Straumann Katalog

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Straumann® Product Catalog


Product Catalog
List of abbreviations

ABS Acrylonitrile butadiene styrene

ADLC Amorphous diamond-like carbon
Al Aluminum
AS Angled Solution
BL Bone Level
BLT Bone Level Tapered
CI Ceramic Implant
CIM Ceramic Implant Monotype
EDTA Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid
EMD Enamel matrix derivative
HT High Translucent
LDPE Low-density polyethylene
LT Low Translucent
MI Mini Implant
MO 0 Medium Opacity 0
MO 1 Medium Opacity 1
NC Narrow CrossFit® = implant diameter 3.3 mm, BL and BLT implants
Ncm Newton centimeter, measurement for torque
ND Narrow Diameter = implant shoulder diameter 3.5 mm,
Straumann® PURE Ceramic Implants
NNC Narrow Neck CrossFit® = implant diameter 3.3 mm,
implant shoulder diameter 3.5 mm, SP implants
PA Polyamide
PC Polycarbonate
PEEK Polyetheretherketone
PMMA Polymethylmethacrylate
POM Polyoxymethylene
PPS Polyphenylene sulfide
PS Polystyrene
PSU Polysulfone
RC Regular CrossFit® = implant diameter 4.1 and 4.8 mm, BL and BLT implants
RD Regular Diameter = implant shoulder diameter 4.8 mm,
Straumann® PURE Ceramic Implants
RN Regular Neck = implant shoulder diameter 4.8 mm, S/SP/TE implants
S Standard
SC Small CrossFit® = implant diameter 2.9 mm, BLT implants
SCS Screw Carrying System
SP Standard Plus
TAN Titanium-aluminum-niobium alloy
TAV Titanium-aluminum-vanadium alloy
Ti Titanium
Ti-N Titanium nitride
TiZr Titanium-zirconium alloy (Roxolid®)
TS Transversal screw retention
WN Wide Neck = implant shoulder diameter 6.5 mm, S/SP/TE implants Pack of 4
xxx.xxxV2 Pack of 2
xxx.xxxV4 Pack of 4
xxx.xxxV5 Pack of 5
xxx.xxxV10 Pack of 10
xxx.xxxV20 Pack of 20
ZrO2 Zirconium dioxide
Table of Contents

Surgery 5
Implants Overview 6
Explanation of Color Coding 11

Tissue Level Implants 13
Straumann® Mini Implant System 21
Bone Level Implants 25
Straumann® Ceramic Implant Systems 37
Straumann® Zygomatic Implant System 51

Prosthetics 57
Tissue Level NNC 59

Tissue Level RN 73
Tissue Level WN 93
Bone Level Tapered SC 113
Bone Level and Bone Level Tapered NC 117
Bone Level and Bone Level Tapered RC 145
Straumann® Classic 175

Biomaterials 181
Biomaterials 182

Implant Health 193
Preventive Dentistry 194


Instruments and Accessories 203
Surgery 204
Instruments and
Prosthetics 227
Demonstration Materials 233
Information and Index

Information and Index 239

Contacts 240
The Straumann® eShop and eServices 241
The Straumann® Guarantee 242
Important Information 243
Index 244

When searching the "Implants"
chapter, first select the type of im-
plant – Tissue Level, Bone Level, Ce-
ramic or Mini Implant. Then speci-
fy the desired implant diameter.
These are marked by colored rec-
tangles on the side tabs of each
page. Instruments and accessories
can be found in the corresponding

More than just an implant: a sense of trust

Every patient is different, every treatment is individualized – Straumann reflects this individuality in its
implant products. Whether you choose a Soft Tissue Level, Bone Level or Ceramic implant, all implants of-
fer you, the dentist, a wide range of options, simple handling, reliability and safety.

With the Straumann® Dental Implant System, you can cover a wide range of treatment options.

• A system including Tissue and Bone Level Implants for maximum freedom of choice
• SLActive®, SLA® and ZLA® surface technologies for predictable osseointegration
• Choice of high-performance materials – from zirconium dioxide to Roxolid® – to cover a wide range of
• More than 15 million Straumann implants sold worldwide

Implants Overview 6
Explanation of Color Coding 11

Tissue Level Implants 13
Implants ∅ 3.3 mm 14
Implants 14
Closure Caps and Healing Caps 15
Implants ∅ 4.1 mm 16
Implants 16
Closure Caps and Healing Caps 17
Implants ∅ 4.8 mm 18
Implants 18
Closure Caps and Healing Caps 20

Straumann® Mini Implant System 21

Straumann® Mini Implants ∅ 2.4 mm 22
Implants and Surgical Tools 22
Optiloc® Prosthetics Components 23

Bone Level Implants 25

Implants ∅ 2.9 mm 26
Implants 26
Closure Caps and Healing Abutments 27
Implants ∅ 3.3 mm 28
Implants 28
Closure Caps and Healing Abutments 29
Implants ∅ 4.1 mm 30
Implants 30
Closure Caps and Healing Abutments 31
Implants ∅ 4.8 mm 33
Implants 33
Closure Caps and Healing Abutments 34

Straumann® Ceramic Implant Systems 37

Straumann® PURE Ceramic Implant Monotype ∅ 3.3 mm 38
Implants 38
Components 39
Straumann® PURE Ceramic Implant Monotype ∅ 4.1 mm 40
Implants 40
Components 41
Straumann® PURE Ceramic Implant ∅ 4.1 mm 42
Implants and Healing Components 42
Components 43
Straumann® SNOW Ceramic Implants 45
Implants and Healing Components 45
Components 46

Straumann® Zygomatic Implant System 51

Straumann® Zygomatic Implants 52
Implants 52
Components 53

Implants Overview

Roxolid® SLActive® Implants

Standard Implants RN RN RN WN
∅ 4.8 mm ∅ 4.8 mm ∅ 4.8 mm ∅ 6.5 mm

2.8 mm 2.6 mm

∅ 3.3 mm ∅ 4.1 mm ∅ 4.8 mm ∅ 4.8 mm

SLActive® S ∅ 3.3 RN S ∅ 4.1 RN S ∅ 4.8 RN S ∅ 4.8 WN
6 mm – 033.530S 033.580S 033.600S
8 mm 033.501S 033.531S 033.581S 033.601S
10 mm 033.502S 033.532S 033.582S 033.602S
12 mm 033.503S 033.533S 033.583S 033.603S
14 mm 033.504S 033.534S 033.584S –
16 mm 033.505S 033.535S – –

Standard Plus Implants NNC RN RN RN WN

∅ 3.5 mm ∅ 4.8 mm ∅ 4.8 mm ∅ 4.8 mm ∅ 6.5 mm

1.8 mm 1.6 mm

∅ 3.3 mm ∅ 3.3 mm ∅ 4.1 mm ∅ 4.8 mm ∅ 4.8 mm

SLActive® SP ∅ 3.3 NNC SP ∅ 3.3 RN SP ∅ 4.1 RN SP ∅ 4.8 RN SP ∅ 4.8 WN
4 mm – – 033.043S 033.044S 033.045S
6 mm – – 033.560S 033.590S 033.610S
8 mm 033.416S 033.511S 033.561S 033.591S 033.611S
10 mm 033.417S 033.512S 033.562S 033.592S 033.612S
12 mm 033.418S 033.513S 033.563S 033.593S 033.613S
14 mm 033.419S 033.514S 033.564S 033.594S –

NNC = Narrow Neck CrossFit®, RN = Regular Neck, S = Standard, SP = Standard Plus, WN = Wide Neck

Implants Overview

Roxolid® SLActive® Implants Roxolid® SLActive® Implants

Bone Level Implants NC RC RC

∅ 3.3 mm ∅ 4.1 mm ∅ 4.8 mm

∅ 3.3 mm ∅ 4.1 mm ∅ 4.8 mm
SLActive® BL ∅ 3.3 NC BL ∅ 4.1 RC BL ∅ 4.8 RC
8 mm 021.2308 021.4308 021.6308
10 mm 021.2310 021.4310 021.6310
12 mm 021.2312 021.4312 021.6312
14 mm 021.2314 021.4314 021.6314

Bone Level Tapered Implants SC NC RC RC

∅ 2.9 mm ∅ 3.3 mm ∅ 4.1 mm ∅ 4.8 mm

SLActive® BLT ∅ 2.9 SC BLT ∅ 3.3 NC BLT ∅ 4.1 RC BLT ∅ 4.8 RC

8 mm – 021.3308 021.5308 021.7308
10 mm 021.0010 021.3310 021.5310 021.7310
12 mm 021.0012 021.3312 021.5312 021.7312
14 mm 021.0014 021.3314 021.5314 021.7314
16 mm – 021.3316 021.5316 021.7316
18 mm – 021.3318 021.5318 021.7318

BL = Bone Level, BLT = Bone Level Tapered, NC = Narrow CrossFit®, RC = Regular CrossFit®, SC = Small CrossFit®

Implants Overview

Roxolid® SLA® Implants

Standard Implants

2.8 mm
3.8 mm
4.8 mm

∅ 2.4 mm ∅ 2.4 mm ∅ 2.4 mm

SLA® S ∅ 2.4 S ∅ 2.4 S ∅ 2.4
10 mm 042.944S 042.950S 042.952S
12 mm 042.945S 042.951S 042.953S
14 mm 042.946S – –

Standard Implants RN RN RN WN
∅ 4.8 mm ∅ 4.8 mm ∅ 4.8 mm ∅ 6.5 mm

2.8 mm 2.6 mm

∅ 3.3 mm ∅ 4.1 mm ∅ 4.8 mm ∅ 4.8 mm

SLA® S ∅ 3.3 RN S ∅ 4.1 RN S ∅ 4.8 RN S ∅ 4.8 WN
6 mm – 043.155S 043.061S 043.606S
8 mm 043.255S 043.156S 043.062S 043.607S
10 mm 043.256S 043.157S 043.063S 043.608S
12 mm 043.257S 043.158S 043.064S 043.609S
14 mm 043.258S 043.159S 043.065S –
16 mm 043.259S 043.160S – –

Standard Plus Implants NNC RN RN RN WN

∅ 3.5 mm ∅ 4.8 mm ∅ 4.8 mm ∅ 4.8 mm ∅ 6.5 mm

1.8 mm 1.6 mm

∅ 3.3 mm ∅ 3.3 mm ∅ 4.1 mm ∅ 4.8 mm ∅ 4.8 mm

SLA® SP ∅ 3.3 NNC SP ∅ 3.3 RN SP ∅ 4.1 RN SP ∅ 4.8 RN SP ∅ 4.8 WN
6 mm – – 043.161S 043.066S 043.655S
8 mm 043.416S 043.260S 043.162S 043.067S 043.656S
10 mm 043.417S 043.261S 043.163S 043.068S 043.657S
12 mm 043.418S 043.262S 043.164S 043.069S 043.658S
14 mm 043.419S 043.263S 043.165S 043.070S –

NNC = Narrow Neck CrossFit®, RN = Regular Neck, S = Standard, SP = Standard Plus, WN = Wide Neck

Implants Overview

Roxolid® SLA® Implants Roxolid® SLA® Implants

Bone Level Implants NC RC RC

∅ 3.3 mm ∅ 4.1 mm ∅ 4.8 mm

∅ 3.3 mm ∅ 4.1 mm ∅ 4.8 mm
SLA® BL ∅ 3.3 NC BL ∅ 4.1 RC BL ∅ 4.8 RC
8 mm 021.2508 021.4508 021.6508
10 mm 021.2510 021.4510 021.6510
12 mm 021.2512 021.4512 021.6512
14 mm 021.2514 021.4514 021.6514

Bone Level Tapered Implants SC NC RC RC

∅ 2.9 mm ∅ 3.3 mm ∅ 4.1 mm ∅ 4.8 mm

SLA® BLT ∅ 2.9 SC BLT ∅ 3.3 NC BLT ∅ 4.1 RC BLT ∅ 4.8 RC

8 mm – 021.3508 021.5508 021.7508
10 mm 021.0110 021.3510 021.5510 021.7510
12 mm 021.0112 021.3512 021.5512 021.7512
14 mm 021.0114 021.3514 021.5514 021.7514
16 mm – 021.3516 021.5516 021.7516
18 mm – 021.3518 021.5518 021.7518

BL = Bone Level, BLT = Bone Level Tapered, NC = Narrow CrossFit®, RC = Regular CrossFit®, SC = Small CrossFit®

Implants Overview

Straumann® Ceramic Implant System

Straumann® PURE Ceramic Implants Monotype ND RD

Level of the implant post AH 4.0 mm AH 5.5 mm AH 4.0 mm AH 5.5 mm
∅ 3.5 mm ∅ 3.5 mm ∅ 4.8 mm ∅ 4.8 mm

1.8 mm

∅ 3.3 mm ∅ 3.3 mm ∅ 4.1 mm ∅ 4.1 mm

ZLA® ∅ 3.3 ND ∅ 3.3 ND ∅ 4.1 RD ∅ 4.1 RD
8 mm 031.001S 031.011S 031.021S 031.031S
10 mm 031.002S 031.012S 031.022S 031.032S
12 mm 031.003S 031.013S 031.023S 031.033S
14 mm 031.004S 031.014S 031.024S 031.034S

Straumann® PURE Ceramic Implants * RD

∅ 4.8 mm

1.8 mm

∅ 4.1 mm
ZLA® ∅ 4.1 RD
8 mm 032.000S
10 mm 032.001S
12 mm 032.002S
14 mm 032.003S

Straumann® SNOW BL Ceramic Implants *

∅ 3.6 mm ∅ 4.0 mm ∅ 5.0 mm

Zirkolith® ∅ 3.6 ∅ 4.0 ∅ 5.0

8 mm Z5-BL-3608 Z5-BL-4008 Z5-BL-5008
10 mm Z5-BL-3610 Z5-BL-4010 Z5-BL-5010
12 mm Z5-BL-3612 Z5-BL-4012 Z5-BL-5012

ND = Narrow Diameter, RD = Regular Diameter, AH = Abutment height

* availability depending on country registration

Explanation of Color Coding

Explanation of coding and types Explanation of coding and types

Color coding Connection types

blue Endosteal implant diameter 2.9 mm ∅ 3.5 mm
yellow Endosteal implant diameter 3.3 mm NNC: Narrow Neck CrossFit®

∅ 3.5 mm
red Endosteal implant diameter 4.1 mm
green Endosteal implant diameter 4.8 mm ∅ 4.8 mm

RN: Regular Neck ∅ 4.8 mm

Color coding – Straumann® SNOW
yellow Endosteal implant diameter 3.6 mm
∅ 6.5 mm
red Endosteal implant diameter 4.0 mm
WN: Wide Neck ∅ 6.5 mm
green Endosteal implant diameter 5.0 mm

Implant types ∅ 3.4 mm

S Standard Implant MI: Mini Implant System with

Optiloc® Retentive System
SP Standard Plus Implant
TL MI Mini Implant
∅ 2.9 mm
CIM Ceramic Implant Monotype
SC: Small CrossFit® ∅ 2.9 mm
CI Ceramic Implant
BL Bone Level Implant
BL BLT Bone Level Tapered Implant ∅ 3.3 mm

SNOW BL SNOW BL Ceramic Implant NC: Narrow CrossFit® ∅ 3.3 mm

∅ 4.1 mm ∅ 4.8 mm
RC: Regular CrossFit® ∅ 4.1 and
∅ 4.8 mm

∅ 3.5 mm

ND: Narrow Diameter ∅ 3.5 mm

∅ 4.8 mm ∅ 4.8 mm

RD: Regular Diameter ∅ 4.8 mm


Tissue Level Implants


Tissue Level Implants
Implants ∅ 3.3 mm

Roxolid® SLActive®
Product Platform Image Material Length Art.-No.
Standard Plus NNC – Narrow Neck CrossFit® ∅ 3.5 mm Roxolid® 8 mm 033.416S
10 mm 033.417S
∅ 3.3

12 mm 033.418S
14 mm 033.419S
Standard Plus RN – Regular Neck ∅ 4.8 mm 8 mm 033.511S
∅ 3.3
10 mm 033.512S
12 mm 033.513S
14 mm 033.514S
Standard 8 mm 033.501S
∅ 3.3
10 mm 033.502S
12 mm 033.503S
14 mm 033.504S
16 mm 033.505S

Roxolid® SLA®

Product Platform Image Material Length Art.-No.

Standard Plus NNC – Narrow Neck CrossFit® ∅ 3.5 mm Roxolid® 8 mm 043.416S
10 mm 043.417S
∅ 3.3
12 mm 043.418S
14 mm 043.419S
Standard Plus RN – Regular Neck ∅ 4.8 mm 8 mm 043.260S
∅ 3.3
10 mm 043.261S
12 mm 043.262S
14 mm 043.263S
Standard 8 mm 043.255S
∅ 3.3
10 mm 043.256S
12 mm 043.257S
14 mm 043.258S
16 mm 043.259S

Tissue Level Implants
Implants ∅ 3.3 mm
Closure Caps and Healing Caps

NNC Closure Caps and Healing Caps

Product Image Description Height Material Art.-No.

Closure Caps
Sterile NNC Closure Cap ∅ 2.6 mm, small 0 mm Ti 048.324S

∅ 2.6 mm, small, 048.324SV4
packaging 4 pieces
∅ 4 mm, large 1,5 mm 048.325S
∅ 4 mm, large, packaging 4 pieces 048.325SV4

Healing Caps
Sterile NNC Healing Cap ∅ 4 mm, reduced height 3 mm Ti 048.071S

∅ 4 mm, regular height 4,5 mm 048.074S

∅ 4 mm, labial bevel 2 mm Ti/TAN 048.082S

RN Closure Caps and Healing Caps

Product Image Description Height Material Art.-No.

Closure Caps
Sterile RN Closure Cap ∅ 3.5 mm, small 0 mm Ti 048.371S
∅ 3.5 mm, small, 048.371SV4
packaging 4 pieces
∅ 6 mm, large 1,5 mm 048.373S
∅ 6 mm, large, packaging 4 pieces 048.373SV4

Healing Caps
Sterile RN Healing Cap ∅ 5.5 mm 2 mm Ti 048.033S

3 mm 048.034S

4,5 mm 048.037S

∅ 5.5 mm, labial bevel, small 2 mm 048.028S

∅ 5.5 mm, labial bevel, large 3,5 mm 048.029S

Tissue Level Implants
Implants ∅ 4.1 mm

Roxolid® SLActive®
Product Platform Image Material Length Art.-No.
Standard Plus RN – Regular Neck ∅ 4.8 mm Roxolid® 4 mm 033.043S
∅ 4.1
6 mm 033.560S

8 mm 033.561S
10 mm 033.562S
12 mm 033.563S
14 mm 033.564S
Standard 6 mm 033.530S
∅ 4.1
8 mm 033.531S
10 mm 033.532S
12 mm 033.533S
14 mm 033.534S
16 mm 033.535S

Roxolid® SLA®

Product Platform Image Material Length Art.-No.

Standard Plus RN – Regular Neck ∅ 4.8 mm Roxolid® 6 mm 043.161S
∅ 4.1
8 mm 043.162S
10 mm 043.163S
12 mm 043.164S
14 mm 043.165S
Standard 6 mm 043.155S
∅ 4.1
8 mm 043.156S
10 mm 043.157S
12 mm 043.158S
14 mm 043.159S
16 mm 043.160S

Tissue Level Implants
Implants ∅ 4.1 mm
Closure Caps and Healing Caps

RN Closure Caps and Healing Caps

Product Image Description Height Material Art.-No.

Closure Caps
Sterile RN Closure Cap ∅ 3.5 mm, small 0 mm Ti 048.371S

∅ 3.5 mm, small, 048.371SV4
packaging 4 pieces
∅ 6 mm, large 1,5 mm 048.373S
∅ 6 mm, large, packaging 4 pieces 048.373SV4

Healing Caps
Sterile RN Healing Cap ∅ 5.5 mm 2 mm Ti 048.033S

3 mm 048.034S

4,5 mm 048.037S

∅ 5.5 mm, labial bevel, small 2 mm 048.028S

∅ 5.5 mm, labial bevel, large 3,5 mm 048.029S

Tissue Level Implants
Implants ∅ 4.8 mm

Roxolid® SLActive®
Product Platform Image Material Length Art.-No.
Standard Plus RN – Regular Neck ∅ 4.8 mm Roxolid® 4 mm 033.044S
∅ 4.8
6 mm 033.590S

8 mm 033.591S
10 mm 033.592S
12 mm 033.593S
14 mm 033.594S
Standard 6 mm 033.580S
∅ 4.8
8 mm 033.581S
10 mm 033.582S
12 mm 033.583S
14 mm 033.584S
Standard Plus WN – Wide Neck ∅ 6.5 mm 4 mm 033.045S
∅ 4.8
6 mm 033.610S
8 mm 033.611S
10 mm 033.612S
12 mm 033.613S
Standard 6 mm 033.600S
∅ 4.8
8 mm 033.601S
10 mm 033.602S
12 mm 033.603S

Tissue Level Implants
Implants ∅ 4.8 mm

Roxolid® SLA®
Product Platform Image Material Length Art.-No.
Standard Plus RN – Regular Neck ∅ 4.8 mm Roxolid® 6 mm 043.066S
∅ 4.8
8 mm 043.067S

10 mm 043.068S
12 mm 043.069S
14 mm 043.070S
Standard 6 mm 043.061S
∅ 4.8
8 mm 043.062S
10 mm 043.063S
12 mm 043.064S
14 mm 043.065S
Standard Plus WN – Wide Neck ∅ 6.5 mm 6 mm 043.655S
∅ 4.8
8 mm 043.656S
10 mm 043.657S
12 mm 043.658S
Standard 6 mm 043.606S
∅ 4.8
8 mm 043.607S
10 mm 043.608S
12 mm 043.609S

Tissue Level Implants
Implants ∅ 4.8 mm
Closure Caps and Healing Caps

RN Closure Caps and Healing Caps

Product Image Description Height Material Art.-No.

Closure Caps
Sterile RN Closure Cap ∅ 3.5 mm, small 0 mm Ti 048.371S

∅ 3.5 mm, small, 048.371SV4

packaging 4 pieces
∅ 6 mm, large 1,5 mm 048.373S
∅ 6 mm, large, packaging 4 pieces 048.373SV4

Healing Caps
Sterile RN Healing Cap ∅ 5.5 mm 2 mm Ti 048.033S

3 mm 048.034S

4,5 mm 048.037S

∅ 5.5 mm, labial bevel, small 2 mm 048.028S

∅ 5.5 mm, labial bevel, large 3,5 mm 048.029S

WN Closure Caps and Healing Caps

Product Image Description Height Material Art.-No.

Closure Caps
Sterile WN Closure Cap ∅ 4.3 mm 0 mm Ti 048.375S

Healing Caps
Sterile WN Healing Cap ∅ 7.2 mm 2 mm Ti 048.038S

3 mm 048.039S

4,5 mm 048.053S

∅ 7.2 mm, labial bevel 2 mm 048.030S

Straumann® Mini Implant System


Straumann® Mini Implant System
Straumann® Mini Implants ∅ 2.4 mm
Implants and Surgical Tools

Straumann® Mini Implants Roxolid® SLA®

Product Image Description Material Art.-No.

Straumann® Mini Implants

Straumann® Mini Implant ∅ 2.4 mm, gingiva height 2.8 mm, length 10 mm Roxolid®/ADLC 042.944S

∅ 2.4 mm, gingiva height 2.8 mm, length 12 mm 042.945S

∅ 2.4 mm, gingiva height 2.8 mm, length 14 mm 042.946S

∅ 2.4 mm, gingiva height 3.8 mm, length 10 mm 042.950S

∅ 2.4 mm, gingiva height 3.8 mm, length 12 mm 042.951S

∅ 2.4 mm, gingiva height 4.8 mm, length 10 mm 042.952S

∅ 2.4 mm, gingiva height 4.8 mm, length 12 mm 042.953S

Auxiliary Parts
Paralleling Post for Straumann® Mini Implants Ti 046.796
Adapter Optiloc® for handpiece, length 26 mm Stainless steel 170.1

for Ratchet, length 17 mm 170.2

Needle Drill long, ∅ 1.6 mm, single-use TAN 027.0007S

BLT Pilot Drill long, ∅ 2.2 mm, single-use 027.0011S
Optiloc® Model Analog blue, packaging 4 pieces Al 2102.0024-
Optiloc® Impression Coping red, packaging 4 pieces PEEK 2102.0012-

Straumann® Mini Implant System
Straumann® Mini Implants ∅ 2.4 mm
Optiloc® Prosthetics Components

Optiloc® Processing Package, Retention Inserts and Matrix Housings

Product Image Description Material Art.-No.

Processing Package
Optiloc® Processing includes: 2102.0001-STM Matrix housing, 5202.0001-

Package titanium, 2 pieces 2102.0004-STM Retention insert, STM
white, light, 2 pieces 2102.0005-STM Retention
yellow, medium, 2 pieces 2102.0006-STM Retention
green, strong, 2 pieces 2102.001-STM Mounting
silicone, 2 pieces

Retention Inserts
Optiloc® Retention Insert red, extra-light, packaging 4 pieces PEEK 2102.0003-
white, light, packaging 4 pieces 2102.0004-
yellow, medium, packaging 4 pieces 2102.0005-
green, strong, packaging 4 pieces 2102.0006-
blue, extra-strong, packaging 4 pieces 2102.0007-
black, ultra-strong, packaging 4 pieces 2102.0008-

Matrix Housings
Optiloc® Matrix Housing packaging 4 pieces Ti 2102.0001-
elliptic, packaging 4 pieces 2102.0009-
with attachment option, packaging 4 pieces 2102.0010-

Straumann® Mini Implant System
Straumann® Mini Implants ∅ 2.4 mm
Optiloc® Prosthetics Components

Optiloc® Tools and Auxiliary Parts

Product Image Description Material Art.-No.

Optiloc® Equipment Box including 3 tools: 5102.0000-
3202.0002-STM Mounting tool and model analog STM
repositioning aid (blue),

3202.0001-STM Mounting and demounting tool

3202.0003-STM Matrix Housing Extractor (gray)

Optiloc® Processing Spacer packaging 4 pieces POM 2102.0023-

Optiloc® Mounting Collar packaging 10 pieces Silicone 2102.0011-
Optiloc® Retention Insert brown Al/Stainless steel 3202.0001-
Instrument STM
Optiloc® Laboratory blue 3202.0002-
Instrument STM
Optiloc® Matrix Housing gray Al/Stainless 3202.0003-
Extraction Instrument steel/POM STM

Bone Level Implants


Bone Level Implants
Implants ∅ 2.9 mm

Roxolid® SLActive®
Product Platform Image Material Length Art.-No.
Bone Level SC – Small CrossFit® ∅ 2.9 mm Roxolid® 10 mm 021.0010
12 mm 021.0012
∅ 2.9

14 mm 021.0014

Roxolid® SLA®

Product Platform Image Material Length Art.-No.

Bone Level SC – Small CrossFit® ∅ 2.9 mm Roxolid® 10 mm 021.0110
12 mm 021.0112
∅ 2.9
14 mm 021.0114

Bone Level Implants
Implants ∅ 2.9 mm
Closure Caps and Healing Abutments

SC Closure Cap and Healing Abutments

Product Image Description Height Material Art.-No.

SC Closure Cap
SC Closure Cap ∅ 2.4 mm, height 0.5 mm 0,5 mm Ti 024.0006S

SC Healing Abutments
SC Healing Abutment conical, oval 2 mm Ti 024.0007S

3,5 mm 024.0008S

5 mm 024.0009S

6,5 mm 024.0010S

Bone Level Implants
Implants ∅ 3.3 mm

Roxolid® SLActive®
Product Platform Image Material Length Art.-No.
Bone Level NC – Narrow CrossFit® ∅ 3.3 mm Roxolid® 8 mm 021.2308
∅ 3.3
10 mm 021.2310

12 mm 021.2312
14 mm 021.2314
Bone Level 8 mm 021.3308
10 mm 021.3310
∅ 3.3
12 mm 021.3312
14 mm 021.3314
16 mm 021.3316
18 mm 021.3318

Roxolid® SLA®

Product Platform Image Material Length Art.-No.

Bone Level NC – Narrow CrossFit® Roxolid® 8 mm 021.2508
∅ 3.3
10 mm 021.2510
12 mm 021.2512
14 mm 021.2514
Bone Level NC – Narrow CrossFit® ∅ 3.3 mm 8 mm 021.3508
10 mm 021.3510
∅ 3.3
12 mm 021.3512
14 mm 021.3514
16 mm 021.3516
18 mm 021.3518

Bone Level Implants
Implants ∅ 3.3 mm
Closure Caps and Healing Abutments

NC Closure Caps and Healing Abutments

Product Image Description Height Material Art.-No.

NC Closure Caps
Sterile NC Closure Cap small 0 mm Ti 024.2100S

packaging 4 pieces 024.2100S-04
large 0,5 mm 024.2105S
packaging 4 pieces 024.2105S-04

NC Healing Abutments
Sterile NC Healing ∅ 3.6 mm, conical 2 mm Ti 024.2222S
3,5 mm 024.2224S

5 mm 024.2226S

∅ 4.8 mm, conical 2 mm 024.2242S

3,5 mm 024.2244S

5 mm 024.2246S

∅ 3.3 mm, bottle-shaped 3,5 mm 024.2234S

5 mm 024.2236S

∅ 5 mm, customizable 7 mm PEEK 024.2270S

NC Ceramic Healing Abutments

Sterile NC Ceramic Healing ∅ 3.6 mm, conical 2 mm ZrO2/Ti 024.2222Z
3,5 mm 024.2224Z

5 mm 024.2226Z

∅ 4.8 mm, conical 2 mm 024.2242Z

3,5 mm 024.2244Z

5 mm 024.2246Z

Bone Level Implants
Implants ∅ 4.1 mm

Roxolid® SLActive®
Product Platform Image Material Length Art.-No.
Bone Level RC – Regular CrossFit® ∅ 4.1 mm Roxolid® 8 mm 021.4308
∅ 4.1
10 mm 021.4310

12 mm 021.4312
14 mm 021.4314
Bone Level 8 mm 021.5308
10 mm 021.5310
∅ 4.1
12 mm 021.5312
14 mm 021.5314
16 mm 021.5316
18 mm 021.5318

Roxolid® SLA®

Product Platform Image Material Length Art.-No.

Bone Level RC – Regular CrossFit® ∅ 4.1 mm Roxolid® 8 mm 021.4508
∅ 4.1
10 mm 021.4510
12 mm 021.4512
14 mm 021.4514
Bone Level 8 mm 021.5508
10 mm 021.5510
∅ 4.1
12 mm 021.5512
14 mm 021.5514
16 mm 021.5516
18 mm 021.5518

Bone Level Implants
Implants ∅ 4.1 mm
Closure Caps and Healing Abutments

RC Closure Caps and Healing Abutments

Product Image Description Height Material Art.-No.

RC Closure Caps
Sterile RC Closure Cap small 0 mm Ti 024.4100S

packaging 4 pieces 024.4100S-04
large 0,5 mm 024.4105S
packaging 4 pieces 024.4105S-04

RC Healing Abutments
Sterile RC Healing ∅ 4.5 mm, conical 2 mm Ti 024.0000S
4 mm 024.0001S

6 mm 024.0002S

∅ 6 mm, conical 2 mm 024.0003S

4 mm 024.0004S

6 mm 024.0005S

∅ 5 mm, conical 2 mm 024.4222S

4 mm 024.4224S

6 mm 024.4226S

∅ 6.5 mm, conical 2 mm 024.4242S

4 mm 024.4244S

6 mm 024.4246S

∅ 4.4 mm, bottle-shaped 4 mm 024.4234S

∅ 4.7 mm, bottle-shaped 6 mm 024.4236S

∅ 7 mm, customizable 7 mm PEEK 024.4270S

RC Ceramic Healing Abutments

Sterile RC Ceramic Healing ∅ 4.5 mm, conical 2 mm ZrO2/Ti 024.0000Z
4 mm 024.0001Z

6 mm 024.0002Z

Bone Level Implants
Implants ∅ 4.1 mm
Closure Caps and Healing Abutments

RC Closure Caps and Healing Abutments

Product Image Description Height Material Art.-No.
Sterile RC Ceramic Healing ∅ 5 mm, conical 2 mm ZrO2/Ti 024.4222Z

4 mm 024.4224Z

6 mm 024.4226Z

∅ 6 mm, conical 2 mm 024.0003Z

4 mm 024.0004Z

6 mm 024.0005Z

∅ 6.5 mm, conical 2 mm 024.4242Z

4 mm 024.4244Z

6 mm 024.4246Z

Bone Level Implants
Implants ∅ 4.8 mm

Roxolid® SLActive®
Product Platform Image Material Length Art.-No.
Bone Level RC – Regular CrossFit® ∅ 4.8 mm Roxolid® 8 mm 021.6308
∅ 4.8
10 mm 021.6310

12 mm 021.6312
14 mm 021.6314
Bone Level 8 mm 021.7308
10 mm 021.7310
∅ 4.8
12 mm 021.7312
14 mm 021.7314
16 mm 021.7316
18 mm 021.7318

Roxolid® SLA®

Product Platform Image Material Length Art.-No.

Bone Level RC – Regular CrossFit® ∅ 4.8 mm Roxolid® 8 mm 021.6508
∅ 4.8
10 mm 021.6510
12 mm 021.6512
14 mm 021.6514
Bone Level 8 mm 021.7508
10 mm 021.7510
∅ 4.8
12 mm 021.7512
14 mm 021.7514
16 mm 021.7516
18 mm 021.7518

Bone Level Implants
Implants ∅ 4.8 mm
Closure Caps and Healing Abutments

RC Closure Caps and Healing Abutments

Product Image Description Height Material Art.-No.

RC Closure Caps
Sterile RC Closure Cap small 0 mm Ti 024.4100S

packaging 4 pieces 024.4100S-04
large 0,5 mm 024.4105S
packaging 4 pieces 024.4105S-04

RC Healing Abutments
Sterile RC Healing ∅ 4.5 mm, conical 2 mm Ti 024.0000S
4 mm 024.0001S

6 mm 024.0002S

∅ 6 mm, conical 2 mm 024.0003S

4 mm 024.0004S

6 mm 024.0005S

∅ 5 mm, conical 2 mm 024.4222S

4 mm 024.4224S

6 mm 024.4226S

∅ 6.5 mm, conical 2 mm 024.4242S

4 mm 024.4244S

6 mm 024.4246S

∅ 4.4 mm, bottle-shaped 4 mm 024.4234S

∅ 4.7 mm, bottle-shaped 6 mm 024.4236S

∅ 7 mm, customizable 7 mm PEEK 024.4270S

RC Ceramic Healing Abutments

Sterile RC Ceramic Healing ∅ 4.5 mm, conical 2 mm ZrO2/Ti 024.0000Z
4 mm 024.0001Z

6 mm 024.0002Z

Bone Level Implants
Implants ∅ 4.8 mm
Closure Caps and Healing Abutments

RC Closure Caps and Healing Abutments

Product Image Description Height Material Art.-No.
Sterile RC Ceramic Healing ∅ 5 mm, conical 2 mm ZrO2/Ti 024.4222Z

4 mm 024.4224Z

6 mm 024.4226Z

∅ 6 mm, conical 2 mm 024.0003Z

4 mm 024.0004Z

6 mm 024.0005Z

∅ 6.5 mm, conical 2 mm 024.4242Z

4 mm 024.4244Z

6 mm 024.4246Z


Straumann® Ceramic Implant Systems


Straumann® Ceramic Implant Systems
Straumann® PURE Ceramic Implant Monotype ∅ 3.3 mm

Straumann® PURE Ceramic Implants Monotype, ZLA®

Product Platform Image Material Length Art.-No.
Straumann® ND – Abutment height 4 mm ZrO2 8 mm 031.001S
PURE Ceramic
10 mm 031.002S
Implant Monotype

∅ 3.3 12 mm 031.003S
14 mm 031.004S
ND – Abutment height 5.5 mm 8 mm 031.011S
10 mm 031.012S
12 mm 031.013S
14 mm 031.014S

Straumann® Ceramic Implant Systems
Straumann® PURE Ceramic Implant Monotype ∅ 3.3 mm

Components for Straumann® PURE Ceramic Implants Monotype

Product Image Description Material Art.-No.

Impression-taking/Master Cast Fabrication

ND Impression Cap abutment height 4 mm POM 031.250

abutment height 5.5 mm 031.251

ND Implant Analog abutment height 4 mm TAN 031.200

abutment height 5.5 mm 031.201

Temporary Restoration
ND Temporary Coping for crowns PMMA 031.300

for bridges 031.301

Protective Caps
ND Protective Cap abutment height 4 mm PEEK 031.320

abutment height 5.5 mm 031.321

Position Indicators
ND Position Indicator length 8 mm, ∅ 2.2 mm, abutment height 4 mm Ti 031.102

length 8 mm, ∅ 2.8 mm, abutment height 4 mm 031.103

length 8 mm, ∅ 2.2 mm, abutment height 5.5 mm 031.112

length 8 mm, ∅ 2.8 mm, abutment height 5.5 mm 031.113

Straumann® Ceramic Implant Systems
Straumann® PURE Ceramic Implant Monotype ∅ 4.1 mm

Straumann® PURE Ceramic Implants Monotype, ZLA®

Product Platform Image Material Length Art.-No.
Straumann® RD – Abutment height 4 mm ZrO2 8 mm 031.021S
10 mm 031.022S

Implant Monotype 12 mm 031.023S

∅ 4.1 14 mm 031.024S
RD – Abutment height 5.5 mm 8 mm 031.031S
10 mm 031.032S
12 mm 031.033S
14 mm 031.034S

Straumann® Ceramic Implant Systems
Straumann® PURE Ceramic Implant Monotype ∅ 4.1 mm

Components for Straumann® PURE Ceramic Implants Monotype

Product Image Description Material Art.-No.

Impression-taking/Master Cast Fabrication

RD Impression Cap abutment height 4 mm POM 031.260

abutment height 5.5 mm 031.261

RD Analog abutment height 4 mm TAN 031.210

abutment height 5.5 mm 031.211

Temporary Restoration
RD Temporary Coping for crowns PMMA 031.310

for bridges 031.311

Protective Caps
RD Protective Cap abutment height 4 mm PEEK 031.330

abutment height 5.5 mm 031.331

Position Indicators
RD Position Indicator length 8 mm, ∅ 2.2 mm, abutment height 4 mm Ti 031.123

length 8 mm, ∅ 3.5 mm, abutment height 4 mm 031.125

length 8 mm, ∅ 2.2 mm, abutment height 5.5 mm 031.143

length 8 mm, ∅ 3.5 mm, abutment height 5.5 mm 031.145

Straumann® Ceramic Implant Systems
Straumann® PURE Ceramic Implant ∅ 4.1 mm
Implants and Healing Components

Straumann® PURE Ceramic Implants, ZLA® *

Product Platform Image Material Length Art.-No.
Straumann® PURE RD ZrO2 8 mm 032.000S
Ceramic Implant
10 mm 032.001S
∅ 4.1

12 mm 032.002S
14 mm 032.003S

Components for Straumann® PURE Ceramic Implants

Product Image Description Material Art.-No.

Closure Caps
Sterile CI RD Closure Cap ∅ 4.8 mm, height 0 mm Ti 032.030S

Healing components
Sterile CI RD Healing Caps ∅ 5.2 mm, height 2 mm Ti 032.032S

∅ 5.2 mm, height 3 mm 032.033S

∅ 5.2 mm, height 2 mm ZrO2 032.055S

∅ 5.2 mm, height 3 mm 032.056S

∅ 5.2 mm, height 4.5 mm 032.057S

* availability depending on country registration

Straumann® Ceramic Implant Systems
Straumann® PURE Ceramic Implant ∅ 4.1 mm

Components for Straumann® PURE Ceramic Implants

Product Image Description Material Art.-No.

Impression Caps
CI RD Impression Post screw-retained, for open-tray impression TAN 032.129

Digital Impression
CARES® CI RD Mono including CI RD Basal Screw 032.028, ∅ 4.8 mm, PEEK/TAN 032.041
Scanbody height 11.5 mm
CI RD Repositionable for 3D-printed models, length 17.6 mm Stainless 032.018
Implant Analog steel
CI RD Repositionable for fully digital workflow, length 17.6 mm 032.027
Implant Analog incl. sleeve

Temporary Restoration
CI RD Temporary Abutment including CI RD Basal Screw 032.028, ∅ 7 mm, PMMA/TAN 032.036
Vita CAD-Temp® height 12.3 mm

PUREbase Abutments *
CI RD Straumann® including CI RD Bonding Aid 032.040 and CI RD Basal TAN 032.023
PUREbase Abutment Screw 032.028, ∅ 3.6 mm, height 3.5 mm

including CI RD Bonding Aid 032.040 and CI RD Basal 032.024

Screw 032.028, ∅ 3.6 mm, height 5.5 mm

CI RD Straumann® including CI RD Bonding Aid 032.040 and CI RD Basal 032.123

PUREbase AS Abutment Screw 032.128, ∅ 3.6 mm, height 3.5 mm

including CI RD Bonding Aid 032.040 and CI RD Basal 032.124

Screw 032.128, ∅ 3.6 mm, height 5.5 mm

CI RD Bonding Aid for CI RD Straumann® PUREbase and CI RD PUREbase 032.040

AS Abutments

Replacement components
CI RD Basal Screw for CI RD Straumann® PUREbase Abutments, CI RD Ti 032.028
Temporary Abutments VITA CAD-Temp and CI RD
Healing Components, length 6.1 mm

for CI RD Straumann® PUREbase AS Abutments, for TAN 032.128

angled solution, only compatible with AS Screwdriver
(green color-coding)

* Important Note: new cementation procedure. Please refer to the

package insert.

Straumann® Ceramic Implant Systems
Straumann® PURE Ceramic Implant ∅ 4.1 mm

Components for Straumann® PURE Ceramic Implants *

Product Image Description Material Art.-No.

PUREloc Abutments
CI RD Straumann® PUREloc straight, angulation 0°, height 1 mm ZrO2/Ti 032.089

straight, angulation 0°, height 2 mm 032.090

straight, angulation 0°, height 3 mm 032.091
straight, angulation 0°, height 4 mm 032.092
straight, angulation 0°, height 5 mm 032.093
straight, angulation 0°, height 6 mm 032.094
CI RD Straumann® PUREloc height 1-6 mm POM 032.095V4
Plan Abutment

* availability depending on country registration

Straumann® Ceramic Implant Systems
Straumann® SNOW Ceramic Implants
Implants and Healing Components

Straumann® SNOW Ceramic Implants *

Product Platform Image Material Length Art.-No.

Straumann® Specific to Z-Systems – not compatible with any ZrO2 8 mm Z5-BL-3608
SNOW BL Ceramic other Straumann® platform
Implant ∅ 3.6 mm 10 mm Z5-BL-3610

12 mm Z5-BL-3612

Straumann® 8 mm Z5-BL-4008
SNOW BL Ceramic
Implant ∅ 4 mm 10 mm Z5-BL-4010

12 mm Z5-BL-4012

Straumann® 8 mm Z5-BL-5008
SNOW BL Ceramic
Implant ∅ 5 mm 10 mm Z5-BL-5010

12 mm Z5-BL-5012

Components for Straumann® SNOW Ceramic Implants

Product Image Description Material Art.-No.

Healing components
Bone Level Implant Healing PEEK BL-HC
Cap **

SNOW BL Healing ∅ 3.8 mm, gingiva height 1.5 mm BL-GF1538


∅ 4.5 mm, gingiva height 1.5 mm BL-GF1545

∅ 5.5 mm, gingiva height 1.5 mm BL-GF1555

∅ 4.5 mm, gingiva height 2.5 mm BL-GF2545

∅ 5.5 mm, gingiva height 2.5 mm BL-GF2555

∅ 6.5 mm, gingiva height 2.5 mm BL-GF2565

∅ 5.5 mm, gingiva height 3 mm BL-GF3055

* availability depending on country registration

** Healing Cap is included in the Straumann® SNOW BL Ceramic Implant

Straumann® Ceramic Implant Systems
Straumann® SNOW Ceramic Implants

Components for Straumann® SNOW Ceramic Implants

Product Image Description Material Art.-No.

Impression Caps
Lab Analog Lab Analog for Straumann® SNOW BL Implant Ti BL-L

Impression Post Open Tray Includes post + screw BL-IP-O-S BL-IP-O

for Straumann® SNOW BL

Impression Post Closed Tray PEEK BL-IP-C

for Straumann® SNOW BL

Impression Cap Impression Cap closed for CB-Abutment BL-CB-IC

Transfer Abutment Includes BL-TA + BL-IC-TA + screw BL_TAS + BL-OSL Ti BL-TA

Digital Impression
Scanbody for Straumann® Includes scanbody and screw BL-OSL PEEK/Ti BL-SB
SNOW BL Implant

Scanbody for Straumann® BL-SB-36

SNOW BL Ceramic Implant

Temporary Restoration
SNOW BL Temporary gingiva height 3 mm, including screw BL-OST PEEK BL-TA0030

gingiva height 1.5 mm, including screw BL-OST BL-TA1538

Straumann® Ceramic Implant Systems
Straumann® SNOW Ceramic Implants

Components for Straumann® SNOW Ceramic Implants

Product Image Description Material Art.-No.

SNOW BL Narrow Anatomic angled, angulation 15°, gingiva height 1.5 mm, ZrO2 BL-AN1515

Abutment abutment height 6.0 mm, including screw BL-OST

SNOW BL Anatomic straight, angulation 0°, gingiva height 1.5 mm, BL-A0015

Abutment abutment height 5.5 mm, including screw BL-OST

straight, angulation 0°, gingiva height 2.5 mm, BL-A0025

abutment height 5.0 mm, including screw BL-OST

angled, angulation 15°, gingiva height 1.5 mm, BL-A1515

abutment height 5.5 mm, including screw BL-OST

angled, angulation 15°, gingiva height 2.5 mm, BL-A1525

abutment height 5.5 mm, including screw BL-OST

SNOW BL Crown Abutment gingiva height 1.5 mm, abutment height 5.0 mm, BL-CB1545

∅ 4.5 mm, including screw BL-OST

gingiva height 2.5 mm, abutment height 5.0 mm, BL-CB2545

∅ 4.5 mm, including screw BL-OST

gingiva height 1.5 mm, abutment height 5.0 mm, BL-CB1555

∅ 5.5 mm, including screw BL-OST

gingiva height 2.5 mm, abutment height 5.0 mm, BL-CB2555

∅ 5.5 mm, including screw BL-OST

gingiva height 2.5 mm, abutment height 5.0 mm, BL-CB2565

∅ 6.5 mm, including screw BL-OST

SNOW BL Bridge Abutment gingiva height 1.5 mm, abutment height 4.5 mm, BL-BB1545

∅ 4.5 mm, including screw BL-OST

gingiva height 2.5 mm, abutment height 4.5 mm, BL-BB2545

∅ 4.5 mm, including screw BL-OST

SNOWloc BL straight, angulation 0°, gingiva height 3 mm, including BL-LC0030

screw BL-OST
straight, angulation 0°, gingiva height 4 mm, including BL-LC0040
screw BL-OST
angled, angulation 15°, gingiva height 3 mm, including BL-LC1530
screw BL-OST
angled, angulation 15°, gingiva height 4 mm, including BL-LC1540
screw BL-OST
SNOWbase BL gingiva height 1.5 mm, abutment height 5.0 mm, BL-ZB1538
∅ 3.8 mm, including screw BL-OST

gingiva height 1.5 mm, abutment height 5.0 mm, BL-ZB1545

∅ 4.5 mm, including screw BL-OST

gingiva height 2.5 mm, abutment height 5.0 mm, BL-ZB2545

∅ 4.5 mm, including screw BL-OST

Straumann® Ceramic Implant Systems
Straumann® SNOW Ceramic Implants

Components for Straumann® SNOW Ceramic Implants

Product Image Description Material Art.-No.

Cortical Drill ∅ 3.6 mm ZrO2 CD360

∅ 4 mm CD400
∅ 5 mm CD500
Round Drill ∅ 2.3 mm RD230
Twisted Drill TD230
∅ 2.85 mm TD285
∅ 3.25 mm TD325
∅ 3.75 mm TD375
∅ 4.25 mm TD425

Bonetap ∅ 3.6 mm T360-1

∅ 4 mm T400-1
∅ 5 mm T500-1

Drill Extension Stainless KI589


Drill stops and Depth Gauges

Drill stop package Package of 6 units, one of each of: TD-DS230 + PEEK TD-DS
TD-DS285 + TD-DS325 + TD-DS375 + TD-DS425+CD-

Single Drill stop ∅ 2.3 mm TD-DS230

∅ 2.85 mm TD-DS285

∅ 3.25 mm TD-DS325

∅ 3.75 mm TD-DS375

∅ 4.25 mm TD-DS425

∅ 5 mm CD-DS500

Depth Gauge ∅ 2.3 mm ZrO2 DP230

∅ 2.85 mm DP285
∅ 3.25 mm DP325
∅ 3.75 mm DP375
∅ 4.25 mm DP425

Straumann® Ceramic Implant Systems
Straumann® SNOW Ceramic Implants

Components for Straumann® SNOW Ceramic Implants

Product Image Description Material Art.-No.

Auxiliary Parts
Handpiece adapter Handpiece adapter for ceramic basal screw Ti BL-HA-OSC

Screwdriver short, for titanium screw Stainless BL-SD-ST
long, for titanium screw BL-SD-LT

Insertion Tool for Ratchet BL-RA19


for handpiece BL-HA

Removal Tool Abutment-Removal Instrument BL-CD

Removal Tool Rescue Tool BL-RT

Wrench and Adapter Z5 handpiece adapter latch type ZT-HA-8

Ratchet adapter 10 mm ZT-RA10-8

Ratchet adapter 20 mm ZT-RA20-8

Torque wrench TR-70

Torque wrench 5-15Ncm TW-0515

Surgical Tray empty Plastic Z5-BL_TL-


includes: Z5-BL_TL-LEER, ZT-HA-8, ZT-RA10-8, ZT- Plastic/ Z5-BL_TL

RA20-8, TD-DS, DP230, DP285, DP325, DP375, DP425, Stainless
TR-70, CD400, CD500, RD230, TD230, TD285, TD325, steel
TD375, TD425, T400-1, T500-1, KI589, BL-SD-ST,
O-Ring black for hexagonal adapter, 10 pieces Plastic ZT-O3X 1.5 S

Screws for prosthetics

Basal Screw Titanium screw Ti BL-OST
Ceramic screw, incl. tool BL-HA-OSC ZrO2 BL-OSC-H
Lab Screw Lab titanium screw Ti BL-OSL


Straumann® Zygomatic Implant System


Straumann® Zygomatic Implant System
Straumann® Zygomatic Implants

Straumann® Zygomatic Implants

Product Platform Description Image Material Length Art.-No.

Straumann® Zygomatic Implants ZAGA™ Round

Straumann® External Hex Coronal ∅: 4.3 mm Ti 35 mm CH-ZT-35.0

Zygomatic Distal ∅: 3.4 mm

37.5 mm CH-ZT-37.5
Implant, ZAGA™ Apical ∅: 2.6 mm
Round 40 mm CH-ZT-40.0
42.5 mm CH-ZT-42.5
45 mm CH-ZT-45.0
47.5 mm CH-ZT-47.5
50 mm CH-ZT-50.0
52.5 mm CH-ZT-52.5
55 mm CH-ZT-55.0

Straumann® Zygomatic Implants ZAGA™ Flat

Straumann® External Hex Coronal ∅: 4.3 mm Ti 30 mm CH-ZC-30.0
Zygomatic Distal ∅: 3.4 mm
32.5 mm CH-ZC-32.5
Implant, ZAGA™ Apical ∅: 2.6 mm
Flat 35 mm CH-ZC-35.0
37.5 mm CH-ZC-37.5
40 mm CH-ZC-40.0
42.5 mm CH-ZC-42.5
45 mm CH-ZC-45.0
47.5 mm CH-ZC-47.5
50 mm CH-ZC-50.0
52.5 mm CH-ZC-52.5

Straumann® Zygomatic Implant System
Straumann® Zygomatic Implants

Components for Straumann® Zygomatic Implants

Product Image Description Material Art.-No.

Zygomatic Screw-retained Abutments

Screw-retained Abutments for ∅ 4 mm Ex Hex, straight, angulation 0°, ∅ 4.6 mm, Ti CH-SRA-1.5

for Straumann® Zygomatic gingiva height 1.5 mm
Implants for ∅ 4 mm Ex Hex, straight, angulation 0°, ∅ 4.6 mm, CH-SRA-2.5
gingiva height 2.5 mm
for ∅ 4 mm Ex Hex, straight, angulation 0°, ∅ 4.6 mm, CH-SRA-3.5
gingiva height 3.5 mm
for ∅ 4 mm Ex Hex, straight, angulation 0°, ∅ 4.6 mm, CH-SRA-4.5
gingiva height 4.5 mm

Zygomatic Healing Screw

Straumann® Cover Screw for ∅ 4 mm Ex Hex Ti CH-CS
for Zygomatic Implants

Protective Caps
Protective Cap for for Screw-retained Abutments ∅ 4.6 mm, including PEEK/TAN 024.4323-04
Screw-retained Abutments screw 023.4763, height 5.1 mm, ∅ 5.0 mm,
∅ 4.6 mm packaging 4 pieces
for Screw-retained Abutments ∅ 4.6 mm, including 024.4324-04
screw 023.4763, height 6.6 mm, ∅ 5.0 mm,
packaging 4 pieces
for Screw-retained Abutments ∅ 4.6 mm, including 024.4325-04
screw 023.4763, height 8.1 mm, ∅ 5.0 mm,
packaging 4 pieces
for Screw-retained Abutments ∅ 4.6 mm, including 024.0020-04
screw 023.4763, height 4.5 mm, wide,
packaging 4 pieces

Impression Posts (at abutment level) for Multi-Unit Restorations (non engaging)
Impression Posts for for Screw-retained Abutments, abutment level, TAN 025.0012
Open-tray Impression ∅ 4.6 mm

Impression Posts for TAN/POM 025.0014

Closed-tray Impression

Digital Impression
CARES® Mono Scanbody for Screw-retained Abutments, abutment level, PEEK 025.0001
including Fixation Screw, ∅ 4.6 mm

Repositionable Analog for Screw-retained Abutments, ∅ 4.6 mm Stainless 025.0008


Analog for Screw-retained for Screw-retained Abutments ∅ 4.6 mm, edentulous, TAN 025.0050
Abutments ∅ 4.6 mm straight

Temporary TAN Copings

Temporary Coping for for Screw-retained Abutments ∅ 4.6 mm, for bridges, TAN 024.0024
Screw-retained Abutments including screw 023.4763, height 11.5 mm
∅ 4.6 mm

Straumann® Zygomatic Implant System
Straumann® Zygomatic Implants

Components for Straumann® Zygomatic Implants

Product Image Description Material Art.-No.

Titanium Copings
Coping for Screw-retained for Screw-retained Abutments ∅ 4.6 mm, for bridges, Ti 023.4751

Abutments ∅ 4.6 mm including screw 023.4763, height 11 mm

Gold Copings
Coping for Screw-retained for Screw-retained Abutments ∅ 4.6 mm, for bridges, Ceramicor®/ 023.4754
Abutments including screw 023.4763, alloy weight 0.469 g POM

Burn-out Copings
Burn-out Coping for for Screw-retained Abutments ∅ 4.6 mm, for bridges POM 023.4758
Screw-retained Abutments and bars, including screw 023.4763, height 11 mm

Variobase® Copings
Variobase® for Bridge/Bar for Screw-retained Abutments ∅ 4.6 mm, including TAN 023.0028
Cylindrical Coping for screw 023.4763 and Cementation Aid 3, ∅ 5.1 mm,
Screw-retained Abutments height 4 mm
∅ 4.6 mm
Burn-out Coping for Variobase® for Bridge/Bar Cylindrical, Coping POM 023.0032
Screw-retained Abutment ∅ 4.6 mm, ∅ 5.1 mm,
height 11.1 mm
packaging 4 pieces 023.0032V4

Bar Titanium Coping ∅ 4.6 mm

Coping for Screw-retained for Screw-retained Abutments ∅ 4.6 mm, including Ti 023.4752
Abutments screw 023.4763, height 5.5 mm
for Screw-retained Abutments ∅ 4.6 mm, for bars, Ceramicor® 023.4755
including screw 023.4763, alloy weight 0.744 g,
height 5.5 mm

Replacement Screws
Occlusal Screw for Titanium, Gold, Burn-Out and Variobase® Copings TAN 023.4763
for Screw-retained Abutments, length 3.7 mm

Lab Auxiliaries
Polishing Aid for Screw-retained Abutments, ∅ 4.6 mm TAN 025.0005
packaging 4 pieces 025.0005V4
Lab Processing Screw for Screw-retained Abutments, length 20 mm Stainless 025.0006
for Screw-retained Abutments, length 10 mm 025.0052

Straumann® Zygomatic Implant System
Straumann® Zygomatic Implants

Components for Straumann® Zygomatic Implants

Product Image Description Material Art.-No.

Needle Drill short, ∅ 1.6 mm, length 33 mm Stainless 026.0054

Round Bur for Zygomatic, ∅ 2.9 mm D-ZYG-RB
Twist Drill for Zygomatic, short, ∅ 2.9 mm Ti D-ZYG-29S
for Zygomatic, ∅ 2.9 mm D-ZYG-29
Multi-use Twist Drill for Zygomatic, short, ∅ 2.9 mm Stainless D-ZYG-CH-
steel 29S
for Zygomatic, ∅ 2.9 mm D-ZYG-CH-29
Side-cutting Bur Instrument, ∅ 2.8 – 3.9 mm Ti CH-D-CM

Twist Drill Disposable, ∅ 3.0 x 15 mm Stainless D-35T-M15


Non-cutting instruments
Insertion Tool Hex Instrument, Zygomatic Implant Inserter, Hex Al/Stainless I-ZYG-INS-2

Instrument, Zygomatic Implant Inserter, Hex, Small I-IMP-INS-2

Z Depth Gauge Instrument, Zygomatic Z Depth Gauge Ti CH-I-DG

Service Instrument for Ratchet, length 50 mm Stainless 046.108

Ratchet including Service Instruments, length 84 mm 046.119

Torque Control Device for Ratchet, length 82 mm 046.049

Direction Pin Instrument, Try-In Implant, Zygomatic 55° x 35 mm Ti ZYG-


Instrument, Try-In Implant, Zygomatic 55° x 45 mm ZYG-


Instrument, Try-In Implant, Zygomatic 55° x 52.5 mm ZYG-


Connector Instrument, Connector to Handpiece Stainless I-CON-X

Hex Driver Instrument, 1.22 mm Hex Driver, Medium I-HD-M

SCS Screwdriver for Ratchet, short, length 21 mm 046.401

for handpiece, short, length 26 mm 046.411

Instrument Tray ZAGA™ Zygomatic Instrument Tray, empty CH-I-ZYG

Connector to Handpiece Connection to the Ratchet (046.119) and the Torque Stainless I-WI-SH
Controlled Device (046.049) steel

When searching for prosthetic
components, first specify Tissue
Level or Bone Level, and then
search by prosthetic platform.
These are marked by rectangles on
the side tabs of each page. You will
find the corresponding compo-
nents, ranging from single crown
to hybrid restoration. Instruments
and accessories can be found in
the "Instruments and Accessories"

More than just highest precision: a perfectly adjusted system

Straumann offers a wide variety of implant-borne prosthetic solutions for all indications – ranging from
single tooth restorations to edentulous solutions. Our high-quality connection solutions, Straumann®
synOcta® and CrossFit®, ensure safe positioning of the abutment on the implant and therefore long-last-
ing stability. A broad range of materials combined with a choice of screw-retained, cemented and hybrid
restorations complete our portfolio.

Original on original
Straumann knows all dimensions, tolerances and materials of all Straumann implants. With this knowl-
edge we tune the design of implants and prosthetic components perfectly to each other. High precision in
manufacturing and thorough testing processes ensure the consistent quality of all original Straumann

Straumann® CARES® for individual CADCAM prosthetics

Straumann® CARES® offers you prosthetic solutions from single tooth restorations to tooth-borne dental
bridges, all the way to implant-borne restorations. This is complemented by a comprehensive choice of
materials and simple processes. This means precision, a high degree of efficiency and highly aesthetic re-
sults in every single product.

Tissue Level NNC 59
Narrow Neck CrossFit® (NNC) 60
Crowns and Bridges 60
Solid Abutments 65
Hybrid 66

Tissue Level RN 73
Regular Neck (RN) synOcta® 74
Crowns and Bridges 74
Solid Abutments 81
Hybrid 84

Tissue Level WN 93
Wide Neck (WN) synOcta® 94
Crowns and Bridges 94
Solid Abutments 101
Hybrid 103
Prosthetic Planning Aids (NNC, RN, WN) 109
PLAN abutments 109

Bone Level Tapered SC 113

Small CrossFit® (SC) 114
Crowns 114

Bone Level and Bone Level Tapered NC 117

Narrow CrossFit® (NC) 118
Crowns and Bridges 118
Hybrid 136

Bone Level and Bone Level Tapered RC 145

Regular CrossFit® (RC) 146
Crowns and Bridges 146
Hybrid 163
Prosthetic Planning Aids (NC, RC) 171
PLAN Abutments 171

Straumann® Classic 175

Classic Sets 176
Components 177
Components and Tools 178


Tissue Level NNC

Narrow Neck CrossFit®

Tissue Level NNC
Narrow Neck CrossFit® (NNC)
Crowns and Bridges

Impression-taking/Master Cast Fabrication

Product Image Description Material Art.-No.

Impression Posts
NNC Impression Post screw-retained, for open-tray impression, TAN 048.128
height 10.1 mm
screw-retained, for closed-tray impression, POM/TAN 048.134
height 10.9 mm

NNC Implant Analog length 12.5 mm Ti 048.127

Digital Impression
CARES® NNC including Fixation Screw ∅ 3.5 mm, height 10 mm PEEK/TAN 048.173

Mono Scanbody

Bite Registration Aid

NNC Bite Registration Aid short, height 8 mm, packaging 4 pieces POM 048.960V4

long, height 12 mm, packaging 4 pieces 048.961V4


Temporary Restoration

Product Image Description Material Art.-No.

NNC including screw 048.314, height 10 mm, ∅ 5 mm PMMA/TAN 048.699
Temporary Abutment

Replacement Screw
NNC Basal Screw for NNC Cementable Abutments and Temporary TAN 048.314
Abutment VITA CAD-Temp®, length 7.1 mm

Temporary Abutments
NNC Post for temporary restorations, for crowns, including screw TAN 048.501
048.313, height 10.3 mm
for temporary restorations, for bridges, including screw 048.502
048.313, height 10.3 mm

Replacement Screw
NNC Basal Screw for NNC Titanium Alloy Temporary Abutments, Gold TAN 048.313
Abutments and Variobase®, length 7.1 mm

Tissue Level NNC
Narrow Neck CrossFit® (NNC)
Crowns and Bridges

Cement-Retained Restoration, Cementable Abutments

Product Image Description Material Art.-No.

Cementable Abutment, 0°
NNC Cementable straight, for crowns and bridges, including screw Ti 048.598
Abutment 048.314, height 5.7 mm

Cementable Abutments, 15°

NNC Cementable angled, angulation 15°, type A, including screw Ti 048.621
Abutment 048.314, height 5.9 mm
angled, angulation 15°, type B, including screw 048.622
048.314, height 5.9 mm

Burn-out Copings

NNC Plastic Coping for Cementable Abutment, straight, for crowns, POM 048.256
height 7 mm
for Cementable Abutment, straight, for bridges, 048.257
height 7 mm
for Cementable Abutment, angled, angulation 15°, for 048.258
crowns and bridges, height 7.2 mm

Replacement Screw NNC

NNC Basal Screw for NNC Cementable Abutments and Temporary TAN 048.314
Abutment VITA CAD-Temp®, length 7.1 mm

Tissue Level NNC
Narrow Neck CrossFit® (NNC)
Crowns and Bridges

Cement or Screw-retained Restoration, CADCAM

Product Image Description Material Art.-No.

Variobase® Abutments
NNC Variobase® including screw 048.313, ∅ 3.9 mm, height 3.75 mm TAN n/a
for Crown
including screw 048.313, ∅ 3.9 mm, height 5.75 mm

NNC Variobase® including screw 048.899, ∅ 4.2 mm, height 3.8 mm

for Crown AS
including screw 048.899, ∅ 4.2 mm, height 5.8 mm

NNC Variobase® for Bridge/ including screw 025.2926 and Cementation Aid 3,
Bar Cylindrical ∅ 4.2 mm, height 3.5 mm

CADCAM, Wax-up

NNC Wax-up Sleeve length 12.75 mm PEEK 048.137

packaging 4 pieces 048.137V4

Digital Impression
CARES® NNC including Fixation Screw ∅ 3.5 mm, height 10 mm PEEK/TAN 048.173
Mono Scanbody
NNC Variobase Abutment with individually milled CADCAM zirconium crown
NNC Variobase Abutment available via digital workflow / Straumann Group Ceramic n/a
with individually milled centralized manufacturing centers; including screw
zirconium crown (TAN)

Replacement Screws
NNC Basal Screw for NNC Titanium Alloy Temporary Abutments, Gold TAN 048.313
Abutments and Variobase®, length 7.1 mm

NNC Basal Screw AS for NNC Variobase® for Crown AS, length 7.5 mm 048.899

NC/RC SRBB Bone Level for CADCAM CARES® Screw-retained Bridges/Bars, for 025.2926
Screw Variobase® for Bridge/Bar Cylindrical, length 7.9 mm

Straumann® CARES® CADCAM

• Customized solutions ranging from individual tooth restorations to tooth-borne bridges to
implant-borne restorations
• Wide range of applications and choice of materials
• Access to premium customized genuine Straumann® CARES® abutments through Straumann®
CARES® Scan & Shape, without additional hardware and software investments
• Customized solutions for all indications
• Additional information at

Tissue Level NNC
Narrow Neck CrossFit® (NNC)
Crowns and Bridges

Cement or Screw-retained Restoration, Gold Abutments

Product Image Description Material Art.-No.

Gold Abutment
NNC Gold Abutment for crowns, including screw 048.313, height 3.6 mm, Ceramicor®/ 048.592
alloy weight 0.306 g TAN/POM
for bridges, including screw 048.313, height 3.6 mm, 048.593
alloy weight 0.279 g

Replacement Screw
NNC Basal Screw for NNC Titanium Alloy Temporary Abutments, Gold TAN 048.313
Abutments and Variobase®, length 7.1 mm


Ceramicor® is a non-oxidizing precious metal alloy for

casting on precious metal alloys.

Tissue Level NNC
Narrow Neck CrossFit® (NNC)
Crowns and Bridges

Cement or Screw-retained Restoration, Variobase®

Product Image Description Material Art.-No.

Variobase® Abutments
NNC Variobase® including screw 048.313, ∅ 3.9 mm, height 3.75 mm TAN 048.709
for Crown
including screw 048.313, ∅ 3.9 mm, height 5.75 mm 022.0021

NNC Variobase® including screw 048.899, ∅ 4.2 mm, height 3.8 mm 048.876

for Crown AS
including screw 048.899, ∅ 4.2 mm, height 5.8 mm 048.879

NNC Variobase® C for Dentsply® Sirona®, including screw 048.313, 022.0018

∅ 3.9 mm, height 4.7 mm
NNC Variobase® for Bridge/ including screw 025.2926 and Cementation Aid 3, 048.377

Bar Cylindrical ∅ 4.2 mm, height 3.5 mm

Burn-out Copings
NNC Burn-out Coping for Variobase® for Crown with height 3.75 mm, POM 048.267
∅ 3.9 mm, height 11.1 mm
packaging 4 pieces 048.267V4
for Variobase® for Crown with height 5.75 mm, 023.0014
NNC ∅ 3.9 mm, height 11.1 mm
packaging 4 pieces 023.0014V4
NNC Burn-out Coping for Variobase® for Bridge/Bar Cylindrical with height 048.380
3.5 mm, ∅ 4.2 mm, height 11.1 mm
packaging 4 pieces 048.380V4

Burn-out Copings AS
NNC Burn-out Coping angulation 25°, Variobase® for Crown AS POM 048.896

Replacement Screws
NNC Basal Screw for NNC Titanium Alloy Temporary Abutments, Gold TAN 048.313
Abutments and Variobase®, length 7.1 mm

NNC Basal Screw AS for NNC Variobase® for Crown AS, length 7.5 mm 048.899

NC/RC SRBB Bone Level for CADCAM CARES® Screw-retained Bridges/Bars, for 025.2926
Screw Variobase® for Bridge/Bar Cylindrical, length 7.9 mm

Tissue Level NNC
Narrow Neck CrossFit® (NNC)
Solid Abutments

Impression-taking/Master Cast Fabrication for Solid Abutments

Product Image Description Material Art.-No.

Impression-taking/Master Cast Fabrication

NNC Impression Cap height 8 mm POM 048.579

NNC for 048.547, yellow, height 10.2 mm 048.587

Positioning Cylinder
for 048.548, gray, height 10.2 mm 048.588

for 048.549, blue, height 10.2 mm 048.589

NNC Implant Analog for Solid Abutment 048.547, yellow, height 14.3 mm TAN 048.527

for Solid Abutment 048.548, gray, height 15.8 mm 048.528

for Solid Abutment 048.549, blue, height 17.3 mm 048.529

Temporary Restoration
NNC Temporary Coping for Solid Abutment, for crowns, height 8.5 mm PMMA 048.658
for Solid Abutment, for bridges, height 8.5 mm 048.659

Protective Caps
NNC Protective Cap for Solid Abutment 048.547, height 5.6 mm PEEK 048.700

for Solid Abutment 048.548, height 7.1 mm 048.701

for Solid Abutment 048.549, height 8.6 mm 048.702

Cement-Retained Restoration, Solid Abutments

Product Image Description Material Art.-No.

Solid Abutments
NNC Solid Abutment yellow, height 4 mm Ti 048.547
gray, height 5.5 mm 048.548
blue, height 7 mm 048.549

Burn-out Copings
NNC Plastic Coping for Solid Abutment, for crowns, height 10.2 mm POM 048.263

for Solid Abutment, for bridges, height 10.2 mm 048.264

Tools and Auxiliary Parts

NNC Solid Abutment short, length 13 mm Stainless 048.155
Driver steel

long, length 19 mm 048.156

Tissue Level NNC
Narrow Neck CrossFit® (NNC)


Product Image Description Material Art.-No.

Impression-taking/Master Cast Fabrication

Forming/Fixing Matrix red, packaging 4 pieces PEEK 2010.722-
Model Analog ∅ 4 mm blue, packaging 4 pieces Al 2010.721-
Model analogue red, angled, angulation 15°, packaging 4 pieces 2010.720-

Novaloc® Abutments
NNC Novaloc® Abutment straight, angulation 0°, height 1 mm Titanium 048.806

straight, angulation 0°, height 2 mm 048.807

straight, angulation 0°, height 3 mm 048.808
straight, angulation 0°, height 4 mm 048.809
straight, angulation 0°, height 5 mm 048.810
straight, angulation 0°, height 6 mm 048.811
angled, angulation 15°, height 2 mm, 048.842
NNC type A
angled, angulation 15°, height 3 mm, 048.843
type A
angled, angulation 15°, height 4 mm, 048.844
type A
angled, angulation 15°, height 5 mm, 048.845
type A
angled, angulation 15°, height 6 mm, 048.846
type A
angled, angulation 15°, height 2 mm, 048.847
type B
angled, angulation 15°, height 3 mm, 048.848
type B
angled, angulation 15°, height 4 mm, 048.849
type B
angled, angulation 15°, height 5 mm, 048.850
type B
angled, angulation 15°, height 6 mm, 048.851
type B

Novaloc® with M2 Thread for Bars

Novaloc® Bar Abutment Novaloc® Bar Abutment, packaging 2 pieces Titanium 048.857V2

Replacement Screw
Screw for NC/RC Screw-retained Abutments 17° and 30°, TAN 025.0002
length 7.2 mm, for RC/NC/NNC Novaloc® Angled

Tissue Level NNC
Narrow Neck CrossFit® (NNC)

Novaloc® Processing Packages and Matrix Housings

Product Image Description Material Art.-No.

Processing Packages
Processing Package includes: Titanium Matrix Housing (including  Ti/POM/ 2010.601-
Titanium Mounting Insert), PEEK/Silicone STM
white Retention Insert (light),
yellow Retention Insert (medium),
green Retention Insert (strong),
Mounting Collar (silicone),
packaging 2 pieces
Processing Package PEEK includes: PEEK Matrix Housing PEEK/POM/ 2010.611-
including Mounting Insert), Silicone STM
white Retention Insert (light),
yellow Retention Insert (medium),

green Retention Insert (strong),
Mounting Collar (silicone),
packaging 2 pieces

Retention Inserts
Novaloc® Retention Insert red, extra-light, approx. 300 g, PEEK 2010.710-
packaging 4 pieces STM
white, light, approx. 750 g, 2010.711- NNC
packaging 4 pieces STM
yellow, medium, approx. 1200 g, 2010.712-
packaging 4 pieces STM
green, strong, approx. 1650 g, 2010.713-
packaging 4 pieces STM
blue, extra-strong, approx. 2100 g, 2010.714-
packaging 4 pieces STM
black, ultra-strong, approx. 2550 g, 2010.715-
packaging 4 pieces STM

Matrix Housings
Matrix Housing, Titanium including Mounting Insert, packaging 4 pieces Titanium/ 2010.701-
Matrix Housing, PEEK PEEK/POM 2010.702-
Matrix Housing with Titanium/ 2010.703-
Attachment Option POM STM

Tissue Level NNC
Narrow Neck CrossFit® (NNC)

Novaloc® Tools and Auxiliary Parts

Product Image Description Material Art.-No.

Equipment Box including 3 tools: 2010.101-
2010.731-STM Demounting Tool for Mounting Insert STM
and Model Analog Reposition Aid (blue),
2010.741-STM Mounting and Demounting Tool for
Retention Inserts (brown),
2010.751-STM Matrix Housing Extractor (gray)

Processing Spacer white, packaging 4 pieces POM 2010.723-

Mounting Collar packaging 10 pieces Silicone 2010.724-

Mounting Insert packaging 4 pieces POM 2010.725-
Demounting Tool for blue Al/Steel 2010.731-
Mounting Inserts and STM
Model Analog Reposition

Mounting and Demounting brown 2010.741-

Tool for Retention Inserts STM

Matrix Housing Extractor gray 2010.751-


The Novaloc matrix system is also compatible with

LOCATOR® abutments.

Tissue Level NNC
Narrow Neck CrossFit® (NNC)


Product Image Description Material Art.-No.

Impression-taking/Master Cast Fabrication

LOCATOR® height 4 mm, packaging 4 pieces Al housing 048.197V4
Impression Coping with LDPE

LOCATOR® length 10 mm, ∅ 4 mm, Al 025.0120-04

Female Analog packaging 4 pieces

LOCATOR® Abutments
NNC LOCATOR® height 1 mm TAV 048.581

height 2 mm 048.582

height 3 mm 048.583

height 4 mm 048.584

height 5 mm 048.585

height 6 mm 048.586
LOCATOR® Bar Abutments
LOCATOR® Bar Abutment M2 Thread (2.0 mm), height 1.78 mm, TAV 048.804V2
packaging 2 pieces
M2 Thread (2.0 mm), height 1.78 mm, 048.804V10
packaging 10 pieces

Tissue Level NNC
Narrow Neck CrossFit® (NNC)


Product Image Description Material Art.-No.

Lab Set, up to 20° Divergence Compensation

LOCATOR® Male Processing includes: Denture Cap (∅ 5.5 mm, height 2.5 mm) with Ti/Nylon/ 048.189V2
Package black Processing Male (height 1.9 mm), Block-out LDPE
Spacer (048.196), clear Replacement Male (048.190),
pink Replacement Male (048.191), blue Replacement
Male (048.192), packaging 2 pieces

LOCATOR® clear, angulation 0°–10°, height 1.7 mm, 2.27 kg, Nylon 048.190V4

Replacement Male packaging 4 pieces
pink, light retention, angulation 0°–10°, height 1.7 mm, 048.191V4
1.36 kg, packaging 4 pieces

blue, extra-light retention, angle 0°–10°, 048.192V4

height 1.7 mm, 0.68 kg, packaging 4 pieces

Lab Set, up to 40° Divergence Compensation

LOCATOR® Male Processing extended range, includes: Denture Cap (∅ 5.5 mm, Ti/Nylon/ 048.182V2
Package height 2.5 mm) with black Processing Male (height LDPE
1.9 mm), Block-out Spacer (048.196), green
Replacement Male (048.193), orange Replacement
Male (048.188), red Replacement Male (048.194),
packaging 2 pieces
LOCATOR® green, extended range, angulation 10°–20°, Nylon 048.193V4
Replacement Male height 1.7 mm, 1.82 kg, packaging 4 pieces
orange, light retention, extended range, 048.188V4
angulation 10°–20°, height 1.7 mm, 0.91 kg,
packaging 4 pieces
red, extra-light retention, extended range, angle 10°– 048.194V4
20°, height 1.7 mm, 0.45 kg, packaging 4 pieces

gray, extended range, zero retention, height 1.7 mm, 048.181V4

packaging 4 pieces

LOCATOR® for Bars

LOCATOR® Bar Male includes: Denture Cap (∅ 5.5 mm, height 2.5 mm) with Ti/Nylon/ 048.805V10
Processing Package yellow Processing Male, Block-out Spacer (048.196), LDPE
clear Replacement Male (048.190), pink Replacement
Male (048.191), blue Replacement Male (048.192),
packaging 10 pieces

includes: Denture Cap (∅ 5.5 mm, height 2.5 mm) with 048.805V2

yellow Processing Male, Block-out Spacer (048.196),
clear Replacement Male (048.190), pink Replacement
Male (048.191), blue Replacement Male (048.192),
packaging 2 pieces

Tissue Level NNC
Narrow Neck CrossFit® (NNC)

LOCATOR® Components

Product Image Description Material Art.-No.

LOCATOR® length 8 mm, packaging 4 pieces LDPE 048.199V4
Parallel Post
LOCATOR® height 1.9 mm, packaging 4 pieces 048.195V4
Processing Male, black

LOCATOR® thickness 0.4 mm, packaging 20 pieces Silicone 048.196V20

Block-out Spacer rubber
LOCATOR® packaging 4 pieces POM 048.218V4
Processing Spacer

LOCATOR® to fasten abutment to the tool, packaging 4 pieces PSU 046.413V4
Holder Sleeve

Tools and Auxiliary Parts

LOCATOR® Screwdriver three-part, length 100 mm Stainless 046.415
LOCATOR® Screwdriver for Ratchet, short, length 15 mm 046.416

for Ratchet, long, length 21 mm 046.417

LOCATOR® length 50 mm, width 15 mm 048.200

Angle Measurement Guide


Tissue Level RN

Regular Neck

Tissue Level RN
Regular Neck (RN) synOcta®
Crowns and Bridges

Impression-taking/Master Cast Fabrication

Product Image Description Material Art.-No.

Impression-taking (at implant level)

RN Impression Post for screw-retained, height 11 mm Al/Ti 048.010
open-tray impression
screw-retained, height 21 mm 048.090

RN Impression Post for snap-on cap, white, height 8 mm, packaging 4 pieces POM 048.017V4
closed-tray impression

positioning cylinder, red, height 12 mm, 048.070V4

packaging 4 pieces
screw-retained, height 11 mm, with 1 guide screw & Al/Ti/POM 048.862

2 caps

Impression-taking (at abutment level)

RN Impression Post for screw-retained, height 12 mm, for RN synOcta® 1.5 Al/Ti 048.866
open-tray impression Abutment

RN Impression Post for screw-retained, height 11 mm, for RN synOcta® 1.5 Al/Ti/POM 048.864
closed-tray impression Abutment

RN Analogs
RN Analog gray with red stripe, length 12 mm Stainless 048.124
for bars with snyOcta® 1.5 048.601, straight, 048.108
angulation 0°, ∅ 4.8 mm

Digital Impression
CARES® RN including Fixation Screw, ∅ 4.8 mm, height 10 mm PEEK/TAN 048.168
Mono Scanbody
RN Repositionable for fully digital and conventional workflow, Stainless 048.129
Implant Analog length 17.6 mm steel

Bite Registration Aid

Bite Registration Aid short, height 8 mm, ∅ 5 mm, packaging 4 pieces POM 048.940V4

long, height 12 mm, ∅ 5 mm, packaging 4 pieces 048.941V4

Tissue Level RN
Regular Neck (RN) synOcta®
Crowns and Bridges

Temporary Restoration

Product Image Description Material Art.-No.

RN including screw 048.356, height 10 mm, ∅ 7 mm PMMA/TAN 048.664
Temporary Abutment

Replacement Screw
synOcta® Basal Screw for RN/WN Variobase®, for RN/WN Novaloc® Angled TAN 048.356
Abutments, Gold Abutments and Temporary
Abutments VITA CAD-Temp® and customized Titanium
Abutment and Screw-retained Bridges and Bars,
CARES®, CADCAM, length 6.7 mm

Temporary Abutments
RN synOcta® Post for temporary restorations, for crowns, including screw Ti 048.715
049.181, height 9 mm
for temporary restorations, for bridges, including screw 048.716
049.181, height 9 mm

Replacement Screw
SCS Occlusal Screw for RN/WN Titanium Alloy Temporary Abutment, TAN 049.181 RN
length 7.6 mm

Cement-Retained Restoration, Cementable Abutment

Product Image Description Material Art.-No.

Cementable Abutment
RN synOcta® straight, with integral basal screw, height 5.5 mm Ti 048.605

Burn-out Copings
RN synOcta® for RN synOcta® Cementable Abutment 048.605, for POM 048.663
Plastic Coping crowns, height 7 mm
for RN synOcta® Cementable Abutment 048.605, for 048.662
bridges, height 7 mm

Auxiliary Parts
Transfer Aid for RN synOcta® Cementable Abutment 048.605, PC 048.059V4
height 6.5 mm, packaging 4 pieces

Tissue Level RN
Regular Neck (RN) synOcta®
Crowns and Bridges

Cement or Screw-retained Restoration, Angled Abutments

Product Image Description Material Art.-No.

Angled Abutments, 15°

RN synOcta® short, type A, height 5.7 mm, with integral basal screw Ti/TAN 048.612
Abutment, 15° long, type A, height 6.7 mm, with integral basal screw 048.610

short, type B, height 5.7 mm, with integral basal screw 048.613

long, type B, height 6.7 mm, with integral basal screw 048.611

Angled Abutments, 20°


RN synOcta® short, type A, height 5.7 mm, with integral basal screw Ti/TAN 048.617
Abutment, 20° long, type A, height 6.7 mm, with integral basal screw 048.615

short, type B, height 5.7 mm, with integral basal screw 048.618

long, type B, height 6.7 mm, with integral basal screw 048.616

RN Burn-out Copings
Extension Shell for synOcta® Angled Abutment, short and long 15° and POM 048.670
20°, height 5.5 mm
Plastic Shoulder for synOcta® Angled Abutment, short and long 15° and 048.676V4
20°, height 4 mm, packaging 4 pieces

Auxiliary Parts and Screws

SCS Occlusal Screw for occlusal screw-retained RN/WN Caps and Copings, Ti 048.350
length 4.4 mm
for occlusal screw-retained RN/WN Caps and Copings, 048.350V4
length 4.4 mm, packaging 4 pieces
Transfer Aid for RN synOcta® 15° and 20° Angled Abutments, short, PC 048.000V4
height 5.5 mm, packaging 4 pieces

for RN synOcta® 15° and 20° Angled Abutments, long, 048.002V4

height 5.5 mm, packaging 4 pieces

Tissue Level RN
Regular Neck (RN) synOcta®
Crowns and Bridges

Cement or Screw-retained Restoration, CADCAM

Product Image Description Material Art.-No.

Variobase® Abutments
RN Variobase® including screw 048.356, ∅ 5.05 mm, height 4 mm TAN n/a
for Crown
including screw 048.356, ∅ 5.05 mm, height 6 mm

RN Variobase® including screw 048.906, ∅ 5.1 mm, height 4 mm

for Crown AS
including screw 048.906, ∅ 5.1 mm, height 6 mm

RN Variobase® for Bridge/ including screw 048.356 and Cementation Aid 1,

Bar Cylindrical ∅ 5.05 mm, height 4 mm

CADCAM, Wax-up
RN Wax-up Sleeve for single use, length 19.3 mm PEEK 048.088
packaging 4 pieces 048.088-04

Digital Impression
CARES® RN including Fixation Screw, ∅ 4.8 mm, height 10 mm PEEK/TAN 048.168
Mono Scanbody
RN Repositionable for fully digital and conventional workflow, Stainless 048.129
Implant Analog length 17.6 mm steel RN
Customized CARES® Abutments
CARES® Abutment RN, available via digital workflow / Straumann Group Zirconia n/a
Ceramic centralized manufacturing centers; including screw
CARES® Abutment RN, Ti

CARES® Abutment RN, TAN


CARES® Abutment RN, coron®

Cobalt Chromium
CARES® Abutment AS RN
Cobalt Chromium

Tissue Level RN
Regular Neck (RN) synOcta®
Crowns and Bridges

Cement or Screw-retained Restoration, CADCAM

Product Image Description Material Art.-No.

Replacement Screws
RN Occlusal Screw for customized RN Zirconia Abutments, CARES®, TAN 048.354
CADCAM, length 5 mm
packaging 4 pieces 048.354V4
synOcta® Basal Screw for RN/WN Variobase®, for RN/WN Novaloc® Angled 048.356
Abutments, Gold Abutments and Temporary
Abutments VITA CAD-Temp® and customized Titanium
Abutment and Screw-retained Bridges and Bars,
CARES®, CADCAM, length 6.7 mm

Basal Screw RN/WN for Dentsply® Sirona®, for RN/WN Variobase® C, 022.0045

Variobase® C length 7.2 mm
RN/WN Basal Screw AS for RN/WN Variobase® for Crown AS, length 6.7 mm, 048.906
only compatible with AS Screwdriver (green color-

Straumann® CARES® CADCAM

• Customized solutions ranging from individual tooth restorations to tooth-borne bridges to
RN implant-borne restorations
• Wide range of applications and choice of materials
• Access to premium customized genuine Straumann® CARES® abutments through Straumann®
CARES® Scan & Shape, without additional hardware and software investments
• Customized solutions for all indications
• Additional information at

Cement or Screw-retained Restoration, Gold Abutment

Product Image Description Material Art.-No.

Gold Abutment
RN synOcta® Gold for crowns, including screw 048.356, height 4.3 mm, Ceramicor®/ 048.642
Abutment alloy weight 0.631 g POM
for bridges, including screw 048.356, height 4.55 mm, 048.802
alloy weight 0.498 g

Replacement Screw
synOcta® Basal Screw for RN/WN Variobase®, for RN/WN Novaloc® Angled TAN 048.356
Abutments, Gold Abutments and Temporary
Abutments VITA CAD-Temp® and customized Titanium
Abutment and Screw-retained Bridges and Bars,
CARES®, CADCAM, length 6.7 mm

Ceramicor® is a non-oxidizing precious metal alloy for casting on

precious metal alloys.

Tissue Level RN
Regular Neck (RN) synOcta®
Crowns and Bridges

Cement or Screw-retained Restoration, Variobase®

Product Image Description Material Art.-No.

Variobase® Abutments
RN Variobase® including screw 048.356, ∅ 5.05 mm, height 4 mm TAN 048.710
for Crown
including screw 048.356, ∅ 5.05 mm, height 6 mm 022.0022

RN Variobase® including screw 048.906, ∅ 5.1 mm, height 4 mm 048.877

for Crown AS
including screw 048.906, ∅ 5.1 mm, height 6 mm 048.880

RN Variobase® C for Dentsply® Sirona®, including screw 022.0045, 022.0019

∅ 5 mm, height 7.7 mm

RN Variobase® for Bridge/ including screw 048.356 and Cementation Aid 1, 048.378
Bar Cylindrical ∅ 5.05 mm, height 4 mm

Burn-out Copings
RN Burn-out for Variobase® for Crown with height 4 mm, POM 048.268
Coping ∅ 5.05 mm, height 11.1 mm
packaging 4 pieces 048.268V4
for Variobase® for Crown with height 6 mm, ∅ 5 mm, 023.0015
height 11.1 mm
packaging 4 pieces 023.0015V4 RN
RN Burn-out for Variobase® for Bridge/Bar Cylindrical with height 048.381
Coping 4 mm, ∅ 5.05 mm, height 11.1 mm
packaging 4 pieces 048.381V4

Burn-out Copings AS
RN Burn-out Coping angulation 25°, Variobase® for Crown AS POM 048.897

Replacement Screws
synOcta® Basal Screw for RN/WN Variobase®, for RN/WN Novaloc® Angled TAN 048.356
Abutments, Gold Abutments and Temporary
Abutments VITA CAD-Temp® and customized Titanium
Abutment and Screw-retained Bridges and Bars,
CARES®, CADCAM, length 6.7 mm

Basal Screw RN/WN for Dentsply® Sirona®, for RN/WN Variobase® C, 022.0045
Variobase® C length 7.2 mm
RN/WN Basal Screw AS for RN/WN Variobase® for Crown AS, length 6.7 mm, 048.906
only compatible with AS Screwdriver (green color-

Tissue Level RN
Regular Neck (RN) synOcta®
Crowns and Bridges

Screw-retained Restoration, synOcta® 1.5

Product Image Description Material Art.-No.

RN synOcta® 1.5 with integral basal screw, height 1.5 mm TAN 048.601

Gold Copings
RN synOcta® for synOcta® 1.5 (including modeling aid), for crowns, Ceramicor®/ 048.633
Gold Coping height 4.25/12 mm, alloy weight 0.371 g POM

for synOcta® 1.5 (including modeling aid), for bridges, 048.632

height 4.25/12 mm, alloy weight 0.345 g

Burn-out Copings
RN synOcta® for synOcta® 1.5, for crowns, height 10 mm POM 048.229
Plastic Coping
for synOcta® 1.5, for bridges and bars, height 10 mm 048.227

Auxiliary Parts and Screws

SCS Occlusal Screw for occlusal screw-retained RN/WN Caps and Copings, Ti 048.350
RN length 4.4 mm
for occlusal screw-retained RN/WN Caps and Copings, 048.350V4
length 4.4 mm, packaging 4 pieces
SCS Guide Screw for occlusal screw-retained RN/WN Copings, cannot be 048.362V4
shortened, length 8 mm, packaging 4 pieces

for occlusal screw-retained RN/WN Copings, can be 048.363V4

shortened by 2 mm, length 8 mm, packaging 4 pieces

Polishing Protector for RN synOcta® Copings, transocclusal screw-retained, Stainless 046.245

length 15 mm steel

Ceramicor® is a non-oxidizing precious metal alloy for casting on

precious metal alloys.

Tissue Level RN
Regular Neck (RN) synOcta®
Solid Abutments

Impression-taking/Master Cast Fabrication for Solid Abutments

Product Image Description Material Art.-No.

Impression-taking/Master Cast Fabrication

RN Impression Post for snap-on cap, white, height 8 mm, packaging 4 pieces POM 048.017V4
closed-tray impression

Positioning Cylinder for 048.540, yellow, height 10.2 mm, 048.060V4

packaging 4 pieces
for 048.541, gray, height 10.2 mm, packaging 4 pieces 048.061V4

for 048.542, blue, height 10.2 mm, packaging 4 pieces 048.062V4

Implant Analog for 048.540, yellow, length 14.3 mm Al 048.160

for 048.541, gray, length 15.8 mm 048.161

for 048.542, blue, length 17.3 mm 048.162

Shoulder Analog for RN Solid Abutments, with Reinforcement Pin, PPS/Brass 048.117V4
length 10 mm, Length 17 mm, packaging 4 pieces

Temporary Restoration
RN Temporary Coping for RN Solid Abutment, for crowns, height 8.5 mm PMMA 048.655

for RN Solid Abutment, for bridges, height 8.5 mm 048.654

Protective Caps
RN Protective Cap for 048.540, cementable, height 5.8 mm, PEEK 048.047V4
packaging 4 pieces
for 048.541, cementable, height 7.3 mm, 048.048V4
packaging 4 pieces
for 048.542, cementable, height 8.8 mm, 048.049V4
packaging 4 pieces

Tissue Level RN
Regular Neck (RN) synOcta®
Solid Abutments

Cement-Retained Restoration, Solid Abutments

Product Image Description Material Art.-No.

Solid Abutments
RN Solid Abutment 6° yellow, height 4 mm Ti 048.540

gray, height 5.5 mm 048.541

blue, height 7 mm 048.542

Burn-out Copings
Plastic Coping for RN Solid Abutment, for crowns, height 10 mm POM 048.245

for RN Solid Abutment, for bridges, height 10 mm 048.246


All-in-One Set
RN Solid All-in-One Set for crowns, height 4 mm PEEK/Ti/Al/ 040.740

RN for crowns, height 5.5 mm 040.741

for crowns, height 7 mm 040.742

for bridges, height 4 mm 040.840

for bridges, height 5.5 mm 040.841

for bridges, height 7 mm 040.842

Tissue Level RN
Regular Neck (RN) synOcta®
Solid Abutments

Cement-Retained Restoration, Solid Abutments

Product Image Description Material Art.-No.

Tools and Auxiliary Parts

Inserting Device for RN Solid Abutment, 6°, short, length 13 mm Stainless 046.067

for RN Solid Abutment, 6°, long, length 19 mm 046.068


Tissue Level RN
Regular Neck (RN) synOcta®

Bar Construction, Plastic

Product Image Description Material Art.-No.

RN synOcta® 1.5 with integral basal screw, height 1.5 mm TAN 048.601

Bar Burn-out Copings

RN synOcta® for synOcta® 1.5, for bridges and bars, height 10 mm POM 048.227
Plastic Coping

Auxiliary Parts and Screws

SCS Occlusal Screw for occlusal screw-retained RN/WN Caps and Copings, Ti 048.350

length 4.4 mm
for occlusal screw-retained RN/WN Caps and Copings, 048.350V4
length 4.4 mm, packaging 4 pieces

Bar Set (Plastic)

Bar Set Plastic Includes: 2 x RN synOcta® 1.5 Abutment, screw- TAN/POM/Ti/ 040.197
retained, 048.601, 2 x RN synOcta® Analogs, 048.124, Stainless
2 x RN synOcta® Plastic Coping, Bar, 048.227, 2 x SCS steel
Occlusal Screw, 048.350


Tools and Auxiliary Parts for Bar

Product Image Description Material Art.-No.

RN synOcta® for bars with 048.601, one-part, gray, height 5 mm, POM 048.093V4
Impression Cap packaging 4 pieces

RN Analog for bars with snyOcta® 1.5 048.601, straight, Stainless 048.108
angulation 0°, ∅ 4.8 mm steel
Polishing Protector for RN synOcta® Copings, transocclusal screw-retained, 046.245
length 15 mm

Tissue Level RN
Regular Neck (RN) synOcta®

Retentive Anchor Abutment

Product Image Description Material Art.-No.

Impression-taking/Master Cast Fabrication

Transfer Pin for retentive anchor, length 18 mm Stainless 048.109

Titanium Abutments
Retentive Anchor Abutment height 3.4 mm, spherical head ∅ 2.25 mm Ti 048.439

Elliptical Matrix and Accessories

Elliptical Matrix for Retentive Anchor including Lamella Retention Elitor®/Ti 048.456
Insert, height 3.2 mm, ∅ 3.6 mm

Spare Lamella Retention for Elliptical Matrix, height 2.6 mm Elitor® 048.457
Screwdriver for Lamella Retention Insert, length 37 mm Stainless 046.154

Titanium Matrix and Accessories

Titanium Matrix for Retentive Anchor, height 3.1 mm Ti alloy 048.450

Spring for 048.450, packaging 4 pieces Stainless 048.455V4

steel RN
Screwdriver for Titanium Matrix, length 50 mm 048.452

Extractor for Titanium Matrix, length 100 mm 048.453

Threaded Mounting Ring for Titanium Matrix, height 2.2 mm, packaging 4 pieces POM 048.454V4

Tools and Auxiliary Parts

Retentive Anchor length 19 mm Stainless 046.069
Driver steel

Tissue Level RN
Regular Neck (RN) synOcta®


Product Image Description Material Art.-No.

Impression-taking/Master Cast Fabrication

Forming/Fixing Matrix red, packaging 4 pieces PEEK 2010.722-
Model Analog ∅ 4 mm blue, packaging 4 pieces Al 2010.721-
Model analogue red, angled, angulation 15°, packaging 4 pieces 2010.720-

Novaloc® Abutments
RN Novaloc® Abutment straight, angulation 0°, height 1 mm Titanium 048.812

straight, angulation 0°, height 2 mm 048.813

straight, angulation 0°, height 3 mm 048.814
straight, angulation 0°, height 4 mm 048.815
straight, angulation 0°, height 5 mm 048.816
straight, angulation 0°, height 6 mm 048.817
angled, angulation 15°, height 2 mm 048.832
angled, angulation 15°, height 3 mm 048.833
angled, angulation 15°, height 4 mm 048.834
angled, angulation 15°, height 5 mm 048.835
angled, angulation 15°, height 6 mm 048.836

Novaloc® with M2 Thread for Bars

Novaloc® Bar Abutment Novaloc® Bar Abutment, packaging 2 pieces Titanium 048.857V2

Replacement Screw
Screw for NC/RC Screw-retained Abutments 17° and 30°, TAN 025.0002
length 7.2 mm, for RC/NC/NNC Novaloc® Angled

Tissue Level RN
Regular Neck (RN) synOcta®

Novaloc® Processing Packages and Matrix Housings

Product Image Description Material Art.-No.

Processing Packages
Processing Package includes: Titanium Matrix Housing (including  Ti/POM/ 2010.601-
Titanium Mounting Insert), PEEK/Silicone STM
white Retention Insert (light),
yellow Retention Insert (medium),
green Retention Insert (strong),
Mounting Collar (silicone),
packaging 2 pieces
Processing Package PEEK includes: PEEK Matrix Housing PEEK/POM/ 2010.611-
including Mounting Insert), Silicone STM
white Retention Insert (light),
yellow Retention Insert (medium),

green Retention Insert (strong),
Mounting Collar (silicone),
packaging 2 pieces

Retention Inserts
Novaloc® Retention Insert red, extra-light, approx. 300 g, PEEK 2010.710-
packaging 4 pieces STM
white, light, approx. 750 g, 2010.711-
packaging 4 pieces STM
yellow, medium, approx. 1200 g, 2010.712- RN
packaging 4 pieces STM
green, strong, approx. 1650 g, 2010.713-
packaging 4 pieces STM
blue, extra-strong, approx. 2100 g, 2010.714-
packaging 4 pieces STM
black, ultra-strong, approx. 2550 g, 2010.715-
packaging 4 pieces STM

Matrix Housings
Matrix Housing, Titanium including Mounting Insert, packaging 4 pieces Titanium/ 2010.701-
Matrix Housing, PEEK PEEK/POM 2010.702-
Matrix Housing with Titanium/ 2010.703-
Attachment Option POM STM

Tissue Level RN
Regular Neck (RN) synOcta®

Novaloc® Tools and Auxiliary Parts

Product Image Description Material Art.-No.

Equipment Box including 3 tools: 2010.101-
2010.731-STM Demounting Tool for Mounting Insert STM
and Model Analog Reposition Aid (blue),
2010.741-STM Mounting and Demounting Tool for
Retention Inserts (brown),
2010.751-STM Matrix Housing Extractor (gray)

Processing Spacer white, packaging 4 pieces POM 2010.723-

Mounting Collar packaging 10 pieces Silicone 2010.724-

Mounting Insert packaging 4 pieces POM 2010.725-
Demounting Tool for blue Al/Steel 2010.731-
Mounting Inserts and STM
Model Analog Reposition

RN Mounting and Demounting brown 2010.741-

Tool for Retention Inserts STM

Matrix Housing Extractor gray 2010.751-


The Novaloc matrix system is also compatible with

LOCATOR® abutments.

Tissue Level RN
Regular Neck (RN) synOcta®


Product Image Description Material Art.-No.

Impression-taking/Master Cast Fabrication

LOCATOR® height 4 mm, packaging 4 pieces Al housing 048.197V4
Impression Coping with LDPE

LOCATOR® length 10 mm, ∅ 5 mm, packaging 4 pieces Al 048.198V4

Female Analog

LOCATOR® Abutments
RN LOCATOR® height 1 mm TAV 048.175

height 2 mm 048.176

height 3 mm 048.177

height 4 mm 048.178

height 5 mm 048.179

height 6 mm 048.180

LOCATOR® Bar Abutments RN

LOCATOR® Bar Abutment M2 Thread (2.0 mm), height 1.78 mm, TAV 048.804V2
packaging 2 pieces
M2 Thread (2.0 mm), height 1.78 mm, 048.804V10
packaging 10 pieces

Tissue Level RN
Regular Neck (RN) synOcta®


Product Image Description Material Art.-No.

Lab Set, up to 20° Divergence Compensation

LOCATOR® Male Processing includes: Denture Cap (∅ 5.5 mm, height 2.5 mm) with Ti/Nylon/ 048.189V2
Package black Processing Male (height 1.9 mm), Block-out LDPE
Spacer (048.196), clear Replacement Male (048.190),
pink Replacement Male (048.191), blue Replacement
Male (048.192), packaging 2 pieces

LOCATOR® clear, angulation 0°–10°, height 1.7 mm, 2.27 kg, Nylon 048.190V4

Replacement Male packaging 4 pieces
pink, light retention, angulation 0°–10°, height 1.7 mm, 048.191V4
1.36 kg, packaging 4 pieces

blue, extra-light retention, angle 0°–10°, 048.192V4

height 1.7 mm, 0.68 kg, packaging 4 pieces

Lab Set, up to 40° Divergence Compensation

LOCATOR® Male Processing extended range, includes: Denture Cap (∅ 5.5 mm, Ti/Nylon/ 048.182V2
Package height 2.5 mm) with black Processing Male (height LDPE
1.9 mm), Block-out Spacer (048.196), green
Replacement Male (048.193), orange Replacement
Male (048.188), red Replacement Male (048.194),
RN packaging 2 pieces
LOCATOR® green, extended range, angulation 10°–20°, Nylon 048.193V4
Replacement Male height 1.7 mm, 1.82 kg, packaging 4 pieces
orange, light retention, extended range, 048.188V4
angulation 10°–20°, height 1.7 mm, 0.91 kg,
packaging 4 pieces
red, extra-light retention, extended range, angle 10°– 048.194V4
20°, height 1.7 mm, 0.45 kg, packaging 4 pieces

gray, extended range, zero retention, height 1.7 mm, 048.181V4

packaging 4 pieces

LOCATOR® for Bars

LOCATOR® Bar Male includes: Denture Cap (∅ 5.5 mm, height 2.5 mm) with Ti/Nylon/ 048.805V10
Processing Package yellow Processing Male, Block-out Spacer (048.196), LDPE
clear Replacement Male (048.190), pink Replacement
Male (048.191), blue Replacement Male (048.192),
packaging 10 pieces

includes: Denture Cap (∅ 5.5 mm, height 2.5 mm) with 048.805V2

yellow Processing Male, Block-out Spacer (048.196),
clear Replacement Male (048.190), pink Replacement
Male (048.191), blue Replacement Male (048.192),
packaging 2 pieces

Tissue Level RN
Regular Neck (RN) synOcta®

LOCATOR® Components

Product Image Description Material Art.-No.

LOCATOR® length 8 mm, packaging 4 pieces LDPE 048.199V4
Parallel Post
LOCATOR® height 1.9 mm, packaging 4 pieces 048.195V4
Processing Male, black

LOCATOR® thickness 0.4 mm, packaging 20 pieces Silicone 048.196V20

Block-out Spacer rubber
LOCATOR® packaging 4 pieces POM 048.218V4
Processing Spacer

LOCATOR® to fasten abutment to the tool, packaging 4 pieces PSU 046.413V4
Holder Sleeve

Tools and Auxiliary Parts

LOCATOR® Screwdriver three-part, length 100 mm Stainless 046.415
LOCATOR® Screwdriver for Ratchet, short, length 15 mm 046.416

for Ratchet, long, length 21 mm 046.417 RN

LOCATOR® length 50 mm, width 15 mm 048.200

Angle Measurement Guide


Tissue Level WN

Wide Neck

Tissue Level WN
Wide Neck (WN) synOcta®
Crowns and Bridges

Impression-taking/Master Cast Fabrication

Product Image Description Material Art.-No.

Impression-taking (at implant level)

WN Impression Post for screw-retained, height 11 mm Al/Ti 048.091
open-tray impression

WN Impression Post for snap-on cap, white, height 8 mm POM 048.013

closed-tray impression

WN Impression Post for positioning cylinder, white, height 12 mm 048.095

closed-tray impression

screw-retained, height 11 mm, with 1 guide screw & Al/Ti/POM 048.870

2 caps

Impression-taking (at abutment level)

WN Impression Post for screw-retained, height 12 mm, for WN synOcta® 1.5 Al/Ti 048.869
open-tray impression Abutment

WN Impression Post for screw-retained, height 11 mm, for WN synOcta® 1.5 Al/Ti/POM 048.871
closed-tray impression Abutment

WN Analogs
WN Analog gray, length 12 mm Stainless 048.171
for synOcta® 1.5 Abutment 048.603, straight, 048.872
angulation 0°, ∅ 6.5 mm

Digital Impression
CARES® WN including Fixation Screw, ∅ 6.5 mm, height 10 mm PEEK/TAN 048.169
Mono Scanbody
WN synOcta® for fully digital and conventional workflow, Stainless 048.172
Analog length 17.8 mm steel

Bite Registration Aid

Bite Registration Aid short, height 8 mm, ∅ 5 mm, packaging 4 pieces POM 048.940V4

long, height 12 mm, ∅ 5 mm, packaging 4 pieces 048.941V4

Tissue Level WN
Wide Neck (WN) synOcta®
Crowns and Bridges

Temporary Restoration

Product Image Description Material Art.-No.

WN Temporary Abutment including screw 048.356, height 10 mm, ∅ 10 mm PMMA/TAN 048.242

Replacement Screw
synOcta® Basal Screw for RN/WN Variobase®, for RN/WN Novaloc® Angled TAN 048.356
Abutments, Gold Abutments and Temporary
Abutments VITA CAD-Temp® and customized Titanium
Abutment and Screw-retained Bridges and Bars,
CARES®, CADCAM, length 6.7 mm

Temporary Abutments
WN synOcta® Post for temporary restorations, for crowns, including screw Ti 048.717
049.181, height 9 mm

for temporary restorations, for bridges, including screw 048.718

049.181, height 9 mm

Replacement Screw
SCS Occlusal Screw for RN/WN Titanium Alloy Temporary Abutment, TAN 049.181
length 7.6 mm


Cement-Retained Restoration, Straight Abutment

Product Image Description Material Art.-No.

Cementable Abutment
WN synOcta® with integral basal screw, height 5.5 mm Ti 048.606

Burn-out Copings
WN synOcta® for 048.606, for crowns, height 7.35 mm POM 048.243
Plastic Coping
for 048.606, for bridges, height 7.35 mm 048.244

Auxiliary Parts
Transfer Aid for 048.606, height 6.5 mm, packaging 4 pieces PC 048.054V4

Tissue Level WN
Wide Neck (WN) synOcta®
Crowns and Bridges

Cement-Retained Restoration, Angled Abutment

Product Image Description Material Art.-No.

Angled Abutments, 15°

WN synOcta® type A, with integral basal screw, height 5.5 mm Ti/TAN 048.608
Abutment, 15° type B, with integral basal screw, height 5.5 mm 048.609

Plastic Shoulder for WN synOcta® 15° Angled Abutments, POM 048.678

angulation 15°, height 4 mm
Transfer Aid for WN synOcta® Angled Abutments, angulation 15°, PC 048.032
height 5 mm

Cement or Screw-retained Restoration, CADCAM

Product Image Description Material Art.-No.

Variobase® Abutments
WN Variobase® including screw 048.356, ∅ 7 mm, height 4.5 mm TAN n/a
for Crown
WN including screw 048.356, ∅ 7 mm, height 6.5 mm

WN Variobase® including screw 048.906, ∅ 7 mm, height 4.5 mm

for Crown AS

including screw 048.906, ∅ 7 mm, height 6.5 mm

WN Variobase® for Bridge/ including screw 048.356 and Cementation Aid 1,

Bar Cylindrical ∅ 7 mm, height 4.5 mm

CADCAM, Wax-up
WN Wax-up Sleeve for single use, length 16.4 mm PEEK 048.089
packaging 4 pieces 048.089-04

Digital Impression
CARES® WN including Fixation Screw, ∅ 6.5 mm, height 10 mm PEEK/TAN 048.169
Mono Scanbody
WN synOcta® for fully digital and conventional workflow, Stainless 048.172
Analog length 17.8 mm steel

Customized CARES® Abutments

CARES® Abutment WN, available via digital workflow / Straumann Group Ti n/a
Titanium centralized manufacturing centers; including screw

CARES® Abutment WN, TAN


CARES® Abutment WN, coron®

Cobalt Chromium
CARES® Abutment AS WN
Cobalt Chromium

Tissue Level WN
Wide Neck (WN) synOcta®
Crowns and Bridges

Cement or Screw-retained Restoration, CADCAM

Product Image Description Material Art.-No.

Replacement Screws
synOcta® Basal Screw for RN/WN Variobase®, for RN/WN Novaloc® Angled TAN 048.356
Abutments, Gold Abutments and Temporary
Abutments VITA CAD-Temp® and customized Titanium
Abutment and Screw-retained Bridges and Bars,
CARES®, CADCAM, length 6.7 mm

Basal Screw RN/WN for Dentsply® Sirona®, for RN/WN Variobase® C, 022.0045
Variobase® C length 7.2 mm
RN/WN Basal Screw AS for RN/WN Variobase® for Crown AS, length 6.7 mm, 048.906
only compatible with AS Screwdriver (green color-


Straumann® CARES® CADCAM

• Customized solutions ranging from individual tooth restorations to tooth-borne bridges to
implant-borne restorations
• Wide range of applications and choice of materials
• Access to premium customized genuine Straumann® CARES® abutments through Straumann®
CARES® Scan & Shape, without additional hardware and software investments
• Customized solutions for all indications WN
• Additional information at

Not all abutments are available via CARES® CADCAM

Tissue Level WN
Wide Neck (WN) synOcta®
Crowns and Bridges

Cement or Screw-retained Restoration, Gold Abutment

Product Image Description Material Art.-No.

Gold Abutment
WN synOcta® Gold for crowns, including screw 048.356, height 14.1 mm, Ceramicor®/ 048.644
Abutment alloy weight 0.795 g POM

for bridges, including screw 048.356, height 12.5 mm, 048.803

alloy weight 0.672 g

Replacement Screw
synOcta® Basal Screw for RN/WN Variobase®, for RN/WN Novaloc® Angled TAN 048.356
Abutments, Gold Abutments and Temporary
Abutments VITA CAD-Temp® and customized Titanium
Abutment and Screw-retained Bridges and Bars,

CARES®, CADCAM, length 6.7 mm


Ceramicor® is a non-oxidizing precious metal alloy for casting on

precious metal alloys.

Tissue Level WN
Wide Neck (WN) synOcta®
Crowns and Bridges

Cement or Screw-retained Restoration, Variobase®

Product Image Description Material Art.-No.

Variobase® Abutments
WN Variobase® including screw 048.356, ∅ 7 mm, height 4.5 mm TAN 048.711
for Crown

including screw 048.356, ∅ 7 mm, height 6.5 mm 022.0023

WN Variobase® including screw 048.906, ∅ 7 mm, height 4.5 mm 048.878

for Crown AS

including screw 048.906, ∅ 7 mm, height 6.5 mm 048.881

WN Variobase® C for Dentsply® Sirona®, including screw 022.0045, 022.0020
∅ 6.7 mm, height 8.2 mm

WN Variobase® for Bridge/ including screw 048.356 and Cementation Aid 1, 048.379
Bar Cylindrical ∅ 7 mm, height 4.5 mm

Burn-out Copings
WN Burn-out for Variobase®, ∅ 7 mm, height 11.1 mm POM 048.269
packaging 4 pieces 048.269V4
for Variobase® for Crown with height 6.5 mm, ∅ 7 mm, 023.0016
height 11.1 mm
packaging 4 pieces 023.0016V4
WN Burn-out for Variobase® for Bridge/Bar Cylindrical with height 048.382
Coping 4.5 mm, ∅ 7 mm, height 11.1 mm
packaging 4 pieces 048.382V4

Burn-out Copings AS
WN Burn-out Coping angulation 25°, Variobase® for Crown AS POM 048.898

Replacement Screws
synOcta® Basal Screw for RN/WN Variobase®, for RN/WN Novaloc® Angled TAN 048.356
Abutments, Gold Abutments and Temporary
Abutments VITA CAD-Temp® and customized Titanium
Abutment and Screw-retained Bridges and Bars,
CARES®, CADCAM, length 6.7 mm

Basal Screw RN/WN for Dentsply® Sirona®, for RN/WN Variobase® C, 022.0045
Variobase® C length 7.2 mm
RN/WN Basal Screw AS for RN/WN Variobase® for Crown AS, length 6.7 mm, 048.906
only compatible with AS Screwdriver (green color-

Tissue Level WN
Wide Neck (WN) synOcta®
Crowns and Bridges

Screw-retained Restoration, synOcta® 1.5

Product Image Description Material Art.-No.

WN synOcta® 1.5 with integral basal screw, height 1.5 mm TAN 048.603

Gold Copings
WN synOcta® for synOcta® 1.5 (including modeling aid), for crowns, Ceramicor®/ 048.639
Gold Coping height 4.75/12 mm, alloy weight 0.898 g POM

for synOcta® 1.5 (including modeling aid), for bridges, 048.638

height 4.75/12 mm, alloy weight 0.879 g

Burn-out Copings
WN synOcta® for crowns, height 10 mm POM 048.667
Plastic Coping

for bridges, height 10 mm 048.666

SCS Occlusal Screw for occlusal screw-retained RN/WN Caps and Copings, Ti 048.350
length 4.4 mm
WN for occlusal screw-retained RN/WN Caps and Copings, 048.350V4
length 4.4 mm, packaging 4 pieces

Ceramicor® is a non-oxidizing precious metal alloy for casting on

precious metal alloys.

Tissue Level WN
Wide Neck (WN) synOcta®
Solid Abutments

Impression-taking/Master Cast Fabrication for Solid Abutments

Product Image Description Material Art.-No.

Impression-taking/Master Cast Fabrication

WN Impression Post for snap-on cap, white, height 8 mm POM 048.013
closed-tray impression

Positioning Cylinder for 048.545, green, height 10 mm 048.065

for 048.546, brown, height 10 mm 048.066

Implant Analog for 048.545, length 16 mm Al 048.165

for 048.546, length 17.5 mm 048.166

Shoulder Analog for WN Solid Abutment, length 10 mm 048.140

Temporary Restoration
WN Temporary Coping for WN Solid Abutment, for crowns, height 7.3 mm PMMA 048.657

for WN Solid Abutment, for bridges, height 7.3 mm 048.656

Protective Caps
WN Protective Cap for 048.545, height 6 mm PEEK 048.051

for 048.546, height 7.5 mm 048.052

Tissue Level WN
Wide Neck (WN) synOcta®
Solid Abutments

Cement-Retained Restoration, Solid Abutments

Product Image Description Material Art.-No.

Solid Abutments
WN Solid Abutment 6° green, height 4 mm Ti 048.545

brown, height 5.5 mm 048.546

Burn-out Copings
Plastic Coping for WN Solid Abutment, for crowns, height 7 mm POM 048.247

for WN Solid Abutment, for bridges, height 7 mm 048.248


All-in-One Set
WN Solid All-in-One Set for crowns, height 4 mm Ti/POM/Al/ 040.745

for crowns, height 5.5 mm 040.746


for bridges, height 4 mm 040.845

for bridges, height 5.5 mm 040.846

Tools and Auxiliary Parts

SCS Screwdriver for Ratchet, extra short, length 15 mm Stainless 046.400

for Ratchet, short, length 21 mm 046.401

for Ratchet, long, length 27 mm 046.402

Tissue Level WN
Wide Neck (WN) synOcta®


Product Image Description Material Art.-No.

Impression-taking/Master Cast Fabrication

Forming/Fixing Matrix red, packaging 4 pieces PEEK 2010.722-
Model Analog ∅ 4 mm blue, packaging 4 pieces Al 2010.721-
Model analogue red, angled, angulation 15°, packaging 4 pieces 2010.720-

Novaloc® Abutments
WN Novaloc® Abutment straight, angulation 0°, height 1 mm Titanium 048.818

straight, angulation 0°, height 2 mm 048.819
straight, angulation 0°, height 3 mm 048.820
straight, angulation 0°, height 4 mm 048.821
straight, angulation 0°, height 5 mm 048.822
straight, angulation 0°, height 6 mm 048.823
angled, angulation 15°, height 2 mm 048.837
angled, angulation 15°, height 3 mm 048.838
angled, angulation 15°, height 4 mm 048.839
angled, angulation 15°, height 5 mm 048.840
angled, angulation 15°, height 6 mm 048.841 WN
Novaloc® with M2 Thread for Bars
Novaloc® Bar Abutment Novaloc® Bar Abutment, packaging 2 pieces Titanium 048.857V2

Replacement Screw
Screw for NC/RC Screw-retained Abutments 17° and 30°, TAN 025.0002
length 7.2 mm, for RC/NC/NNC Novaloc® Angled

Tissue Level WN
Wide Neck (WN) synOcta®

Novaloc® Processing Packages and Matrix Housings

Product Image Description Material Art.-No.

Processing Packages
Processing Package includes: Titanium Matrix Housing (including  Ti/POM/ 2010.601-
Titanium Mounting Insert), PEEK/Silicone STM
white Retention Insert (light),
yellow Retention Insert (medium),
green Retention Insert (strong),
Mounting Collar (silicone),
packaging 2 pieces
Processing Package PEEK includes: PEEK Matrix Housing PEEK/POM/ 2010.611-
including Mounting Insert), Silicone STM
white Retention Insert (light),
yellow Retention Insert (medium),

green Retention Insert (strong),

Mounting Collar (silicone),
packaging 2 pieces

Retention Inserts
Novaloc® Retention Insert red, extra-light, approx. 300 g, PEEK 2010.710-
packaging 4 pieces STM
white, light, approx. 750 g, 2010.711-
packaging 4 pieces STM
yellow, medium, approx. 1200 g, 2010.712-
packaging 4 pieces STM
WN green, strong, approx. 1650 g, 2010.713-
packaging 4 pieces STM
blue, extra-strong, approx. 2100 g, 2010.714-
packaging 4 pieces STM
black, ultra-strong, approx. 2550 g, 2010.715-
packaging 4 pieces STM

Matrix Housings
Matrix Housing, Titanium including Mounting Insert, packaging 4 pieces Titanium/ 2010.701-
Matrix Housing, PEEK PEEK/POM 2010.702-
Matrix Housing with Titanium/ 2010.703-
Attachment Option POM STM

Tissue Level WN
Wide Neck (WN) synOcta®

Novaloc® Tools and Auxiliary Parts

Product Image Description Material Art.-No.

Equipment Box including 3 tools: 2010.101-
2010.731-STM Demounting Tool for Mounting Insert STM
and Model Analog Reposition Aid (blue),
2010.741-STM Mounting and Demounting Tool for
Retention Inserts (brown),
2010.751-STM Matrix Housing Extractor (gray)

Processing Spacer white, packaging 4 pieces POM 2010.723-

Mounting Collar packaging 10 pieces Silicone 2010.724-

Mounting Insert packaging 4 pieces POM 2010.725-
Demounting Tool for blue Al/Steel 2010.731-
Mounting Inserts and STM
Model Analog Reposition

Mounting and Demounting brown 2010.741-

Tool for Retention Inserts STM

Matrix Housing Extractor gray 2010.751-


The Novaloc matrix system is also compatible with

LOCATOR® abutments.

Tissue Level WN
Wide Neck (WN) synOcta®


Product Image Description Material Art.-No.

Impression-taking/Master Cast Fabrication

LOCATOR® height 4 mm, packaging 4 pieces Al housing 048.197V4
Impression Coping with LDPE

LOCATOR® length 10 mm, ∅ 5 mm, packaging 4 pieces Al 048.198V4

Female Analog

LOCATOR® Abutments
WN LOCATOR® height 1 mm TAV 048.183

height 2 mm 048.184

height 3 mm 048.185

height 4 mm 048.186

height 5 mm 048.187

LOCATOR® Bar Abutments

LOCATOR® Bar Abutment M2 Thread (2.0 mm), height 1.78 mm, TAV 048.804V2
WN packaging 2 pieces
M2 Thread (2.0 mm), height 1.78 mm, 048.804V10
packaging 10 pieces

Tissue Level WN
Wide Neck (WN) synOcta®


Product Image Description Material Art.-No.

Lab Set, up to 20° Divergence Compensation

LOCATOR® Male Processing includes: Denture Cap (∅ 5.5 mm, height 2.5 mm) with Ti/Nylon/ 048.189V2
Package black Processing Male (height 1.9 mm), Block-out LDPE
Spacer (048.196), clear Replacement Male (048.190),
pink Replacement Male (048.191), blue Replacement
Male (048.192), packaging 2 pieces

LOCATOR® clear, angulation 0°–10°, height 1.7 mm, 2.27 kg, Nylon 048.190V4

Replacement Male packaging 4 pieces
pink, light retention, angulation 0°–10°, height 1.7 mm, 048.191V4
1.36 kg, packaging 4 pieces

blue, extra-light retention, angle 0°–10°, 048.192V4
height 1.7 mm, 0.68 kg, packaging 4 pieces

Lab Set, up to 40° Divergence Compensation

LOCATOR® Male Processing extended range, includes: Denture Cap (∅ 5.5 mm, Ti/Nylon/ 048.182V2
Package height 2.5 mm) with black Processing Male (height LDPE
1.9 mm), Block-out Spacer (048.196), green
Replacement Male (048.193), orange Replacement
Male (048.188), red Replacement Male (048.194),
packaging 2 pieces
LOCATOR® green, extended range, angulation 10°–20°, Nylon 048.193V4
Replacement Male height 1.7 mm, 1.82 kg, packaging 4 pieces WN
orange, light retention, extended range, 048.188V4
angulation 10°–20°, height 1.7 mm, 0.91 kg,
packaging 4 pieces
red, extra-light retention, extended range, angle 10°– 048.194V4
20°, height 1.7 mm, 0.45 kg, packaging 4 pieces

gray, extended range, zero retention, height 1.7 mm, 048.181V4

packaging 4 pieces

LOCATOR® for Bars

LOCATOR® Bar Male includes: Denture Cap (∅ 5.5 mm, height 2.5 mm) with Ti/Nylon/ 048.805V10
Processing Package yellow Processing Male, Block-out Spacer (048.196), LDPE
clear Replacement Male (048.190), pink Replacement
Male (048.191), blue Replacement Male (048.192),
packaging 10 pieces

includes: Denture Cap (∅ 5.5 mm, height 2.5 mm) with 048.805V2

yellow Processing Male, Block-out Spacer (048.196),
clear Replacement Male (048.190), pink Replacement
Male (048.191), blue Replacement Male (048.192),
packaging 2 pieces

Tissue Level WN
Wide Neck (WN) synOcta®

LOCATOR® Components

Product Image Description Material Art.-No.

LOCATOR® length 8 mm, packaging 4 pieces LDPE 048.199V4
Parallel Post
LOCATOR® height 1.9 mm, packaging 4 pieces 048.195V4
Processing Male, black

LOCATOR® thickness 0.4 mm, packaging 20 pieces Silicone 048.196V20

Block-out Spacer rubber
LOCATOR® packaging 4 pieces POM 048.218V4
Processing Spacer

LOCATOR® to fasten abutment to the tool, packaging 4 pieces PSU 046.413V4

Holder Sleeve

Tools and Auxiliary Parts

LOCATOR® Screwdriver three-part, length 100 mm Stainless 046.415
LOCATOR® Screwdriver for Ratchet, short, length 15 mm 046.416

for Ratchet, long, length 21 mm 046.417

WN LOCATOR® length 50 mm, width 15 mm 048.200

Angle Measurement Guide

Tissue Level WN
Prosthetic Planning Aids (NNC, RN, WN)
PLAN abutments

PLAN Abutments

Product Image Description Material Art.-No.

Prosthetic Planning Kit

Soft Tissue Level Includes: all PLAN Abutments for Tissue Level, PC 048.904
PLAN-Set length 278 mm, width 124 mm, height 33 mm

Soft Tissue Level empty, length 278 mm, width 124 mm, height 33 mm 048.905

PLAN Cassette

NNC PLAN Abutments

NNC PLAN Cementable for crowns and bridges, height 5.7 mm, POM 048.943V4
Abutment, straight packaging 4 pieces

NNC PLAN Cementable type A, height 5.9 mm, packaging 4 pieces 048.944V4

Abutment, angled 15°
type B, height 5.9 mm, packaging 4 pieces 048.945V4

NNC PLAN Novaloc® height 1–6 mm, packaging 4 pieces 048.951V4

NNC PLAN Novaloc® angled, angulation 15°, height 2–6 mm, Type A, 048.855V4
Abutment packaging 4 pieces
angled, angulation 15°, height 2–6 mm, Type B, 048.856V4
packaging 4 pieces
NNC PLAN LOCATOR® height 1 mm, packaging 4 pieces 048.946V4
height 2 mm, packaging 4 pieces 048.947V4

height 3 mm, packaging 4 pieces 048.948V4

height 4 mm, packaging 4 pieces 048.949V4

height 5 mm, packaging 4 pieces 048.950V4

NNC PLAN Solid Abutment height 4 mm, packaging 4 pieces 048.952V4

height 5.5 mm, packaging 4 pieces 048.953V4
height 7 mm, packaging 4 pieces 048.954V4

*The NNC Novaloc® Plan Abutment (048.951V4) is also compatible with

LOCATOR® Components.

Tissue Level WN
Prosthetic Planning Aids (NNC, RN, WN)
PLAN abutments

PLAN Abutments

Product Image Description Material Art.-No.

RN PLAN Abutments
RN synOcta® 1.5 PLAN height 1.5 mm, packaging 4 pieces POM 048.929V4
RN synOcta® height 5.5 mm, packaging 4 pieces 048.930V4
PLAN Abutment
RN synOcta® Transversal height 4 mm, packaging 4 pieces 048.921V4
PLAN Abutment

RN synOcta® type A, short, height 5.7 mm, packaging 4 pieces 048.916V4


PLAN Abutment, 15° type B, short, height 5.7 mm, packaging 4 pieces 048.917V4

RN synOcta® type A, short, height 5.7 mm, packaging 4 pieces 048.918V4

PLAN Abutment, 20° type B, short, height 5.7 mm, packaging 4 pieces 048.919V4

RN synOcta® type A, long, height 6.7 mm, packaging 4 pieces 048.922V4

PLAN Abutment, 15° type B, long, height 6.7 mm, packaging 4 pieces 048.923V4

RN synOcta® type A, long, height 6.7 mm, packaging 4 pieces 048.924V4

PLAN Abutment, 20° type B, long, height 6.7 mm, packaging 4 pieces 048.925V4

RN PLAN Novaloc® height 1–6 mm, packaging 4 pieces 048.280V4

RN PLAN Novaloc® angled 15°, height 2–6 mm 048.853V4
RN PLAN LOCATOR® height 1 mm, packaging 4 pieces 048.275V4
height 2 mm, packaging 4 pieces 048.276V4

height 3 mm, packaging 4 pieces 048.277V4

height 4 mm, packaging 4 pieces 048.278V4

height 5 mm, packaging 4 pieces 048.279V4

RN PLAN Solid Abutment height 4 mm, packaging 4 pieces 048.926V4

height 5.5 mm, packaging 4 pieces 048.927V4

height 7 mm, packaging 4 pieces 048.928V4

*The RN Novaloc® Plan Abutment (048.280V4) is also compatible with

LOCATOR® Components.

Tissue Level WN
Prosthetic Planning Aids (NNC, RN, WN)
PLAN abutments

PLAN Abutments

Product Image Description Material Art.-No.

WN PLAN Abutments
WN synOcta® 1.5 PLAN height 1.5 mm, packaging 4 pieces POM 048.931V4
WN synOcta® Cementable height 5.5 mm, packaging 4 pieces 048.932V4
PLAN Abutment

WN synOcta® 15° Angled type A, height 5.5 mm, packaging 4 pieces 048.933V4

PLAN Abutment
type B, height 5.5 mm, packaging 4 pieces 048.934V4

WN Novaloc® Plan straight 0°, height 1–6 mm, packaging 4 pieces 048.852V4

WN Novaloc® Plan angled 15°, height 2–6 mm, packaging 4 pieces 048.854V4
WN PLAN LOCATOR® height 1 mm, packaging 4 pieces 048.283V4
height 2 mm, packaging 4 pieces 048.284V4

height 3 mm, packaging 4 pieces 048.285V4

height 4 mm, packaging 4 pieces 048.286V4

height 5 mm, packaging 4 pieces 048.287V4

WN PLAN Solid Abutment height 4 mm, packaging 4 pieces 048.938V4

height 5.5 mm, packaging 4 pieces 048.939V4

*The WN Novaloc® Plan Abutment (048.852V4) is also compatible with

LOCATOR® Components.


Bone Level Tapered SC

Small CrossFit®

Bone Level Tapered SC
Small CrossFit® (SC)

Impression-taking/Master Cast Fabrication

Product Image Description Material Art.-No.

Impression Posts and Analog

SC Impression Post Open short, with guide screw, length 17.1 mm TAN 025.0021
Tray, short

SC Impression Post Open long, with guide screw, length 24 mm 025.0022

Tray, long

SC Impression Post Closed with 1 guide screw & 2 caps, length 19 mm TAN/POM 025.0020
SC Impression Post Closed with 1 guide screw & 2 caps, length 12 mm 025.0062
Tray, short

SC Implant Analog length 11 mm TAN 025.0023

Digital Impression
SC CARES® Mono Scanbody ∅ 3.5 mm, height 10 mm PEEK/TAN 025.0025

SC Repositionable Implant length 17 mm Stainless 025.0024

Analog steel

SC Temporary Restorations

Product Image Description Material Art.-No.

Temporary Abutments
SC Temporary Abutment including screw 025.0031, crown, oval, gingiva TAN 024.0011
height 1 mm
including screw 025.0031, crown, oval, gingiva 024.0015
height 2 mm
including screw 025.0031, crown, oval, gingiva 024.0016
height 3 mm

Replacement Screws
SC Polishing Aid for crowns Stainless 025.0029
SC Basal Screw B length 7 mm TAN 025.0031

Bone Level Tapered SC
Small CrossFit® (SC)

Cement or Screw-retained Restorations, CADCAM

Product Image Description Material Art.-No.

Variobase® Abutments
SC Variobase® for Crown including screw 025.0031, oval, gingiva height 1 mm TAN n/a

including screw 025.0031, oval, gingiva height 2 mm

including screw 025.0031, oval, gingiva height 3 mm

Digital Impression
SC CARES® Mono Scanbody ∅ 3.5 mm, height 10 mm PEEK/TAN 025.0025

SC Repositionable Implant length 17 mm Stainless 025.0024
Analog steel

SC Straumann® CARES® Abutment

SC Straumann® CARES® available via digital workflow / Straumann Group TAN n/a
Abutment centralized manufacturing centers; including screw
SC Straumann® CARES® available via CARES® scanner system or Scan & Shape
Abutment Service

Replacement Screws
SC Basal Screw B length 7 mm TAN 025.0031

Straumann® CARES® CADCAM
• Customized solutions for single tooth restoration
• Wide range of applications and choice of materials
• Access to premium customized genuine Straumann® CARES® abutments through Straumann®
CARES® Scan & Shape, without additional hardware and software investments
• Additional information at

Bone Level Tapered SC
Small CrossFit® (SC)

Cement or Screw-retained Restorations, Variobase®

Product Image Description Material Art.-No.

Variobase® Abutments
SC Variobase® for Crown including screw 025.0031, oval, gingiva height 1 mm TAN 022.0038

including screw 025.0031, oval, gingiva height 2 mm 022.0039

including screw 025.0031, oval, gingiva height 3 mm 022.0040

Burn-out Copings
SC Burn-out Coping for Variobase® for Crown, height 12 mm POM 023.0011

packaging 4 pieces 023.0011V4


Bone Level and Bone Level Tapered NC

Narrow CrossFit®

Bone Level and Bone Level Tapered NC
Narrow CrossFit® (NC)
Crowns and Bridges

Impression-taking/Master Cast Fabrication

Product Image Description Material Art.-No.

Impression Posts and Analog

NC Impression Post screw-retained, for open-tray impression, short, TAN 025.2202
length 16.5 mm
screw-retained, non engaging, for open-tray 025.0057
impression, short, length 16.5 mm
screw-retained, for open-tray impression, long, 025.2205
length 30 mm
screw-retained, non engaging, for open-tray 025.0058
impression, long, length 30 mm
screw-retained, for closed-tray impression, includes TAN/POM 025.2201

2 caps, length 12.3 mm

NC Implant Analog length 11 mm TAN 025.2101

Digital Impression
CARES® NC Mono Scanbody including Fixation Screw, ∅ 3.5 mm, height 10 mm PEEK/TAN 025.2915

NC Repositionable for fully digital and conventional workflow, Stainless 025.2102

Implant Analog length 17 mm steel

Bite Registration Aid

NC short, height 8 mm, packaging 4 pieces POM 025.2208-04
Bite Registration Aid
long, height 12 mm, packaging 4 pieces 025.2212-04


Bone Level and Bone Level Tapered NC
Narrow CrossFit® (NC)
Crowns and Bridges

Temporary Restorations

Product Image Description Material Art.-No.

NC including screw 025.2908, height 11 mm, ∅ 5 mm PMMA/TAN 024.2372
Temporary Abutment

Replacement Screw
NC Basal Screw for NC Cementable Abutments and Temporary TAN 025.2908
Abutment VITA CAD-Temp®, length 7.9 mm

Temporary Abutments

NC Temporary Abutment for crowns, including screw 025.2900, height 11 mm, TAN 024.2371
∅ 3.5 mm
for bridges, including screw 025.2900, height 11 mm, 024.2375
∅ 3.5 mm

Immediate Temporary Abutments

NC Immediate Temporary for crowns, gingiva height 1 mm TAN 022.0115S
for crowns, gingiva height 2 mm 022.0116S

for crowns, gingiva height 3 mm 022.0117S

Plastic Coping for Immediate Temporary Abutment, PMMA 023.0033V2

packaging 2 pieces

Replacement Screw
NC Basal Screw for NC Anatomic Abutments, NC Variobase® for Crown TAN 025.2900
and Variobase® C, NC Gold Abutments and NC Gold NC
and Titanium Abutments for bars, length 7.9 mm

Cement-Retained Restoration, Anatomic Abutments

Product Image Description Material Art.-No.

Anatomic Abutments, Titanium

NC Anatomic straight, including screw 025.2900, gingiva Ti 022.2102
Abutment height 2 mm
straight, including screw 025.2900, gingiva 022.2104
height 3.5 mm
angled, angulation 15°, including screw 025.2900, 022.2152
gingiva height 2 mm
angled, angulation 15°, including screw 025.2900, 022.2154
gingiva height 3.5 mm

Replacement Screw
NC Basal Screw for NC Anatomic Abutments, NC Variobase® for Crown TAN 025.2900
and Variobase® C, NC Gold Abutments and NC Gold
and Titanium Abutments for bars, length 7.9 mm

Bone Level and Bone Level Tapered NC
Narrow CrossFit® (NC)
Crowns and Bridges

Cement-Retained Restoration, Cementable Abutments

Product Image Description Material Art.-No.

Impression Caps (at abutment level) for Single Crown Restoration (engaging)
NC Impression Cap for Cementable Abutments, ∅ 3.5 mm, abutment POM 025.2203-04
height 4 mm, packaging 4 pieces

for Cementable Abutments, ∅ 5 mm, abutment 025.2204-04

height 4 mm, packaging 4 pieces

for Cementable Abutments, ∅ 5 mm, abutment 025.2220-04

height 5.5 mm, packaging 4 pieces

NC Implant Analog for Cementable Abutments, ∅ 3.5 mm, abutment TAN 025.2112
height 4 mm
for Cementable Abutments, ∅ 3.5 mm, abutment 025.2116
height 5.5 mm
for Cementable Abutments, ∅ 5 mm, abutment 025.2122
height 4 mm
for Cementable Abutments, ∅ 5 mm, abutment 025.2126
height 5.5 mm

Temporary Restoration
NC Temporary Coping for Cementable Abutments, ∅ 3.5 mm PMMA 024.2346

for Cementable Abutments, ∅ 5 mm 024.2356


Bone Level and Bone Level Tapered NC
Narrow CrossFit® (NC)
Crowns and Bridges

Cement-Retained Restoration, Cementable Abutments

Product Image Description Material Art.-No.

Protective Caps
NC Protective Cap for Cementable Abutments, ∅ 3.5 mm, abutment PEEK 024.2312-04
height 4 mm, packaging 4 pieces

for Cementable Abutments, ∅ 3.5 mm, abutment 024.2316-04

height 5.5 mm, packaging 4 pieces

for Cementable Abutments, ∅ 5 mm, abutment 024.2322-04

height 4 mm, packaging 4 pieces

for Cementable Abutments, ∅ 5 mm, abutment 024.2326-04

height 5.5 mm, packaging 4 pieces

Transfer Aid
NC Transfer Aid for Cementable Abutments, ∅ 3.5 mm, PC 025.2911-04
packaging 4 pieces

for Cementable Abutments, ∅ 5 mm, 025.2912-04

packaging 4 pieces

Cementable Abutments with Emergence Profile ∅ 3.5 mm

NC Cementable including screw 025.2908, ∅ 3.5 mm, gingiva Ti 022.2311
Abutment height 1 mm, abutment height 4 mm

including screw 025.2908, ∅ 3.5 mm, gingiva 022.2312

height 2 mm, abutment height 4 mm
including screw 025.2908, ∅ 3.5 mm, gingiva 022.2313
height 3 mm, abutment height 4 mm

including screw 025.2908, ∅ 3.5 mm, gingiva 022.2315

height 1 mm, abutment height 5.5 mm

including screw 025.2908, ∅ 3.5 mm, gingiva 022.2316

height 2 mm, abutment height 5.5 mm

including screw 025.2908, ∅ 3.5 mm, gingiva 022.2317

height 3 mm, abutment height 5.5 mm

Bone Level and Bone Level Tapered NC
Narrow CrossFit® (NC)
Crowns and Bridges

Cement-Retained Restoration, Cementable Abutments

Product Image Description Material Art.-No.

Cementable Abutments with Emergence Profile ∅ 5 mm
NC Cementable including screw 025.2908, ∅ 5 mm, gingiva Ti 022.2321
Abutment height 1 mm, abutment height 4 mm

including screw 025.2908, ∅ 5 mm, gingiva 022.2322

height 2 mm, abutment height 4 mm

including screw 025.2908, ∅ 5 mm, gingiva 022.2323

height 3 mm, abutment height 4 mm

including screw 025.2908, ∅ 5 mm, gingiva 022.2325


height 1 mm, abutment height 5.5 mm

including screw 025.2908, ∅ 5 mm, gingiva 022.2326

height 2 mm, abutment height 5.5 mm

including screw 025.2908, ∅ 5 mm, gingiva 022.2327

height 3 mm, abutment height 5.5 mm

Burn-out Copings, Emergence Profile ∅ 3.5 mm

NC Coping for crowns on Cementable Abutments, ∅ 3.5 mm POM 023.2316

for bridges on Cementable Abutments, ∅ 3.5 mm 023.2310

Burn-out Copings, Emergence Profile ∅ 5 mm

NC Coping for crowns on Cementable Abutments, ∅ 5 mm POM 023.2326
for bridges on Cementable Abutments, ∅ 5 mm 023.2320

Replacement Screw
NC Basal Screw for NC Cementable Abutments and Temporary TAN 025.2908
Abutment VITA CAD-Temp®, length 7.9 mm

Bone Level and Bone Level Tapered NC
Narrow CrossFit® (NC)
Crowns and Bridges

Cement-Retained Restoration, All-in-One Set

Product Image Description Material Art.-No.

All-in-One Sets for Emergence Profile ∅ 3.5 mm

NC Cementable ∅ 3.5 mm, gingiva height 1 mm, abutment Ti/TAN/POM/ 027.4301
All-in-One Set height 4 mm PEEK
for Crowns

∅ 3.5 mm, gingiva height 2 mm, abutment 027.4302

height 4 mm

∅ 3.5 mm, gingiva height 3 mm, abutment 027.4303
height 4 mm


Bone Level and Bone Level Tapered NC
Narrow CrossFit® (NC)
Crowns and Bridges

Cement-Retained Restoration, All-in-One Set

Product Image Description Material Art.-No.

All-in-One Sets for Emergence Profile ∅ 5 mm

NC Cementable ∅ 5 mm, gingiva height 1 mm, abutment height 4 mm Ti/TAN/POM/ 027.4307
All-in-One Set PEEK
for Crowns

∅ 5 mm, gingiva height 2 mm, abutment height 4 mm 027.4308


∅ 5 mm, gingiva height 3 mm, abutment height 4 mm 027.4309

∅ 5 mm, gingiva height 1 mm, abutment 027.4310

height 5.5 mm

NC ∅ 5 mm, gingiva height 2 mm, abutment 027.4311

height 5.5 mm

∅ 5 mm, gingiva height 3 mm, abutment 027.4312

height 5.5 mm

Bone Level and Bone Level Tapered NC
Narrow CrossFit® (NC)
Crowns and Bridges

Cement or Screw-retained Restoration, CADCAM

Product Image Description Material Art.-No.

Variobase® Abutments
NC Variobase® for Crown including screw 025.2900, ∅ 3.8 mm, height 3.5 mm, TAN n/a
gingiva height 1 mm
including screw 025.2900, ∅ 3.8 mm, height 3.5 mm,
gingiva height 2 mm
including screw 025.2900, ∅ 3.8 mm, height 3.5 mm,
gingiva height 3 mm
including screw 025.2900, ∅ 3.8 mm, height 5.5 mm,
gingiva height 1 mm
including screw 025.2900, ∅ 3.8 mm, height 5.5 mm,

gingiva height 2 mm
including screw 025.2900, ∅ 3.8 mm, height 5.5 mm,
gingiva height 3 mm
NC Variobase® including screw 025.0055, ∅ 4.1 mm, height 3.5 mm,
for Crown AS gingiva height 1 mm
including screw 025.0055, ∅ 4.1 mm, height 5.5 mm,
gingiva height 1 mm
NC Variobase® for Bridge/ including screw 025.2926 and Cementation Aid 2,
Bar Cylindrical ∅ 4.5 mm, height 3.5 mm
Variobase® for Bridge/Bar for Screw-retained Abutments ∅ 3.5 mm, including
Cylindrical Coping for screw 023.4763 and Cementation Aid 3, ∅ 4.2 mm,
Screw-retained Abutments height 4 mm
∅ 3.5 mm
Variobase® for Bridge/Bar for Screw-retained Abutments ∅ 4.6 mm, including
Cylindrical Coping for screw 023.4763 and Cementation Aid 3, ∅ 5.1 mm,
Screw-retained Abutments height 4 mm
∅ 4.6 mm NC
CADCAM, Wax-up
NC Wax-up Sleeve for single use, length 15.2 mm PEEK 025.2903
packaging 4 pieces 025.2903-04

Digital Impression
CARES® NC Mono Scanbody including Fixation Screw, ∅ 3.5 mm, height 10 mm PEEK/TAN 025.2915

NC Repositionable for fully digital and conventional workflow, Stainless 025.2102

Implant Analog length 17 mm steel

Bone Level and Bone Level Tapered NC
Narrow CrossFit® (NC)
Crowns and Bridges

Cement or Screw-retained Restoration, CADCAM

Product Image Description Material Art.-No.

Customized CARES® Abutments

CARES® Abutment NC, available via digital workflow / Straumann Group Zirconia n/a
Ceramic centralized manufacturing centers; including screw
CARES® Abutment NC, Ti

CARES® Abutment NC, TAN


CARES® Abutment NC, coron®


Cobalt Chromium
CARES® Abutment AS NC
Cobalt Chromium

Replacement Screws
NC Basal Screw for NC Anatomic Abutments, NC Variobase® for Crown TAN 025.2900
and Variobase® C, NC Gold Abutments and NC Gold
and Titanium Abutments for bars, length 7.9 mm

NC Basal Screw for NC IPS e.max® Anatomic Abutments and CARES® 025.2906
Zirconia Abutments, length 8.9 mm

NC/RC SRBB Bone Level for CADCAM CARES® Screw-retained Bridges/Bars, for 025.2926
Screw Variobase® for Bridge/Bar Cylindrical, length 7.9 mm
Occlusal Screw for Titanium, Gold, Burn-Out and Variobase® Copings 023.4763
for Screw-retained Abutments, length 3.7 mm
NC/RC Basal Screw AS for NC/RC Variobase® for Crown AS, length 7.9 mm, 025.0055
only compatible with AS Screwdriver (green color-

Straumann® CARES® CADCAM

• Customized solutions ranging from individual tooth restorations to tooth-borne bridges to
implant-borne restorations
• Wide range of applications and choice of materials
• Access to premium customized genuine Straumann® CARES® abutments through Straumann®
CARES® Scan & Shape, without additional hardware and software investments
• Customized solutions for all indications
• Additional information at

Bone Level and Bone Level Tapered NC
Narrow CrossFit® (NC)
Crowns and Bridges

Cement or Screw-retained Restoration, Gold Abutment

Product Image Description Material Art.-No.

Gold Abutment
NC Gold Abutment for crowns, including screw 025.2900, height 3.7 mm, Ceramicor®/ 022.2410
alloy weight 0.313 g POM

Replacement Screw
NC Basal Screw for NC Anatomic Abutments, NC Variobase® for Crown TAN 025.2900
and Variobase® C, NC Gold Abutments and NC Gold
and Titanium Abutments for bars, length 7.9 mm

Polishing Aid

NC Polishing Aid length 16 mm Stainless 025.2920
length 16 mm, packaging 4 pieces 025.2920-04


Ceramicor® is a non-oxidizing precious metal alloy for

casting on precious metal alloys.

Bone Level and Bone Level Tapered NC
Narrow CrossFit® (NC)
Crowns and Bridges

Cement or Screw-retained Restoration, Variobase®

Product Image Description Material Art.-No.

Variobase® Abutments
NC Variobase® for Crown including screw 025.2900, ∅ 3.8 mm, height 3.5 mm, TAN 025.2921
gingiva height 1 mm
including screw 025.2900, ∅ 3.8 mm, height 3.5 mm, 022.0102
gingiva height 2 mm
including screw 025.2900, ∅ 3.8 mm, height 3.5 mm, 022.0104
gingiva height 3 mm
including screw 025.2900, ∅ 3.8 mm, height 5.5 mm, 022.0027
gingiva height 1 mm
including screw 025.2900, ∅ 3.8 mm, height 5.5 mm, 022.0106

gingiva height 2 mm
including screw 025.2900, ∅ 3.8 mm, height 5.5 mm, 022.0108
gingiva height 3 mm
NC Variobase® including screw 025.0055, ∅ 4.1 mm, height 3.5 mm, 022.0084
for Crown AS gingiva height 1 mm
including screw 025.0055, ∅ 4.1 mm, height 5.5 mm, 022.0093
gingiva height 1 mm
NC Variobase® for Bridge/ including screw 025.2926 and Cementation Aid 2, 022.0110
Bar Cylindrical ∅ 4.5 mm, height 3.5 mm
NC Variobase® C for Dentsply® Sirona®, including screw 025.2900, 022.0043
∅ 3.8 mm, height 4.7 mm, gingiva height 1 mm
Variobase® for Bridge/Bar for Screw-retained Abutments ∅ 3.5 mm, including 023.0027
Cylindrical Coping for screw 023.4763 and Cementation Aid 3, ∅ 4.2 mm,
Screw-retained Abutments height 4 mm
∅ 3.5 mm
Variobase® for Bridge/Bar for Screw-retained Abutments ∅ 4.6 mm, including 023.0028
NC Cylindrical Coping for screw 023.4763 and Cementation Aid 3, ∅ 5.1 mm,
Screw-retained Abutments height 4 mm
∅ 4.6 mm

Burn-out Copings
NC Burn-out Coping for Variobase® for Crown with height 3.5 mm, POM 023.2756
∅ 3.8 mm, height 12 mm
packaging 4 pieces 023.2756-04
for Variobase® for Crown with height 5.5 mm, 023.0018
∅ 3.8 mm, height 12 mm
packaging 4 pieces 023.0018V4
NC Burn-out Coping for Variobase® for Bridge/Bar Cylindrical with height 023.0029
3.5 mm, ∅ 4.5 mm, height 12 mm
packaging 4 pieces 023.0029V4
Burn-out Coping for Variobase® for Bridge/Bar Cylindrical, Coping for 023.0031
Screw-retained Abutment ∅ 3.5 mm, ∅ 4.2 mm,
height 11.1 mm
packaging 4 pieces 023.0031V4
for Variobase® for Bridge/Bar Cylindrical, Coping 023.0032
Screw-retained Abutment ∅ 4.6 mm, ∅ 5.1 mm,
height 11.1 mm
packaging 4 pieces 023.0032V4

Bone Level and Bone Level Tapered NC
Narrow CrossFit® (NC)
Crowns and Bridges

Cement or Screw-retained Restoration, Variobase®

Product Image Description Material Art.-No.

Burn-out Copings AS
NC Burn-out Coping angulation 25°, Variobase® for Crown AS POM 023.0025

Replacement Screws
NC Basal Screw for NC Anatomic Abutments, NC Variobase® for Crown TAN 025.2900
and Variobase® C, NC Gold Abutments and NC Gold
and Titanium Abutments for bars, length 7.9 mm

NC Basal Screw for NC IPS e.max® Anatomic Abutments and CARES® 025.2906

Zirconia Abutments, length 8.9 mm

NC/RC SRBB Bone Level for CADCAM CARES® Screw-retained Bridges/Bars, for 025.2926
Screw Variobase® for Bridge/Bar Cylindrical, length 7.9 mm

Occlusal Screw for Titanium, Gold, Burn-Out and Variobase® Copings 023.4763
for Screw-retained Abutments, length 3.7 mm
NC/RC Basal Screw AS for NC/RC Variobase® for Crown AS, length 7.9 mm, 025.0055
only compatible with AS Screwdriver (green color-


Bone Level and Bone Level Tapered NC
Narrow CrossFit® (NC)
Crowns and Bridges

Screw-retained Restoration with Screw-retained Abutment

Product Image Description Material Art.-No.

Impression Posts (at abutment level) for Single Crown Restoration (engaging)
Impression Posts for for Screw-retained Abutments, abutment level, TAN 025.2243
Open-tray Impression ∅ 3.5 mm
for Screw-retained Abutments, abutment level, 025.2244
∅ 4.6 mm
Impression Posts for for Screw-retained Abutments, abutment level, TAN/POM 025.2245
Closed-tray Impression ∅ 3.5 mm

for Screw-retained Abutments, abutment level, 025.2246

∅ 4.6 mm

Impression Posts (at abutment level) for Multi-Unit Restorations (non engaging)
Impression Posts for for Screw-retained Abutments, abutment level, TAN 025.0011
Open-tray Impression ∅ 3.5 mm
for Screw-retained Abutments, abutment level, 025.0012
∅ 4.6 mm
Impression Posts for for Screw-retained Abutments, abutment level, TAN/POM 025.0013
Closed-tray Impression ∅ 3.5 mm

for Screw-retained Abutments, abutment level, 025.0014

∅ 4.6 mm

Digital Impression
CARES® Mono Scanbody for Screw-retained Abutments, abutment level, PEEK 025.0000
including Fixation Screw, ∅ 3.5 mm

for Screw-retained Abutments, abutment level, 025.0001

NC including Fixation Screw, ∅ 4.6 mm

Repositionable Analog for Screw-retained Abutments, ∅ 3.5 mm Stainless 025.0007

for Screw-retained Abutments, ∅ 4.6 mm 025.0008

Analog for Screw-retained for Screw-retained Abutments ∅ 3.5 mm, straight TAN 023.2754
Abutments ∅ 3.5 mm
for Screw-retained Abutments ∅ 3.5 mm, edentulous, 025.0049
Analog for Screw-retained for Screw-retained Abutments ∅ 4.6 mm, straight 023.4756
Abutments ∅ 4.6 mm
for Screw-retained Abutments ∅ 4.6 mm, edentulous, 025.0050
for Screw-retained Abutments ∅ 4.6 mm, angled, 023.4757
angulation 17°/30°

Lab Auxiliaries
Polishing Aid for Screw-retained Abutments, ∅ 3.5 mm TAN 025.0004
packaging 4 pieces 025.0004V4
for Screw-retained Abutments, ∅ 4.6 mm 025.0005
packaging 4 pieces 025.0005V4
Lab Processing Screw for Screw-retained Abutments, length 20 mm Stainless 025.0006
for Screw-retained Abutments, length 10 mm 025.0052

Bone Level and Bone Level Tapered NC
Narrow CrossFit® (NC)
Crowns and Bridges

Screw-retained Restoration with Screw-retained Abutment

Product Image Description Material Art.-No.

Protective Caps
Protective Cap for for Screw-retained Abutments ∅ 3.5 mm, including PEEK/TAN 024.2323-04
Screw-retained Abutments screw 023.4763, height 5 mm, packaging 4 pieces
∅ 3.5 mm for Screw-retained Abutments ∅ 3.5 mm, including 024.0019-04
screw 023.4763, height 4.5 mm, wide,
packaging 4 pieces
for Screw-retained Abutments ∅ 3.5 mm, including 024.2324-04
screw 023.4763, height 6.5 mm, packaging 4 pieces

for Screw-retained Abutments ∅ 3.5 mm, including 024.2325-04

screw 023.4763, height 8 mm, packaging 4 pieces

Protective Cap for for Screw-retained Abutments ∅ 4.6 mm, including 024.4323-04
Screw-retained Abutments screw 023.4763, height 5.1 mm, ∅ 5.0 mm,
∅ 4.6 mm packaging 4 pieces
for Screw-retained Abutments ∅ 4.6 mm, including 024.0020-04
screw 023.4763, height 4.5 mm, wide,
packaging 4 pieces
for Screw-retained Abutments ∅ 4.6 mm, including 024.4324-04
screw 023.4763, height 6.6 mm, ∅ 5.0 mm,
packaging 4 pieces
for Screw-retained Abutments ∅ 4.6 mm, including 024.4325-04
screw 023.4763, height 8.1 mm, ∅ 5.0 mm,
packaging 4 pieces

Auxiliary Part
Straumann® visual guide for tilted implant placement in TAV/Ti 026.0016
Planning Guide Straumann® Pro Arch cases
Transfer And Alignment Pin for Screw-retained Abutments TAN 025.0009

Bone Level and Bone Level Tapered NC
Narrow CrossFit® (NC)
Crowns and Bridges

Screw-retained Restoration with Screw-retained Abutment, Abutments, sterile

Product Image Description Material Art.-No.

Screw-retained Abutments 0°, sterile

NC Screw-retained straight, angulation 0°, ∅ 3.5 mm, gingiva TAN 022.2745S
Abutment height 1 mm, sterile
straight, angulation 0°, ∅ 3.5 mm, gingiva 022.2746S
height 2.5 mm, sterile
straight, angulation 0°, ∅ 3.5 mm, gingiva 022.2753S
height 4 mm, sterile
straight, angulation 0°, ∅ 4.6 mm, gingiva 022.2747S
height 1 mm, sterile
straight, angulation 0°, ∅ 4.6 mm, gingiva 022.2748S

height 2.5 mm, sterile
straight, angulation 0°, ∅ 4.6 mm, gingiva 022.2754S
height 4 mm, sterile

Screw-retained Abutments 17°, sterile

NC Screw-retained angled, angulation 17°, ∅ 4.6 mm, gingiva TAN 022.2749S
Abutment height 2.5 mm, Type A, sterile
angled, angulation 17°, ∅ 4.6 mm, gingiva 022.2750S
height 2.5 mm, type B, sterile
angled, angulation 17°, ∅ 4.6 mm, gingiva 022.2755S
height 4 mm, type A, sterile
angled, angulation 17°, ∅ 4.6 mm, gingiva 022.2756S
height 4 mm, type B, sterile
angled, angulation 17°, ∅ 4.6 mm, gingiva 022.0010S
height 5.5 mm, type A, sterile
angled, angulation 17°, ∅ 4.6 mm, gingiva 022.0011S
NC height 5.5 mm, type B, sterile

Screw-retained Abutments 30°, sterile

NC Screw-retained angled, angulation 30°, ∅ 4.6 mm, gingiva TAN 022.2751S
Abutment height 2.5 mm, type A, sterile
angled, angulation 30°, ∅ 4.6 mm, gingiva 022.2752S
height 2.5 mm, type B, sterile
angled, angulation 30°, ∅ 4.6 mm, gingiva 022.2757S
height 4 mm, type A, sterile
angled, angulation 30°, ∅ 4.6 mm, gingiva 022.2758S
height 4 mm, type B, sterile
angled, angulation 30°, ∅ 4.6 mm, gingiva 022.0012S
height 5.5 mm, type A, sterile
angled, angulation 30°, ∅ 4.6 mm, gingiva 022.0013S
height 5.5 mm, type B, sterile

Holding Key for Straumann® Screw-retained Abutments

Holding key for Screw-retained Abutments, length 85 mm Stainless 025.0019

Auxiliary Part
Transfer And Alignment Pin for Screw-retained Abutments TAN 025.0009

Bone Level and Bone Level Tapered NC
Narrow CrossFit® (NC)
Crowns and Bridges

Screw-retained Restoration with Screw-retained Abutment, Abutments with new

design, sterile
Product Image Description Material Art.-No.

Screw-retained Abutments 0°, new design, sterile

NC Screw-retained straight, angulation 0°, ∅ 3.5 mm, gingiva TAN 022.0124S
Abutment height 1.5 mm, sterile
straight, angulation 0°, ∅ 3.5 mm, gingiva 022.0125S
height 2.5 mm, sterile
straight, angulation 0°, ∅ 3.5 mm, gingiva 022.0126S
height 3.5 mm, sterile
straight, angulation 0°, ∅ 4.6 mm, gingiva 022.0128S
height 1.5 mm, sterile
straight, angulation 0°, ∅ 4.6 mm, gingiva 022.0129S

height 2.5 mm, sterile
straight, angulation 0°, ∅ 4.6 mm, gingiva 022.0130S
height 3.5 mm, sterile

Screw-retained Abutments 17°, new design, sterile

NC Screw-retained angled, angulation 17°, ∅ 4.6 mm, gingiva TAN 022.0136S
Abutment height 2.5 mm, type A, sterile
angled, angulation 17°, ∅ 4.6 mm, gingiva 022.0137S
height 2.5 mm, type B, sterile
angled, angulation 17°, ∅ 4.6 mm, gingiva 022.0138S
height 3.5 mm, type A, sterile
angled, angulation 17°, ∅ 4.6 mm, gingiva 022.0139S
height 3.5 mm, type B, sterile
angled, angulation 17°, ∅ 4.6 mm, gingiva 022.0140S
height 4.5 mm, type A, sterile
angled, angulation 17°, ∅ 4.6 mm, gingiva 022.0141S
height 4.5 mm, type B, sterile NC
angled, angulation 17°, ∅ 4.6 mm, gingiva 022.0142S
height 5.5 mm, type A, sterile
angled, angulation 17°, ∅ 4.6 mm, gingiva 022.0143S
height 5.5 mm, type B, sterile

Screw-retained Abutments 30°, new design, sterile

NC Screw-retained angled, angulation 30°, ∅ 4.6 mm, gingiva TAN 022.0144S
Abutment height 3.5 mm, type A, sterile
angled, angulation 30°, ∅ 4.6 mm, gingiva 022.0145S
height 3.5 mm, type B, sterile
angled, angulation 30°, ∅ 4.6 mm, gingiva 022.0146S
height 4.5 mm, type A, sterile
angled, angulation 30°, ∅ 4.6 mm, gingiva 022.0147S
height 4.5 mm, type B, sterile
angled, angulation 30°, ∅ 4.6 mm, gingiva 022.0148S
height 5.5 mm, type A, sterile
angled, angulation 30°, ∅ 4.6 mm, gingiva 022.0149S
height 5.5 mm, type B, sterile

Holding Key for Straumann® Screw-retained Abutments

Holding key for Screw-retained Abutments, length 85 mm Stainless 025.0019

Auxiliary Part
Transfer And Alignment Pin for Screw-retained Abutments TAN 025.0009

Bone Level and Bone Level Tapered NC
Narrow CrossFit® (NC)
Crowns and Bridges

Screw-retained Restoration with Screw-retained Abutment, Abutments, sterile

Product Image Description Material Art.-No.

Replacement Screws
Screw for NC/RC Screw-retained Abutments 0°, gingiva TAN 023.4749
height 1 mm, length 8.8 mm
for NC/RC Screw-retained Abutments 0°, gingiva 023.4750
height 2.5 mm, length 10.3 mm
for NC/RC Screw-retained Abutments 0°, gingiva 023.4760
height 4 mm, length 11.8 mm
for NC/RC Screw-retained Abutments 17° and 30°, 025.0002
length 7.2 mm, for RC/NC/NNC Novaloc® Angled

Screw-retained Restoration with Screw-retained Abutment, Copings

Product Image Description Material Art.-No.

Variobase® Copings
Variobase® for Bridge/Bar for Screw-retained Abutments ∅ 3.5 mm, including TAN 023.0027
Cylindrical Coping for screw 023.4763 and Cementation Aid 3, ∅ 4.2 mm,
Screw-retained Abutments height 4 mm
∅ 3.5 mm
Variobase® for Bridge/Bar for Screw-retained Abutments ∅ 4.6 mm, including 023.0028
Cylindrical Coping for screw 023.4763 and Cementation Aid 3, ∅ 5.1 mm,
Screw-retained Abutments height 4 mm
NC ∅ 4.6 mm

Temporary TAN Copings

Temporary Coping for for Screw-retained Abutments ∅ 3.5 mm, for crowns, TAN 024.0021
Screw-retained Abutments including screw 023.4763, height 11.5 mm
∅ 3.5 mm for Screw-retained Abutments ∅ 3.5 mm, for bridges, 024.0022
including screw 023.4763, height 11.5 mm
Temporary Coping for for Screw-retained Abutments ∅ 4.6 mm, for crowns, 024.0023
Screw-retained Abutments including screw 023.4763, height 11.5 mm
∅ 4.6 mm for Screw-retained Abutments ∅ 4.6 mm, for bridges, 024.0024
including screw 023.4763, height 11.5 mm

Titanium Copings
Coping for Screw-retained for Screw-retained Abutments ∅ 3.5 mm, for crowns, Ti 023.2747
Abutments ∅ 3.5 mm including screw 023.4763, height 11 mm
for Screw-retained Abutments ∅ 3.5 mm, for bridges, 023.2749
including screw 023.4763, height 11 mm
Coping for Screw-retained for Screw-retained Abutments ∅ 4.6 mm, for crowns, 023.4747
Abutments ∅ 4.6 mm including screw 023.4763, height 11 mm
for Screw-retained Abutments ∅ 4.6 mm, for bridges, 023.4751
including screw 023.4763, height 11 mm

Bone Level and Bone Level Tapered NC
Narrow CrossFit® (NC)
Crowns and Bridges

Screw-retained Restoration with Screw-retained Abutment, Copings

Product Image Description Material Art.-No.

Gold Copings
Coping for Screw-retained for Screw-retained Abutments ∅ 3.5 mm, for crowns, Ceramicor®/ 023.2751
Abutments ∅ 3.5 mm including screw 023.4763, alloy weight 0.359 g POM

for Screw-retained Abutments ∅ 3.5 mm, for bridges, 023.2752

including screw 023.4763, alloy weight 0.356 g

Coping for Screw-retained for Screw-retained Abutments ∅ 4.6 mm, for crowns, 023.4753
Abutments including screw 023.4763, alloy weight 0.440 g

for Screw-retained Abutments ∅ 4.6 mm, for bridges, 023.4754

including screw 023.4763, alloy weight 0.469 g

Burn-out Copings
Burn-out Coping for for Screw-retained Abutments ∅ 3.5 mm, for crowns, POM 023.2748
Screw-retained Abutments including screw 023.4763, height 11 mm
∅ 3.5 mm for Screw-retained Abutments ∅ 3.5 mm, for bridges 023.2755
and bars, including screw 023.4763, height 11 mm
Burn-out Coping for for Screw-retained Abutments ∅ 4.6 mm, for crowns, 023.4748
Screw-retained Abutments including screw 023.4763, height 11 mm
for Screw-retained Abutments ∅ 4.6 mm, for bridges 023.4758
and bars, including screw 023.4763, height 11 mm
Burn-out Coping for Variobase® for Bridge/Bar Cylindrical, Coping for 023.0031
Screw-retained Abutment ∅ 3.5 mm, ∅ 4.2 mm,
height 11.1 mm
packaging 4 pieces 023.0031V4
for Variobase® for Bridge/Bar Cylindrical, Coping 023.0032
Screw-retained Abutment ∅ 4.6 mm, ∅ 5.1 mm,
height 11.1 mm
packaging 4 pieces 023.0032V4

Replacement Screw
Occlusal Screw for Titanium, Gold, Burn-Out and Variobase® Copings TAN 023.4763
for Screw-retained Abutments, length 3.7 mm

Ceramicor® is a non-oxidizing precious metal alloy for

casting on precious metal alloys.

Bone Level and Bone Level Tapered NC
Narrow CrossFit® (NC)

Bar Construction on Screw-retained Abutments, Gold

Product Image Description Material Art.-No.

Bar Gold Coping ∅ 3.5 mm

Coping for Screw-retained for Screw-retained Abutments ∅ 3.5 mm, for bars, Ceramicor® 023.2753
Abutments ∅ 3.5 mm including screw 023.4763, alloy weight 0.681 g

Bar Gold Coping ∅ 4.6 mm

Coping for Screw-retained for Screw-retained Abutments ∅ 4.6 mm, for bars, Ceramicor® 023.4755
Abutments including screw 023.4763, alloy weight 0.744 g,
height 5.5 mm

Replacement Screw

Occlusal Screw for Titanium, Gold, Burn-Out and Variobase® Copings TAN 023.4763
for Screw-retained Abutments, length 3.7 mm

Bar Construction Alternative with Gold Abutment

Product Image Description Material Art.-No.

NC Abutment, one-part for bars, gold, including screw 025.2900, height 10 mm, Ceramicor® 022.2701
alloy weight 1.5 g

Replacement Screw
NC Basal Screw for NC Anatomic Abutments, NC Variobase® for Crown TAN 025.2900
NC and Variobase® C, NC Gold Abutments and NC Gold
and Titanium Abutments for bars, length 7.9 mm

Ceramicor® is a non-oxidizing precious metal alloy for

casting on precious metal alloys.

Bone Level and Bone Level Tapered NC
Narrow CrossFit® (NC)

Bar Construction on Screw-retained Abutments, Titanium

Product Image Description Material Art.-No.

Bar Titanium Coping ∅ 3.5 mm

Coping for Screw-retained for Screw-retained Abutments ∅ 3.5 mm, including Ti 023.2750
Abutments ∅ 3.5 mm screw 023.4763, height 5.5 mm

Bar Titanium Coping ∅ 4.6 mm

Coping for Screw-retained for Screw-retained Abutments ∅ 4.6 mm, including Ti 023.4752
Abutments screw 023.4763, height 5.5 mm

Replacement Screw
Occlusal Screw for Titanium, Gold, Burn-Out and Variobase® Copings TAN 023.4763

for Screw-retained Abutments, length 3.7 mm

Bar Construction Alternative with Titanium Abutment

Product Image Description Material Art.-No.

NC Abutment for bars, including screw 025.2900, height 10 mm Ti 022.2702

NC Basal Screw for NC Anatomic Abutments, NC Variobase® for Crown TAN 025.2900
and Variobase® C, NC Gold Abutments and NC Gold
and Titanium Abutments for bars, length 7.9 mm


Bar Construction on Screw-retained Abutments, Plastic

Product Image Description Material Art.-No.

Bar Burn-out Coping for ∅ 3.5 mm

Burn-out Coping for for Screw-retained Abutments ∅ 3.5 mm, for bridges POM 023.2755
Screw-retained Abutments and bars, including screw 023.4763, height 11 mm
∅ 3.5 mm

Bar Burn-out Coping for ∅ 4.6 mm

Burn-out Coping for for Screw-retained Abutments ∅ 4.6 mm, for bridges POM 023.4758
Screw-retained Abutments and bars, including screw 023.4763, height 11 mm

Replacement Screw
Occlusal Screw for Titanium, Gold, Burn-Out and Variobase® Copings TAN 023.4763
for Screw-retained Abutments, length 3.7 mm

Bone Level and Bone Level Tapered NC
Narrow CrossFit® (NC)


Product Image Description Material Art.-No.

Impression-taking/Master Cast Fabrication

Forming/Fixing Matrix red, packaging 4 pieces PEEK 2010.722-
Model Analog ∅ 4 mm blue, packaging 4 pieces Al 2010.721-
Model analogue red, angled, angulation 15°, packaging 4 pieces 2010.720-

Novaloc® Abutments
NC Novaloc® Abutment straight, angulation 0°, height 1 mm Titanium 022.0046

straight, angulation 0°, height 2 mm 022.0047

straight, angulation 0°, height 3 mm 022.0048
straight, angulation 0°, height 4 mm 022.0049
straight, angulation 0°, height 5 mm 022.0050
straight, angulation 0°, height 6 mm 022.0051
angled, angulation 15°, height 2 mm, 022.0062
type A
angled, angulation 15°, height 3 mm, 022.0063
type A
angled, angulation 15°, height 4 mm, 022.0064
type A
angled, angulation 15°, height 5 mm, 022.0065
type A
angled, angulation 15°, height 6 mm, 022.0066
type A
angled, angulation 15°, height 2 mm, 022.0072
type B
angled, angulation 15°, height 3 mm, 022.0073
type B
angled, angulation 15°, height 4 mm, 022.0074
type B
angled, angulation 15°, height 5 mm, 022.0075
type B
angled, angulation 15°, height 6 mm, 022.0076
type B

Novaloc® with M2 Thread for Bars

Novaloc® Bar Abutment Novaloc® Bar Abutment, packaging 2 pieces Titanium 048.857V2

Replacement Screw
Screw for NC/RC Screw-retained Abutments 17° and 30°, TAN 025.0002
length 7.2 mm, for RC/NC/NNC Novaloc® Angled

Bone Level and Bone Level Tapered NC
Narrow CrossFit® (NC)

Novaloc® Processing Packages and Matrix Housings

Product Image Description Material Art.-No.

Processing Packages
Processing Package includes: Titanium Matrix Housing (including  Ti/POM/ 2010.601-
Titanium Mounting Insert), PEEK/Silicone STM
white Retention Insert (light),
yellow Retention Insert (medium),
green Retention Insert (strong),
Mounting Collar (silicone),
packaging 2 pieces
Processing Package PEEK includes: PEEK Matrix Housing PEEK/POM/ 2010.611-
including Mounting Insert), Silicone STM
white Retention Insert (light),
yellow Retention Insert (medium),

green Retention Insert (strong),
Mounting Collar (silicone),
packaging 2 pieces

Retention Inserts
Novaloc® Retention Insert red, extra-light, approx. 300 g, PEEK 2010.710-
packaging 4 pieces STM
white, light, approx. 750 g, 2010.711-
packaging 4 pieces STM
yellow, medium, approx. 1200 g, 2010.712-
packaging 4 pieces STM
green, strong, approx. 1650 g, 2010.713-
packaging 4 pieces STM
blue, extra-strong, approx. 2100 g, 2010.714-
packaging 4 pieces STM
black, ultra-strong, approx. 2550 g, 2010.715-
packaging 4 pieces STM

Matrix Housings
Matrix Housing, Titanium including Mounting Insert, packaging 4 pieces Titanium/ 2010.701-
Matrix Housing, PEEK PEEK/POM 2010.702-
Matrix Housing with Titanium/ 2010.703-
Attachment Option POM STM

Bone Level and Bone Level Tapered NC
Narrow CrossFit® (NC)

Novaloc® Tools and Auxiliary Parts

Product Image Description Material Art.-No.

Equipment Box including 3 tools: 2010.101-
2010.731-STM Demounting Tool for Mounting Insert STM
and Model Analog Reposition Aid (blue),
2010.741-STM Mounting and Demounting Tool for
Retention Inserts (brown),
2010.751-STM Matrix Housing Extractor (gray)

Processing Spacer white, packaging 4 pieces POM 2010.723-

Mounting Collar packaging 10 pieces Silicone 2010.724-

Mounting Insert packaging 4 pieces POM 2010.725-
Demounting Tool for blue Al/Steel 2010.731-
Mounting Inserts and STM
Model Analog Reposition

Mounting and Demounting brown 2010.741-

Tool for Retention Inserts STM

Matrix Housing Extractor gray 2010.751-



The Novaloc matrix system is also compatible with

LOCATOR® abutments.

Bone Level and Bone Level Tapered NC
Narrow CrossFit® (NC)


Product Image Description Material Art.-No.

Impression-taking/Master Cast Fabrication

LOCATOR® height 4 mm, packaging 4 pieces Al housing 048.197V4
Impression Coping with LDPE

LOCATOR® length 10 mm, ∅ 4 mm, Al 025.0120-04

Female Analog packaging 4 pieces

LOCATOR® Abutments
NC LOCATOR® height 2 mm TAV 022.2502

height 3 mm 022.2503

height 4 mm 022.2504

height 5 mm 022.2505

height 6 mm 022.2506

LOCATOR® Bar Abutments

LOCATOR® Bar Abutment M2 Thread (2.0 mm), height 1.78 mm, TAV 048.804V2
packaging 2 pieces
M2 Thread (2.0 mm), height 1.78 mm, 048.804V10
packaging 10 pieces


Bone Level and Bone Level Tapered NC
Narrow CrossFit® (NC)


Product Image Description Material Art.-No.

Lab Set, up to 20° Divergence Compensation

LOCATOR® Male Processing includes: Denture Cap (∅ 5.5 mm, height 2.5 mm) with Ti/Nylon/ 048.189V2
Package black Processing Male (height 1.9 mm), Block-out LDPE
Spacer (048.196), clear Replacement Male (048.190),
pink Replacement Male (048.191), blue Replacement
Male (048.192), packaging 2 pieces

LOCATOR® clear, angulation 0°–10°, height 1.7 mm, 2.27 kg, Nylon 048.190V4

Replacement Male packaging 4 pieces
pink, light retention, angulation 0°–10°, height 1.7 mm, 048.191V4
1.36 kg, packaging 4 pieces

blue, extra-light retention, angle 0°–10°, 048.192V4

height 1.7 mm, 0.68 kg, packaging 4 pieces

Lab Set, up to 40° Divergence Compensation

LOCATOR® Male Processing extended range, includes: Denture Cap (∅ 5.5 mm, Ti/Nylon/ 048.182V2
Package height 2.5 mm) with black Processing Male (height LDPE
1.9 mm), Block-out Spacer (048.196), green
Replacement Male (048.193), orange Replacement
Male (048.188), red Replacement Male (048.194),
packaging 2 pieces
LOCATOR® green, extended range, angulation 10°–20°, Nylon 048.193V4
Replacement Male height 1.7 mm, 1.82 kg, packaging 4 pieces
orange, light retention, extended range, 048.188V4
angulation 10°–20°, height 1.7 mm, 0.91 kg,
packaging 4 pieces
red, extra-light retention, extended range, angle 10°– 048.194V4
20°, height 1.7 mm, 0.45 kg, packaging 4 pieces

gray, extended range, zero retention, height 1.7 mm, 048.181V4

packaging 4 pieces

LOCATOR® for Bars

LOCATOR® Bar Male includes: Denture Cap (∅ 5.5 mm, height 2.5 mm) with Ti/Nylon/ 048.805V2
Processing Package yellow Processing Male, Block-out Spacer (048.196), LDPE
clear Replacement Male (048.190), pink Replacement
Male (048.191), blue Replacement Male (048.192),
packaging 2 pieces

includes: Denture Cap (∅ 5.5 mm, height 2.5 mm) with 048.805V10

yellow Processing Male, Block-out Spacer (048.196),
clear Replacement Male (048.190), pink Replacement
Male (048.191), blue Replacement Male (048.192),
packaging 10 pieces

Bone Level and Bone Level Tapered NC
Narrow CrossFit® (NC)

LOCATOR® Components

Product Image Description Material Art.-No.

LOCATOR® length 8 mm, packaging 4 pieces LDPE 048.199V4
Parallel Post
LOCATOR® height 1.9 mm, packaging 4 pieces 048.195V4
Processing Male, black

LOCATOR® thickness 0.4 mm, packaging 20 pieces Silicone 048.196V20

Block-out Spacer rubber
LOCATOR® packaging 4 pieces POM 048.218V4
Processing Spacer

LOCATOR® to fasten abutment to the tool, packaging 4 pieces PSU 046.413V4
Holder Sleeve

Tools and Auxiliary Parts

LOCATOR® Screwdriver three-part, length 100 mm Stainless 046.415
LOCATOR® Screwdriver for Ratchet, short, length 15 mm 046.416

for Ratchet, long, length 21 mm 046.417

LOCATOR® length 50 mm, width 15 mm 048.200

Angle Measurement Guide



Bone Level and Bone Level Tapered RC

Regular CrossFit®

Bone Level and Bone Level Tapered RC
Regular CrossFit® (RC)
Crowns and Bridges

Impression-taking/Master Cast Fabrication

Product Image Description Material Art.-No.

Impression Posts and Analog

RC Impression Post screw-retained, for open-tray TAN 025.4202
impression, short, length 16.5 mm
screw-retained, non engaging, for open-tray 025.0060
impression, short, length 16.5 mm
screw-retained, for open-tray 025.4205
impression, long, length 30 mm
screw-retained, non engaging, for open-tray 025.0061
impression, long, length 30 mm
screw-retained, for closed-tray impression, includes 2 TAN/POM 025.4201

caps, length 12.3 mm

RC Implant Analog length 11 mm TAN 025.4101

Digital Impression
CARES® RC Mono Scanbody including Fixation Screw, ∅ 4.1 mm, height 10 mm PEEK/TAN 025.4915

RC Repositionable for fully digital and conventional workflow, Stainless 025.4102

Implant Analog length 17 mm steel

Bite Registration Aid

RC Bite Registration Aid short, height 8 mm, packaging 4 pieces POM 025.4208-04

long, height 12 mm, packaging 4 pieces 025.4212-04


Bone Level and Bone Level Tapered RC
Regular CrossFit® (RC)
Crowns and Bridges

Temporary Restoration

Product Image Description Material Art.-No.

RC Temporary Abutment including screw 025.4908, height 12 mm, ∅ 7 mm PMMA/TAN 024.4372

Replacement Screw
RC Basal Screw for RC Cementable Abutments and Temporary TAN 025.4908
Abutment VITA CAD-Temp®, for Cementable
Abutments only, length 7.9 mm

Temporary Abutments

RC Temporary Abutment for crowns, including screw 025.4900, height 11 mm, TAN 024.4371
∅ 4.5 mm
for bridges, including screw 025.4900, height 11 mm, 024.4375
∅ 4.5 mm

Immediate Temporary Abutments

RC Immediate Temporary for crowns, gingiva height 1 mm TAN 022.0118S
for crowns, gingiva height 2 mm 022.0119S

for crowns, gingiva height 3 mm 022.0120S

Plastic Coping for Immediate Temporary Abutment, PMMA 023.0033V2

packaging 2 pieces

Replacement Screw
RC Basal Screw for RC Anatomic Abutments, RC Variobase® for Crown TAN 025.4900
and Variobase® C, RC Gold Abutments for Crown and
RC Gold and Titanium Abutments for bars,
length 7.9 mm RC

Cement-Retained, Anatomic Abutments

Product Image Description Material Art.-No.

Anatomic Abutments, Titanium

RC Anatomic straight, including screw 025.4900, gingiva Ti 022.4102
Abutment height 2 mm
straight, including screw 025.4900, gingiva 022.4104
height 3.5 mm
angled, angulation 15°, including screw 025.4900, 022.4152
gingiva height 2 mm
angled, angulation 15°, including screw 025.4900, 022.4154
gingiva height 3.5 mm

Replacement Screw
RC Basal Screw for RC Anatomic Abutments, RC Variobase® for Crown TAN 025.4900
and Variobase® C, RC Gold Abutments for Crown and
RC Gold and Titanium Abutments for bars,
length 7.9 mm

Bone Level and Bone Level Tapered RC
Regular CrossFit® (RC)
Crowns and Bridges

Cement-Retained Restoration, Cementable Abutments

Product Image Description Material Art.-No.

Impression Caps (at abutment level) for Single Crown Restoration (engaging)
RC Impression Cap for Cementable Abutments, ∅ 5 mm, abutment POM 025.4203-04
height 4 mm, packaging 4 pieces

for Cementable Abutments, ∅ 5 mm, abutment 025.4220-04

height 5.5 mm, packaging 4 pieces

for Cementable Abutments, ∅ 6.5 mm, abutment 025.4204-04

height 4 mm, packaging 4 pieces

for Cementable Abutments, ∅ 6.5 mm, abutment 025.4230-04


height 5.5 mm, packaging 4 pieces

RC Implant Analog for Cementable Abutments, ∅ 5 mm, abutment TAN 025.4132
height 4 mm
for Cementable Abutments, ∅ 5 mm, abutment 025.4136
height 5.5 mm
for Cementable Abutments, ∅ 6.5 mm, abutment 025.4122
height 4 mm
for Cementable Abutments, ∅ 6.5 mm, abutment 025.4126
height 5.5 mm

Temporary Restoration
RC Temporary Coping for Cementable Abutments, ∅ 5 mm PMMA 024.4356

for Cementable Abutments, ∅ 6.5 mm 024.4366


Bone Level and Bone Level Tapered RC
Regular CrossFit® (RC)
Crowns and Bridges

Cement-Retained Restoration, Cementable Abutments

Product Image Description Material Art.-No.

Protective Caps
RC Protective Cap for Cementable Abutments, ∅ 5 mm, abutment PEEK 024.4322-04
height 4 mm, packaging 4 pieces

for Cementable Abutments, ∅ 6.5 mm, abutment 024.4332-04

height 4 mm, packaging 4 pieces

for Cementable Abutments, ∅ 5 mm, abutment 024.4326-04

height 5.5 mm, packaging 4 pieces

for Cementable Abutments, ∅ 6.5 mm, abutment 024.4336-04

height 5.5 mm, packaging 4 pieces

Transfer Aid
RC Transfer Aid for Cementable Abutments, ∅ 5 mm, PC 025.4912-04
packaging 4 pieces

for Cementable Abutments, ∅ 6.5 mm, 025.4913-04

packaging 4 pieces

Cementable Abutments with Emergence Profile ∅ 5 mm

RC Cementable including screw 025.4908, ∅ 5 mm, gingiva Ti 022.4321
Abutment height 1 mm, abutment height 4 mm

including screw 025.4908, ∅ 5 mm, gingiva 022.4322

height 2 mm, abutment height 4 mm

including screw 025.4908, ∅ 5 mm, gingiva 022.4323

height 3 mm, abutment height 4 mm

including screw 025.4908, ∅ 5 mm, gingiva 022.4325

height 1 mm, abutment height 5.5 mm

including screw 025.4908, ∅ 5 mm, gingiva 022.4326

height 2 mm, abutment height 5.5 mm

including screw 025.4908, ∅ 5 mm, gingiva 022.4327

height 3 mm, abutment height 5.5 mm

Bone Level and Bone Level Tapered RC
Regular CrossFit® (RC)
Crowns and Bridges

Cement-Retained Restoration, Cementable Abutments

Product Image Description Material Art.-No.

Cementable Abutments with Emergence Profile ∅ 6.5 mm
RC Cementable including screw 025.4908, ∅ 6.5 mm, gingiva Ti 022.4331
Abutment height 1 mm, abutment height 4 mm

including screw 025.4908, ∅ 6.5 mm, gingiva 022.4332

height 2 mm, abutment height 4 mm

including screw 025.4908, ∅ 6.5 mm, gingiva 022.4333

height 3 mm, abutment height 4 mm

including screw 025.4908, ∅ 6.5 mm, gingiva 022.4335


height 1 mm, abutment height 5.5 mm

including screw 025.4908, ∅ 6.5 mm, gingiva 022.4336

height 2 mm, abutment height 5.5 mm

including screw 025.4908, ∅ 6.5 mm, gingiva 022.4337

height 3 mm, abutment height 5.5 mm


Bone Level and Bone Level Tapered RC
Regular CrossFit® (RC)
Crowns and Bridges

Cement-Retained Restoration, Cementable Abutments

Product Image Description Material Art.-No.

Burn-out Copings, Emergence Profile ∅ 5 mm

RC Coping for crowns on Cementable Abutments, ∅ 5 mm POM 023.4326

for bridges on Cementable Abutments, ∅ 5 mm 023.4320

Burn-out Copings, Emergence Profile ∅ 6.5 mm

RC Coping for crowns on Cementable Abutments, ∅ 6.5 mm POM 023.4336

for bridges on Cementable Abutments, ∅ 6.5 mm 023.4330

Replacement Screw
RC Basal Screw for RC Cementable Abutments and Temporary TAN 025.4908
Abutment VITA CAD-Temp®, for Cementable
Abutments only, length 7.9 mm


Bone Level and Bone Level Tapered RC
Regular CrossFit® (RC)
Crowns and Bridges

Cement-Retained Restoration, All-in-One Set

Product Image Description Material Art.-No.

All-in-One Sets for Emergence Profile ∅ 5 mm

RC Cementable ∅ 5 mm, gingiva height 1 mm, abutment height 4 mm PEEK/POM/ 027.4313
All-in-One Set TAN/Ti
for Crowns

∅ 5 mm, gingiva height 2 mm, abutment height 4 mm 027.4314


∅ 5 mm, gingiva height 3 mm, abutment height 4 mm 027.4315

∅ 5 mm, gingiva height 1 mm, abutment 027.4316

height 5.5 mm

∅ 5 mm, gingiva height 2 mm, abutment 027.4317

height 5.5 mm

∅ 5 mm, gingiva height 3 mm, abutment 027.4318

height 5.5 mm

Bone Level and Bone Level Tapered RC
Regular CrossFit® (RC)
Crowns and Bridges

Cement-Retained Restoration, All-in-One Set

Product Image Description Material Art.-No.

All-in-One Sets for Emergence Profile ∅ 6.5 mm

RC Cementable ∅ 6.5 mm, gingiva height 1 mm, abutment PEEK/POM/ 027.4319
All-in-One Set height 4 mm TAN/Ti
for Crowns

∅ 6.5 mm, gingiva height 2 mm, abutment 027.4320

height 4 mm

∅ 6.5 mm, gingiva height 3 mm, abutment 027.4321
height 4 mm

∅ 6.5 mm, gingiva height 1 mm, abutment 027.4322

height 5.5 mm

∅ 6.5 mm, gingiva height 2 mm, abutment 027.4323

height 5.5 mm

∅ 6.5 mm, gingiva height 3 mm, abutment 027.4324

height 5.5 mm

Bone Level and Bone Level Tapered RC
Regular CrossFit® (RC)
Crowns and Bridges

Cement or Screw-retained Restoration, CADCAM

Product Image Description Material Art.-No.

Variobase® Abutments
RC Variobase® for Crown including screw 025.4900, ∅ 4.5 mm, height 3.5 mm, TAN n/a
gingiva height 1 mm
including screw 025.4900, ∅ 4.5 mm, height 3.5 mm,
gingiva height 2 mm
including screw 025.4900, ∅ 4.5 mm, height 3.5 mm,
gingiva height 3 mm
including screw 025.4900, ∅ 4.5 mm, height 5.5 mm,
gingiva height 1 mm
including screw 025.4900, ∅ 4.5 mm, height 5.5 mm,

gingiva height 2 mm
including screw 025.4900, ∅ 4.5 mm, height 5.5 mm,
gingiva height 3 mm
RC Variobase® including screw 025.0055, ∅ 4.7 mm, height 3.5 mm,
for Crown AS gingiva height 1 mm
including screw 025.0055, ∅ 4.7 mm, height 5.5 mm,
gingiva height 1 mm
RC Variobase® for Bridge/ including screw 025.2926 and Cementation Aid 2,
Bar Cylindrical ∅ 4.5 mm, height 3.5 mm
Variobase® for Bridge/Bar for Screw-retained Abutments ∅ 4.6 mm, including
Cylindrical Coping for screw 023.4763 and Cementation Aid 3, ∅ 5.1 mm,
Screw-retained Abutments height 4 mm
∅ 4.6 mm

CADCAM, Wax-up
RC Wax-up Sleeve for single use, length 18.8 mm PEEK 025.4903
packaging 4 pieces 025.4903-04

RC Digital Impression
CARES® RC Mono Scanbody including Fixation Screw, ∅ 4.1 mm, height 10 mm PEEK/TAN 025.4915

RC Repositionable for fully digital and conventional workflow, Stainless 025.4102

Implant Analog length 17 mm steel

Customized CARES® Abutments

CARES® Abutment RC, available via digital workflow / Straumann Group Zirconia n/a
Ceramic centralized manufacturing centers; including screw
CARES® Abutment RC, Ti
CARES® Abutment RC, TAN
CARES® Abutment RC, coron®
Cobalt Chromium
CARES® Abutment AS RC
Cobalt Chromium

Bone Level and Bone Level Tapered RC
Regular CrossFit® (RC)
Crowns and Bridges

Cement or Screw-retained Restoration, CADCAM

Product Image Description Material Art.-No.

Replacement Screws
RC Basal Screw for RC Anatomic Abutments, RC Variobase® for Crown TAN 025.4900
and Variobase® C, RC Gold Abutments for Crown and
RC Gold and Titanium Abutments for bars,
length 7.9 mm

for RC IPS e.max® Anatomic Abutments and CARES® 025.4906

Zirconia Abutments, length 8.2 mm

NC/RC SRBB Bone Level for CADCAM CARES® Screw-retained Bridges/Bars, for 025.2926
Screw Variobase® for Bridge/Bar Cylindrical, length 7.9 mm

Occlusal Screw for Titanium, Gold, Burn-Out and Variobase® Copings 023.4763
for Screw-retained Abutments, length 3.7 mm
NC/RC Basal Screw AS for NC/RC Variobase® for Crown AS, length 7.9 mm, 025.0055
only compatible with AS Screwdriver (green color-

Straumann® CARES® CADCAM

• Customized solutions ranging from individual tooth restorations to tooth-borne bridges to
implant-borne restorations
• Wide range of applications and choice of materials
• Access to premium customized genuine Straumann® CARES® abutments through Straumann®
CARES® Scan & Shape, without additional hardware and software investments
• Customized solutions for all indications
• Additional information at

Bone Level and Bone Level Tapered RC
Regular CrossFit® (RC)
Crowns and Bridges

Cement or Screw-retained Restoration, Gold Abutments

Product Image Description Material Art.-No.

Gold Abutment
RC Gold Abutment for crowns, including screw 025.4900, height 3.8 mm, Ceramicor®/ 022.4410
alloy weight 0.562 g POM
for bridges, including screw 025.4902, height 5.2 mm, 022.4430
alloy weight 0.551 g

Auxiliary Parts and Replacement Screws

RC Basal Screw for RC Anatomic Abutments, RC Variobase® for Crown TAN 025.4900
and Variobase® C, RC Gold Abutments for Crown and
RC Gold and Titanium Abutments for bars,
length 7.9 mm

for RC Gold Abutments, for bridges, length 8.3 mm 025.4902

Polishing Aid
RC Polishing Aid length 16 mm Stainless 025.4920
packaging 4 pieces 025.4920-04


Ceramicor® is a non-oxidizing precious metal alloy for

casting on precious metal alloys.

Bone Level and Bone Level Tapered RC
Regular CrossFit® (RC)
Crowns and Bridges

Cement or Screw-retained Restoration, Variobase®

Product Image Description Material Art.-No.

RC Variobase® for Crown including screw 025.4900, ∅ 4.5 mm, height 3.5 mm, TAN 025.4921
gingiva height 1 mm
including screw 025.4900, ∅ 4.5 mm, height 3.5 mm, 022.0103
gingiva height 2 mm
including screw 025.4900, ∅ 4.5 mm, height 3.5 mm, 022.0105
gingiva height 3 mm
including screw 025.4900, ∅ 4.5 mm, height 5.5 mm, 022.0026
gingiva height 1 mm
including screw 025.4900, ∅ 4.5 mm, height 5.5 mm, 022.0107

gingiva height 2 mm
including screw 025.4900, ∅ 4.5 mm, height 5.5 mm, 022.0109
gingiva height 3 mm
RC Variobase® including screw 025.0055, ∅ 4.7 mm, height 3.5 mm, 022.0087
for Crown AS gingiva height 1 mm
including screw 025.0055, ∅ 4.7 mm, height 5.5 mm, 022.0096
gingiva height 1 mm
RC Variobase® C for Dentsply® Sirona®, including screw 025.4900, 022.0044
∅ 4.5 mm, height 4.7 mm, gingiva height 1 mm
RC Variobase® for Bridge/ including screw 025.2926 and Cementation Aid 2, 022.0111
Bar Cylindrical ∅ 4.5 mm, height 3.5 mm
Variobase® for Bridge/Bar for Screw-retained Abutments ∅ 4.6 mm, including 023.0028
Cylindrical Coping for screw 023.4763 and Cementation Aid 3, ∅ 5.1 mm,
Screw-retained Abutments height 4 mm
∅ 4.6 mm

Burn-out Copings
RC Burn-out Coping for Variobase® for Crown with height 3.5 mm, POM 023.4759
∅ 4.5 mm, height 12 mm
packaging 4 pieces 023.4759-04
for Variobase® for Crown with height 5.5 mm, 023.0017
∅ 4.5 mm, height 12 mm
packaging 4 pieces 023.0017V4
RC Burn-out Coping for Variobase® for Bridge/Bar Cylindrical with height 023.0030
3.5 mm, ∅ 4.5 mm, height 12 mm
packaging 4 pieces 023.0030V4
Burn-out Coping for Variobase® for Bridge/Bar Cylindrical, Coping 023.0032
Screw-retained Abutment ∅ 4.6 mm, ∅ 5.1 mm,
height 11.1 mm
packaging 4 pieces 023.0032V4

Burn-out Copings AS
RC Burn-out Coping angulation 25°, Variobase® for Crown AS POM 023.0026

Bone Level and Bone Level Tapered RC
Regular CrossFit® (RC)
Crowns and Bridges

Cement or Screw-retained Restoration, Variobase®

Product Image Description Material Art.-No.

Replacement Screws
RC Basal Screw for RC Anatomic Abutments, RC Variobase® for Crown TAN 025.4900
and Variobase® C, RC Gold Abutments for Crown and
RC Gold and Titanium Abutments for bars,
length 7.9 mm

Occlusal Screw for Titanium, Gold, Burn-Out and Variobase® Copings 023.4763
for Screw-retained Abutments, length 3.7 mm
NC/RC SRBB Bone Level for CADCAM CARES® Screw-retained Bridges/Bars, for 025.2926
Screw Variobase® for Bridge/Bar Cylindrical, length 7.9 mm

NC/RC Basal Screw AS for NC/RC Variobase® for Crown AS, length 7.9 mm, 025.0055
only compatible with AS Screwdriver (green color-

Screw-retained Restoration with Screw-retained Abutment

Product Image Description Material Art.-No.

Impression Posts (at abutment level) for Single Crown Restoration (engaging)
Impression Posts for for Screw-retained Abutments, abutment level, TAN 025.2244
Open-tray Impression ∅ 4.6 mm

Impression Posts for TAN/POM 025.2246

Closed-tray Impression

Impression Posts (at abutment level) for Multi-Unit Restorations (non engaging)
Impression Posts for for Screw-retained Abutments, abutment level, TAN 025.0012
Open-tray Impression ∅ 4.6 mm

Impression Posts for TAN/POM 025.0014

Closed-tray Impression

Digital Impression
CARES® Mono Scanbody for Screw-retained Abutments, abutment level, PEEK 025.0001
including Fixation Screw, ∅ 4.6 mm

Repositionable Analog for Screw-retained Abutments, ∅ 4.6 mm Stainless 025.0008


Analog for Screw-retained for Screw-retained Abutments ∅ 4.6 mm, straight TAN 023.4756
Abutments ∅ 4.6 mm
for Screw-retained Abutments ∅ 4.6 mm, edentulous, 025.0050
for Screw-retained Abutments ∅ 4.6 mm, angled, 023.4757
angulation 17°/30°

Bone Level and Bone Level Tapered RC
Regular CrossFit® (RC)
Crowns and Bridges

Screw-retained Restoration with Screw-retained Abutment

Product Image Description Material Art.-No.

Lab Auxiliaries
Polishing Aid for Screw-retained Abutments, ∅ 4.6 mm TAN 025.0005
packaging 4 pieces 025.0005V4
Lab Processing Screw for Screw-retained Abutments, length 20 mm Stainless 025.0006
for Screw-retained Abutments, length 10 mm 025.0052

Protective Caps
Protective Cap for for Screw-retained Abutments ∅ 4.6 mm, including PEEK/TAN 024.4323-04
Screw-retained Abutments screw 023.4763, height 5.1 mm, ∅ 5.0 mm,
∅ 4.6 mm packaging 4 pieces

for Screw-retained Abutments ∅ 4.6 mm, including 024.0020-04
screw 023.4763, height 4.5 mm, wide,
packaging 4 pieces
for Screw-retained Abutments ∅ 4.6 mm, including 024.4324-04
screw 023.4763, height 6.6 mm, ∅ 5.0 mm,
packaging 4 pieces
for Screw-retained Abutments ∅ 4.6 mm, including 024.4325-04
screw 023.4763, height 8.1 mm, ∅ 5.0 mm,
packaging 4 pieces

Auxiliary Part
Straumann® visual guide for tilted implant placement in TAV/Ti 026.0016
Planning Guide Straumann® Pro Arch cases

Transfer And Alignment Pin for Screw-retained Abutments TAN 025.0009


Bone Level and Bone Level Tapered RC
Regular CrossFit® (RC)
Crowns and Bridges

Screw-retained Restoration with Screw-retained Abutment, Abutments, sterile

Product Image Description Material Art.-No.

Screw-retained Abutments 0°, sterile

RC Screw-retained straight, angulation 0°, ∅ 4.6 mm, gingiva TAN 022.4745S
Abutment height 1 mm, sterile
straight, angulation 0°, ∅ 4.6 mm, gingiva 022.4746S
height 2.5 mm, sterile
straight, angulation 0°, ∅ 4.6 mm, gingiva 022.4751S
height 4 mm, sterile

Screw-retained Abutments 17°, sterile

RC Screw-retained angled, angulation 17°, ∅ 4.6 mm, gingiva TAN 022.4747S
Abutment height 2.5 mm, type A, sterile

angled, angulation 17°, ∅ 4.6 mm, gingiva 022.4748S

height 2.5 mm, type B, sterile
angled, angulation 17°, ∅ 4.6 mm, gingiva 022.4752S
height 4 mm, type A, sterile
angled, angulation 17°, ∅ 4.6 mm, gingiva 022.4753S
height 4 mm, type B, sterile
angled, angulation 17°, ∅ 4.6 mm, gingiva 022.0014S
height 5.5 mm, type A, sterile
angled, angulation 17°, ∅ 4.6 mm, gingiva 022.0015S
height 5.5 mm, type B, sterile

Screw-retained Abutments 30°, sterile

RC Screw-retained angled, angulation 30°, ∅ 4.6 mm, gingiva TAN 022.4749S
Abutment height 2.5 mm, type A, sterile
angled, angulation 30°, ∅ 4.6 mm, gingiva 022.4750S
height 2.5 mm, type B, sterile
angled, angulation 30°, ∅ 4.6 mm, gingiva 022.4754S
RC height 4 mm, type A, sterile
angled, angulation 30°, ∅ 4.6 mm, gingiva 022.4755S
height 4 mm, type B, sterile
angled, angulation 30°, ∅ 4.6 mm, gingiva 022.0016S
height 5.5 mm, type A, sterile
angled, angulation 30°, ∅ 4.6 mm, gingiva 022.0017S
height 5.5 mm, type B, sterile

Holding Key for Straumann® Screw-retained Abutments

Holding key for Screw-retained Abutments, length 85 mm Stainless 025.0019

Auxiliary Part
Transfer And Alignment Pin for Screw-retained Abutments TAN 025.0009

Bone Level and Bone Level Tapered RC
Regular CrossFit® (RC)
Crowns and Bridges

Screw-retained Restoration with Screw-retained Abutment, Abutments with new

design, sterile
Product Image Description Material Art.-No.

Screw-retained Abutments 0°, new design, sterile

RC Screw-retained straight, angulation 0°, ∅ 4.6 mm, gingiva TAN 022.0132S
Abutment height 1.5 mm, sterile
straight, angulation 0°, ∅ 4.6 mm, gingiva 022.0133S
height 2.5 mm, sterile
straight, angulation 0°, ∅ 4.6 mm, gingiva 022.0134S
height 3.5 mm, sterile

Screw-retained Abutments 17°, new design, sterile

RC Screw-retained angled, angulation 17°, ∅ 4.6 mm, gingiva TAN 022.0150S
Abutment height 2.5 mm, type A, sterile

angled, angulation 17°, ∅ 4.6 mm, gingiva 022.0151S
height 2.5 mm, type B, sterile
angled, angulation 17°, ∅ 4.6 mm, gingiva 022.0152S
height 3.5 mm, type A, sterile
angled, angulation 17°, ∅ 4.6 mm, gingiva 022.0153S
height 3.5 mm, type B, sterile
angled, angulation 17°, ∅ 4.6 mm, gingiva 022.0154S
height 4.5 mm, type A, sterile
angled, angulation 17°, ∅ 4.6 mm, gingiva 022.0155S
height 4.5 mm, type B, sterile
angled, angulation 17°, ∅ 4.6 mm, gingiva 022.0156S
height 5.5 mm, type A, sterile
angled, angulation 17°, ∅ 4.6 mm, gingiva 022.0157S
height 5.5 mm, type B, sterile

Screw-retained Abutments 30°, new design, sterile

RC Screw-retained angled, angulation 30°, ∅ 4.6 mm, gingiva TAN 022.0158S
Abutment height 3.5 mm, type A, sterile RC
angled, angulation 30°, ∅ 4.6 mm, gingiva 022.0159S
height 3.5 mm, type B, sterile
angled, angulation 30°, ∅ 4.6 mm, gingiva 022.0160S
height 4.5 mm, type A, sterile
angled, angulation 30°, ∅ 4.6 mm, gingiva 022.0161S
height 4.5 mm, type B, sterile
angled, angulation 30°, ∅ 4.6 mm, gingiva 022.0162S
height 5.5 mm, type A, sterile
angled, angulation 30°, ∅ 4.6 mm, gingiva 022.0163S
height 5.5 mm, type B, sterile

Holding Key for Straumann® Screw-retained Abutments

Holding key for Screw-retained Abutments, length 85 mm Stainless 025.0019

Auxiliary Part
Transfer And Alignment Pin for Screw-retained Abutments TAN 025.0009

Bone Level and Bone Level Tapered RC
Regular CrossFit® (RC)
Crowns and Bridges

Screw-retained Restoration with Screw-retained Abutment, Copings

Product Image Description Material Art.-No.

Variobase® Copings
Variobase® for Bridge/Bar for Screw-retained Abutments ∅ 4.6 mm, including TAN 023.0028
Cylindrical Coping for screw 023.4763 and Cementation Aid 3, ∅ 5.1 mm,
Screw-retained Abutments height 4 mm
∅ 4.6 mm

Temporary TAN Copings

Temporary Coping for for Screw-retained Abutments ∅ 4.6 mm, for crowns, TAN 024.0023
Screw-retained Abutments including screw 023.4763, height 11.5 mm
∅ 4.6 mm for Screw-retained Abutments ∅ 4.6 mm, for bridges, 024.0024
including screw 023.4763, height 11.5 mm

Titanium Copings
Coping for Screw-retained for Screw-retained Abutments ∅ 4.6 mm, for crowns, Ti 023.4747
Abutments ∅ 4.6 mm including screw 023.4763, height 11 mm
for Screw-retained Abutments ∅ 4.6 mm, for bridges, 023.4751
including screw 023.4763, height 11 mm

Gold Copings
Coping for Screw-retained for Screw-retained Abutments ∅ 4.6 mm, for crowns, Ceramicor®/ 023.4753
Abutments including screw 023.4763, alloy weight 0.440 g POM

for Screw-retained Abutments ∅ 4.6 mm, for bridges, 023.4754

including screw 023.4763, alloy weight 0.469 g

Burn-out Copings
Burn-out Coping for for Screw-retained Abutments ∅ 4.6 mm, for crowns, POM 023.4748
Screw-retained Abutments including screw 023.4763, height 11 mm
for Screw-retained Abutments ∅ 4.6 mm, for bridges 023.4758
and bars, including screw 023.4763, height 11 mm
Burn-out Coping for Variobase® for Bridge/Bar Cylindrical, Coping 023.0032
Screw-retained Abutment ∅ 4.6 mm, ∅ 5.1 mm,
height 11.1 mm
packaging 4 pieces 023.0032V4

Replacement Screw
Occlusal Screw for Titanium, Gold, Burn-Out and Variobase® Copings TAN 023.4763
for Screw-retained Abutments, length 3.7 mm

Ceramicor® is a non-oxidizing precious metal alloy for

casting on precious metal alloys.

Bone Level and Bone Level Tapered RC
Regular CrossFit® (RC)

Bar Construction on Screw-retained Abutments, Gold

Product Image Description Material Art.-No.

Bar Gold Coping

Coping for Screw-retained for Screw-retained Abutments ∅ 4.6 mm, for bars, Ceramicor® 023.4755
Abutments including screw 023.4763, alloy weight 0.744 g,
height 5.5 mm

Replacement Screw
Occlusal Screw for Titanium, Gold, Burn-Out and Variobase® Copings TAN 023.4763
for Screw-retained Abutments, length 3.7 mm

Bar Construction Alternative with Gold Abutment

Product Image Description Material Art.-No.

RC Abutment for bars, gold, including screw 025.4900, height 10 mm, Ceramicor® 022.4701
alloy weight 1.9 g

Replacement Screw
RC Basal Screw for RC Anatomic Abutments, RC Variobase® for Crown TAN 025.4900
and Variobase® C, RC Gold Abutments for Crown and
RC Gold and Titanium Abutments for bars,
length 7.9 mm


Ceramicor® is a non-oxidizing precious metal alloy for

casting on precious metal alloys.

Bone Level and Bone Level Tapered RC
Regular CrossFit® (RC)

Bar Construction on Screw-retained Abutments, Titanium

Product Image Description Material Art.-No.

Bar Titanium Coping

Coping for Screw-retained for Screw-retained Abutments ∅ 4.6 mm, including Ti 023.4752
Abutments screw 023.4763, height 5.5 mm

Replacement Screw
Occlusal Screw for Titanium, Gold, Burn-Out and Variobase® Copings TAN 023.4763
for Screw-retained Abutments, length 3.7 mm

Bar Construction Alternative with Titanium Abutment

Product Image Description Material Art.-No.

RC Abutment for bars, including screw 025.4900, height 10 mm Ti 022.4702

Replacement Screw
RC Basal Screw for RC Anatomic Abutments, RC Variobase® for Crown TAN 025.4900
and Variobase® C, RC Gold Abutments for Crown and
RC Gold and Titanium Abutments for bars,
length 7.9 mm

RC Bar Construction on Screw-retained Abutments, Plastic

Product Image Description Material Art.-No.

Bar Burn-out Coping

Burn-out Coping for for Screw-retained Abutments ∅ 4.6 mm, for bridges POM 023.4758
Screw-retained Abutments and bars, including screw 023.4763, height 11 mm

Replacement Screw
Occlusal Screw for Titanium, Gold, Burn-Out and Variobase® Copings TAN 023.4763
for Screw-retained Abutments, length 3.7 mm

Bone Level and Bone Level Tapered RC
Regular CrossFit® (RC)


Product Image Description Material Art.-No.

Impression-taking/Master Cast Fabrication

Forming/Fixing Matrix red, packaging 4 pieces PEEK 2010.722-
Model Analog ∅ 4 mm blue, packaging 4 pieces Al 2010.721-
Model analogue red, angled, angulation 15°, packaging 4 pieces 2010.720-

Novaloc® Abutments
RC Novaloc® Abutment straight, angulation 0°, height 1 mm Titanium 022.0052

straight, angulation 0°, height 2 mm 022.0053
straight, angulation 0°, height 3 mm 022.0054
straight, angulation 0°, height 4 mm 022.0055
straight, angulation 0°, height 5 mm 022.0056
straight, angulation 0°, height 6 mm 022.0057
angled, angulation 15°, height 2 mm, 022.0067
type A
angled, angulation 15°, height 3 mm, 022.0068
type A
angled, angulation 15°, height 4 mm, 022.0069
type A
angled, angulation 15°, height 5 mm, 022.0070
type A
angled, angulation 15°, height 6 mm, 022.0071
type A
angled, angulation 15°, height 2 mm, 022.0077
type B RC
angled, angulation 15°, height 3 mm, 022.0078
type B
angled, angulation 15°, height 4 mm, 022.0079
type B
angled, angulation 15°, height 5 mm, 022.0080
type B
angled, angulation 15°, height 6 mm, 022.0081
type B

Novaloc® with M2 Thread for Bars

Novaloc® Bar Abutment Novaloc® Bar Abutment, packaging 2 pieces Titanium 048.857V2

Replacement Screw
Screw for NC/RC Screw-retained Abutments 17° and 30°, TAN 025.0002
length 7.2 mm, for RC/NC/NNC Novaloc® Angled

Bone Level and Bone Level Tapered RC
Regular CrossFit® (RC)

Novaloc® Processing Packages and Matrix Housings

Product Image Description Material Art.-No.

Processing Packages
Processing Package includes: Titanium Matrix Housing (including  Ti/POM/ 2010.601-
Titanium Mounting Insert), PEEK/Silicone STM
white Retention Insert (light),
yellow Retention Insert (medium),
green Retention Insert (strong),
Mounting Collar (silicone),
packaging 2 pieces
Processing Package PEEK includes: PEEK Matrix Housing PEEK/POM/ 2010.611-
including Mounting Insert), Silicone STM
white Retention Insert (light),
yellow Retention Insert (medium),

green Retention Insert (strong),

Mounting Collar (silicone),
packaging 2 pieces

Retention Inserts
Novaloc® Retention Insert red, extra-light, approx. 300 g, PEEK 2010.710-
packaging 4 pieces STM
white, light, approx. 750 g, 2010.711-
packaging 4 pieces STM
yellow, medium, approx. 1200 g, 2010.712-
packaging 4 pieces STM
green, strong, approx. 1650 g, 2010.713-
packaging 4 pieces STM
blue, extra-strong, approx. 2100 g, 2010.714-
packaging 4 pieces STM
black, ultra-strong, approx. 2550 g, 2010.715-
packaging 4 pieces STM

Matrix Housings
Matrix Housing, Titanium including Mounting Insert, packaging 4 pieces Titanium/ 2010.701-
Matrix Housing, PEEK PEEK/POM 2010.702-
Matrix Housing with Titanium/ 2010.703-
Attachment Option POM STM

Bone Level and Bone Level Tapered RC
Regular CrossFit® (RC)

Novaloc® Tools and Auxiliary Parts

Product Image Description Material Art.-No.

Equipment Box including 3 tools: 2010.101-
2010.731-STM Demounting Tool for Mounting Insert STM
and Model Analog Reposition Aid (blue),
2010.741-STM Mounting and Demounting Tool for
Retention Inserts (brown),
2010.751-STM Matrix Housing Extractor (gray)

Processing Spacer white, packaging 4 pieces POM 2010.723-

Mounting Collar packaging 10 pieces Silicone 2010.724-

Mounting Insert packaging 4 pieces POM 2010.725-
Demounting Tool for blue Al/Steel 2010.731-
Mounting Inserts and STM
Model Analog Reposition

Mounting and Demounting brown 2010.741-

Tool for Retention Inserts STM

Matrix Housing Extractor gray 2010.751-



The Novaloc matrix system is also compatible with

LOCATOR® abutments.

Bone Level and Bone Level Tapered RC
Regular CrossFit® (RC)


Product Image Description Material Art.-No.

Impression-taking/Master Cast Fabrication

LOCATOR® height 4 mm, packaging 4 pieces Al housing 048.197V4
Impression Coping with LDPE

LOCATOR® length 10 mm, ∅ 4 mm, Al 025.0120-04

Female Analog packaging 4 pieces

LOCATOR® Abutments
RC LOCATOR® height 1 mm TAV 022.4501

height 2 mm 022.4502

height 3 mm 022.4503

height 4 mm 022.4504

height 5 mm 022.4505

height 6 mm 022.4506

LOCATOR® Bar Abutments

LOCATOR® Bar Abutment M2 Thread (2.0 mm), height 1.78 mm, TAV 048.804V2
packaging 2 pieces
M2 Thread (2.0 mm), height 1.78 mm, 048.804V10
packaging 10 pieces


Bone Level and Bone Level Tapered RC
Regular CrossFit® (RC)


Product Image Description Material Art.-No.

Lab Set, up to 20° Divergence Compensation

LOCATOR® Male Processing includes: Denture Cap (∅ 5.5 mm, height 2.5 mm) with Ti/Nylon/ 048.189V2
Package black Processing Male (height 1.9 mm), Block-out LDPE
Spacer (048.196), clear Replacement Male (048.190),
pink Replacement Male (048.191), blue Replacement
Male (048.192), packaging 2 pieces

LOCATOR® clear, angulation 0°–10°, height 1.7 mm, 2.27 kg, Nylon 048.190V4

Replacement Male packaging 4 pieces
pink, light retention, angulation 0°–10°, height 1.7 mm, 048.191V4
1.36 kg, packaging 4 pieces

blue, extra-light retention, angle 0°–10°, 048.192V4
height 1.7 mm, 0.68 kg, packaging 4 pieces

Lab Set, up to 40° Divergence Compensation

LOCATOR® Male Processing extended range, includes: Denture Cap (∅ 5.5 mm, Ti/Nylon/ 048.182V2
Package height 2.5 mm) with black Processing Male (height LDPE
1.9 mm), Block-out Spacer (048.196), green
Replacement Male (048.193), orange Replacement
Male (048.188), red Replacement Male (048.194),
packaging 2 pieces
LOCATOR® green, extended range, angulation 10°–20°, Nylon 048.193V4
Replacement Male height 1.7 mm, 1.82 kg, packaging 4 pieces
orange, light retention, extended range, 048.188V4
angulation 10°–20°, height 1.7 mm, 0.91 kg,
packaging 4 pieces
red, extra-light retention, extended range, angle 10°– 048.194V4
20°, height 1.7 mm, 0.45 kg, packaging 4 pieces

gray, extended range, zero retention, height 1.7 mm, 048.181V4 RC

packaging 4 pieces

LOCATOR® for Bars

LOCATOR® Bar Male includes: Denture Cap (∅ 5.5 mm, height 2.5 mm) with Ti/Nylon/ 048.805V2
Processing Package yellow Processing Male, Block-out Spacer (048.196), LDPE
clear Replacement Male (048.190), pink Replacement
Male (048.191), blue Replacement Male (048.192),
packaging 2 pieces

includes: Denture Cap (∅ 5.5 mm, height 2.5 mm) with 048.805V10

yellow Processing Male, Block-out Spacer (048.196),
clear Replacement Male (048.190), pink Replacement
Male (048.191), blue Replacement Male (048.192),
packaging 10 pieces

Bone Level and Bone Level Tapered RC
Regular CrossFit® (RC)

LOCATOR® Components

Product Image Description Material Art.-No.

LOCATOR® length 8 mm, packaging 4 pieces LDPE 048.199V4
Parallel Post
LOCATOR® height 1.9 mm, packaging 4 pieces 048.195V4
Processing Male, black

LOCATOR® thickness 0.4 mm, packaging 20 pieces Silicone 048.196V20

Block-out Spacer rubber
LOCATOR® packaging 4 pieces POM 048.218V4
Processing Spacer

LOCATOR® to fasten abutment to the tool, packaging 4 pieces PSU 046.413V4

Holder Sleeve

Tools and Auxiliary Parts

LOCATOR® Screwdriver three-part, length 100 mm Stainless 046.415
LOCATOR® Screwdriver for Ratchet, short, length 15 mm 046.416

for Ratchet, long, length 21 mm 046.417

LOCATOR® length 50 mm, width 15 mm 048.200

Angle Measurement Guide


Bone Level and Bone Level Tapered RC
Prosthetic Planning Aids (NC, RC)
PLAN Abutments

PLAN Abutments

Product Image Description Material Art.-No.

Prosthetic Planning Kit

Bone Level PLAN Set length 278 mm, width 124 mm, height 33 mm POM 026.0902

Bone Level PLAN Cassette empty, length 278 mm, width 124 mm, height 33 mm PC 026.0000

NC PLAN Abutments
NC PLAN straight, gingiva height 2 mm, packaging 4 pieces POM 025.2601-04
Abutment straight, gingiva height 3.5 mm, packaging 4 pieces 025.2602-04

angled, angulation 15°, gingiva height 2 mm, 025.2603-04

packaging 4 pieces
angled, angulation 15°, gingiva height 3.5 mm, 025.2604-04
packaging 4 pieces
NC PLAN for crowns, height 3.2 mm, packaging 4 pieces 025.2610-04
Gold Abutment

NC PLAN ∅ 3.5 mm, gingiva height 1 mm, abutment 025.2611-04

Cementable height 4 mm, packaging 4 pieces
Abutment ∅ 3.5 mm, gingiva height 2 mm, abutment 025.2612-04
height 4 mm, packaging 4 pieces
∅ 3.5 mm, gingiva height 3 mm, abutment 025.2613-04
height 4 mm, packaging 4 pieces
∅ 3.5 mm, gingiva height 1 mm, abutment 025.2615-04
height 5.5 mm, packaging 4 pieces
∅ 3.5 mm, gingiva height 2 mm, abutment 025.2616-04
height 5.5 mm, packaging 4 pieces
∅ 3.5 mm, gingiva height 3 mm, abutment 025.2617-04
height 5.5 mm, packaging 4 pieces
∅ 5 mm, gingiva height 1 mm, abutment height 4 mm, 025.2621-04
packaging 4 pieces
∅ 5 mm, gingiva height 2 mm, abutment height 4 mm, 025.2622-04
packaging 4 pieces
∅ 5 mm, gingiva height 3 mm, abutment height 4 mm, 025.2623-04
packaging 4 pieces
∅ 5 mm, gingiva height 1 mm, abutment 025.2625-04
height 5.5 mm, packaging 4 pieces
∅ 5 mm, gingiva height 2 mm, abutment 025.2626-04
height 5.5 mm, packaging 4 pieces
∅ 5 mm, gingiva height 3 mm, abutment 025.2627-04
height 5.5 mm, packaging 4 pieces

Bone Level and Bone Level Tapered RC
Prosthetic Planning Aids (NC, RC)
PLAN Abutments

PLAN Abutments

Product Image Description Material Art.-No.

NC Novaloc® height 1–6 mm, packaging 4 pieces POM 025.2646-04
Plan Abutment*

NC Novaloc® angled, angulation 15°, height 2–6 mm, Type A, 025.0046V4

Plan Abutment packaging 4 pieces
angled, angulation 15°, height 2–6 mm, Type B, 025.0048V4
packaging 4 pieces
NC PLAN LOCATOR® height 2 mm, packaging 4 pieces 025.2642-04
height 3 mm, packaging 4 pieces 025.2643-04

height 4 mm, packaging 4 pieces 025.2644-04


height 5 mm, packaging 4 pieces 025.2645-04

NC PLAN Screw-retained straight, ∅ 3.5 mm, gingiva height 2.5 mm, 025.2648-04

Abutment packaging 4 pieces
straight, ∅ 4.6 mm, gingiva height 2.5 mm, 025.2650-04
packaging 4 pieces
angled, angulation 17°, type A, ∅ 4.6 mm, gingiva 025.2655-04
height 2.5 mm, packaging 4 pieces
angled, angulation 17°, type B, ∅ 4.6 mm, gingiva 025.2658-04
height 2.5 mm, packaging 4 pieces
angled, angulation 30°, type A, ∅ 4.6 mm, gingiva 025.2653-04
height 2.5 mm, packaging 4 pieces
angled, angulation 30°, type B, ∅ 4.6 mm, gingiva 025.2660-04
height 2.5 mm, packaging 4 pieces

*The NC Novaloc® Plan Abutment (025.2646-04) is also compatible with

LOCATOR® Components.

Bone Level and Bone Level Tapered RC
Prosthetic Planning Aids (NC, RC)
PLAN Abutments

PLAN Abutments

Product Image Description Material Art.-No.

RC PLAN Abutments
RC PLAN straight, gingiva height 2 mm, packaging 4 pieces POM 025.4601-04
Abutment straight, gingiva height 3.5 mm, packaging 4 pieces 025.4602-04

angled, angulation 15°, gingiva height 2 mm, 025.4603-04

packaging 4 pieces
angled, angulation 15°, gingiva height 3.5 mm, 025.4604-04
packaging 4 pieces
RC PLAN for crowns, height 3.3 mm, packaging 4 pieces 025.4610-04

Gold Abutment

RC PLAN ∅ 5 mm, gingiva height 1 mm, abutment height 4 mm, 025.4621-04

Cementable packaging 4 pieces
Abutment ∅ 5 mm, gingiva height 2 mm, abutment height 4 mm, 025.4622-04
packaging 4 pieces
∅ 5 mm, gingiva height 3 mm, abutment height 4 mm, 025.4623-04
packaging 4 pieces
∅ 5 mm, gingiva height 1 mm, abutment 025.4625-04
height 5.5 mm, packaging 4 pieces
∅ 5 mm, gingiva height 2 mm, abutment 025.4626-04
height 5.5 mm, packaging 4 pieces
∅ 5 mm, gingiva height 3 mm, abutment 025.4627-04
height 5.5 mm, packaging 4 pieces
RC PLAN for bridges, height 5.2 mm, packaging 4 pieces 025.4630-04
Gold Abutment

RC PLAN ∅ 6.5 mm, gingiva height 1 mm, abutment 025.4631-04

Cementable height 4 mm, packaging 4 pieces
∅ 6.5 mm, gingiva height 2 mm, abutment 025.4632-04
height 4 mm, packaging 4 pieces
∅ 6.5 mm, gingiva height 3 mm, abutment 025.4633-04
height 4 mm, packaging 4 pieces
∅ 6.5 mm, gingiva height 1 mm, abutment 025.4635-04
height 5.5 mm, packaging 4 pieces
∅ 6.5 mm, gingiva height 2 mm, abutment 025.4636-04
height 5.5 mm, packaging 4 pieces
∅ 6.5 mm, gingiva height 3 mm, abutment 025.4637-04
height 5.5 mm, packaging 4 pieces

Bone Level and Bone Level Tapered RC
Prosthetic Planning Aids (NC, RC)
PLAN Abutments

PLAN Abutments

Product Image Description Material Art.-No.

RC Novaloc® height 1–6 mm, packaging 4 pieces POM 025.4646-04
Plan Abutment*

RC Novaloc® angled, angulation 15°, height 2–6 mm, Type A, 025.0045V4

Plan Abutment packaging 4 pieces
angled, angulation 15°, height 2–6 mm, Type B, 025.0047V4
packaging 4 pieces
RC PLAN height 1 mm, packaging 4 pieces 025.4641-04
Abutment* height 2 mm, packaging 4 pieces 025.4642-04

height 3 mm, packaging 4 pieces 025.4643-04


height 4 mm, packaging 4 pieces 025.4644-04

height 5 mm, packaging 4 pieces 025.4645-04

RC PLAN straight, ∅ 4.6 mm, gingiva height 2.5 mm, 025.4648-04

Screw-retained packaging 4 pieces
Abutment angled, angulation 17°, type A, ∅ 4.6 mm, gingiva 025.4649-04
height 2.5 mm, packaging 4 pieces
angled, angulation 17°, type B, ∅ 4.6 mm, gingiva 025.4650-04
height 2.5 mm, packaging 4 pieces
angled, angulation 30°, type A, ∅ 4.6 mm, gingiva 025.4653-04
height 2.5 mm, packaging 4 pieces
angled, angulation 30°, type B, ∅ 4.6 mm, gingiva 025.4660-04
height 2.5 mm, packaging 4 pieces

*The RC Novaloc® Plan Abutment (025.4646-04) is also compatible with

LOCATOR® Components.

Straumann® Classic


Straumann® Classic
Classic Sets

Classic Sets

Product Image Description Material Art.-No.

Classic Set for Implant Types C,E,F,H and K, used approx. between 1974 and 1980
Classic Set, type C, E, F, H Set includes: Stainless steel/Ti/Al/ 040.919C
and K Implant Analog, Occlusal Screw, 9° Ceramicor®
Impression Cap, Gold Coping

Classic Set for TPS Implants (Ledermann Screw), used approx. between 1975 and 1986
Classic Set, Set includes: Stainless steel/Ti/Al/Elitor® 040.920C
Implant Type TPS TPS Implant Analog, TPS Occlusal Screw,
length 4 mm, TPS Impression Cap, TPS
Gold Coping

Classic Set for Type Octa, single part, used approx. between 1995 and 2004
Classic Set for Bonefit Implants with Internal Cone and 45° Shoulder, used approx. between 1991 and 1999
Octa transfer coping length 10.0 mm Al 048.009

SCS Guide Screw for occlusal screw-retained RN/WN Ti 048.365V4

Copings, can be shortened by 2 mm,
length 12 mm, packaging 4 pieces

RN Analog for bars with snyOcta® 1.5 048.601, Stainless steel 048.108
straight, angulation 0°, ∅ 4.8 mm

Classic Set for Type 8° (later also Monotype), used approx. between 1994 and 2009
Classic Set, 8° type Set includes: Stainless steel/Ti/Al/PEEK/ 040.921C
Implant Analog for 8° Bar Head, SCS Ceramicor®
Occlusal Screw, length 4 mm, Impression
Cap for 8° Bar Head, Implant Protective
Cap for 8° Bar Head, Gold Coping

Ceramicor® is a non-oxidizing precious metal alloy for

casting on precious metal alloys.

Straumann® Classic
Classic Sets

Implant Type Narrow Neck (NN), in use approx. between 1998 and 2012

Product Image Description Material Art.-No.

Impression-taking/Master Cast Fabrication

NN Impression Cap screw-retained, for open-tray impression, Al/TAN 048.016
length 17.5 mm
NN length 14 mm Stainless 048.130
Implant Analog steel

Temporary Abutment
NN Temporary Coping including NN Occlusal Screw, height 10 mm PEEK/Ti 048.669

Gold Abutment

NN Gold Coping castable, without screw, height 10 mm, alloy Ceramicor®/ 048.635
weight 0.286 g POM

Titanium Abutments
NN Post polishable, without screw, height 9 mm Ti 048.505

angled, angulation 15°, without screw, height 8.8 mm 048.550

angled, angulation 20°, without screw, height 8.8 mm 048.551

Protective Cap
NN Protective Cap with integral Occlusal Screw, height 3.4 mm PEEK/TAN 048.050

NN Occlusal Screw yellow, length 5 mm, threaded ∅ 1.8 mm TAN 049.177

Ceramicor® is a non-oxidizing precious metal alloy for

casting on precious metal alloys.

Straumann® Classic
Classic Sets
Components and Tools

Additional Components for Straumann® Classic

Product Image Description Material Art.-No.

Octa Abutment with integral Basal Screw, height 1.5 mm Ti 048.404C

Abutment, angled 15° with integral Basal Screw 048.483C

Abutment, angled 20° 048.484C

Plastic Coping for POM 048.220C

Abutment 8°
TS Gold Coping for Octa alloy weight 0.757 g Ceramicor® 048.232C

Transversal Screw for RN Transversal Screw Retention, length 3 mm, TAV 049.154

∅ 2 mm
Occlusal Screw length 15 mm Ti 048.304C

TPS Occlusal Screw length 8 mm 048.312C

Pin Abutment castable Ceramicor® 048.424C

TS Posts for Octa Ti 048.448C

Ceramicor® is a non-oxidizing precious metal alloy for

casting on precious metal alloys.

Straumann® Classic
Classic Sets
Components and Tools

Tools for Straumann® Classic

Product Image Material Art.-No.

Driver for Stainless steel 046.045C
Octa Abutments

Cross-tip Screwdriver 046.114C


What challenge are you going
to master today?

Modern dentistry needs specific

solutions to ensure maximum per-
formance and security.

Straumann® Biomaterials: Master any Challenge

We understand that your cases are as individual as your patients. That’s why we offer products you feel
comfortable with and can depend on, day in, day out. You can trust in the experience and expertise, that
is synonymous with Straumann®, to deliver the right solution designed to achieve and maintain your
clinical success in different situations. Whatever your patient needs: treatment options for preventing
tooth loss, comprehensive biomaterials collection or innovative solutions to keep a healthy status of the
tissues surrounding the implant, our carefully selected portfolio provides you with exactly what you re-
quire to maintain your success and master your challenges.

• Bone Substitutes (Allografts, Synthetics, Xenografts)

• Membranes (Collagen, Synthetic)
• Soft-tissue Grafts
• Hemostatics
• Straumann® Emdogain® and Straumann® Emdogain® FL
• Instruments and Accessories
• Implant Health
• Preventive Dentistry

Biomaterials 182
Bone Substitutes 182
Allografts 182
Synthetics 184
Xenografts 185
Soft-tissue Products 187
Membranes 187
Soft Tissue Grafts 188
Hemostatics 189
Straumann® Emdogain® 190
Straumann® Emdogain®, Straumann® Emdogain® FL and Straumann® PrefGel® 190
Instruments and Accessories 191

Implant Health 193

Labrida BioClean™ 193

Preventive Dentistry 194

Curodont™ 194


Bone Substitutes


Product Image Description Material Art.-No.

botiss maxgraft® donor: human, granule size: 500–2000 µm, unit Cancellous BO-30005
cancellous granules size: 0.5 cc bone
donor: human, granule size: 500–2000 µm, unit BO-30010
size: 1.0 cc
donor: human, granule size: 500–2000 µm, unit BO-30020
size: 2.0 cc
donor: human, granule size: 500–2000 µm, unit BO-30040
size: 4.0 cc
botiss maxgraft® donor: human, granule size: 500–2000 µm, unit Cortical BO-31005
cortico-cancellous granules size: 0.5 cc bone/
donor: human, granule size: 500–2000 µm, unit Cancellous BO-31010
size: 1.0 cc bone

donor: human, granule size: 500–2000 µm, unit BO-31020

size: 2.0 cc
donor: human, granule size: 500–2000 µm, unit BO-31040
size: 4.0 cc

Bone Substitutes


Product Image Description Material Art.-No.

botiss maxgraft® donor: human, block size: 10x10x10 mm Cancellous BO-32111
cancellous bone
donor: human, block size: 20x10x10 mm BO-32112

botiss maxgraft® donor: human, block size: 10x10x10 mm Cortical BO-31111

uni-cortical bone/
donor: human, block size: 20x10x10 mm BO-31112

Bone plates
botiss maxgraft® donor: human, Cortical bone BO-31251
cortico Plate size: 25x10x1 mm

botiss maxgraft® donor: human, outer-∅ 6 mm*, inner-∅ 3.3 mm, Cancellous BO-33160
bonering height 10 mm bone
donor: human, outer-∅ 7 mm*, inner-∅ 3.3 mm, BO-33170
height 10 mm
donor: human, outer-∅ 7 mm**, inner-∅ 4.1 mm, BO-33174

height 10 mm

Individualized Block
botiss maxgraft® individual planning and production of a bone Cancellous BO-PMIa
bonebuilder transplant, max. dimension 23x13x13 mm, bone
donor: human
2nd bonebuilder block for the treatment of extended BO-PMIa2
(>23x13x13 mm) bone defects

How to order a maxgraft® bonebuilder

maxgraft® bonebuilder is an allogenic bone block which is individually designed for the patient’s
bone defect.

Our partner company, botiss, virtually designs the maxgraft® bonebuilder bone block using a
CT/DVT-scan of the bone defect. The design of the bone block is only released for production after
final inspection and approval of the clinician.

The manufacturing site, Cells +Tissuebank Austria (C+TBA), receives the design file and the bone
block is produced under cleanroom conditions.

To place an order for maxgraft® bonebuilder, please log in at There

you will get further instructions on how to upload your data, the order process and the expected
delivery time. Your maxgraft® bonebuilder block will then be delivered to you and invoiced directly
by botiss, on behalf of Straumann.

* Can be used with Bone Level implants with an outer diameter of 3.3 to
3.6 mm
** Can be used only for Straumann® Bone Level Implants and Bone Level
Tapered Implants ∅ 4.1 mm

Bone Substitutes


Product Image Description Material Art.-No.

Straumann® BoneCeramic™ source: synthetic, granule size: 400–700 µm, unit HA / β-TCP 070.198
size: 0.3 cc, 0.25 g
source: synthetic, granule size: 500–1000 µm, unit 070.199
size: 1.0 cc, 0.5 g
source: synthetic, granule size: 500–1000 µm, unit 070.200
size: 1.9 cc, 1.0 g

Small Granules
botiss maxresorb® source: synthetic, granule size: 500–1000 µm, unit HA / β-TCP BO-20005
size: 0.5 cc
source: synthetic, granule size: 500–1000 µm, unit BO-20010
size: 1.0 cc

Large Granules
botiss maxresorb® source: synthetic, granule size: 800–1500 µm, unit HA / β-TCP BO-20105
size: 0.5 cc
source: synthetic, granule size: 800–1500 µm, unit BO-20120
size: 2.0 cc

botiss maxresorb® inject source: synthetic, unit size: 0.5 cc, Syringe HA / β-TCP BO-22005
source: synthetic, unit size: 1.0 cc, Syringe BO-22010
source: synthetic, unit size: 2.5 cc, Syringe BO-22025

Bone Substitutes


Product Image Description Material Art.-No.

Small Granules
Straumann® XenoGraft source: bovine, granule size: 200-1000 µm, unit HA S1-0210-025
size: 0.55 cc, 0.25 g
source: bovine, granule size: 200-1000 µm, unit S1-0210-050
size: 1.3 cc, 0.5 g
source: bovine, granule size: 200-1000 µm, unit S1-0210-100
size: 2.4 cc, 1.0 g
source: bovine, granule size: 200-1000 µm, unit S1-0210-200
size: 4.5 cc, 2.0 g

Large Granules
Straumann® XenoGraft source: bovine, granule size: 1000-2000 µm, unit HA S1-1020-025
size: 0.68 cc, 0.25 g
source: bovine, granule size: 1000-2000 µm, unit S1-1020-050
size: 1.55 cc, 0.5 g
source: bovine, granule size: 1000-2000 µm, unit S1-1020-100
size: 2.9 cc, 1.0 g
source: bovine, granule size: 1000-2000 µm, unit S1-1020-200
size: 5.0 cc, 2.0 g

Straumann® XenoFlex source: 90% bovine bone mineral granules, 10% HA/Collagen NI-0110-005
block porcine collagen, 6x6x3 mm, 50 mg, (~0.1 cc)

source: 90% bovine bone mineral granules, 10% NI-0110-010

porcine collagen, 6x6x6 mm, 100 mg, (~0.2 cc)

source: 90% bovine bone mineral granules, 10% NI-0110-025

porcinecollagen, 7x8x9 mm, 250 mg, (~0.5 cc)

source: 90% bovine bone mineral granules, 10% NI-0110-050

porcine collagen, 9x10x11 mm, 500 mg, (~1.0 cc)

Straumann® XenoFlex source: 90% bovine bone mineral granules, 10% NI-0110-
cylinder porcine collagen; 025S
(Syringe), 4.6x40 mm, 250 mg, (~0.7 cc)
source: 90% bovine bone mineral granules, 10% NI-0110-
porcine collagen; 050S
(Syringe), 5.6x45 mm, 500 mg, (~1.1 cc)

Bone Substitutes


Product Image Description Material Art.-No.

Small Granules
botiss cerabone® source: bovine, granule size: 500–1000 µm, unit HA BO-1510
size: 0.5 cc
source: bovine, granule size: 500–1000 µm, unit BO-1511
size: 1.0 cc
source: bovine, granule size: 500–1000 µm, unit BO-1512
size: 2.0 cc
source: bovine, granule size: 500–1000 µm, unit BO-1515
size: 5.0 cc

Large Granules
botiss cerabone® source: bovine, granule size: 1000–2000 µm, unit HA BO-1520
size: 0.5 cc
source: bovine, granule size: 1000–2000 µm, unit BO-1521
size: 1.0 cc
source: bovine, granule size: 1000–2000 µm, unit BO-1522
size: 2.0 cc
source: bovine, granule size: 1000–2000 µm, unit BO-1525
size: 5.0 cc

Soft-tissue Products


Product Image Description Material Art.-No.

botiss Jason® membrane source: porcine pericard, membrane size: 15 x 20 mm, Collagen BO-681520
~0.15 mm (+/- 0.1 mm)

source: porcine pericard, membrane size: 20 x 30 mm, BO-682030

~0.15 mm (+/- 0.1 mm)

source: porcine pericard, membrane size: 30 x 40 mm, BO-683040

~0.15 mm (+/- 0.1 mm)

Straumann® source: porcine peritoneum, membrane 070.008

Membrane Flex™ size: 15 x 20 mm, membrane thickness: 0.5 mm

source: porcine peritoneum, membrane 070.009

size: 20 x 30 mm, membrane thickness: 0.5 mm

source: porcine peritoneum, membrane 070.010

size: 30 x 40 mm, membrane thickness: 0.5 mm

botiss collprotect® source: porcine dermis, membrane size: 15 x 20 mm, BO-601520

membrane membrane thickness: ~0.4 mm

source: porcine dermis, membrane size: 20 x 30 mm, BO-602030

membrane thickness: ~0.4 mm

source: porcine dermis, membrane size: 30 x 40 mm, BO-603040

membrane thickness: ~0.4 mm

Synthetic Membranes (non-resorbable)

botiss permamem® permamem®, membrane size: 15 x 20 mm, membrane Synthetic/ BO-801520
thickness: ~0.08 mm High-Density
permamem®, membrane size: 20 x 30 mm, membrane PTFE BO-802030
thickness: ~0.08 mm
permamem®, membrane size: 30 x 40 mm, membrane BO-803040
thickness: ~0.08 mm

titan pins for fixation of membranes (see chapter Biomaterials

Instruments and Accessories).

Soft-tissue Products
Soft Tissue Grafts

Soft Tissue Grafts

Product Image Description Material Art.-No.

Soft Tissue Grafts

botiss mucoderm® source: porcine dermis, size: 15 x 20 mm, Collagen BO-701520
thickness: 1.2 – 1.7 mm
source: porcine dermis, size: 20 x 30 mm, BO-702030
thickness: 1.2 – 1.7 mm
source: porcine dermis, size: 30 x 40 mm, BO-703040
thickness: 1.2 – 1.7 mm

Soft-tissue Products


Product Image Description Material Art.-No.

botiss collacone® source: porcine dermis, height ˜16 mm, diameter at Collagen BO-511112
base ˜11 mm, diameter at tip ˜7 mm, resorption time:
2–4 weeks, packaging 12 pieces


Straumann® Emdogain®
Straumann® Emdogain®, Straumann® Emdogain® FL and Straumann® PrefGel®

Straumann® Emdogain®, Straumann® Emdogain® FL and Straumann® PrefGel®

Product Image Description Material Art.-No.

Emdogain® Singlepack
Straumann® Emdogain® 1 x Straumann® Emdogain® 0.15 ml Enamel 075.127W
0.15 ml Matrix
Straumann® Emdogain® 1 x Straumann® Emdogain® 0.3 ml Derivative 075.101W
0.3 ml (EMD)

Straumann® Emdogain® 1 x Straumann® Emdogain® 0.7 ml 075.102W

0.7 ml

Emdogain® Multipack
Straumann® Emdogain® 3 x Straumann® Emdogain® 0.3 ml Enamel 075.114W
0.3 ml Multipack 3 x Straumann® PrefGel® 0.6 ml Matrix
Straumann® Emdogain® 3 x Straumann® Emdogain® 0.7 ml Derivative 075.116W
0.7 ml Multipack 3 x Straumann® PrefGel® 0.6 ml (EMD)/

Emdogain® 5-Pack

Straumann® Emdogain® 5 x Straumann® Emdogain® 0.15 ml Enamel 075.098W

0.15 ml Matrix

Straumann® PrefGel® 5 x Straumann® PrefGel® 0.6 ml Ethylenedi- 075.203W
0.6 ml aminetet-

Emdogain® FL
Straumann® Emdogain® FL 1 x Straumann® Emdogain® 0.15 ml Enamel 075.130
0.15 ml 1 x Straumann® PrefGel® 0.6 ml Matrix
Straumann® Emdogain® FL 1 x Straumann® Emdogain® 0.3 ml Derivative 075.131
0.3 ml 1 x Straumann® PrefGel® 0.6 ml (EMD)/

Instruments and Accessories

Trimmer for maxgraft® cortico

Product Image Description Material Art.-No.

Trimmer for maxgraft® cortico

cortico trimmer® Instrument for maxgraft® cortico adaption Ti BO-34000

Bonering Surgical Instruments

Product Image Description Material Art.-No.

Surgical Kit
botiss maxgraft® bonering instrument tray complete with all instruments for the Stainless BK-33000
surgical kit bonering surgical technique steel

Closure Caps
Sterile NC Closure and NC Closure and Fixation Cap, ∅ 5.5 mm Ti 024.2220S
Fixation Cap

Sterile RC Closure and RC Closure and Fixation Cap, ∅ 5.5 mm 024.4220S

Fixation Cap

Instruments for Surgical Kit

Pilot Drill ∅ 2 mm outer-∅ 2 mm Stainless BK-33001
Trephine 6 mm outer-∅ 6 mm BK-33002

Trephine 7 mm outer-∅ 7 mm BK-33003

Planator 6 mm outer-∅ 6 mm BK-33006

Planator 7 mm outer-∅ 7 mm BK-33007

Diamond Tulip BK-33004

Diamond Disc BK-33005

bonering Fix BK-33010

Instruments and Accessories

Bonering Surgical Instruments

Product Image Description Material Art.-No.

Instrument Tray and Rack
Instrument Tray maxgraft® tray for maxgraft® bonering instruments, empty, Stainless BK-33009
bonering length 135 mm, width 177 mm, height 39 mm steel

Instrument Rack rack for maxgraft® bonering instruments for 12 BK-33008

instruments with shaft, length 25 mm, height 51 mm,
width 60 mm

botiss titan pin set

Product Image Description Material Art.-No.

botiss titan pin set

botiss titan pin set 1 x applicator BO-440000

1 x dispenser for 15 titan pins

1 x titan pins 3mm (10 pieces)

botiss titan pins 3 mm titan pins 3 mm (10 pieces) BO-440310

OptraGate® *

Product Image Description Material Art.-No.

OptraGate® – disposable OptraGate Assortment Thermopla- 577275WW
Latex-free lip and cheek 40 pcs OptraGate Regular stic elasto-
retractor 40 pcs OptraGate Small mer/
OptraGate Regular Refill Polypropylene 590850WW
80 pcs OptraGate Regular
OptraGate Small Refill 590851WW
80 pcs of OptraGate Small
OptraGate Junior Refill 591451WW
80 pcs of OptraGate Junior
OptraGate Small Assortment blue + pink 669088WW
20 pcs of OptraGate Small pink
20 pcs of OptraGate Small blue
OptraGate Junior Assortment blue + pink 669089WW
20 pcs of OptraGate Junior pink
20 pcs of OptraGate Junior blue

* available starting Q2 2021

Implant Health
Labrida BioClean™

Labrida BioClean™ Brush

Product Image Description Material Art.-No.

Labrida BioClean™ Brush

Labrida BioClean™ Brush Pack of 5 Chitosan brushes for cleaning of Biopolymer LBC2013.0001
osseointegrated dental implants and/or teeth (pocket
depths 4 mm)


Preventive Dentistry

Curodont™ Repair

Product Image Description Material Art.-No.

Curodont™ Repair
Curodont™ Repair Pack of 10 applicators, stops incipient caries through Curolox P540.S
the formation of new hard tooth tissue, re-mineralizes technology
the enamel structure preserving the tooth

Straumann® CARES® encompasses
hardware, software and services
for high-quality, customized CAD-
CAM prosthetics – offering a wide
range of materials and applica-
tions. Connectivity between surgi-
cal planning software and CAD-
CAM software opens up new
design possibilities for individual

The digital workflow: Make your work easier and improve the predictability of your

Digitalization is having a major impact on the world of dentistry and dental technology, bringing with it a
host of new applications and processes that are fundamentally changing the way treatment is designed.
New software and hardware products can increase innovation and efficiency in dental laboratories, while
the production of laboratory products can become increasingly decentralized. These trends call for busi-
ness models to be adjusted to meet growing patient expectations.

* Straumann® CARES® solutions are available in selected countries. Please contact your local Straumann
sales representative for further information.




Digital Performance

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Data Planning Surgery Impression Design Production Post Final
Acquisition Processing Restoration

Straumann® CARES® offers an integrated digital solution for Comprehensive product portfolio
dentists and dental labs. Starting with the implant planning Our comprehensive portfolio has a suitable solution for every
software, and using the necessary CADCAM equipment, includ- case – including single-step treatments, customized abutments,
ing materials and services, our open system approach is based screw-retained bridges and bars, and full-contour crowns and
on validated workflows to meet your needs in the best possible tooth-borne bridges.
Leading range of materials and applications
Synergies between the planning software coDiagnostiX® and Straumann® CARES® CADCAM has an extensive material port-
the design software CARES® Visual open up a whole new world folio, providing patients, dentists and dental technicians with
of opportunities in prosthetically driven implant treatments. Fol- a wide choice of options. All dental material types can be pro-
lowing the outlined CARES® CADCAM workflow, you can scan, cessed, enabling you to respond to your customers’ wishes with
design and order a complete range of customized prosthetic maximum flexibility.
components directly from our milling centers, or produce them
yourself through our in-house workflow options. The choice is
yours – on a case by case basis!

If you do not have access to the corresponding hardware, you

can also order your Individual prosthetics via CADCAM systems
of other manufacturers or via our Straumann® CARES® Scan &
Shape Service.


Digital Performance

Straumann® CARES® Digital Solutions for dental labs

– Provides an all-round solution for dental labs, complemented by our high volume, high precision centralized milling service
– Enables dental labs to produce a wide range of prosthetics from a very broad selection of materials







Digital Performance

Straumann® CARES® Digital Solutions for dentists

– Provides a fully-rounded portfolio of integrated solutions, including leading chairside scanning and milling technology,
3D printing and centralized milling as an extension of your practice
– Combines interconnected software platforms, open and fully validated workflows alongside with a wide variety of materials –
a truly benchmark in digital dentistry
– Leverages on industry-leading partners to offer cutting-edge customizable and upgradable technology to meet your evolving





Straumann® n!ce® Straumann® n!ce®

Fully-crystallized glass ceramic.

n!ce® to meet you.
With n!ce® – Straumann’s unique proprietary, fully-crystallized CADCAM restorations. Simply mill, polish and seat: no crystalli-
glass ceramic – you benefit from added convenience and save zation process required. Turn time spent milling into time spent
time. The name n!ce® implies it is simple to use and very reli- smiling!
able, providing a natural finish and a highly esthetic look of your

n!ce® shade n!ce® for C/M series, n!ce® for CEREC® n!ce® for n!ce® for PlanMill®
for CEREC® and mills Ceramill®
with Universal holders
C14 blocks A14S blocks A14L blocks C14 blocks C14 blocks

LT Bleach 010.7108 010.7116 010.7124 010.7132 010.7146

LT A1 010.7012 010.7024 010.7036 010.7048 010.7140
LT A2 010.7013 010.7025 010.7037 010.7049 010.7141
LT A3 010.7014 010.7026 010.7038 010.7050 010.7142
LT B2 010.7015 010.7027 010.7039 010.7051 010.7143
LT B4 010.7016 010.7028 010.7040 010.7052 010.7144

HT Bleach 010.7112 010.7120 010.7128 010.7136 010.7156

HT A1 010.7018 010.7030 010.7042 010.7054 010.7150
HT A2 010.7019 010.7031 010.7043 010.7055 010.7151
HT A3 010.7020 010.7032 010.7044 010.7056 010.7152
HT B2 010.7021 010.7033 010.7045 010.7057 010.7153

HT B4 010.7022 010.7034 010.7046 010.7058 010.7154

(Each box contains 5 blocks)

n!ce® for C/M series, for

CEREC® and mills with
n!ce® for Ceramill® and Universal holders
compatible to C/M series

n!ce® for CEREC®

A14 blocks (with screw channel
hole compatible to Variobase® C
or CEREC® Ti-Bases) available in
2 sizes (S and L)

n!ce® restorations
through CARES® n!ce® for PlanMill®

In this chapter you will find a com-
prehensive list of instruments and
accessories for implants and pros-
thetic treatments.

More than just accessories: the basis of flawless execution

On the following pages, you will find all the important instruments and demonstration materials that
complement the Straumann surgical and prosthetics portfolio, from drills and surgical cassettes to pros-
thetic auxiliary parts, screws and storage systems.

Instruments and Accessories
Surgery 204
Planning Aids 204
Implant Bed Preparation Instruments 205
Instruments and Tools 214
Guided Surgery 216
Cassettes 219
Explantation 222
Osteotomes 225

Prosthetics 227
Prosthetic Tools 227
Storage Systems and Cassettes 229
Prosthetic Planning Aids 230
Screws for Prosthetics 231

Demonstration Materials 233

Models 233

Instruments and

Planning Aids

Planning Aids

Product Image Description Material Art.-No.

X-ray Reference Sphere

X-ray Reference Sphere ∅ 5 mm, packaging 4 pieces, for single use Stainless 049.076V4

X-ray Templates
X-ray Templates for Standard, Standard Plus and Straumann® PURE Plastic 150.215
Ceramic Implants

for Bone Level Implants 150.216

for Straumann® Bone Level Tapered Implants 025.0003

X-ray Reference Foil for Mini Implants 046.795

Instruments and Distance Indicators

Diagnostic T auxiliary instrument for diagnosis, length 65 mm, Ti 046.147
width 33 mm

Implant length 100 mm Ti/Stainless 046.148

Distance Indicator for steel
Standard, Standard Plus

Bone Level Implant 026.0901

Distance Indicator
Instruments and

Distance Indicator for BLT, ∅ 2.9 mm Ti 025.0044

Additional Component

Implant Bed Preparation Instruments

Single-Patient Drills, Pilot Drills and Twist Drills

Product Image Description Material Art.-No.

Single-Patient Drills (Non Drill-stop Compatible)

Drill Set short, for ∅ 3.3 mm implants, single-use TAN 040.571S

long, for ∅ 3.3 mm implants, single-use 040.574S

short, for ∅ 4.1 mm implants, single-use 040.572S

long, for ∅ 4.1 mm implants, single-use 040.575S

short, for ∅ 4.8 mm implants, single-use 040.573S

long, for ∅ 4.8 mm implants, single-use 040.576S

BLT Drill Set short, for ∅ 3.3 mm implants, single-use 027.0000S

long, for ∅ 3.3 mm implants, single-use 027.0003S

short, for ∅ 4.1 mm implants, single-use 027.0001S

long, for ∅ 4.1 mm implants, single-use 027.0004S

short, for ∅ 4.8 mm implants, single-use 027.0002S

long, for ∅ 4.8 mm implants, single-use 027.0005S

Instruments and

Implant Bed Preparation Instruments

Single-Patient Drills, Pilot Drills

Product Image Description Material Art.-No.

Single-Patient Drills (Non Drill-stop Compatible)

Needle Drill short, ∅ 1.6 mm, single-use TAN 027.0006S
long, ∅ 1.6 mm, single-use 027.0007S
SP Profile Drill short, ∅ 3.3 mm, single-use 044.742S

long, ∅ 3.3 mm, single-use 044.748S

short, ∅ 4.1 mm, single-use 044.743S

long, ∅ 4.1 mm, single-use 044.749S

short, ∅ 4.8 mm, single-use 044.744S

long, ∅ 4.8 mm, single-use 044.750S

BL Profile Drill short, ∅ 3.3 mm, single-use 026.0089S

long, ∅ 3.3 mm, single-use 026.0096S
short, ∅ 4.1 mm, single-use 026.0090S
long, ∅ 4.1 mm, single-use 026.0097S

short, ∅ 4.8 mm, single-use 026.0091S

long, ∅ 4.8 mm, single-use 026.0098S

BLT Profile Drill short, ∅ 2.9 mm, single-use 026.0092S

long, ∅ 2.9 mm, single-use 026.0099S
short, ∅ 3.3 mm, single-use 026.0093S
long, ∅ 3.3 mm, single-use 026.0100S
short, ∅ 4.1 mm, single-use 026.0094S
long, ∅ 4.1 mm, single-use 026.0101S

short, ∅ 4.8 mm, single-use 026.0095S

long, ∅ 4.8 mm, single-use 026.0102S

Instruments and

Implant Bed Preparation Instruments

Single-Patient Drills, Taps

Product Image Description Material Art.-No.

Single-Patient Drills (Non Drill-stop Compatible)

S/SP Tap ∅ 3.3 mm, for adapter, single-use TAN 044.754S

∅ 4.1 mm, for adapter, single-use 044.755S

∅ 4.8 mm, for adapter, single-use 044.756S

BL Tap ∅ 3.3 mm, for adapter, single-use 044.757S

∅ 4.1 mm, for adapter, single-use 044.758S

∅ 4.8 mm, for adapter, single-use 044.759S

BLT Tap ∅ 2.9 mm, for adapter, single-use 026.0103S

∅ 3.3 mm, for adapter, single-use 026.0104S
∅ 4.1 mm, for adapter, single-use 026.0105S

∅ 4.8 mm, for adapter, single-use 026.0106S

Round Bur ∅ 2.3 mm, single-use Stainless 044.761S

∅ 3.1 mm, single-use 044.762S

Alignment Pins
Alignment Pin Set single use Ti 040.578S

Single-Patient Drills (Drill-stop Compatible)

Product Image Description Material Art.-No.

Single-Patient Drills
Drill Set short, Drill Stop compatible, for ∅ 3.3 mm Implants, Stainless 040.440S
single-patient use, sterile, length 33 mm, ∅ 2.2/2.8 mm steel

long, Drill Stop compatible, for ∅ 3.3 mm Implants, 040.441S Instruments and
single-patient use, sterile, length 41 mm, ∅ 2.2/2.8 mm Accessories

short, Drill Stop compatible, for ∅ 4.1 mm Implants, 040.443S

single-patient use, sterile, length 33 mm,
∅ 2.2/2.8/3.5 mm

long, Drill Stop compatible, for ∅ 4.1 mm Implants, 040.444S

single-patient use, sterile, length 41 mm,
∅ 2.2/2.8/3.5 mm

short, Drill Stop compatible, for ∅ 4.8 mm Implants, 040.446S

single-patient use, sterile, length 33 mm,
∅ 2.2/2.8/3.5/4.2 mm

long, Drill Stop compatible, for ∅ 4.8 mm Implants, 040.447S

single-patient use, sterile, length 41 mm,
∅ 2.2/2.8/3.5/4.2 mm

Implant Bed Preparation Instruments

Drill Stop Kit

Product Image Description Material Art.-No.

Drill Stop Set type A, for drill ∅ 2.2 – 4.2 mm, short 12 mm Plastic 040.584S
type B, for drill ∅ 2.2 – 4.2 mm, short 10 mm 040.585S
type C, for drill ∅ 2.2 – 4.2 mm, short 8 mm 040.586S
type D, for drill ∅ 2.2 – 4.2 mm, short 6 mm 040.587S
type E, for drill ∅ 2.2 – 4.2 mm, short 4 mm 040.588S
type A wide, for drill ∅ 4.7 – 6.2 mm, 040.589S
short 12 mm
type B wide, for drill ∅ 4.7 – 6.2 mm, 040.590S
short 10 mm
type C wide, for drill ∅ 4.7 – 6.2 mm, 040.591S
short 8 mm
type D wide, for drill ∅ 4.7 – 6.2 mm, 040.592S
short 6 mm
type E wide, for drill ∅ 4.7 – 6.2 mm, 040.593S
short 4 mm
Drill stop aid The Straumann® Drill Stop Aid facilitates safe mounting Polymer 040.594
and dismounting for all Straumann® Drill Stop types
Instruments and

Implant Bed Preparation Instruments

Round Burs

Product Image Description Material Art.-No.

Round Burs
Round Bur ∅ 1.4 mm Stainless 044.022
∅ 2.3 mm 044.003
∅ 3.1 mm 044.004

Needle Drills

Product Image Description Material Art.-No.

Needle Drills
Needle Drill short, ∅ 1.6 mm, length 33 mm Stainless 026.0054
long, ∅ 1.6 mm, length 41 mm 026.0056

Pilot Drills

Product Image Description Material Art.-No.

Pilot Drills
Pilot Drill 1 extra-short, length 26 mm, ∅ 2.2 mm Stainless 044.763
short, length 33 mm, ∅ 2.2 mm 044.210
long, length 41 mm, ∅ 2.2 mm 044.211
Pilot Drill 2 extra-short, length 26 mm, ∅ 2.8 mm 044.764
short, length 33 mm, ∅ 2.8 mm 044.214
long, length 41 mm, ∅ 2.8 mm 044.215

Pilot Drills for Bone Level Tapered

X Pilot VeloDrill™ short, ∅ 2.2 mm, length 34 mm Stainless 066.1301
steel Instruments and
long, ∅ 2.2 mm, length 42 mm 066.1701

Implant Bed Preparation Instruments

Twist Drills

Product Image Description Material Art.-No.

Twist Drills
Twist Drill PRO extra-short, length 26 mm, ∅ 3.5 mm Stainless 044.765
short, length 33 mm, ∅ 3.5 mm 044.250
long, length 41 mm, ∅ 3.5 mm 044.251
extra-short, length 26 mm, ∅ 4.2 mm 044.766

short, length 33 mm, ∅ 4.2 mm 044.254

long, length 41 mm, ∅ 4.2 mm 044.255

X VeloDrill™

Product Image Description Material Art.-No.

Drill for Bone Level Tapered

X VeloDrill™ short, ∅ 2.8 mm, length 34 mm Stainless 066.1302
long, ∅ 2.8 mm, length 42 mm 066.1702
short, ∅ 3.5 mm, length 34 mm 066.1304

long, ∅ 3.5 mm, length 42 mm 066.1704

short, ∅ 4.2 mm, length 34 mm 066.1306

long, ∅ 4.2 mm, length 42 mm 066.1706

Instruments and

Implant Bed Preparation Instruments

Profile Drills

Product Image Description Material Art.-No.

Profile Drills for Standard Plus

SP Profile Drill short, FIBA compatible, length 25 mm, ∅ 3.3 mm Stainless 034.332*
long, length 34 mm, ∅ 3.3 mm 044.087

short, FIBA compatible, length 25 mm, ∅ 4.1 mm 034.333*

long, length 33 mm, ∅ 4.1 mm 044.089

short, length 23.8 mm, ∅ 4.8 mm 044.084

long, length 32.8 mm, ∅ 4.8 mm 044.085

Profile Drills for Bone Level, NNC and Straumann® PURE Ceramic Implants
BL/NNC Profile Drill short, FIBA compatible, length 28 mm, ∅ 3.3 mm Stainless 034.327*
long, length 35 mm, ∅ 3.3 mm 026.2306
BL Profile Drill short, FIBA compatible, length 28 mm, ∅ 4.1 mm 034.328*

long, length 35 mm, ∅ 4.1 mm 026.4306

short, FIBA compatible, length 28 mm, ∅ 4.8 mm 034.329*

long, length 35 mm, ∅ 4.8 mm 026.6306

Profile Drills for Bone Level Tapered

BLT Profile Drill short, length 25 mm, ∅ 2.9 mm Stainless 026.0061
long, length 33 mm, ∅ 2.9 mm 026.0062
short, FIBA compatible, length 27 mm, ∅ 3.3 mm 034.324*

long, length 33 mm, ∅ 3.3 mm 026.0004

short, FIBA compatible, length 27 mm, ∅ 4.1 mm 034.325*

long, length 33 mm, ∅ 4.1 mm 026.0006

short, FIBA compatible, length 27 mm, ∅ 4.8 mm 034.326*

long, length 33 mm, ∅ 4.8 mm 026.0008 Instruments and


* Products will be available end of 2021.

Implant Bed Preparation Instruments


Product Image Description Material Art.-No.

Taps for Standard/Standard Plus

S/SP Tap short, FIBA compatible, length 22 mm, ∅ 3.3 mm Stainless 034.351*
short, FIBA compatible, length 22 mm, ∅ 4.1 mm 034.352*

short, FIBA compatible, length 22 mm, ∅ 4.8 mm 034.353*

Taps for Narrow Neck CrossFit®, Bone Level and Straumann® PURE Ceramic Implants
BL/NNC Tap short, FIBA compatible, length 22 mm, ∅ 3.3 mm Stainless 034.348*
BL Tap short, FIBA compatible, length 22 mm, ∅ 4.1 mm 034.349*

short, FIBA compatible, length 22 mm, ∅ 4.8 mm 034.350*

Taps for Bone Level Tapered

BLT Tap length 25 mm, ∅ 2.9 mm Stainless 026.0063

short, FIBA compatible, length 21 mm, ∅ 3.3 mm Stainless 034.345*

short, FIBA compatible, length 21 mm, ∅ 4.1 mm 034.346*

short, FIBA compatible, length 21 mm, ∅ 4.8 mm 034.347*

Alignment Pins and Depth Gauges

Product Image Description Material Art.-No.

Alignment Pins and Depth Gauges for Bone Level Tapered

Alignment Pin length 27 mm, ∅ 2.2 mm TAN 046.799
Depth Gauge with Distance length 27 mm, ∅ 2.2/2.8 mm Ti 046.704
Instruments and


SC Position Indicator oval, length 10 mm, ∅ 2.2 mm 026.0058

Depth Gauge length 27 mm, ∅ 2.8 mm TAN 046.800

length 27 mm, ∅ 3.5 mm 046.802
length 27 mm, ∅ 4.2 mm 046.804

* Products will be available end of 2021.

Implant Bed Preparation Instruments

Bone Profilers

Product Image Description Material Art.-No.

Bone Profilers for Tissue Level

RN Bone Profiler for use with 049.082, inner-∅ 3.6/4.8 mm, Stainless 044.304
outer-∅ 5.4 mm, length 28 mm steel
WN Bone Profiler for use with 049.082, inner-∅ 3.6/6.5 mm, 044.305
outer-∅ 7.2 mm, length 25 mm
SCS Guiding Cylinder for Implants ∅ 3.3 mm, length 10.5 mm, ∅ 3.6 mm 049.082

Bone Profilers for Bone Level

BL Bone Profiler, oval length 28 mm, ∅ 4 mm Stainless 026.0070
Platform steel
BL Bone Profiler 1 length 23 mm, ∅ 5.2 mm 026.0022

BL Bone Profiler 2 length 23 mm, ∅ 6.6 mm 026.0023

BL Bone Profiler 3 length 23 mm, ∅ 6 mm 026.0024

SC Guiding Pin for BL Bone Profiler, Oval Platform, length 6.4 mm, TAN 026.0071S
∅ 2.85 mm
NC Guiding Cylinder for BL Bone Profiler 1/2/3, length 12.5 mm, ∅ 3.25 mm 026.0025S

RC Guiding Cylinder for BL Bone Profiler 1/2/3, length 12.5 mm, ∅ 3.7 mm 026.0026S

Instruments and

Instruments and Tools

Auxiliary Instruments

Product Image Description Material Art.-No.

Instrument Tweezers length 140 mm Stainless 046.110
Tweezers with titanium plasma-coated tips, length 105 mm Stainless 046.095
without titanium plasma-coated tips, length 105 mm Stainless 046.057

Ratchet including Service Instruments, length 84 mm Stainless 046.119
Torque Control Device for Ratchet, length 82 mm 046.049

Holding Key length 85 mm 046.064

Cleaning Brush for Ratchet, length 100 mm, ∅ 4.5 mm, Stainless 045.111V4

packaging 4 pieces steel/Nylon

Release Aid S for Loxim® for platform SC, length 90 mm Stainless 026.0073
Release Aid N for for platforms NC and NNC, length 90 mm 026.2558
Release Aid R/W for for platforms RC, RN and WN, length 90 mm 026.4558
Instruments and

Instruments and Tools

Auxiliary Instruments

Product Image Description Material Art.-No.

Adapter for Ratchet, extra short, length 11 mm Stainless 046.460

for Ratchet, short, length 18 mm 046.461

for Ratchet, long, length 28 mm 046.462

for Ratchet, for SC, long, length 28 mm 025.0043

for handpiece, extra short, length 19 mm 046.470

for handpiece, short, length 26 mm 046.471

for handpiece, long, length 34 mm 046.472

for handpiece, for SC, long, length 34 mm 025.0042

for handpiece, for surgical handle, short, length 26 mm 034.361*

SCS Screwdriver for Ratchet, extra short, length 15 mm Stainless 046.400

for Ratchet, short, length 21 mm 046.401

for Ratchet, long, length 27 mm 046.402

for handpiece, extra-short, length 20 mm 046.410

for handpiece, short, length 26 mm 046.411

for handpiece, long, length 32 mm 046.412

AS Screwdriver for Ratchet, extra-short, length 15 mm 046.786

for Ratchet, short, length 21 mm 046.787

Instruments and
for Ratchet, long, length 27 mm 046.788 Accessories

for handpiece, extra-short, length 20 mm 046.789

for handpiece, short, length 26 mm 046.790
for handpiece, long, length 32 mm 046.791
AS Screwdriver Handling 046.792
Hexagonal Screwdriver for Straumann® Planning Guide, length 30 mm 046.421

Miscellaneous Auxiliary Instruments

Drill Extender length 23 mm Stainless 040.563

* Products will be available end of 2021.

Guided Surgery

Guided Surgery Templates

Product Image Description Material Art.-No.

Sleeves for Straumann® Guided Surgery

T-Sleeve guided, height 5 mm, ∅ 5 mm, packaging 4 pieces Stainless 034.053V4

guided, height 6 mm, ∅ 2.8 mm, packaging 4 pieces 034.055V4

guided, height 6 mm, ∅ 2.2 mm, packaging 4 pieces 046.712V4

Implant Bed Preparation Instruments

Product Image Description Material Art.-No.

Guided Mucosa Punches

Mucosa Punch guided, length 30 mm, ∅ 3.4 mm Stainless 034.010
guided, length 30 mm, ∅ 4 mm 034.011

guided, length 30 mm, ∅ 4.7 mm 034.012

Guided Milling Cutters

Milling Cutter guided, length 32.5 mm, ∅ 2.2 mm Stainless 026.0144
guided, length 32.5 mm, ∅ 2.8 mm 034.215
guided, length 32.5 mm, ∅ 3.5 mm 034.415
guided, length 32.5 mm, ∅ 4.2 mm 034.615

Guided Pilot Drills

Pilot Drill short, guided, length 32 mm, ∅ 2.2 mm Stainless 034.123
medium, guided, length 36 mm, ∅ 2.2 mm 034.126
long, guided, length 40 mm, ∅ 2.2 mm 034.129
X Pilot VeloDrill™ short, ∅ 2.2 mm, length 34 mm 066.1301
medium, ∅ 2.2 mm, length 38 mm 066.1501
Instruments and

long, ∅ 2.2 mm, length 42 mm 066.1701


Guided Twist Drills

Twist Drill PRO short, guided, length 32 mm, ∅ 2.8 mm Stainless 034.223
medium, guided, length 36 mm, ∅ 2.8 mm 034.226
long, guided, length 40 mm, ∅ 2.8 mm 034.229
short, guided, length 32 mm, ∅ 3.5 mm 034.423

medium, guided, length 36 mm, ∅ 3.5 mm 034.426

long, guided, length 40 mm, ∅ 3.5 mm 034.429

short, guided, length 32 mm, ∅ 4.2 mm 034.623

medium, guided, length 36 mm, ∅ 4.2 mm 034.626

long, guided, length 40 mm, ∅ 4.2 mm 034.629

Guided Surgery

Implant Bed Preparation Instruments

Product Image Description Material Art.-No.

Guided X VeloDrill™
X VeloDrill™ short, ∅ 2.8 mm, length 34 mm Stainless 066.1302
medium, ∅ 2.8 mm, length 38 mm 066.1502
long, ∅ 2.8 mm, length 42 mm 066.1702
short, ∅ 3.5 mm, length 34 mm 066.1304

medium, ∅ 3.5 mm, length 38 mm 066.1504

long, ∅ 3.5 mm, length 42 mm 066.1704

short, ∅ 4.2 mm, length 34 mm 066.1306

medium, ∅ 4.2 mm, length 38 mm 066.1506

long, ∅ 4.2 mm, length 42 mm 066.1706

Guided Profile Drills

BLT Profile Drill short, FIBA compatible, length 27 mm, ∅ 3.3 mm Stainless 034.324*
short, FIBA compatible, length 27 mm, ∅ 4.1 mm 034.325*

short, FIBA compatible, length 27 mm, ∅ 4.8 mm 034.326*

BL/NNC Profile Drill short, FIBA compatible, length 28 mm, ∅ 3.3 mm 034.327*

BL Profile Drill short, FIBA compatible, length 28 mm, ∅ 4.1 mm 034.328*

short, FIBA compatible, length 28 mm, ∅ 4.8 mm 034.329*

SP Profile Drill short, FIBA compatible, length 25 mm, ∅ 3.3 mm 034.332*

short, FIBA compatible, length 25 mm, ∅ 4.1 mm 034.333*

Guided Taps
BLT Tap short, FIBA compatible, length 21 mm, ∅ 3.3 mm Stainless 034.345*
short, FIBA compatible, length 21 mm, ∅ 4.1 mm 034.346*
Instruments and
short, FIBA compatible, length 21 mm, ∅ 4.8 mm 034.347* Accessories

BL/NNC Tap short, FIBA compatible, length 22 mm, ∅ 3.3 mm 034.348*

BL Tap short, FIBA compatible, length 22 mm, ∅ 4.1 mm 034.349*

short, FIBA compatible, length 22 mm, ∅ 4.8 mm 034.350*

S/SP Tap short, FIBA compatible, length 22 mm, ∅ 3.3 mm 034.351*

short, FIBA compatible, length 22 mm, ∅ 4.1 mm 034.352*

short, FIBA compatible, length 22 mm, ∅ 4.8 mm 034.353*

* Products will be available end of 2021.

Guided Surgery

Auxiliary Instruments

Product Image Description Material Art.-No.

Drill Handle
Drill Handle stop 1/3 mm, ∅ 2.2 mm Stainless 026.0147*

stop 1/3 mm, ∅ 2.8 mm 026.0148*

stop 1/3 mm, ∅ 3.5 mm 026.0150*

stop 1/3 mm, ∅ 4.2 mm 026.0152*

Adapter for guided profile for handpiece, guided, H2 034.354*

for handpiece, guided, H4 034.355*

for handpiece, guided, H6 034.356*

Adapter for guided tap for handpiece, guided, H2 034.357*

for handpiece, guided, H4 034.358*

for handpiece, guided, H6 034.359*

Connector for Ratchet, length 14 mm 034.005

Stop Key
Stop Key Stainless 034.006

Template Fixation
Template Fixation Pin guided, ∅ 2.8/2.8 mm Stainless 034.298
guided, ∅ 5/2.8 mm 034.285

guided, ∅ 5/3.5 mm 034.287

guided, ∅ 5/4.2 mm 034.289

Template Fixation Pin ∅ 1.3 mm Ti 034.282

Instruments and

T-Sleeve for Template Fixation Pin 034.283


Drill for Template Fixation Pin, ∅ 1.3 mm Stainless 034.284


Guided Adapters
BL/BLT Guided Adapter for Ratchet, length 17 mm Stainless 026.0084
SP/NNC/TE Guided Adapter for Ratchet, length 16 mm 046.710

S Guided Adapter for Ratchet, length 17 mm 046.711

BL/BLT Guided Adapter for handpiece, length 24 mm 026.0083

SP/NNC/TE Guided Adapter for handpiece, length 23 mm 046.708

S Guided Adapter for handpiece, length 24 mm 046.709

* Products will be available end of 2021.



Product Image Description Material Art.-No.

Ultrasonic Cleaning Ultrasonic Cleaning Cassette, length 150 mm, Plastic/ 040.175
Cassette width 65 mm, height 25 mm Silicone

Surgical Cassettes

Product Image Description Material Art.-No.

Straumann® Surgical without content, length 290 mm, width 175 mm, Plastic 040.165
Cassette height 62 mm

Straumann® ProClean without content, length 257 mm, width 156 mm, Stainless 040.561

Cassette height 64 mm steel

Sterilisation Container, for Sterilisation container for 040.561 040.562

the Straumann® ProClean

Instruments and


Straumann® Modular Cassettes

Product Image Description Material Art.-No.

A Modules
Straumann® Modular A Module 041.761

A Module, Grommet Tray 6 small grommets 041.762

6 large grommets 041.763

3 small, 3 large grommets 041.764

3 medium, 3 large grommets 041.765

A Module, Ratchet Tray for Ratchet 046.119, Torque Device 046.049 or 041.766
066.1100 and Holding Key 046.064

A Module, Release Aid Tray 041.767

A Module, Stop Key Tray for Stop Key 034.006 041.768

A Module, Implant Depth for Implant Depth Gauge 066.2000 041.771

Gauge Tray

A Module, Planning Aid Tray 041.769

A Module, Tweezer Tray for Tweezer 046.095 041.770

Instruments and


Straumann® Modular Cassettes

Product Image Description Material Art.-No.

B Modules
Straumann® Modular B Module 041.776

B Module, Basic Tray 041.778

B Module, Parallel Walled 041.779


B Module, Guided Basic 041.781


B Module, Guided Parallel 041.782

Walled Tray

C Modules
Straumann® Modular C Module, Guided Surgery 041.772

C Module, Spare Tools 041.773

Auxiliary Parts
Spare Label Plate Label plates for the different Implant Systems 041.775

Instruments and

Ultrasonic Mat mat for ultrasonic baths 041.774

C Module Lid for Straumann® Modular Cassette 041.784

Refer to the Straumann® Modular Cassette Selection Guide (702824/en)

to select the correct cassette parts and instruments.


Explantation Drills

Product Image Description Material Art.-No.

Explantation Drill for Implant ∅ 2.9 mm

Explantation Drill medium, for ∅ 2.9 mm, length 37.5 mm Stainless 026.0068
long, for ∅ 2.9 mm, length 40.5 mm 026.0069

Explantation Drill for Implant ∅ 3.3

Explantation Drill short, for Implants ∅ 3.3 mm and ∅ 3.5 mm, Stainless 044.330
length 32 mm, inner-∅ 3.6 mm, outer-∅ 4.2 mm steel

medium, for Implants ∅ 3.3 mm and ∅ 3.5 mm, 044.331

length 37.5 mm, inner-∅ 3.6 mm, outer-∅ 4.2 mm

long, for Implants ∅ 3.3 mm and ∅ 3.5 mm, 044.332

length 40.5 mm, inner-∅ 3.6 mm, outer-∅ 4.2 mm

Explantation Drill for Implant ∅ 4.1

Explantation Drill short, for Implants ∅ 4.1 mm, length 32 mm, Stainless 044.340
inner-∅ 4.2 mm, outer-∅ 4.8 mm steel
medium, for Implants ∅ 4.1 mm, length 37.5 mm, 044.341
inner-∅ 4.2 mm, outer-∅ 4.8 mm

long, for Implants ∅ 4.1 mm, length 40.5 mm, 044.342

inner-∅ 4.2 mm, outer-∅ 4.8 mm

Explantation Drill for Implant ∅ 4.8

Explantation Drill short, for Implants ∅ 4.8 mm, length 32 mm, Stainless 044.344
inner-∅ 4.9 mm, outer-∅ 5.5 mm steel
medium, for Implants ∅ 4.8 mm, length 37.5 mm, 044.345
inner-∅ 4.9 mm, outer-∅ 5.5 mm

long, for Implants ∅ 4.8 mm, length 40.5 mm, 044.346

inner-∅ 4.9 mm, outer-∅ 5.5 mm
Instruments and


Explantation Aids

Product Image Description Material Art.-No.

Explantation of Bone Level Implants without Abutment

SC Guiding Cylinder for explantation of ∅ 2.9 mm Bone Level Tapered Stainless 026.0066
Implants, ∅ 3.07 mm steel
NC Guiding Cylinder for explantation of ∅ 3.3 mm Bone Level Implants, 026.2801
length 10.7 mm, ∅ 3.6 mm
RC Guiding Cylinder for explantation of ∅ 4.1 mm Bone Level Implants, 026.4801
length 10.9 mm, ∅ 4.2 mm
for explantation of ∅ 4.8 mm Bone Level Implants, 026.6801
length 10.9 mm, ∅ 4.9 mm

Explantation of S/SP/TE and PURE Ceramic Implants without Abutment

SCS Guiding Cylinder for Implants ∅ 3.3 mm Narrow Neck, length 5 mm, Ti/Stainless 049.182
∅ 3.6 mm steel
for Implants ∅ 3.3 mm Narrow Neck CrossFit®, Stainless 049.360
length 10.1 mm, ∅ 3.6 mm steel
for Implants ∅ 3.3 mm, length 10.5 mm, ∅ 3.6 mm 049.082

for Implants ∅ 4.1 mm, length 10.5 mm, ∅ 4.2 mm 049.083

for Implants ∅ 4.8 mm, length 10.5 mm, ∅ 4.9 mm 049.167

for Straumann® PURE Ceramic Implant ∅ 4.1 mm, 032.054

length 10.5 mm, ∅ 4.2 mm

Explantation of S/SP/TE Implants with Abutment

RN Guiding Sleeve for Implants ∅ 3.3 mm, cement-retained and Stainless 049.850
screw-retained, without matching screw 048.350, steel
length 4.5 mm, ∅ 3.6 mm
for Implants ∅ 4.1 mm and ∅ 3.5 mm, cement- 049.071
retained and screw-retained, without matching screw
048.350, length 5.6 mm, ∅ 4.2 mm
for Implants ∅ 4.8 mm, cement-retained and 049.851
screw-retained, without matching screw 049.181,
length 6.4 mm, ∅ 4.9 mm
SCS Occlusal Screw for occlusal screw-retained RN/WN Caps and Copings, Ti 048.350
length 4.4 mm
for RN/WN Titanium Alloy Temporary Abutment, TAN 049.181
length 7.6 mm
Instruments and


Explantation Devices

Product Image Description Material Art.-No.

48h for Bone Level Tapered Implants, length 29.7 mm, Stainless 026.0072
Explantation Device ∅ 2.9 mm steel
for Bone Level NC Implants, length 31.4 mm, ∅ 8 mm 026.2048

for Bone Level RC Implants, length 31.2 mm, ∅ 8 mm 026.4048

for Soft Tissue Level NNC Implants, length 31.4 mm, 049.361

∅ 8 mm
for Soft Tissue Level RN/WN synOcta® Implants, short, 80103
length 20.6 mm, ∅ 8 mm
for Soft Tissue Level RN/WN synOcta® Implants, long, 80087
length 26.6 mm, ∅ 8 mm
for RD Straumann® PURE Ceramic Implant (Monotype), 031.080
length 19.7 mm

for ND Straumann® PURE Ceramic Implant 031.081

(Monotype), length 19.8 mm

for RD Straumann® PURE Ceramic Implant, 032.053

length 26.2 mm
Instruments and


Osteotome for Bone Condensation

Product Image Description Material Art.-No.

Osteotome Instrument Kit cassette and all items below except SCS Occlusal Screw Stainless 040.500
for Bone Condensation steel/Plastic

Cassette without content 040.550

for Bone Condensation

Osteotome straight, for bone condensation, ∅ 2.2 mm Stainless 046.500

straight, for bone condensation, ∅ 2.8 mm 046.501

straight, for bone condensation, ∅ 3.5 mm 046.502

straight, for bone condensation, ∅ 4.2 mm 046.503

angled, for bone condensation, ∅ 2.2 mm 046.510

angled, for bone condensation, ∅ 2.8 mm 046.511

angled, for bone condensation, ∅ 3.5 mm 046.512

angled, for bone condensation, ∅ 4.2 mm 046.513

Depth Stop for Osteotomes, ∅ 2.2 mm Ti/Stainless 046.550


Instruments and
for Osteotomes, ∅ 2.8 mm 046.551

for Osteotomes, ∅ 3.5 mm 046.552

for Osteotomes, ∅ 4.2 mm 046.553

SCS Occlusal Screw for occlusal screw-retained RN/WN Caps and Copings, Ti 048.350
length 4.4 mm
for occlusal screw-retained RN/WN Caps and Copings, 048.350V4
length 4.4 mm, packaging 4 pieces


Osteotome for Sinus Floor Elevation

Product Image Description Material Art.-No.

Osteotome Instrument Kit for partial sinus floor elevation Stainless 040.501

Cassette for Sinus Floor without content 040.560

Elevation Osteotomes

Osteotome straight, for sinus floor elevation, ∅ 2.8 mm Stainless 046.521

straight, for sinus floor elevation, ∅ 3.5 mm 046.522

straight, for sinus floor elevation, ∅ 4.2 mm 046.523

angled, for sinus floor elevation, ∅ 2.8 mm 046.531

angled, for sinus floor elevation, ∅ 3.5 mm 046.532

angled, for sinus floor elevation, ∅ 4.2 mm 046.533

Depth Stop for Osteotomes, ∅ 2.8 mm Ti/Stainless 046.551


for Osteotomes, ∅ 3.5 mm 046.552

for Osteotomes, ∅ 4.2 mm 046.553

SCS Occlusal Screw for occlusal screw-retained RN/WN Caps and Copings, Ti 048.350
length 4.4 mm
for occlusal screw-retained RN/WN Caps and Copings, 048.350V4
Instruments and

length 4.4 mm, packaging 4 pieces

Prosthetic Tools

Prosthetic Tools

Product Image Description Material Art.-No.

Ratchet including Service Instruments, length 84 mm Stainless 046.119
Torque Control Device for Ratchet, length 82 mm 046.049

Cleaning Brush for Ratchet, length 100 mm, ∅ 4.5 mm, Stainless 045.111V4

packaging 4 pieces steel/Nylon

SCS Screwdriver
SCS Screwdriver for Ratchet, extra short, length 15 mm Stainless 046.400

for Ratchet, short, length 21 mm 046.401

for Ratchet, long, length 27 mm 046.402

for handpiece, extra-short, length 20 mm 046.410

for handpiece, short, length 26 mm 046.411

for handpiece, long, length 32 mm 046.412

Screwdriver Handle for 046.410/411/412, length 109 mm Stainless 046.085


Tool for Anchor

Retentive Anchor length 19 mm Stainless 046.069
Driver steel

Screwdriver for Lamella Retention Insert, length 37 mm 046.154

for Titanium Matrix, length 50 mm 048.452

Driver for Solid Abutments

NNC Solid Abutment short, length 13 mm Stainless 048.155
Driver steel
Instruments and
long, length 19 mm 048.156

Inserting Device for RN Solid Abutment, 6°, short, length 13 mm 046.067

for RN Solid Abutment, 6°, long, length 19 mm 046.068

Tool for LOCATOR®

LOCATOR® Screwdriver three-part, length 100 mm Stainless 046.415
LOCATOR® Screwdriver for Ratchet, short, length 15 mm 046.416

for Ratchet, long, length 21 mm 046.417

Prosthetic Tools

Prosthetic Tools

Product Image Description Material Art.-No.

NNC Reamer for 45° shoulder, length 17 mm, ∅ 8 mm Stainless 046.237
RN/WN Reamer for 45° shoulder, ∅ 8 mm 046.243

Guide Pin for Reamer 046.243, for RN, synOcta® 048.605, Stainless 046.246
length 50 mm steel
for Reamer 046.243, for RN/WN synOcta® 1.5 046.241
Abutments, length 50 mm
for Reamer 046.243, for WN synOcta® 048.606, 046.247
length 50 mm
for Reamer 046.243, for RN, Solid Abutments, 046.242
length 50 mm
for Reamer 046.243, for WN Solid Abutments, 046.244
length 50 mm
NNC Guide Pin for Reamer 046.237, for Solid Abutments, 046.249
length 53 mm
Handle for Reamers and Tap for TS, length 65 mm Steel/Brass 046.240

Taps for TS Screw Retention M2 x 0.25 mm Stainless 044.570

Tools for Straumann® Classic

Driver for Stainless 046.045C
Octa Abutments steel

Cross-tip Screwdriver 046.114C

Instruments and

Storage Systems and Cassettes


Product Image Description Material Art.-No.

Prosthetic Cassette for instruments and auxiliary components, complete Anodized Al 040.185
(without dividers), length 224 mm, width 115 mm,
height 20 mm

for instruments and auxiliary components, 041.022

length 224 mm, width 115 mm, height 20 mm

Tray for 041.022, length 218 mm, width 109 mm, 041.211

height 16 mm

Divider Panel large, for 041.440, length 47.5 mm, width 9.5 mm, 041.612

height 1 mm
small, for 041.440, length 27.5 mm, width 9.5 mm, 041.615
height 1 mm
Dish for 041.211, length 56 mm, width 31 mm, 041.440
height 11 mm

Calibration Cup yellow, ∅ 80 mm 041.412

Plexiglass Cassette/ length 150 mm, width 100 mm Plastic 140.055


Instruments and

Prosthetic Planning Aids

Prosthetic Planning Aids

Product Image Description Material Art.-No.

X-ray Reference Sphere

X-ray Reference Sphere ∅ 5 mm, packaging 4 pieces, for single use Stainless 049.076V4

Components for Fabricating an Individual Drill Template

Drill Sleeve with Collar length 10 mm, inner-∅ 2.4 mm, outer-∅ 3.5 mm, Ti 049.810V4
packaging 4 pieces
Stepped Pin for 049.810V4, length 16 mm, ∅ 2.2/3.5 mm, 049.818V4
packaging 4 pieces
Pin for 049.810V4, length 16 mm, ∅ 2.2 mm, 049.816V4
packaging 4 pieces
for 049.810V4, length 10 mm, ∅ 2.2 mm, 049.817V4
packaging 4 pieces
for 049.810V4, length 16 mm, ∅ 3.5 mm, 049.819V4
packaging 4 pieces
Instruments and

Screws for Prosthetics

Screws for Prosthetics

Product Image Description Material Art.-No.

NNC Basal Screw for NNC Titanium Alloy Temporary Abutments, Gold TAN 048.313
Abutments and Variobase®, length 7.1 mm

for NNC Cementable Abutments and Temporary 048.314

Abutment VITA CAD-Temp®, length 7.1 mm

NNC Basal Screw AS for NNC Variobase® for Crown AS, length 7.5 mm 048.899

RN and WN
SCS Occlusal Screw for occlusal screw-retained RN/WN Caps and Copings, Ti 048.350
length 4.4 mm
for occlusal screw-retained RN/WN Caps and Copings, 048.350V4
length 4.4 mm, packaging 4 pieces
RN Occlusal Screw for customized RN Zirconia Abutments, CARES®, TAN 048.354
CADCAM, length 5 mm
packaging 4 pieces 048.354V4
synOcta® Basal Screw for RN/WN Variobase®, for RN/WN Novaloc® Angled 048.356
Abutments, Gold Abutments and Temporary
Abutments VITA CAD-Temp® and customized Titanium
Abutment and Screw-retained Bridges and Bars,
CARES®, CADCAM, length 6.7 mm

SCS Occlusal Screw for RN/WN Titanium Alloy Temporary Abutment, 049.181
length 7.6 mm
SCS Guide Screw for occlusal screw-retained RN/WN Copings, cannot be Ti 048.360V4
shortened, length 6 mm, packaging 4 pieces

for occlusal screw-retained RN/WN Copings, can be 048.361V4

shortened by 1.6 mm, length 6 mm, packaging 4 pieces

for occlusal screw-retained RN/WN Copings, cannot be 048.362V4

shortened, length 8 mm, packaging 4 pieces

for occlusal screw-retained RN/WN Copings, can be 048.363V4

shortened by 2 mm, length 8 mm, packaging 4 pieces

for occlusal screw-retained RN/WN Copings, can be 048.364V4 Instruments and

shortened by 2 mm, length 10 mm, packaging 4 pieces Accessories

for occlusal screw-retained RN/WN Copings, can be 048.365V4

shortened by 2 mm, length 12 mm, packaging 4 pieces

for occlusal screw-retained RN/WN Copings, can be 048.366V4

shortened by 2 mm, length 14 mm, packaging 4 pieces

RN/WN Basal Screw AS for RN/WN Variobase® for Crown AS, length 6.7 mm, TAN 048.906
only compatible with AS Screwdriver (green color-

Screws for Prosthetics

Screws for Prosthetics

Product Image Description Material Art.-No.

SC, NC, RC and CI RD

SC Basal Screw B length 7 mm TAN 025.0031
NC Basal Screw for NC Anatomic Abutments, NC Variobase® for Crown 025.2900
and Variobase® C, NC Gold Abutments and NC Gold
and Titanium Abutments for bars, length 7.9 mm

NC Basal Screw for NC IPS e.max® Anatomic Abutments and CARES® 025.2906
Zirconia Abutments, length 8.9 mm

for NC Cementable Abutments and Temporary 025.2908

Abutment VITA CAD-Temp®, length 7.9 mm

RC Basal Screw for RC Anatomic Abutments, RC Variobase® for Crown 025.4900

and Variobase® C, RC Gold Abutments for Crown and
RC Gold and Titanium Abutments for bars,
length 7.9 mm

for RC IPS e.max® Anatomic Abutments and CARES® 025.4906

Zirconia Abutments, length 8.2 mm

for RC Gold Abutments, for bridges, length 8.3 mm 025.4902

for RC Cementable Abutments and Temporary 025.4908

Abutment VITA CAD-Temp®, for Cementable
Abutments only, length 7.9 mm

NC/RC SRBB Bone Level for CADCAM CARES® Screw-retained Bridges/Bars, for 025.2926
Screw Variobase® for Bridge/Bar Cylindrical, length 7.9 mm

Screw for NC/RC Screw-retained Abutments 0°, gingiva 023.4749

height 1 mm, length 8.8 mm
for NC/RC Screw-retained Abutments 0°, gingiva 023.4750
height 2.5 mm, length 10.3 mm
for NC/RC Screw-retained Abutments 0°, gingiva 023.4760
height 4 mm, length 11.8 mm
Occlusal Screw for Titanium, Gold, Burn-Out and Variobase® Copings 023.4763
for Screw-retained Abutments, length 3.7 mm
Screw for NC/RC Screw-retained Abutments 17° and 30°, 025.0002
Instruments and

length 7.2 mm, for RC/NC/NNC Novaloc® Angled


NC/RC Basal Screw AS for NC/RC Variobase® for Crown AS, length 7.9 mm, 025.0055
only compatible with AS Screwdriver (green color-
CI RD Basal Screw for CI RD Straumann® PUREbase Abutments, CI RD Ti 032.028
Temporary Abutments VITA CAD-Temp and CI RD
Healing Components, length 6.1 mm

for CI RD Straumann® PUREbase AS Abutments, for TAN 032.128

angled solution, only compatible with AS Screwdriver
(green color-coding)

Demonstration Materials

Models at Scale 5:1

Product Image Description Art.-No.

Straumann® Standard Plus includes: NNC Standard Plus Implant, NNC Healing Cap with labial 140.122
NNC Implant bevel, NNC Impression Post for open tray, NNC Implant Analog, NNC
Cementable Angled Abutment, NNC Solid Abutment, NNC Impression
Cap for Solid Abutment, NNC Positioning Cylinder, SCS Screwdriver,
Plastic Box

synOcta® System includes: Standard Plus Implant, RN Impression Cap, RN synOcta® 140.024
Positioning Cylinder, RN synOcta® Analog, RN synOcta® Abutment, SCS
Screwdriver, RN synOcta® Gold Coping with plastic crown, SCS Occlusal
Screw, Plastic Box

Straumann® synOcta® RN RN Impression Post Closed Tray Implant Level, plastic box 440.191
Impression Post Closed Tray
Implant Level

Straumann® Bone Level includes: RC Implant, RC Healing Abutment, bottle shape, RC 120.0033
Implant Impression Post for open tray, RC Analog, RC Anatomic Abutment,
angled 15°, Occlusal Screw, SCS Screwdriver, Plastic Box

Straumann® Pro Arch includes: Bone Level Tapered Implant, Screw-retained Abutment 0° 440.140
∅ 4.6 mm gingiva height 2.5 mm, Screw-retained Abutment 17°
∅ 4.6 mm gingiva height 2.5 mm, NC/RC Coping ∅ 4.6 mm,
SCS Occlusal Screw, Impression Post for closed tray, RC Protective Cap,
SCS Screw Driver, Plastic Box

Straumann® PURE Ceramic RD, ∅ 4.1 mm, ZLA® 10 mm, abutment height 4 mm, cardboard box 440.143
Implant Monotype

Straumann® Bone Level RC, ∅ 4.1 mm, SLA® 10 mm, cardboard box 440.163
Tapered Implant

Instruments and
Straumann® Solid includes: Implant, Analog, Solid Abutment, Burn-out Coping, 140.023 Accessories
Abutment System Impression Coping, Positioning Cylinder, Shoulder Analog,
Reinforcement Pin
Straumann® Bone Level Box for demonstration of Bone Level Tapered Implant and Variobase® 440.171
Tapered Implant & Abutments
Variobase® includes:
1 x BLT Implant
1 x RC Variobase® for Crown, abutment height 5.5 mm, incl. screw
1 x RC Variobase® for Bridge/Bar, incl. screw
1 x RC Burn-out Coping for Variobase® for Crown
1 x NC/RC Burn-out Coping for Screw-retained Abutment ∅ 4.6 mm
1 x RC Burn-out Coping for Variobase® for Bridge/Bar
1 x RC Variobase® Coping for Screw-retained Abutment ∅ 4.6 mm
1 x RC Screw-retained Abutment, angled 17°, ∅ 4.6 mm, gingiva height
2.5 mm, Type A, incl. screw
1 x SCS Screwdriver
1 x Occlusal Screw

Demonstration Materials

Models at Scale 5:1

Product Image Description Art.-No.

Straumann® Variobase® for includes: RC Variobase® Angled Solution with screw, RC Variobase® 440.189
Crown Angled Solution Angled Solution Burn-out Coping Interface, NC/RC Variobase® Angled
Solution Burn-out Coping 25°, RN Variobase® Angled Solution with
screw, RN Variobase® Angled Solution Burn-out Coping Interface, RN/
WN Variobase® Angled Solution Burn-out Coping 25°, Screwdriver

RN Novaloc® Abutment & Cardboard box with the Novaloc® Abutment for demonstration on 440.175
Matrix Set Tissue Level Regular Neck Implant
includes: RN Novaloc® Abutment gingiva height 3 mm, Matrix Set

Standard Plus Implant, Cardboard box with the Standard Plus Implant 4 mm for demonstration 440.176
∅ 4.1 mm RN, 4 mm includes: Standard Plus Implant, RN ∅ 4.1 mm, length 4 mm

RC Loxim® Transfer Piece Cardboard box with the Loxim® Transfer Piece for demonstration on 440.169
Bone Level / Bone Level Tapered Regular CrossFit® Implants
includes: Loxim® Transfer Piece

Bone Level Tapered Implant, includes: SC Implant, SC Healing Abutment gingiva height 2 mm, 440.185
∅ 2.9 mm SC SC Impression post, open tray, SC Implant Analog, SC Temporary
Abutment gingiva height 1 mm, SC Variobase® gingiva height 2 mm, SC
Burn-out Coping, SCS Screwdriver, Plastic Box

Straumann® PURE Ceramic includes: Ceramic Implant, CI RD PUREbase, CI Basal Screw, CI Bonding 440.181
Implant Training Kit Aid, CI acrylic tooth, SCS screwdriver, tweezer, CI training model incl.
analog, plastic dispenser for 1:1 parts
Instruments and

Demonstration Materials

Models at Scale 5:1

Product Image Description Art.-No.

Straumann® PURE Ceramic includes: RD Protective Cap, PURE CI Monotype, RD Analog, RD 440.195
Implant Monotype Impression Cap, RD Position Indicator, CIM Tooth, RD Temporary Coping,
Tweezers plastic dispenser for 1:1 parts

Straumann® BLX System includes: BLX Implant ∅ 4.5 mm length 12 mm, BLX Implant ∅ 5.0 mm 440.212
length 6 mm with cross-section, RB/WB Basal screw, SCS Screwdriver,
RB Impression Post open tray, RB Positioning screw, WB Variobase
Abutment AH 5.5 mm GH 1.5 mm, WB Healing Abutment ∅ 6 mm GH
1.5 mm AH 2 mm, RB/WB Healing Abutment ∅ 4 mm GH 2.5 mm AH
4 mm, Temporary Abutment crown ∅ 3.8 mm GH 2.5 mm, Temporary
Abutment crown ∅ 5.5 mm GH 1.5 mm, RB Variobase AH 5.5 mm GH
2.5 mm, RB/WB Variobase for Bridge ∅ 4.5 mm GH 1.5 mm AH 3.5 mm,
RB Screw-retained Abutment 17° ∅ 4.6 mm GH 3.5 mm, RB/WB
Temporary Abutment Bridge ∅ 4.5 mm GH 1.5 mm, RB/WB Healing
Abutment Bar/Bridge GH 1.5 mm

Straumann® BLX Implant BLX Implant ∅ 4.5 mm, length 12 mm, plastic box 440.228

Straumann® Mini Implant Mini Implant, plastic box 440.217

Models at Scale 3:1

Product Image Description Art.-No.

3:1 Premium illustration Illustration of Straumann® Standard Implant vs. a 3-unit bridge. The kit 440.180
model constists of: a jaw section showing a missing premolar, removable
Instruments and
Straumann® Standard Implant, removable solid abutment, removable
3-unit bridge, screwdriver to insert/remove the implant, 1:1 model of
the Straumann® Standard Implant and a premolar

Demonstration Materials

Models at Scale 1:1

Product Image Description Art.-No.

Lower Jaw edentulous, with 2 implants, (S ∅ 4.1 mm, RN) 140.032

edentulous, with 4 implants, (S ∅ 4.1 mm, RN) 140.049

Upper Jaw two single-tooth gaps and unilateral free-end saddle, with 4 implants 140.033
1 x Standard Plus Implant ∅ 3.3 mm, NN 1 x Standard Implant
∅ 4.8 mm, WN 1 x Standard Implant ∅ 4.1 mm, RN 1 x Standard
Implant ∅ 4.8 mm, RN

Clear model upper jaw, Edentulous upper jaw model for patient information to demonstrate 440.168
fully edentulous BLT Implants avoiding the sinus floor cavity
2 x BLT RC Implants ∅ 4.1 mm, length 10 mm in position 12 + 22
2 x BLT RC Implants ∅ 4.1 mm, length 16 mm in position 14 + 24 in
17° angulation

Clear model lower jaw, Lower jaw model for patient information to demonstrate different 440.167
partially edentulous implants in different indications
2 x RN Standard Plus Implants ∅ 4.1 mm, length 4 mm in
position 44+45
1 x BL NC Implant ∅ 3.3 mm, length 10 mm in position 41
1 x NNC Standard Plus Implant ∅ 3.3 mm, length 10 mm in position 32
1 x PURE Full ceramic Implant ∅ 4.1 mm, length 10 mm in position 34

Clear model upper jaw, Upper jaw model for patient information to demonstrate different 440.166
partially edentulous implants in different indications
1 x BL RC Implant ∅ 4.1 mm, length 8 mm in position 15
Instruments and

1 x RN Standard Plus Implant ∅ 4.1 mm, length 10 mm in position 13


1 x BLT RC Implant ∅ 4.1 mm, length 10 mm in position 21

1 x RN Standard Plus Implant ∅ 4.1 mm, length 10 mm in position 24
1 x WN Standard Plus Implant ∅ 4.8 mm, length 8 mm in position 26

Straumann® Zygomatic Platform: External Hex M1-CH-

Demo Implant, ZAGA™ Coronal ∅: 4.3 mm ZT-50.0
Round Distal ∅: 3.4 mm
Apical ∅: 2.6 mm
length 50 mm
Straumann® Zygomatic Platform: External Hex M1-CH-
Demo Implant, ZAGA™ Flat Coronal ∅: 4.3 mm ZC-42.5
Distal ∅: 3.4 mm
Apical ∅: 2.6 mm
lenght 42.5 mm

Instruments and
Information and Index:
For a quick and easy overview, you
can find all Straumann products
listed by item number with the
corresponding page numbers. Fur-
thermore, you can find important
advice and additional information
on Straumann and Straumann

Information and Index
Contacts 240
The Straumann® eShop and eServices 241
The Straumann® Guarantee 242
Important Information 243
Index 244

Information and Index



Straumann has a variety of offices worldwide. Please check if a subsidiary or distributor is available in your country and contact your
local office directly for inquiries, questions or further information.

Search for your local organization’s address on the

Straumann location finder:
Information and Index
or scan the QR code with your smart phone or tablet.

The Straumann® eShop and eServices

The Straumann® eShop and eServices The Straumann® eShop and eServices.

Click. Find. Smile.

We put our customers first, which is why we blend service and find your products quickly and conveniently in the Straumann®
design in the Straumann® eShop: the logical product naviga- eShop. Place your orders 24/7 and take advantage of exclusive
tion and search function; the intuitive operation; and the “Self online offers.
Service” page with your order history and templates. You can

• Save shipping costs*
• Flexible payment options
• Simplified ordering and navigation
• Optimized search function
• 24/7 ordering
• Exclusive online offers
• “Self Service” page
• eServices
• Shopping within all Straumann® Group brands
Discover eShop for yourself and take advantage
with a single basket
of exclusive offers:
“Self Service” allows you to manage your orders
clearly and conveniently. or scan the QR code with your smart phone or tablet.

You can:
• View your order history
• Create order templates
• Print eShop invoices

eServices is an additional service that Straumann provides to its customers. It allows every customer registered on the eShop
to simply and easily submit their product returns and complaints online.

eReturn: eComplaints:
Information and Index

• create a return request online • create your complaints simply online

• check out the return option • overview of your complaints
• return receipt as proof • save time thanks to product identification
• faster exchange of products
• view return orders

Please note that Straumann® eShop and eServices may not be available in all countries.
* Conditions may vary from country to country.

The Straumann® Guarantee

The Straumann
The Straumann Guarantee applies if Straumann products are used in combination with other original Straumann products.
Provided that the conditions of the Straumann Guarantee are fulfilled, the following guarantee periods are covered:

Implant Abutment attached Tooth- and implant-supported

to an implant restoration*

– Replacement Replacement
rG with equivalent ceramic abutment with equivalent ceramic

including restoration**
trauma ceramic screw-retained
S bars and bridges*
te m

De tS
n t al I m p l a n

– Novaloc® Abutments, replaced Replacement

ea with equivalent Novaloc® with equivalent metal

Abutment*** restoration and

uma resin nano ceramic
Stra Replacement with equivalent restoration**
te m

De tS metal screw-retained bars and

n t al I m p l a n

Replacement Replacement with equivalent –

im with equivalent implant metal abutment

® and equivalent
umann abutment, if finalized.
te m

De tS
n t al I m p l a n

Replacement with equivalent – –

tim implant and equivalent

abutment, if necessary.

rauman Additionally, for Straumann®

PURE Ceramic Implant System &

r an

Ou s
r qu
alit y. You
ra Roxolid® Implants**** it covers
a treatment compensation if
implant fractured (reported after
1 January 2016).

* Excluding consumable products and retentive products such as ball anchors.

** Including Straumann® CARES® copings, full contour crowns and bridges. EXCLUDING all other products offered by Straumann®,
particularly Straumann® CARES®, inlays, onlays, veneers, partial crowns and Straumann® CARES® Guided Surgery products.
*** Excluding any matrices and inserts as they are subject to natural wear and tear.
**** Not applicable for Straumann® Mini Implants. Straumann® Mini Implants underly the Straumann® Lifetime Guarantee.
Information and Index

For applicable terms and conditions of the Straumann Guarantee (including the Guarantee territory), please refer to the
Straumann Guarantee brochure (152.360/en).

Important Information

Important Information Important Information

Use of Straumann Products Availability
Dental professionals must have appropriate knowledge and Some of the Straumann Products and Services listed in this doc-
instruction in the handling of the Straumann dental implants, ument may not be available in all countries.
Straumann CADCAM products, Straumann biomaterials or oth-
er Straumann products (“Straumann Products”) in order to use General Terms and Conditions
Straumann Products safely and in accordance with the Instruc- All offers, sales, deliveries and other services provided directly
tions for Use. by a company within the Straumann Group are provided sole-
ly on the basis of the general terms and conditions applicable
Straumann Products must be used in accordance with the in- in the specific country. These locally applicable general
structions for use provided by the manufacturer. It is the den- terms and conditions can be viewed on the following website:
tal professional‘s responsibility to use the device in accordance
with these Instructions for Use and to determine if the device is
suitable for the individual patient‘s situation. The electronic In-
structions for Use for our products are available on the website

Information and Index

Index by item number

Index by item number

Art.No. Article Page
021.0010 Bone Level Tapered Implant, Ø 2.9mm SC, SLActive® 10mm, Roxolid®, Loxim® 26
021.0012 Bone Level Tapered Implant, Ø 2.9mm SC, SLActive® 12mm, Roxolid®, Loxim® 26
021.0014 Bone Level Tapered Implant, Ø 2.9mm SC, SLActive® 14mm, Roxolid®, Loxim® 26
021.0110 Bone Level Tapered Implant, Ø 2.9mm SC, SLA® 10mm, Roxolid®, Loxim® 26
021.0112 Bone Level Tapered Implant, Ø 2.9mm SC, SLA® 12mm, Roxolid®, Loxim® 26
021.0114 Bone Level Tapered Implant, Ø 2.9mm SC, SLA® 14mm, Roxolid®, Loxim® 26
021.2308 Bone Level Implant Ø 3.3mm NC, SLActive® 8mm, Roxolid® Loxim® 28
021.2310 Bone Level Implant Ø 3.3mm NC, SLActive® 10mm, Roxolid® Loxim® 28
021.2312 Bone Level Implant Ø 3.3mm NC, SLActive® 12mm, Roxolid® Loxim® 28
021.2314 Bone Level Implant Ø 3.3mm NC, SLActive® 14mm, Roxolid® Loxim® 28
021.2508 Bone Level Implant, Ø 3.3mm NC, SLA® 8mm, Roxolid®, Loxim® 28
021.2510 Bone Level Implant, Ø 3.3mm NC, SLA® 10mm, Roxolid®, Loxim® 28
021.2512 Bone Level Implant, Ø 3.3mm NC, SLA® 12mm, Roxolid®, Loxim® 28
021.2514 Bone Level Implant, Ø 3.3mm NC, SLA® 14mm, Roxolid®, Loxim® 28
021.3308 Bone Level Tapered Implant, Ø 3.3mm NC, SLActive® 8mm, Roxolid®, Loxim® 28
021.3310 Bone Level Tapered Implant, Ø 3.3mm NC, SLActive® 10mm, Roxolid®, Loxim® 28
021.3312 Bone Level Tapered Implant, Ø 3.3mm NC, SLActive® 12mm, Roxolid®, Loxim® 28
021.3314 Bone Level Tapered Implant, Ø 3.3mm NC, SLActive® 14mm, Roxolid®, Loxim® 28
021.3316 Bone Level Tapered Implant, Ø 3.3mm NC, SLActive® 16mm, Roxolid®, Loxim® 28
021.3318 Bone Level Tapered Implant, Ø3.3mm NC, SLActive® 18mm, Roxolid®, Loxim® 28
021.3508 Bone Level Tapered Implant, Ø 3.3mm NC, SLA® 8mm, Roxolid®, Loxim® 28
021.3510 Bone Level Tapered Implant, Ø 3.3mm NC, SLA® 10mm, Roxolid®, Loxim® 28
021.3512 Bone Level Tapered Implant, Ø 3.3mm NC, SLA® 12mm, Roxolid®, Loxim® 28
021.3514 Bone Level Tapered Implant, Ø 3.3mm NC, SLA® 14mm, Roxolid®, Loxim® 28
021.3516 Bone Level Tapered Implant, Ø 3.3mm NC, SLA® 16mm, Roxolid®, Loxim® 28
021.3518 Bone Level Tapered Implant, Ø3.3mm NC, SLA® 18mm, Roxolid®, Loxim® 28
021.4308 Bone Level Implant Ø 4.1mm RC, SLActive® 8mm, Roxolid® Loxim® 30
021.4310 Bone Level Implant Ø 4.1mm RC, SLActive® 10mm, Roxolid® Loxim® 30
021.4312 Bone Level Implant Ø 4.1mm RC, SLActive® 12mm, Roxolid® Loxim® 30
021.4314 Bone Level Implant Ø 4.1mm RC, SLActive® 14mm, Roxolid® Loxim® 30
021.4508 Bone Level Implant, Ø 4.1mm RC, SLA® 8mm, Roxolid®, Loxim® 30
021.4510 Bone Level Implant, Ø 4.1mm RC, SLA® 10mm, Roxolid®, Loxim® 30
021.4512 Bone Level Implant, Ø 4.1mm RC, SLA® 12mm, Roxolid®, Loxim® 30
021.4514 Bone Level Implant, Ø 4.1mm RC, SLA® 14mm, Roxolid®, Loxim® 30
021.5308 Bone Level Tapered Implant, Ø 4.1mm RC, SLActive® 8mm, Roxolid®, Loxim® 30
021.5310 Bone Level Tapered Implant, Ø 4.1mm RC, SLActive® 10mm, Roxolid®, Loxim® 30
021.5312 Bone Level Tapered Implant, Ø 4.1mm RC, SLActive® 12mm, Roxolid®, Loxim® 30
021.5314 Bone Level Tapered Implant, Ø 4.1mm RC, SLActive® 14mm, Roxolid®, Loxim® 30
021.5316 Bone Level Tapered Implant, Ø 4.1mm RC, SLActive® 16mm, Roxolid®, Loxim® 30
021.5318 Bone Level Tapered Implant, Ø 4.1mm RC, SLActive® 18mm, Roxolid®, Loxim® 30
021.5508 Bone Level Tapered Implant, Ø 4.1mm RC, SLA® 8mm, Roxolid®, Loxim® 30
021.5510 Bone Level Tapered Implant, Ø 4.1mm RC, SLA® 10mm, Roxolid®, Loxim® 30
021.5512 Bone Level Tapered Implant, Ø 4.1mm RC, SLA® 12mm, Roxolid®, Loxim® 30
021.5514 Bone Level Tapered Implant, Ø 4.1mm RC, SLA® 14mm, Roxolid®, Loxim® 30
021.5516 Bone Level Tapered Implant, Ø 4.1mm RC, SLA® 16mm, Roxolid®, Loxim® 30
021.5518 Bone Level Tapered Implant, Ø 4.1mm RC, SLA® 18mm, Roxolid®, Loxim® 30
021.6308 Bone Level Implant Ø 4.8mm RC, SLActive® 8mm, Roxolid® Loxim® 33
021.6310 Bone Level Implant Ø 4.8mm RC, SLActive® 10mm, Roxolid® Loxim® 33
021.6312 Bone Level Implant Ø 4.8mm RC, SLActive® 12mm, Roxolid® Loxim® 33
021.6314 Bone Level Implant Ø 4.8mm RC, SLActive® 14mm, Roxolid® Loxim® 33
021.6508 Bone Level Implant, Ø 4.8mm RC, SLA® 8mm, Roxolid®, Loxim® 33
021.6510 Bone Level Implant, Ø 4.8mm RC, SLA® 10mm, Roxolid®, Loxim® 33
021.6512 Bone Level Implant, Ø 4.8mm RC, SLA® 12mm, Roxolid®, Loxim® 33
021.6514 Bone Level Implant, Ø 4.8mm RC, SLA® 14mm, Roxolid®, Loxim® 33
021.7308 Bone Level Tapered Implant, Ø 4.8mm RC, SLActive® 8mm, Roxolid®, Loxim® 33
Information and Index

021.7310 Bone Level Tapered Implant, Ø 4.8mm RC, SLActive® 10mm, Roxolid®, Loxim® 33
021.7312 Bone Level Tapered Implant, Ø 4.8mm RC, SLActive® 12mm, Roxolid®, Loxim® 33
021.7314 Bone Level Tapered Implant, Ø 4.8mm RC, SLActive® 14mm, Roxolid®, Loxim® 33
021.7316 Bone Level Tapered Implant, Ø 4.8mm RC, SLActive® 16mm, Roxolid®, Loxim® 33
021.7318 Bone Level Tapered Implant, Ø4.8mm RC, SLActive® 18mm, Roxolid®, Loxim® 33
021.7508 Bone Level Tapered Implant, Ø 4.8mm RC, SLA® 8mm, Roxolid®, Loxim® 33
021.7510 Bone Level Tapered Implant, Ø 4.8mm RC, SLA® 10mm, Roxolid®, Loxim® 33
021.7512 Bone Level Tapered Implant, Ø 4.8mm RC, SLA® 12mm, Roxolid®, Loxim® 33
021.7514 Bone Level Tapered Implant, Ø 4.8mm RC, SLA® 14mm, Roxolid®, Loxim® 33
021.7516 Bone Level Tapered Implant, Ø 4.8mm RC, SLA® 16mm, Roxolid®, Loxim® 33
021.7518 Bone Level Tapered Implant, Ø4.8mm RC, SLA® 18mm, Roxolid®, Loxim® 33

Index by item number

Index by item number

Art.No. Article Page
022.0010S NC Screw-ret. Abut., TAN, angled 17°, Ø 4.6mm, GH 5.5mm, Type A, sterile 132
022.0011S NC Screw-ret. Abut., TAN, angled 17°, Ø 4.6mm, GH 5.5mm, Type B, sterile 132
022.0012S NC Screw-ret. Abut., TAN, angled 30°, Ø 4.6mm, GH 5.5mm, Type A, sterile 132
022.0013S NC Screw-ret. Abut., TAN, angled 30°, Ø 4.6mm, GH 5.5mm, Type B, sterile 132
022.0014S RC Screw-ret. Abut., TAN, angled 17°, Ø 4.6mm, GH 5.5mm, Type A, sterile 160
022.0015S RC Screw-ret. Abut., TAN, angled 17°, Ø 4.6mm, GH 5.5mm, Type B, sterile 160
022.0016S RC Screw-ret. Abut., TAN, angled 30°, Ø 4.6mm, GH 5.5mm, Type A, sterile 160
022.0017S RC Screw-ret. Abut., TAN, angled 30°, Ø 4.6mm, GH 5.5mm, Type B, sterile 160
022.0018 NNC Straumann® Variobase® C, TAN 64
022.0019 RN Straumann® Variobase® C, TAN, TAN 79
022.0020 WN Straumann® Variobase® C, TAN, TAN 99
022.0021 NNC Variobase®, for crown, with screw, Ø 3.9mm, H 5.75mm, TAN 64
022.0022 RN Variobase®, for crown, with screw, Ø 5.05mm, H 6mm, TAN 79
022.0023 WN Variobase®, for crown, with screw, Ø 7mm, H 6.5mm, TAN 99
022.0026 RC Variobase®, for crown, with screw, Ø 4.5mm, H 5.5mm, TAN 157
022.0027 NC Variobase®, for crown, with screw, Ø 3.8mm, H 5.5mm, TAN 128
022.0038 SC Variobase® Abutment, with screw, oval, GH 1mm, TAN 116
022.0039 SC Variobase® Abutment, with screw, oval, GH 2mm, TAN 116
022.0040 SC Variobase® Abutment, with screw, oval, GH 3mm, TAN 116
022.0043 NC Straumann® Variobase® C, GH 1 mm, TAN 128
022.0044 RC Straumann® Variobase® C, GH 1 mm, TAN 157
022.0045 Basal Screw RN/WN Variobase®, TAN 78, 79, 97, 99
022.0046 NC Novaloc® Abutment, straight 0°, H 1mm, TAV 138
022.0047 NC Novaloc® Abutment, straight 0°, H 2mm, TAV 138
022.0048 NC Novaloc® Abutment, straight 0°, H 3mm, TAV 138
022.0049 NC Novaloc® Abutment, straight 0°, H 4mm, TAV 138
022.0050 NC Novaloc® Abutment, straight 0°, H 5mm, TAV 138
022.0051 NC Novaloc® Abutment, straight 0°, H 6mm, TAV 138
022.0052 RC Novaloc® Abutment, straight 0°, H 1mm, TAV 165
022.0053 RC Novaloc® Abutment, straight 0°, H 2mm, TAV 165
022.0054 RC Novaloc® Abutment, straight 0°, H 3mm, TAV 165
022.0055 RC Novaloc® Abutment, straight 0°, H 4mm, TAV 165
022.0056 RC Novaloc® Abutment, straight 0°, H 5mm, TAV 165
022.0057 RC Novaloc® Abutment, straight 0°, H 6mm, TAV 165
022.0062 NC Novaloc® Abutment, angled 15°, H 2mm, Type A, TAV 138
022.0063 NC Novaloc® Abutment, angled 15°, H 3mm, Type A, TAV 138
022.0064 NC Novaloc® Abutment, angled 15°, H 4mm, Type A, TAV 138
022.0065 NC Novaloc® Abutment, angled 15°, H 5mm, Type A, TAV 138
022.0066 NC Novaloc® Abutment, angled 15°, H 6mm, Type A, TAV 138
022.0067 RC Novaloc® Abutment, angled 15°, H 2mm, Type A, TAV 165
022.0068 RC Novaloc® Abutment, angled 15°, H 3mm, Type A, TAV 165
022.0069 RC Novaloc® Abutment, angled 15°, H 4mm, Type A, TAV 165
022.0070 RC Novaloc® Abutment, angled 15°, H 5mm, Type A, TAV 165
022.0071 RC Novaloc® Abutment, angled 15°, H 6mm, Type A, TAV 165
022.0072 NC Novaloc® Abutment, angled 15°, H 2mm, Type B, TAV 138
022.0073 NC Novaloc® Abutment, angled 15°, H 3mm, Type B, TAV 138
022.0074 NC Novaloc® Abutment, angled 15°, H 4mm, Type B, TAV 138
022.0075 NC Novaloc® Abutment, angled 15°, H 5mm, Type B, TAV 138
022.0076 NC Novaloc® Abutment, angled 15°, H 6mm, Type B, TAV 138
022.0077 RC Novaloc® Abutment, angled 15°, H 2mm, Type B, TAV 165
022.0078 RC Novaloc® Abutment, angled 15°, H 3mm, Type B, TAV 165
022.0079 RC Novaloc® Abutment, angled 15°, H 4mm, Type B, TAV 165
022.0080 RC Novaloc® Abutment, angled 15°, H 5mm, Type B, TAV 165
022.0081 RC Novaloc® Abutment, angled 15°, H 6mm, Type B, TAV 165
022.0084 NC Variobase® for Crown AS, incl. screw, Ø 4.1mm, AH 3.5mm, GH 1mm, TAN 128
Information and Index

022.0087 RC Variobase® for Crown AS, incl. screw, Ø 4.7mm, AH 3.5mm, GH 1mm, TAN 157
022.0093 NC Variobase® for Crown AS, incl. screw, Ø 4.1mm, AH 5.5mm, GH 1mm, TAN 128
022.0096 RC Variobase® for Crown AS, incl. screw, Ø 4.7mm, AH 5.5mm, GH 1mm, TAN 157
022.0102 NC Variobase® for Crown, incl. screw, Ø 3.8mm, AH 3.5mm, GH 2mm, TAN 128
022.0103 RC Variobase® for Crown, incl. screw, Ø 4.5mm, AH 3.5mm, GH 2mm, TAN 157
022.0104 NC Variobase® for Crown, incl. screw, Ø 3.8mm, AH 3.5mm, GH 3mm, TAN 128
022.0105 RC Variobase® for Crown, incl. screw, Ø 4.5mm, AH 3.5mm, GH 3mm, TAN 157
022.0106 NC Variobase® for Crown, incl. screw, Ø 3.8mm, AH 5.5mm, GH 2mm, TAN 128
022.0107 RC Variobase® for Crown, incl. screw, Ø 4.5mm, AH 5.5mm, GH 2mm, TAN 157
022.0108 NC Variobase® for Crown, incl. screw, Ø 3.8mm, AH 5.5mm, GH 3mm, TAN 128
022.0109 RC Variobase® for Crown, incl. screw, Ø 4.5mm, AH 5.5mm, GH 3mm, TAN 157

Index by item number

Index by item number

Art.No. Article Page
022.0110 NC Variobase® for Bridge/Bar Cylindrical, incl. screw, Ø 4.5mm, AH 3.5mm, TAN 128
022.0111 RC Variobase® for Bridge/Bar Cylindrical, incl. screw, Ø 4.5mm, AH 3.5mm, TAN 157
022.0115S NC Immediate Temporary Abutment, crown, GH 1mm, TAN 119
022.0116S NC Immediate Temporary Abutment, crown, GH 2mm, TAN 119
022.0117S NC Immediate Temporary Abutment, crown, GH 3mm, TAN 119
022.0118S RC Immediate Temporary Abutment, crown, GH 1mm, TAN 147
022.0119S RC Immediate Temporary Abutment, crown, GH 2mm, TAN 147
022.0120S RC Immediate Temporary Abutment, crown, GH 3mm, TAN 147
022.0124S NC Screw-ret. Abut., TAN, straight 0°, Ø 3.5mm, GH 1.5mm, sterile 133
022.0125S NC Screw-ret. Abut., TAN, straight 0°, Ø 3.5mm, GH 2.5mm, sterile 133
022.0126S NC Screw-ret. Abut., TAN, straight 0°, Ø 3.5mm, GH 3.5mm, sterile 133
022.0128S NC Screw-ret. Abut., TAN, straight 0°, Ø 4.6mm, GH 1.5mm, sterile 133
022.0129S NC Screw-ret. Abut., TAN, straight 0°, Ø 4.6mm, GH 2.5mm, sterile 133
022.0130S NC Screw-ret. Abut., TAN, straight 0°, Ø 4.6mm, GH 3.5mm, sterile 133
022.0132S RC Screw-ret. Abut., TAN, straight 0°, Ø 4.6mm, GH 1.5mm, sterile 161
022.0133S RC Screw-ret. Abut., TAN, straight 0°, Ø 4.6mm, GH 2.5mm, sterile 161
022.0134S RC Screw-ret. Abut., TAN, straight 0°, Ø 4.6mm, GH 3.5mm, sterile 161
022.0136S NC Screw-ret. Abut., TAN, angled 17°, Ø 4.6mm, GH 2.5mm, Type A, sterile 133
022.0137S NC Screw-ret. Abut., TAN, angled 17°, Ø 4.6mm, GH 2.5mm, Type B, sterile 133
022.0138S NC Screw-ret. Abut., TAN, angled 17°, Ø 4.6mm, GH 3.5mm, Type A, sterile 133
022.0139S NC Screw-ret. Abut., TAN, angled 17°, Ø 4.6mm, GH 3.5mm, Type B, sterile 133
022.0140S NC Screw-ret. Abut., TAN, angled 17°, Ø 4.6mm, GH 4.5mm, Type A, sterile 133
022.0141S NC Screw-ret. Abut., TAN, angled 17°, Ø 4.6mm, GH 4.5mm, Type B, sterile 133
022.0142S NC Screw-ret. Abut., TAN, angled 17°, Ø 4.6mm, GH 5.5mm, Type A, sterile 133
022.0143S NC Screw-ret. Abut., TAN, angled 17°, Ø 4.6mm, GH 5.5mm, Type B, sterile 133
022.0144S NC Screw-ret. Abut., TAN, angled 30°, Ø 4.6mm, GH 3.5mm, Type A, sterile 133
022.0145S NC Screw-ret. Abut., TAN, angled 30°, Ø 4.6mm, GH 3.5mm, Type B, sterile 133
022.0146S NC Screw-ret. Abut., TAN, angled 30°, Ø 4.6mm, GH 4.5mm, Type A, sterile 133
022.0147S NC Screw-ret. Abut., TAN, angled 30°, Ø 4.6mm, GH 4.5mm, Type B, sterile 133
022.0148S NC Screw-ret. Abut., TAN, angled 30°, Ø 4.6mm, GH 5.5mm, Type A, sterile 133
022.0149S NC Screw-ret. Abut., TAN, angled 30°, Ø 4.6mm, GH 5.5mm, Type B, sterile 133
022.0150S RC Screw-ret. Abut., TAN, angled 17°, Ø 4.6mm, GH 2.5mm, Type A, sterile 161
022.0151S RC Screw-ret. Abut., TAN, angled 17°, Ø 4.6mm, GH 2.5mm, Type B, sterile 161
022.0152S RC Screw-ret. Abut., TAN, angled 17°, Ø 4.6mm, GH 3.5mm, Type A, sterile 161
022.0153S RC Screw-ret. Abut., TAN, angled 17°, Ø 4.6mm, GH 3.5mm, Type B, sterile 161
022.0154S RC Screw-ret. Abut., TAN, angled 17°, Ø 4.6mm, GH 4.5mm, Type A, sterile 161
022.0155S RC Screw-ret. Abut., TAN, angled 17°, Ø 4.6mm, GH 4.5mm, Type B, sterile 161
022.0156S RC Screw-ret. Abut., TAN, angled 17°, Ø 4.6mm, GH 5.5mm, Type A, sterile 161
022.0157S RC Screw-ret. Abut., TAN, angled 17°, Ø 4.6mm, GH 5.5mm, Type B, sterile 161
022.0158S RC Screw-ret. Abut., TAN, angled 30°, Ø 4.6mm, GH 3.5mm, Type A, sterile 161
022.0159S RC Screw-ret. Abut., TAN, angled 30°, Ø 4.6mm, GH 3.5mm, Type B, sterile 161
022.0160S RC Screw-ret. Abut., TAN, angled 30°, Ø 4.6mm, GH 4.5mm, Type A, sterile 161
022.0161S RC Screw-ret. Abut., TAN, angled 30°, Ø 4.6mm, GH 4.5mm, Type B, sterile 161
022.0162S RC Screw-ret. Abut., TAN, angled 30°, Ø 4.6mm, GH 5.5mm, Type A, sterile 161
022.0163S RC Screw-ret. Abut., TAN, angled 30°, Ø 4.6mm, GH 5.5mm, Type B, sterile 161
022.2102 NC Anatomic Abutment, straight, GH 2mm, Ti 119
022.2104 NC Anatomic Abutment, straight, GH 3.5mm, Ti 119
022.2152 NC Anatomic Abutment, angled 15°, GH 2mm, Ti 119
022.2154 NC Anatomic Abutment, angled 15°, GH 3.5mm, Ti 119
022.2311 NC Cementable Abutment, D 3.5mm, GH 1mm, AH 4mm, Ti 121
022.2312 NC Cementable Abutment, D 3.5mm, GH 2mm, AH 4mm, Ti 121
022.2313 NC Cementable Abutment, D 3.5mm, GH 3mm, AH 4mm, Ti 121
022.2315 NC Cementable Abutment, D 3.5mm, GH 1mm, AH 5.5mm, Ti 121
022.2316 NC Cementable Abutment, D 3.5mm, GH 2mm, AH 5.5mm, Ti 121
022.2317 NC Cementable Abutment, D 3.5mm, GH 3mm, AH 5.5mm, Ti 121
Information and Index

022.2321 NC Cementable Abutment, D 5mm, GH 1mm, AH 4mm, Ti 121

022.2322 NC Cementable Abutment, D 5mm, GH 2mm, AH 4mm, Ti 121
022.2323 NC Cementable Abutment, D 5mm, GH 3mm, AH 4mm, Ti 121
022.2325 NC Cementable Abutment, D 5mm, GH 1mm, AH 5.5mm, Ti 121
022.2326 NC Cementable Abutment, D 5mm, GH 2mm, AH 5.5mm, Ti 121
022.2327 NC Cementable Abutment, D 5mm, GH 3mm, AH 5.5mm, Ti 122
022.2410 NC Gold Abutment, for crown, H 3.7mm, Ceramicor®/POM 127
022.2502 NC LOCATOR® Abutment, height 2 mm, Ti alloy with TiN coating 141
022.2503 NC LOCATOR® Abutment, height 3 mm, Ti alloy with TiN coating 141
022.2504 NC LOCATOR® Abutment, height 4 mm, Ti alloy with TiN coating 141
022.2505 NC LOCATOR® Abutment, height 5 mm, Ti alloy with TiN coating 141

Index by item number

Index by item number

Art.No. Article Page
022.2506 NC LOCATOR® Abutment, height 6 mm, Ti alloy with TiN coating 141
022.2701 NC Abutment for bars, gold, H 10mm, Ceramicor® 136
022.2702 NC Abutment, for bars, Ti 137
022.2745S NC Screw-ret. Abut., TAN, straight 0°, Ø 3.5mm, GH 1mm, sterile 132
022.2746S NC Screw-ret. Abut., TAN, straight 0°, Ø 3.5mm, GH 2.5mm, sterile 132
022.2747S NC Screw-ret. Abut., TAN, straight 0°, Ø 4.6mm, GH 1mm, sterile 132
022.2748S NC Screw-ret. Abut., TAN, straight 0°, Ø 4.6mm, GH 2.5mm, sterile 132
022.2749S NC Screw-ret. Abut., TAN, angled 17°, Ø 4.6mm, GH 2.5mm, Type A, sterile 132
022.2750S NC Screw-ret. Abut., TAN, angled 17°, Ø 4.6mm, GH 2.5mm, Type B, sterile 132
022.2751S NC Screw-ret. Abut., TAN, angled 30°, Ø 4.6mm, GH 2.5mm, Type A, sterile 132
022.2752S NC Screw-ret. Abut., TAN, angled 30°, Ø 4.6mm, GH 2.5mm, Type B, sterile 132
022.2753S NC Screw-ret. Abut., TAN, straight 0°, Ø 3.5mm, GH 4mm, sterile 132
022.2754S NC Screw-ret. Abut., TAN, straight 0°, Ø 4.6mm, GH 4mm, sterile 132
022.2755S NC Screw-ret. Abut., TAN, angled 17°, Ø 4.6mm, GH 4mm, Type A, sterile 132
022.2756S NC Screw-ret. Abut., TAN, angled 17°, Ø 4.6mm, GH 4mm, Type B, sterile 132
022.2757S NC Screw-ret. Abut., TAN, angled 30°, Ø 4.6mm, GH 4mm, Type A, sterile 132
022.2758S NC Screw-ret. Abut., TAN, angled 30°, Ø 4.6mm, GH 4mm, Type B, sterile 132
022.4102 RC Anatomic Abutment, straight, GH 2mm, Ti 147
022.4104 RC Anatomic Abutment, straight, GH 3.5mm, Ti 147
022.4152 RC Anatomic Abutment, angled 15°, GH 2mm, Ti 147
022.4154 RC Anatomic Abutment, angled 15°, GH 3.5mm, Ti 147
022.4321 RC Cementable Abutment, D 5mm, GH 1mm, AH 4mm, Ti 149
022.4322 RC Cementable Abutment, D 5mm, GH 2mm, AH 4mm, Ti 149
022.4323 RC Cementable Abutment, D 5mm, GH 3mm, AH 4mm, Ti 149
022.4325 RC Cementable Abutment, D 5mm, GH 1mm, AH 5.5mm, Ti 149
022.4326 RC Cementable Abutment, D 5mm, GH 2mm, AH 5.5mm, Ti 149
022.4327 RC Cementable Abutment, D 5mm, GH 3mm, AH 5.5mm, Ti 149
022.4331 RC Cementable Abutment, D 6.5mm, GH 1mm, AH 4mm, Ti 149
022.4332 RC Cementable Abutment, D 6.5mm, GH 2mm, AH 4mm, Ti 149
022.4333 RC Cementable Abutment, D 6.5mm, GH 3mm, AH 4mm, Ti 149
022.4335 RC Cementable Abutment, D 6.5mm, GH 1mm, AH 5.5mm, Ti 149
022.4336 RC Cementable Abutment, D 6.5mm, GH 2mm, AH 5.5mm, Ti 149
022.4337 RC Cementable Abutment, D 6.5mm, GH 3mm, AH 5.5mm, Ti 150
022.4410 RC Gold Abutment, for crown, H 3.8mm, Ceramicor®/POM 156
022.4430 RC Gold Abutment, for bridge, H 5.4mm, Ceramicor®/POM 156
022.4501 RC LOCATOR® Abutment, height 1 mm, Ti alloy with TiN coating 168
022.4502 RC LOCATOR® Abutment, height 2 mm, Ti alloy with TiN coating 168
022.4503 RC LOCATOR® Abutment, height 3 mm, Ti alloy with TiN coating 168
022.4504 RC LOCATOR® Abutment, height 4 mm, Ti alloy with TiN coating 168
022.4505 RC LOCATOR® Abutment, height 5 mm, Ti alloy with TiN coating 168
022.4506 RC LOCATOR® Abutment, height 6 mm, Ti alloy with TiN coating 168
022.4701 RC Abutment for bars, gold, H 10mm, Ceramicor® 163
022.4702 RC Abutment, for bars, Ti 164
022.4745S RC Screw-ret. Abut., TAN, straight 0°, Ø 4.6mm, GH 1mm, sterile 160
022.4746S RC Screw-ret. Abut., TAN, straight 0°, Ø 4.6mm, GH 2.5mm, sterile 160
022.4747S RC Screw-ret. Abut., TAN, angled 17°, Ø 4.6mm, GH 2.5mm, Type A,sterile 160
022.4748S RC Screw-ret. Abut., TAN, angled 17°, Ø 4.6mm, GH 2.5mm, Type B, sterile 160
022.4749S RC Screw-ret. Abut., TAN, angled 30°, Ø 4.6mm, GH 2.5mm, Type A, sterile 160
022.4750S RC Screw-ret. Abut., TAN, angled 30°, Ø 4.6mm, GH 2.5mm, Type B, sterile 160
022.4751S RC Screw-ret. Abut., TAN, straight 0°, Ø 4.6mm, GH 4mm, sterile 160
022.4752S RC Screw-ret. Abut., TAN, angled 17°, Ø 4.6mm, GH 4mm, Type A, sterile 160
022.4753S RC Screw-ret. Abut., TAN, angled 17°, Ø 4.6mm, GH 4mm, Type B, sterile 160
022.4754S RC Screw-ret. Abut., TAN, angled 30°, Ø 4.6mm, GH 4mm, Type A, sterile 160
022.4755S RC Screw-ret. Abut., TAN, angled 30°, Ø4.6mm, GH 4mm, Type B, sterile 160
023.0011 SC Burn-out Coping, for Variobase® Abutment, POM 116
Information and Index

023.0011V4 SC Burn-out Coping, for Variobase®, POM 116

023.0014 NNC Burn-out Coping, for Variobase®, for crown, AH 5.75mm, POM 64
023.0014V4 NNC Burn-out Coping, for Variobase®, for crown, AH 5.75mm, POM 64
023.0015 RN Burn-out Coping, for Variobase®, for crown, AH 6mm, POM 79
023.0015V4 RN Burn-out Coping, for Variobase®, for crown, AH 6mm, POM 79
023.0016 WN Burn-out Coping, for Variobase®, for crown, AH 6.5mm, POM 99
023.0016V4 WN Burn-out Coping, for Variobase®, for crown, AH 6.5mm, POM 99
023.0017 RC Burn-out Coping, for Variobase®, for crown, AH 5.5mm, POM 157
023.0017V4 RC Burn-out Coping, for Variobase®, for crown, AH 5.5mm, POM 157
023.0018 NC Burn-out Coping, for Variobase®, for crown, AH 5.5mm, POM 128
023.0018V4 NC Burn-out Coping, for Variobase®, for crown, AH 5.5mm, POM 128

Index by item number

Index by item number

Art.No. Article Page
023.0025 NC Burn-out Coping, 25°, Variobase® for Crown AS, POM 129
023.0026 RC Burn-out Coping, 25°, Variobase® for Crown AS, POM 157
023.0027 Variobase® for Bridge/Bar Cylindrical Coping, f. Screw-ret. Abut. Ø 3.5mm, incl. screw, Ø 4.2mm, AH 4mm, TAN 128, 134
023.0028 Variobase® for Bridge/Bar Cylindrical Coping, f. Screw-ret. Abut. Ø 4.6mm, incl. screw and Cement. Aid, Ø 5.1mm, AH 4mm, TAN 128, 134, 157, 162, 54
023.0029 NC Burn-out Coping, for Variobase® for Bridge/Bar Cylindrical, POM 128
023.0029V4 NC Burn-out Coping, for Variobase® for Bridge/Bar Cylindrical, POM 128
023.0030 RC Burn-out Coping, for Variobase® for Bridge/Bar Cylindrical, POM 157
023.0030V4 RC Burn-out Coping, for Variobase® for Bridge/Bar Cylindrical, POM 157
023.0031 NC Burn-out Coping f. Variobase® f. Bridge/Bar Cylindr., Coping Screw-retained Abutment Ø 3.5mm, POM 128, 135
023.0031V4 NC Burn-out Coping f. Variobase® f. Bridge/Bar Cylindr., Coping Screw-retained Abutment Ø 3.5mm, POM 128, 135
023.0032 NC/RC Burn-out Cop. f. Variobase® f. Bridge/Bar Cylin., Coping Screw-retained Abutment Ø 4.6mm, POM 128, 135, 157, 162, 54
023.0032V4 NC/RC Burn-out Cop. f. Variobase® f. Bridge/Bar Cylin., Coping Screw-retained Abutment Ø 4.6mm, POM 128, 135, 157, 162, 54
023.0033V2 Plastic Coping, for Immediate Temporary Abutment, PMMA 119, 147
023.2310 NC Coping, for bridge on Cementable Abutment, D 3.5mm, POM 122
023.2316 NC Coping, for crown on Cementable Abutment, D 3.5mm, POM 122
023.2320 NC Coping, for bridge on Cementable Abutment, D 5mm, POM 122
023.2326 NC Coping, for crown on Cementable Abutment, D 5mm, POM 122
023.2747 Coping for screw-retained abutment, Ti, Crown, Ø 3.5mm 134
023.2748 Burn-out coping for screw-retained abutment, POM, Crown, Ø 3.5mm 135
023.2749 Coping for screw-retained abutment, Ti, Bridge, Ø 3.5mm 134
023.2750 Coping for screw-retained abutment, Ti, Bar, Ø 3.5mm 137
023.2751 Coping for screw-retained abutment, Crown, Ø 3.5mm, Ceramicor®/POM 135
023.2752 Coping for screw-retained abutment, Bridge, Ø 3.5mm, Ceramicor®/POM 135
023.2753 Coping for screw-retained abutment, Bar, Ø 3.5mm, Ceramicor® 136
023.2754 Analog for screw-retained abutment, TAN, straight 0°, Ø 3.5mm 130
023.2755 Burn-out coping f. screw-retained abut., POM, Bridge/Bar, Ø 3.5mm 135, 137
023.2756 NC Burn-out coping, for Variobase® Abutment, POM 128
023.2756-04 NC Burn-out coping, for Variobase® Abutment, POM 128
023.4320 RC Coping, for bridge on Cementable Abutment, D 5mm, POM 151
023.4326 RC Coping, for crown on Cementable Abutment, D 5mm, POM 151
023.4330 RC Coping, for bridge on Cementable Abutment, D 6.5mm, POM 151
023.4336 RC Coping, for crown on Cementable Abutment, D 6.5mm, POM 151
023.4747 Coping for screw-retained abutment, Ti, Crown, Ø 4.6mm 134, 162
023.4748 Burn-out coping for screw-retained abutment, POM, Crown, Ø 4.6mm 135, 162
023.4749 Screw for screw-retained abutment, TAN, straight 0°, GH 1mm 134, 232
023.4750 Screw for screw-retained abutment, TAN, straight 0°, GH 2.5mm 134, 232
023.4751 Coping for screw-retained abutment, Ti, Bridge, Ø 4.6mm 134, 162, 54
023.4752 Coping for screw-retained abutment, Ti, Bar, Ø 4.6mm 137, 164, 54
023.4753 Coping for screw-retained abutment, Crown, Ø 4.6mm, Ceramicor®/POM 135, 162
023.4754 Coping for screw-retained abutment, Bridge, Ø 4.6mm, Ceramicor®/POM 135, 162, 54
023.4755 Coping for screw-retained abutment, Bar, Ø 4.6mm, Ceramicor® 136, 163, 54
023.4756 Analog for screw-retained abutment, TAN, straight 0°, Ø 4.6mm 130, 158
023.4757 Analog for screw-retained abutment, TAN, angled 17°/30°, Ø 4.6mm 130, 158
023.4758 Burn-out coping f. screw-retained abut., POM, Bridge/Bar, Ø 4.6mm 135, 137, 162, 164, 54
023.4759 RC Burn-out coping, for Variobase® Abutment, POM 157
023.4759-04 RC Burn-out coping, for Variobase® Abutment, POM 157
023.4760 Screw for screw-retained abutment, TAN, straight 0°, GH 4mm 134, 232
023.4763 Occlusal screw, TAN, for coping, screw-retained abutment 126, 129, 135, 136, 137, 137, 155,
157, 162, 163, 164, 164, 232, 54
024.0000S RC Healing abutment, conical shape, Ø 4.5mm, H 2mm, Ti 31, 34
024.0000Z RC Healing Abutment, conical, Ø 4.5mm, H 2mm, ZrO2/TAN 31, 34
024.0001S RC Healing abutment, conical shape, Ø 4.5mm, H 4mm, Ti 31, 34
024.0001Z RC Healing Abutment, conical, Ø 4.5mm, H 4mm, ZrO2/TAN 31, 34
024.0002S RC Healing abutment, conical shape, Ø 4.5mm, H 6mm, Ti 31, 34
024.0002Z RC Healing Abutment, conical, Ø 4.5mm, H 6mm, ZrO2/TAN 31, 34
Information and Index

024.0003S RC Healing abutment, conical shape, Ø 6mm, H 2mm, Ti 31, 34

024.0003Z RC Healing Abutment, conical, Ø 6mm, H 2mm, ZrO2/TAN 32, 35
024.0004S RC Healing abutment, conical shape, Ø 6mm, H 4mm, Ti 31, 34
024.0004Z RC Healing Abutment, conical, Ø 6mm, H 4mm, ZrO2/TAN 32, 35
024.0005S RC Healing abutment, conical shape, Ø 6mm, H 6mm, Ti 31, 34
024.0005Z RC Healing Abutment, conical, Ø 6mm, H 6mm, ZrO2/TAN 32, 35
024.0006S SC Closure Cap, Ø 2.4mm, H 0.5mm, Ti 27
024.0007S SC Healing Abutment, conical, oval, H 2mm, Ti 27
024.0008S SC Healing Abutment, conical, oval, H 3.5mm, Ti 27
024.0009S SC Healing Abutment, conical, oval, H 5mm, Ti 27
024.0010S SC Healing Abutment, conical, oval, H 6.5mm, Ti 27

Index by item number

Index by item number

Art.No. Article Page
024.0011 SC Temporary Abutment, crown, oval, GH 1mm, TAN 114
024.0015 SC Temporary Abutment, crown, oval, GH 2mm, TAN 114
024.0016 SC Temporary Abutment, crown, oval, GH 3mm, TAN 114
024.0019-04 Protective Cap for Screw-retained Abutment, Ø 3.5mm, H 4.5mm, wide, PEEK/TAN 131
024.0020-04 Protective Cap for Screw-retained Abutment, Ø 4.6mm, H 4.5mm, wide, PEEK/TAN 131, 159, 53
024.0021 Temporary Coping for Screw-retained Abutment, Crown, Ø 3.5mm, TAN 134
024.0022 Temporary Coping for Screw-retained Abutment, Bridge, Ø 3.5mm, TAN 134
024.0023 Temporary Coping for Screw-retained Abutment, Crown, Ø 4.6mm, TAN 134, 162
024.0024 Temporary Coping for Screw-retained Abutment, Bridge, Ø 4.6mm, TAN 134, 162, 53
024.2100S NC Closure cap, Ø 2.8mm, H 0mm, Ti 29
024.2100S-04 NC Closure cap, Ø 2.8mm, H 0mm, Ti 29
024.2105S NC Closure cap, Ø 3.1mm, H 0.5mm, Ti 29
024.2105S-04 NC Closure cap, Ø 3.1mm, H 0.5mm, Ti 29
024.2220S NC Closure and Fixation Cap, Ø 5.5mm, Ti 191
024.2222S NC Healing abutment, conical shape, Ø 3.6mm, H 2mm, Ti 29
024.2222Z NC Healing Abutment, conical, Ø 3.6mm, H 2mm, ZrO2/TAN 29
024.2224S NC Healing abutment, conical shape, Ø 3.6mm, H 3.5mm, Ti 29
024.2224Z NC Healing Abutment, conical, Ø 3.6mm, H 3.5mm, ZrO2/TAN 29
024.2226S NC Healing abutment, conical shape, Ø 3.6mm, H 5mm, Ti 29
024.2226Z NC Healing Abutment, conical, Ø 3.6mm, H 5mm, ZrO2/TAN 29
024.2234S NC Healing abutment, bottle shape, Ø 3.3mm, H 3.5mm, Ti 29
024.2236S NC Healing abutment, bottle shape, Ø 3.3mm, H 5mm, Ti 29
024.2242S NC Healing abutment, conical shape, Ø 4.8mm, H 2mm, Ti 29
024.2242Z NC Healing Abutment, conical, Ø 4.8mm, H 2mm, ZrO2/TAN 29
024.2244S NC Healing abutment, conical shape, Ø 4.8mm, H 3.5mm, Ti 29
024.2244Z NC Healing Abutment, conical, Ø 4.8mm, H 3.5mm, ZrO2/TAN 29
024.2246S NC Healing abutment, conical shape, Ø 4.8mm, H 5mm, Ti 29
024.2246Z NC Healing Abutment, conical, Ø 4.8mm, H 5mm, ZrO2/TAN 29
024.2270S NC Healing abutment, customizable, Ø 5mm, H 7mm, PEEK 29
024.2312-04 NC Protective Cap, for Cementable Abutment, D 3.5mm, AH 4mm, PEEK 121
024.2316-04 NC Protective Cap, for Cementable Abutment, D 3.5mm, AH 5.5mm, PEEK 121
024.2322-04 NC Protective Cap, for Cementable Abutment, D 5mm, AH 4mm, PEEK 121
024.2323-04 Protective cap for screw-retained abutment, Ø 3.5mm, H 5mm, PEEK/TAN 131
024.2324-04 Protective cap for screw-retained abutment, Ø 3.5mm, H 6.5mm, PEEK/TAN 131
024.2325-04 Protective cap for screw-retained abutment, Ø 3.5mm, H 8mm, PEEK/TAN 131
024.2326-04 NC Protective Cap, for Cementable Abutment, D 5mm, AH 5.5mm, PEEK 121
024.2346 NC Temporary Coping, for Cementable Abutment, D 3.5mm, PMMA 120
024.2356 NC Temporary Coping, for Cementable Abutment, D 5mm, PMMA 120
024.2371 NC Temporary Abutment, Crown, D 3.5mm, H 11mm, TAN 119
024.2372 NC Temporary abutment, D 5mm, H 12mm, VITA CAD-Temp® 119
024.2375 NC Temporary Abutment, Bridge, D 3.5mm, H 11mm, TAN 119
024.4100S RC Closure cap, Ø 3.3mm, H 0mm, Ti 31, 34
024.4100S-04 RC Closure cap, Ø 3.3mm, H 0mm, Ti 31, 34
024.4105S RC Closure cap, Ø 3.5mm, H 0.5mm, Ti 31, 34
024.4105S-04 RC Closure cap, Ø 3.5mm, H 0.5mm, Ti 31, 34
024.4220S RC Closure and Fixation Cap, Ø 5.5mm, Ti 191
024.4222S RC Healing abutment, conical shape, Ø 5mm, H 2mm, Ti 31, 34
024.4222Z RC Healing Abutment, conical, Ø 5mm, H 2mm, ZrO2/TAN 32, 35
024.4224S RC Healing abutment, conical shape, Ø 5mm, H 4mm, Ti 31, 34
024.4224Z RC Healing Abutment, conical, Ø 5mm, H 4mm, ZrO2/TAN 32, 35
024.4226S RC Healing abutment, conical shape, Ø 5mm, H 6mm, Ti 31, 34
024.4226Z RC Healing Abutment, conical, Ø 5mm, H 6mm, ZrO2/TAN 32, 35
024.4234S RC Healing abutment, bottle shape, Ø 4.4mm, H 4mm, Ti 31, 34
024.4236S RC Healing abutment, bottle shape, Ø 4.7mm, H 6mm, Ti 31, 34
024.4242S RC Healing abutment, conical shape, Ø 6.5mm, H 2mm, Ti 31, 34
Information and Index

024.4242Z RC Healing Abutment, conical, Ø 6.5mm, H 2mm, ZrO2/TAN 32, 35

024.4244S RC Healing abutment, conical shape, Ø 6.5mm, H 4mm, Ti 31, 34
024.4244Z RC Healing Abutment, conical, Ø 6.5mm, H 4mm, ZrO2/TAN 32, 35
024.4246S RC Healing abutment, conical shape, Ø 6.5mm, H 6mm, Ti 31, 34
024.4246Z RC Healing Abutment, conical, Ø 6.5mm, H 6mm, ZrO2/TAN 32, 35
024.4270S RC Healing abutment, customizable, Ø 7mm, H 7mm, PEEK 31, 34
024.4322-04 RC Protective Cap, for Cementable Abutment, D 5mm, AH 4mm, PEEK 149
024.4323-04 Protective cap for screw-retained abutment, Ø 4.6mm, H 5.1mm, PEEK/TAN 131, 159, 53
024.4324-04 Protective cap for screw-retained abutment, Ø 4.6mm, H 6.6mm, PEEK/TAN 131, 159, 53
024.4325-04 Protective cap for screw-retained abutment, Ø 4.6mm, H 8.1mm, PEEK/TAN 131, 159, 53
024.4326-04 RC Protective Cap, for Cementable Abutment, D 5mm, AH 5.5mm, PEEK 149

Index by item number

Index by item number

Art.No. Article Page
024.4332-04 RC Protective Cap, for Cementable Abutment, D 6.5mm, AH 4mm, PEEK 149
024.4336-04 RC Protective Cap, for Cementable Abutment, D 6.5mm, AH 5.5mm, PEEK 149
024.4356 RC Temporary Coping, for Cementable Abutment, D 5mm, PMMA 148
024.4366 RC Temporary Coping, for Cementable Abutment, D 6.5mm, PMMA 148
024.4371 RC Temporary Abutment, Crown, D 4.5mm, H 11mm, TAN 147
024.4372 RC Temporary abutment, D 7mm, H 12mm, VITA CAD-Temp® 147
024.4375 RC Temporary Abutment, Bridge, D 4.5mm, H 11mm, TAN 147
025.0000 CARES® Mono Scanbody for screw-retained abutment, abutment level, Ø 3.5mm, PEEK/TAN 130
025.0001 CARES® Mono Scanbody for screw-retained abutment, abutment level, Ø 4.6mm, PEEK/TAN 130, 158, 53
025.0002 Screw, for screw-retained abutment 17°/30°, TAN 103, 134, 138, 165, 232, 66, 86
025.0003 Straumann® X-ray Template, for Straumann® Bone Level Tapered Implants 204
025.0004 Polishing Aid, for Screw-retained Abutments Ø 3.5mm, TAN 130
025.0004V4 Polishing Aid, for Screw-retained Abutments Ø 3.5mm, TAN 130
025.0005 Polishing Aid, for Screw-retained Abutments Ø 4.6mm, TAN 130, 159, 54
025.0005V4 Polishing Aid, for Screw-retained Abutments Ø 4.6mm, TAN 130, 159, 54
025.0006 Lab Processing Screw, for Screw-retained Abutments, stainless steel 130, 159, 54
025.0007 Repositionable Analog, stainless steel, for Screw-retained Abutments Ø 3.5 mm 130
025.0008 Repositionable Analog, stainless steel, for Screw-retained Abutments Ø 4.6 mm 130, 158, 53
025.0009 Transfer and Alignment Pin, for Screw-retained Abutments, TAN 131, 132, 133, 159, 160, 161
025.0011 Impression Post f. open tray f. screw-ret. abut., abut. level, Ø 3.5mm, non-engaging, TAN 130
025.0012 Impression Post f. open tray f. screw-ret. abut., abut. level, Ø 4.6mm, non-engaging, TAN 130, 158, 53
025.0013 Impression Post f. closed tray f. screw-ret. abut., abut. level, Ø 3.5mm, non-engaging, TAN/POM 130
025.0014 Impression Post f. closed tray f. screw-ret. abut., abut. level, Ø 4.6mm, non-engaging, TAN/POM 130, 158, 53
025.0019 Holding key, for screw-retained abutments, L 85mm, stainless steel 132, 133, 160, 161
025.0020 SC Impression Post Closed Tray, with 1 guide screw & 2 caps, L 19mm, TAN/POM 114
025.0021 SC Impression Post Open Tray, short, with guide screw, L 17.1mm, TAN 114
025.0022 SC Impression Post for open tray, with guide screw, L 24mm, TAN 114
025.0023 SC Implant Analog, L 11mm, TAN 114
025.0024 SC Repositionable Implant Analog, L 17mm, stainless steel 114, 115
025.0025 SC CARES® Mono Scanbody, Ø 3.5mm, H 10mm, PEEK/TAN 114, 115
025.0029 SC Polishing Aid, L 16mm, stainless steel 114
025.0031 SC Basal Screw B, L 7mm, TAN 114, 115, 232
025.0042 Adapter for Handpiece, long, L 34mm, stainless steel 215
025.0043 Adapter for Ratchet, long, L 28mm, stainless steel 215
025.0044 Distance Indicator Additional Component, for BLT Ø 2.9mm, Ti 204
025.0045V4 RC Novaloc® Plan Abutment, angled 15°, H 2-6mm, Type A, POM 174
025.0046V4 NC Novaloc® Plan Abutment, angled 15°, H 2-6mm, Type A, POM 172
025.0047V4 RC Novaloc® Plan Abutment, angled 15°, H 2-6mm, Type B, POM 174
025.0048V4 NC Novaloc® Plan Abutment, angled 15°, H 2-6mm, Type B, POM 172
025.0049 Analog for Screw-retained Abutments, edentulous, straight 0°, Ø 3.5mm, TAN 130
025.0050 Analog for Screw-retained Abutments, edentulous, straight 0°, Ø 4.6mm, TAN 130, 158, 53
025.0052 Lab Processing Screw, for Screw-retained Abutments, L 10mm, stainless steel 130, 159, 54
025.0055 NC/RC Screw AS, L 7.9mm, Ti 126, 129, 155, 158, 232
025.0057 NC Impression Post Open Tray, short, Bridge, with guide screw, L 16.5mm, TAN 118
025.0058 NC Impression Post Open Tray, long, Bridge, with guide screw, L 30mm, TAN 118
025.0060 RC Impression Post Open Tray, short, Bridge, with guide screw, L 16.5mm, TAN 146
025.0061 RC Impression Post Open Tray, long, Bridge, with guide screw, L 30mm, TAN 146
025.0062 SC Impression Post Closed Tray, short, with 1 guide screw & 2 caps, L 12mm, TAN/POM 114
025.0120-04 LOCATOR® Female Implant Analog, Ø 4.0 mm 141, 168, 69
025.2101 NC Bone Level Implant Analog, L 11mm, TAN 118
025.2102 Repositionable Implant Analog NC 118, 125
025.2112 NC Implant Analog, for Cementable Abutment, D 3.5mm, AH 4mm, TAN 120
025.2116 NC Implant Analog, for Cementable Abutment, D 3.5mm, AH 5.5mm, TAN 120
025.2122 NC Implant Analog, for Cementable Abutment, D 5mm, AH 4mm, TAN 120
025.2126 NC Implant Analog, for Cementable Abutment, D 5mm, AH 5.5mm, TAN 120
Information and Index

025.2201 NC Impression Post Closed Tray, with 1 guide screw & 2 caps, TAN/POM 118
025.2202 NC Impression Post Open Tray, short, with guide screw, L 16.5mm, TAN 118
025.2203-04 NC Impression Cap, for Cementable Abutment, D 3.5mm, AH 4mm, POM 120
025.2204-04 NC Impression Cap, for Cementable Abutment, D 5mm, AH 4mm, POM 120
025.2205 NC Impression post, for open tray, with guide screw, L 30mm, TAN 118
025.2208-04 NC Bite Registration Aid, H 8mm, POM 118
025.2212-04 NC Bite Registration Aid, H 12mm, POM 118
025.2220-04 NC Impression Cap, for Cementable Abutment, D 5mm, AH 5.5mm, POM 120
025.2243 Impression post for open tray, TAN, for screw-ret. abut., abut. level, 0°, D 3.5mm 130
025.2244 Impression post for open tray, TAN, for screw-ret. abut., abut. level, 0°, D 4.6mm 130, 158
025.2245 Impression post for closed tray, abutment level, for screw-retained abutment, D 3.5mm, TAN/POM 130

Index by item number

Index by item number

Art.No. Article Page
025.2246 Impression post for closed tray, abutment level, for screw-retained abutment, D 4.6mm, TAN/POM 130, 158
025.2601-04 NC PLAN Anatomic Abutment, straight, GH 2mm, POM 171
025.2602-04 NC PLAN Anatomic Abutment, straight, GH 3.5mm, POM 171
025.2603-04 NC PLAN Anatomic Abutment, angled 15°, GH 2mm, POM 171
025.2604-04 NC PLAN Anatomic Abutment, angled 15°, GH 3.5mm, POM 171
025.2610-04 NC PLAN Gold Abutment, for crown, POM 171
025.2611-04 NC PLAN Cementable Abutment, D 3.5mm, GH 1mm, AH 4mm, POM 171
025.2612-04 NC PLAN Cementable Abutment, D 3.5mm, GH 2mm, AH 4mm, POM 171
025.2613-04 NC PLAN Cementable Abutment, D 3.5mm, GH 3mm, AH 4mm, POM 171
025.2615-04 NC PLAN Cementable Abutment, D 3.5mm, GH 1mm, AH 5.5mm, POM 171
025.2616-04 NC PLAN Cementable Abutment, D 3.5mm, GH 2mm, AH 5.5mm, POM 171
025.2617-04 NC PLAN Cementable Abutment, D 3.5mm, GH 3mm, AH 5.5mm, POM 171
025.2621-04 NC PLAN Cementable Abutment, D 5mm, GH 1mm, AH 4mm, POM 171
025.2622-04 NC PLAN Cementable Abutment, D 5mm, GH 2mm, AH 4mm, POM 171
025.2623-04 NC PLAN Cementable Abutment, D 5mm, GH 3mm, AH 4mm, POM 171
025.2625-04 NC PLAN Cementable Abutment, D 5mm, GH 1mm, AH 5.5mm, POM 171
025.2626-04 NC PLAN Cementable Abutment, D 5mm, GH 2mm, AH 5.5mm, POM 171
025.2627-04 NC PLAN Cementable Abutment, D 5mm, GH 3mm, AH 5.5mm, POM 171
025.2642-04 NC PLAN LOCATOR® Abutment, H 2mm, POM 172
025.2643-04 NC PLAN LOCATOR® Abutment, H 3mm, POM 172
025.2644-04 NC PLAN LOCATOR® Abutment, H 4mm, POM 172
025.2645-04 NC PLAN LOCATOR® Abutment, H 5mm, POM 172
025.2646-04 NC Novaloc® Plan Abutment, H 1-6 mm, POM 172
025.2648-04 NC Plan screw-retained abutment, POM, straight 0°, D 3.5mm, GH 2.5mm 172
025.2650-04 NC Plan screw-retained abutment, POM, straight 0°, D 4.6mm, GH 2.5mm 172
025.2653-04 NC Plan screw-retained abutment, POM, angled 30°, D 4.6mm, GH 2.5mm, Type A 172
025.2655-04 NC Plan screw-retained abutment, POM, angled 17°, D 4.6mm, GH 2.5mm, Type A 172
025.2658-04 NC Plan screw-retained abutment, POM, angled 17°, D 4.6mm, GH 2.5mm, Type B 172
025.2660-04 NC Plan screw-retained abutment, POM, angled 30°, D 4.6mm, GH 2.5mm, Type B 172
025.2900 NC Basal Screw, TAN 119, 119, 126, 127, 129, 136, 137,
025.2903 NC Wax-up sleeve, L 15.1 mm, PEEK 125
025.2903-04 NC Wax-up sleeve, L 15.1 mm, PEEK 125
025.2906 NC Basal screw, for ceramic abutment only, TAN 126, 129, 232
025.2908 NC Basal Screw, for Cementable Abutment only, TAN 119, 122, 232
025.2911-04 NC Transfer Aid, for Cementable Abutment, D 3.5mm, PC 121
025.2912-04 NC Transfer Aid, for Cementable Abutment, D 5mm, PC 121
025.2915 CARES® NC Mono Scanbody, D 3.5 mm, H 10 mm, PEEK, TAN 118, 125
025.2920 NC Polishing Aid, stainless steel 127
025.2920-04 NC Polishing Aid, stainless steel 127
025.2921 NC Variobase® Abutment, with screw, D 3.8mm, H 3.5mm, TAN 128
025.2926 NC/RC SRBB Bone Level screw, TAN 126, 129, 155, 157, 232, 62, 64
025.4101 RC Bone Level Implant Analog, L 11mm, TAN 146
025.4102 Repositionable Implant Analog RC 146, 154
025.4122 RC Implant Analog, for Cementable Abutment, D 6.5mm, AH 4mm, TAN 148
025.4126 RC Implant Analog, for Cementable Abutment, D 6.5mm, AH 5.5mm, TAN 148
025.4132 RC Implant Analog, for Cementable Abutment, D 5mm, AH 4mm, TAN 148
025.4136 RC Implant Analog, for Cementable Abutment, D 5mm, AH 5.5mm, TAN 148
025.4201 RC Impression Post Closed Tray, with 1 guide screw & 2 caps, TAN/POM 146
025.4202 RC Impression Post Open Tray, short, with guide screw, L 16.5mm, TAN 146
025.4203-04 RC Impression Cap, for Cementable Abutment, D 5mm, AH 4mm, POM 148
025.4204-04 RC Impression Cap, for Cementable Abutment, D 6.5mm, AH 4mm, POM 148
025.4205 RC Impression post, for open tray, with guide screw, L 30mm, TAN 146
025.4208-04 RC Bite Registration Aid, H 8mm, POM 146
025.4212-04 RC Bite Registration Aid, H 12mm, POM 146
Information and Index

025.4220-04 RC Impression Cap, for Cementable Abutment, D 5mm, AH 5.5mm, POM 148
025.4230-04 RC Impression Cap, for Cementable Abutment, D 6.5mm, AH 5.5mm, POM 148
025.4601-04 RC PLAN Anatomic Abutment, straight, GH 2mm, POM 173
025.4602-04 RC PLAN Anatomic Abutment, straight, GH 3.5mm, POM 173
025.4603-04 RC PLAN Anatomic Abutment, angled 15°, GH 2mm, POM 173
025.4604-04 RC PLAN Anatomic Abutment, angled 15°, GH 3.5mm, POM 173
025.4610-04 RC PLAN Gold Abutment for crown, POM 173
025.4621-04 RC PLAN Cementable Abutment, D 5mm, GH 1mm, AH 4mm, POM 173
025.4622-04 RC PLAN Cementable Abutment, D 5mm, GH 2mm, AH 4mm, POM 173
025.4623-04 RC PLAN Cementable Abutment, D 5mm, GH 3mm, AH 4mm, POM 173
025.4625-04 RC PLAN Cementable Abutment, D 5mm, GH 1mm, AH 5.5mm, POM 173

Index by item number

Index by item number

Art.No. Article Page
025.4626-04 RC PLAN Cementable Abutment, D 5mm, GH 2mm, AH 5.5mm, POM 173
025.4627-04 RC PLAN Cementable Abutment, D 5mm, GH 3mm, AH 5.5mm, POM 173
025.4630-04 RC PLAN Gold Abutment for bridge, POM 173
025.4631-04 RC PLAN Cementable Abutment, D 6.5mm, GH 1mm, AH 4mm, POM 173
025.4632-04 RC PLAN Cementable Abutment, D 6.5mm, GH 2mm, AH 4mm, POM 173
025.4633-04 RC PLAN Cementable Abutment, D 6.5mm, GH 3mm, AH 4mm, POM 173
025.4635-04 RC PLAN Cementable Abutment, D 6.5mm, GH 1mm, AH 5.5mm, POM 173
025.4636-04 RC PLAN Cementable Abutment, D 6.5mm, GH 2mm, AH 5.5mm, POM 173
025.4637-04 RC PLAN Cementable Abutment, D 6.5mm, GH 3mm, AH 5.5mm, POM 173
025.4641-04 RC PLAN LOCATOR® Abutment, H 1mm, POM 174
025.4642-04 RC PLAN LOCATOR® Abutment, H 2mm, POM 174
025.4643-04 RC PLAN LOCATOR® Abutment, H 3mm, POM 174
025.4644-04 RC PLAN LOCATOR® Abutment, H 4mm, POM 174
025.4645-04 RC PLAN LOCATOR® Abutment, H 5mm, POM 174
025.4646-04 RC PLAN LOCATOR® Abutment, H 6mm, POM 174
025.4648-04 RC Plan screw-retained abutment, POM, straight 0°, D 4.6mm, GH 2.5mm 174
025.4649-04 RC Plan screw-retained abutment, POM, angled 17°, D 4.6mm, GH 2.5mm, Type A 174
025.4650-04 RC Plan screw-retained abutment, POM, angled 17°, D 4.6mm, GH 2.5mm, Type B 174
025.4653-04 RC Plan screw-retained abutment, POM, angled 30°, D 4.6mm, GH 2.5mm, Type A 174
025.4660-04 RC Plan screw-retained abutment, POM, angled 30°, D 4.6mm, GH 2.5mm, Type B 174
025.4900 RC Basal Screw, TAN 147, 147, 155, 156, 157, 163, 164,
025.4902 RC Basal Screw, for Gold Abutment bridge only, TAN 156, 232
025.4903 RC Wax-up sleeve, L 18.8mm, PEEK 154
025.4903-04 RC Wax-up sleeve, L 18.8mm, PEEK 154
025.4906 RC Basal screw, for ceramic abutment only, TAN 155, 232
025.4908 RC Basal Screw, for Cementable Abutment only, TAN 147, 151, 232
025.4912-04 RC Transfer Aid, for Cementable Abutment, D 5mm, PC 149
025.4913-04 RC Transfer Aid, for Cementable Abutment, D 6.5mm, PC 149
025.4915 CARES® RC Mono Scanbody, D 4.1 mm, H 10 mm, PEEK, TAN 146, 154
025.4920 RC Polishing Aid, stainless steel 156
025.4920-04 RC Polishing Aid, stainless steel 156
025.4921 RC Variobase® Abutment, with screw, D 4.5mm, H 3.5mm, TAN 157
026.0000 CrossFit® Plan Cassette, empty, PC 171
026.0004 BLT Profile Drill, long, Ø 3.3mm, L 33mm, stainless steel 211
026.0006 BLT Profile Drill, long, Ø 4.1mm, L 33mm, stainless steel 211
026.0008 BLT Profile Drill, long, Ø 4.8mm, L 33mm, stainless steel 211
026.0016 Straumann® Planning Guide 131, 159
026.0022 BL Bone Profiler 1, Ø 5.2mm, L 23mm, stainless steel 213
026.0023 BL Bone Profiler 2, Ø 6.6mm, L 23mm, stainless steel 213
026.0024 BL Bone Profiler 3, Ø 6mm, L 23mm, stainless steel 213
026.0025S NC Guiding Cylinder for BL Bone Profiler, Ø 3.25mm, L 12.5mm, TAN 213
026.0026S RC Guiding Cylinder for BL Bone Profiler, Ø 3.7mm, L 12.5mm, TAN 213
026.0054 Needle Drill, short, Ø 1.6mm, L 33mm, stainless steel 209, 55
026.0056 Needle Drill, long, Ø 1.6mm, L 41mm, stainless steel 209
026.0058 SC Position Indicator, oval, L 10mm, Ti 212
026.0061 BLT Profile Drill, short, Ø 2.9mm, L 25mm, stainless steel 211
026.0062 BLT Profile Drill, long, Ø 2.9mm, L 33mm, stainless steel 211
026.0063 BLT Tap, Ø 2.9mm, L 25mm, stainless steel/TAN 212
026.0066 SC Guiding cylinder, for Ø 2.9mm, stainless steel 223
026.0068 Explantation drill, medium, for Ø 2.9mm, L 37.5mm, stainless steel 222
026.0069 Explantation drill, long, for Ø 2.9mm, L 40.5mm, stainless steel 222
026.0070 BL Bone Profiler Oval Platform, Ø 4mm, L 28mm, stainless steel 213
026.0071S SC Guiding Pin for BL Bone Profiler, Oval Platform, Ø 2.85mm, L 6.4mm, TAN 213
026.0072 48h Explantation device, for Ø 2.9mm, L 29.7mm, stainless steel 224
Information and Index

026.0073 Release aid S for Loxim® 214

026.0083 BL/BLT Guided Adapter, for handpiece, L 24mm, stainless steel 218
026.0084 BL/BLT Guided Adapter, for ratchet, L 17mm, stainless steel 218
026.0089S BL Profile Drill, short, Ø 3.3mm, single-use, TAN 206
026.0090S BL Profile Drill, short, Ø 4.1mm, single-use, TAN 206
026.0091S BL Profile Drill, short, Ø 4.8mm, single-use, TAN 206
026.0092S BLT Profile Drill, short, Ø 2.9mm, single-use, TAN 206
026.0093S BLT Profile Drill, short, Ø 3.3mm, single-use, TAN 206
026.0094S BLT Profile Drill, short, Ø 4.1mm, single-use, TAN 206
026.0095S BLT Profile Drill, short, Ø 4.8mm, single-use, TAN 206
026.0096S BL Profile Drill, long, Ø 3.3mm, single-use, TAN 206

Index by item number

Index by item number

Art.No. Article Page
026.0097S BL Profile Drill, long, Ø 4.1mm, single-use, TAN 206
026.0098S BL Profile Drill, long, Ø 4.8mm, single-use, TAN 206
026.0099S BLT Profile Drill, long, Ø 2.9mm, single-use, TAN 206
026.0100S BLT Profile Drill, long, Ø 3.3mm, single-use, TAN 206
026.0101S BLT Profile Drill, long, Ø 4.1mm, single-use, TAN 206
026.0102S BLT Profile Drill, long, Ø 4.8mm, single-use, TAN 206
026.0103S BLT Tap, Ø 2.9mm, for adapter, single use, TAN 207
026.0104S BLT Tap, Ø 3.3mm, for adapter, single use, TAN 207
026.0105S BLT Tap, Ø 4.1mm, for adapter, single use, TAN 207
026.0106S BLT Tap, Ø 4.8mm, for adapter, single use, TAN 207
026.0144 Milling cutter, Ø 2.2mm, guided, stainless steel 216
026.0147 Drill handle, Ø 2.2mm, 1mm/3mm stop, stainless steel 218
026.0148 Drill handle, Ø 2.8mm, 1mm/3mm stop, stainless steel 218
026.0150 Drill handle, Ø 3.5mm, 1mm/3mm stop, stainless steel 218
026.0152 Drill handle, Ø 4.2mm, 1mm/3mm stop, stainless steel 218
026.0901 Bone Level implant distance indicator, L 100mm, Ti/stainless steel 204
026.0902 CrossFit® Plan Set, POM 171
026.2048 48h Explantation device for BL Implant NC, L 31.4mm, stainless steel 224
026.2306 BL/NNC Implant profile drill, Ø 3.3mm, long, stainless steel 211
026.2558 Release aid N for Loxim® 214
026.2801 NC Guiding cylinder for Ø 3.3mm, BL Implant explantation, stainless steel 223
026.4048 48h Explantation device for BL Implant RC, L 31.2mm, stainless steel 224
026.4306 Bone Level Implant profile drill, Ø 4.1mm, long, stainless steel 211
026.4558 Release aid R/W for Loxim® 214
026.4801 RC Guiding cylinder for Ø 4.1mm, BL Implant explantation, stainless steel 223
026.6306 Bone Level Implant profile drill, Ø 4.8mm, long, stainless steel 211
026.6801 RC Guiding cylinder for Ø 4.8mm, BL Implant explantation, stainless steel 223
027.0000S BLT Drill Set, short, for Ø 3.3mm implants, single-use, TAN 205
027.0001S BLT Drill Set, short, for Ø 4.1mm implants, single-use, TAN 205
027.0002S BLT Drill Set, short, for Ø 4.8mm implants, single-use, TAN 205
027.0003S BLT Drill Set, long, for Ø 3.3mm implants, single-use, TAN 205
027.0004S BLT Drill Set, long, for Ø 4.1mm implants, single-use, TAN 205
027.0005S BLT Drill Set, long, for Ø 4.8mm implants, single-use, TAN 205
027.0006S Needle Drill, short, Ø 1.6mm, single use, TAN 206
027.0007S Needle Drill, long, Ø 1.6mm, single use, TAN 206, 22
027.0011S BLT Pilot Drill, long, Ø 2.2mm, single-use, TAN 22
027.4301 NC Cementable All-In-One Set, for crown, D 3.5mm, AH 4mm, GH 1mm 123
027.4302 NC Cementable All-In-One Set, for crown, D 3.5mm, AH 4mm, GH 2mm 123
027.4303 NC Cementable All-In-One Set, for crown, D 3.5mm, AH 4mm, GH 3mm 123
027.4307 NC Cementable All-In-One Set, for crown, D 5mm, AH 4mm, GH 1mm 124
027.4308 NC Cementable All-In-One Set, for crown, D 5mm, AH 4mm, GH 2mm 124
027.4309 NC Cementable All-In-One Set, for crown, D 5mm, AH 4mm, GH 3mm 124
027.4310 NC Cementable All-In-One Set, for crown, D 5mm, AH 5.5mm, GH 1mm 124
027.4311 NC Cementable All-In-One Set, for crown, D 5mm, AH 5.5mm, GH 2mm 124
027.4312 NC Cementable All-In-One Set, for crown, D 5mm, AH 5.5mm, GH 3mm 124
027.4313 RC Cementable All-In-One Set, for crown, D 5mm, AH 4mm, GH 1mm 152
027.4314 RC Cementable All-In-One Set, for crown, D 5mm, AH 4mm, GH 2mm 152
027.4315 RC Cementable All-In-One Set, for crown, D 5mm, AH 4mm, GH 3mm 152
027.4316 RC Cementable All-In-One Set, for crown, D 5mm, AH 5.5mm, GH 1mm 152
027.4317 RC Cementable All-In-One Set, for crown, D 5mm, AH 5.5mm, GH 2mm 152
027.4318 RC Cementable All-In-One Set, for crown, D 5mm, AH 5.5mm, GH 3mm 152
027.4319 RC Cementable All-In-One Set, for crown, D 6.5mm, AH 4mm, GH 1mm 153
027.4320 RC Cementable All-In-One Set, for crown, D 6.5mm, AH 4mm, GH 2mm 153
027.4321 RC Cementable All-In-One Set, for crown, D 6.5mm, AH 4mm, GH 3mm 153
027.4322 RC Cementable All-In-One Set, for crown, D 6.5mm, AH 5.5mm, GH 1mm 153
Information and Index

027.4323 RC Cementable All-In-One Set, for crown, D 6.5mm, AH 5.5mm, GH 2mm 153
027.4324 RC Cementable All-In-One Set, for crown, D 6.5mm, AH 5.5mm, GH 3mm 153
031.001S Straumann® PURE Ceramic Implant Monotype, Ø 3.3mm ND, ZLA 8mm, AH 4mm, ZrO2 38
031.002S Straumann® PURE Ceramic Implant Monotype, Ø 3.3mm ND, ZLA 10mm, AH 4mm, ZrO2 38
031.003S Straumann® PURE Ceramic Implant Monotype, Ø 3.3mm ND, ZLA 12mm, AH 4mm, ZrO2 38
031.004S Straumann® PURE Ceramic Implant Monotype, Ø 3.3mm ND, ZLA 14mm, AH 4mm, ZrO2 38
031.011S Straumann® PURE Ceramic Implant Monotype, Ø 3.3mm ND, ZLA 8mm, AH 5.5mm, ZrO2 38
031.012S Straumann® PURE Ceramic Implant Monotype, Ø 3.3mm ND, ZLA 10mm, AH 5.5mm, ZrO2 38
031.013S Straumann® PURE Ceramic Implant Monotype, Ø 3.3mm ND, ZLA 12mm, AH 5.5mm, ZrO2 38
031.014S Straumann® PURE Ceramic Implant Monotype, Ø 3.3mm ND, ZLA 14mm, AH 5.5mm, ZrO2 38
031.021S Straumann® PURE Ceramic Implant Monotype, Ø 4.1mm RD, ZLA 8mm, AH 4mm, ZrO2 40

Index by item number

Index by item number

Art.No. Article Page
031.022S Straumann® PURE Ceramic Implant Monotype, Ø 4.1mm RD, ZLA 10mm, AH 4mm, ZrO2 40
031.023S Straumann® PURE Ceramic Implant Monotype, Ø 4.1mm RD, ZLA 12mm, AH 4mm, ZrO2 40
031.024S Straumann® PURE Ceramic Implant Monotype, Ø 4.1mm RD, ZLA 14mm, AH 4mm, ZrO2 40
031.031S Straumann® PURE Ceramic Implant Monotype, Ø 4.1mm RD, ZLA 8mm, AH 5.5mm, ZrO2 40
031.032S Straumann® PURE Ceramic Implant Monotype, Ø 4.1mm RD, ZLA 10mm, AH 5.5mm, ZrO2 40
031.033S Straumann® PURE Ceramic Implant Monotype, Ø 4.1mm RD, ZLA 12mm, AH 5.5mm, ZrO2 40
031.034S Straumann® PURE Ceramic Implant Monotype, Ø 4.1mm RD, ZLA 14mm, AH 5.5mm, ZrO2 40
031.080 48h Explantation Device, L 19.7mm, stainless steel, for RD Straumann® PURE Ceramic Implant (Monotype) 224
031.081 48h Explantation Device, L 19.8mm, stainless steel, for ND Straumann® PURE Ceramic Implant (Monotype) 224
031.102 ND Position Indicator, Ø 2.2mm, AH 4mm, L 8mm, Ti 39
031.103 ND Position Indicator, Ø 2.8mm, AH 4mm, L 8mm, Ti 39
031.112 ND Position Indicator, Ø 2.2mm, AH 5.5mm, L 8mm, Ti 39
031.113 ND Position Indicator, Ø 2.8mm, AH 5.5mm, L 8mm, Ti 39
031.123 RD Position Indicator, Ø 2.2mm, AH 4mm, L 8mm, Ti 41
031.125 RD Position Indicator, Ø 3.5mm, AH 4mm, L 8mm, Ti 41
031.143 RD Position Indicator, Ø 2.2mm, AH 5.5mm, L 8mm, Ti 41
031.145 RD Position Indicator, Ø 3.5mm, AH 5.5mm, L 8mm, Ti 41
031.200 ND Implant Analog, AH 4mm, TAN 39
031.201 ND Implant Analog, AH 5.5mm, TAN 39
031.210 RD Implant Analog, AH 4mm, TAN 41
031.211 RD Implant Analog, AH 5.5mm, TAN 41
031.250 ND Impression Cap, AH 4mm, POM 39
031.251 ND Impression Cap, AH 5.5mm, POM 39
031.260 RD Impression Cap, AH 4mm, POM 41
031.261 RD Impression Cap, AH 5.5mm, POM 41
031.300 ND Temporary Coping, for crown, PMMA 39
031.301 ND Temporary Coping, for bridge, PMMA 39
031.310 RD Temporary Coping, for crown, PMMA 41
031.311 RD Temporary Coping, for bridge, PMMA 41
031.320 ND Protective Cap, AH 4mm, PEEK 39
031.321 ND Protective Cap, AH 5.5mm, PEEK 39
031.330 RD Protective Cap, AH 4mm, PEEK 41
031.331 RD Protective Cap, AH 5.5mm, PEEK 41
032.000S Straumann® PURE Ceramic Implant, Ø 4.1mm RD, ZLA® 8mm, ZrO2 42
032.001S Straumann® PURE Ceramic Implant, Ø 4.1mm RD, ZLA® 10mm, ZrO2 42
032.002S Straumann® PURE Ceramic Implant, Ø 4.1mm RD, ZLA® 12mm, ZrO2 42
032.003S Straumann® PURE Ceramic Implant, Ø 4.1mm RD, ZLA® 14mm, ZrO2 42
032.018 Repositionable Implant Analog CI RD, stainless steel 43
032.023 CI RD Straumann® PUREbase, AH 3.5mm, TAN 43
032.024 CI RD Straumann® PUREbase, AH 5.5mm, TAN 43
032.027 CI RD Repositionable Implant Analog and Sleeve, stainless steel/POM 43
032.028 CI RD Basal Screw, for CI RD Temporary and Variobase® Abutment, Ti 232, 43
032.030S RD Closure cap, Ø 4.8mm, H 0mm, Ti 42
032.032S RD Healing cap, Ø 5.2mm, H 2mm, Ti 42
032.033S RD Healing cap, Ø 5.2mm, H 3mm, Ti 42
032.036 CI RD Temporary Abutment Vita CAD-Temp®, PMMA/TAN, for Straumann® PURE Ceramic Implant 43
032.040 CI RD Cementing Tool, for CI RD Straumann® PUREbase abutments 43
032.041 CARES® CI RD Mono Scanbody, Ø 4.1mm, H 9mm, PEEK/Ti 43
032.053 48h Explantation Device, L 26.2mm, stainless steel, for Straumann® PURE Ceramic Implant 224
032.054 CI RD Guiding Cylinder, for Ø 4.1mm, stainless steel 223
032.055S CI RD Healing Cap, Ø 5.2mm, H 2mm, ZrO2/Ti 42
032.056S CI RD Healing Cap, Ø 5.2mm, H 3mm, ZrO2/Ti 42
032.057S CI RD Healing Cap, Ø 5.2mm, H 4.5mm, ZrO2/Ti 42
032.089 CI RD Straumann® PUREloc, straight 0°, H 1mm, ZrO2/Ti 44
032.090 CI RD Straumann® PUREloc, straight 0°, H 2mm, ZrO2/Ti 44
Information and Index

032.091 CI RD Straumann® PUREloc, straight 0°, H 3mm, ZrO2/Ti 44

032.092 CI RD Straumann® PUREloc, straight 0°, H 4mm, ZrO2/Ti 44
032.093 CI RD Straumann® PUREloc, straight 0°, H 5mm, ZrO2/Ti 44
032.094 CI RD Straumann® PUREloc, straight 0°, H 6mm, ZrO2/Ti 44
032.095V4 CI RD Straumann® PUREloc Plan Abutment, H 1-6mm, POM 44
032.123 CI RD Straumann® PUREbase AS, AH 3.5mm, TAN 43
032.124 CI RD Straumann® PUREbase AS, AH 5.5mm, TAN 43
032.128 CI RD Basal Screw, for CI RD Straumann® PUREbase AS, TAN 232, 43
032.129 CI RD Impression Post, screw-retained, for open-tray impression 43
033.043S Standard Plus Implant, Ø 4.1mm RN, SLActive® 4mm, Roxolid®, Loxim® 16
033.044S Standard Plus Implant, Ø 4.8mm RN, SLActive® 4mm, Roxolid®, Loxim® 18

Index by item number

Index by item number

Art.No. Article Page
033.045S Standard Plus Implant, Ø 4.8mm WN, SLActive® 4mm, Roxolid®, Loxim® 18
033.416S Standard Plus Implant, Ø 3.3mm NNC, SLActive® 8mm, Roxolid® 14
033.417S Standard Plus Implant, Ø 3.3mm NNC, SLActive® 10mm, Roxolid® 14
033.418S Standard Plus Implant, Ø 3.3mm NNC, SLActive® 12mm, Roxolid® 14
033.419S Standard Plus Implant, Ø 3.3mm NNC, SLActive® 14mm, Roxolid® 14
033.501S Standard Implant, Ø 3.3mm RN, SLActive® 8mm, Roxolid®, Loxim® 14
033.502S Standard Implant, Ø 3.3mm RN, SLActive® 10mm, Roxolid®, Loxim® 14
033.503S Standard Implant, Ø 3.3mm RN, SLActive® 12mm, Roxolid®, Loxim® 14
033.504S Standard Implant, Ø 3.3mm RN, SLActive® 14mm, Roxolid®, Loxim® 14
033.505S Standard Implant, Ø 3.3mm RN, SLActive® 16mm, Roxolid®, Loxim® 14
033.511S Standard Plus Implant, Ø 3.3mm RN, SLActive® 8mm, Roxolid®, Loxim® 14
033.512S Standard Plus Implant, Ø 3.3mm RN, SLActive® 10mm, Roxolid®, Loxim® 14
033.513S Standard Plus Implant, Ø 3.3mm RN, SLActive® 12mm, Roxolid®, Loxim® 14
033.514S Standard Plus Implant, Ø 3.3mm RN, SLActive® 14mm, Roxolid®, Loxim® 14
033.530S Standard Implant, Ø 4.1mm RN, SLActive® 6mm, Roxolid®, Loxim® 16
033.531S Standard Implant, Ø 4.1mm RN, SLActive® 8mm, Roxolid®, Loxim® 16
033.532S Standard Implant, Ø 4.1mm RN, SLActive® 10mm, Roxolid®, Loxim® 16
033.533S Standard Implant, Ø 4.1mm RN, SLActive® 12mm, Roxolid®, Loxim® 16
033.534S Standard Implant, Ø 4.1mm RN, SLActive® 14mm, Roxolid®, Loxim® 16
033.535S Standard Implant, Ø 4.1mm RN, SLActive® 16mm, Roxolid®, Loxim® 16
033.560S Standard Plus Implant, Ø 4.1mm RN, SLActive® 6mm, Roxolid®, Loxim® 16
033.561S Standard Plus Implant, Ø 4.1mm RN, SLActive® 8mm, Roxolid®, Loxim® 16
033.562S Standard Plus Implant, Ø 4.1mm RN, SLActive® 10mm, Roxolid®, Loxim® 16
033.563S Standard Plus Implant, Ø 4.1mm RN, SLActive® 12mm, Roxolid®, Loxim® 16
033.564S Standard Plus Implant, Ø 4.1mm RN, SLActive® 14mm, Roxolid®, Loxim® 16
033.580S Standard Implant, Ø 4.8mm RN, SLActive® 6mm, Roxolid®, Loxim® 18
033.581S Standard Implant, Ø 4.8mm RN, SLActive® 8mm, Roxolid®, Loxim® 18
033.582S Standard Implant, Ø 4.8mm RN, SLActive® 10mm, Roxolid®, Loxim® 18
033.583S Standard Implant, Ø 4.8mm RN, SLActive® 12mm, Roxolid®, Loxim® 18
033.584S Standard Implant, Ø 4.8mm RN, SLActive® 14mm, Roxolid®, Loxim® 18
033.590S Standard Plus Implant, Ø 4.8mm RN, SLActive® 6mm, Roxolid®, Loxim® 18
033.591S Standard Plus Implant, Ø 4.8mm RN, SLActive® 8mm, Roxolid®, Loxim® 18
033.592S Standard Plus Implant, Ø 4.8mm RN, SLActive® 10mm, Roxolid®, Loxim® 18
033.593S Standard Plus Implant, Ø 4.8mm RN, SLActive® 12mm, Roxolid®, Loxim® 18
033.594S Standard Plus Implant, Ø 4.8mm RN, SLActive® 14mm, Roxolid®, Loxim® 18
033.600S Standard Implant, Ø 4.8mm WN, SLActive® 6mm, Roxolid®, Loxim® 18
033.601S Standard Implant, Ø 4.8mm WN, SLActive® 8mm, Roxolid®, Loxim® 18
033.602S Standard Implant, Ø 4.8mm WN, SLActive® 10mm, Roxolid®, Loxim® 18
033.603S Standard Implant, Ø 4.8mm WN, SLActive® 12mm, Roxolid®, Loxim® 18
033.610S Standard Plus Implant, Ø 4.8mm WN, SLActive® 6mm, Roxolid®, Loxim® 18
033.611S Standard Plus Implant, Ø 4.8mm WN, SLActive® 8mm, Roxolid®, Loxim® 18
033.612S Standard Plus Implant, Ø 4.8mm WN, SLActive® 10mm, Roxolid®, Loxim® 18
033.613S Standard Plus Implant, Ø 4.8mm WN, SLActive® 12mm, Roxolid®, Loxim® 18
034.005 Connector for ratchet, L 14mm, stainless steel 218
034.006 Stop key for guided implants, S/SP/TE/BL, stainless steel 218
034.010 Mucosa punch Ø 3.4mm, guided, L 30mm, stainless steel 216
034.011 Mucosa punch Ø 4.0mm, guided, L 30mm, stainless steel 216
034.012 Mucosa punch Ø 4.7mm, guided, L 30mm, stainless steel 216
034.053V4 T-sleeve, Ø 5mm, H 5mm, guided, stainless steel 216
034.055V4 T-sleeve, Ø 2.8mm, H 6mm, guided, stainless steel 216
034.123 Pilot drill, Ø 2.2mm, short, 16mm, guided, L 32mm, stainless steel 216
034.126 Pilot drill, Ø 2.2mm, long, 20mm, guided, L 36mm, stainless steel 216
034.129 Pilot drill, Ø 2.2mm, x-long, 24mm, guided, L 40mm, stainless steel 216
034.215 Milling cutter, Ø 2.8mm, guided, L 32.5mm, stainless steel 216
034.223 Twist drill PRO, Ø 2.8mm, short, 16mm, guided, L 32mm, stainless steel 216
Information and Index

034.226 Twist drill PRO, Ø 2.8mm, long, 20mm, guided, L 36mm, stainless steel 216
034.229 Twist drill PRO, Ø 2.8mm, x-long, 24mm, guided, L 40mm, stainless steel 216
034.282 Template Fixation Pin, Ø 1.3mm, Ti 218
034.283 T-Sleeve for Template Fixation Pin, Ti 218
034.284 Drill for Template Fixation Pin, Ø 1.3mm, stainless steel 218
034.285 Template Fixation Pin, Ø 5/2.8mm, guided, stainless steel 218
034.287 Template Fixation Pin, Ø 5/3.5mm, guided, stainless steel 218
034.289 Template Fixation Pin, Ø 5/4.2mm, guided, stainless steel 218
034.298 Template Fixation Pin, Ø 2.8/2.8mm, guided, stainless steel 218
034.324 BLT Profile Drill, short, FIBA compatible, Ø 3.3mm, L 27mm, stainless steel 211, 217
034.325 BLT Profile Drill, short, FIBA compatible, Ø 4.1mm, L 27mm, stainless steel 211, 217

Index by item number

Index by item number

Art.No. Article Page
034.326 BLT Profile Drill, short, FIBA compatible, Ø 4.8mm, L 27mm,stainless steel 211, 217
034.327 BL/NNC Profile Drill, short, FIBA compatible, Ø 3.3mm, L 28mm, stainless steel 211, 217
034.328 BL Profile Drill,short, FIBA compatible, Ø 4.1mm, L 28mm, stainless steel 211, 217
034.329 BL Profile Drill, short, FIBA compatible, Ø 4.8mm, L 28mm, stainless steel 211, 217
034.332 SP Profile Drill, RN, short, FIBA compatible, Ø 3.3mm, L 25mm, stainless steel 211, 217
034.333 SP Profile Drill, RN, short, FIBA compatible, Ø 4.1mm, L 25mm, stainless steel 211, 217
034.345 BLT Tap, short, FIBA compatible, Ø 3.3mm, L 21mm, stainless steel 212, 217
034.346 BLT Tap, short, FIBA compatible, Ø 4.1mm, L 21mm, stainless steel 212, 217
034.347 BLT Tap, short, FIBA compatible, Ø 4.8mm, L 21mm, stainless steel 212, 217
034.348 BL/NNC Tap, short, FIBA compatible, Ø 3.3mm, L 22mm, stainless steel 212, 217
034.349 BL Tap, short, FIBA compatible, Ø 4.1mm, L 22mm, stainless steel 212, 217
034.350 BL Tap, short, FIBA compatible, Ø 4.8mm, L 22mm, stainless steel 212, 217
034.351 S/SP Tap, short, FIBA compatible, Ø 3.3mm, L 22mm, stainless steel 212, 217
034.352 S/SP Tap, short, FIBA compatible, Ø 4.1mm, L 22mm, stainless steel 212, 217
034.353 S/SP Tap, short, FIBA compatible, Ø 4.8mm, L 22mm, stainless steel 212, 217
034.354 FIBA, Adapter for guided profile drill, H2, handpiece, stainless steel 218
034.355 FIBA, Adapter for guided profile drill, H4, handpiece, stainless steel 218
034.356 FIBA, Adapter for guided profile drill, H6, handpiece, stainless steel 218
034.357 FIBA, Adapter for guided tap, H2, handpiece, stainless steel 218
034.358 FIBA, Adapter for guided tap, H4, handpiece, stainless steel 218
034.359 FIBA, Adapter for guided tap, H6, handpiece, stainless steel 218
034.361 Adapter for handpiece, short, for surgical handle, L 26mm, stainless steel 215
034.415 Milling cutter, Ø 3.5mm, guided, L 32.5mm, stainless steel 216
034.423 Twist drill PRO, Ø 3.5mm, short, 16mm, guided, L 32mm, stainless steel 216
034.426 Twist drill PRO, Ø 3.5mm, long, 20mm, guided, L 36mm, stainless steel 216
034.429 Twist drill PRO, Ø 3.5mm,x-long, 24mm, guided, L 40mm, stainless steel 216
034.615 Milling cutter, Ø 4.2mm, guided, L 32.5mm, stainless steel 216
034.623 Twist drill PRO, Ø 4.2mm, short, 16mm, guided, L 32mm, stainless steel 216
034.626 Twist drill PRO, Ø 4.2mm, long, 20mm, guided, L 36mm, stainless steel 216
034.629 Twist drill PRO, Ø 4.2mm,x-long, 24mm, guided, L 40mm, stainless steel 216
040.165 Straumann® surgical cassette 219
040.175 Ultrasonic Cleaning Cassette, 150 x 65 x 25 mm, plastic/silicone 219
040.185 Prosthetic cassette for instruments, complete, 224 x 115 x 20 mm, anodized aluminium 229
040.197 Bar set, plastic, 2x048.601, 2x048.124, 2x048.227, 2x048.350 84
040.440S Drill set, short, drill stop compatible for D 3.3mm implant, D 2.2, 2.8mm, length 33mm, stainless steel 207
040.441S Drill set, long, drill stop compatible for D 3.3mm implant, D 2.2, 2.8mm, length 41mm, stainless steel 207
040.443S Drill set, short, drill stop compatible for D 4.1mm implant, D 2.2, 2.8, 3.5mm, length 33mm, stainless steel 207
040.444S Drill set, long, drill stop compatible for D 4.1mm implant, D 2.2, 2.8, 3.5mm, length 41mm, stainless steel 207
040.446S Drill set, short, drill stop compatible for D 4.8mm implant, D 2.2, 2.8, 3.5, 4.2mm, length 33mm, stainless steel 207
040.447S Drill set, long, drill stop compatible for D 4.8mm implant, D 2.2, 2.8, 3.5, 4.2mm, length 41mm, stainless steel 207
040.500 Osteotome instrument kit, for bone condensation, stainless steel 225
040.501 Osteotome instrument kit, for sinus floor elevation, stainless steel 226
040.550 Cassette without content, for bone condensation 225
040.560 Cassette without content, for sinus floor elevation 226
040.561 Straumann® ProClean Cassette 219
040.562 Sterilisation Container, for the Straumann® ProClean Cassette 219
040.563 Drill Extender, L 23mm, stainless steel 215
040.571S Drill Set, short, for Ø 3.3mm implants, single-use, TAN 205
040.572S Drill Set, short, for Ø 4.1mm implants, single-use, TAN 205
040.573S Drill Set, short, for Ø 4.8mm implants, single-use, TAN 205
040.574S Drill Set, long, for Ø 3.3mm implants, single-use, TAN 205
040.575S Drill Set, long, for Ø 4.1mm implants, single-use, TAN 205
040.576S Drill Set, long, for Ø 4.8mm implants, single-use, TAN 205
040.578S Alignment Pin Set, single use, Ti 207
040.584S Drill Stop Set, Type A, for drill Ø 2.2 – 4.2mm, short 12mm 208
Information and Index

040.585S Drill Stop Set, Type B, for drill Ø 2.2 – 4.2mm, short 10mm 208
040.586S Drill Stop Set, Type C, for drill Ø 2.2 – 4.2mm, short 8mm 208
040.587S Drill Stop Set, Type D, for drill Ø 2.2 – 4.2mm, short 6mm 208
040.588S Drill Stop Set, Type E, for drill Ø 2.2 – 4.2mm, short 4mm 208
040.589S Drill Stop Set, Type A wide, for drill Ø 4.7 – 6.2mm, short 12mm 208
040.590S Drill Stop Set, Type B wide, for drill Ø 4.7 – 6.2mm, short 10mm 208
040.591S Drill Stop Set, Type C wide, for drill Ø 4.7 – 6.2mm, short 8mm 208
040.592S Drill Stop Set, Type D wide, for drill Ø 4.7 – 6.2mm, short 6mm 208
040.593S Drill Stop Set, Type E wide, for drill Ø 4.7 – 6.2mm, short 4mm 208
040.594 Drill Stop Aid, polymer 208
040.740 RN Solid All-In-One Set, yellow, H 4mm, for crown 82

Index by item number

Index by item number

Art.No. Article Page
040.741 RN Solid All-In-One Set, gray, H 5.5mm, for crown 82
040.742 RN Solid All-In-One Set, blue, H 7mm, for crown 82
040.745 WN Solid All-In-One Set, green, H 4mm, for crown 102
040.746 WN Solid All-In-One Set, brown, H 5.5mm, for crown 102
040.840 RN Solid All-In-One Set, yellow, H 4mm, for bridge 82
040.841 RN Solid All-In-One Set, gray, H 5.5mm, for bridge 82
040.842 RN Solid All-In-One Set, blue, H 7mm, for bridge 82
040.845 WN Solid All-In-One Set, green, H 4mm, for bridge 102
040.846 WN Solid All-In-One Set, brown, H 5.5mm, for bridge 102
040.919C Classic Set, type F, K and H 176
040.920C Classic Set, type TPS Screwed implant 176
040.921C Classic Set, type 8° 176
041.022 Prosthetic cassette for instruments, 224 x 115 x 20 mm, anodized aluminium 229
041.211 Tray for cassette 041.022, 218x109x16 mm, Al 229
041.412 Calibration cup, yellow, Ø 80mm, anodized aluminium 229
041.440 Dish for tray 041.211, 56x31x11 mm, Al 229
041.612 Divider, large, for tray 041.211, 47.5 x 9.5 x 1mm, anodized aluminium 229
041.615 Divider, small, for dish 041.440, 27.5 x 9.5 x 1mm, anodized aluminium 229
041.761 Straumann® Modular Cassette, A Module 220
041.762 A Module, Grommet Tray, 6 small 220
041.763 A Module, Grommet Tray, 6 large 220
041.764 A Module, Grommet Tray, 3 small, 3 large 220
041.765 A Module, Grommet Tray, 3 medium 3 large 220
041.766 A Module, Ratchet Tray 220
041.767 A Module, Release Aid Tray 220
041.768 A Module, Stop Key Tray 220
041.769 A Module, Planning Aid Tray 220
041.770 A Module, Tweezer Tray 220
041.771 A Module, Depth Probe Tray 220
041.772 Straumann® Modular Cassette, C Module, Guided Surgery 221
041.773 Straumann® Modular Cassette, C Module, Spare Tools 221
041.774 Ultrasonic Mat 221
041.775 Spare Label Plate 221
041.776 Straumann® Modular Cassette, B Module 221
041.778 B Module, Basic Tray 221
041.779 B Module, Parallel Walled Tray 221
041.781 B Module, Guided Basic Tray 221
041.782 B Module, Guided Parallel Walled Tray 221
041.784 C Module Lid, for Straumann® Modular Cassette 221
042.944S Straumann® Mini Implant, Ø 2.4mm, SLA®, 10mm, ADLC, Roxolid® 22
042.945S Straumann® Mini Implant, Ø 2.4mm, SLA®, 12mm, ADLC, Roxolid® 22
042.946S Straumann® Mini Implant, Ø 2.4mm, SLA®, 14mm, ADLC, Roxolid 22
042.950S Straumann® Mini Implant, Ø 2.4mm, GH 3.8mm, SLA®, 10mm, ADLC, Roxolid® 22
042.951S Straumann® Mini Implant, Ø 2.4mm, GH 3.8mm, SLA®, 12mm, ADLC, Roxolid® 22
042.952S Straumann® Mini Implant, Ø 2.4mm, GH 4.8mm, SLA®, 10mm, ADLC, Roxolid® 22
042.953S Straumann® Mini Implant, Ø 2.4mm, GH 4.8mm, SLA®, 12mm, ADLC, Roxolid® 22
043.061S Standard Implant, Ø 4.8mm RN, SLA® 6mm, Roxolid®, Loxim® 19
043.062S Standard Implant, Ø 4.8mm RN, SLA® 8mm, Roxolid®, Loxim® 19
043.063S Standard Implant, Ø 4.8mm RN, SLA® 10mm, Roxolid®, Loxim® 19
043.064S Standard Implant, Ø 4.8mm RN, SLA® 12mm, Roxolid®, Loxim® 19
043.065S Standard Implant, Ø 4.8mm RN, SLA® 14mm, Roxolid®, Loxim® 19
043.066S Standard Plus Implant, Ø 4.8mm RN, SLA® 6mm, Roxolid®, Loxim® 19
043.067S Standard Plus Implant, Ø 4.8mm RN, SLA® 8mm, Roxolid®, Loxim® 19
043.068S Standard Plus Implant, Ø 4.8mm RN, SLA® 10mm, Roxolid®, Loxim® 19
043.069S Standard Plus Implant, Ø 4.8mm RN, SLA® 12mm, Roxolid®, Loxim® 19
Information and Index

043.070S Standard Plus Implant, Ø 4.8mm RN, SLA® 14mm, Roxolid®, Loxim® 19
043.155S Standard Implant, Ø 4.1mm RN, SLA® 6mm, Roxolid® Loxim® 16
043.156S Standard Implant, Ø 4.1mm RN, SLA® 8mm, Roxolid® Loxim® 16
043.157S Standard Implant, Ø 4.1mm RN, SLA® 10mm, Roxolid® Loxim® 16
043.158S Standard Implant, Ø 4.1mm RN, SLA® 12mm, Roxolid®, Loxim® 16
043.159S Standard Implant, Ø 4.1mm RN, SLA® 14mm, Roxolid®, Loxim® 16
043.160S Standard Implant, Ø 4.1mm RN, SLA® 16mm, Roxolid®, Loxim® 16
043.161S Standard Plus Implant, Ø 4.1mm RN, SLA® 6mm, Roxolid®, Loxim® 16
043.162S Standard Plus Implant, Ø 4.1mm RN, SLA® 8mm, Roxolid®, Loxim® 16
043.163S Standard Plus Implant, Ø 4.1mm RN, SLA® 10mm, Roxolid®, Loxim® 16
043.164S Standard Plus Implant, Ø 4.1mm RN, SLA® 12mm, Roxolid®, Loxim® 16

Index by item number

Index by item number

Art.No. Article Page
043.165S Standard Plus Implant, Ø 4.1mm RN, SLA® 14mm, Roxolid®, Loxim® 16
043.255S Standard Implant, Ø 3.3mm RN, SLA® 8mm, Roxolid®, Loxim® 14
043.256S Standard Implant, Ø 3.3mm RN, SLA® 10mm, Roxolid®, Loxim® 14
043.257S Standard Implant, Ø 3.3mm RN, SLA® 12mm, Roxolid®, Loxim® 14
043.258S Standard Implant, Ø 3.3mm RN, SLA® 14mm, Roxolid®, Loxim® 14
043.259S Standard Implant, Ø 3.3mm RN, SLA® 16mm, Roxolid®, Loxim® 14
043.260S Standard Plus Implant, Ø 3.3mm RN, SLA® 8mm, Roxolid®, Loxim® 14
043.261S Standard Plus Implant, Ø 3.3mm RN, SLA® 10mm, Roxolid®, Loxim® 14
043.262S Standard Plus Implant, Ø 3.3mm RN, SLA® 12mm, Roxolid®, Loxim® 14
043.263S Standard Plus Implant, Ø 3.3mm RN, SLA® 14mm, Roxolid®, Loxim® 14
043.416S Standard Plus Implant, Ø 3.3mm NNC, SLA® 8mm, Roxolid®, Loxim® 14
043.417S Standard Plus Implant, Ø 3.3mm NNC, SLA® 10mm, Roxolid®, Loxim® 14
043.418S Standard Plus Implant, Ø 3.3mm NNC, SLA® 12mm, Roxolid®, Loxim® 14
043.419S Standard Plus Implant, Ø 3.3mm NNC, SLA® 14mm, Roxolid®, Loxim® 14
043.606S Standard Implant, Ø 4.8mm WN, SLA® 6mm, Roxolid®, Loxim® 19
043.607S Standard Implant, Ø 4.8mm WN, SLA® 8mm, Roxolid®, Loxim® 19
043.608S Standard Implant, Ø 4.8mm WN, SLA® 10mm, Roxolid®, Loxim® 19
043.609S Standard Implant, Ø 4.8mm WN, SLA® 12mm, Roxolid®, Loxim® 19
043.655S Standard Plus Implant, Ø 4.8mm WN, SLA® 6mm, Roxolid®, Loxim® 19
043.656S Standard Plus Implant, Ø 4.8mm WN, SLA® 8mm, Roxolid®, Loxim® 19
043.657S Standard Plus Implant, Ø 4.8mm WN, SLA® 10mm, Roxolid®, Loxim® 19
043.658S Standard Plus Implant, Ø 4.8mm WN, SLA® 12mm, Roxolid®, Loxim® 19
044.003 Round bur, Ø 2.3mm, stainless steel 209
044.004 Round bur, Ø 3.1mm, stainless steel 209
044.022 Round bur, Ø 1.4mm, stainless steel 209
044.084 SP Profile drill, WN, short, Ø 4.8mm, L 23.8mm, stainless steel 211
044.085 SP Profile drill, WN, long, Ø 4.8mm, L 32.8mm, stainless steel 211
044.087 SP Profile drill, RN, long, Ø 3.3mm, L 34mm, stainless steel 211
044.089 SP Profile drill, RN, long, Ø 4.1mm, L 33mm, stainless steel 211
044.210 Pilot drill 1, short, Ø 2.2mm, L 33mm, stainless steel 209
044.211 Pilot drill 1, long, Ø 2.2mm, L 41mm, stainless steel 209
044.214 Pilot drill 2, short, Ø 2.8mm, L 33mm, stainless steel 209
044.215 Pilot drill 2, long, Ø 2.8mm, L 41mm, stainless steel 209
044.250 Twist drill PRO, short, Ø 3.5mm, L 33mm, stainless steel 210
044.251 Twist drill PRO, long, Ø 3.5mm, L 41mm, stainless steel 210
044.254 Twist drill PRO, short, Ø 4.2mm, L 33mm, stainless steel 210
044.255 Twist drill PRO, long, Ø 4.2mm, L 41mm, stainless steel 210
044.304 Bone profiler for RN, L 28mm, stainless steel, needed guiding cylinder: 049.082 213
044.305 Bone profiler for WN, L 25mm, stainless steel, needed guiding cylinder: 049.082 213
044.330 Explantation drill, short, for Ø 3.3mm, Ø 3.5mm, L 32mm, stainless steel 222
044.331 Explantation drill, medium, for Ø 3.3mm, Ø 3.5mm, L 37.5mm, stainless steel 222
044.332 Explantation drill, long, for Ø 3.3mm, Ø 3.5mm, L 40.5mm, stainless steel 222
044.340 Explantation drill, short, for Ø 4.1mm, L 32mm, stainless steel 222
044.341 Explantation drill, medium, for Ø 4.1mm, L 37.5mm, stainless steel 222
044.342 Explantation drill, long, for Ø 4.1mm, L 40.5mm, stainless steel 222
044.344 Explantation drill, short, for Ø 4.8mm, L 32mm, stainless steel 222
044.345 Explantation drill, medium, for Ø 4.8mm, L 37.5mm, stainless steel 222
044.346 Explantation drill, long, for Ø 4.8mm, L 40.5mm, stainless steel 222
044.570 Tap for transversal screw retention, M2 x 0.25mm, stainless steel 228
044.742S SP Profile Drill, short, Ø 3.3mm, single-use, TAN 206
044.743S SP Profile Drill, short, Ø 4.1mm, single-use, TAN 206
044.744S SP Profile Drill, short, Ø 4.8mm, single-use, TAN 206
044.748S SP Profile Drill, long, Ø 3.3mm, single-use, TAN 206
044.749S SP Profile Drill, long, Ø 4.1mm, single-use, TAN 206
044.750S SP Profile Drill, long, Ø 4.8mm, single-use, TAN 206
Information and Index

044.754S S/SP Tap, Ø 3.3mm, for adapter, single use, TAN 207
044.755S S/SP Tap, Ø 4.1mm, for adapter, single use, TAN 207
044.756S S/SP Tap, Ø 4.8mm, for adapter, single use, TAN 207
044.757S BL/TE Tap, Ø 3.3mm, for adapter, single use, TAN 207
044.758S BL/TE Tap, Ø 4.1mm, for adapter, single use, TAN 207
044.759S BL/TE Tap, Ø 4.8mm, for adapter, single use, TAN 207
044.761S Round Bur, Ø 2.3mm, single use, stainless steel 207
044.762S Round Bur, Ø 3.1mm, single use, stainless steel 207
044.763 Pilot Drill, extra short, Ø 2.2mm, L 26mm, stainless steel 209
044.764 Twist Drill PRO, extra short, Ø 2.8mm, L 26mm, stainless steel 209
044.765 Twist Drill PRO, extra short, Ø 3.5mm, L 26mm, stainless steel 210

Index by item number

Index by item number

Art.No. Article Page
044.766 Twist Drill PRO, extra short, Ø 4.2mm, L 26mm, stainless steel 210
045.111V4 Cleaning brush for ratchet, L 100mm, Ø 4.5mm, nylon/stainless steel 214, 227
046.045C Driver for Octa abutment 179, 228
046.049 Torque control device for ratchet, stainless steel 214, 227, 55
046.057 Tweezers without titanium plasma-coated tips, L 105mm, stainless steel 214
046.064 Holding key, L 85mm, stainless steel 214
046.067 Solid abut.driver, short, f. RN solid abut.6°, L 13mm, stainless steel 227, 83
046.068 Solid abut.driver, long, f. RN solid abut.6°, L 19mm, stainless steel 227, 83
046.069 Retentive anchor driver, L 19mm, stainless steel 227, 85
046.085 Screwdriver handle for 046.410/411/412, L 109mm, stainless steel 227
046.095 Tweezers with titanium plasma-coated tips, L 105mm, Ti/stainless steel 214
046.108 Service instrument for ratchet, L 50mm, stainless steel 55
046.110 Instrument tweezers, L 140mm, stainless steel 214
046.114C Cross-tip screwdriver 179, 228
046.119 Ratchet, including service instrument, L 84mm, stainless steel 214, 227, 55
046.147 Diagnostic T, L 65mm, W 33mm, Ti 204
046.148 Implant distance indicator, L 100mm, Ti/stainless steel 204
046.154 Screwdriver, L 37mm, stainless steel 227, 85
046.237 NNC Reamer for 45° shoulder, L 17mm, stainless steel / Ti-N 228
046.240 Handle for reamers and Tap for TS, L 65mm, steel/brass 228
046.241 Guide pin for reamer, for synOcta®, L 50mm, stainless steel 228
046.242 Guide pin for reamer, for 048.540-542, L 50mm, stainless steel 228
046.243 Reamer for 45° shoulder, Ø 8.0mm, Ti-N/stainless steel 228
046.244 Guide pin for reamer, for 048.545-546, L 50mm, stainless steel 228
046.245 Polishing protector for RN synOcta® Coping, L 15 mm, stainless steel 80, 84
046.246 Guide pin for reamer, for 048.605, L 50mm, stainless steel 228
046.247 Guide pin for reamer, for 048.606, L 50mm, stainless steel 228
046.249 NNC Guide pin for reamer 046.237, for Solid abutments, L 52.9mm, stainl. steel 228
046.400 SCS Screwdriver, for ratchet, x-short, L 15mm, stainless steel 102, 215, 227
046.401 SCS Screwdriver, for ratchet, short, L 21mm, stainless steel 102, 215, 227, 55
046.402 SCS Screwdriver, for ratchet, long, L 27mm, stainless steel 102, 215, 227
046.410 SCS Screwdriver for handpiece, x-short, L 20mm, stainless steel 215, 227
046.411 SCS Screwdriver for handpiece, short, L 26mm, stainless steel 215, 227, 55
046.412 SCS Screwdriver for handpiece, long, L 32mm, stainless steel 215, 227
046.413V4 LOCATOR® abutment holder sleeve 108, 143, 170, 71, 91
046.415 LOCATOR® core tool, stainless steel with Au 108, 143, 170, 227, 71, 91
046.416 LOCATOR® screwdriver for ratchet, short, length 15.0 mm, stainless steel 108, 143, 170, 227, 71, 91
046.417 LOCATOR® screwdriver for ratchet, length 21.0 mm 108, 143, 170, 227, 71, 91
046.421 Hexagonal screwdriver, L 30mm, stainless steel 215
046.460 Adapter for ratchet, x-short, L 11mm, stainless steel 215
046.461 Adapter for ratchet, short, L 18mm, stainless steel 215
046.462 Adapter for ratchet, long, L 28mm, stainless steel 215
046.470 Adapter for handpiece, x-short, L 19mm, stainless steel 215
046.471 Adapter for handpiece, short, L 26mm, stainless steel 215
046.472 Adapter for handpiece, long, L 34mm, stainless steel 215
046.500 Osteotome straight, for bone condensation, Ø 2.2mm, stainless steel 225
046.501 Osteotome straight, for bone condensation, Ø 2.8mm, stainless steel 225
046.502 Osteotome straight, for bone condensation, Ø 3.5mm, stainless steel 225
046.503 Osteotome straight, for bone condensation, Ø 4.2mm, stainless steel 225
046.510 Osteotome angled, for bone condensation, Ø 2.2mm, stainless steel 225
046.511 Osteotome angled, for bone condensation, Ø 2.8mm, stainless steel 225
046.512 Osteotome angled, for bone condensation, Ø 3.5mm, stainless steel 225
046.513 Osteotome angled, for bone condensation, Ø 4.2mm, stainless steel 225
046.521 Osteotome straight, for sinus floor elevation, Ø 2.8mm, stainless steel 226
046.522 Osteotome straight, for sinus floor elevation, Ø 3.5mm, stainless steel 226
Information and Index

046.523 Osteotome straight, for sinus floor elevation, Ø 4.2mm, stainless steel 226
046.531 Osteotome angled, for sinus floor elevation, Ø 2.8mm, stainless steel 226
046.532 Osteotome angled, for sinus floor elevation, Ø 3.5mm, stainless steel 226
046.533 Osteotome angled, for sinus floor elevation, Ø 4.2mm, stainless steel 226
046.550 Depth stop for osteotomes, Ø 2.2mm, Ti/stainless steel 225
046.551 Depth stop for osteotomes, Ø 2.8mm, Ti/stainless steel 225, 226
046.552 Depth stop for osteotomes, Ø 3.5mm, Ti/stainless steel 225, 226
046.553 Depth stop for osteotomes, Ø 4.2mm, Ti/stainless steel 225, 226
046.704 Depth Gauge, with distance indicator, Ø 2.2/2.8mm, L 27mm, Ti 212
046.708 SP/NNC/TE Guided Adapter, for handpiece, L 23mm, stainless steel 218
046.709 S Guided Adapter, for handpiece, L 24mm, stainless steel 218

Index by item number

Index by item number

Art.No. Article Page
046.710 SP/NNC/TE Guided Adapter, for ratchet, L 16mm, stainless steel 218
046.711 S Guided Adapter, for ratchet, L 17mm, stainless steel 218
046.712V4 T-sleeve, Ø 2.2mm, H 6mm, guided, stainless steel 216
046.786 AS Screwdriver for ratchet, extra-short, L 15mm, stainless steel 215
046.787 AS Screwdriver for ratchet, short, L 21mm, stainless steel 215
046.788 AS Screwdriver for ratchet, long, L 27mm, stainless steel 215
046.789 AS Screwdriver for handpiece, extra-short, L 20mm, stainless steel 215
046.790 AS Screwdriver for handpiece, short, L 26mm, stainless steel 215
046.791 AS Screwdriver for handpiece, long, L 32mm, stainless steel 215
046.792 Screwdriver Handling Aid AS, stainless steel 215
046.795 X-ray Reference Foil, for Mini Implants 204
046.796 Paralleling Post, for Straumann® Mini Implants 22
046.799 Alignment Pin, Ø 2.2mm, L 27mm, TAN 212
046.800 Depth Gauge, Ø 2.8mm, L 27mm, TAN 212
046.802 Depth Gauge, Ø 3.5mm, L 27mm, TAN 212
046.804 Depth Gauge, Ø 4.2mm, L 27mm, TAN 212
048.000V4 Transfer aid for RN synOcta®, angled, short, H 5.5 mm, PC 76
048.002V4 Transfer aid for RN synOcta®, angled, long, H 4 mm, PC 76
048.009 Octa Transfer coping, L 10 mm, Al 176
048.010 RN synOcta® impression cap, screw-retained, with integral guide screw, H 10.1mm, Al/Ti 74
048.013 WN Impression Cap, H 8mm, POM 101, 94
048.016 NN Impression cap with integral guide screw, L 17,5 mm, Al/TAN 177
048.017V4 RN Impression Cap, H 8mm, POM 74, 81
048.028S RN Healing cap, labial bevel, Ø 5.5mm, H 2mm, Ti 15, 17, 20
048.029S RN Healing cap, labial bevel, Ø 5.5mm, H 3.5mm, Ti 15, 17, 20
048.030S WN Healing cap, labial bevel, Ø 7.2mm, H 2mm, Ti 20
048.032 Transfer aid for WN synOcta®, angled, H 5 mm, PC 96
048.033S RN Healing cap, Ø 5.5mm, H 2mm, Ti 15, 17, 20
048.034S RN Healing cap, Ø 5.5mm, H 3mm, Ti 15, 17, 20
048.037S RN Healing cap, Ø 5.5mm, H 4.5mm, Ti 15, 17, 20
048.038S WN Healing cap, Ø 7.2mm, H 2mm, Ti 20
048.039S WN Healing cap, Ø 7.2mm, H 3mm, Ti 20
048.047V4 RN Protective Cap for Solid Abutment 048.540, H 5.8mm, PEEK 81
048.048V4 RN Protective Cap for Solid Abutment 048.541, H 7.3mm, PEEK 81
048.049V4 RN Protective Cap for Solid Abutment 048.542, H 8.8mm, PEEK 81
048.050 NN Protective cap with integr.occlusal screw, D 4mm, H 3.4mm, PEEK/TAN 177
048.051 WN Protective Cap for Solid Abutment 048.545, H 6mm, PEEK 101
048.052 WN Protective Cap for Solid Abutment 048.546, H 7.5mm, PEEK 101
048.053S WN Healing cap, Ø 7.2mm, H 4.5mm, Ti 20
048.054V4 Transfer aid for 048.606, H 6,5 mm, PC 95
048.059V4 Transfer aid for 048.605, H 6,5 mm, PC 75
048.060V4 RN Positioning Cylinder for Solid Abutment, for 048.540, H 10.2mm, POM 81
048.061V4 RN Positioning Cylinder for Solid Abutment, for 048.541, H 10.2mm, POM 81
048.062V4 RN Positioning Cylinder for Solid Abutment, for 048.542, H 10.2mm, POM 81
048.065 WN Positioning Cylinder for Solid Abutment, for 048.545, H 10mm, POM 101
048.066 WN Positioning Cylinder for Solid Abutment, for 048.546, H 10mm, POM 101
048.070V4 RN synOcta® Positioning Cylinder, H 12mm, POM 74
048.071S NNC Healing cap, Ø 4mm, H 3mm, Ti 15
048.074S NNC Healing cap, Ø 4mm, H 4.5mm, Ti 15
048.082S NNC Healing cap, labial bevel, Ø 4mm, H 2mm, Ti 15
048.088 RN Wax-up sleeve, L 16.3 mm, PEEK 77
048.088-04 RN Wax-up Hülse, L 16.3 mm, PEEK 77
048.089 WN Wax-up sleeve, L 16.4 mm, PEEK 96
048.089-04 WN Wax-up Hülse, L 16.4 mm, PEEK 96
048.090 RN synOcta® Impression post, with integral guide screw, H 21.0 mm, Al/Ti 74
Information and Index

048.091 WN synOcta® impression cap, screw-retained, with integral guide screw, H 10mm, Al 94
048.093V4 RN synOcta® Impression Cap, one-part, for bar with synOcta® 1.5, H 5mm, POM 84
048.095 WN synOcta® Positioning Cylinder, H 12mm, POM 94
048.108 Analog for RN Bar constructions, w. synOcta® 1.5, L 11.5mm, stainless steel 176, 74, 84
048.109 Transfer pin for retentive anchor, L 18mm, stainless steel 85
048.117V4 Analog for individualized RN Solid Abutments, 2 pieces, PPS/brass 81
048.124 Analog for RN synOcta®, L 12mm, grey w. red stripe, stainless steel 74
048.127 NNC Implant analog, L 12.5mm, Ti 60
048.128 NNC Impression post, for open tray, H 10.1mm, TAN 60
048.129 Repositionable Implant Analog RN 74, 77
048.130 NN Analog, L 14mm, stainless steel 177

Index by item number

Index by item number

Art.No. Article Page
048.134 NNC Impression post, closed tray, H 10.9mm, TAN/POM 60
048.137 NNC Wax-up sleeve, L 12.75 mm, PEEK 62
048.137V4 NNC Wax-up sleeve, L 12.75 mm, PEEK 62
048.140 Shoulder Analog for WN Solid Abutment, L 10mm, Al 101
048.155 NNC Solid abutment driver, short, L 13mm, stainless steel 227, 65
048.156 NNC Solid abutment driver, long, L 19mm, stainless steel 227, 65
048.160 RN Analog for Solid Abutment 048.540, L 14.3mm, yellow, Al 81
048.161 RN Analog for Solid Abutment 048.541, L 15.8mm, grey, Al 81
048.162 RN Analog for Solid Abutment 048.542, L 17.3mm, blue, Al 81
048.165 WN Analog for Solid Abutment 048.545, L 16mm, green, Al 101
048.166 WN Analog for Solid Abutment 048.546, L 17.5mm, brown, Al 101
048.168 CARES® RN Mono Scanbody, D 4.8 mm, H 10 mm, PEEK, TAN 74, 77
048.169 CARES® WN Mono Scanbody, D 6.5 mm, H 10 mm, PEEK, TAN 94, 96
048.171 WN synOcta® Analog, L 12mm, stainless steel 94
048.172 Repositionable Implant Analog WN 94, 96
048.173 CARES® NNC Mono Scanbody, D 3.5 mm, H 10 mm, PEEK, TAN 60, 62
048.175 RN LOCATOR® abutment, height 1.0 mm, titanium alloy, TiN coating 89
048.176 RN LOCATOR® abutment, height 2.0 mm, titanium alloy, TiN coating 89
048.177 RN LOCATOR® abutment, height 3.0 mm, titanium alloy, TiN coating 89
048.178 RN LOCATOR® abutment, height 4.0 mm, titanium alloy, TiN coating 89
048.179 RN LOCATOR® abutment, height 5.0 mm, titanium alloy, TiN coating 89
048.180 RN LOCATOR® abutment, height 6.0 mm, titanium alloy, TiN coating 89
048.181V4 LOCATOR® zero retention ext range, gray 107, 142, 169, 70, 90
048.182V2 LOCATOR® Male processing package, extended range, titanium/nylon 107, 142, 169, 70, 90
048.183 WN LOCATOR®, solid abutment, tissue cuff height 1.0 mm, titanium alloy,TiN coating 106
048.184 WN LOCATOR®, solid abutment, tissue cuff, height 2.0mm, titanium alloy,TiN coating 106
048.185 WN LOCATOR®, solid abutment, tissue cuff height 3.0 mm, titanium alloy,TiN coating 106
048.186 WN LOCATOR®, abutment, tissue cuff height 4.0 mm, titanium alloy, TiNcoating 106
048.187 WN LOCATOR®, abutment, tissue cuff height 5.0 mm, titanium alloy, TiNcoating 106
048.188V4 LOCATOR® Replacement male, extended range, orange, height 1.7 mm, nylon 107, 142, 169, 70, 90
048.189V2 LOCATOR® male processing package, titanium/nylon 107, 142, 169, 70, 90
048.190V4 LOCATOR® replacement male, clear, 0°–10°, 5 lbs, 2.27 kg,H 1.7mm, nylon 107, 142, 169, 70, 90
048.191V4 LOCATOR® replacement male, light retention, pink, height 1.7 mm, nylon 107, 142, 169, 70, 90
048.192V4 LOCATOR® replacement male, extra light retention, blue, height 1.7 mm,nylon 107, 142, 169, 70, 90
048.193V4 LOCATOR® replacement male, extended range, green, height 1.7 mm, nylon 107, 142, 169, 70, 90
048.194V4 LOCATOR® replacement male, extra light retention, ext. range, red,height 1.7 mm, nylon 107, 142, 169, 70, 90
048.195V4 LOCATOR® black processing male 108, 143, 170, 71, 91
048.196V20 LOCATOR® block-out spacer, silicon 108, 143, 170, 71, 91
048.197V4 LOCATOR® impression coping, aluminium housing with black male LDPE 106, 141, 168, 69, 89
048.198V4 LOCATOR® female analog, ø 5.0 mm, aluminium 106, 89
048.199V4 LOCATOR® parallel post, LDPE 108, 143, 170, 71, 91
048.200 LOCATOR® angle measurement guide, stainless steal 108, 143, 170, 71, 91
048.218V4 LOCATOR® processing spacer 108, 143, 170, 71, 91
048.220C Plastic coping for abutment 8º 178
048.227 RN synOcta® Plastic Coping for synOcta® 1.5, for bridge/bar, H 10mm, POM 80, 84
048.229 RN synOcta® Plastic Coping for synOcta® 1.5, for crown, H 10mm, POM 80
048.232C TS Gold coping for Octa 178
048.242 WN Temporary abutment, D 10mm, H 10mm, VITA CAD-Temp® 95
048.243 WN synOcta® Plastic Coping for 048.606, for crown, H 7.35mm, POM 95
048.244 WN synOcta® Plastic Coping for 048.606, for bridge, H 7.35mm, POM 95
048.245 RN Plastic coping for Solid Abutment, crown, H 10mm, POM 82
048.246 RN Plastic coping for Solid Abutment, bridge, H 10mm, POM 82
048.247 WN Plastic coping for Solid Abutment, crown, H 7mm, POM 102
048.248 WN Plastic coping for Solid Abutment, bridge, H 7mm, POM 102
048.256 NNC Plastic coping, for 048.598, for crown, H 7mm, POM 61
Information and Index

048.257 NNC Plastic coping, for 048.598, for bridge, H 7mm, POM 61
048.258 NNC Plastic coping, for 048.621/ 048.622, for crowns & bridges, H 7.2mm, POM 61
048.263 NNC Plastic coping for Solid abutment, for crown, H 10.2mm, POM 65
048.264 NNC Plastic coping for Solid abutment, for bridge, H 10.2mm, POM 65
048.267 NNC Burn-out coping, for Variobase® Abutment, POM 64
048.267V4 NNC Burn-out coping, for Variobase® Abutment, POM 64
048.268 RN Burn-out coping, for Variobase® Abutment, POM 79
048.268V4 RN Burn-out coping, for Variobase® Abutment, POM 79
048.269 WN Burn-out coping, for Variobase® Abutment, POM 99
048.269V4 WN Burn-out coping, for Variobase® Abutment, POM 99
048.275V4 RN PLAN LOCATOR® Abutment, H 1mm, POM 110

Index by item number

Index by item number

Art.No. Article Page
048.276V4 RN PLAN LOCATOR® Abutment, H 2mm, POM 110
048.277V4 RN PLAN LOCATOR® Abutment, H 3mm, POM 110
048.278V4 RN PLAN LOCATOR® Abutment, H 4mm, POM 110
048.279V4 RN PLAN LOCATOR® Abutment, H 5mm, POM 110
048.280V4 RN Novaloc® Plan Abutment, H 1-6 mm, POM 110
048.283V4 WN PLAN LOCATOR® Abutment, H 1mm, POM 111
048.284V4 WN PLAN LOCATOR® Abutment, H 2mm, POM 111
048.285V4 WN PLAN LOCATOR® Abutment, H 3mm, POM 111
048.286V4 WN PLAN LOCATOR® Abutment, H 4mm, POM 111
048.287V4 WN PLAN LOCATOR® Abutment, H 5mm, POM 111
048.304C Occlusal screw, L 15 mm 178
048.312C TPS Occlusal screw, L 8 mm 178
048.313 NNC Basal screw, L 7.1mm, TAN 231, 60, 62, 63, 64
048.314 NNC Basal Screw, for cementable abutments, L 7.1mm, TAN 231, 60, 61
048.324S NNC Closure cap, Ø 2.6mm, H 0mm, Ti 15
048.324SV4 NNC Closure cap, Ø 2.6mm, H 0mm, Ti 15
048.325S NNC Closure cap, Ø 4mm, H 1.5mm, Ti 15
048.325SV4 NNC Closure cap, Ø 4mm, H 1.5mm, Ti 15
048.350 SCS Occlusal screw, L 4.4mm, Ti 100, 223, 225, 226, 231, 76, 80, 84
048.350V4 SCS Occlusal screw, L 4.4mm, Ti 100, 225, 226, 231, 76, 80, 84
048.354 RN Occlusal screw, for ceramic only, L 5 mm, TAN 231, 78
048.354V4 RN Occlusal screw, for ceramic only, L 5 mm, TAN 231, 78
048.356 synOcta® Basal screw, L 6,7 mm, TAN 231, 75, 78, 78, 79, 95, 97, 98, 99
048.360V4 SCS Guide screw for RN synOcta® Bar coping, cannot be shortened, L 6 mm, Ti 231
048.361V4 SCS Guide screw for RN synOcta® Bar coping, can be shortened by 1.6 mm, L 6 mm, Ti 231
048.362V4 SCS Guide screw for 048.240/241, cannot be shortened, L 8 mm, Ti 231, 80
048.363V4 SCS Guide screw for 048.240/241, can be shortened by 2 mm, L 8 mm, Ti 231, 80
048.364V4 SCS Guide screw, can be shortened by 2 mm, L 10 mm, Ti 231
048.365V4 SCS Guide screw, can be shortened by 2 mm, L 12 mm, Ti 176, 231
048.366V4 SCS Guide screw, can be shortened by 2 mm, L 14 mm, Ti 231
048.371S RN Closure cap, Ø 3.5mm, H 0mm, Ti 15, 17, 20
048.371SV4 RN Closure cap, Ø 3.5mm, H 0mm, Ti 15, 17, 20
048.373S RN Closure cap, Ø 6mm, H 1.5mm, Ti 15, 17, 20
048.373SV4 RN Closure cap, Ø 6mm, H 1.5mm, Ti 15, 17, 20
048.375S WN Closure cap, Ø 4.3mm, H 0mm, Ti 20
048.377 NNC Variobase® for Bridge/Bar Cylindrical, incl. screw, Ø 4.2mm, AH 3.5mm, TAN 64
048.378 RN Variobase® for Bridge/Bar Cylindrical, incl. screw, Ø 5mm, AH 3.5mm, TAN 79
048.379 WN Variobase® for Bridge/Bar Cylindrical, incl. screw, Ø 7mm, AH 3.5mm, TAN 99
048.380 NNC Burn-out Coping, for Variobase® for Bridge/Bar Cylindrical, POM 64
048.380V4 NNC Burn-out Coping, for Variobase® for Bridge/Bar Cylindrical, POM 64
048.381 RN Burn-out Coping, for Variobase® for Bridge/Bar Cylindrical, POM 79
048.381V4 RN Burn-out Coping, for Variobase® for Bridge/Bar Cylindrical, POM 79
048.382 WN Burn-out Coping, for Variobase® for Bridge/Bar Cylindrical, POM 99
048.382V4 WN Burn-out Coping, for Variobase® for Bridge/Bar Cylindrical, POM 99
048.404C Octa Abutment, H 1.5 mm 178
048.424C Pin abutment 178
048.439 Retentive anchor, H 3.4mm, Ti 85
048.448C TS Superstructure for Octa 178
048.450 Titanium matrix for retentive anchor, H 3.1mm, Ti 85
048.452 Screwdriver for titanium matrix, L 50mm, stainless steel 227, 85
048.453 Extractor for titanium matrix, L 100mm, stainless steel 85
048.454V4 Threaded sleeve for mounting part for 048.450, H 2.2mm, POM 85
048.455V4 Spring for titanium matrix, stainless steel 85
048.456 Elliptical matrix, D 3.6mm, H 3.2mm, Elitor®/Ti 85
048.457 Spare lamella retention insert, H 2.6mm, Elitor® 85
Information and Index

048.483C Abutment, 15° angled 178

048.484C Abutment, 20° angled 178
048.501 NNC Post for temporary restoration, crown, H 10.3mm, TAN 60
048.502 NNC Post for temporary restoration, bridge, H 10.3mm, TAN 60
048.505 NN Coping, H 9mm, Ti 177
048.527 NNC Analog for Solid abutment, for 048.547, H 14.3mm, TAN 65
048.528 NNC Analog for Solid abutment, for 048.548, H 15.8mm, TAN 65
048.529 NNC Analog for Solid abutment, for 048.549, H 17.3mm, TAN 65
048.540 RN Solid Abutment 6°, H 4mm, yellow, Ti 82
048.541 RN Solid Abutment 6°, H 5.5mm, grey, Ti 82
048.542 RN Solid Abutment 6°, H 7mm, blue, Ti 82

Index by item number

Index by item number

Art.No. Article Page
048.545 WN Solid Abutment 6°, H 4mm, green, Ti 102
048.546 WN Solid Abutment 6°, H 5.5mm, brown, Ti 102
048.547 NNC Solid abutment, H 4mm, yellow, Ti 65
048.548 NNC Solid abutment, H 5.5mm, gray, Ti 65
048.549 NNC Solid abutment, H 7mm, blue, Ti 65
048.550 NN Coping 15° angled, H 8,8 mm, Ti 177
048.551 NN Coping 20° angled, H 8,8 mm, Ti 177
048.579 NNC Impression cap, H 8mm, POM 65
048.581 NNC LOCATOR® Abutment, H 1mm, Ti alloy with TiN coating 69
048.582 NNC LOCATOR® Abutment, H 2mm, Ti alloy with TiN coating 69
048.583 NNC LOCATOR® Abutment, H 3mm, Ti alloy with TiN coating 69
048.584 NNC LOCATOR® Abutment, H 4mm, Ti alloy with TiN coating 69
048.585 NNC LOCATOR® Abutment, H 5mm, Ti alloy with TiN coating 69
048.586 NNC LOCATOR® Abutment, H 6mm, Ti alloy with TiN coating 69
048.587 NNC Positioning cylinder for 048.547, H 10.2mm, POM 65
048.588 NNC Positioning cylinder for 048.548, H 10.2mm, POM 65
048.589 NNC Positioning cylinder for 048.549, H 10.2mm, POM 65
048.592 NNC Gold abutment, crown, H 3.6mm, Ceramicor® / TAN / POM 63
048.593 NNC Gold abutment, bridge, H 3.6mm, Ceramicor®/ TAN / POM 63
048.598 NNC Cementable abutment, straight, for crowns/bridges, H 5.7mm, Ti 61
048.601 RN synOcta® 1.5 screw-retained Abutment, H 1.5mm, TAN 80, 84
048.603 WN synOcta® 1.5 screw-retained Abutment, H 1.5mm, TAN 100
048.605 RN synOcta® Cementable Abutment, for crowns/bridges, H 5.5mm, Ti 75
048.606 WN synOcta® Cementable Abutment, H 5.5mm, Ti 95
048.608 WN synOcta® angled Abutment, Type A, angled 15°, H 5.5mm, Ti 96
048.609 WN synOcta® angled Abutment, Type B, angled 15°, H 5.5mm, Ti 96
048.610 RN synOcta® angled Abutment, long, Type A, angled 15°, H 6.7mm, Ti 76
048.611 RN synOcta® angled Abutment, long, Type B, angled 15°, H 6.7mm, Ti 76
048.612 RN synOcta® angled Abutment, short, Type A, angled 15°, H 5.7mm, Ti 76
048.613 RN synOcta® angled Abutment, short, Type B, angled 15°, H 5.7mm, Ti 76
048.615 RN synOcta® angled Abutment, long, Type A, angled 20°, H 6.7mm, Ti 76
048.616 RN synOcta® angled Abutment, long, Type B, angled 20°, H 6.7mm, Ti 76
048.617 RN synOcta® angled Abutment, short, Type A, angled 20°, H 5.7mm, Ti 76
048.618 RN synOcta® angled Abutment, short, Type B, angled 20°, H 5.7mm, Ti 76
048.621 NNC Cementable abutment, angled 15°, type A, H 5.9mm, Ti 61
048.622 NNC Cementable abutment, angled 15°, type B, H 5.9mm, Ti 61
048.632 RN synOcta® gold coping, bridge, for synOcta 1.5, H 4.25mm, Ceramicor®/POM 80
048.633 RN synOcta® gold coping, crown, for synOcta 1.5, H 4.25mm, Ceramicor®/POM 80
048.635 NN Gold coping, cast-on, H 10mm, Ceramicor®/POM 177
048.638 WN synOcta® gold coping, bridge, for synOcta 1.5, H 4.75mm, Ceramicor®/POM 100
048.639 WN synOcta® gold coping, crown, for synOcta 1.5, H 4.75mm, Ceramicor®/POM 100
048.642 RN synOcta® gold Abutment, crown, H 14.1mm, Ceramicor®/POM 78
048.644 WN synOcta® gold Abutment, crown, H 14.1mm, Ceramicor®/POM 98
048.654 RN Temporary Coping for Solid Abutment, bridge, H 8.5mm, PMMA 81
048.655 RN Temporary Coping for Solid Abutment, crown, H 8.5mm, PMMA 81
048.656 WN Temporary Coping for Solid Abutment, bridge, H 7.3mm, PMMA 101
048.657 WN Temporary Coping for Solid Abutment, crown, H 7.3mm, PMMA 101
048.658 NNC Temporary coping for Solid abutment, for crown, H 8.5mm, PMMA 65
048.659 NNC Temporary coping for Solid abutment, for bridge, H 8.5mm, PMMA 65
048.662 RN synOcta® Plastic Coping for 048.605, for bridge, H 7mm, POM 75
048.663 RN synOcta® Plastic Coping for 048.605, for crown, H 7mm, POM 75
048.664 RN Temporary abutment, D 7mm, H 10mm, VITA CAD-Temp® 75
048.666 WN synOcta® Plastic Coping, Bridge, H 10mm, POM 100
048.667 WN synOcta® Plastic Coping, Crown, H 10mm, POM 100
048.669 NN Temporary Coping, H 10mm, PEEK/TAN 177
Information and Index

048.670 Extension shell for angled RN synOcta® Abutm., H 5.5mm, POM 76

048.676V4 Plastic shoulder for RN synOcta® angled, angled 15° or 20°, H 4mm, POM 76
048.678 Plastic shoulder for WN synOcta® angled, angled 15°, H 4mm, POM 96
048.699 NNC Temporary abutment, D 5mm, H 10mm, VITA CAD-Temp® 60
048.700 NNC Protective cap for Solid abutment, for 048.547, H 5.6mm, PEEK 65
048.701 NNC Protective cap for Solid abutment, for 048.548, H 7.1mm, PEEK 65
048.702 NNC Protective cap for Solid abutment, for 048.549, H 8.6mm, PEEK 65
048.709 NNC Variobase® Abutment, with screw, D 3.9mm, H 3.75mm, TAN 64
048.710 RN Variobase® Abutment, with screw, D 5.05mm, H 4mm, TAN 79
048.711 WN Variobase® Abutment, with screw, D 7mm, H 4.5mm, TAN 99
048.715 RN synOcta® Post for temporary restorations, for crown, H 9mm, Ti 75

Index by item number

Index by item number

Art.No. Article Page
048.716 RN synOcta® Post for temporary restorations, for bridge, H 9mm, Ti 75
048.717 WN synOcta® Post for temporary restorations, for crown, H 9mm, Ti 95
048.718 WN synOcta® Post for temporary restorations, for bridge, H 9mm, Ti 95
048.802 RN Gold Abutment, for bridge, H 12.3mm, Ceramicor®/POM/TAN 78
048.803 WN Gold Abutment, for bridge, H 12.5mm, Ceramicor®/POM/TAN 98
048.804V10 LOCATOR® Bar Abutment, Pack of 10 106, 141, 168, 69, 89
048.804V2 LOCATOR® Bar Abutment, Pack of 2 106, 141, 168, 69, 89
048.805V10 LOCATOR® Bar Male Processing Package, Pack of 10 107, 142, 169, 70, 90
048.805V2 LOCATOR® Bar Male Processing Package, Pack of 2 107, 142, 169, 70, 90
048.806 NNC Novaloc® Abutment, straight 0°, H 1mm, TAV 66
048.807 NNC Novaloc® Abutment, straight 0°, H 2mm, TAV 66
048.808 NNC Novaloc® Abutment, straight 0°, H 3mm, TAV 66
048.809 NNC Novaloc® Abutment, straight 0°, H 4mm, TAV 66
048.810 NNC Novaloc® Abutment, straight 0°, H 5mm, TAV 66
048.811 NNC Novaloc® Abutment, straight 0°, H 6mm, TAV 66
048.812 RN Novaloc® Abutment, straight 0°, H 1mm, TAV 86
048.813 RN Novaloc® Abutment, straight 0°, H 2mm, TAV 86
048.814 RN Novaloc® Abutment, straight 0°, H 3mm, TAV 86
048.815 RN Novaloc® Abutment, straight 0°, H 4mm, TAV 86
048.816 RN Novaloc® Abutment, straight 0°, H 5mm, TAV 86
048.817 RN Novaloc® Abutment, straight 0°, H 6mm, TAV 86
048.818 WN Novaloc® Abutment, straight 0°, H 1mm, TAV 103
048.819 WN Novaloc® Abutment, straight 0°, H 2mm, TAV 103
048.820 WN Novaloc® Abutment, straight 0°, H 3mm, TAV 103
048.821 WN Novaloc® Abutment, straight 0°, H 4mm, TAV 103
048.822 WN Novaloc® Abutment, straight 0°, H 5mm, TAV 103
048.823 WN Novaloc® Abutment, straight 0°, H 6mm, TAV 103
048.832 RN Novaloc® Abutment, angled 15°, H 2mm, TAV 86
048.833 RN Novaloc® Abutment, angled 15°, H 3mm, TAV 86
048.834 RN Novaloc® Abutment, angled 15°, H 4mm, TAV 86
048.835 RN Novaloc® Abutment, angled 15°, H 5mm, TAV 86
048.836 RN Novaloc® Abutment, angled 15°, H 6mm, TAV 86
048.837 WN Novaloc® Abutment, angled 15°, H 2mm, TAV 103
048.838 WN Novaloc® Abutment, angled 15°, H 3mm, TAV 103
048.839 WN Novaloc® Abutment, angled 15°, H 4mm, TAV 103
048.840 WN Novaloc® Abutment, angled 15°, H 5mm, TAV 103
048.841 WN Novaloc® Abutment, angled 15°, H 6mm, TAV 103
048.842 NNC Novaloc® Abutment, angled 15°, H 2mm, Type A, TAV 66
048.843 NNC Novaloc® Abutment, angled 15°, H 3mm, Type A, TAV 66
048.844 NNC Novaloc® Abutment, angled 15°, H 4mm, Type A, TAV 66
048.845 NNC Novaloc® Abutment, angled 15°, H 5mm, Type A, TAV 66
048.846 NNC Novaloc® Abutment, angled 15°, H 6mm, Type A, TAV 66
048.847 NNC Novaloc® Abutment, angled 15°, H 2mm, Type B, TAV 66
048.848 NNC Novaloc® Abutment, angled 15°, H 3mm, Type B, TAV 66
048.849 NNC Novaloc® Abutment, angled 15°, H 4mm, Type B, TAV 66
048.850 NNC Novaloc® Abutment, angled 15°, H 5mm, Type B, TAV 66
048.851 NNC Novaloc® Abutment, angled 15°, H 6mm, Type B, TAV 66
048.852V4 WN Novaloc® Plan Abutment, straight 0°, H 1-6mm, POM 111
048.853V4 RN Novaloc® Plan Abutment, angled 15°, H 2-6mm, POM 110
048.854V4 WN Novaloc® Plan Abutment, angled 15°, H 2-6mm, POM 111
048.855V4 NNC Novaloc® Plan Abutment, angled 15°, H 2-6mm, Type A, POM 109
048.856V4 NNC Novaloc® Plan Abutment, angled 15°, H 2-6mm, Type B, POM 109
048.857V2 Novaloc® Bar Abutment, TAV 103, 138, 165, 66, 86
048.862 RN Impression Post Closed Tray, with 1 guide screw & 2 caps, Al/Ti/POM 74
048.864 RN Impression Post Closed Tray, abutment level, for RN synOcta® 1.5 Abutment, Al/Ti/POM 74
Information and Index

048.866 RN Impression Post Open tray, abutment level, for RN synOcta® 1.5 Abutment, Al/Ti 74
048.869 WN Impression Post Open Tray, abutment level, for WN synOcta® 1.5 Abutment, Al/Ti 94
048.870 WN Impression Post Closed Tray, with 1 guide screw & 2 caps, Al/Ti/POM 94
048.871 WN Impression post closed tray, abutment level, for WN synOcta® 1.5 Abutment, Al/Ti/POM 94
048.872 WN Implant Analog for synOcta® Abutment, abutment level, straight 0°, Ø6.5mm, stainless steel 94
048.876 NNC Variobase® for Crown AS, incl. screw, Ø 4.2mm, AH 3.8mm, TAN 64
048.877 RN Variobase® for Crown AS, incl. screw, Ø 5.1mm, AH 4mm, TAN 79
048.878 WN Variobase® for Crown AS, incl. screw, Ø 7mm, AH 4.5mm, TAN 99
048.879 NNC Variobase® for Crown AS, incl. screw, Ø 4.2mm, AH 5.8mm, TAN 64
048.880 RN Variobase® for Crown AS, incl. screw, Ø 5.1mm, AH 6mm, TAN 79
048.881 WN Variobase® for Crown AS, incl. screw, Ø 7mm, AH 6,5mm, TAN 99

Index by item number

Index by item number

Art.No. Article Page
048.896 NNC Burn-out Coping, 25°, Variobase® for Crown AS, POM 64
048.897 RN Burn-out Coping, 25°, Variobase® for Crown AS, POM 79
048.898 WN Burn-out Coping, 25°, Variobase® for Crown AS, POM 99
048.899 NNC Screw AS, L 7.5mm, Ti 231, 62, 64
048.904 Tissue Level PLAN Set, 278x124x33 mm, PC 109
048.905 Tissue Level PLAN cassette, empty, 278x124x33mm, polymer 109
048.906 RN/WN Screw AS, L 6.7mm, Ti 231, 78, 79, 97, 99
048.916V4 RN synOcta® angled PLAN Abutment, short, Type A, angled 15°, POM 110
048.917V4 RN synOcta® angled PLAN Abutment, short, Type B, angled 15°, POM 110
048.918V4 RN synOcta® angled PLAN Abutment, short, Type A, angled 20°, POM 110
048.919V4 RN synOcta® angled PLAN Abutment, short, Type B, angled 20°, POM 110
048.921V4 RN synOcta® Transversal PLAN Abutment, POM 110
048.922V4 RN synOcta® angled PLAN Abutment, Type A, angled 15°, POM 110
048.923V4 RN synOcta® angled PLAN Abutment, Type B, angled 15°, POM 110
048.924V4 RN synOcta® angled PLAN Abutment, Type A, angled 20°, POM 110
048.925V4 RN synOcta® angled PLAN Abutment, Type B, angled 20°, POM 110
048.926V4 RN PLAN Solid Abutment, H 4mm, POM 110
048.927V4 RN PLAN Solid Abutment, H 5.5mm, POM 110
048.928V4 RN PLAN Solid Abutment, H 7mm, POM 110
048.929V4 RN synOcta® 1.5 screw-retained PLAN Abutment, POM 110
048.930V4 RN synOcta® Cementable PLAN Abutment, POM 110
048.931V4 WN synOcta® 1.5 screw-retained PLAN Abutment, POM 111
048.932V4 WN synOcta® Cementable PLAN Abutment, POM 111
048.933V4 WN synOcta® angled PLAN Abutment, Type A, angled 15°, POM 111
048.934V4 WN synOcta® angled PLAN Abutment, Type B, angled 15°, POM 111
048.938V4 WN PLAN Solid Abutment 6°, H 4mm, green, POM 111
048.939V4 WN PLAN Solid Abutment 6°, H 5.5mm, brown, POM 111
048.940V4 Bite registration aid, short, D 5 mm, H 8 mm, POM 74, 94
048.941V4 Bite registration aid, long, D 5 mm, H 12 mm, POM 74, 94
048.943V4 NNC PLAN Cementable abutment, straight, for crown/bridge, H 5.7mm, POM 109
048.944V4 NNC PLAN Cementable abutment, angled 15°, type A, H 5.9mm, POM 109
048.945V4 NNC PLAN Cementable abutment, angled 15°, type B, H 5.9mm, POM 109
048.946V4 NNC PLAN LOCATOR® abutment, H 1mm, POM 109
048.947V4 NNC PLAN LOCATOR® abutment, H 2mm, POM 109
048.948V4 NNC PLAN LOCATOR® abutment, H 3mm, POM 109
048.949V4 NNC PLAN LOCATOR® abutment, H 4mm, POM 109
048.950V4 NNC PLAN LOCATOR® abutment, H 5mm, POM 109
048.951V4 NNC Novaloc® Plan Abutment, H 1-6 mm, POM 109
048.952V4 NNC PLAN Solid Abutment, H 4mm, POM 109
048.953V4 NNC PLAN Solid Abutment, H 5.5mm, POM 109
048.954V4 NNC PLAN Solid Abutment, H 7mm, POM 109
048.960V4 NNC Bite registration aid, H 8mm, POM 60
048.961V4 NNC Bite registration aid, H 12mm, POM 60
049.071 Guide sleeve for implants Ø 4.1mm & Ø 3.5mm, Ø 4.2mm, L 5.6mm, stainless steel 223
049.076V4 X-ray reference sphere, Ø 5.0mm, stainless steel 204, 230
049.082 Guide cylinder for implants Ø 3.3mm & Ø 3.5mm, Ø 3.6mm, L 10.5mm, stainless steel 213, 223
049.083 Guide cylinder for implants Ø 4.1mm, Ø 4.2mm, L 10.5mm, stainless steel 223
049.154 Transversal screw for 048.620, D 2 mm, L 3 mm, TAV 178
049.167 Guide cylinder for implant Ø 4.8mm, Ø 4.9mm, L 10.5mm, stainless steel 223
049.177 NN Occlusal screw, L 5mm, D 1.8mm, TAN 177
049.181 SCS Occlusal screw for guiding sleeve, and post for temp. restorations, L 7.6 mm, TAN 223, 231, 75, 95
049.182 SCS Guiding cylinder for NN implant Ø 3.3mm, L 5mm, Ti/stainless steel 223
049.360 SCS Guiding cylinder for NNC implant Ø 3.3mm, L 10.1mm, stainless steel 223
049.361 48h Explantation device for STL implant NNC, L 31.4mm, stainless steel 224
049.810V4 Drill sleeve with collar, inner Ø 2.4mm, outer Ø 3.5mm, L 10mm, Ti 230
Information and Index

049.816V4 Pin for 049.810, Ø 2.2mm, L 16mm, Ti 230

049.817V4 Pin for 049.810, Ø 2.2mm, L 10mm, Ti 230
049.818V4 Stepped pin for 049.810, Ø 2.2mm/3.5mm, L 16mm, Ti 230
049.819V4 Pin for 049.810, Ø 3.5mm, L 16mm, Ti 230
049.850 Guide sleeve for implants Ø 3.3mm, Ø 3.6mm, L 4.5mm, stainless steel 223
049.851 Guide sleeve for implants Ø 4.8mm, Ø 4.9mm, L 6.4mm, stainless steel 223
066.1301 X Pilot VeloDrill, guided, Ø 2.2mm, short, stainless steel 209, 216
066.1302 X VeloDrill, guided, Ø 2.8mm, short, stainless steel 210, 217
066.1304 X VeloDrill, guided, Ø 3.5mm, short, stainless steel 210, 217
066.1306 X VeloDrill, guided, Ø 4.2mm, short, stainless steel 210, 217
066.1501 X Pilot VeloDrill, guided, Ø 2.2mm, medium, stainless steel 216

Index by item number

Index by item number

Art.No. Article Page
066.1502 X VeloDrill, guided, Ø 2.8mm, medium, stainless steel 217
066.1504 X VeloDrill, guided, Ø 3.5mm, medium, stainless steel 217
066.1506 X VeloDrill, guided, Ø 4.2mm, medium, stainless steel 217
066.1701 X Pilot VeloDrill, guided, Ø 2.2mm, long, stainless steel 209, 216
066.1702 X VeloDrill, guided, Ø 2.8mm, long, stainless steel 210, 217
066.1704 X VeloDrill, guided, Ø 3.5mm, long, stainless steel 210, 217
066.1706 X VeloDrill, guided, Ø 4.2mm, long, stainless steel 210, 217
070.008 Straumann® MembraneFlex 10x20mm 187
070.009 Straumann® MembraneFlex 20x30mm 187
070.010 Straumann® MembraneFlex 30x40mm 187
070.198 Straumann® BoneCeramic™ 400-700 µm, 0.25 g 184
070.199 Straumann® BoneCeramic™ 500-1000 µm, 0.5 g 184
070.200 Straumann® BoneCeramic™ 500-1000 µm, 1.0 g 184
075.098W Straumann® Emdogain®, 5 x 0.15 ml (30 mg/ml) 190
075.101W Straumann® Emdogain®, 1 x 0.3 ml (30 mg/ml) 190
075.102W Straumann® Emdogain®, 1 x 0.7 ml (30mg/ml) 190
075.114W Straumann® Emdogain® Multipack, Straumann® Emdogain® 3 x 0.3 ml (30 mg/ml), Straumann® PrefGel® 3 x 0.6 ml (24% EDTA) 190
075.116W Straumann® Emdogain® Multipack, Straumann® Emdogain® 3 x 0.7 ml (30 mg/ml), Straumann® PrefGel® 3 x 0.6 ml (24% EDTA) 190
075.127W Straumann® Emdogain®, 1 x 0.15 ml (30mg/ml) 190
075.130 Straumann® Emdogain® for Flapless Use, 0.15 ml 190
075.131 Straumann® Emdogain® for Flapless Use, 0.3 ml 190
075.203W Straumann® PrefGel®, 5 x 0.6 ml (24% EDTA) 190
120.0033 Set 5:1 Bone Level Implant 233
140.023 Solid abutment System, 5:1 Modell, metal, plastic 233
140.024 5:1 Model, ITI® synOcta®system, plastic case 233
140.032 Clear model mandible 236
140.033 Clear model maxilla 236
140.049 Clear model mandible, with 4 implants 236
140.055 Membranette 229
140.122 Straumann® Standard Plus NNC implant, 5:1 Model Box 233
150.215 x-ray template for Standard and Standard Plus Implants 204
150.216 x-ray template for Bone Level Implants 204
170.1 Adapter Optiloc® for handpiece, length 26mm 22
170.2 Adapter Optiloc® for Adapter, length 17mm 22
2010.101-STM Novaloc® Equipment box incl. 3 tools 105, 140, 167, 68, 88
2010.601-STM Novaloc® Processing package titanium, 2 pieces 104, 139, 166, 67, 87
2010.611-STM Novaloc® Processing package PEEK, 2 pieces 104, 139, 166, 67, 87
2010.701-STM Novaloc® Matrix housing, titanium, (incl. mounting insert), 4 pieces 104, 139, 166, 67, 87
2010.702-STM Novaloc® Matrix housing, PEEK, (incl. black mounting insert), 4 pieces 104, 139, 166, 67, 87
2010.703-STM Novaloc® Matrix housing titanium with attachment option, (incl. black mounting insert), 4 pieces 104, 139, 166, 67, 87
2010.710-STM Novaloc® Retention insert red, 4 pieces 104, 139, 166, 67, 87
2010.711-STM Novaloc® Retention insert white, 4 pieces 104, 139, 166, 67, 87
2010.712-STM Novaloc® Retention insert yellow, 4 pieces 104, 139, 166, 67, 87
2010.713-STM Novaloc® Retention insert green, 4 pieces 104, 139, 166, 67, 87
2010.714-STM Novaloc® Retention insert blue, 4 pieces 104, 139, 166, 67, 87
2010.715-STM Novaloc® Retention insert black, 4 pieces 104, 139, 166, 67, 87
2010.720-STM Model analogue, angled 15°, Al 103, 138, 165, 66, 86
2010.721-STM Novaloc® Model analogue Ø4 blue, 4 pieces 103, 138, 165, 66, 86
2010.722-STM Novaloc® Forming/fixing matrix, red, 4 pieces 103, 138, 165, 66, 86
2010.723-STM Novaloc® Processing spacer, white, 4 pieces 105, 140, 167, 68, 88
2010.724-STM Novaloc® Mounting collar, silicone, 10 pieces 105, 140, 167, 68, 88
2010.725-STM Novaloc® Mounting insert, 4 pieces 105, 140, 167, 68, 88
2010.731-STM Novaloc® Demounting tool for mounting inserts + model analogue reposition aid, (blue) 105, 140, 167, 68, 88
2010.741-STM Novaloc® Mounting and demounting tool for retention inserts, (brown) 105, 140, 167, 68, 88
2010.751-STM Novaloc® Matrix housing extractor, (grey) 105, 140, 167, 68, 88
Information and Index

2102.0001- Optiloc® matrix housing, titanium, 4pcs 23

2102.0003- Optiloc® Retention insert, red, 4 pcs. 23
2102.0004- Optiloc® Retention insert, white, light, 4 pcs. 23
2102.0005- Optiloc® Retention insert, yellow, medium, 4 pcs. 23
2102.0006- Optiloc® Retention insert, green, strong, 4 pcs. 23

Index by item number

Index by item number

Art.No. Article Page
2102.0007- Optiloc® Retention insert, blue, extra-strong, 4 pcs. 23
2102.0008- Optiloc® Retention insert, black, 4 pcs. 23
2102.0009- Optiloc® matrix housing, titanium, elliptic, 4 pcs. 23
2102.0010- Optiloc® Matrix housing with attachment option, 4 pcs. 23
2102.0011- Optiloc® mounting collar, silicone, 10 pcs. 24
2102.0012- Optiloc® Forming/fixing matrix, red, extra-light, 4 pcs. 22
2102.0023- Optiloc® Processing Spacer, white, 4 pcs. 24
2102.0024- Mini Implant analog (Optiloc®), blue 22
3202.0001- Optiloc® Mounting and demounting tool for retention inserts (brown) 24
3202.0002- Optiloc® Mounting tool + model analog reposition aid (blue) 24
3202.0003- Optiloc® Matrix housing extractor (gray) 24
440.140 Bone Level Tapered Implant & Screw-retained Abutment, 5:1 Model Box 233
440.143 Ceramic Implant Monotype 5:1, Ø 4.1mm RD, ZLA® 10mm, AH 4mm 233
440.163 Straumann® Bone Level Tapered Implant, RC, Ø 4.1 mm, SLA® 10 mm, cardboard box 233
440.166 Clear model upper jaw, partially edentulous 236
440.167 Clear model lower jaw, partially edentulous 236
440.168 Clear model upper jaw, fully edentulous 236
440.169 RC Loxim® Transfer Piece, 5:1 Model 234
440.171 Straumann® Bone Level Tapered Implant & Variobase®, 5:1 Model Box 233
440.175 RN Novaloc® Abutment & Matrix Set, 5:1 Model Box 234
440.176 Standard Plus Implant, Ø 4.1mm RN, 4mm, 5:1 Model Box 234
440.180 3:1 Premium illustration model 235
440.181 Straumann® PURE Ceramic Implant, 5:1 Model Box 234
440.185 Bone Level Tapered Implant Ø 2.9mm SC, 5:1 Model Box 234
440.189 RN & RC Variobase® for Crown AS, 5:1 Model Box 234
440.191 RN Impression Post Closed Tray, Al/Ti/POM, 5:1 Model Box 233
440.195 Straumann® PURE Ceramic Implant Monotype, 5:1 Model Box 235
440.212 Straumann® BLX, 5:1 Model Box 235
440.217 Straumann® Mini Implant, 5:1 Model 235
440.228 Straumann® BLX Implant, 5:1 Demo Implant 235
5102.0000- Optiloc® Equipment box, incl. 3 tools 24
5202.0001- Optiloc® Processing package, titanium 23
577275WW OptraGate Assortment , Flexible aid for full mouth access, 40 pieces Regular + 40 pieces Small 192
590850WW OptraGate Regular Refill, Flexible aid for full mouth access, 80 pieces 192
590851WW OptraGate Small Refill , Flexible aid for full mouth access, 80 pieces 192
591451WW OptraGate Junior Refill , Flexible aid for full mouth access, 80 pieces 192
669088WW OptraGate Small Assort./blue+pink/20+20, Flexible aid for full mouth access, 40 pieces pink + 40 pieces blue 192
669089WW OptraGate Junior Assort./blue+pink/20+20, Flexible aid for full mouth access, 40 pieces pink + 40 pieces blue 192
80087 Explantation instrument for synOcta® implants, long, L 26.6mm, stainless steel 224
80103 Explantation instrument for synOcta® implants, short, L 20.6mm, stainless steel 224
BK-33000 maxgraft® bonering surgical kit, Trephine with Pin OD 6mm; Trephine with Pin AD 7mm; Planator with Pin AD 7mm; Pilot Drill Ø =2.0mm, 191
30mm; Diamond Disc Ø 22mm; Diamond Ball Ø 5mm; Rack with botiss labeling
Information and Index

BK-33001 Pilot drill Ø 2mm 191

BK-33002 Trephine 6mm 191
BK-33003 Trephine 7mm 191
BK-33004 Diamond tulip 191
BK-33005 Diamond disc 191
BK-33006 Planator, 6mm 191
BK-33007 Planator 7mm 191
BK-33008 Instrument rack 191
BK-33009 Instrument tray maxgraft® bonering 191
BK-33010 bonering fix 191
BL-A0015 SNOW BL Anatomic Abutment, 0°, GH 1.5mm, incl. screw 47

Index by item number

Index by item number

Art.No. Article Page
BL-A0025 SNOW BL Anatomic Abutment, 0°, GH 2.5mm, incl. screw 47
BL-A1515 SNOW BL Anatomic Abutment, 15°, GH 1.5mm, incl. screw 47
BL-A1525 SNOW BL Anatomic Abutment, 15°, GH 2.5mm, incl. screw 47
BL-AN1515 SNOW BL Narrow Anatomic Abutment, 15°, GH 1.5mm, incl. screw 47
BL-BB1545 SNOW BL Bridge Abutment, GH 1.5mm, Ø 4.5mm, incl. screw 47
BL-BB2545 SNOW BL Bridge Abutment, GH 2.5mm, Ø 4.5mm, incl. screw 47
BL-CB1545 SNOW BL Crown Abutment, GH 1.5mm, Ø 4.5mm, incl. screw 47
BL-CB1555 SNOW BL Crown Abutment, GH 1.5mm, Ø 5.5mm, incl. screw 47
BL-CB2545 SNOW BL Crown Abutment, GH 2.5mm, Ø 4.5mm, incl. screw 47
BL-CB2555 SNOW BL Crown Abutment, GH 2.5mm, Ø 5.5mm, incl. screw 47
BL-CB2565 SNOW BL Crown Abutment, GH 2.5mm, Ø 6.5mm, incl. screw 47
BL-CB-IC Impression Cap closed for CB-Abutment 46
BL-CD Abutment-Removal Instrument 49
BL-GF1538 SNOW BL Healing Abutment, GH 1.5mm, Ø 3.8mm, PEEK 45
BL-GF1545 SNOW BL Healing Abutment, GH 1.5mm, Ø 4.5mm, PEEK 45
BL-GF1555 SNOW BL Healing Abutment, GH 1.5mm, Ø 5.5mm, PEEK 45
BL-GF2545 SNOW BL Healing Abutment, GH 2.5mm, Ø 4.5mm, PEEK 45
BL-GF2555 SNOW BL Healing Abutment, GH 2.5mm, Ø 5.5mm, PEEK 45
BL-GF2565 SNOW BL Healing Abutment, GH 2.5mm, Ø 6.5mm, PEEK 45
BL-GF3055 SNOW BL Healing Abutment, GH 3mm, Ø 5.5mm, PEEK 45
BL-HA Insertion Tool – Handpiece Adapter 49
BL-HA-OSC Handpiece Adapter for Ceramic Basal Screw 49
BL-HC Bonelevel Implant Healing Cap 45
BL-IP-C Impression Post Closed Tray for Straumann® SNOW BL Implant 46
BL-IP-O Impression Post Open Tray for Straumann® SNOW BL Implant 46
BL-L Lab Analog for Straumann® SNOW BL Implant 46
BL-LC0030 SNOWloc BL, 0°, GH 3mm, incl. screw 47
BL-LC0040 SNOWloc BL, 0°, GH 4mm, incl. screw 47
BL-LC1530 SNOWloc BL, 15°, GH 3mm, incl. screw 47
BL-LC1540 SNOWloc BL, 15°, GH 4mm, incl. screw 47
BL-OSC-H Ceramic Basal Screw, incl. tool 49
BL-OSL Lab Screw 49
BL-OST Basal Screw, Ti 49
BL-RA16 Insertion Tool -Ratchet 16mm 49
BL-RA19 Insertion Tool -Ratchet 19mm 49
BL-RT Rescue-Tool 49
BL-SB Scanbody for Straumann® SNOW BL Implant 46
BL-SB-36 Scanbody for Straumann® SNOW Narrow BL Implant 46
BL-SD-LT Screwdriver long for titanium screw 49
BL-SD-ST Screwdriver short for titanium screw 49
BL-TA Transfer Abutment 46
BL-TA0030 SNOW BL Temporary Abutment, GH 3mm, incl. screw, PEEK 46
BL-TA1538 SNOW BL Narrow Temporary Abutment, GH 1.5mm, incl. screw, PEEK 46
BL-ZB1538 SNOWbase BL, GH 1.5mm, Ø 3.8mm, incl. screw 47
BL-ZB1545 SNOWbase BL, GH 1.5mm, Ø 4.5mm, incl. screw 47
BL-ZB2545 SNOWbase BL, GH 2.5mm, Ø 4.5mm, incl. screw 47
BO-1510 cerabone® granules 0.5-1.0mm, natural bovine bone, 1x0.5cc(ml)/box 186
BO-1511 cerabone® granules 0.5-1.0mm, natural bovine bone, 1x1.0cc(ml)/box 186
BO-1512 cerabone® granules 0.5-1.0mm, natural bovine bone, 1x2.0cc(ml)/box 186
BO-1515 cerabone® granules 0.5-1.0mm, natural bovine bone, 1x5.0cc(ml)/box 186
BO-1520 cerabone® granules 1.0-2.0mm, natural bovine bone, 1x0.5cc(ml)/box 186
BO-1521 cerabone® granules 1.0-2.0mm, natural bovine bone, 1x1.0cc(ml)/box 186
BO-1522 cerabone® granules 1.0-2.0mm, natural bovine bone, 1x2.0cc(ml)/box 186
BO-1525 cerabone® granules 1.0-2.0mm, natural bovine bone, 1x5.0cc(ml)/box 186
BO-20005 maxresorb® granules 0.5-1.0mm, synthetic bi-phasic calcium phosphate, 1x0.5cc(ml)/box 184
Information and Index

BO-20010 maxresorb® granules 0.5-1.0mm, synthetic bi-phasic calcium phosphate, 1x1.0cc(ml)/box 184
BO-20105 maxresorb® granules 0.8-1.5mm, synthetic bi-phasic calcium phosphate, 1x0.5cc(ml)/box 184
BO-20120 maxresorb® granules 0.8-1.5mm, synthetic bi-phasic calcium phosphate, 1x2.0cc(ml)/box 184
BO-22005 maxresorb® inject 0.5cc, synthetic injectable bone paste, 1 syringe/box 184
BO-22010 maxresorb® inject 1.0cc, synthetic injectable bone paste, 1 syringe/box 184
BO-22025 maxresorb® inject 2.5cc, synthetic injectable bone paste, 1 syringe/box 184
BO-30005 maxgraft® granules 0.5-2.0mm, processed human allograft, 1x0.5cc(ml)/box 182
BO-30010 maxgraft® granules 0.5-2.0mm, processed human allograft, 1x1.0cc(ml)/box 182
BO-30020 maxgraft® granules 0.5-2.0mm, processed human allograft, 1x2.0cc(ml)/box 182
BO-30040 maxgraft® granules 0.5-2.0mm, processed human allograft, 1x4.0cc(ml)/box 182
BO-31005 maxgraft® cortico-cancellous granules 0.5-2.0mm, processed human allograft, 1x0.5cc(ml)/box 182

Index by item number

Index by item number

Art.No. Article Page
BO-31010 maxgraft® cortico-cancellous granules 0.5-2.0mm, processed human allograft, 1x1.0cc(ml)/box 182
BO-31020 maxgraft® cortico-cancellous granules 0.5-2.0mm, processed human allograft, 1x2.0cc(ml)/box 182
BO-31040 maxgraft® cortico-cancellous granules 0.5-2.0mm, processed human allograft, 1x4.0cc(ml)/box 182
BO-31111 maxgraft® Block unicortical cancellous 10x10x10mm, 1 block/box 183
BO-31112 maxgraft® Block unicortical cancellous 10x10x20mm, 1 block/box 183
BO-31251 maxgraft® cortico, Cortical Struts, 25x10x1mm, 1 pce 183
BO-32111 maxgraft® Block cancellous 10x10x10mm, 1 block/box 183
BO-32112 maxgraft® Block cancellous 10x10x20mm, 1 block/box 183
BO-33160 botiss bonering®, Ø 6mm/3.3mm (outer/inner diameter), H 10mm, not slotted 183
BO-33170 botiss bonering®, Ø 7mm/3.3mm (outer/inner diameter), H10mm, not slotted 183
BO-33174 maxgraft® bonering 4.1 L: 10 mm, D: 7 mm 183
BO-34000 Cortico trimmer 191
BO-440000 botiss Titan Pin Set 192
BO-440310 botiss TitanPins 3.0mm, 10PC 192
BO-511112 collacone®, native collagen alveo cone, 12 pieces/box 189
BO-601520 collprotect® membrane 15x20mm, 1 piece/box 187
BO-602030 collprotect® membrane 20x30mm, 1 piece/box 187
BO-603040 collprotect® membrane 30x40mm, 1 piece/box 187
BO-681520 Jason® membrane 15x20mm, Pericardium Collagene Membrane, 1 piece/box 187
BO-682030 Jason® membrane 20x30mm, Pericardium Collagene Membrane, 1 piece/box 187
BO-683040 Jason® membrane 30x40mm, Pericardium Collagene Membrane, 1 piece/box 187
BO-701520 mucoderm® 15x20mm, 1 piece/box 188
BO-702030 mucoderm® 20x30mm, 1 piece/box 188
BO-703040 mucoderm® 30x40mm, 1 piece/box 188
BO-801520 permamem® synthetic non resorbable PTFE membrane, 15x20 mm 187
BO-802030 permamem® synthetic non resorbable PTFE membrane, 20x30 mm 187
BO-803040 permamem® synthetic non resorbable PTFE membrane, 30x40 mm 187
BO-PMIa Patient matched allogenic implant, botiss bonebuilder 183
BO-PMIa2 maxgraft® bonebuilder, Processed human allograft, patient matched 183
CD360 Cortical Drill 3.6mm 48
CD400 Cortical Drill 4mm 48
CD500 Cortical Drill 5mm 48
CD-DS500 Drill stop 5.0mm 48
CH-CS Cover Screw for Zygomatic Implants for Ø4mm Ex Hex, Ti 53
CH-D-CM Instrument, Side-cut Burr, Ø2.8 – Ø3.9mm 55
CH-I-DG Instrument, Zygomatic Z Depth Gauge 55
CH-I-ZYG ZAGA™ Surgical Cassette 55
CH-SRA-1.5 ZAGA™ Screw-retained Abutment, for Ø 4mm Ex Hex, straight 0°, Ø 4.6mm, GH 1.5mm, Ti 53
CH-SRA-2.5 ZAGA™ Screw-retained Abutment, for Ø 4mm Ex Hex, straight 0°, Ø 4.6mm, GH 2.5mm, Ti 53
CH-SRA-3.5 ZAGA™ Screw-retained Abutment, for Ø 4mm Ex Hex, straight 0°, Ø 4.6mm, GH 3.5mm, Ti 53
CH-SRA-4.5 ZAGA™ Screw-retained Abutment, for Ø 4mm Ex Hex, straight 0°, Ø 4.6mm, GH 4.5mm, Ti 53
CH-ZC-30.0 ZAGA™ Advanced Zygomatic Implant, Ø 4.3mm, L 30mm, Ti 52
CH-ZC-32.5 ZAGA™ Advanced Zygomatic Implant, Ø 4.3mm, L 32.5mm, Ti 52
CH-ZC-35.0 ZAGA™ Advanced Zygomatic Implant, Ø 4.3mm, L 35mm, Ti 52
CH-ZC-37.5 ZAGA™ Advanced Zygomatic Implant, Ø 4.3mm, L 37.5mm, Ti 52
CH-ZC-40.0 ZAGA™ Advanced Zygomatic Implant, Ø 4.3mm, L 40mm, Ti 52
CH-ZC-42.5 ZAGA™ Advanced Zygomatic Implant, Ø 4.3mm, L 42.5mm, Ti 52
CH-ZC-45.0 ZAGA™ Advanced Zygomatic Implant, Ø 4.3mm, L 45mm, Ti 52
CH-ZC-47.5 ZAGA™ Advanced Zygomatic Implant, Ø 4.3mm, L 47.5mm, Ti 52
CH-ZC-50.0 ZAGA™ Advanced Zygomatic Implant, Ø 4.3mm, L 50mm, Ti 52
CH-ZC-52.5 ZAGA™ Advanced Zygomatic Implant, Ø 4.3mm, L 52.5mm, Ti 52
CH-ZT-35.0 ZAGA™ Regular Zygomatic Implant, Ø 4.3mm, L 35mm, Ti 52
CH-ZT-37.5 ZAGA™ Regular Zygomatic Implant, Ø 4.3mm, L 37.5mm, Ti 52
CH-ZT-40.0 ZAGA™ Regular Zygomatic Implant, Ø 4.3mm, L 40mm, Ti 52
CH-ZT-42.5 ZAGA™ Regular Zygomatic Implant, Ø 4.3mm, L 42.5mm, Ti 52
Information and Index

CH-ZT-45.0 ZAGA™ Regular Zygomatic Implant, Ø 4.3mm, L 45mm, Ti 52

CH-ZT-47.5 ZAGA™ Regular Zygomatic Implant, Ø 4.3mm, L 47.5mm, Ti 52
CH-ZT-50.0 ZAGA™ Regular Zygomatic Implant, Ø 4.3mm, L 50mm, Ti 52
CH-ZT-52.5 ZAGA™ Regular Zygomatic Implant, Ø 4.3mm, L 52.5mm, Ti 52
CH-ZT-55.0 ZAGA™ Regular Zygomatic Implant, Ø 4.3mm, L 55mm, Ti 52
D-35T-M15 Twist Drill, Disposable, Ø3.0 x 15mm 55
DP230 Depth Probe 2.30mm 48
DP285 Depth Probe 2.85mm 48
DP325 Depth Probe 3.25mm 48
DP375 Depth Probe 3.75mm 48
DP425 Depth Probe 4.25mm 48

Index by item number

Index by item number

Art.No. Article Page
D-ZYG-29 Twist Drill for Zygomatic, Ø2.9mm 55
D-ZYG-29S Twist Drill for Zygomatic, Short, Ø2.9mm 55
D-ZYG-CH-29 Multi-use Twist Drill for Zygomatic, Ø2.9mm 55
D-ZYG-CH-29S Multi-use Twist Drill for Zygomatic, Short, Ø2.9mm 55
D-ZYG-RB Round Burr for Zygomatic, Ø2.9mm 55
I-CON-X Instrument, Connector to Handpiece 55
I-HD-M Instrument, 1.22mm Hex Driver, Medium 55
I-IMP-INS-2 Instrument, Implant Inserter, Hex 55
I-WI-SH Instrument, Converter for Southern Fixture Mount Hex 55
I-ZYG-INS-2 Instrument, Zygomatic Implant Inserter, Hex 55
KI589 Drill Extension 48
LBC2013.0001 Labrida BioClean™ 193
M1-CH-ZC-42.5 Straumann® Zygomatic Demo Implant, ZAGA™ Flat, Ø 4.3mm, L 42.5mm, Ti 236
M1-CH-ZT-50.0 Straumann® Zygomatic Demo Implant, ZAGA™ Round, Ø 4.3mm, L 50mm, Ti 236
NI-0110-005 Straumann® XenoFlex, 6x6x3mm, 50mg 185
NI-0110-010 Straumann® XenoFlex, 6x6x6mm, 100mg 185
NI-0110-025 Straumann® XenoFlex, 7x8x9mm, 250mg 185
NI-0110-025S Straumann® XenoFlex (Syringe), 4.6x40mm, 250mg 185
NI-0110-050 Straumann® XenoFlex, 9x10x11mm, 500mg 185
NI-0110-050S Straumann® XenoFlex (Syringe), 5.6x45mm, 500mg 185
RD230 Round Drill 2.3mm 48
S1-0210-025 Straumann® XenoGraft 200-1000micron, 0.25g, 0.55cc 185
S1-0210-050 Straumann® XenoGraft 200-1000micron, 0.5g, 1.3cc 185
S1-0210-100 Straumann® XenoGraft 200-1000micron, 1.0g, 2.4cc 185
S1-0210-200 Straumann® XenoGraft 200-1000micron, 2.0g, 4.5cc 185
S1-1020-025 Straumann XenoGraft, 1000-2000micron, 0.25g, 0.68cc 185
S1-1020-050 Straumann XenoGraft , 1000-2000micron, 0.5g, 1.55cc 185
S1-1020-100 Straumann XenoGraft, 1000-2000micron, 1.0g, 2.9cc 185
S1-1020-200 Straumann XenoGraft, 1000-2000micron, 2.0g, 5.0cc 185
T360-1 Bonetap 48
T400-1 Bonetap 48
T500-1 Bonetap 48
TD230 Twisted Drill 2.3mm 48
TD285 Twisted Drill 2.85mm 48
TD325 Twisted Drill 3.25mm 48
TD375 Twisted Drill 3.75mm 48
TD425 Twisted Drill 4.25mm 48
TD-DS Drill stops (package of 6, one of each) 48
TD-DS230 Drill stop 2.30mm 48
TD-DS285 Drill stop 2.85mm 48
TD-DS325 Drill stop 3.25mm 48
TD-DS375 Drill stop 3.75mm 48
TD-DS425 Drill stop 4.25mm 48
TR-70 Torque Wrench 49
TW-0515 Torque Wrench 5-15Ncm 49
Z5-BL_TL Surgical Tray Bonelevel-Tissuelevel 49
Z5-BL_TL-LEER Surgical Tray Bonelevel-Tissuelevel empty 49
Z5-BL-3608 Straumann® SNOW BL Ceramic Implant, Ø 3.6mm, L 08mm 45
Z5-BL-3610 Straumann® SNOW BL Ceramic Implant, Ø 3.6mm, L 10mm 45
Z5-BL-3612 Straumann® SNOW BL Ceramic Implant, Ø 3.6mm, L 12mm 45
Z5-BL-4008 Straumann® SNOW BL Ceramic Implant, Ø 4mm, L 08mm 45
Z5-BL-4010 Straumann® SNOW BL Ceramic Implant, Ø 4mm, L 10mm 45
Z5-BL-4012 Straumann® SNOW BL Ceramic Implant, Ø 4mm, L 12mm 45
Z5-BL-5008 Straumann® SNOW BL Ceramic Implant, Ø 5mm, L 08mm 45
Information and Index

Z5-BL-5010 Straumann® SNOW BL Ceramic Implant, Ø 5mm, L 10mm 45

Z5-BL-5012 Straumann® SNOW BL Ceramic Implant, Ø 5mm, L 12mm 45
ZT-HA-8 Z5 Handpiece-Adapter Latch Type 49
ZT-O3X 1.5 S O-Ring black, for hexagonal adapter, 10 pcs 49
ZT-RA10-8 Z5 Ratchet-Adapter 10mm 49
ZT-RA20-8 Z5 Ratchet-Adapter 20mm 49
ZYG-TR-55-35 Instrument, Try-In Implant, Zygomatic 55° x 35mm 55
ZYG-TR-55-45 Instrument, Try-In Implant, Zygomatic 55° x 45mm 55
ZYG-TR-55-52 Instrument, Try-In Implant, Zygomatic 55° x 52.5mm 55

Valid from March 01, 2021, until publication of the new catalog.

All botiss® brands mentioned herein are registered trademarks of botiss Medical AG, Germany.
Ceramicor®, Dalbo®-Rotex® Matrix, Elitor® are registered trademarks of Cendres & Métaux SA, Switzerland.
ceramill® is a registered trademark of Amann Girrbach AG, Austria.
CEREC® is a registered trademark of Sirona Dental Systems GmbH, Bensheim, Germany.
Dolder® is a registered trademark of Prof. Eugen Dolder, exclusively licensed to Cendres + Metaux Holding SA, Switzerland.
IPS e.max® is a registered trademark of Ivoclar Vivadent AG, Liechtenstein.
LOCATOR® is a registered trademark of Zest IP Holdings LLC, USA.
Novaloc® is a registered trademark of Valoc AG, Switzerland.
PlanMill® is a registered trademark of Planmeca Oy, Finland.
VITA CAD-Temp® is a registered trademark of VITA Zahnfabrik H. Rauter GmbH & Co. KG, Germany.
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