Experiment 10 (B) Inverse Square Law
Experiment 10 (B) Inverse Square Law
Experiment 10 (B) Inverse Square Law
Apparatus required: Photocell, micro ammeter, uprights, lamp and wooden base, meter scale.
Formula used: If “l” be the luminous intensity of an electric lamp and E the illummance at a
point distant “d” from it, then according to the inverse square law
E = 1/d2
ϴ d2 = constant
A Photovoltaic cell is a semiconductor which is able to convert radiant energy into voltage. In
the forms, these devices were known as barrier layer cells but now these are called solar cells as
they are generally used to convert solar energy into electrical energy.
The basic principle of these cells is that when a radiant energy is incident on semiconductor,
produces electron-hole pairs and if the radiant energy exceeds the band gap of the
semiconductor, the recombination of electron hole pair cannot take place as in this case the
electron is promoted to conduction band. If the external circuit is completed with the
semiconductor, the current starts flowing because of electron hole creation by the radiant energy.
The voltage generated depends directly on the band gap of the semiconductor.
If “l” be the luminous intensity of an electric lamp and E the illummance at a point distant “d”
from it, then according to the inverse square law
E = 1/d2
If light from the lamp be incident on the photovoltaic cell placed at a distance d from it and if ϴ
be the corresponding deflection shown by the galvanometer hen
ϴ α 1/d2
ϴ d2 = constant
1. The experiment can be performed in the laboratory but it is always good to perform it in a
dark room where stray lights falling on the photo-voltaic cell can be avoided. In the dark
room mount the various parts of the apparatus on a bench provided with a meter scale.
Make the other connections as shown in figure-A.
3. Put the photocell fitted on an upright and fix its position on ½ meter wooden base. Also
put an incandescent lamp on an upright and adjust its position so that it is at the same
level as the photocell.
4. Switch on the lamp and bring it near the photocell in very small steps and note down the
position of the lamp and the corresponding deflections in the micro ammeter.
5. Now increase the distance d between the photocell and the lamp in very small steps and
go on nothing the corresponding deflections in the meter.
6. Tabulate the various readings and plot a curve between deflection ϴ and 1/d2.
Graph: Plot a graph between 1/d2 and ϴ taking 1/d2 along X-axis and ϴ along Y-axis. The curve
will be a straight line.
Q.1: What is photoelectric effect?
Q.3: Does the photo electric current depend on frequency of light and intensity of light?