Method Statement: Company: Naseem & Son Project: Date: 21/05/2022 1. Description of Works

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Corresponding Permit to Work No. P290-

Method Statement 00-3945466

The Permit Issuer, when developing the respective Permit forms, will use the Method Statement supplied.

Company: Naseem & Son Project: Oil retrieval from lines HSD- Date: 21/05/2022
2 ,HSD-3 & HSD-5 in metering room

1. Description of works
What the work entails?
Oil retrieval from lines HSD-2 ,HSD-3 & HSD-5 in metering room
How is it going to be completed? Summarise the operation

- mobilization of material, tools& equipment at location.

- Isolation of lines (Line HSD-2, HSD-3 and HSD-5 in metering room)
- Retrieval of product from above mentioned lines using pneumatic pump.
- Water Flushing of Line.
- Degassing of line (forced or natural)
- Housekeeping will be done after completion of work

Where is the work going to be completed? (Summary – more details on section 5)

See detail in section 5
Duration of the work? (Stating any times when access to the Terminal will not be required.)
3 days
Include site location drawings if appropriate?
Are there any restrictions e.g. overhead power lines?
Are local permits required (Local regulations)?
Any other details

2. Names of Responsible persons

Who is going to be working on the project?
Muhammad Ramzan, Abdul Samad
Who will be in charge?
Muhammad Ramzan
Who has specific responsibilities? e.g. Plant, personnel, materials, etc.
Muhammad Ramzan
Who is to make contact with local authorities?
Muhammad Ramzan
Any other details

3. Plant and Equipment

What plant equipment and tools are required to do the job?

 Tools (that may generate sparks, ignitions sources, etc.)

 Cherry pickers
 Scaffolding
 Loading of materials
 Others, specify

What certificates, if any, are required for plant or equipment?

Compressor, Pnumatic pump
What training, if any, is required for operatives?
Safety Orientation

4. Communications with the workforce

How are the procedures, hazards to be communicated to the workforce ?

 After getting desired work permits, a group communication meeting shall be conducted to
convey the action plan in case of any change in condition, like bad weather (rain/ storm etc) or
any change in plant/process area in the form of fire, leak of gas/oil/water etc. and also in case
of fire alarm/hooter

 In case of any emergency and where alarm goes on, all personnel must be evacuated
immediately from the work place and must be report to muster point. Extreme care should be
considered to avoid any unlikely injury caused by panic

 In case the accident, SHELL terminal ERP will be activate to arrange the ambulance

 In case of any injury occurred then rescue team shell be called up at the scene with all safety
precautions and take out the injured person using the stretcher and shift him at safe place to
provide him first aid or in case of severe injury the team should rush to nearest
hospital/medical centre
 The incident shall be reported verbely to permit issuer and later incident report shall be
prepared and submit to client accordingly

Toolbox talks, safety meetings etc.

Toolbox meeting at the start of work regarding safe work.
Include records of any such meetings and record attendance.
Yes, toolbox form shall be filled on daily basis.
Other, specify.

5. How will the work be completed, i.e. Procedure step by step

Proposed Start date
Step 1 : Mobilization of Tools, Equipment and Manpower to Site.
Equipment and tool will be mobilized at site according to requirement.
Visual inspection of tools and equipment.
All the Equipment shall be third party certified. Trained
and competent resources must be deployed.
Step 2 : - Isolation of lines (Line HSD-2, HSD-3 and HSD-5 in metering room)
& Ensure Gas testing.
Isolation should be done by authorized person only
Verify isolation before starting work
Before starting work ensure gas testing by gas testing authorizer.
Step 3: Retrival of product from Above mention lines
Retrival of product from lines by using pneumatic pump and compressor and drained into prover Ensure
spill trays
Ensure gas testing before starting work
Mandatory and job related PPEs required.
TBT should be done before the activity.
• Trained workers will be allowed to perform the activity
• Compliance of PPEs will be mandatory
Form F – Method of Statement Distribution Permit to Work
Procedure System Version 3.0 May 2007 Page 2 of 3
• Area should be barricaded and signage will be placed at site.
• No Pressurized hoses to be used during water testing.
• Usage of proper material handling equipment.
• Remove flammable material passing the line Fire watch will be present at site
• product will be stocked into Prover or Drum
• Fire extinguishers will be placed at working location Unauthorized personnel will not be allowed during
• Barricading the area properly.
After retrival fushing of line with water.
Step 4: De-Mobilization of Equipment and Manpower.
After job completion tools,equipment,waste material and man power wil be de-mobilize .

Step 5: Housekeeping.
Housekeeping of the working area will be done during and after job.

Form F – Method of Statement Distribution Permit to Work

Version 3.0 May 2007 Page 3 of 3
Procedure System

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