (4)
where VI, VO, and ki denote the input voltage, output voltage, and number of interleaved phases,
respectively. The auxiliary LDR is modeled as a fixed resistance RSUB for each SC DC–DC converter
cell and a variable resistance RLDR for the LDR. Consequently, output current ILDR of the auxiliary LDR
can be expressed as
Electronics 2019, 8, 98 11 of 16
where V I , V O , and ki denote the input voltage, output voltage, and number of interleaved phases,
respectively. The auxiliary LDR is modeled as a fixed resistance RSUB for each SC DC–DC converter
cell and a variable resistance RLDR for the LDR. Consequently, output current ILDR of the auxiliary
Electronics 2019, 8,
Electronics 8, xx FOR
REVIEW 10 of
of 15
LDR can2019, be expressed as 10
LDR i ⋅ ( 0.5
= 4=· 4ki⋅ ·k(i 0.5 · V⋅VBAT − VL
BAT L ) ⋅)f·SWfSW
DO SW ⋅ 2 ⋅· C
2 F· CF
where VDO
where DO represents
DO representsthe
dropout voltage
voltage of
of the
the pass
pass transistor
transistor in the
the LDR.
LDR. Hence,
Hence, the auxiliary LDR
can finely adjust the output current. From From Figure
Figure 15b,
15b, we
we note
note that the main converter provides a
discrete coarse
coarse current
determinedbybythe DCpM
the DCpM code, whereas
code, whereasthethe
auxiliary converter
auxiliary “fills”
converter the
the discrete steps using the linear LDR. Thus, the proposed SC DC–DC converter can
discrete steps using the linear LDR. Thus, the proposed SC DC–DC converter can provide any output provide any
current current
output in its operating range without
in its operating requiringrequiring
range without a complex pulse–width
a complex modulated
pulse–width or pulse–frequency
modulated or pulse–
frequency modulated
modulated controller. controller.
(a) (b)
Figure 14.
Figure Block
14. Block diagram
diagram of the
of the proposed
proposed LDR-assisted
LDR-assisted SC DC–DC
SC DC–DC converter
converter and itsand its output
output ripple
ripple voltage.
Electronics 2019, 8, 98 12 of 16
Electronics 2019, 8, x FOR PEER REVIEW 11 of 15
auxiliary converter
C[3] RO/23
C[2] RO/22
C[1] RO/21 CL RL
C[0] RO/20
main converter
(a) (b)
Figure 15.(a)
thethe proposed
proposed switched-capacitor
switched-capacitor (SC)(SC) DC–DC
DC–DC converter
converter and and
(b) output current versus dropout voltage of the LDR pass transistor.
output current versus dropout voltage of the LDR pass transistor.
proposedSC SCDC–DC
converterwas wasimplemented
implementedusing usingaa0.130.13µmμmCMOSCMOSprocessprocess(Dongbu
Korea),which whichprovides
devicesand andMIMMIMcapacitors
capacitorswith witheight
layersand and one
onepoly layer.
poly Figure
layer. 16 shows
Figure the microphotograph
16 shows the microphotograph of the fabricated SC DC–DCSC
of the fabricated converter.
The core chip hascore
an area 2 . Several pads2 are allocated to the input and output ports to reduce
converter. The chipofhas 2.04anmm area of 2.04 mm . Several pads are allocated to the input and output
ports to reduceloss during measurement.
interconnection loss during The area of the capacitors
measurement. The areaisofthe themajor contributor
capacitors is theto the
size of the main
contributor SC size
to the DC–DC of theconverter,
main SCconverter cells, and converter
DC–DC converter, load capacitor.
cells, Stacked
and loadcapacitors
the MIM and
capacitors metal–oxide–semiconductor
utilizing (MOS) capacitors are(MOS)
the MIM and metal–oxide–semiconductor used to increase the
capacitors are capacitance
used to increase per
unit 2 2
the area, which are
capacitance per1unitfF/µm area, and 2.5 fF/µm
which for the and
are 1 fF/μm 2 MIM2.5 and MOS for
fF/μm 2 capacitors,
the MIM respectively. Figure 17
and MOS capacitors,
shows the measured
respectively. Figure output
17 shows voltage and current.
the measured Thevoltage
output proposed andconverter
current. hasThean output voltage
proposed converter range
an1.2 to 1.5 voltage
output V from arange 3.3 V of supply.
1.2 to The1.5 V output
from voltage
a 3.3 V waveforms
supply. Thewere measured
output voltagewith the use ofwere
waveforms an
measured with oscilloscope
the use of (Keysight
an MSO7104B Technologies, Santa(Keysight
oscilloscope Rosa, CA,Technologies,
USA). The output Santavoltage
Rosa, CA, andUSA).
The outputsignalvoltage
are shown and LDR for the LDR in
control the on
signal areandshownoff states
for theinLDRFigure 17a.onThe
in the andoutput voltage
off states and
in Figure
17a. The were set to
output 1.2 V and 100
voltage respectively.
µA, were
current set to 1.2WhenV andthe 100LDRμA,was deactivated,
respectively. When a highthe ripple
LDR wasof
deactivated, a 380 highmV was of
ripple obtained. This is because
approximately 380 mVthe wasDCpM control
obtained. Thiscode does not
is because the converge to one
DCpM control
code atdoeslight
converge and theto onevariation
value at in light
the control
loads, code generates
and the variation a large
in thecontrol
controlripple. However,a
code generates
the ripple
large drops
control below
ripple. 10 mV upon
However, activation
the ripple dropsof the LDR,
below 10 mV which
activationthe output
of the LDR,current
which and
tunesthe theDCpM
current code
one value in the main
the DCpM controlSC code
DC–DC converter.
to one value in Thus,
the the
main control ripple
disappears due tothe
converter. Thus, thecontrol
bounded rippleDCpM controldue
disappears code, andbounded
to the only theDCpM switching ripple
control code,appears
and onlyin the
switchingvoltage waveform.
ripple appearsFigure in the17b showsvoltage
output the loadwaveform.
transient performance
Figure 17bwhen shows thethecurrent
performancefrom 120when µAthe to 50 mA. The
current output changes
suddenly current and fromoutput
120 μA voltage
to 50aremA. restored to theircurrent
The output regulated
less thanare800 ns. to their regulated values in less than 800 ns.
Figure18a 18ashows
showsthe themeasured
efficiency according
according to to
output current
currentat the input
at the inputvoltage of
3.3 V. The efficiency depends on the output voltage, with the output voltage
of 3.3 V. The efficiency depends on the output voltage, with the output voltage of 1.5 V corresponding of 1.5 V corresponding
efficiencyand andlowest
becausethe thevoltage
ratioof ofthetheinput
outputisisthe theclosest
closesttotothe thetransformer
transformerratio ratioofofthe
topologyininthis thiscase.
70,andand65% 65% atat
output voltages
voltages of of
1.35, andand
1.35, 1.2 1.2
V, respectively.
V, respectively. Figure 18b shows
Figure the
18b shows
the measured output voltage
output rippleripple
voltage according to the output
according current.current.
to the output The maximum
The maximumripple values
remain 26,below
36, and26,55 36,mVand at 55
mV at voltages
1.5, 1.35,ofand
1.5,1.2 V, respectively.
1.35, Figure 19 shows
and 1.2 V, respectively. Figurethe19
showscontributions and their ratio
the loss contributions andaccording
their ratio toaccording
the outputtocurrent.
the outputAt the very low
current. output
At the verycurrent, the
low output
current, loss
DCpMthe LDR quiescent
loss and the LDR lossquiescent
decrease thelosspower
the power but efficiency,
as the current but increases, the
as the current
switching loss and conduction loss dominates. Figure 19a shows an efficiency
increases, the switching loss and conduction loss dominates. Figure 19a shows an efficiency reduction reduction of 2.3% due to
the LDR loss
of 2.3% due atto the
the output
LDR loss current
at theofoutput
5 mA but only of
current a 0.23%
5 mA reduction
but only aat0.23%
the output current
reduction of 53
at the mA.
current of 53 mA.
Electronics 2019,
Electronics2019, 8,8,98x FOR PEER REVIEW
2019,8, 13 of 16
Electronics x FOR PEER REVIEW 1212ofof1515
Electronics 2019, 8, x FOR PEER REVIEW 12 of 15
Figure 16.Microphotograph
(SC) converter.
Figure 16.
16. Microphotograph
Microphotograph of
of the
the proposed
proposed switched-capacitor
switched-capacitor (SC) converter.
VV =1.2 1.2 V
= 1.2 V
800 ns
800 ns
ns 0.5 V
1 1µsµs
1 µs
mA IILIL==50
L = 0.1 mA L = 50 mA
(a) (b)
(a) (b)
Figure 17.Measured
17. Measuredoutput
Figure 17. Measured
Measured output
output voltage
voltage and
and current
current waveforms:
waveforms: (a)
(a) the
the ripple
ripple voltage
voltage at low
at a low output
current with
current with
with andand without the low dropout regulator (LDR) in operation and (b) the load transient
current with and without
and without the
without the low
the low dropout
low dropout regulator
dropout regulator (LDR)
regulator (LDR) in
(LDR) in operation
in operation and
operation and (b)
and (b) the
(b) the load
the load transient
load transient
responsestotoa asudden
responses suddencurrent
responses to a sudden current variation.
75 60
75 60
70 50
70 50
65 40
60 30
20 VVL=1.50V
50 VV =1.50V,Ideal
Ideal efficiency=90.9% 20 VLL=1.50V
50 VVL=1.35V
VV =1.35V,Ideal
=1.35V, Idealefficiency=81.8%
efficiency=81.8% VLL=1.35V
45 10 V=1.20V
45 VV =1.20V,
=1.20V, Ideal
Ideal efficiency=72.7%
efficiency=72.7% V
V =1.20V
Ideal efficiency=72.7% L
40 0 0
400 0 10
10 20
20 30
30 40
40 50
50 000 10
10 20
20 30
30 40
40 50
0 10 20 30 40 50 0 10 20 30 40 50
output current(mA)
output (mA) output current(mA)
output current
current (mA) output
output current
current (mA)
(a) (b)
(a) (b)
Figure 18.(a)
and (b)voltage
voltage rippleaccording
Figure 18.
18. (a)
(a) Measured
Measured efficiency
efficiency and (b)
(b) voltage ripple
ripple according to output current.
Electronics 2019, 8, 98 14 of 16
Electronics 2019, 8, x FOR PEER REVIEW 13 of 15
100 100
DCpM loss
LDR loss
80 Switching loss 80
Conduction loss
40 40
DCpM loss
LDR loss
20 20 Switching loss
Conduction loss
0 0
0 10 20 30 40 50 0 10 20 30 40 50
output current (mA) output current (mA)
(a) (b)
Figure 19. Loss
Figure 19. Loss contributions
contributions from
from DCpM,
LDR, switching,
switching, and
and conduction
conduction losses versus output
losses versus output
current for VLL ==1.2
for V 1.2V:
Table 1 compares the performance of the proposed SC DC–DC converter with similar low-ripple
converters. As
As the
the ripple
ripple depends
depends on
on the
the output
output current,
current, load
load capacitance,
figure of
we used the following figure of merit
merit for
for aa fair
fair ripple
ripple comparison
comparison [26,27]:
FoM ripple L
FoM ripple==II L/ CCL·⋅ ffSW ·⋅V
L SW Vripple ripple
) (6)
As can be observed from the table, our approach affords the highest figure of merit.
As can be observed from the table, our approach affords the highest figure of merit.
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