Percentage Boq: Validate Print Help

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Validate Print Help Percentage BoQ

Tender Inviting Authority : Executive Enigneer-III, UIT, Udaipur.

Name of Work : Development of Garden in Khaneej Nagar Rev. Village Shobhapura. 1504

Contract No:

Name of the
Bidding Firm /
Company :

(This BOQ template must not be modified/replaced by the bidder and the same should be uploaded after filling the relevent columns, else the bidde
tender. Bidders are allowed to enter the Bidder Name and Values only )


Sl. Item Description Quantity Units Estimated Rate TOTAL AMOUNT
No. in in
Rs. P Rs. P

1 2 4 5 6 53
1.00 Item Code [2019 11.32]:Item Type [building] ::Sub
Item Code [2019 11.32 + 11.32.1]: Providing &
laying chequerred terrazo tiles of approved make
22mm thick with marble chips of size upto 6mm
in floors, jointed with neat cement slurry mixed
with pigment to match the shade of tiles
including rubbing and polishing complete in all 252.000 Sqm 443.00 #VALUE!
respect as per specification, on 28mm thick bed of
CM 1:4 Dark shade using ordinary cement

2.00 Item Code [2019 11.37]:Item Type [building] ::Sub

Item Code [2019 11.37 + 11.37.3]: Polished Blue
Kota stone slab in steps, walls, pillars, having fine
machine cut edges laid on 12mm (Av.) thick
cement mortar 1:3 and jointed with grey cement
slurry mixed with pigment to match the shade of 50.000 Sqm 1051.00 #VALUE!
the slab including rubbing and polishing
25 mm thick slab area 2001 to 5000
3.00 Item Code [2019 11.57]:Item Type [building] ::Sub
Item Code [2019 11.57 + 11.57.2]: Providing and
fixing of precast concrete interlocking block of M
30 grade manufactured from fully computerised
automatic stationery hydraulic vibropressed
machine and fully computerised automatic
batching plant of class A1/A2 as per BS
6717:2001. The CC interlocking paving blocks be
laid on average 50 mm. thick bed of coarse sand
and the joint on is to be filled with fine sand.
Laying procedure on compacted sub-base as
defined. Complete job is to be executed as per the
instruction of Engineer incharge. The rates to be
inclusive of all lead, Lifts and taxes General
specification of blocks:
1) Shape as defined by Engineer incharge 210.000 Sqm 505.00 #VALUE!
2) Tensile splitting strength and braking load as
per BS 6717:2001
3) Color : Grey cement natural colour.
4) Variation in dimension : Less than 1.6 mm.
5) Variation in thickness : Less than 3.2 mm.
6) Abrasion : As per BS : 6717:2001
80mm thick interlocking blocks
4.00 Item Code [2019 12.67]:Item Type [building] ::Sub
Item Code [2019 12.67 + 12.67.1]: Wall painting
with plastic emulsion paint of approved brand
and manufacture to give an even shade : Two or
more coats on new work including prepration of 900.000 Sqm 92.00 #VALUE!
base with primer putty lippy complete in all

5.00 Item Code [2019 12.68]:Item Type [building] ::Sub

Item Code [2019 12.68 + 12.68.1]: Painting with
enamel paint of approved brand and
450.000 Sqm 78.00 #VALUE!
manufacture to give an even shade: Two or more
coats on new work

6.00 Item Code [2019 12.8]:Item Type [building] ::

Sub Item Code [2019 12.8 + 12.8.2]: Plaster on
new surface on wall in cement sand mortar 1:4
including raking of joints etc. complete fine 600.000 Sqm 166.00 #VALUE!
finish: 20mm thick

7.00 Item Code [2019 3.2]:Item Type [building] ::

Sub Item Code [2019 3.2 + 3.2.3]: Providing and
laying in position cement concrete including
curing compaction etc . Complete in specified
grade excluding the cost of centering and
shuttering. All work up to plinth level using 25.200 CUM 3802.00 #VALUE!
crusher broken aggregate
M15 grade Nominal Mix ( with graded stone
aggregate 20mm nominal size)
8.00 Item Code [2019 3.2]:Item Type [building] ::
Sub Item Code [2019 3.2 + 3.2.7]: Providing and
laying in position cement concrete including
curing compaction etc . Complete in specified
grade excluding the cost of centering and
shuttering. All work up to plinth level using 9.450 CUM 2896.00 #VALUE!
crusher broken aggregate
1:4:8 ( 1 cement : 4 coarse sand : 8 graded stone
aggregate 40 mm nominal size)

9.00 Item Code [2019 6.1]:Item Type [building] ::

Sub Item Code [2019 6.1 + 6.1.7]: Random rubble
stone masonary for foundation and plinth in
cement sand mortar above 30 cm thick wall in: 47.250 CUM 2072.00 #VALUE!
Cement mortar 1:6 ( 1 Cement : 6 Sand )

10.00 Item Code [2019 9.19]:Item Type [building] ::

Providing and fixing steel gate grating and grills
made of angles, tees, square bars or flats black
pipe with holdfast and fittings complete as per
deign and drawing including cutting welding 1750.000 Kg 83.00 #VALUE!
and fabrication with priming coat of red oxide.
11.00 Item Code [2019 H-2.1]:Item Type
[building] ::Maintenance of lawn
Sub Item Code [2019 H-2.1 + 2.1.1]: Maintenance
of lawn Spreading of manure and good earth in
300.000 CUM 25.00 #VALUE!
required thickness (cost of manure and good
earth to be separately)

12.00 Item Code [2019 H-3.1]:Item Type

[building] ::Sub Item Code [2019 H-3.1 + H-3.1.3]:
Laying of lawns including ploughing, levelling
breaking of clods manuring & removal of stones
etc. (Cost of manure or extra good earth to be
paid separately). Maintenance of lawns for 30
days or more till the grass forms a thick lawns
free from weeds and fit for moving in the 12.000 100 Sqm. 6600.00 #VALUE!
duration of planting if lawn die some where the
contractor will replant it at his own cost. In rows
5 cm apart in either direction

13.00 Item Code [2019 H1.1.2]:Item Type [building] ::

Supply of dry manure including loading
unloading, transportation & stacking at site. Goat 75.000 CUM 1200.00 #VALUE!
dung manure

14.00 Item Code [2019 H1.3]:Item Type [building] ::

Supply & stacking good earth at site complete
including loading unloading & transporting 300.000 CUM 250.00 #VALUE!
Good Soil of earth
Total in Figures #VALUE!

Quoted Rate in Figures


Quoted Rate in Words #VALUE!

ent columns, else the bidder is liable to be rejected for this
only )

In Words












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