Department of Electromechanical Engineering Course Title: Control System

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Department of Electromechanical Engineering

Course Title: Control System

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Chapter-3: Time Domain Analysis of Control System

1 Introduction

2 Steady state error

3 Analysis of first order system

4 Analysis of second order system

5 Time Domain Specifications of a Second Order System

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There are two ways to analyze the functioning of a control system,
time domain and frequency domain analysis.

In time-domain analysis the response of a dynamic system to an

input is expressed as a function of time. The time response can only
be analyzed when the model of system plus nature of input signals
are known.

The behavior of a system that is dynamic in nature is analyzed under

typical test signals. These signals are an impulse, a step, a constant
velocity, constant acceleration and sinusoidal signal.

There are two components of time response of a system:

Transient response
Steady-state response
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Transient response is dependent upon the system poles only and not
on the type of input. It is therefore sufficient to analyze the transient
response using a step input.

The steady-state response depends on system dynamics and input

quantity. It is then examined using different test signals by final
value theorem.

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Steady state error

Steady state error

steady state error is a design specification for a control system. Let
us consider a feedback control system shown below

E (s) = R(s) − B(s)

B(s) = H(s)C (s)
C (s) = G (s)E (s)
Combining the above equations and solve for E(s), we will get
E (s) =
1 + G (s)H(s)
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Steady state error

The corresponding error in time domain will be e(t).

Steady state error (ess ): The difference between the desired output
and the final value of any system as time goes to infinity.

ess = lim e(t)


Using final value theorem

ess = lim e(t) = lim sE (s) = lim s
x→∞ s→0 s→0 1 + G (s)H(s)

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Analysis of first order system

Analysis of first order system

The following fig. shows a first order system

G (s) = Ts and H(s) = 1

The closed loop transfer function of the system is given by

C (s) G (s) 1
= =
R(s) 1 + G (s)H(s) 1 + Ts
since G (s)H(s) = Ts is type 1 system. It should not have steady
state error for step input.
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Analysis of first order system

Unit step response

The response of the system for step input is given by
1 1 1 1
C (s) = R(s) = = −
1 + Ts s(1 + Ts) s s + T1
using inverse Laplace transform
c(t) = 1 − e − T

The plot c(t) versus t

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Analysis of first order system

The time constant of the system is T. c(t) → 1 when t → ∞.

In practice, the value of c (t) is within 5% of the final value at t =

3T, and it is within 2% after t = 4T. Therefore, t = 3T or 4T may
be considered as steady state.

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Analysis of second order system

Analysis of second order system

A general second order system is given by

G (s) = s(s+2ζωn ) and H(s) = 1
G (s)H(s) =
s(s + 2ζωn )
The closed loop transfer function of the system is
C (s) G (s) ωn2
= = 2
R(s) 1 + G (s)H(s) s + 2ζωn s + ωn2
ωn is the natural frequency, and ζ is the damping factor
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Analysis of second order system

Let us study the effect of pole location before finding the unit step
response. To find the poles of closed loop transfer function, let us
s 2 + 2ζωn2 s + ωn2
s1 and s2 are given as
s1,2 = −ζωn ± ωn ζ2 − 1
From the above equation the following conclusions can be drawn:
The poles are real and unequal if ζ 2 − 1 > 0
i.e.,ζ > 1 p
The poles are s1,2 = −ζωn ± ωn ζ 2 − 1
Since there are no imaginary terms, the poles lie on the
negative real axis and at unequal places.
The response is over damped.
The poles are real and equal if ζ 2 − 1 = 0
i.e.,ζ = 1
The poles are s1 = s2 = −ζωn
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Analysis of second order system

They lie on the negative real axis.

The response is critically damped.
The poles are complex conjugate if ζ 2 − 1 < 0
i.e., 0 < ζ < 1 p
The poles are s1,2 = −ζωn ± jωn 1 − ζ 2
Due to the existence of both real and imaginary parts the
poles are located on the second and third coordinates.
The response is under damped.
if ζ = 0
The poles are complex with only the imaginary part and lie on
The poles are given by s1,2 = ±jωn
The response is undamped

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Analysis of second order system

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Analysis of second order system

Example-1: When switch K open, determine the damping factor

and the natural frequency of the system. If a unit ramp input is
applied to the system, find the steady state error. Take KA = 5

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Analysis of second order system

Example-2: Find the value of ’K’ and ’a’ such that the damping
factor of the system is 0.6 and the steady state error due to a unit
ramp input is 0.25.

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Analysis of second order system

Unit step response of 2nd order system

Let us obtain the solution for response c(t) to unit step input r (t) =
The Laplace transform of r(t) is 1s and C(s) is

C (s) =
s(s 2 + 2ζωn s + ωn2 )

Case 1: under damped case (0 < ζ < 1)

1 s + 2ζωn
C (s) = − 2
s s + 2ζωn s + ωn2
1 s + ζωn ζωn
= − p − p
s 2
(s + ζωn ) + (ωn 1 − ζ ) 2 2 (s + ζωn ) + (ωn 1 − ζ 2 )2

Let ωd = ωn 1 − ζ 2 )2 is the damping frequency
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Analysis of second order system

1 s + ζωn ζωn
C (s) = − 2

s (s + ζωn )2 + ωd (s + ζωn )2 + ωd2
1 s + ζωn ζ ωd
= − 2
s 2
(s + ζωn ) + ωd 1 − ζ (s + ζωn )2 + ωd2

The response in time domain is

c(t) = 1 − e −ζωn t cos(ωd t) − p e −ζωn t sin(ωd t)
1 − ζ2
e −ζωn t p
=1− p ( 1 − ζ 2 cos(ωd t) − ζsin(ωd t))
1 − ζ2

p 1−ζ 2
where cos(α) = ζ, sin(α) = 1 − ζ 2 and tan(α) = ζ
e −ζωn t
c(t) = 1 − p sin(ωd t + α)
1 − ζ2 17 / 25
Time Domain Specifications of a Second Order System

Time Domain Specifications of a Second Order System

In specifying the transient-response characteristics of a control sys-
tem to a unit step input, we usually specify the following:

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Time Domain Specifications of a Second Order System

Delay time (td ): It is the time required for the response to

reach 50% of the final value in first attempt.
c(t) = 12 at t = td
From the response

e −ζωn t
c(t) = 1 − p sin(ωd t + α)
1 − ζ2
e −ζωn td
1/2 = 1 − p sin(ωd td + α)
1 − ζ2
The result of this equation is td = ωn
Rise time (tr ): It is the time required for the response to rise
from 0 to 100% of the final value for the underdamped
c(t) = 1 at t = tr
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Time Domain Specifications of a Second Order System

from the response

e −ζωn t
c(t) = 1 − p sin(ωd t + α)
1 − ζ2
e −ζωn tr
1=1− p sin(ωd tr + α)
1 − ζ2
e −ζωn tr
p sin(ωd tr + α) = 0
1 − ζ2
since, e −ζωn tr 6= 0, we have
sin(ωd tr + α) = 0
ωd tr + α = π
tr =
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Time Domain Specifications of a Second Order System

Peak time (tp ): It is the time required for the response to

reach the first maximum value.
from the response
e −ζωn t
c(t) = 1 − p sin(ωd t + α)
1 − ζ2
at t = tp the slop of the output is zero.

dc(t) e −ζωn t (−ζωn )sin(ωd t + α) + e −ζωn t ωd cos(ωd t + α)

=− p
dt 1 − ζ2
putting dt = 0 and t = tp , we get

e −ζωn tp (−ζωn )sin(ωd tp + α) + e −ζωn tp ωd cos(ωd tp + α)

p =0
1 − ζ2

−ζωn sin(ωd tp + α) + ωd cos(ωd tp + α) = 0, where [e −ζωn tp 6= 0]

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Time Domain Specifications of a Second Order System

1 − ζ2
tan(ωd tp + α) = = tan(α)
ωd tp = nπ, where n = 1, 2, 3, ....

Therefor tp = ωd

The first overshoot is obtained at n = 1 and the first undershoot is

obtained at n = 2
Peak overshoot (Mp ): It is the difference between the time
response at peak time and the steady state output. it is
defined as,
c(tp ) − c(∞)
%Mp = 100%
−ζωn tp
c(tp ) = 1 − e√ sin(ωd tp + α) and c(∞) = 1 and putting
1−ζ 2
ωd tp = π
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Time Domain Specifications of a Second Order System

√−ζπ √−ζπ
e 1−ζ 2 e 1−ζ 2
%Mp = 1 − p sin(π + α) − 1 = p sin(α)
1 − ζ2 1 − ζ2
=e 1−ζ 2

Settling time (ts ): It is the time required for the response to

reach and stay within a specified tolerance band ( 2% or 5%)
of its final value.

It is the measure of how fast the system reaches to the steady

state value.

For 2% criterion
ts = 4T where T is time constant
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Time Domain Specifications of a Second Order System

The time constant for the system is given by

T =

therefore, for 2% criteria

ts =

Steady-state error (ess ): It indicates the error between the

actual output and desired output as t tends to infinity

ess = lim [r (t) − c(t)]


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Time Domain Specifications of a Second Order System

Example-1: For a system having CR(s) (s)

= 20
s 2 +7s+25
, find the expres-
sion of the response for step input.

Example-2: Calculate M, B and K for damping factor ζ = 0.6

and natural frequency of ωn = 2rad/sec, and the system is finally
reached at 1 meter distance. The system is also initially relaxed
(zero initial condition). [f = 9.6N]

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