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Ready in 15 minutes
Serves 8 people
● 3 tablespoons of butter
● 2 eggs, whisked
● 2 medium carrots, peeled and diced
● 1 half cup of frozen peas
● 3 cloves garlic, minced
● salt and black pepper
● 4 cups of white rice
● 4 cups of water
● 2 green onions
● 3 tablespoons of soy sauce
● 1 half teaspoon of toasted sesame oil
For the 0.5 cups of water test, they were all in
agreement that it had a slight hard and grainy
texture. They also commented on the level of
moisture saying that they thought the rice
felt dry. For the bowl with 1.5 cups of water,
all three also came to the same result, saying
that the texture of the rice was too soft and
felt mushy. They also agreed that the 2nd
batch of rice moisture level was too high and The reason why the rice being hygroscopic is
the rice felt damp. The final batch of rice they important is because once the starch absorbs
tried was 1 cup of water, which they all the water molecules, the rice begins to go
unanimously agreed was the best batch in through the gelatinization process.
both texture and moisture level. They Gelatinization is what occurs when starches
described the texture as soft and fluffy and are heated by a warm liquid, which causes
the moisture level being the perfect middle the starches to swell up. Once the rice begins
ground between dry batch and the damp to go through gelatinization, the starches will
batch. begin to lose their semi-crystalline structure
and begin to soften.