Identification of Alkalimetric Levels Using Acid-Base Reaction Principles

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Dianingsi Hipi1), Eka Paramita Daud2), and Gayatri D. Soga3)
Bina Mandiri University Gorontalo

One way to determine the concentration of an acid-base solution is through an
acid-alkalimetric titration process. This method is quite profitable because the
implementation is easy and fast, the accuracy and accuracy are also quite high.
Acidi-alkalimetric titration is divided into two major parts, namely acidimetry and
alkalimetry. Acidimetry is a titration using a standard solution of an acid to
determine a base. The acids that are usually used are HCl, vinegar, oxalic acid,
boric acid. While alkalimetry is the opposite of acidimetry, which is a titration that
uses a standard solution of a base to determine acid.This study aims to identify the
substance in a sample and determine the level is the principle of acid-base
reactions. Acidi-alkalimetric titration is a volumetric titration using NaOH as the
secondary standard solution and potassium hydrogen phthalate as the primary
standard solution and added pp indicator. The end point of the titration is
indicated by a change in the color of the solution to a pink color. Alkalimetry is a
quantitative determination of the levels of compounds that are acidic by using a
standard base.
The method used is the experimental method through a quantitative approach.
The research method is used to determine the effect of the independent variable or
treatment on the dependent or the results under controlled conditions.
The results of the study obtained the calculation of the volume of NaOH 28.7
then performed in duplicate to obtain the calculation of the volume of NaOH 29.7.
So the calculation of the concentration of Salicylic Acid is0,584 M.
Keywords: salicylic acid, NaOH, titration

INTRODUCTION In titration research, a solution whose

Acidi-alkalimetric titration is a concentration is known with certainty is
volumetric titration using NaOH as the called a standard solution. The standard
secondary standard solution and solution was added until the reaction was
potassium hydrogen phthalate as the complete. Some titrations must be assisted
primary standard solution and added pp by an indicator to reach the end point of
indicator. The end point of the titration is the reaction titration which is indicated by
indicated by a change in the color of the a change in the color of the solution [2].
solution to a pink color. Standard Solution, the analytical
Alkalimetry is a quantitative process for determining an unknown
determination of the levels of compounds amount of a substance, by measuring the
that are acidic by using a standard base. volume of the reactant solution required
Therefore, research was carried for a complete reaction is called
outIdentifying substances in a sample and volumetric analysis. This analysis also
determining their levels is the principle of concerns the measurement of gas volume.
an acid-base reaction.

Identification of Alkalimetric Levels using Acid-Base Reaction Principles

The process of measuring the volume Primary standard solutions must be

of a solution in a burette that is added to prepared by:
another solution of known volume until 1. Accurate weighing using analytical
the reaction is complete is called titration. balance.
The solution whose concentration is 2. Dissolved in a volumetric flask
known is called the standard solution. The An example of a solution that can be
process of determining the concentration used as a primary standard solution is
of a solution of known concentration, C2H2O4 .2H2O (oxalic acid). Oxalic
which will be used in volumetric analysis. acid is a solid, fine, white, water
There are ways to standardize a solution, soluble substance. Oxalic acid is a
namely: divalent acid and is always titrated until
1. Direct preparation of a solution by the normal salt is formed. The
dissolving a pure substance with a equivalent weight of oxalic acid is 63
certain weight, then diluting it to obtain [8].
a certain volume precisely. This Secondary Standard Solution:
solution is called the primary standard Secondary standard solution is a
solution, while the substance used is solution whose concentration is obtained
called the primary standard. by titrating with a primary standard
2. A solution whose concentration cannot solution. NaOH cannot be used for
be determined by weighing the primary standards because NaOH is
substance and then dissolving it to hygroscopic, therefore NaOH must be
obtain a certain volume, but can be titrated first with KHP so that it can be
standardized with a primary standard used as a primary standard. Sodium
solution, is called a secondary standard hydroxide (NaOH) also known as caustic
solution. soda is a kind of caustic metallic base.
Primary Standard Solution Sodium hydroxide forms a strong alkaline
The titrant solution must be known in solution when dissolved in water. Pure
its composition and concentration. Ideally sodium hydroxide is a white solid and is
we should start with a primary standard available in the form of pellets, flakes,
solution. Primary standard solutions are granules or 50% saturated solution.
prepared by dissolving a substance of high NaOH is an inert liquid and
purity (primary standard) of known exact spontaneously absorbs carbon dioxide
weight in a solution of precisely known from the air, it is very soluble in water and
volume. If the titrant is not pure enough, it will release heat when dissolved. NaOH is
needs to be standardized with a primary also soluble in ethanol and methanol.
standard. although the solution of NaOH in these
Material requirements to make a two liquids is smaller than the solubility
primary standard solution: of KOH. NaOh is insoluble in ether and
1. High purity, other non-polar solvents. Likewise,
2. Stable to air, H2SO4 and HCl cannot be used as
3. Not a hydrate group, primary standards. In order to become a
4. Easily available, secondary standard, this solution can be
5. Quite easy to dissolve, titrated with a primary standard solution
6. Molecular weight is quite large, of NaCO3.

Journal of Health, Technology and Science (JHTS) Dianingsi Hipi, et. al.
E-ISSN: 2746-167X, Vol. 2, No. 4, December 2021 pp. 11-20

Tertiary Standard Solution standard solution whose concentration is

Tertiary standard solution is a solution known by standardization or a solution of
whose concentration is obtained by the substance whose concentration will be
titrating with a secondary standard determined. The addition of the titrant is
solution which has previously been continued until the amount of T is
standardized with a primary standard chemically equivalent or equivalent to A,
solution. then the state is said to have reached the
Indicators are an important part of equivalence point of the titration [13].
titrimetric analysis because of their ability The basis of this reaction is used to
to show the end point of the titration. In an determine the equivalence of the test
acid-base titration, an indicator is a substance with the titer solution listed in
substance that has a sharp color change in the monograph of each drug compound in
an acid and a base medium. There are the Indonesian Pharmacopoeia.
various synthetic indicators with their But when exactly is reached an
respective pH ranges commonly used in equivalence point can not be seen with the
acid-base titrations, including: naked eye.
phenolphthalein, methyl red, methyl To find out when the addition of the
orange, and bromothymol blue [2]. titrant must be stopped, an indicator
In a titration, a solution to be solution is used which can indicate the
neutralized is added to a container or tube. occurrence of excess titrant with a color
Another solution, which is a base, is put change. The point in the titration at which
into the burette and then put into the acid, the indicator changes color is called the
first rapidly, then dropwise, until the end point of the titration, ideally it is the
equilibrium point of the titration is end point of the titration as close as
reached. The point during the titration at possible to the equivalence point.
which the indicator changes color is called Therefore, when you carry out the
the end point of the indicator. What is titration, the addition of the titer solution
needed is to match the endpoint of the must be stopped immediately if the first
indicator whose changes occur in the pH color change has occurred. And
range which includes the pH according to remember, if you use excessive titer
the equivalent point [11]. solution (you didn't pay close attention to
The substance to be determined is the first color change), then there is an
called the titration (titrant) and is usually excess of titer solution which causes the
placed in an Elenmeyer tube while the analysis results to be no longer accurate.
substance whose concentration is known The concentration units that are widely
is called the (titer) and is usually placed in used in volumetric analysis are molarity
a burette, either the titer or the titrant, (M) and normality (N) [1].
usually in the form of a solution. For that we need to re-learn about the
Volumetric Calculation molarity and normality.
Calculations in volumetric analysis As you already know that:
are based on simple stoichiometric 1. Molar (M) is the number of grams’
relationships of chemical reactions. aA + mole or moles of solute in 1 liter of
tT product solution.
Where a molecule of analyte A, reacts 2. Normal (N) is the number of grams
with molecule of reagent T. Reagent T, equivalent or gram of solute in 1 liter
called the titrant (titer solution), is added of solution.
little by little, usually from the burette.
The solution in the burette can be a

Identification of Alkalimetric Levels using Acid-Base Reaction Principles

For the purpose of calculating the A solution that satisfies the above
amount of material to be weighed for requirements is called a primary standard
concentration solution. While the secondary standard
molar or normal, one thing to pay solution is a standard solution which,
attention to is the unit equivalence: when used to standardization must be
1. Liters are equivalent to moles and standardized first with a primary standard
grams while milliliter is equivalent to solution.
mmol and Mg.
Solution Concentration
2. The same applies to normality (liters There are several ways to express the
equivalent to grams and grams and concentration of a solution, namely as
milliliters equivalent to magnesium and follows:
grams). 1. Molarity (M) is the number of moles of
The equivalent units in the calculation solute dissolved in 1000 ml of solution.
of molarity and normality, are: 2. Normality (N) is the number of gram
1. If the weight is in grams, then the equivalents of solute dissolved in 1000
volume is in liters. ml of solution.
2. If the weight is in mg, then the volume 3. Molality (M): is the number of moles
is in milliliters. of solute dissolved in 1000 mg of
In carrying out the titration, several solvent.
requirements must be considered, such as; Normality (N) is determined by the
1. The reaction must proceed number of gram equivalents of solute in
stoichiometrically and not. 1000 ml of solution. The equivalent
2. There was a side reaction. weight (BE) can be determined based on
3. The reaction must be fast. the type of reaction, as follows:
4. Reaction must be quantitative 1. Acid base reaction (neutralization).
5. At the equivalence point, the end point 2. Precipitation reaction.
of the reaction must be known 3. Reactions to form complex
6. Sharply (obviously the change). compounds.
7. There must be indicators, either direct 4. Oxidation reduction reaction.
or indirect.
Acid-Base Indicator
Based on the type of reaction, the An acid-base indicator as an indicator
titration is grouped into four types of of the degree of acidity of a solution is an
titrations, namely: organic compound with a complex
1. Acid base titration. structure that changes color when the pH
2. Precipitation titration. of the solution changes. The indicator can
3. Complexometric titration. be a weak acid or a weak base which has a
4. Oxidation reduction titration. fairly sharp color, with just a few drops
The first step that must be done before the indicator can be used to determine the
carrying out the titration is the preparation equivalence point in an acid-base titration
of a standard solution. A solution can be or to determine the level of acidity of the
used as a standard solution if it meets the solution [5].
following requirements: How to Find the Equivalent Point
1. Has a high purity Acid-base titrations involve an acid or
2. Has a definite molecular formula a base as the titre or titrant. Acid-base
3. Not hygroscopic and easy to weigh titration by neutralization reaction. The
4. The solution must be stable concentration of an acid solution is
5. Has a high equivalent weight (be) determined by using a basic solution and

Journal of Health, Technology and Science (JHTS) Dianingsi Hipi, et. al.
E-ISSN: 2746-167X, Vol. 2, No. 4, December 2021 pp. 11-20

vice versa. The titrant is added little by change in pH at the equivalent point,
little until it reaches an equivalent state thus determining the appropriate
(meaning that the titrant and titer have indicator.
completely reacted stoichiometrically). 3. Indicator selection, the indicator used
This state is known as the "equivalence to change the pH must be in the pH
point". At this equivalence point, the equivalence point region.
titration process is stopped, then we Determination of Salicylic Acid Levels
record the volume of titer needed to reach To determine the levels of Salicylic
that state. By using the data of titrant Acid, the Indonesian Pharmacopoeia
volume, titer volume and concentration, states that the analysis of levels is carried
we can calculate the titrant content. out by indicator using a 0.1 N sodium
There are two general ways to hydroxide titer solution. The titration
determine the equivalence point in an method using a sodium hydroxide titer
acid-base titration. solution is known as the alkalimetry
1. Use a pH meter to monitor changes in method, this method is based on the
pH during the titration, then make a neutralization reaction between the acid
plot between pH and titrant volume to test substance and the solution. base as the
obtain a titration curve. The midpoint titer solution.
of the titration curve is the Based on the solubility of salicylic
“equivalence point”. acid which is difficult to dissolve in water
2. Use an acid-base indicator. The but more soluble in ethanol, so in the
indicator is added to the titrant before analysis salicylic acid is dissolved with
the titration process is carried out. This ethanol so that a perfect reaction occurs.
indicator will change color when the Because ethanol reacts slightly acidic, the
equivalence point occurs, this is when solvent must be neutralized first so that in
we stop the titration. In general, the the titration process the titer solution only
second method was chosen due to the neutralizes the sample solution. To
ease of observation, no additional tools determine the completion of the reaction,
needed, and very practical. The an indicator is used, the indicator used is
indicator used in the acid-base titration phenolphthalein (pp) which is a base
is the right indicator and in accordance indicator. The pH interval of
with the titration to be carried out [16]. phenolphthalein was 8.0-10.0, a color
The state where the titration is change was observed from colorless to
stopped by looking at the color change of pink [15].
the indicator is called the "end point of the
Factors Affecting Titration
1. Concentration of analyte and titrant, the
greater the concentration, the greater
the change in pH in the equivalent
point region, making it easier to
determine the appropriate indicator.
2. Strength of weak acid or weak base, the
completeness of the reaction on a weak
acid/base with a strong base/acid is Figure 1. Titration apparatus circuit
determined by the value of Ka or Kb of
the analyte. The greater the value of Ka
or Kb, the greater the area of the

Identification of Alkalimetric Levels using Acid-Base Reaction Principles

RESEARCH METHODS 3. 1 spray bottle  function as a

The method used is the experimental container to store aquadest.
method. The experimental method is part 4. Funnel 1 piece  Its function is to
of quantitative research, and has its own filter a chemical mixture/a solution.
characteristics, especially in the presence 5. Erlenmeyer glasses 250 ml 2 pieces
of a control group. The essence of its function is for the titrant container
experimental research (experimental (the solution being titrated) in the
research) is to examine the effect of titration process
treatment on behavior that arises as a 6. 1 cup 250 ml beaker its function is to
result of treatment. Definition of measure the volume of the solution or
experimental research according to as a container/place for the solution.
experts: 7. Dropper 1 piece Its function is to
1. Experimental research is research take the liquid that is still in the
conducted to determine the container.
consequences of a treatment given Materials used:
intentionally by researchers [13]. 1. NaOH 1 M, Physical properties:
2. Experimental research is research Colorless, brittle (breakable)
conducted by manipulating which aims hygroscopic liquid, salty,
to determine the effect of manipulation soluble in water. Chemical properties:
on observed individual behavior [11]. Very easy to absorb CO2 gas, the pH is
3. Experimental research is a systematic neutral, and bonds strong ionic.
method to build relationships that 2. Phenoftalein, Physical properties: It is
contain causal-effect relationships [9]. in solution form and is a weak acid.
4. Experimental research is a research Chemical properties: Cannot react with
method used to find the effect of the reacted solution only as an
certain treatments on others under indicator.
controlled conditions [16]. 3. Salicylic acid, Physical properties: It is
The definition of some of these a colorless gas with a pungent odor and
experts, it can be concluded that an electrolyte strong, strong acid.
experimental research is research that is Chemical properties: Will smoke
based on knowing the effect of giving a thickly in humid air, and the boiling
treatment or treatment to research point, point melting, density, pH.
subjects. So experimental research in 4. Aquadest, Physical properties:
education is a research activity that aims Colorless and odorless liquid.
to assess the effect of an educational Chemical properties: A good solvent,
treatment/action/treamen on student has a pH of 7 (neutral).
behavior or to test hypotheses about the 5. Filter paper/Tissue; used for filtering.
effect of that action when compared to
other actions. RESEARCH RESULT
Tools used Table 1 is a table of observations of
1. Burette 1 piece  Its function is to acid-base reactions. First, clean the burette
drop liquid reagents in experiments that and rinse with NaOH 3 times (± 5 ml) so
require precession such as titration. that the burette becomes clean, transfer 50
2. Statives and clamps  the function is ml of NaOH into the burette, Measure 10
to uphold the burette, funnel, mlC6H8O7into the Erlenmeyer flask, then
separating funnel and other glassware Add 3 drops of pp indicator so that the
when in use and also to hold the burette solution becomes a clear yellow color, do
used for titration. the titration by dripping NaOH solution

Journal of Health, Technology and Science (JHTS) Dianingsi Hipi, et. al.
E-ISSN: 2746-167X, Vol. 2, No. 4, December 2021 pp. 11-20

and rotate the burette slowly so that the with the acid solution first than with the
solution reaches the equivalence point or pp indicator.
pink, calculates the volume of NaOH
which is 28.7 ml and is carried out in
duplicate so that the calculation of both
volumes of NaOH is 29.7 ml. After
calculating the concentration, the
concentration obtained forC6H8O7 is
0.584 M.
Table 1. The results of the observation of
acid-base reactions Figure 2. Before and After titration
No Treatment Observation result
1 Clean the burette and rinse Burette to be clean
with NaOH 3 times (± 5 ml)
Chemical reaction is a natural process
2 Transfer 50 ml of NaOH into Clear solution color that always produces interchanges of
the burette chemical compounds. The initial
3 Measuring 10 ml Clear solution color
C6H8O7into the Erlenmeyer compounds or compounds involved in the
flask reaction are called reactants. Chemical
4 Added 3 drops of pp The color of the
indicator solution is clear reactions are usually characterized by
yellow chemical change, and will return one or
5 Perform titration by dripping The color of the
NaOH solution and rotating solution is pink more product which usually have different
the burette slowly properties from the reactants. Classically,
6 Calculating the volume of 28,7 ml
NaOH chemical reactions involve changes that
7 Duplo 29,7 ml involve the movement ofelectron in the
8 Calculating concentration 0,584 M
formation and termination chemical bond,
although basically the general concept of
In the process of the occurrence of chemical reactions can also be applied to
pink color in the titration, the standard transformation of elemental particles as in
solution or titrant used is a base. Why is nuclear reaction. Different chemical
that? because in this process the titer (the reactions are used together inchemical
titrated solution) is an acidic solution and synthesisto produce the desired compound
the titrant (the titrated solution) is an product. Inbiochemistry, a series of
alkaline solution. For the titer, we give a chemical reactions that catalyzed by
little pp indicator to find out whether the enzyme shape metabolic pathway, where
compound has acidic or basic properties. synthesis and decomposition normally not
after the addition of the pp indicator in the possible in the cell is carried out.
acid solution is still clear, then we will 3NaOH + C₆H₈O₇ → Na₃C₆H₅O₇ + 3H₂O
titrate it with a titrant that has alkaline
properties. when the initial mixing occurs,
between an acid solution and a basic
solution, the color of the solution is still
clear, but when the moles of acid are used
up because they are used to react with
moles of bases (the name is the Figure 3. Reaction of Salicylic Acid +
equivalence point), the alkaline solution NaOH
will bind to the pp indicator, resulting in
color change from clear to pink (the name DISCUSSION
is the end point of the titration, it is The research carried out is
indicated by the color change). because Alkalimetry experiments with its
the alkaline solution will prefer to bind application, namely the determination of

Identification of Alkalimetric Levels using Acid-Base Reaction Principles

the levels of C6H8O7. The purpose of this After the tool is completely clean,
research is to make and determine the first transfer 50 ml of NaOH into the
standardization of acid solutions. burette using a funnel. After that the
Neutralization reactions in titrimetric solution C6H8O7 plus 3 drops of pp
analysis are better known as acid-base indicator. The purpose of using indicators
reactions. The basis of the reaction in this is to make it easier to determine the end
neutralization titration is the reaction point of the titration. AfterC6H8O7 given
between hydrogen ions (H+) which are indicator,
acidic and hydroxide ions (OH) which are Then the solution is titrated with 1 M
basic and form neutral water, this reaction NaOH in a burette, with white paper at the
includes a neutralization reaction. bottom of the Erlen meyer so that the
This reaction can also be said to be a color change of the titrate solution can be
reaction between a proton donor (acid) clearly observed. The titrate is titrated
and a proton acceptor (base). In this with 1 M NaOH until the color changes
experiment, including the type of from light yellow to pink. When the color
acidimetric neutralization titration, changes, it indicates that the end point has
because the experiment involved an been reached and indicates that the
alkaline solution with an acid whose equivalence point has also been reached.
concentration was known (acid standard The well-known acid-base indicator is the
solution). The base used in this study is phenolphthalein (PP) indicator which is
NaOH to determine the concentration usually used in titration experiments. This
ofC6H8O7 done as follows: PP indicator has a pH range of 8.0-9.6
Previously, the first step was to clean with a color change from colorless to
the tools to be used using water and then purplish red [12]
dried, this was done so that there were no Indicator can change color? Acid-
previous impurities or residual substances base indicators will tend to react with an
that might interfere and affect the reaction excess of acid or base during the titration
so that the reaction results did not match to produce a color. This color change is
the theory. However, for the burette, the caused by the resonance of the electron
cleaning method is by rinsing the burette isomer. Each acid-base indicator is an ion
using 1 M NaOH. The NaOH solution is that has a different ionization constant.
inserted into the burette through the top This ion has a conjugated system that can
hole that has been given a funnel and with absorb certain color waves and transmit
the faucet position on the burette open and other color waves. The absorbed color
there is a beaker underneath so that the 1 waves are part of the color spectrum, so
M NaOH can come out and be the ion will appear colored [9].
accommodated in the burette. the beaker.
This is intended so that the burette is truly
a 1 M NaOH solution, not a solution or
other residual or impurity substances that
may later interfere with the titration
process. Then the filling is made beyond
the zero scale and expelled through the
Figure 4. Phenolphthalein Manufacturing
end of the burette so that there is
absolutely no air in the burette. The
At pH 8 and below, the structure of
discharge was stopped until the NaOH
phenolphthalein can be abbreviated as
solution was exactly on the 1 M scale.
H2P. In the pH range of 8-10, acid protons
will be taken up by OH- ions from NaOH,

Journal of Health, Technology and Science (JHTS) Dianingsi Hipi, et. al.
E-ISSN: 2746-167X, Vol. 2, No. 4, December 2021 pp. 11-20

thus giving P2- ions which are pink in concentration used, which is 1 M, and
color [7]. VC6H8O7 is volume C6H8O7used in
The color given by phenolphthalein research. Based on the calculation results
fades with increasing base concentration obtained that the concentration of
[10]. This research uses a synthesis besarnyaC6H8O7 is 0.584 M
indicator (phenolphthalein), because it is The error factors that will cause the
practical and easy to use, generally in the failure of this research include: 1) if the
form of paper or liquid that you just need concentration of the standard solution
to put into the solution being tested. This used is not in accordance with existing
indicator is also precise, because it is work procedures; 2) if the titrant used is
accompanied by a pH value indicator for not in accordance with the theory, namely
precise measurements and has been if the acid solution you want to titrate is
adjusted by the manufacturer [5]. the titrant is basic standard solution and
But basically the equivalence point vice versa; 3) in addition if there are other
cannot be known by conventional titration particles attached to the research tools; 4)
because it is influenced by the work of the the speed at which the solution is shaken
indicator which can only work on excess when titrated is also a factor in the success
H+ or OH-. The equivalence point is the of the titration or not.
point where the number of moles of the
titrated solution is equal to the number of CONCLUSION
moles of the titrating solution. The end Titration is a method of determining
point is when the color change occurs. the concentration of a solution with a
After getting the color change to pink, certain volume by using a solution of
then the titration was stopped and the known concentration and measuring the
amount of 1 M NaOH required was volume with certainty. When the titration
recorded. At the time of titration, the color involves an acid-base titration, it is called
change is also made as faint as possible or an addition-alkalimetric titration. The
not too concentrated in order to obtain solution whose concentration is known is
results that are not too far from the called the titrant. If an acid is added to a
equivalence point [13]. base, the pH of the solution will increase,
Record the volume of NaOH required and if an acid is added to a base solution,
to titrate the solution. In the initial the pH will decrease.
titration, the volume of NaOH required A standard solution is a solution
was 28.7 ml, while in the second titration prepared by accurately weighing a
the volume of NaOH required was 29.7 substance of high purity and dissolving it
ml. In order to determine the with a certain amount of solvent in a
concentration of the acid solution volumetric flask. A standard solution
(C6H8O7) in the experiment, the first step prepared in this way is called a primary
is to add up the two volumes of NaOH standard solution, while a standard
used in this experiment (first and second) solution whose molarity is determined by
divided by two so that the average volume a primary standard solution is called a
used in the experiment will be obtained. secondary standard solution. Before being
These results are then entered into the used in the experiment, the burette must
dilution formula, namely: be rinsed with the solution to be added so
VNaOH x MNaOH=VC6H8O7 x that there are no liquid/other substances
MC6H8O7 remaining in the burette, so that the
Where VNaOH is the average volume burette is neutral [14].
of NaOH used, MNaOH is the

Identification of Alkalimetric Levels using Acid-Base Reaction Principles

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