ETR 230/235/340/345/335d: 36-V Pantograph Reach Fork Lift Truck (1,400/1,600/1,800/2,000 KG)

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36 Volt AC Technology

Outstanding residual
capacity – even with
double depth stacking

Highest handling
turnover rates through
superior lift speeds

Significantly higher driving

safety and comfort due
to Jungheinrichs ProTrac
suspension system

Superior energy efficiency

due to perfect balancing of
all powertrain components

ETR 230/235/340/345/335d
36-V pantograph reach fork lift truck (1,400/1,600/1,800/2,000 kg)

High residual capacity, high performance, an innovative suspen- • Outstanding material handling throughput is achieved by
sion system and superior energy efficiency are only some of the combining excellent acceleration and the highest lift speeds
strengths of the new Jungheinrich ETR pantograph reach trucks on the market.
of series 2 and 3. Whether for handling pallets or operating • Options like the fork camera, which allows for safe and
in drive-through and drive-in racking, whether for extremely efficient load handling at great lift hights, further enhance
narrow areas, low clearances or for single shift or multishift productivity.
applications: The series 2 and 3 pantograph reach trucks are the • Remarkable energy efficiency is accomplished by a perfectly
perfect solution for every application. balanced setup of all powertrain components as well as the
sophisticated Jungheinrich AC technology. This enables oper-
The main advantages: ators to run two consecutive shifts on a single battery charge.
• For deep (2 pallets depth) reach applications (ETR 335d only) • The compact design allows for working aisle widths as narrow
at lift heights of more than 10 m the residual capacity is well as 2.652 mm (ETR 230).
above 1000 kg. • A wide range of baseleg openings, battery compartments and
• In addition to a substantial increase in overall stability the load wheel configurations facilitate optimum customization
newly developed ProTrac suspension system generates a high of the truck to the specific requirements of each material
level of driving safety and comfort, especially in corners and handling operation. In addition, there are numerous options
on rough floors. This performance helps to boost the drivers and assistance systems available so that we are able to offer
confidence while operating the truck, leading to higher pro- exactly the right ETR for your individual application!
ETR 230/235/340/345/335d

l4 l
Baseleg Overall width across baselegs b1 (mm)
opening b4
4"/5" x 2,88" 5" x 3,62" 4"/5" x 3,62" 10,5" x 4,5" /
Q (inch / mm)
closed-face closed-face 6" x 4"
nose cone nose cone /
10,5" x 3,5"
β 33 / 838 1054 1117 1092 1136 / -
34 / 864 1080 1143 1118 1162 / -

α h4 35 / 889 1105 1168 1143 1187 / -

36 / 914 1130 1193 1168 1212 / -
37 / 940 1156 1219 1194 1238 / -
h2 38 / 965 1181 1244 1219 1263 / -

39 / 991 1207 1270 1245 1289 / -

40 / 1016 1232 1295 1270 1314 / -
s 41 / 1041 1257 1320 1295 1339 / -
42 / 1067 1283 1346 1321 1365
l2 x 43 / 1092 1308 1371 1346 1390
240 y
44 / 1118 1334 1397 1372 1416
l1 45 / 1143 1359 1422 1397 1441
46 / 1168 1384 1447 1422 1466
47 / 1194 1410 1473 1448 1492
48 / 1219 1435 1498 1473 1517
b2 b5 b3 b4 b11 b1 49 / 1245 1461 1524 1499 1543


a a
2 2

Standard mast designs ETR 230/235/340/345/335d

Lift Lowered mast height Free lift Extended mast height Tilt forks forward / back
h3 h1 h2 h4 α/β
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (°)
ETR 230 / ETR 340 ETR 345 / ETR 230 / ETR 340 ETR 345 / ETR 230 / ETR 340 ETR 345 / ETR 230 / ETR 340 ETR 345 /
235 335d 235 335d 235 335d 235 335d
Triplex DZ 4953 2261 2261 2261 965 965 965 6248 6248 6248 3/4 3/4 3/4
5309 2413 2413 2413 1118 1118 1118 6604 6604 6604 3/4 3/4 3/4
6071 2718 2718 2718 1423 1423 1423 7366 7366 7366 3/4 3/4 3/4
6452 2870 2870 2870 1575 1575 1575 7747 7747 7747 3/4 3/4 3/4
6833 3023 3023 3023 1727 1727 1727 8128 8128 8128 3/4 3/4 3/4
7214 3175 3175 3175 1880 1880 1880 8509 8509 8509 3/4 3/4 3/4
7595 3327 3327 3327 2032 2032 2032 8890 8890 8890 3/4 3/4 3/4
8052 - 3505 3505 - 2210 2210 - 9347 9347 - 3/4 3/4
8357 - 3632 3632 - 2337 2337 - 9652 9652 - 3/4 3/4
8737 - 3785 3785 - 2489 2489 - 10033 10033 - 3/4 3/4
9220 - 3962 3962 - 2667 2667 - 10516 10516 - 3/4 3/4
10084 - - 4318 - - 3023 - - 11379 - - 3/4
10719 - - 4572 - - 3277 - - 12014 - - 3/4
11354 - - 4826 - - 3539 - - 12649 - - 3/4
Issue: 05/2015

Technical data in line with VDI 2198

1.1 Manufacturer (abbreviation) Jungheinrich
1.2 Model ETR 230 ETR 235 ETR 340 ETR 345 ETR 335d

1.3 Drive Electric

1.4 Manual, pedestrian, stand-on, seated, order picker operation Transverse position
1.5 Load capacity/rated load Q t 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 1.6
1.6 Load centre distance c mm 600
1.8 Load distance x mm 480 480 404 404 219
1.9 Wheelbase y mm 1,511 1,562 1,562 1,562 1,562
2.1.1 Net weight incl. battery (see row 6.5) kg 4,010 4,010 4,060 4,060 4,210

2.3 Axle load without load front/rear kg 2,304 / 1,470

2.4 Axle loading forks forward with load at front / rear kg 1,138 / 4,602
2.5 Axle loading forks retracted with load at front / rear kg 2,018 / 3,724
3.1 Tyres Polyurethane
Wheels / frame

3.2 Tyre size, front mm 343x140

3.3 Tyre size, rear mm 127x73 127x92 127x92 127x92 127x92
3.4 Additional wheels (dimensions) mm 180x100
3.5 Wheels, number front/rear (× = driven wheels) 1x + 1/2
3.7 Tread width, rear b11 mm 979 979 979 979 966
4.1 Tilt of mast/fork carriage forward/backward α/β ° 3/4
4.2 Mast height (lowered) h1 mm 2,720
4.3 Free lift h2 mm 1,500
4.4 Lift h3 mm 6,071
4.5 Extended mast height h4 mm 7,370
4.7 Height of overhead guard h6 mm 2,413
4.8 Seat height/stand height h7 mm 250
4.10 height of support arms h8 mm 127
4.19 Overall length l1 mm 2,382 2,999 2,999 2,999 2,999
4.20 Length to face of forks l2 mm 1,315 1,366 1,397 1,397 1,582
Basic dimensions

1,081 / 1,346 / 1,346 / 1,321 /

4.21 Overall width b1/b2 mm 1,117 / 1,054
1,054 1,054 1,054 1,054
35 / 100 / 35 / 100 / 39 / 100 / 39 / 100 / 36 / 100 /
4.22 Fork dimensions s/e/l mm
1,067 1,067 1,067 1,067 1,067
4.23 Fork carriage ISO 2328, class/type A, B 2A
4.24 Fork carriage width b3 mm 826
4.25 Width across forks b5 mm 305 / 802
4.26 Width between support arms/loading surfaces b4 mm 838 838 1,067 1,067 1,067
4.28 Mast reach l4 mm 610 610 610 610 1,067
4.32 Ground clearance, centre of wheelbase m2 mm 51
4.33 Aisle width for pallets 1000 × 1200 sideways Ast mm 2,773 2,824 2,847 2,847 2,986
4.33.4 Aisle width for pallets 800 x 1200 sideways Ast mm 2,652 2,703 2,720 2,720 2,836
4.34 Aisle width for pallets 800 × 1200 lengthways Ast mm 2,812 2,863 2,892 2,892 3,060
4.35 Turning radius Wa mm 1,750 1,801 1,801 1,801 1,801
4.37 Length over the support arms l7 mm 1,881 1,932 1,932 1,932 1,983
5.1 Travel speed, laden/unladen km/h 11 / 12.1 11 / 12.1 12.1 / 12.9 12.1 / 12.9 12.1 / 12.9
5.2 Lift speed, laden/unladen m/s 0.55 / 0.6 0.55 / 0.6 0.55 / 0.84 0.55 / 0.84 0.55 / 0.84
Performance data

5.3 Lowering speed, laden/unladen m/s 0.55 / 0.55 0.55 / 0.55 0.53 / 0.57 0.53 / 0.57 0.53 / 0.57
5.4 Traverse speed w. / w.o. load m/s 0.28 / 0.3
5.7 Gradeability laden/unladen % 9 / 11
5.8 Max. gradeability, laden/unladen % 11 / 16
5.9.1 Acceleration time w / w.o. load (to 10 m) S 4.9 / 4.4
5.10 Service brake electro-magnetic/generator
5.11 Parking brake electromagnetic
6.1 Drive motor, output S2 60 min. kW 4.5
6.2 Lift motor rating at S3 10% kW 20
6.4 Battery voltage/nominal capacity K5 V/Ah 36 36 / 775 36 / 775 36 / 775 36 / 775
6.5 Battery weight kg 816 907 907 907 907

968 / 362 968 / 404 968 / 404 968 / 404 968 / 404
Battery dimensions L/W/H mm
/ 782 / 782 / 782 / 782 / 782
Energy consumption according to VDI cycle Efficiency/Drive&Lift
6.6 kWh/h 5.6 / 5.9 5.6 / 5.9 5.6 / 5.9
6.7 Efficiency/Drive&Lift Plus throughput t/h 70 / 81.2 70 / 81.2 70 / 81.2
6.8 Energy consumption at max. Efficiency/Drive&Lift Plus throughput kWh/h 4.2 / 5.7 4.2 / 5.7 4.2 / 5.7
8.1 Type of drive control Mosfet / AC

8.4 Sound pressure level at operator's ear as per EN 12053 dB (A) 70

8.6 Steering electric

In accordance with VDI Guideline 2198 this specification sheet provides details of the standard truck only. Non-standard tyres, different masts, optional equipment, etc. may
result in different values.
Benefit from the advantages

Pantograph for deep reach appli- The highly efficient 36V Junghein- Ergonomic operator workstation Clear view through slightly angled
cations rich AC-Technology bars in the overhead guard

Deep reach applications ProTrac suspension system Highest efficiency

Deep reach racking (2 pallets depth) is The safe and comfortable ride experi- All powertrain components are perfectly
the strong point of the ETR 335d: ence increases the drivers productivity: harmonized:
• The basic capacity of 1600 kg is avail- • A dual suspended axle between drive • Pump motor, pump and controller are
able for shelf heights of up to 10 m - wheel and caster wheel allows for se- set up to jointly provide their maximum
even on the back shelf. cure cornering at high travelling speeds efficiency
• At the maximum lift height of 11.35 m and a smooth ride on rough floors • The innovative Jungheinrich AC tech-
loads of more than 1360 kg can be still • Using special high-strength elastomers nology - over 80,000 reach trucks in
handled in deep reach applications. renders the suspension system virtually the market - is now available for 36 V
maintenance free systems
Highly Adaptable
The modular design of the ETR allows for Superior lift and reaching speeds Intuitive ergonomics
customised solutions that fit virtually any The outstanding material handling The ETR is designed to accomodate the
application: throughput of the ETR results from the needs of the operator:
• 17 baseleg openings sum of its capabilities: • The bars of the overhead guard are
• 9 load wheel configurations • Market leading lift speeds slightly angled to ensure an optimal
• 21 different masts • Exceptional reach speeds - indepen- view of the load
• Either single or double deep pan- dent of the lift height • The MULTI-PILOT control handle
tographs • Above-average acceleration and travel allows simultaneous activation of
• An optional Drive & Lift Plus package speeds various functions (travel & hydraulic
(ETR 340/345/335d only) • Productivity-enhancing options like functions) with the intuitive use of one
• Choose from a multitude of many the fork camera that allows for safe joystick
other options and assistance systems and efficient load handling at great lift • All controls are designed for easy and
hights precise operations even while wearing

T_ETR 230/235/340/345/335d_112015_en_ZKW_000

Jungheinrich Aktiengesellschaft

Friedrich-Ebert-Damm 129
D-22047 Hamburg
Telephone +49 40 6948-0
Telefax +49 40 6948-1777

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