Fire Hazard Analysis of Modern Vehicles in Parking Facilities
Fire Hazard Analysis of Modern Vehicles in Parking Facilities
Fire Hazard Analysis of Modern Vehicles in Parking Facilities
Ó 2021 The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature
Manufactured in The United States
Abstract. Vehicle fires in parking structures developing into large conflagrations are
rare but can result in severe economic losses. It is important to understand the haz-
ard posed by modern vehicle fires to determine whether current fire codes for parking
garages are mandating adequate fire protection requirements. There has been an
increase in the fire hazard from changes in vehicle design and increased use of plas-
tics and other combustible materials in vehicle construction, along with denser park-
ing of vehicles in parking structures. This manifests as faster flame spread within the
vehicle, easier ignition and more rapid fire spread to neighboring vehicles. Based on
the findings, test data from vehicles older than 2000–2005 model years should not be
used as basis for development of codes and regulations. Open parking structures
emerge as the main area of concern regarding fires in modern vehicles. The lack of
any requirements for active protection systems in the fire codes, and trends in vehicle
and garage design suggest that large, devastating fires in these structures could
become increasingly common. The spread of fire between vehicles, especially from the
initial to the second and third vehicles, is critical in determining the extent of the fire
and the ability of the fire department to successfully control and extinguish. Future
research should be conducted into earlier detection, sprinkler protection, and fire
spread between vehicles to address the hazard.
Keywords: Vehicle fires, Parking garages, Hazard analysis, NFPA 88A, Modern vehicles
1. Introduction
The effect on fire dynamics in residential fires due to modern construction tech-
niques, floor plans, and use of polymer materials has been significantly studied in
recent years. Less effort has focused on the impact on fire hazards from changes
in vehicle design and changes in production techniques and material usage in vehi-
cle construction. Vehicles have become larger, with increasing amounts of flam-
mable plastic materials replacing metals. The adoption of different motor
technologies and the use of alternative fuels such as battery electric vehicles and
hydrogen fuel cells present different vehicle configurations and burn characteris-
tics. Large lithium-ion batteries and hydrogen fuel cells in vehicles may represent
a change in the type of hazard and required fire protection and firefighting tech-
*Correspondence should be addressed to: Haavard R. Boehmer, E-mail:
2098 Fire Technology 2021
1. Larger vehicles with increased use of polymers and other combustible materials
in construction. These materials often ignite easier, contain more chemical
Fire Hazard Analysis of Modern Vehicles in Parking Facilities 2099
energy per volume, and burn more intensely and/or longer than legacy materi-
2. Rapid growth of alternative fuel vehicles replacing internal combustion engines
(ICE). These include plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEVs), fully electric
vehicles (EVs), and hydrogen fuel cell vehicles.
increased by 430 kg (948 lb) and 150 kg (332 lb) for the Corolla and F150 respec-
tively. The trend appears to be similar in the EU where the Volkswagen Golf has
been among the most sold vehicle since the 1980s [25]. The Golf has undergone a
similar increase in physical size and weight from 1st generation in 1974 to 8th
generation in 2019. During this time the width increased from 1.6 to 1.8 m, and
weight from approximately 800 kg [26] to 1336 kg [27] (with slight variation
depending on trim options).
Data can be found on the amount of plastics used in the average vehicle fleet
over time, mostly for the US market. Similar trends can be expected to apply to
other Western markets. In developing countries, the vehicle fleet trends are likely
to be different. Plastics are often used to reduce the weight of vehicles, primarily
to improve fuel efficiency. But as customers have bought larger and heavier vehi-
cles, the weight of the average vehicles has remained steady or gone up in the last
decade, while the percentage and absolute weight of plastics used has similarly
gone up. It is reported that the weight of the average light vehicle in 1976 was
1618 kg (3567 lb), which had risen to 1805 kg (3979 lb) in 2018, an increase of
about 12% [22][28]. In this context, and throughout this report, ‘‘light vehicle’’ or
‘‘light-duty vehicle’’ denote passenger vehicles, excluding trucks. The Environmen-
tal Protection Agency (EPA) classify these as having a Gross Vehicle Weight Rat-
ing of less than 8500 lbs (3856 kg) [29].
The Economics and Statistics Department of the American Chemistry Council
released a report ‘‘Plastics and Polymer Composites in Light Vehicles’’ [22] ana-
lyzing the material composition of light vehicles assembled in the NAFTA coun-
tries (USA, Mexico, and Canada), representing 16.8 million vehicles produced in
2018. Annual plastic content by weight is provided for 2008 to 2018. A report by
Argonne National Lab [28] similarly analyzed the US light vehicle fleet providing
annual data for 1995 to 2014. A government steel industry report from 1991 gives
some 5-year average data for material content of US vehicles for the years 1976–
1990 [30]. Combining these data sources, the weight of plastics in the average US/
NAFTA vehicles from 1976 to 2018 are plotted in Fig. 1, in kilograms and as per-
centage of average vehicle weight.
When evaluating numbers in the EU, there is less centralized reporting, but a
report by Gletty et al. [31] for ENSOP (Ecole Nationale Supérieure Des Officiers
De Police) school for firefighters in France state that percentage weight of plastic,
composites and rubber in the average vehicle has gone from 10% in 1989 to 25%
in 2014. Note that this also include tires, which is excluded from the US numbers.
Hence, an increase in plastic usage similar to that in the USA is found, but the
difference in measurements makes it difficult to compare directly.
In large part, plastics usage has replaced metal in vehicle construction. For
example, from 1970 to 2004, the average steel content per US vehicle dropped by
458 kg (1010 lb), a 32% reduction [32]. Many different types of plastic are used in
vehicle interiors, cushions, panels, wiring, etc. Three types represent over two-
thirds of the total plastic by weight in US light vehicles: polypropylene (PP), poly-
urethane (PU) and polyvinyl chloride (PVC). The percent of total plastic weight
and heat of combustion for these are shown in Table 1 [22].
Fire Hazard Analysis of Modern Vehicles in Parking Facilities 2103
200 12.0%
Plastic Content [kg]
Table 1
Most Common Plastic Types Used in US Vehicles [22]
Table 2
Select Vehicle Fire Test Results from Several Sources
Model Curb weight Peak HRR Total heat release Mass loss
Source Test year [kg] [kW] [MJ] %
density fuel sources, they replace the gasoline stored in ICE vehicles (an exception
being hybrid vehicles). The degree to which the fire hazard is increased with an
alternative fuel vehicle compared to a traditional vehicle, or simply changed, needs
to be established, and can depend on the environment where the fire occurs.
Lithium-ion batteries used in modern EVs present a different fire hazard than
traditional ICE vehicles [37]. Fires in lithium-ion batteries are more difficult to
extinguish than gasoline or diesel fires, requiring large amounts of water to fully
contain the hazard. Fire crews are required to apply water to the exterior of the
battery pack for hours, while continuously monitoring the temperature [38]. Even
if there is no immediate fire following a collision, damage to the integrity of the
battery pack can result in thermal runaway with later ignition and reignition
which has proven difficult to contain [39]. The EV brand Tesla started installing a
metal plate under the vehicle floor pan to protect the battery from impact after
fire incidents involving EVs, where it was suspected that impact damage to the
battery from road debris initiated thermal runaway and a fire [40].
Fire Hazard Analysis of Modern Vehicles in Parking Facilities 2105
The main hazard from a hydrogen fuel cell vehicle is rupture of the hydrogen
storage tank and release of the gas. Due the high storage pressure, leaking or
burning hydrogen would be ejected in a jet, as opposed to a gasoline-fueled car
where the spilled fuel gathers underneath the car. In an open space without a ceil-
ing, the vertical flame can be a benefit compared to a running pool fire, but a
powerful hydrogen jet flame could present a new, unexpected hazard in an enclo-
sure such as a parking facility, multi-level vehicle storage, or vehicle carrier vessel.
A hydrogen fire can also be virtually invisible to the naked eye [41], which poses a
large risk to first responders, and possibly to certain visual-based fire detection
systems. Hydrogen fuel cell vehicles are still in a very limited test release phase,
estimated at about 6000 vehicles in the USA, and 12,000 worldwide (as of 2018)
[9]. These vehicles are operating in small test areas with a few refueling stations.
Issues with hydrogen fueled vehicles will certainly be a concern in the future and
should be further studied as the fleet size and use area increases. They are not yet
close to widespread adoption so the specific hazards from hydrogen vehicles will
not be further discussed.
4.4.1. Building Design The goal when designing commercial parking structures is
to minimize the amount of area used by each vehicle for efficient use of space.
Typical parking structures in the USA are designed with each individual space
requiring around 30 m2 (322 ft2) [43], which includes the space needed for maneu-
vering in the garage. The area of the parking space is much smaller, typically less
than 18.5 m2 (200 ft2), with widths typically less than 3.05 m (10 ft). In Europe
the spaces tend to be smaller still. For example, the French standard NF-P 91-100
[44] set the minimum size as 2.3 m wide (7.5 ft) by 5 m long (16.4 ft), with a sin-
gle track traffic lane at least 3 m (10 ft) wide. Giving total minimum space as low
as 18.4 m2 (198 ft2). In the United Kingdom the norm is described as being 2.4 m
2106 Fire Technology 2021
(7.9 ft) wide by 4.8 m (15.7 ft) long, with a 6 m (19.7 ft) roadway between, for a
total of 25.9 m2 (279 ft2) [45].
As cars have become larger and wider, the distance between adjacent vehicles
has shrunk, making fire spread from vehicle to vehicle more likely. The geometry
of the parking structure will have a large influence on fire spread. Even in an open
garage there are ceilings, beams and walls, resulting in a hot upper layer of gases
which heat the surrounding vehicles and ignite exposed combustibles. Access to
fresh air may be limited, potentially stagnating overall fire growth, but possibly
promoting incomplete combustion and more toxic fire products (e.g. high levels of
CO). Open structures will, in theory, allow the fire products to vent, but there will
also be ample fresh air to sustain burning and environmental elements such as
wind can affect fire spread. The ventilation can also be compromised, as was
noted in the report after the Liverpool car park fire in 2017, several sides of the
parking garage were almost completely covered in plastic advertising posters,
which severely reduced the airflow [3].
Stacker systems are required to have an automatic sprinkler system per NFPA
13, but with the upper vehicle obstructing the water spray, it is only expected to
control the fire and limit spread until the fire department arrives. The increased
application density and reduced protection area associated with an Extra Hazard
2 classification is intended to ensure this is successful. To reduce the density
requirements, sprinklers can also be placed between each of the vehicles where
they would have a greater chance of fully extinguishing the fire. Testing of a two-
car stacker system, without sprinklers, by Building Research Establishment (BRE)
in the UK [46] found that the fire quickly (within 10 min) reached 8 MW and was
difficult to extinguish due to the orientation of the fuel packages and ability to
preheat and ignite the vertically adjacent vehicles.
This established a picture as to the degree the various types of modern vehicles
represent a changed fire hazard compared to legacy vehicles. The changes to mod-
ern vehicle construction and materials that was discussed in Sect. 4 have an effect
on the fire behavior in several ways, including peak heat release rate (HRR), fire
duration, and heat flux to nearby objects.
fire energy from a vehicle generally scales with weight. Thus, it can be assumed
that the change in available chemical energy is directly equal to the weight of
plastic added, multiplied by the heat of combustion for the material.
There is not a substantial amount of heat release data for burning automobiles
and the data that is available is not consistent in how the tests were configured,
including ignition sources, data collection, and other variables. This leads to scat-
ter in the data, making it difficult to make any definitive conclusions. A number
of full-scale fires tests were evaluated, and the most useful data are presented
5.1.2. Vehicle Fire Tests Tohir and Spearpoint [24] gathered and summarized a
large amount of data on free-burn, full-scale vehicle fire tests (with vehicles up to
2002 model years), including where available; model year, curb weight, mass loss,
peak heat release rate, and total heat released. They attempted to establish a cor-
relation between vehicle model year and peak HRR.. The data shows a wide
range of peak HRRs, making it difficult to establish clear correlations due to lim-
ited number of tests of similar size vehicles across several decades. As the data in
Table 2 from multiple sources shows, there are light-weight vehicles with peak
HRR over 8 MW, and medium- and heavy-weight vehicles with a HRR less than
3 MW. Analyzing the data from various tests and looking at the mass loss as a
percentage of vehicle weight, it is found that there is a wide range in this value,
from 13 to 25%. However, the mass loss percentage does correlate with the peak
heat release rate. Some tests had, for various reasons, more complete burning of
the vehicle than others. In general, the tests with a mass loss percentage below
about 17% show a much lower peak HRR compared to other tests of similar size
vehicles. A selection of fire test results was chosen based on having a higher mass
loss percentage, from about 17 to 25%, indicating more complete burning of the
vehicle, and a higher peak HRR. Details of the tests are shown in Table 2. The
data is from Tohir and Spearpoint, Lam et al. [47] and BRE [46]. The data has
been sorted by increasing mass loss percentage as it is generally associated with
larger fires.
As the table indicates, there is no obvious correlation between peak HRR and
either age of vehicle or curb weight. The placement and method of ignition, as
well as ventilation and other environmental factors, has a large impact on how a
vehicle fire develops. If the mass loss percentage is high (20%+), both older and
smaller vehicles can yield high peak HRRs and total heat released. It is important
to note that the mass loss percentage is of total mass, not combustible mass. As
the percentage of vehicle weight that is made up of plastic (replacing non-com-
bustible items) has increased since the 1970s, it has thus become increasingly likely
that a higher percentage of the vehicle weight is consumed in a fire. It is shown
that both older and newer vehicles are able to produce large fires (7 MW or
greater), but it is possible that it is more likely to occur with modern vehicles. This
data is not conclusive in this hypothesis however.
The fire sizes used as the basis for parking garage fire codes are not explicitly
stated, but there are design fire scenarios for tunnel fires where values such as
peak HRR is provided. For example, Ingason [48] summarized several HRR val-
2108 Fire Technology 2021
ues provided as guidelines for tunnel design. This included a car fire scenario of
4 MW peak HRR, proposed by Ingason in 1995. Reference is also made to
French regulations, where a design fire with peak HRR of 8 MW is associated
with ‘‘2–3 cars, tunnel height 2.7 m’’. Comparing this to the HRR data for a sin-
gle car fire shown in and Table 2, it is clear that these proposed design fires for
tunnels will underestimate the peak HRR for a single car fire in many instances.
Another document on tunnel design fires published by National Cooperative
Highway Research Program (NCHRP) in 2011 [49], references a number of vehi-
cle HRRs from different sources. Several single vehicle HRRs are again around
the 5 MW range, for example a design fire from Germany, and a reference to
‘‘absolute minimum water requirements’’ that specifies a car fire as 5 MW. The
article does reference the 2008 edition of NFPA standard 502 ‘‘Standard for Road
Tunnels, Bridges, and Other Limited Access Highways’’ [50], which specifies a car
fire as 5–10 MW. This range does encompass the peak HRR of the majority of
single car fire tests reviewed here, but with such a wide range it leaves important
decisions up to the discretion of the designer.
5.1.3. Plastic Fire Energy Using the data documented in Sect. 4.1, an estimate of
the increase in heat release rate associated with the growth of plastic use can be
calculated with assumptions made for the heat of combustion of the plastics. This
will vary with the type of plastic, from about 15 to 43 kJ/g [33] [51]. Heats of
combustion were found from the literature for all but four of the plastics, which
represent a total of 10.1% by weight. The weighted and absolute average heat of
combustion for the remaining 90% were both around 30 kJ/g (30.3 and 29.5 kJ/g
respectively). Evaluating the changes in plastic content over time shows that for
the three 5-year periods from 1976 to 1990, the total heat content (i.e. fire energy)
6,000 2,000
Plastic Energy [MJ]
3,000 1,000
Plasc Energy
Curb Weight
0 0
1976 1981 1986 1991 1996 2001 2006 2011 2016
Figure 2. Curb weight and plastic content potential fire energy from
average North American vehicles from 1975 to 2018.
Fire Hazard Analysis of Modern Vehicles in Parking Facilities 2109
5.1.4. Fire Spread When used externally on the vehicle to replace previously non-
flammable metal components, plastic components can contribute to faster fire
spread through the initiating car, and also to neighboring vehicles. There is also
an increasing amount of plastics in the engine compartment of modern vehicles. A
test series reported by the Motor Vehicle Fire Research Institute (MVFRI) found
that in the case of post-collision fires, the plastics and flammable fluids in the
engine were able to sustain a fire large enough to penetrate into the passenger
compartment [52]. In addition to threatening the occupants, the passenger com-
partment is where the largest amount of flammable materials are located. The
interior materials can sustain a fire with a higher potential to spread beyond the
vehicle of origin. Fires that do not spread into the passenger compartment are
typically much less severe or may even burn themselves out before spreading to
adjacent vehicles [46].
Tohir [53] provides a summary of the multi-vehicle full-car fires that have been
performed with adequate details to make a reasonable analysis on fire spread.
Tohir [53] cites three studies as the most detailed and reliable; Joyeux [54], Stein-
ert [56], and BRE [46]. These studies had vehicles spaced between 0.4 and 0.8 m
(1.3 to 2.6 ft) apart. As detailed in the studies, ignition of the second vehicle took
place between 5 and 28 min after ignition of the first vehicle, typically due to
radiative heating of rubber components of the adjacent vehicle. As can be seen
from the dates of these tests, most of the cars used in the testing were decades
old, indicating the need for updated testing with more current vehicles.
Testing by the BRE in the UK on flammable exterior materials for vehicles
found a critical heat flux range of 11.0–18.5 kW/m2, with most plastic components
at the upper end of the range; bumpers at 17.5 kW/m2, fuel tanks at 16.5 kW/m2,
and the tires near the bottom at 11.0 kW/m2. An upper layer temperature of 500–
600°C is typically associated with the criteria of incident heat flux on the floor of
20–25 kW/m2, where most ordinary flammable materials in residential settings will
ignite [57], thus the temperature criteria would be lower for these vehicle compo-
nents. As discussed in Sect. 3, parking garages often have limited ceiling heights,
due to cost and space concerns, or to conform to apartment or retail ceiling
heights for surrounding occupancies in multi-use buildings. The buildup, and trap-
2110 Fire Technology 2021
ping, of hot gases is therefore critically important when considering fire spread in
parking structures.
5.1.5. BRE (UK) Vehicle Fire Tests A full-scale test series by BRE involved sev-
eral multi-vehicle car fires in a parking garage mockup [46]. The tests found that
with the second vehicle involved the ceiling temperatures reached 1100°C, and a
third car that was separated from the two others by an empty parking spot
quickly ignited. The BRE test series involved a ‘‘car park enclosure’’, which was
not a fully open garage. There was extensive ventilation around the vehicles,
approximately 10 m2 of openings, including a fully open wall. The openings on
the walls were low to the ground, supplying air to the fire, but not venting hot
gases as might be the case with a fully open configuration. Large beams and beam
pockets are also common in multi-level parking garages which can trap hot gases.
Beams were relatively shallow in the BRE garage mockup. The BRE tests can
therefore be considered somewhere between an enclosed and fully open garage;
the ventilation area is more than is expected in, for example, a small underground
garage but venting of hot gases is more restricted than in a code-defined open
Many parking garage codes require a one hour or more resistance rating for
structural members, for example NFPA 88A required open garages have a fire
resistance rating of 1 to 2 h. Per the E119 curve, that means the ability to resist a
max temperature exposure of just over 1000°C at around 2 h [58]. In the BRE
testing it was found that a temperature of over 1100°C can develop under the ceil-
ing in even a relatively open garage with single vehicles burning after 5–10 min,
significantly earlier than prescribed in the E119 testing.
5.1.6. Plastic Fuel Tanks A plastic fuel tank in passenger vehicles will introduce
approximately 8 to 10 kg (18–22 lb) of HDPE (high-density polyethylene) to the
vehicle [28]. With polyethylene (PE) having a heat of combustion of 43.6 kJ/g [33]
in a fully involved fire this would yield at least 371 MJ of energy released. Com-
pared to the total fire energy of a fully involved vehicle (3500 MJ and up) this is a
relatively small contribution. The large mass of plastic, and high heat of combus-
tion results in replacing a metal fuel tank with a plastic one will account for 16%
of the increase in potential fire energy from added plastic in vehicles from 1970
today. It should be noted that the fuel tank is already included in the total vehicle
plastic content calculated above.
An important concern with plastic fuel tanks is the release of fuel when exposed
to an external flame. There are fire resistance requirements for plastic fuel tanks,
specified in the United Nations document ECE R34.01, Annex 5 Sect. 5.0 ‘‘Resis-
tance to Fire’’ [59]. This standard requires a tank to show no leak of fuel after
exposure to a direct flame for 2 min. The flame source is from a pool fire, typi-
cally using diesel or gasoline, that is slightly larger than the footprint of the tank,
and a distance away equivalent to the height above the road as the tank would be
installed in the vehicle. In the case of burning gasoline underneath a car from a
full fuel tank release, the fire exposure could last much longer than the two min-
utes required in the tests. The concern with the two-minute requirement lies in the
Fire Hazard Analysis of Modern Vehicles in Parking Facilities 2111
5.0 EV 1
Heat Release Rate [kW]
4.0 EV 2
0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Time [min]
Figure 3. Heat release rate for two pairs of similar ICE and EV
vehicles for tests conducted by Lecocq [62].
2112 Fire Technology 2021
5.2.1. Battery Energy Release Two pairs of similar EV and ICE vehicle models
from two manufacturers were tested by Lecocq [62]. The first pair were smaller
vehicles, both around 1100 kg, while the second pair were larger at 1400 and
1500 kg for the ICE and EV model respectively. The vehicles were ignited by a
gas burner placed in the front seat, with the window open. The peak heat release
rate results were similar for the first pair at 4.2 MW and 4.8 MW, with the ICE
vehicle being higher. For the second, larger pair, the EV had a peak of 4.7 MW,
while the ICE vehicle had a peak HRR of 6.1 MW. The HRR plots for all four
tests are shown in Fig. 3. The ICE vehicles are represented by solid lines, while
dotted lines are used for the EVs.
The figure shows that the heat release rate for the first vehicle pair is very simi-
lar, both in peak HRR, and in growth rate. The second pair start with similar
growth for the first 20 min, when the HRR for ICE 2 rapidly increased to its peak
value and stays higher than the EV 2 curve until near the end.
Another paired-vehicle test series using sets of similar ICE vehicles and EVs
were performed by Lam et al. [47] of the National Research Council Canada. All
vehicles were exposed to an identical, realistic simulated pool fire; a propane bur-
ner placed underneath the vehicle. The HRR was measured by a hood, as well as
temperature and heat flux. This test is also a good representation for the dynamics
of fire spread between vehicles in a garage or carrier vessel caused by burning,
leaking fuel pooling under the neighboring vehicles. The findings from the study
concluded that:
Overall, the EVs did not present a greater hazard than the ICEVs. The
peak HRR and heat flux levels measured in the ICEV tests were due to
the burning of a full tank of gasoline and were higher than those mea-
sured in the comparison EV tests.
The tests also found that the peak HRR from the burning gasoline occurred at
the same time or earlier than that for the EV batteries. A later study of EV fires
by Sun et al. [63] also found that peak heat release rate for EVs and ICEs is simi-
lar, but state that further study is warranted for other aspects of lithium-battery
fires, such as re-ignition, thermal runaway, and storage and charging of large
number of vehicles inside structures. As the fuel tank or batteries placed under-
neath the vehicle is the main distinguishing feature between ICE vehicles and EVs,
a pool fire placed under the vehicle is likely the fire scenario where the largest dif-
ferences between the two vehicle types would manifest. The other difference could
be in ignition and the response to collision damage and effects of a fuel leak ver-
sus a damaged battery. Testing that has been performed on EVs and ICEs indi-
cate that when ignited externally, EVs can yield similar HRR as ICE vehicles. But
there is still limited data on fires resulting from thermal runaway in a full battery
placed in an EV. More research is needed on battery failures leading to fully
involved EV fires.
There is currently rapid development of EVs (especially compared to ICEs),
where new models have dramatic changes in the vehicle design that could signifi-
cantly change the behavior in a fire. For example, the trend for larger, more
energy-dense battery packs, or double electric motors (front and rear) for
Fire Hazard Analysis of Modern Vehicles in Parking Facilities 2113
improved performance alters the fire properties of a vehicle significantly. This can
make it difficult to draw conclusions based on EV fire tests performed on models
even just a few years old. As the peak HRR depends on the battery capacity [63],
this is an important factor when determining whether tests are applicable to cur-
rent vehicles, or the ones used in a given location. Results from testing performed
on an EV with a 40-kWh battery cannot necessarily be directly applied to a large
vehicle with a 100-kWh battery. As older EVs and/or smaller battery packs are
much cheaper to acquire for testing, there are financial obstacles to getting data
on the newest and largest EVs on the market.
that fire spread from one vehicle to others would not occur and that if it did, the
Metropolitan Brigades would invariably be in attendance within 3 to 4 min’’. First
published in 2001, NFPA 1710 ‘‘Standard for the Organization and Deployment of
Fire Suppression Operations, Emergency Medical Operations, and Special Opera-
tions to the Public by Career Fire Departments’’ [64] sets a benchmark goal of a
total response time of the first fire engine in 5:20 min, and 9:20 for full assignment
of larger resources, for 90% of incidents. However, not all fire departments are
able to achieve this. For example, a study by International Association of Fire
Fighters (IAFF) noted that 34% of fire departments surveyed exceeded the travel
time limits for both the first-due engine and the full response [65]. Time must also
be account for to navigate modern large and cramped parking structures, which
can take well beyond 3 to 4 min. As surveillance video of the Liverpool Echo
Arena fire showed, the fire was not even reported to the local fire department
until at least 13 min after smoke was first observed, and the fire department
arrived at 21 min after observation of smoke [3].
A series of tests evaluating the fire spread between vehicles in different parking
configurations (side by side, front to front) were performed in the UK [46] using
vehicles constructed in the late 1990s to early 2000s. The tests found that fires
starting inside the cabin spread to adjacent vehicles after 10 min in one test, and
after 20 min in two others. In one test, ignition of a third vehicle two spots over
occurred less than 5 min later. After spreading to the second vehicle the fire
quickly grew beyond 10 MW. If the fire department is not on the scene before the
fire spreads to the second vehicle, there is a high likelihood they will be unable to
extinguish it with the first on-scene equipment, or even contain the spread, as has
been the case in several recent parking garage fires.
5.3.1. Spill Fire as Method of Fire Spread One possible scenario in which multiple
vehicles can become involved in a parking structure fire would involve the leaked
contents of a fuel tank igniting and spreading the fire to surrounding vehicles.
Nearly all modern vehicles use plastic fuel tanks, which are mandated to remain
intact for two minutes when exposed to direct flame impingement. Testing has
shown that most tanks remain intact for 2 to 4 min, before starting to leak their
contents to the ground below [60]. The behavior of the fuel upon tank rupture is
critical to determine the conditions under which the spread of the fire to adjacent
vehicles is possible.
A number of researchers have studied the spread of liquid fuels in spills and the
effect of this burning configuration on fire dynamics. Notably, Putorti [66] and
Mealy et al. [67][68] have studied fuel spills for a wide range of fuels, including
gasoline and diesel. These studies have also looked at the effect of the substrate
on the fire characteristics, including concrete which would be a typical flooring
material in parking structures (asphalt is typically only allowed on the lowest level
[18]). Important parameters for a burning fuel spill include the spill dynamics (i.e.,
size of the spill, thickness of the fuel layer etc.), flame dynamics (heat release rate
and burning rate of the spilled fuel, etc.) and time of ignition relative to start of
the spill. Measurements on flat, level surfaces have found that spills, especially of
limited volumes of fuel, will have lower heat release rates than of pan fires with
Fire Hazard Analysis of Modern Vehicles in Parking Facilities 2115
the same fuel. This is due to the thin fuel layer of the expanding spill and heat
transfer to the surface substrate. This impedes the heat feedback mechanism that
allows for liquid fuel vaporization and reducing the fuel burning rate and heat
release [69]. The heat release rates can be substantially less than found for con-
fined pool fires in metal pans [68]. Eventually the fuel layer becomes so thin that
the heat loss to the substrate becomes greater than the heat feedback from the
flame, preventing further fuel vaporization and the fire is not sustained.
The heat release rate of the fire is greatly impacted by the time of ignition rela-
tive to the start of the spill. Ignition immediately after the fuel is spilled can lead
to larger heat release as the fuel layer thickness is deeper as the fuel has not
spread and the pool has not thinned out. If ignition does not occur until later
after the spill begins, especially for a finite fuel volume, the fuel may spread leav-
ing a thin layer with reduced heat release potential. Hence, it is unclear how effec-
tive an ignited fuel spill would be for spreading fire from a burning vehicle to
adjacent vehicle. If the adjacent vehicles are quite close and ignition occurs before
the spill area becomes large and the fuel layer becomes quite thin, spread to adja-
cent vehicles may be possible. A sloped ramp will allow the fuel to reach the
neighboring vehicle but will also more quickly reduce the thickness of the pool.
The interaction between these competing effects must be studied further. Tests
have been performed to determine the time required until the fuel tank leaks [61,
62], but these did not evaluate what occurs once the fuel is released.
by catching on fire, the structural elements can very quickly be exposed to a sig-
nificant fire load, potentially more severe than what is experienced in the standard
tests used for design purposes. Ship and Spearpoint [70] tested relatively small
cars in a low (2.2 m) corridor-like configuration, to simulate a fire in the France-
England Channel Tunnel train shuttle wagons. Under this configuration the ceil-
ing temperatures reached above 1000°C at around 7 min. These results show that
the typical configuration of a parking garage will have a significant effect on the
resulting hazards from a vehicle fire, including fire spread. This configuration may
not be fully accounted for in the fires used for building design if data from less
confined tests are used.
5.4.2. Failure of Structural Steel The critical temperature for steel is usually taken
as 538°C (1000°F), where the modulus of elasticity of construction steel has been
reduced by half, and deformations become permanent [73]. The critical tempera-
ture refers to the internal steel temperature, but with the high heat transfer coeffi-
cient of uninsulated steel this can occur rapidly once the air temperature reaches
similar levels. Vehicle fire tests with a lower ceiling height have found that these
temperatures are measured within a few minutes after ignition of the vehicle. With
a single burning vehicle, it is not certain a high enough ceiling temperature can be
sustained for long enough to pose a threat to overhead load-bearing steel mem-
bers, especially in a well-ventilated open garage configuration. But with fire spread
to multiple vehicles, it is likely that this scenario has the potential to rapidly
threaten the integrity of steel structures. The most dramatic example of this is the
collapse of large parts of the steel parking garage at the Stavanger Airport after a
fire in January 2020. One news article reports that the steel structure started to
collapse after ‘‘nearly two hours’’ [74] though the specific timeline has not been
confirmed. Columns and beams in the garage that collapsed were constructed of
unprotected steel, with pre-cast concrete floors elements. The building had been
granted a deviation from the local code-required 15-min fire resistance for steel
members, needing only a 10-min fire resistance [75]. This deviation was granted
based on the belief that local fire departments would be on the scene early enough
to control and/or extinguish a fire in the structure.
For high-rise building construction, there is extensive research on fire protection
of load bearing steel members. A multitude of techniques exist to increase the fire
resistance to a range of levels, depending on the application and code require-
ments, from intumescent paint to full coverage in insulated batting. The different
systems will have varying cost of installation and maintenance, as well as architec-
tural impact, and most can be applied directly to parking garage design.
fire never spread to the interior. The test showed that two activated overhead
sprinklers control and limit the spread of the fire in the stacker system, but does
not extinguish the fire, nor prevent total consumption of the lower vehicle. Pho-
tographs of the two tests show the upper vehicle fully involved at 10 min in the
non-sprinklered test, while in the sprinklered test at 1 h 23 min show no flames
inside the passenger compartment of the upper vehicle.
people spend little time in parking garages, typically are awake, and are usually
spread out. The egress paths are also clear, numerous, and easy to reach. Struc-
tural integrity requirements are mainly for the benefit of firefighters and property
protection. Considering property loss, the findings indicate that modern vehicle
fires present an unacceptable hazard in open parking structures under the current
code requirements in NFPA 88A (as well as similar code requirements elsewhere).
Important factors that impact fire hazard in open parking garages include:
Potential for very rapid spread of fire between vehicles due to:
The potential for very large losses is significant, and there is a small safety mar-
gin as many factors can allow a small fire to become a major one. Trends in vehi-
cle and parking garage design indicate that this margin will continue to shrink in
the future. With no detection or notification system, preventing a single car fire
from spreading and potentially causing a conflagration throughout the whole
structure is therefore solely reliant on the fire being discovered by occupants or
staff, who rapidly notify the local fire department, who are able to arrive in rela-
tively short amount of time. In both the fire incidents at Liverpool (England) and
Stavanger airport (Norway), the design was based on an expectation that the fire
department would be on the scene in 5–10 min after ignition. This is approxi-
mately the time when a fire can start to spread to other vehicles as found in some
tests [46]. However, in both cases it took 20 min or more for fire department to
arrive, and as a result the fire already involved multiple vehicles when firefighting
personnel arrived.
In open parking garages the effect of wind through the building venting the hot
gases from a vehicle fire has not been thoroughly evaluated, but given the low-
ceiling height, and rapid fire growth and spread (often via direct radiative heating
from the burning vehicle, which would not be significantly mitigated by ventila-
tion) it is likely this would not significantly slow the fire spread in many scenarios.
In fact, wind will provide more oxygen to the fire and can increase the fire spread.
As was seen in the fire incidents discussed previously, when late notification and/
or response is combined with a rapid fire spread between vehicles the result can be
a fire that is beyond control by the time the fire department arrives. These consid-
erations may require further evaluation of the how ‘open’ parking structures are
defined and classified.
2120 Fire Technology 2021
the ceiling, potentially causing significant delays in activation. During the devas-
tating fire at the Stavanger airport in Norway in 2020 there was a sustained wind
with a velocity of up to 15 m/s at the time of the incident. It is uncertain what the
delay in activation would have been with a strong wind affecting the formation of
a hot layer near the sprinkler heads. Hot gases being pushed downwind could
activate sprinklers remote from the seat of the fire. This has the potential to
reduce fire spread driven by wind, which is a concern in firefighting. However, if
the sprinklers directly above the initiating vehicle do not activate, or do so much
later, there would be less cooling effect on neighboring vehicles to limit the spread
via direct radiative heating or burning pool fire spread. It is important that the
effects of wind on sprinkler activation and water dispersion is assessed and consid-
ered for these applications.
To use an activation method not reliant on the temperature of sprinkler heads
at a single location (usually at the ceiling), a more complex system must be
designed where sprinklers are tied to other fire detection methods. Deluge systems
where all sprinklers are activated whenever a fire is sensed at any detector would
have serious false alarm concerns. Tying the systems to smaller zones could allevi-
ate this somewhat, and false activation in a parking garage, designed for outdoor
exposure, is certainly less damaging to the building and the contents than is the
case inside commercial or residential settings. So called smart systems or ‘‘elec-
tronic sprinklers’’, where individual, or groups of, sprinklers are connected to
detectors and will be activated for limited areas where a fire is detected (or for
example a 9-sprinkler grid around the fire, cooling the surrounding vehicles) could
be a possible approach. These are an emerging trend for storage applications [79]
but have not been tested for outdoor application or parking garages. These sys-
tems also require a very high level of complexity in design, installation and espe-
cially in maintenance, to ensure that the system operates properly in a harsh
environment. Even if they were tested and found to be appropriate for the garage
setting, for the foreseeable future this is likely to only be worthwhile for certain
high-risk, high-value, and/or specialized building configurations.
8. Conclusions
An analysis was performed of the current understanding of the fire hazard mod-
ern vehicles represent to parking garages. The changes in vehicle and garage
design have been documented, and the factors that most impact the fire develop-
ment have been identified. Fires in vehicles are not uncommon, but large fires in
parking structures are infrequent, and loss of life in these incidents is rare. Fires in
parking structures can lead to large economic losses, as evidenced by recent fires
in the open parking garages at Liverpool’s Echo Arena and Stavanger Airport in
Norway. These incidents involved hundreds of automobiles and ultimately resul-
ted in structural collapse of the parking structure and tens of millions of dollars in
From the 1970s to 2018 there was a large increase in the use of plastic materials
in vehicle construction in western markets, both in absolute weight of plastic and
2122 Fire Technology 2021
as percentage of vehicle weight, adding to the total fuel load of the average vehi-
cle. Full-scale fire tests of vehicles are highly sensitive to the test conditions and
setup, and despite the increase in potential fuel, published literature does not con-
clusively show that modern vehicles burn with a significantly higher heat release
rate or for a longer time than those from 40 years ago. The increased plastic con-
tent instead manifests as faster flame spread within the vehicle, easier ignition and
more rapid fire spread to neighboring vehicles. There is limited test data available
on this spread between multiple vehicles, especially on newer models. Some tests
of multiple modern vehicles have shown very rapid fire spread between vehicles in
a parking garage configuration, on the order of 10–20 min. Based on the findings,
test data from older vehicles (>15–20 years at the time of writing) should not be
used as basis for development of codes and regulations.
Electric vehicles represent a large and growing share of the vehicle fleet in many
western countries. These vehicles have not been shown in testing to yield larger
fires than vehicles with internal combustion engines of similar size and design.
Lithium-ion battery fires have different burn characteristics and present different
challenges for firefighters as large amounts of water are required to cool the bat-
tery unit for an extended time to prevent reignition.
Evaluating modern vehicle fire hazards and current code requirements, it was
found that for enclosed parking garages, the requirement for sprinkler protection
appears adequate to control a vehicle fire until fire-fighting personnel arrive. Open
parking structures emerge as the main area of concern regarding fires involving
modern vehicles. The lack of any requirements in fire codes for active protection
systems in open parking structures, and trends of larger vehicle widths and tighter
parking spaces in garages suggest that large, devastating fires in these structures
could become increasingly common. Though the risk of civilian injuries is likely to
remain low, these fires could cause extremely large property losses, business dis-
ruption, and adverse environmental impact. There is currently insufficient testing
of the fire dynamics of multiple vehicles in a parking structure to understand the
fire spread mechanisms and rates in these configurations. The spread of fire
between cars in a garage, especially from the initial to the second and third vehi-
cles, is shown to be critical in determining the extent of the fire and the ability of
the fire department to successfully control and extinguish it. Full-scale testing with
a range of configurations should be performed to evaluate the spread dynamics
and critical parameters. This data can be used as basis to evaluate additional sce-
narios with computational modeling.
If fire department response is to remain the sole means of fire control and extin-
guishment in open parking garages, a method to ensure rapid fire detection and
notification should be evaluated and possibly mandated. Further testing is also
necessary to determine the minimum response times required to control a vehicle
fire, and whether automatic detection can provide the required benefit over the
current system of manual notification of fires (i.e., guest or staff noticing and
alerting). Available tests of vehicle fires involving sprinklers indicate good perfor-
mance in controlling a single vehicle fire. But the number of tests is limited, and
the most recent tests used 1992–2001 model year vehicles in a mock-up garage set-
ting. Further testing should be conducted to evaluate more challenging scenarios
Fire Hazard Analysis of Modern Vehicles in Parking Facilities 2123
with newer vehicles, such as delayed activation of the sprinklers, vehicle stacker
configurations, and multiple-vehicle fires. For open garages, environmental effects,
such as cold weather and wind, can cause significant delays on the activation of
sprinklers and further evaluation of these effects is warranted.
This work was funded by the NFPA Fire Protection Research Foundation
(FPRF) and the Society of Fire Protection Engineers (SFPE) Foundation. The
authors wish to thank the FPRF project technical panel for their constructive
comments and input.
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