Disa TM Mixer TM 190 75

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Subject to technical alterations • 05/13 • © DISA Group


DISA Industries A/S

Hojager 8
2630 Taastrup

T: +45 44 50 50 50
F: +45 44 94 52 25

DISA® is a registered trademark of DISA Holding A/S.

DISAMATIC® is a registered trademark of DISA Industries A/S.

Norican Group is the parent company of DISA and Wheelabrator.

Concept and features Design and function
Features that make the difference

Economic and precise mixing system Precision dosing and weighing Pneumatic bond injection – the flexible
The mixing tools rotate continuously during Precise amounts of used sand and additives solution
loading with pre-batched material. The are dosed simultaneously into the mixer The Bond Injection System is an alternative
large double “S”-shaped mixing ploughs through a single opening. Pre-mixing is to the addition of bond and sand from the
and the high-capacity blenders (one or achieved with immediate radial injection top of the mixer. The batch of additives is
two depending upon mixer size), which are of water through the mixer wall into the first weighed separately in a weigh hopper
mounted from above, rotate in opposite material flow, thus eliminating the dry mix and then discharged into a pneumatic
Mixing tools Mixing plough DISA SMC directions, while the mixing pan and guide stage. This unique mixing technology en sender. From here the material is blown
ploughs remain stationary. This combination ables exceptional preparation efficiency into the batch of used sand in the mixer
guarantees fast, highly intensive preparation with shorter cycle times. If the mixer is through a flexible hose. This technique
The DISA TM Turbine Mixer delivers unbeatable reliability, precision, durability and cost-efficient operation. Robust design, as well as perfect homogenization of the equipped with a Sand Controller the water enables more flexible location of additive
precision engineering and quality components combine with the latest process control technology to make the DISA TM moulding sand. is automatically dosed to give a pre-selected hoppers and reduces the formation of dust
superior in every way. compactability. and associated fines which are lost to the
• Exceptionally economic operation due to extraction system.
high throughput rate and improved energy • Optimum sand properties due to automatic
DISA TM Mixer efficiency moisture level control and controlled • Flexible solution with small footprint,
• Exceptional castings quality due to material feed excellent for example in confined spaces or
Important features Sand Multi Controller homogeneous and fluffy moulding sand of • Radial water injection into the sand complex installations
• Efficient and economic operation due to An optional DISA SMC sand controller consistently high quality batch prevents granulate formation, thus • Direct injection of additives into the sand
high throughput rate and short mixing ensures ideal sand quality by enabling • High throughput rate and short mixing providing an improved casting surface improves mixing efficiency and sand quality
cycles integration of dosing, mixing and moistening: cycles due to intensive mixing • High process efficiency and low bentonite • Reduces the formation of dust, thus
• High casting quality due to homogeneous requirement reducing the amount of additives lost into
and fluffy moulding sand of consistently • Continuous control of sand quality to the dust extraction system
high quality ensure consistent properties
• Full integration into any sand circulation • Continuous monitoring and regulation of
system using the intelligent control system compactability and mould strength
• Low maintenance requirement due to • Monitoring during the mixing process
robust components, automatic lubrication enables correction of sand moisture
and minimum wear of mixing tools and • Addition of correct quantities of water and
mixer bowl bentonite
• Easy access to all wear parts for quick
• Environmentally friendly operation with no
dust leakage or loss of fines

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Control systems Sand control
Control Units
• Main control panel
• HMI PC with graphic display
• Local operator panel
• Sand Multi-Controller, SMC

Main control panel

The main control panel with a Siemens
S7 PLC controls all the functions of the
mixer. The controlled equipment and
functions include mixer motors and cycle,
water dosing systems, weighing, SMC
and additive dosing systems. The control
includes automatic bad batch rejection.

The mixer system is based on a recipe

control with 99 different recipes that
can be pre-defined. Recipe number, time,
target values and achieved values are
stored in log files for quality control and
traceability. All relevant SMC values are
logged for each batch, including protocols
with the amounts of additives used.
Sand Multi-Controller, SMC As options, the SMC can include Automatic water addition via
Local operator panel, Siemens OP The SMC measures compactability and sand measurements of return sand temperature compactability:
strenght from a 50 mm test sand sample and moisture before the mixer. This is The SMC automatically takes and samples
The Siemens OP panel is intended for
extracted from the mixer. Water is added particularly relevant for low moisture from the mixer, measures compactability and
installation near the mixer, for local mixer
to the mix based on the compactability contents, or for return moisture contents sand strength and determines the necessary
operation, changing operating parameters
measurements. and sand temperatures with large variations. amount of water. The SMC automatically
and for fault indication.
adapts itself to the sand conditions.
From the sand strength measurements, Water addition
HMI Software with Personnel Computer
the bentonite requirements are calculated Water is added in two stages: Automatic water addition via motor current
and can be adjusted in small increments in - Pre-water in the beginning of the mixing (back-up system):
The mixer is controlled via the HMI following batches towards a target sand cycle If the SMC is not functioning, water can be
computer. Mimic plant displays, graphs, strength. - Trim-water after measurement of automatically added in the mixer according
fault indications, operating and SMC data compactability to the mixer motor current using the back-up
and parameters are displayed and filed on
water addition programme.
the HMI PC. If the moisture sensor option is included,
then up to 100% pre-water can be added.


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High-Performance TM Mixer Technical data
Type TM 160-45 TM 190-55 TM 190-75 TM240-90 TM240-110 TM 285-160 TM 285-200

Measurements: Metric

A Diamenter mm 1650 1950 1950 2460 2406 290 290
B Blender width, approx. mm 200 240 240 300 300 300 360
C Height of mixer mm 1990 2080 2080 2405 2405 2480 2480
D Height of measuring vessel mm 1400 1750 1750 1600 1900 1950 2250
E Int. width of meas. vessel mm 860 860 860 1200 1200 1500 1500
F Centre dist. mixer/vessel mm 250 300 300 400 400 450 450
G Depth of drive, approx. mm 1827 2100 2100 2450 2550 2800 3000
H Width of drive, approx. mm 1093 1650 1650 1850 1850 1950 2000
J Width of unloading door mm 1330 1470 1470 1975 1975 2330 2330
K Width of SMC, approx. mm 1400 1550 1550 1800 1800 2030 2030

Batch specifications:
Batch size (max.) kg 500 700 1000 1400 1850 2500 3200
Cycle time s 100 100 100 100 100 100 100
Batch hour 36 36 36 36 36 36 36
Mixing rate* m3/h 20 28 40 56 75 100 130
Capacity* t/h 18 25 36 50 66 90 115
Vessel cap. used + new sand m 3
0.7 0.7 1.0 1.4 1.8 2.5 3.1
Cap. weigh hopper bent. + coal m3 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15

Mixing vanes:
Drive power kW 45 55 75 90 110 160 200

Number/drive power kW 1/22.5 1/30 1/37 1/45 2/45 2/45 2/55

Total power
Total drive power kW 67.5 85 112 135 200 250 310

Total weight: approx. kg 4400 6500 6700 12400 13200 16900 17000

*Depending on water content and sand properties.

The technical data is not binding and may be subject to change.

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