Fabrication of Automated Four-Way Hack Saw Machine by Using Scotch Yoke Mechanism
Fabrication of Automated Four-Way Hack Saw Machine by Using Scotch Yoke Mechanism
Fabrication of Automated Four-Way Hack Saw Machine by Using Scotch Yoke Mechanism
Abstract: Now days, increasing productivity is the main So it is impossible to depend upon Traditional single frame
requirements in production engineering. This is possible by either electrically operated hacksaw machines and need the
reducing the operation time or by improving the efficiency of the enhancement in technology and design of such machines.
machine. In the mass production, work pieces are machined With the help of this four-way hacksaw machine the four
simultaneously without any ideal time. This machine operates
metal bars can be cut concurrently at high speed and, to
four hack saws simultaneously at the identical time. In this project
the human effort is reduced by automating the hack saw machine,
obtain mass production for most income in associated
which performs less and easier operations of cutting the wood, companies. So that, this machine overcomes all the
metals and plastic materials. In This current research, a scotch boundaries and drawbacks of conventional hacksaw
yoke (Slotted link) mechanism is used to convert rotary motion of machines, it is also helpful for small scale industries due to its
the pulley into the reciprocating motion of the hack saw frame to simple working and running conditions along with its
get the desired cutting action. Additionally, by keeping the compatibility, effectively and less costly price. These
Rheostat to the motor, the speed of hack saw frame is controlled machines are exact to the point that they can cut metal with
according to the type of the work piece, and also the hack saw least time made up of various materials however that those
frame can be attached or removed when the work center is in can perform single activity of machining at once.
ideal. Hence, by the four way hacksaw machine, the production
rate can be increased and cost of labor also minimized.
Key words: AC motor, scotch-yoke mechanism, Rheostat,
hacksaw, production
A hacksaw is a handheld apparatus used to cut the materials
like plastic, tubing and metal funnels. A hacksaw consists of
a metal frame that resembles a downward- facing with a
handle of plastic or wood or metal is normally attached to one
finish of the edge. Hacksaw edges are long and slim portions
of solidified steel, that element a column of teeth along their
front position. Each finish of the cutting edge is punched with
a little gap that fits onto the saw casing fasteners. Most sharp
edges extend long from ten to 12inches (25.4 to 30.48 cm),
although six-inch (15.24 cm) edges can be acquired to fit
littler hacksaw models. This machine applies the force and Fig. Proposed CAD model of Four Way Hacksaw
changes the direction of a force, in order to perform a task, Machine
generally involving work done on a load. Machines are
regularly intended to yield a high mechanical bit of scope to II. PROBLEM DEFINATION
reduce the labor expected to do that work. In current situation The fabrication & development of FOUR-WAY HACKSAW
many electrically operated power hacksaw machines of MACHINE is, a structure which is designed for the purpose
distinctive businesses, with unique specs are available for the of simultaneous cutting of work pieces i.e. Four work pieces
use in shop floor. These machines are so unique that they can concurrently to do cutting of different materials with higher
cut metallic bars with minimal time made up of one of a kind
production rates and improvement in accuracy, efficiency on
materials but they have one and most important advantage
account of minimization of machine idle time. As the
that those are in a position to cut single piece of bar at a time.
For industries to attain the mass production, it is necessary to machine overcomes all the limitations and drawbacks of
machine metal bars with excessive rate. conventional hacksaw machine, it is helpful for small scale
industries. It can operate in four different directions at same
time; this model will be helpful in all kinds of limitation of
traditional hacksaw machine.
Revised Manuscript Received on October 30, 2019.
* Correspondence Author III. METHODOLOGY
VYDYAM NAGARAJA1, M.Tech student, Department of Mechanical
Engineering, JNTUA College of Engineering Pulivendula, Pulivendula, In this project the power supply is provided to the motor and
India. Email: nagaraj04861@gmail.com
M RAJESH2, Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical
the power is transmitted to the ventured pulley which is
Engineering, JNTUA College of Engineering Pulivendula, Pulivendula, connected to the shaft by the belt drive.
India. Email: rajeshmurkur9@gmail.com
Toward one side of the shaft is associated with bearing, IV. COMPONENTS ARRANGEMENT
opposite end is being joined to a roundabout circular disc,
through this round plate scotch yoke system is being
performed (rotatory movement is changed over to
reciprocating movement) and the slotted links are attached to
the pin of the disc of scotch yoke mechanism and the four
hacksaws are attached to the slotted links perpendicular to
each other. The single stage induction AC electric motor
inflexibly set at the edge of the base casing. A ventured
pulley is arranged to the shaft which is put at the center of the
base edge and a plate and scotch yoke mechanism conceived
to the shaft. Furthermore, two slotted connections are put on
the plate at opposite to one another .The two hack saws are
fitted for each the slotted connection to get the ideal cutting
activity and the methodology of the project is explained
below fig.
➢ Scotch yoke mechanism
➢ AC Motor
➢ Control of hacksaw speed by Rheostat
Fig. Block Diagram of the Model
This project uses an AC induction motor to rotate the shaft.
An AC motor is an electric motor driven by a substitute flow
(AC). The AC motor usually comprises of two fundamental
parts, an outside stator having coils provided with
exchanging current to deliver a turning attractive field, and an
inside rotor appended to the yield shaft creating a second
pivoting attractive field. The rotor attractive field might be
delivered by changeless magnets, hesitance saliency, or DC
or AC electrical windings. The ac motor consists of mainly
two parts one is stator and another is rotor. The stator is kept
at the outside of the field which produces the magnetic field
and the rotor is kept inside the field to produce the magnetic
flux. This project use AC motor with specifications of
voltage of 230V, 2A and a speed of 1350 RPM. The AC
Fig. Scotch Yoke Mechanism motor is arranged to the base frame at the one corner. The
shaft is driven by the ac motor by means of belt drive.
➢ Base frame
➢ AC motor
➢ Pulleys
➢ Belt drive
➢ shaft
➢ Bearings
➢ Disc with a pivot rod
➢ Slotted links
➢ Connecting rods
➢ Vices
➢ Hacksaw frames with blades
➢ Rheostat
Shaft is a common machine member which is used to
transmit the power from one element to another element in
the form of rotary motion. Generally it has circular cross
section and it can be in solid or hallow. The design of shaft
can be depending up on the shaft material. For the free
rotation of the shaft it is supported by the bearings to transmit
the power without friction or bending. The shaft is made of Fig. Construction features of belt
different materials.
• Alloy steels XII. BEARINGS
• Mild steels A bearing is device part that constrains the comparative
• Stainless steels motion to only the desired motion, and reduces
This project uses stainless steel shaft to transmit the power. roughness between moving parts. Bearings can classify
The stainless steel shaft consist some excellent properties like generally according to the type of operation, the motion
good corrosive resistance, excellent resistance to stress rust allowed, or to the directions of the loads applied to the
cracking. elements. In this project we use oil sealed ball bearing to
rotate the shaft smoothly. In this project two bearings are
used to support the shaft, one is at the bottom of the shaft and
another one is at the middle of the shaft. The ball bearings are
in different sizes, in this project we use 22*50*14 mm.
Fig. Shaft
This project uses rubber belt to transmit the power between XIII. DISC AND THE PIVOT ROD
the motor pulley to the shaft pulley. The rubber used as the
The Disc is the one of the main component in the four way
base material acts as a very important function in this. The
hacksaw machine. The disc is made up of iron. The disc is
size of the belt are in different categories of A, B, C, D, E.
made by the forging method by bending the narrow rod for
They are segregated according to the capacity of power
the diameter of 250mm. and that forged rod is welded at,
transmitting of the belt. In this project we use A30 size belt to
which two ends of the rod are contacting together. For that
transmit the power.
ring two strips of rectangular plates are welded perpendicular
to each other.
The disc is joined to the top end of the shaft. Disc is joined by i.e. V=IR, R=V/I
means of welding process. While the pivot rod is a small rod Where V= Voltage
is placed at a corner of the disc to accommodate the slotted I= Current
links. The pivot rod plays a vital role in this machine. The R= Resistance
pivot rod is inserted inside of the slotted links when the disc
rotates it guides the slotted links to move forward and
backward movements. The pivoted rod is of height of 60mm.
Fig. Rheostat
Fig. Disc with pivot rod
Slotted links with connecting rods MACHINE
The slotted links are made of iron rods to make a moment of
hacksaw frames. The slotted links are prepared by welding 1. Preparation of Main Frame
process by joining the iron rods in rectangular shape. In this The main frame is made of mild steel bars. The base frame is
project we use two slotted links which are perpendicular to made by the size of 2 ft. length & width of 2 ft. & with the
each other. The connecting rods are welded at the two sides height of 3 ft. The base frame fabricated by means of arc
(per side two connecting rods) of the slotted links. The welding. The rectangular tube bars are cut according the
connecting rods of length of 450 mm which are made of iron dimensions which had discussed above and by the accurate
rods of diameter of 10 mm. alignment the bars are welded. Then the supporting structures
are welded at the middle of the main frame. The leveling of
the base frame is checked by means of sprit level.
2. Joining the Bearings to the Bottom Support of the
Main Frame
In this project two ball bearings are used to rotate the shaft,
one is at the bottom support of the main frame and another
one is at the middle support of the main frame. The bearings
are joined by means of arc welding by providing small
supports to the bearing sides. Care should be taken while
welding otherwise it leads to the oil leakage from the bearing
Fig. slotted link with connecting rod and it may not be work.
If the diameter is small, then the diameter of the hole is XVI. ADVANTAGES
extended by the turning operation using conventional lathe
➢ Low cost and easy maintainance
machine. So that the pulley can be insert freely into the shaft.
➢ It saves human effort.
If the diameter is larger than the shaft diameter then a bolt is
➢ It is safe for cutting operation.
tightened at the side of the pulley to the shaft so that it cannot
➢ Increase efficiency.
be move from the shaft. The height of the pulley must be
➢ Time saves due to Simultaneous cutting of work
equally placed to the height of the motor. The height of the
pulley can vary by means of bolt which is placed at the side of
the pulley.
5. Preparation of Slotted Link Mechanism
❖ It will stop if one hacksaw frame faces a problem.
The slotted link mechanism consists of crank with pivot rod, ❖ Whole four operation stop due to one problem
slotted link and connecting rods. In this mechanism the
connecting rods are attached to the slotted links to host the XVIII. COSTING
hack saw frame. And the slotted links are in the rectangular
shape, for the each side of the slotted link is attached by the
two connecting rods. The pivot rod is placed on the crank at
the one corner end and it is in between the slot of the slotted
link to guide the connecting rods. In this project two slotted
links are used and these are placed perpendicular to each
other on the pivot rod. When the crank (Disc) rotates the
pivot rod guides the slotted links to move the connecting rods
forward and backward motions. When the pivot rod reaches
to the maximum diameter of the Disc then the hacksaw
frame1 moves forward and hacksaw frame2 moves
backward and for the remaining hacksaw frames follows the
same principle.
6. Joining of Vices to the Base frame
Vice is a mechanical apparatus used to hold an object to
allow work to be performed on it. Vices have two parallel
jaws, one fixed and the movable, threaded in and out by a
screw and lever. Vices are of various types, as a
metalworking vice or fitter vice, is used to clamp work piece.
It is typically made of cast steel or malleable cast iron. This
project uses four vices to hold work pieces. These vices are
welded to the base frames which are perpendicular to each
When the power of 220 V and 2A is supplied to the single
phase AC induction motor, then the motor rotates with the
speed of 1350 RPM. Then the shaft rotates in clock wise
direction because the shaft is connected with the belt drive to
the motor and pulley (which is inserted to the shaft). When
the shaft rotates the disc rotates so that the pivot rod starts
rotating because the pivot rod is assembled on the top of the
disc. When the pivot rod is starts rotating the slotted link XIX. CONCLUSION
mechanism also will starts working. When the pivot rod is at
the peak diameter of the disc (which is opposite side to the The four-way hacksaw machine is a simply designed and low
hacksaw1) then the hacksaw1 and hacksaw 3 will move in the cost machine, which can reduce the human effort by
retractive direction and the remaining hacksaws 2&4 will automating the hacksaw by using scotch yoke mechanism.
move in the extractive direction so that the cutting action will This four way hacksaw machine can replace by the
takes places. When the pivot rod is at the Peak diameter of the conventional hacksaw machine due to the higher productivity
disc (which is opposite side of the hacksaw2) then the and less time consuming. The productivity plays a major role
hacksaw2 will move in the retractive direction and hacksaw1 in the firms, when the productivity increases then the profits
will move in extractive direction and the cutting action will also get increased. So the four way hacksaw machine can cut
takes place. And the process is repeated until the cutting of the four work pieces simultaneously at the same time due to
work piece has completed. When the work center is ideal the the consisting of four work centers. By the four way hacksaw
hacksaw frame also can be disengaged from the holders of machine the man power can be reduced and labor cost is also
the connecting rods, then the speed of the hacksaw frame is gets minimized.
controlled by means of rheostat according the type of work
piece which has to cut. The rheostat is connected to the motor
by sliding the leaver the speed of the motor is controlled.
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