Fire Safety

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Fire Safety in Buildings

Article  in  Journal of Civil & Environmental Engineering · January 2017


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3 authors, including:

Noah Akhimien Adamolekun M.O.

Cardiff University Ambrose Alli University


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Fire Safety in Buildings.
Arc. A. J. Isiwele, Arc. M.O. Adamolekun and Arc. N. G. Akhimien.
Full name: Akhimien Noah Gethsemane
Department of Architecture, Ambrose Alli University, Ekpoma, Nigeria.

The aim of this study was to examine fire safety measures and their viability in
buildings, the required measures are technology based. Buildings should be
designed in such a way that occupants can escape by themselves in case of fire.
However, case-studies shows that occupants often are found incapable to
escape in time and often times undermine precautional measures required to
avoid or escape fire. The study methodology was based on incident evaluations
and real-life experiments, such as unannounced evacuation drills. The
possibilities of virtual reality for studying human behavior in fires are so far
hardly adopted by researchers. Nevertheless, since in virtual environments test
persons can be faced with the phenomenon of fire in a safe way, Data was also
collected from books, magazines, journals and related articles, the application
of a behavioral assessment and research tool in virtual reality is expected to be
a valuable supplement on the existing research methods. In general little
information is known about actual human behavior in an event of fire outbreak.
Therefore, it is better to let the fire safety of buildings be based upon actual
human behavior in fire. It is important to enlighten occupants on safety
measures to be taken during fire outbreak in and around their buildings and
other fire prevention methods to adopt for their safety. The study recommended
suitable fire safety measures in accordance to best practices after due
evaluation of existing fire safety measures as it applies to users and the
effectiveness of these measures.

Fire is one of mankind’s greatest discoveries but can also be a great source of
danger in accidents. On average 8 in 1,000,000 people are killed every year in
Europe and more are hospitalized due to fire. This risk has fortunately been
addressed by governments which have continuously adjusted fire safety
strategies. As a positive result, in the past 30 years the amount of fire deaths
dropped by 65% in Europe. Buildings notably represent an important part of
the places where fire has fatal consequences. Therefore, numerous national and
regional fire safety regulations have been put in place targeting buildings
specifically. Plastics are used in a wide and growing range of building and
construction applications, from durable pipes and window frames to state of the
art insulation solutions. The most crucial aspect of a building’s safety in the
face of fire is the possibility of safe escape. An important precondition is that
fire safety facilities enable independent and adequate fire response
performances by the building’s occupant. In practice, it appears that the
measures currently required by law do not always provide the support people
need in burning buildings, consequently, understanding how individuals behave
in an event of fire. Fire evacuation is essential if we are to bring fire safety
measures into line with occupants needs during an incident. So far as building
safety is concerned, the study highlights that some of the assumptions about the
existing paradigm of fire safety in building are not consistent with the
knowledge set out in the literature.
Fire safety has always been and continues to be a major objective for the
plastics industry and an integral part of product design and manufacturing.
Over the years, our industry has increased efforts to develop plastic materials,
products and construction solutions with lower ignitability and limited impact
on fire spread that have contributed to the ongoing reduction of fatalities,
injuries and property damage due to fire.


2.1 To provide an adequate level of fire safety in buildings and other structures
consideration needs to be given to a whole range of connected design and use
aspects. Prevention of fires is an important component of this system and it
relies for its effectiveness on the safe installation and use of heat producing and
energy consuming devices as well as the safe conduct of operations which may
involve hazard of ignition. Precise rules for this purpose are outside the scope
of this Code but reference is made to the need in various sections as
2.2 An important aspect of fire prevention is concerned with the human
responsibility in ensuring that accidental fires are not allowed to start. Training
and education at all levels plays an important part in this and the management
responsible for a building has a responsibility to ensure that people in the
building understand the risk attached to various activities they undertake.
2.3 If a fire does occur it is essential that occupants become aware of it as soon
as possible and have awareness of the actions they need to take to move to a
place of safety. This requires a knowledge of the safety provisions which have
been made and an easy identification of the route to follow to reach safety
outside the building. In large and complex buildings this may be a progressive
process through areas of increasing safety. It is not normally expected that the
occupants will use on-site facilities to control a fire but where these are
available it is possible that use can be made of them to tackle a small fire and
extinguish it.
2.4 Un-aided evacuation of occupants may not be possible under all cases and
provision may need to be made for the rescue services to give assistance
particularly where the occupant mobility is below normal.
2.5 In addition to the safety of occupants within a building where a fire occurs,
the safety of others in adjacent buildings is also important. The adjacent
building may be physically attached to the building on fire or it may be located
a short distance away. The separation of buildings should be such that there is
little chance of fire in one of the buildings spreading to the next. This
consideration also requires attention to be paid to the hazard that may be
created when high rise buildings are involved in a fire. The maintenance of the
stability of the building can be critical and this demands higher standards to be
applied compared with similar occupancies in low rise buildings.
2.6 The stability of a structure is dependent on the likely severity of a fire
within that building. This is controlled not only by the amount of the fuel or the
fire load but also its burning characteristics and the availability of air for
combustion. A simple system divides buildings into categories on the basis of
their use and adds factors of safety to take account of the size of the building. A
single building can sometimes have areas with differing potential fire severities
and where these can be clearly identified it is necessary to separate them by
structures of adequate fire resistance.
2.7 Ideally if a fire starting in one part of a building can be contained, the
hazard becomes controllable. In practice this may not be possible due to
demands in connection with the use of space. However in all buildings certain
parts because of their importance must be separated by fire barriers to either
prevent a fire entering those areas or a fire within those areas spreading to other
parts. This is termed as essential compartmentalization. In addition it is also
necessary to reduce the risk due to large spaces and impose additional
requirements for compartment sizes. Where required compartments should
have well defined boundaries, preferably following the normal divisions in a
2.8 The maintenance of the integrity of such compartment boundaries is critical
and strict control is needed to ensure that these are not breached by inadequate
separation. This is particularly the case where pipes, ducts and other services
penetrate compartment boundaries.
2.9 It is normally assumed that adequate levels of fire safety are achieved by
the construction of the building and facilities provided within the building.
However in buildings of a large size where large number of people may be
present the fire service rescue facilities can play an important role in preventing
disasters. It is therefore necessary to make suitable provisions for the fire
brigade access to and within the building.
2.10 Achievement of fire safety requires an integrated approach to the
provision of safety measures and their maintenance in good order. Constant
vigilance is needed to ensure that fire does not become a problem for the
occupants of a building.
The objective of measures for fire prevention is to reduce the probability of a
fire starting in a building or premises. Studies of fires have shown that most
accidental fires start from three main causes;
(a) Malfunctioning of equipment
(b) Misuse of heat sources
(c) Human error
By paying attention to simple precautions it is possible to reduce the chance
of a fire starting and thereby increase fire safety. The Code is not intended to
provide full details of these precautions as they are properly dealt with in other
standards and specifications. It however draws attention to these in general
terms to provide a basis for more positive actions.
As far as the prevention of human error is concerned it is primarily a question
of education and management. It is in the interests of the owners and managers
of premises to ensure that the building occupants are aware of fire hazards and
are encouraged to be careful in the handling of heat sources and equipment to
avoid a fire starting.
3.1 Enforce good housekeeping practices; this includes implementing routines
for the regular removal and disposal of waste;
3.2 Establish and maintain out-of-hours inspection and security procedures,
including means of preventing arson;
3.3 Carry out routine checks, inspections, and tests, including monitoring the
maintenance of heat generating equipment that could cause fires, chafing of
cables, self-heating of cables due to electrical resistance and checks on fuel
supplies and storage.
3.4 Issue and control work permits and associated procedures;
3.5 Instruct and supervise contractors and sub-contractors carrying out
construction and maintenance operations within the building;
3.6 Avoid conditions leading to gas and dust explosion hazards;
3.7 Maintain integration with other systems (e.g. ventilation, communications).

3.8 All fixed equipment which generates heat or utilizes energy, such as heaters,
cookers, refrigeration units etc., shall be installed according to the provisions
contained in the standards dealing with their use in buildings. The equipment
shall be maintained in good working order and no repairs or modifications shall
be carried out by unqualified people.
3.9 All operations which can be potentially hazardous shall be carried out in a
safe manner by staff trained to undertake such operations
3.10 Operations which require the use of flammable materials shall be
controlled so that only a small quantity of material necessary for the operation
is present and the rest is kept in a safe place from which it can be withdrawn as
needed. Such materials shall be stored in a separate protected place with
limited access to specified personnel.
3.11 There shall be a ban on smoking in those areas where flammable materials
are present e.g. in stores, factories using or producing such materials. In such
cases special facilities shall be made available for the staff who need to smoke.
3.12 Smoking and the use of naked flames should also be prohibited from
premises where a fire can cause special problems for the escape of people, such
as cinema, theatres, hospital wards, public transport etc. Notices shall be
displayed to draw attention to the prohibition on smoking and where the
ambient light conditions are poor the notices shall be illuminated.
3.13 Cooking appliances using bottled gas should be properly installed with
connections made to a good standard, if possible the cylinder shall be located in
a protected place at a safe distance from the appliance. Spare gas cylinders
shall be kept in a safe place away from the appliance.
3.14 In organizations where more than 20 people work the management shall
draw attention of the staff to the danger of a fire and hold regular drills and
instruction courses to advise them of the safe measures to use. Large
organizations shall have specially appointed people with responsibility for


4.1 The purpose of measures for fire growth control is to ensure that were a fire
to start in a building it will not develop so rapidly as to prevent people from
making their escape.
4.2 Hazard to occupants of a building is caused by the products of combustion
of a fire and the heat which is produced. If the rate of heat generation is
reduced there is a corresponding reduction in the quantities of smoke and other
toxic products that may be released and consequently the risk to occupants can
be minimized.
4.3 Fire statistics indicate that most fires start in contents and consequently the
presence of less flammable contents is the first line of defense. However it is
not possible to control contents in all buildings and such control may be
restricted to only those occupancies where special problems exist.
4.4 Once the fire reaches the surfaces of the room enclosure their nature has a
strong influence on its rate of growth. Easily ignitable surface materials and
those which release large quantities of smoke can create special difficulties for
the evacuation of occupants and could invalidate the provisions made for this
purpose. The main contribution is made by wall and ceiling surfaces, in some
cases the control of floor coverings may be needed for additional safety.
4.5 It is important to ensure that nothing is done during the use of a building,
by over-coating or decoration which impairs the performance of surfaces as
originally provided.
The following protection systems are desirable where resources allow:
An automatic sprinkler system (fire suppression system): This should be
designed, installed and maintained to the relevant standard;
A smoke ventilation system: This may be manually or automatically
5.1 Sprinkler systems
An automatic fire suppression system should be provided in accordance with
the relevant standards. It is recommended that the system should be installed
and maintained by a contractor who carries appropriate third party
Water is used to suppress most fires, so an adequate water supply is crucial to
fire service operations. The supply must deliver an adequate amount of water
through a distribution system to the locations needed. The system can serve
manual firefighting (typically through fire hydrants), fire standpipe systems,
fire sprinkler systems, other water-based suppression systems, and non-fire
needs (industrial, commercial, domestic, etc.) Municipal water supply systems
(including the distribution system and hydrants on public land) are generally
under the jurisdiction of a local water authority. Municipal systems also feed
water to private property for both fire and non-fire needs. The private property
line is usually the boundary between the public portion (under the water
authority) and the privately-owned portion. Property owners are primarily
responsible for the private portion; however, designers and contractors share
responsibility during the design and construction phases, respectively. Private
water supply systems are those contained fully on private property — for
example, when the water supply consists of an on-site tank, pump, and piping
system. The on-site system may feed private fire hydrants and/or building
suppression systems. In rural and suburban areas where a municipal water
supply system is not available, static water sources such as lakes, ponds,
cisterns, fountains, and swimming pools are often used. Pumpers draft water
from static water sources to pump water through hose lines. The capacity of
static water sources should take into consideration the frequency of drought
conditions in accord with applicable codes or insurance standards.
The relevant hazard classification of the system for use in high bay
pharmaceutical warehouses is typically defined as‘ordinary hazard’ (OH3 (BS
EN 12845) or OH2 (NFPA 13).) Wet pipe sprinklers should be used in
high bay warehouses – this means that the sprinkler network is fully
charged with water at all times. The use of the alternative dry pipe
system could result in an unacceptable time delay between the
activation of a bulb and the flow of water through the sprinkler head.
Where the goods are stored in pallet racks the provision of in-rack
sprinklers as well as roof level sprinklers is recommended. The
sprinkler bulbs in the in-rack sprinkler heads activate at a much lower
temperature than those at roof level; consequently the firefighting water is
discharged in a more localized area. This means that the fire can be contained
with a lower amount of water damage than would be expected from the
discharge of roof level sprinklers. In cold climates, the installation
may require protection against freezing if the pipework passes
through unheated spaces. Freeze-protection can be achieved using
anti-freeze liquid or electrical trace heating. Where sprinklers are installed in
cold rooms or freezer rooms, dry pendant drops should be used. With this
arrangement, sections of dry pipe serve the relevant risk area and the
actual flow valves are located outside the cold store. This prevents the
water in the system from freezing.
5.2 Smoke ventilation systems
Automatic smoke vents are generally provided to assist means of escape from
the building. By venting smoke build-up at high level, the occupants can
escape from the building underneath the smoke layer in reasonably safe
conditions. Additional manually operated smoke vents are generally provided
to aid the fire and rescue service with smoke clearance once the fire has been
extinguished. Where both sprinkler systems and smoke vents are provided in a
building the interaction between them must be carefully considered. Research
by Factory Mutual in the early 1970s, which remain relevant, showed that the
provision of automatically operating smoke vents can cause delays in the
operation of sprinkler systems. The reason for this is that automatic smoke
vents open when triggered by smoke, whereas sprinklers operate when heat is
detected. As smoke is generally detected more quickly than heat, Factory
Mutual concluded that sprinklers would perform more effectively if there were
no vents. Their reasoning was that the building would fill with smoke; this
creates low oxygen conditions which limits combustion, allowing the sprinklers
to extinguish the fire more effectively. However, where life safety is the
predominant requirement and a smoke control solution is used to protect the
escape routes within a building, current guidance requires the smoke vents to
operate automatically; the vents will therefore activate before the sprinkler
system. Alternatively, if the fire service response time is short, and the sprinkler
system is provided with fast response heads, the smoke ventilation system may
be activated by the flow switch in the sprinkler supply.

Some fire safety strategies

Fire protection equipment
Fire extinguishers, fire hose reels, fire hydrants, hydrant valves, fire blankets
and fire protection systems such as automatic fire detection and alarm systems,
automatic fire sprinkler systems and emergency warning and
intercommunication systems.
Automatic fire detection system
A system of fire detectors installed in a building or other space which are
connected to a control panel capable of providing an automatic warning when a
detector responds to a fire.

Automatic sprinkler system

A sprinkler installation provided with a fusible link or other sensing device
which responds to a fire and sprays water on the contents. The system requires
sprinkler heads, water supply and suitable control valves.

Automatic release mechanism

A device which allows a door held open to close automatically on receiving a
signal from a fire alarm system, or a detection system or a manually operated

Automatic self-closing device

A mechanical device to close a door after it has been opened and released.

Part of a building below surrounding ground level which is intended to be used
for accommodation, car parking or other purposes.
Demarcation between buildings adjacent to each other or between a building
and the center of a road, street or stream.

Concealed space within building elements or between building elements, such
as in a hollow wall or between a ceiling and a roof.

Underneath side of a floor, or a separate construction provided below a floor or
a roof with a gap above.

Circulation space
Common space used by occupants of a building to gain access from a room to
an exit or a stairway or a lobby. It may be a corridor or a foyer or an entrance

Fire safety is the set of practices intended to reduce the destruction caused
by fire. Fire safety measures include those that are intended to prevent ignition
of an uncontrolled fire, and those that are used to limit the development and
effects of a fire after it starts.
Fire safety measures include those that are planned during the construction
of a building or implemented in structures that are already standing, and those
that are taught to occupants of the building. Threats to fire safety are commonly
referred to as fire hazards. A fire hazard may include a situation that increase
the likelihood of a fire or may impede escape in the event a fire occurs. Fire
safety is often a component of building safety. Those who inspect buildings for
violations of the fire code and go into schools to educate children of fire safety
topics are known as fire prevention officers in order to educate them on fire


Some common fire hazards are:
1. Kitchen fire from unattended cooking, such as frying, boiling and
2. Electrical systems that are overloaded, resulting in hot wiring or
connections, or failed components.
3. Combustible storage areas with insufficient protection.
4. Combustibles near equipment that generates heat, flame, or sparks.
5. Candles and other often flames
6. Smoking (cigarettes, cigars, pipes, lighters, etc.).
7. Equipment that generates heat and utilizes combustible materials.
8. Flammable liquids and aerosols.
9. Flammable solvent (and rags soaked with solvent) placed in enclosed
trash cans.
10. Fireplace chimneys not properly or regularly cleaned.
11. Cooking appliances-stoves, ovens.
12. Heating appliances-fireplaces, wood burning stoves, furnaces, boilers,
portable heaters.
13. Household appliances-clothes dryers, curling irons, hair dryers,
refrigerators, freezers.
14. Chimneys that concentrate creosote.
15. Electrical wiring in poor condition.
16. Leaking Batteries.
17. Personal ignition sources-matches, lighters
18. Electronic and electrical equipment
19. Exterior cooking equipment-barbecue.
3.1 Equipment Maintenance
The owner of a prescribed building must make sure that all installed
equipment is maintained, so that it performs to the standard to which it was
originally designed. The owner or occupies of a building, in which fire
protection equipment is required to be installed must have the equipment tested
maintained and repaired by a permit holder and keep a record of all testing and
maintenance worked carried out including the type, date and result of any test
the name of the person undertaking the test, the name and certification of the
person carrying out any maintenance or repair, the date it was carried out and
any maintenance or repair work required.
3.2 Permit Holders
All permit holder are obliged to service fire protection equipment in
accordance with the Australian standards. For systems such as automatic
sprinkler systems etc.
3.3 Permit Exemptions
A person may install a portable fire extinguisher, fire blanket or standalone
smoke and/or heat alarm not connected to a monitoring system, and replace
batteries in these smoke and/or heat alarms, without a permit. An authorized
plumber may install, maintain and repair a fire hydrant or hydrant value
without a permit.


4.1 Fire protection Equipment.
The owner or occupier of a building must ensure that reasonable access by
fire fighters to any fire protection equipment or essential services is available in
or on the ground of;
a. The building or
b. A place in which 4.2 (below) applies
An owner or occupier of the following must ensure that a suitable water
supply for fire-fighting is available.
a. A building, timber yard, yard or unfenced land, situated within a city or
town boundary used for the storage of more than 10 tons of combustible
material for commercial purpose;
b. A wharf or nearby land used for the storage of goods in transit, or
c. Land used for the storage of hazardous and flammable material.


The owner or occupier of a prescribed building must ensure;
a. Locking devices are not fitted on a door forming part of any required
b. Access to doors, corridors or fire escape that form part of an emergency
exist or exit route are not blocked restricted or made narrow;
c. Exit signs and emergency lighting operate effecting and are clearly
visible at all times, and
d. Ceilings, walls, floors and stairs of a fire exit, or path of travel to an exit
are only covered with the right materials.
An occupier must not decorate a prescribed building with flammable
materials in such quantity or in such a way as to constitute a fire hazard.
7.1 Hot work.
Hot work includes grinding, welding, thermal or oxygen cutting or heating,
and other related heat-producing or spark-producing operations. Before
commencing hot work in a building a person must;
a. Inform the owner or occupier of the building of their intention to
carryout hot work, and
b. Perform all hot work in accordance to the rules.
7.2 Potential fire
An occupier of a workplace where dust, gas or hazardous residue is
produced that has the potential to form an explosive mixture, may prepare rules
for persons within that workplace so as to minimize the chance of a fire or
explosion and submit them to the chief officer for approval.
Building fire safety comprises a “package” which incorporates construction
methods mechanical and electrical devices, management practice and organized
human response tailored to reduce the impact of fire upon the occupants, the
building, its contents, the attending firefighters and any neighboring property.
In the context of building fire safety, fire impact is considered to be any threat
to life and may include adverse environmental impact from toxic products
stored on the premises.
Building fire safety cannot be defined as a “single system”, it relies upon a
group of “sub systems” to form a complete “package”. More often than not, if
one of the “sub system” is removed, the whole “package will collapse and the
occupants within the building will face on unacceptable risk in the event of
outbreak of fire. For simplicity the “package can be broken down into the
following “sub systems”, comprising:
8.1 Occupant Training and Education
An essential part of any building fire safety system (probably the most
important part) is training and education of the occupants in matters of the
safety. Every conceivable device, can be placed in a building but if the
occupants are ignorant of what a fire alarm sounds like, what are safe and
unsafe work practices or where the exists are, then the devices will not achieve
a fire safe building. All too often occupant training, fire drills and safe work
practices (all required by the work Health and safety Act 2012) are overlooked
or given only superficial attention. A management plan, addressing all of these
facts together with what to do after fire has been extinguished to minimize its
consequential effect, is very necessary if the overall fire safety system is to be
8.2 Means of Escape from the building
This is an essential part of the fire safety system. A safe, illuminated, well
identified way out of the building is required in order that the building
occupants can escape a fire (or other). Emergency. Often more than one escape
route is required so that occupants have an alternative exit if one cannot be
reached because of smoke or fire. These exits be kept clear at all times. Storage
of materials in exists is a common hazard and security problems are often
overcome by gally locking fire escape doors which places the lives of the
building occupants at risk if a fire occurs.

8.3 Fire Load

Fire load is a stem used to describe how much combustible materials is
contained in a building and usually applies to the building contents. If the fire
load is minimized then fire impact will be reduced. It is the fire load and how it
is arranged (e.g furniture layout) or in the case of a storage area, how the
combustible goods are stored which determines the rate of fire growth and
hence, the rate of heat release from the burning materials. A large log chopped
up into kindling wood presents the same fire load as the whole log, however,
the kindling will quickly burn, releasing all its heat in a short time whereas the
whole log (if it can be ignited in the first instance) will take long time to burn
and release its heat. Storing combustible materials in separate piles with a space
between each pile is one way to reduce the impact of a fire in its early stages
(assuming that only one pile initially catches fire). This will also initially slow
down the rate of fire spread (growth) in the stored materials because the fire
will need to jump from pile to pile.

8.4 Ignition potential

Ignition potential describes the likelihood of a fire starting. There is no
ignition potential in a bare room with no building services or people in it.
Introduce people and you have an ignition potential, especially if the people
smoke. People also make mistakes (human error). People, gas/electrical
services, combustible materials, flammable liquids and tools of trade generate
an ignition potential. If a room were full of all these things and the occupants
was a compulsive arsonist, we would consider the ignition potential to be
extreme. If we reduce the ignition potential, we reduce the risk of a fire

8.5 Compartmentalization and Structural fire Resistance.

If the fire is contained within a room or space (known as a compartment)
by the nature of its construction, its impact on other parts of the building will
be minimized. Naturally the people in the compartment will need to get out
before the fire effects them. A room of solid brick with no windows and a
sturdy door would be a good fire compartment, because it would be difficult for
the heat and smoke to escape. A room constructed of glass would be a poor fire
and smoke compartment because as the fire grows, heat would shatter the glass
this letting heat and smoke out and fire to spread.
Compartmentalization is called a “PASSIVE” system (i.e. just by being
there it inhibits the spread of fire). It relies upon structural stability, under fire
conditions, the ability to withstand the effects of fire without collapse.
8.6 Firefighting systems
Firefighting systems are those which influence in the fire growth process.
Such systems can be used by trained occupants or attending firefighters and
include a fire extinguisher, fire hose reel, or fire hydrant. Other systems may be
automatic such as a fire sprinkler system. Automatic systems are considered to
be superior, because they do not rely on people to manually operate them.
Firefighting systems are known as “DYNAMIC” systems because they do
something, they actively intervene in the rate of fire growth. The greater the
extinguishing capability of the system and the earlier in the fire growth period
it can be applied, the lower the fire impact, hence, the preference for sprinkler
systems by most fire engineers and firefighting professionals.
8.7 Fire Detection Alarm and Evacuation Warning systems.
The simplest fire detection and alarm system is the residential smoke alarm
now installed in most homes. The smoke alarm alerts the building occupants
that a fire has been detected. A fire detection system may in addition to alerting
occupants, automatically notify the fire brigade of the fire. If fire detection and
alarm systems operate very early in the fire growth stage, building occupants
may be able to extinguish a small fire. An evacuation warning system may be
activated by a fire detection or firefighting system or manually by a chief fire
warden for other circumstances such as a bomb threat. Many evacuation
warning systems also have an intercommunication system such as a phone
system and/or a public address system which can be used to pass information to
the building occupants and fire wardens, who will orchestrate an orderly
evacuation, or move occupants to safer parts of the building.
8.8 Smoke Management Systems
In many buildings occupied by the public, especially large buildings such
as shopping. Centres, smoke from a fire can spread and descend so as to block
exits and make occupant escape difficult or, in the extreme, impossible. In such
instances, the installation of a smoke management system, which will slow
down the rate of smoke spread, is recommended. Such systems often involve
exhausting the smoke at ceiling level where hot smoke will naturally collect
due to its buoyancy (because it is hot it is lighter than the surrounding air).
Other methods employ the opening of apertures in the roof or panels at high
level in the walls of a building. Provided fresh air is allowed to naturally flow
into the building below any smoke layer, these measures will permit the smoke
to escape from the building rather than fill it up. Another way to stop smoke
infiltrating from floor to floor in a multistory building is to pressure the
non-fire floors with fresh air at a pressure higher than that of the fire floor.
The owner or occupier of a prescribed building must ensure:
6.1 locking devices are not fitted on a door forming part of any required exit.
6.2 access to doors, corridors or fire escapes that form part of an emergency
exit or exit route are not blocked, restricted or made narrow;
6.3 exit signs and emergency lighting operate effectively and are clearly visible
at all times.
6.4 ceilings, walls, floors and stairs of a fire exit, or path of travel to an exit, are
only covered with materials that comply with the standard way of construction
6.5 The minimum headroom at any part of an escape route shall not be less
than 2 m, when passing through doorways this may be reduced by 100mm due
to the depth of the door frame.
6.6 The minimum width of the escape route and exits shall not be less than 800
mm. The width shall be adjusted according to the number of people expected to
use the route.
6.7 In assessing the width of the exit where a door is provided the width may
be locally decreased by not more than 100 mm due to the door frame.


7.1 Fire safety training: All employees should be given fire safety training by a
person who is competent in the subject and who understands effective training
methods. If relevant expertise is not available within the organization, an
independent expert – for example from the fire brigade – should be engaged to
provide training.
Fire safety training should start with induction training on the first day of
appointment of new staff. There should be refresher training at least once a
year to ensure that all staff are familiar with the fire precautions for the
workplace and are reminded of the actions to take in an emergency. More
frequent training should be given where there is a high turnover of staff, or a
high risk of fire.
All staff, including part-time staff, security staff, cleaning staff and contractors
should be trained and instructed in:
a. Risk awareness;
b. Smoking policy;
c. Basic fire prevention;
d. Good housekeeping;
e. The fire routine:
−Actions to be taken when a fire is discovered or an alarm is heard;
−Knowledge of the escape routes and exits, especially those not in regular use;
−Raising the alarm and the location of alarm indicator panels;
−Arrangements for calling the fire and rescue service;
−Special provisions for assisting disabled people;
−Location of fire-fighting equipment; −Selection and use of fire-fighting
equipment, including hand held fire-fighting equipment (in larger premises it
may be appropriate to train specific staff instead of all staff);
− The importance of fire doors and the need to close all doors at the time of a
fire and/or on hearing the fire alarm;
− Process shutdown and shutting down of non-essential equipment, stopping
machines and processes and isolating power supplies if appropriate;
− Evacuation procedures.
f. Incident reporting procedures, including for “near miss” events and false
alarms. A “no blame”reporting culture should be encouraged. Supervisory and
other staff who have specific responsibility for fire safety should receive
detailed instruction in their own duties and appropriate refresher training at
least once, and preferably twice a year. Staff with particular
responsibilities are likely to include: Department heads; Fire marshals or fire
Floor supervisors; Security staff (including night security patrols);
Engineering and maintenance staff; Receptionists and telephones.
American, Jerry, "Fire safety Disaster.” Canadian health care facilities
volume 28 issue3, red Amie silverwood .spring 2008, 26

British Insurers. Technical Briefing: Fire performance of

sandwich panel systems. May 2003.

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installations and equipment on premises. Hose reels and foam inlets.
5306-3:2009. Fire extinguishing installations and equipment on
premises. Commissioning and maintenance of portable fire extinguishers.
Code of practice.

5306-8:2012. Fire extinguishing installations and equipment on

premises. Selection and positioning of portable fire extinguishers. Code of

5839-1:2013. Fire detection and fire alarm systems for buildings.

Code of practice for design, installation, commissioning and
maintenance of systems in non-domestic premises.

9999:2008. Code of practice for fire safety in the design, management

and use of buildings.

BS EN 12845:2004+A2:2009. Fixed firefighting systems. Automatic

sprinkler systems. Design, installation and maintenance.

EN 1838:2013 – Lighting applications. Emergency lighting.

Association for Cold Store Contractors (European Division).

Protocol of designing/constructing new insulated envelope buildings in respect
of fire safety considerations. Guidance note no. 2. September 2003.

Council. 2015 International Building Code and


Council. 2015 International Fire Code and references.

10-2013. Standard for Portable Fire Extinguishers, 2013 Edition.

13-2013. Standard for the Installation of Sprinkler Systems, 2013


72-2013. National Fire Alarm and Signaling Code, 2013 Edition.

Proulx, G., 2001, occupant behavior and evacuation. In proceeding of the 9th
international fire protection symposium, Munich pp.219.232

, Noel, Brian Serumaga, Joseph McCord, and Andrew Inglis. 2013.

Risk management for public sector supply chains: Toolkit for
identifying, analyzing and responding to supply chain risk in
developing countries. Arlington, Va.: USAID | DELIVER PROJECT,
Task Order 4.

WHO Technical Report Series No. 961, 2011, Annex 9: Model guidance
for the storage and transport of time- and temperature-sensitive pharmaceutical

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