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Fried Rice

Ready in 15 minutes
Serves 8 people

● 3 tablespoons of butter
● 2 eggs, whisked
● 2 medium carrots, peeled and diced
● 1 half cup of frozen peas
● 3 cloves garlic, minced
● salt and black pepper
● 4 cups of white rice
● 4 cups of water
● 2 green onions
● 3 tablespoons of soy sauce
● 1 half teaspoon of toasted sesame oil

Equipment 5. After the eggs are scrambled, remove

them from the saute pan and transfer
● Stove them to another plate
● Large pot 6. Once the eggs have been removed,
● Large saute pan you next want to add another
● Spatula
tablespoon of butter to the saute pan
● Knife
● Measuring cup and heat until melted
● Measuring spoons 7. Next you want to add your carrots,
peas and garlic to the saute pan and
season with salt and pepper
8. After you seasoned the vegetables,
Recipe saute them for about 5 minutes or
until the carrots are soft
1. Heat 4 cups of water in a large pot on 9. Then turn the heat up to high and add
high heat until the water begins to in the remaining 1 ½ tablespoons of
boil butter and stir until fully melted
2. Once at a boil remove from heat and 10. Immediately after the butter is
add 4 cups of white rice and cover the melted, add in your rice, green onions
pot with a lid to not allow steam to and soy sauce, stirring until they’re
escape combined
3. While the rice is cooking, heat ½ 11. Continue to saute for around 3
tablespoon of butter in a saute pan minutes or until your rice is done
until the butter is fully melted frying
4. When the butter is melted, add 2 12. Finally add and stir in your eggs and
eggs and cook them until they’re you’re ready to serve
Experiment Science Behind Cooking Rice
For my experiment, I tested how the amount The most simple answer to why water cooks
of water used in cooking white rice affects rice is that rice absorbs moisture, but the
the texture and the moisture of the rice. The reason why rice absorbs moisture is more
first thing I did was to measure .5 cup, 1 cup complex. The reason behind rice being able
and 1.5 cups of water and put them into 3 to absorb water is because rice is a
different pots and let them boil. After they’re hygroscopic material.
done boiling, I then add 1 cup of rice to each
A hygroscopic material is a material that has
of the pots and let the rice absorb the water
the ability to absorb and adsorb water
for 10 minutes.
molecules in its surroundings. The reason
Once the three batches of rice were finished, behind rice being hygroscopic material is
I set up a blind taste test in order to figure because of what it is primarily composed of,
out the texture of the white rice. My first starch. The reason why starch is important is
step in the blind test was by randomly mixing because starch is composed of a chain of
up the three bowls of rice and set them out glucose molecules and glucose happens to be
with no indicator of how much water was one of the most common hygroscopic
used in the cooking process. Then I asked my compounds that make up hygroscopic
mom, dad and brother to taste each bowl and materials.
to explain to me the texture of each bowl
they tested.

For the 0.5 cups of water test, they were all in
agreement that it had a slight hard and grainy
texture. They also commented on the level of
moisture saying that they thought the rice
felt dry. For the bowl with 1.5 cups of water,
all three also came to the same result, saying
that the texture of the rice was too soft and
felt mushy. They also agreed that the 2nd
batch of rice moisture level was too high and The reason why the rice being hygroscopic is
the rice felt damp. The final batch of rice they important is because once the starch absorbs
tried was 1 cup of water, which they all the water molecules, the rice begins to go
unanimously agreed was the best batch in through the gelatinization process.
both texture and moisture level. They Gelatinization is what occurs when starches
described the texture as soft and fluffy and are heated by a warm liquid, which causes
the moisture level being the perfect middle the starches to swell up. Once the rice begins
ground between dry batch and the damp to go through gelatinization, the starches will
batch. begin to lose their semi-crystalline structure
and begin to soften.

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