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CWE (S)/SOUTH/TOKEN/46 OF 2024-2025 SERIAl PAGE NO.35 .

Item Rate BoQ

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Tender Inviting Authority: CWE ARMY SECUNDERABAD
Contract No: CWE (S)/SOUTH/TOKEN/ 46 OF 2024-2025
Name :
(This BOQ template must not be modified/replaced by the bidder and the same should be uploaded after filling the relevent columns, else
the bidder is liable to be rejected for this tender. Bidders are allowed to enter the Bidder Name and Values only )
R# #
Sl. Item Description Quantity Units BASIC RATE In TOTAL TOTAL AMOUNT
No. Figures To be AMOUNT With In Words
entered by the Taxes
Rs. P
1 2 4 5 6 7 8
1 Demolition of cement concrete in roof inc existing roof 87.50 Cum #VALUE! #VALUE!
treatement (other than ground floor) and in any
position, removing debris to a distance of n.exc 100M
away from the bldg complete all as specified and

2 M & L for 25 mm average thick PCC (1:2:4) Type B0 2500.00 Sqm #VALUE! #VALUE!
by using 12.50 mm graded stone aggregate as in roof
where required over slabs and finishing the exposed
surfaces fair even without using extra cement
complete all as specified and directed.

3 M&L for removal of old treatment of any description 200.00 Sqm #VALUE! #VALUE!
and removing the debris roughening the surfaces of
old concrete roof surfaces by picking, sweeping clean
and washing down with water to remove dust etc
complete all as specified and directed.

Signature of Contractor JE (QS C) DCWE (Contracts) .

CWE (S)/SOUTH/TOKEN/46 OF 2024-2025 SERIAl PAGE NO.36 .

4 M & L 10mm thick rendering in CM 1:4 using water 2700.00 Sqm #VALUE! #VALUE!
proofing compound at the rate of 3% weight of cement
over concrete surfaces complete all as specified and
directed. ( Note : WPC measured and paid separately)

5 M&L priming the plastered roof surfaces with 2700.00 Sqm #VALUE! #VALUE!
bitumenous primer @ 0.30 Kg per sqm and applying
APP based polymeric membrane minimum weighing 3
Kg per Sqm and minimum 3mm thick reinforced with
polyster non wove fabric (Wt not less than 150
gms/per Sqm) and on primed surface by forced
application over apply bitumen base aluminium paint
@ 0.20 Kg/Sqm complete all as specified.

6 Supply only water proofing compound 1008.00 Kg #VALUE! #VALUE!

7 M & L cutting grooves in brick wall/roof slab of size 240.00 Rm #VALUE! #VALUE!
75mm wide 65mm deep and shapping to horizontal
face of the groove with cement mortar 1:3 complete all
as specified and directed.

8 Taking down rain water pipes of any description any 240.00 Rm #VALUE! #VALUE!
pattern incl all fittings heads, shoes bends etc all as
9 S&F PVC (SWR) pipes of 110mm dia single socketed 240.00 Rm #VALUE! #VALUE!
in any length with rubber ring joints fixed to walls all as

10 Dismanting asbests cement ( corrugated, semi- 4000.00 Sqm #VALUE! #VALUE!

currugated etc.) sheets in roof covering complete all
as specified and directed.
11 Dismanting single layer mangalore pattern or similar 200.00 Sqm #VALUE! #VALUE!
tiles in roofing complete all as specified and directed.

12 Removal of Battens for spacing N exc 15 cm tiles, 200.00 Sqm #VALUE! #VALUE!
shingles, etc of any size including tilting fillets
complete all as specified and directed.

Signature of Contractor JE (QS C) DCWE (Contracts) .

CWE (S)/SOUTH/TOKEN/46 OF 2024-2025 SERIAl PAGE NO.37 .

13 S & F prepainted galvalume aluminium zink coating GI 4420.00 Sqm #VALUE! #VALUE!
based corrugated steel sheeting 0.5mm thick of any
colour having tensile stength of 550 MPA asin roof
covering/cladding to wall fixed with self tapping screws
as specified.

14 S&F pre painted gal valume aluminium zink coating GI 405.00 Sqm #VALUE! #VALUE!
based plain steel sheeting 0.5mm thick of any colour
haing tensile strenghth of 550 MPA as in roof
covering/cladding to wall fixed with self tapping screws
as specified

15 Dismantling framed wooden purlin/Rafter work of any 20.00 Cum #VALUE! #VALUE!
description sectional area exc 40 Sqcm not other wise
provided for, complete all as specified and directed.

16 S & F roof trusses (framed) trussed purlins, crane 17600.00 Kg #VALUE! #VALUE!
gantries, rails and fastenings and heavy bracket
framing (beam, tee, angle, channel or flat section)
including distance pieces cleats etc confirming to
grade Fe-410 W E250 quality A.

17 M & L providing cement concrete type B-1 1:2:4 8.00 Cum #VALUE! #VALUE!
(20mm graded stone aggregate) as in roof curves or
muds, stops, rounded or chamfered on edges
complete all as specified and as directed.

18 M&L Preparatioin of new steel surfaces of any 800.00 Sqm #VALUE! #VALUE!
description over 10 cm width or girth and applying two
coats of synthetic enamel paint over a coat primer. all
as specified & directed.

19 Demolition of brick work or stone/ boulder masonry, 80.00 Cum #VALUE! #VALUE!
built in cement mortar including all quoins, pillars etc
all as specified and as directed. .

20 M & L for brick work with flyash bricks, straight or 176.00 Cum #VALUE! #VALUE!
curved on plan exceeding 6 M mean radius built in
cement mortar 1:6 all as specified and as directed.
21 Taking down plastering on brick walls etc including 3080.00 Sqm #VALUE! #VALUE!
racking out joints, hacking for key, scrabing down with
water etc. complete all as specified and directed.

Signature of Contractor JE (QS C) DCWE (Contracts) .

CWE (S)/SOUTH/TOKEN/46 OF 2024-2025 SERIAl PAGE NO.38 .

22 M & L for 15 mm thick (inner 10mm layer 1:6 and 2000.00 Sqm #VALUE! #VALUE!
outer 5mm layer 1:4) rendering in Cement Mortar on
fair faces of Brick works or Concrete surfaces and
finishing even and fair without using extra cement and
using water proofing compound for outer 5mm layer
complete all as specified and directed incl scaffolding if
necessary. Note : Patch work upto height 10.00m incl
necessary scaffolding. (WPC will be measured and
paid separately)

23 M & L for 15 mm thick rendering in Cement Mortar 1:6 1400.00 Sqm #VALUE! #VALUE!
on fair faces of Brick works or Concrete surfaces and
finishing even and fair without using extra cement.
complete all as specified and directed.

24 M & L for 10 mm thick rendering in Cement Mortar 1:3 400.00 Sqm #VALUE! #VALUE!
on fair faces of Brick works or Concrete surfaces in
ceilings and finishing even and fair without using extra
cement. complete all as specified and directed. Note :
Roof projection/sun shade portion upto ht 7.50m incl
necessary scaffolding

25 M&L for preparation of new surfaces and applying two 2000.00 Sqm #VALUE! #VALUE!
coats of cement base paint over a coat of primer
complete all as specified and directed

26 M&L for two coats of OBD over a coat of primer 1400.00 Sqm #VALUE! #VALUE!
including preparation of new plastered surfaces of
walls all as specified and directed

27 M&L for two coats of OBD over a coat of primer 400.00 Sqm #VALUE! #VALUE!
including preparation of new plasted ceiling all as
specified and directed

Signature of Contractor JE (QS C) DCWE (Contracts) .

CWE (S)/SOUTH/TOKEN/46 OF 2024-2025 SERIAl PAGE NO.39 .

28 M&L Complete removal of existing treatment on walls 4600.00 Sqm #VALUE! #VALUE!
and applying two coats of oil bound distemper over a
coat of primer complete all as specified and directed.

29 M&L Complete removal of existing treatment on 2000.00 Sqm #VALUE! #VALUE!

ceilings and applying two coats of oil bound distemper
over a coat of primer complete all as specified and

30 M&L Complete removal of existing treatment on walls 12000.00 Sqm #VALUE! #VALUE!
and applying two coats of cement base paint over a
coat of primer complete all as specified and directed.

31 M&L for providing false ceiling with anodised 2100.00 Sqm #VALUE! #VALUE!
aluminium snap grid frame work for false ceiling with
size of grid 605 x 605mm with aluminium main tee,
cross tee size 25x25x1.6 mm and aluminium wall
angle size 25x25x1.8 mm fixed to wall hanging from
soffits\trusses\bracking using adjustable supporting
hanger compressing of GI wire 4mm thick with locking
clip.complete all as sepcified and directed.

32 M&L for Providing and fixing Non asbestos designer 2100.00 Sqm #VALUE! #VALUE!
E-Board 4mm thick in ceiling fixed to snap grid as per
manufacturers instructions complete all as sepcified
and directed.

33 Taking down chowkat with frame (without taking off 60.00 Each #VALUE! #VALUE!
shutter from the frame) exc 1.50 Sqm each complete
all as specified & directed.

34 Taking down shutter of any description not exc 1 Sqm 100.00 Per leaf #VALUE! #VALUE!
each complete all as specified complete all as
specified & directed.

35 Taking down shutter of any description exc 1 Sqm & n 64.00 Per leaf #VALUE! #VALUE!
exc 2 Sqm each complete all as specified complete all
as specified & directed.

Signature of Contractor JE (QS C) DCWE (Contracts) .

CWE (S)/SOUTH/TOKEN/46 OF 2024-2025 SERIAl PAGE NO.40 .

36 M&L for plain cement concrete type C-1 1:3:6 (20mm 12.00 Cum #VALUE! #VALUE!
graded aggregate) for setting hold fasts, steel windows
all as specified and directed.

37 S&F bands, straps, supports or stays for rain watr, 288.00 Kg #VALUE! #VALUE!
ventilating pipes including bolts if required, hooks
(stay), heavy, for large gates, hook and pintle hinges,
large hasps and staples, chains, hand made sliding
bolts, clamps, hold fasta, wall ties, hooks for hanging
fans, plain angle cleats for securing purlins to wood
trusses or rafters, knee piece inserts, two way and
three way straps, plate washers and similar small
articles confirming to Fe-290 Gde E-165

38 M & L for 2nd class hard wood Plain, solid, straight, 7.20 Cum #VALUE! #VALUE!
chowkats and frames, wrought, framed rebated on the
solid, rounded or chamfered, put together with glue
pinned at joints

39 M & L for preparation of new wood and wood based 1.20 Per 100No #VALUE! #VALUE!
materials, like backs of chowkhats and tarred with tar
or coal tar black paint, area tarred exc 0.1 sqm but n
exc 0.5 sqm surface and complete all as specified.

40 M & L for treating small articles such as stop, covers, 7.20 Per 100No #VALUE! #VALUE!
holdfasts, with tar or coal tar black paint area tarred n
exc 0.1 sqm complete all as specified.

41 S&F for 35mm thick factory made plain framed 120.00 Sqm #VALUE! #VALUE!
paneled shutter of 2nd class HW (any Number of
panel) with lock rail and panel of 9 mm BWP
commercial ply or 12 mm th venered particle board
with veneering on both face kiln seasoned &
chemically treated complete all as specified &

Signature of Contractor JE (QS C) DCWE (Contracts) .

CWE (S)/SOUTH/TOKEN/46 OF 2024-2025 SERIAl PAGE NO.41 .

42 S & F 35mm thick 2nd class hard wood glazed 140.00 Sqm #VALUE! #VALUE!
skeleton door shutters open rebated and prepared to
receive glass, gauze, etc (without sah bars) and
divided into square with plain, rounded, chamfered,
mitred complete all as specified & directed.

43 S & F 30mm thick 2nd class hard wood glazed 176.00 Sqm #VALUE! #VALUE!
skeleton windows shutters open rebated and prepared
to receive glass, gauze, etc (with sash bars) and
divided into square with plain, rounded, chamfered,
mitred and rebated sash bars.complete all as specified
& directed.

44 S & F 125mm butt hinges heavy weight cold rolled 1152.00 Each #VALUE! #VALUE!
mild steel complete all as specified & directed.

45 S & F in repairs 125mm butt hinges heavy weight cold 400.00 Each #VALUE! #VALUE!
rolled mild steel complete all as specified & directed.

46 S & F Aluminium handle 150mm fabricated type 768.00 Each #VALUE! #VALUE!
complete all as specified & directed.

47 S & F in repairs Aluminium handle 150mm fabricated 200.00 Each #VALUE! #VALUE!
type complete all as specified & directed.

48 S & F Aluminium anodised barrel tower bolts 200mm 352.00 Each #VALUE! #VALUE!
of extrded section complete all as specified & directed.

49 S & F in repairs Aluminium anodised barrel tower 100.00 Each #VALUE! #VALUE!
bolts 200mm of extrded section complete all as
specified & directed.

50 S & F Aluminium anodised barrel tower bolts 300mm 416.00 Each #VALUE! #VALUE!
of extrded section complete all as specified & directed.

51 S & F in repairs Aluminium anodised barrel tower 120.00 Each #VALUE! #VALUE!
bolts 300mm of extrded section complete all as
specified & directed.

Signature of Contractor JE (QS C) DCWE (Contracts) .

CWE (S)/SOUTH/TOKEN/46 OF 2024-2025 SERIAl PAGE NO.42 .

52 S & F 300mm Aluminium alloy, anodised, sliding door 56.00 Each #VALUE! #VALUE!
bolt with hasp, staple (bolt type) and fixing clips of
sheet, cast or extruded sections and fixing bolts and
sliding bolts of extruded sections or cast aluminium
alloy and fixed

53 S & F in repairs 300mm Aluminium alloy, anodised, 48.00 Each #VALUE! #VALUE!
sliding door bolt with hasp, staple (bolt type) and fixing
clips of sheet, cast or extruded sections and fixing
bolts and sliding bolts of extruded sections or cast
aluminium alloy and fixed

54 S&F 300 mm long helical door springs including roller 56.00 Each #VALUE! #VALUE!
plate complete all as specified & directed.

55 S& F for 150mm long Floor door stopper of aluminium 48.00 Each #VALUE! #VALUE!
alloy body and tongue, anodised, with hard drawn
steel spring. Fixed in floor

56 S& F in repairs for 150mm long Floor door stopper of 20.00 Each #VALUE! #VALUE!
aluminium alloy body and tongue, anodised, with hard
drawn steel spring. Fixed in floor

57 S &F for framed work such as grills, grating etc., with 400.00 Kg #VALUE! #VALUE!
ends of bars shouldered and / or riveted, or forged into
spikes; framed guard bars(for windows); barred iron
doors; ladders; framed balusters; walk ways; railings;
framework of watertanks and similar work cnforming to
Fe 290. Gde E-165

58 S & F Stainless steel wire cloth, 0.36mm nominal dia 640.00 Sqm #VALUE! #VALUE!
of wire and avg width of aperture 1.40mm and fixed
with stainless steel wire staples complete all as
specified & directed.

59 All as per item above but fixed in repairs complete all 40.00 Sqm #VALUE! #VALUE!
as specified & directed..

Signature of Contractor JE (QS C) DCWE (Contracts) .

CWE (S)/SOUTH/TOKEN/46 OF 2024-2025 SERIAl PAGE NO.43 .

60 S & F 2nd class hardwod in fillets, square, rectanglar 200.00 RM #VALUE! #VALUE!
in section wrought, secrred with nails sectional area
exc 3 sqcm and n exc 6 sqcm fixed in repairs.

61 S & F 2nd class hardwod in fillets, square, rectanglar 1760.00 RM #VALUE! #VALUE!
in section wrought, secrred with nails sectional area
exc 13 sqcm and n exc 25 sqcm

62 Hacking out old broken glass any description & size 200.00 Sqm #VALUE! #VALUE!
from wooden/steel window and removal of rubbish
from work site as directed.

63 S & F 4mm th sheet glass ordinary quality and fixed 120.00 Sqm #VALUE! #VALUE!
with oil putty in square not exc 0.5 sqm in each pane
complete all as specified & directed.

64 S & F 5.5mm th sheet glass ordinary quality and fixed 140.00 Sqm #VALUE! #VALUE!
with oil putty in square exc 0.5 sqm in each pane
complete all as specified & directed.

65 M & L for preparation of new wooden surface and 820.00 Sqm #VALUE! #VALUE!
applying 2 coats of synthetic enamel paint over one
coat of pink primer over 10cm width or girth complete
all as specified.

66 M & L for preparation of old wooden surface and 1860.00 Sqm #VALUE! #VALUE!
applying two coats of synthetic enamel paint over
10cm width or girth complete all as specified.

67 Demolition of cement concrete(unreinforced) in ground 15.00 Cum #VALUE! #VALUE!

floors and paving nexc 15 cm thickness (below and
above ground level) complete all as specified &

68 M & L 75 mm thick PCC 1:3:6 type C2 (40mm graded 240.00 Sqm #VALUE! #VALUE!
aggregate) as in plinth protection finished even and
smooth without using extra cement.

69 M&L forming 38mm wide construction joints Glass 80.00 RM #VALUE! #VALUE!
dividing strips, 3 mm thick complete

Signature of Contractor JE (QS C) DCWE (Contracts) .

CWE (S)/SOUTH/TOKEN/46 OF 2024-2025 SERIAl PAGE NO.44 .

70 M&L for removing plants incl complete root in wall and 80.00 Each #VALUE! #VALUE!
roof, also repair and finish with PCC (1:3:3) finished to
existing surface upto height of 7.5m all as specified
and directed.

71 S&F 25mm Stainless steel curtain rods incl required 240.00 RM #VALUE! #VALUE!
nos of brackets complete all as sepcified and directed

72 Demolition of stone slabs of any description or 1000.00 Ten Sqm #VALUE! #VALUE!
thickness in floors, aprons, etc laid, bedded and
pointed in any mortar

73 S&F 18-20 mm thick kota stone as in floors over and 1000.00 Sqm #VALUE! #VALUE!
including 15mm thick screed bed or bedding layer in
cement mortar 1:6 and jointed with grey cement slurry
mixed with pigment to match the shade of the slab
including rubbing and polishing to achieve mirror finish
and rounding chamfered edges where directed
complete all as specified and diirected.

74 All as per item No 73 above but 16 to 18m thck kota 100.00 Sqm #VALUE! #VALUE!
stone slab as in small wiidth in vertical surfaces like
landings, risers,, treads, skirtings, dado, etc over and
including 10mm thick pcking coat in cement mortar 1:4
complete all as specified and directed.

75 Mirror polishing on Kota stone/stone work where ever 2400.00 Sqm #VALUE! #VALUE!
required to give high gloss finish complete all as
specified and directed.
76 Surface excavation n exc 30 cm deep and averaging 596.00 Sqm #VALUE! #VALUE!
15 cmm deep and getting out hard/dense soil

77 Removing excavated materials n.exc 50 m and 195.79 Cum #VALUE! #VALUE!

depositing where directed at a level n.exc 1.5m above
the starting point.

Signature of Contractor JE (QS C) DCWE (Contracts) .

CWE (S)/SOUTH/TOKEN/46 OF 2024-2025 SERIAl PAGE NO.45 .

78 M&L broken stone or boulder hard core of gauge 53.50 Cum #VALUE! #VALUE!
exc63 mm but n exc 100mm deposited spread and
levelled in layers n,exc 15 cm thick watered and
rammed to true surface

79 M&L for 100 mm thick PCC 1:4:8 type D2 (40mm 320.00 Sqm #VALUE! #VALUE!
graded aggregate) as in sub bases, sub flooring
finished even and rough.

80 M&L for chequered cement concrete tiles with grey 320.00 Sqm #VALUE! #VALUE!
cement and pigments of size 300cmx300cmx20-25mm
thick set, jointed and pointed in neat cement slurry
over and including 15mm thick CM 1:6 screed bed in
flooring complete all as specified & directed.

81 S&F Vertical looking mirror of size 48cm x 120cm to 24.00 Each #VALUE! #VALUE!
fixed in verandah of barracks including necessary
bolts and fittings all as specifed and directed.

82 S&F 4mm Plain mild steel wire, galvanised class 3, in 14.00 100 RM #VALUE! #VALUE!
detached work such as for mosquito nets and fixing to
straining bolts, hook eyes, etc all as specified and

83 S&F Bulletin/Pin-in/Notice board (Green, Maroon or 16.00 Each #VALUE! #VALUE!

Blue) of size 120cm x 90cm (4'x3') to be fixed in
verandah of barracks including necessary bolts and
fittings all as specified and directed.
84 Excavating in trenches n.exc 1.5m wide and n.exc 254.34 Cum #VALUE! #VALUE!
1.5m depth for foundation etc or wells cess pits
manholes n.exc 10 Sqm on plan and getting out in
Hard and dense soil

85 Cement concrete type D 2 1:4:8 (40 mm graded 9.10 Cum #VALUE! #VALUE!
aggregate) in foundation filling and mass concrete

Signature of Contractor JE (QS C) DCWE (Contracts) .

CWE (S)/SOUTH/TOKEN/46 OF 2024-2025 SERIAl PAGE NO.46 .

86 Mild steel TMT bars 10mm dia and over, cut to length, 275.00 Kg #VALUE! #VALUE!
bent to shape required, including cranking, bending
spirally for hooping for columns, hooking ends and
binding with and including mild steel wire (annealed)
not less than 0.9mm dia for securing with clips quality
conforming to deformed or TMT bars.

87 All as per item no. 86 but 5mm dia and over upto and 110.00 Kg #VALUE! #VALUE!
including 10mm dia in stirrups, spacers and binders
TMT bars.

88 Form work to sides and soffits of floor or roof beams, 30.00 Sqm #VALUE! #VALUE!
beam haunchings, girders, bressum-mers, lintels,
cantilevers, shelves including supports, overhangs, etc
also splays between floors and beams, etc.rough
finished surfaces of concrete.

89 M&L for Reinforced cement concrete (nominal mix) in 3.10 Cum #VALUE! #VALUE!
type B1 1:2:4 (20 mm graded stone aggregate) in
Beams, cantilevers, bressummers, lintels over 1.5m

90 M&L filling under floor obtained from excavation, 17.50 Cum #VALUE! #VALUE!
spread, levelled and rammed in layers n exc 25 cm
thick including watering all as specified and directed.

91 S&F Rolled sections as in main and cross beams, hip 3700.00 Kg #VALUE! #VALUE!
and jack rafters, truss, purlins where connected to
common rafters and running rails and guides for
sliding doors, fixed with angle cleats or coneecting
plates Fe 410-W (Gde E 250) Quality - A.

92 Returning filling in including spreading, levelling 130.46 Cum #VALUE! #VALUE!

watering and well ramming in layers not exc 25cm

93 M&L Damp proof course 40mm thick of PCC type B0 27.00 Sqm #VALUE! #VALUE!
1:2:4 complete

Signature of Contractor JE (QS C) DCWE (Contracts) .

CWE (S)/SOUTH/TOKEN/46 OF 2024-2025 SERIAl PAGE NO.47 .

94 M&L for Brickwork with fly ash bricks, straight or 145.00 Sqm #VALUE! #VALUE!
curved on plan exc to any radius, half brick walls, built
in CM (1:4) Complete all as specified and directed.

95 M&L for 75 mm thick PCC 1:4:8 type D2 (40mm 175.00 Sqm #VALUE! #VALUE!
graded aggregate) as in sub bases, sub flooring
finished even and rough.

96 M&L for 25 mm thick Cement concrete type B-1, 1:2:4 175.00 Sqm #VALUE! #VALUE!
(20mm graded aggregate as in floor base

97 Rendering 10mm thick of fair faces of brick work or 170.00 Sq.m #VALUE! #VALUE!
concrete surfaces cement plaster 1:6 finished even
and fair without using extra cement.
98 Rendering 15mm thick in CM 1:4 finished even and 245.00 Sqm #VALUE! #VALUE!
fair without using extra cement.
99 S&F Figured glass, pin head type 3mm thick and 4.50 Sqm #VALUE! #VALUE!
glazing with aluminium glazing clips in square n.exc
0.5 sqm in each pane.

100 M&L for glazed ceramic coloured tiles of size 366.00 Sq.m #VALUE! #VALUE!
300x450x7mm thick in vertical surfaces of wall set and
jointed in neat cement slurry and pointed in coloured
cement to match over 10mm thick rendering in CM

101 M&L Non skid coloured ceramic tiles300x300mm x 7 175.00 Sq.m #VALUE! #VALUE!
to 8mm) thick, in floors etc set and jointed in neat
cement slurry and pointed in white or coloured cement
to match over 15mm thick screed bed in CM (1:6)
complete all as specified.

102 M&L 20mm thick Granite (of any type) work (table 16.00 Sqm #VALUE! #VALUE!
rubbed and polished) in steps, jambs, pillars, window-
cills, cooking platform and like in cement mortar (1:4)
including pointing in white cement (1:2) using marble
dust with admixture of pigment to match with shade of

Signature of Contractor JE (QS C) DCWE (Contracts) .

CWE (S)/SOUTH/TOKEN/46 OF 2024-2025 SERIAl PAGE NO.48 .

103 S&F of factory made solid PVC moulded shutter with 55.00 Sqm #VALUE! #VALUE!
28 to 30mm thick(stiles)with 2,4 or 6 raised panel
design with 2mm thick moulded PVC prelam sheet on
the front face and 2mm thick plain colour PVC sheet
on back face with particle board core.

104 S&F of solid PVC door frame of size 50mmx47mm 200.00 Rm #VALUE! #VALUE!
made out of 5mm plain colour PVC sheet reinforced
with MS square tube, suppling and fixing in opening as
per specification and drawing.

105 S&F of Butt hinges extruded aluminium alloy with 99.00 Each #VALUE! #VALUE!
galvanised mild steel hinge pin, anodised and fixed
type C-21 100mm

106 S&F of aluminium anodised barrel tower bolts of 66.00 Each #VALUE! #VALUE!
extruded section and fixed 150mm
107 S&F of extruded aluminium handles fabricated type 66.00 Each #VALUE! #VALUE!
anodised 100mm

108 M&L for 15 mm dia Tubes, 'Medium grade' galvanised, 150.00 Rm #VALUE! #VALUE!
with all fitting and fixed complete to walls and ceilings
or laid in floors

109 M&L for 20 mm dia Tubes, 'Medium grade' galvanised, 60.00 Rm #VALUE! #VALUE!
with all fitting and fixed complete to walls and ceilings
or laid in floors

110 M & L for PVC (SWR) floor trap, plain with grating 24.00 Each #VALUE! #VALUE!
including jointing with solvent cement diameter of
outlet in 75mm.
111 S&F for 15 mm Bib taps, cast copper alloy with crutch 12.00 Each #VALUE! #VALUE!
or butterfly handle, screwed down, screwed for iron
pipe or for brass ferrule and fixed

112 S&F for Stop valves, cast copper alloy, screwed down, 53.00 Each #VALUE! #VALUE!
high pressure, with crutch or butterfly handle, screwed
both ends for iron pipe or for unions and fixed

Signature of Contractor JE (QS C) DCWE (Contracts) .

CWE (S)/SOUTH/TOKEN/46 OF 2024-2025 SERIAl PAGE NO.49 .

113 M&L for painting to cement plaster surfaces with two 220.00 Sqm #VALUE! #VALUE!
coats of Cement base paint over a coat of alkali
resistant primer after preparation of surface all as
specified and directed.

114 Preparation of newly plastered wall surfaces and 170.00 Sqm #VALUE! #VALUE!
applying two coats of distemper oil emulsion over a
coat of alkaly resistant primer.

115 M & L for preparation of new steel surfaces over 10 135.00 Sqm #VALUE! #VALUE!
cm width or girth and applying two coats of synthetic
enamel paint over a coat of zinc chrome primer.

116 Supply and fix PVC valveless syphonic action type 17.00 Each #VALUE! #VALUE!
flushing cistern 10 lit capacity low level white with inlet,
ball valve, float and handle including brackets and
32mm PVC flush pipe.

117 Supply and fix PVC connection 15mm size with PTMT 40.00 Each #VALUE! #VALUE!
nuts of length 600mm.

118 S&F PVC (SWR) pipes single socketed, in any length 20.00 Rm #VALUE! #VALUE!
with rubber ring joints, laid in trenches or in floors
110mm bore

119 S&F PVC (SWR) pipes single socketed, in any length 40.00 Rm #VALUE! #VALUE!
with rubber ring joints, laid in trenches or in floors
75mm bore

120 S&F PVC (SWR) pipes single socketed, in any length 40.00 Rm #VALUE! #VALUE!
with rubber ring joints, fixed to walls 110mm bore

121 S&F PVC (SWR) bends any radius 110mm bore 16.00 Each #VALUE! #VALUE!

122 S&F PVC (SWR) bends any radius 75mm bore 16.00 Each #VALUE! #VALUE!
123 S&F PVC (SWR) bends any radius 75mm bore with 16.00 Each #VALUE! #VALUE!
access doors
124 S&F PVC (SWR) Ventcowls of bore 110mm 8.00 Each #VALUE! #VALUE!

Signature of Contractor JE (QS C) DCWE (Contracts) .

CWE (S)/SOUTH/TOKEN/46 OF 2024-2025 SERIAl PAGE NO.50 .

125 S & F 15mm bore pillar taps, fancy type cast copper 18.00 Each #VALUE! #VALUE!
alloy, with capstan heads, chromium plated, screwed
down high pressure, with or without lettered 'Hot' or
'Cold' with long screwed shanks and fly-nuts, screwed
for iron pipe and fixed.

126 S&F Towel Ring of PTMT fixed with and including 18.00 Each #VALUE! #VALUE!
chromium plated brass screws and wooden/plastic
cleats ( Min wt 90 gms)

127 S&F Towel Rail 600 mm long of PTMT fixed with and 29.00 Each #VALUE! #VALUE!
including chromium plated brass screws and
wooden/plastic cleats ( Min wt 190 gms)

128 S&F Vitreous china counter sunk wash basin, white, 18.00 Each #VALUE! #VALUE!
size 550x400 mm excluding ditto but including
brackets, including cutting for and pinning in ends of
brackets or erecting stand but exclusive of fixing of
supply and waste pipe

129 S&F 600mmx450mm belvelled edge looking mirror of 18.00 Each #VALUE! #VALUE!
selected quality glass, mounted on 6mm thick AC
building board or commercial plywood with pvc /
alluminium frame and fixed to wooden plugs with
chromum plated brass screws cup washers.

130 S & F Vitreous China Urinal, Half stall type, white 6.00 Each #VALUE! #VALUE!
complete including providing and fixing plugs, bedding
urinal against wall in CM 1:2, securing urinal to plugs
with 60 mm long brass screws, pointing around urinal
back in cement, including all fittings cistern, brackets,
flush pipe, spreader, push tap, waste coupling, grating,
etc Complete set incl all fitting & fixtures as specified
and directed.

131 S&F Vitreous china urinal partition white of size 6.00 Each #VALUE! #VALUE!
310x700 mm terminating about 40 cm above floor line
all as specified and directed

Signature of Contractor JE (QS C) DCWE (Contracts) .

CWE (S)/SOUTH/TOKEN/46 OF 2024-2025 SERIAl PAGE NO.51 .

132 S & F Vitreous china Squatting pan Orissa pattern of 17.00 Each #VALUE! #VALUE!
size 580mx440mm wite with integral foot rests
(excluding flushing cistern and flush pipe) complete
including concrete bedding complete.

133 S&F rotational moulded polyethylene water storage 4.00 Each #VALUE! #VALUE!
tanks 1000 ltrs(cylindlerical vertical with closed top)
hoisted and fixed in position all as specified in SSR
part I.

134 S&F 20 mm dia gun metal globe or gate valves with 4.00 Each #VALUE! #VALUE!
iron wheel head screwed both ends for iron pipe as in
repairs complete all as specified & directed.

135 S&F Ball valves high pressure of PTMT with epoxy 4.00 Each #VALUE! #VALUE!
coated aluminium rod and high density plastic ball
screwed for iron pipe and fixed (minimum weigth
455gms) 20mm bore

136 Excavating in post holes (or similar holes) each n exc 16.00 Each #VALUE! #VALUE!
0.5 cum, getting out, returning, filling in and ramming
earth or broken rubble mixed with earth around, in
layers not exceeding 25cm, watering, and removing
surplus soil to a distance n exc 50 m and making good
surface in hard or dence soil all as specified and

137 M&L for painting to cement plaster surfaces with two 15.00 Sqm #VALUE! #VALUE!
coats of Cement base paint over a coat of alkali
resistant primer after preparation of surface all as spd
and directed.

138 M&L for SWG drain pipe grade 'A' of 200 mm internal 75.00 Rm #VALUE! #VALUE!
dia laid in trenches and jointed in cement mortar 1:1
all as specified.

139 M&L for concrete bed to drain pipes 200mm dia using 75.00 Rm #VALUE! #VALUE!
cement concrete 1:3:6 type C2 including packing
under and haunching against the sides of pipes after
they are laid and tested in

Signature of Contractor JE (QS C) DCWE (Contracts) .

CWE (S)/SOUTH/TOKEN/46 OF 2024-2025 SERIAl PAGE NO.52 .

140 M&L Precast reinforced cement concrete (1:2:4) type 0.75 Cum #VALUE! #VALUE!
B-1 (using 20mm graded stone aggregate ) for
manhole cover septic tank covers slabs etc including
necessary form work and set in CM (1:4) all as
specified and directed.
Note:- Reinforcement will be measured and paid

141 Construction of RCC Septic tank With Upflow Filter 1.00 Each #VALUE! #VALUE!
designed to carry sewage and sullage water,
excavation in any type ofdesigned to carry sewage
and sullage water, excavation in any type of soil, PCC
1:4:8 below foundation, RCC M-30 Design Mix in
Walls , Base Slab , Baffle walls and Roof Slab
including beams etc with Vent shaft , manhole
openings with cover connection etc., complete with
effective depth of 1.5 meter and overall depth of 3
meter for 50 users all as specified.

142 Construction of Soakage wells excavation, in any type 2.00 Each #VALUE! #VALUE!
of soil, foundation in PCC 1:3:6, walls of honey
combed masonry with top ring of M25 concrete
including intercepting chamber and screen chamber
made of Brick masonary in CM, RCC cover slab in
M25/ SFRC cover, interconnecting pipes of RCC/DWC
complete filled with brick bats of size 3 M dia X 6.0 M
effective depth all as specified.

Signature of Contractor JE (QS C) DCWE (Contracts) .

CWE (S)/SOUTH/TOKEN/46 OF 2024-2025 SERIAl PAGE NO.53 .

143 M & L point wiring concealed complete with 1100 905.00 Point #VALUE! #VALUE!
Volts, FRLSH grade, 1.5, Single core, PVC
Insulated,ISI marked unsheathed, multistranded
copper conductor cable, confirming to IS - 694 drawn
through and including medium grade PVC conduit, 20
mm dia ISI marked including all accessories concealed
in walls / roofs / floors / ceiling etc. and pressed GI
modular box & modular white cover plate/frame as per
OEM suitable size as required at site for fixing
modular switchs/ sockets/ fan regulators/ bell push
etc.including 1100 Volts, FRLSH Grade, 1.5,
single sore, PVC insulated, unsheathed, multistranded
copper conductor cable as earth continuity conductor
with colour coding and connecting to earth dolly for
following complete all as specified.
(a )One light point/ ceiling fan point / exhaust fan point
controlled by one modular switch
(i)Cost of modular GI box and modular outer white
cover plate/frame shall be deemed to be inclusive of
quoted rate. (ii) One run of PVC conduit and two runs
of copper conductor shall be considered as one
length. (iii) The rate quoted deemed to be inclusive of
groove cutting on wall for concealed wiring and
requied Tools and cutting machine.

144 (b) One three pin switch socket 6 Amps outlet on 321.00 Point #VALUE! #VALUE!
independent board.

145 (c) One three pin switch socket 6 Amps outlet on same 289.00 Point #VALUE! #VALUE!

Signature of Contractor JE (QS C) DCWE (Contracts) .

CWE (S)/SOUTH/TOKEN/46 OF 2024-2025 SERIAl PAGE NO.54 .

146 All as per item No 143 here in before but with cable 4 18.00 Point #VALUE! #VALUE!
sqmm multi stranded copper FR-LSH wire , 1100 Volts
grade, unsheathed for one 3 pin socket out let 15
amps on independent board including continuous
earth wire PVC insulated 4 sqmm copper stranded
conductor FR-LSH, 1100 Volts grade, connecting to
common earth and earth dolly complete all as

147 Supply and fix Modular switch 1 way 6A , 1-module all 1515.00 Each #VALUE! #VALUE!
as specified and directed.

148 Supply and fix Modular switch 1 way 16A with 18.00 Each #VALUE! #VALUE!
indicator, 1-module all as specified and directed.

149 Supply and fix Modular socket, shuttered type, 6A - 3 610.00 Each #VALUE! #VALUE!
pin 2 -module all as specified and as directed

150 Supply and fix Modular socket, shuttered type, 6/16A - 18.00 Each #VALUE! #VALUE!
combined 2-module all as specified and as directed.

151 S & F 3 pin, 6 A, 250 V ceiling rose conforming to IS 909.00 Each #VALUE! #VALUE!
371: 1999 and having terminal capacity 3 X 1.5 mm²
with IP 20 protection complete all as specified in IS
732: 2019 and directed.

152 S & F single pole & neutral, double door, metallic 13.00 Each #VALUE! #VALUE!
distribution board 12 ways conforming to IEC 61439-3,
suitable for flush / surface mounting with provision for
DP RCCB / RCBO / Isolator / MCB as incomer and SP
MCBs as outgoing, reversible metal door, 100 A
copper busbar, fully shrouded neutral bar, earth bar,
wire set & cable ties for cable management, pre fitted
masking sheet, etc. having IK 09 & not less than IP 42
protection complete all as specified in IS 732: 2019
and directed.

Signature of Contractor JE (QS C) DCWE (Contracts) .

CWE (S)/SOUTH/TOKEN/46 OF 2024-2025 SERIAl PAGE NO.55 .

153 All as per Item No 152 above but triple pole & neutral 4.00 Each #VALUE! #VALUE!
double door, 6 ways with MCCB as incomer directed.

154 S & F MCB ('C' curve) 6- 32 A, 230 V, 50 Hz, SP for 176.00 Each #VALUE! #VALUE!
conforming to IS/IEC 60898-1-2002, having breaking
capacity Icn = 10 kA, sliding bottom clamp, colour
coded on/off indication on dolly, bi-connect IP 20
protected lower terminals and sliding shutters, etc.
with the following rating complete all as specified in IS
732: 2019 and directed.

155 S & F RCBOs for earth leakage, overload & short- 13.00 Each #VALUE! #VALUE!
circuit protection 6-32 A, 230 V, 50 Hz, 2P, 100 mA
rating complete all as specified in IS 12640-1 (2008)
and directed.

156 S & F MCCB, 4 Pole, 100 Amps rating rupturing 4.00 Each #VALUE! #VALUE!
capacity 16 KA, 415 Volt, 50 Hz fixed thermal
magnetic release, overload and short circuit protection
including making incoming and outgoing connections
through proper lugs & Thimble complete all as
specified and directed.

157 M & L for submain wiring concealed using 3 runs of 6 1280.00 RM #VALUE! #VALUE!
Sq mm 1100 V grade single core FR-LSH flexible
cable conforming to IS 694: 2010, having multi-drawn
thin strands of electrolytic copper conductors and
insulation for phase, neutral and earth continuity
conductor connecting to earth dolly, colour-coded as
per IS 11353: 1985, drawn through medium grade
PVC concealed conduits, conforming to IS 9537 (Part-
3): 1983,ISI mark of size not less than 25 mm NB,
including making good of disturbed surfaces of wall /
ceiling / floor all complete as specified in IS 732: 2019
and directed.

158 All as per Item No. above but 1.5 Sq mm submain 640.00 RM #VALUE! #VALUE!

Signature of Contractor JE (QS C) DCWE (Contracts) .

CWE (S)/SOUTH/TOKEN/46 OF 2024-2025 SERIAl PAGE NO.56 .

159 Supply and fixing ceiling fans complete with blades, 168.00 Each #VALUE! #VALUE!
down rods and accessories, 230 V, 1200 mm sweep.
Min air delivery 210 CFM with service value 6.00 BEE.
Five star rated with brushless direct current motor
(BLDC) incl taking down of existing old unserviceable
ceiling fans and deposited at MES store yard.

160 Supply and fix exhaust fan, metal body AC single 10.00 Each #VALUE! #VALUE!
Phase. 230V of size 300 mm sweep with, blades, and
frame and louvers complete all as specified and

161 M & L for fixing only in repairs LED batten 20W 82.00 Each #VALUE! #VALUE!
complete all as specified and directed.

162 S & F Electronic type fan regulator stepped socket 168.00 Each #VALUE! #VALUE!
type, suitable to work on 230 volts all as specified.

163 S & F TV CO-Axial socket outlet fixed to wall on hylem 4.00 Each #VALUE! #VALUE!
sheet complete all as specified and directed.

164 S & F Rigid non-metallic PVC conduit of dia 20 mm 40.00 RM #VALUE! #VALUE!
exclusive of boxes (junction/terminal) but inclusive of
all tees, bends, elbows, reducers, bell mouth tube
ends and fixing accessories such as couplers, lock
nuts, saddles, pipe hooks etc

Signature of Contractor JE (QS C) DCWE (Contracts) .

CWE (S)/SOUTH/TOKEN/46 OF 2024-2025 SERIAl PAGE NO.57 .

165 S & F 20 W surface / wall mounted LED batten type 261.00 Each #VALUE! #VALUE!
rated life 50000 burning hours having PC diffuser,
luminous efficacy of minimum 100 lumen/W, CRI > 80,
PF > 0.9, CCT 6500K, independent isolated SMPS
based constant current electronic LED driver with THD
< 20%, surge voltage protection and other safety tests
as per IS 15885 (Part-2/Sec-13): 2012, polycarbonate
diffuser, housed in powder coated white extruded
aluminium channel housing. white coloured ABS end
caps, IP 20 protection, input voltage range 140- 270 V,
input frequency 50- 60 Hz, including electrical
connection with 3 core flexible Cu conductor cable of
appropriate size from ceiling rose to the fixture
complete all as specified and directed.

166 S & F 10 W surface / wall mounted 2 feet LED batten 30.00 Each #VALUE! #VALUE!
rated life 50000 burning hours having PC diffuser,
luminous efficacy of minimum 100 lumen/W, CRI > 80,
PF > 0.9, CCT 6500K, independent isolated SMPS
based constant current electronic LED driver with THD
< 20%, surge voltage protection and other safety tests
as per IS 15885 (Part-2/Sec-13): 2012, polycarbonate
diffuser, housed in powder coated white extruded
aluminium channel housing. white coloured ABS end
caps, IP 20 protection, input voltage range 140- 270 V,
input frequency 50- 60 Hz, including electrical
connection with 3 core flexible Cu conductor cable of
appropriate size from ceiling rose to the fixture
complete all as specified and directed.

167 S & F LED light fitting 1X10W bulkhead luminaires 2.00 Each #VALUE! #VALUE!
including LED light driver holder connecting up with
three core flexible copper conductor cable of suitable

Signature of Contractor JE (QS C) DCWE (Contracts) .

CWE (S)/SOUTH/TOKEN/46 OF 2024-2025 SERIAl PAGE NO.58 .

168 S & F Lamp holder, PVC/Polycarbonate type with back 32.00 Each #VALUE! #VALUE!
plate suitable for batten fittings suitable for B22 type
LED bulb.

169 S & F LED Bulb 12 W B22, BEE star rated with 32.00 Each #VALUE! #VALUE!
minimum 3 star rating complete all as specified and

170 S & F LED reading lamp capacity not less than 6 240.00 Each #VALUE! #VALUE!
Watts adjustable 360 degrees rotation flexible cord
pendent type including all accessories and as

171 Supply and fixing LED luminaire 600 mm x 600 mm, 80.00 Each #VALUE! #VALUE!
35/36 watt, 220 V AC recessed type with high
efficiency PMMA diffuser soft glare free light complete
with driver, holders & LED lamp suitable for roof
ceiling including connecting up with driver three core
flexible copper conductor cases of suitable size

172 Supply and fix desert cooler electric driven, single 40.00 Each #VALUE! #VALUE!
phase, 230 V 50 Hz, RPM 1400, fire retardant plastic
body, 450mm sweep with bottom tank, having nominal
air flow capacity of 4000 CuM per hour (or nearest
size) alongwith suitable submersible pump complete.

Signature of Contractor JE (QS C) DCWE (Contracts) .

CWE (S)/SOUTH/TOKEN/46 OF 2024-2025 SERIAl PAGE NO.59 .

173 S & F 35 W security light having high efficiency rated 52.00 Each #VALUE! #VALUE!
life 50000 burning hours LED module with SMD LED
package mounted on MCPCB with high LED efficacy
of ≥ 110 lumen/Watt, integral SMPS based constant
current electronic LED driver with THD < 20%, surge
voltage protection and other safety tests as per IS:
15885 (Part-2/Sec-13): 2012, IP 66 protection, high
effiency polycarbonate cover with integrated lens
housed in pressure die-cast aluminium alloy heat sink
for effective thermal management, sturdiness,
excellent corrosion resistance, separate optical and
control gear compartment & top opening for easy
maintenance, suitable for side entry, wall mounting
with bracket arm OD 35 mm to 42 mm including
necessary electrical connection to the fixture with 3
core flexible Cu conductor cable of appropriate size
and 1.5 m long bracket, having 40 mm diameter light
grade GI pipe, including GI clamps, nuts, bolts &
washers with two coats of synthetic enemal paint over
a coat of red oxide primer complete in all respect as
specified and directed by.

Signature of Contractor JE (QS C) DCWE (Contracts) .

CWE (S)/SOUTH/TOKEN/46 OF 2024-2025 SERIAl PAGE NO.60 .

174 Material and Labour for Earthing complete with 9.00 Job #VALUE! #VALUE!
galvanized steel earth plate electrode
60cmX60cmX6mm thick, buried directly in ground
(earth pit not less than 2.25m deep below normal
ground level) with top edge of plate not less' than
1.5meters below normal ground level, earth plate
connected to galvanized earth lead wire 4.00 mm dia
by means of bolts, nuts, check nuts and washers of
galvanised iron or steel all as shown in electrical plate
No. 3 of MES SSR-2009 (part I Specifications)
connected to earth test point all as specified or
indicated including testing on completion, including
necessary excavation and earth work in any type of
soil and adequate quantity of common salt & charcoal
for alternate layer around the earth plate, including
PCC (1:2:4) pit and 10mm thick C.I. cover with
arrangement of hinge to 40x40x6mm C.I. angle iron
frame, including 20mm dia G.I. pipe for watering
purpose with the arrangement of funel and wire mess,
including GI pipe of 15 dia for earth lead protection
complete all as specified and as directed.

175 S & F Telephone socket outlet fixed to wall on hylem 4.00 Each #VALUE! #VALUE!
sheet complete all as specified and directed.

176 M & L for taking down copper/aluminium point wiring 692.00 Point #VALUE! #VALUE!
(light, fan, socket or power) complete, including fixture
and fittings such as switches, ceiling roses, pendants,
regulators, sockets, light fitting etc. removing materials
to store for keeping in safe custody or for taking credit
(credit for above items should be made as per
conditions separately) and making good disturbed
surfaces of walls, floors, etc.

Signature of Contractor JE (QS C) DCWE (Contracts) .

CWE (S)/SOUTH/TOKEN/46 OF 2024-2025 SERIAl PAGE NO.61 .

177 M&L for bracing supports, clamp and back plates 5.20 Qtl #VALUE! #VALUE!
fabricated from structural steel sections including nut
bolts washing welding bending cold hot, drilling holes
for bolts in any shape of size as indicated or direted
and inclusive of one primer coat and one finshing coat
of apint for fixing of desert cooler complete all as
specified and as directed.

178 Supply and fix MS down rods of required dia (15/20 336.00 RM #VALUE! #VALUE!
mm) and length as per site requirement all complete
suitable for BLDC ceiling fans of size 1200 mm sweep
including clamps, nut & bolts as specified and as per
site requirement.

179 Material and labour for cutting on wall in round shape 10.00 Each Job #VALUE! #VALUE!
using machine cutting only and making opening,at any
height, fixing of suitable premoulded block of required
diameter suitable for mounting of 300 mm dia
exhaust fan including suitbale PVC sleeve to match
with inside dia of hole and making good the disturbed
surfaces plastering, matching with existing colour and
clearing of all debries from work site complete all as
specified and as directed
Note: The contractor should check the site
requirement for proper execution of work.The rate
quoted includes for all/any number of openings
required at any place,height of the building for proper
ventilation of the site.

Signature of Contractor JE (QS C) DCWE (Contracts) .

CWE (S)/SOUTH/TOKEN/46 OF 2024-2025 SERIAl PAGE NO.62 .

180 Supply, Installation, test and Commissioning factory 1.00 EACH #VALUE! #VALUE!
fabricated, out door type,LT FEEDER PILLAR BOX
Double Door , Both side openable made out of 3.15
mm thick CRCA Sheet of suitable size with projected
Globe roof for rain water protection duly treated
through 8 tank pre treatment process and painted
with epoxy powder coated mat finish of SIEMENS
GREY structural RAL 7032 shade colour Dust and
Vermin Proof , Double door with both side opening
including Neoprene Rubber Gasket,, suitable for 440
Volt 3 Phase 4 Wire System ,including Danger Plate,
Earthing Strip Point and Ventilation Louvers at Rear
Side, Bottom detachable Gland Plate comp-lete with
suitable size Zinc Chromium Plated Nuts, Bolts and
Washers, etc. and embeded with 50X50X6mm Mild
Steel Angle Iron Frame and 600 mm above the
Normal Ground Level comp -lete with internal
connection with suitable size of cable ,cable lugs,and
cable glands PCC Foundation in Cement Concrete
1:3:6 (20mm Graded Stone Aggregate) and Test-ing
after Installation complete all as specified and
comprising of the following :–

181 (a) Aluminium bas bar 200amps - 01 Nos, supported

with suitable size of heavy duty porcelin stand lock
with suitable size of brass nut, bolts and washer with
heat shrinkable PVC sleeving. The bar shall be colour
coded (red, yellow and blue) for three phases and
black for neutral.
b) MCCB 100 amps ,415 volt ,36 KA Breaking
capacity 4 pole Electromagnetic release duly
connected to Bus Bar As IN COMING - 01 Nos

Signature of Contractor JE (QS C) DCWE (Contracts) .

CWE (S)/SOUTH/TOKEN/46 OF 2024-2025 SERIAl PAGE NO.63 .

182 Supply and lay in replacement of cable lay in 300.00 RM #VALUE! #VALUE!
trenches/fixed to walls/poles etc connecting buy using
lugs, testing and commissioning XLPE insulated and
PVC sheathed heavy duty LT 1100 Volts grade
armoured under ground cable with stranded aluminium
conductor 3.5 Core 35 Sqmm complete all, as
specified and directed
Note :- Earth work excavation, sand cushioning and
brick protection shall be measured and paid

183 All as per item no:182 above but 3.5 Core 50 Sqmm 187.00 RM #VALUE! #VALUE!

184 Spreading riddled earth ( after preparation of 35.50 Cum #VALUE! #VALUE!
excavated earth) in Cable duct with sand cushioning
of cable laid in trenches complete all as directed
Note:- Punned thickness 18 CM( 6.25 Cm below cale
and 11.75 cm above cable) will be measured for
payment purpose. Quoted rate inclusive of all
arrangement as mentioned.

185 Supply and Laying bricks, common burnt clay building 2.922 Per #VALUE! #VALUE!
bricks, sub class 'B' of size 230 x 115 x 75 mm laid 1000
across in trenches for cable protection complete all as Nos
specified and directed.

186 Cutting the existing road/PCC surface straight by 12.00 RM #VALUE! #VALUE!
manual, depth and width not less than 1 mtr below
ground level for passing of underground cable , HDPE
pipe medium duty of size 80 mm dia and filling back
with excavated soil upto 75% road portion and 25%
shall be made with cement concrete 1:2:4 (using 20
mm graded aggregate stone complete all as specified
and directed.

Total in Figures #VALUE! #VALUE!

Quoted Rate in Words #VALUE!

Signature of Contractor JE (QS C) DCWE (Contracts) .

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