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Self-Love Guide To Abundance Author Evelym Lim

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How to Love Yourself, Be Confident

& Manifest the Life that You Want

Written by Evelyn Lim

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Self-Love Guide: How to Love Yourself and Be Confident 2

“You can search throughout the entire universe

for someone who is more deserving of your love
and affection than you are yourself, and that
person is not to be found anywhere.
You yourself, as much as anybody
in the entire universe deserve
your love and affection.”
~ Buddha

Self-Love Guide: How to Love Yourself and Be Confident 3
The Real “Secret” to Manifesting the Life We Want

All of us have dreams of abundance and creating the life we want. The vast
majority of people dream of having lots of money, so that they can have the
option of buying the things they want. They dream of having a beautiful house,
an expensive car, limited-edition watches and taking beachfront holidays several
times a year. It’s not all material of course. They also dream of having a loving
spouse, a happy family and like-minded friends for support.

Then, there are those of us who would like to honor our heart-centered dreams
and the best way to go about them is to work for ourselves, rather than hold a job
in a firm. As conscious individuals, we also have the dream of making a positive
difference to the world. The benefits of being an entrepreneur are extremely
appealing. With an entrepreneurial lifestyle, we will be able to work on our
terms. We can have the option of working as and when we want to.

Unfortunately, many of us are far from attaining these dreams. Instead, we are in
a state of struggle. We may have such wonderful dreams but no matter how
many hours we spend, we face tremendous challenges with bringing them into
fruition. Eventually, we come to experiencing bitterness, frustration and anger.
We feel like failures when we compare ourselves with those, who have started
out later, but who have already succeeded.

So why is it so easy for some people but not for you?

Self-Love Guide: How to Love Yourself and Be Confident 4
Do you repeatedly lament of “not having enough”?

What is the missing “secret” to attracting abundance?

You see. I have had the same dreams. I had hoped that my journey into
entrepreneurship would be like one of those that are often described in sales
pitches: smooth, fast and easy. Well, it did not quite happen that way.

Let me share some background. I was formerly in the banking industry. My job
had provided me a paycheck that allowed me a reasonably comfortable lifestyle;
which included a club membership, a car and nice holidays.

However, I decided to make a change after my children were born. I chose the
path of self-employment, so that I can be the main caregiver to my children. I
soon found myself working much harder than before. I did not realize that there
was so much to learn and implement. In my online business alone, I had to wear
multiple hats from putting up websites, blogging, marketing, troubleshooting,
creating products, handling customer service and so on.

I also became rather torn. I was stressed out from having to balance between
entrepreneurship and family. Although I was happy with having flexible hours, I
was not contented with how things were going.

In the process, I experienced a whole slew of negative emotions. I realized that I
had a number of limiting beliefs that I had to address. I was increasingly

Self-Love Guide: How to Love Yourself and Be Confident 5

At the height of my misery, I decided that enough was enough. I realized that I
had to do things differently if I wanted a different set of results. I chose to focus
less on work but more on myself. It was during this period that I watched the
movie “The Secret”. After a couple of false starts, I finally made the decision to
commit to my personal healing journey.

I became aware of how disconnected I felt from being engaged in schemes that
preyed on people’s dreams of getting rich quick. Also, I realized the importance
of discerning from a bunch of advice from online marketers. Clearly, what has
worked for them does not mean that it would necessarily be best for me. And so,
on my path towards greater authenticity, I had to determine what my values,
dreams and vision are.

At first, I spent many hours working through my own internal issues, with the
help of a practitioner. I also went for different kinds of alternative healing
therapies. What was great was that I was able to experience energetic shifts that
allowed me to feel better.

Still, there was something “missing” that I could not put my finger on.

There were sabotaging patterns that I kept getting stuck in.

Self-Love Guide: How to Love Yourself and Be Confident 6
I still could not determine what the root cause of my issues were, despite the
healing work that I have done so far. By then, I was also taking up professional
courses in life coaching and Neuro-Linguistic Programming. These had helped
me with belief changes but did not provide me with the answer that I was

Nonetheless, I found that I was able to sit quietly to contemplate my issues
without any attachment. A regular practice of meditation was clearly helping me
raise my level of awareness. I was able to get answers and ideas while in a
sublime state of relaxation.

I began to see what was missing.

Finally, light penetrated through the shadowed landscapes of my inner journey.

And the answer?


It is easy to understand why.

If we are in self-resentment and cannot accept ourselves, then it is hard to attract

Self-Love Guide: How to Love Yourself and Be Confident 7
Abundance carries the frequency of pure love. To attract abundance, we need to
offer a matching vibration. By virtue of the universal law of attraction, like
attracts like. And so, if we are vibrating fear from being in a state of lack, there is
no way that we cannot attract abundance.

“The Heart of Manifesting Abundance Starts in Self-Love.” – Evelyn Lim

Eventually, I posted an article on my site on “How to Love Yourself in 17 Ways”.
Thousands of people responded with liking and sharing it on social media. I have
been immensely grateful for the positive response.

The response spurred me to do deeper work into this area. I went on to
publishing the book, Self-Love Secrets: How to Love Yourself Unconditionally
(available at http://www.SelfLoveSecrets.com ).

Many wrote to me about how it has helped them with increased awareness.

My intent is now to help those who face difficulties with manifesting abundance
through self-love healing.

So, if you are one of those who need more answers to the difficulties that you are
facing with your life, read on.

Self-Love Guide: How to Love Yourself and Be Confident 8

Consequences of Low Self-Love

Ask yourself if any one or more of the following situations true of you? –

o You criticize yourself constantly.

o You believe that you are not good enough.
o You do not believe that you are lovable.
o You have low self-confidence.
o You can’t establish healthy boundaries.
o You feel de-energized, exhausted and ill constantly.
o You cannot trust your own judgment.
o You are constantly worrying.
o You have got low expectations for yourself.
o You often put your own needs last.
o You suffer from heart problems.
o You have a negative attitude.
o You often operate out of a fear of rejection.
o You have anxiety or panic attacks.
o You cannot function well in social groups.
o You downplay your gifts, talents and abilities.
o You suffer from bouts of depression or sudden and inexplicable bouts
of sorrow.
o You constantly crave the approval of others.
o You set aside your own desires in order to please others.
o You dull pain and feelings of unworthiness through addictive

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behavior such as smoking, sex and shopping.

Without some level of awareness, you may not have realized that the above are
simply signs of a deeper root cause of inadequate self-love. You may even protest
that you already love yourself. Well, become aware that self-love rests on a
continuum. All of us – unless you are already enlightened – do have some issues
with loving ourselves in one way or another. The difference lies in the level or the

Let’s do a simple test. What happens when you look in the mirror? Are you
mostly engaged in positive or negative self-talk? If all you can notice are flaws
and have nothing good to say about yourself, then you could be having
self-love difficulties.

Alternatively, you could be feeling like a victim. It happens when you believe that
everyone seems to have better luck than you. You are not able to let go of the fact
about your lack of success, accomplishments and achievements. Because you
believe that you are missing some important gene or are unfortunate enough to
be born into circumstances that are less than favorable, you think it impossible to
catch up. In self-pity, you become shrouded in negativity. You are caught in the
“poor me” syndrome.

Need 1:1 online healing for low self-love and confidence issues? Click over here

Self-Love Guide: How to Love Yourself and Be Confident 10

7 Obstacles to Self-Love & Abundance

So what are the obstacles to receiving abundance? What is preventing you from
opening your heart to loving yourself more fully, thereby manifesting more
abundance into your life?

"Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all of the barriers
within yourself that you have built against it." – Rumi

1. Negative Self-Talk

If you are not already aware of what you say to yourself, spend a day or two
recording down your self-talk. With your thoughts on paper, it is easier to make
some important self-discovery.

“Of all the judgments we pass in life, none is more important than the
judgment we pass on ourselves.” ~Nathaniel Branden

Your negative self-talk could look something like the following:
- “I am such a freak.”
- “I am a failure.”
- “I am stupid.”
- “I am so lousy.”
- “I am hopeless.”

Self-Love Guide: How to Love Yourself and Be Confident 11
- “I do not deserving love and support.”
- “I cannot believe how useless I am.”
- “Who would want me – so poor, ugly and awkward?”
- “I just hate my body.”
- “No one has an uglier nose.”
- “I am so fat.”
- “I am not cut out to be a leader.”
- “I do not deserve anything better.”

And so, you find yourself believing that “I am not lovable”, “I am not good
enough” or “I am not worthy”. You face great obstacles with moving forward

Indeed, all the talk about goal setting, how to be successful and making money
quick is best set aside until you are able to access the loving reservoir inside. It is
hard to function well when you are your greatest enemy.

There is a popular saying: you must love yourself before you can love another. You
may find this saying odd at first especially if it does not match with your
experience. Your experience has shown that while you cannot love yourself, you
have been able to love others. In fact, if you are a parent, you know yourself to be
capable of giving love to your children even though you do not love yourself fully.

But, think of it this way. Love is a service from your heart. Obviously, it can be
rather difficult to render service to others when you are in a leaking boat

Self-Love Guide: How to Love Yourself and Be Confident 12
yourself. You will not be in a position to help others effectively if you are not
feeling centered from within. Should you persist in rendering assistance to
others anyway, you are likely to end up feeling depleted.

As best-selling author, Barbara De Angelis, said, “If you aren’t good at loving
yourself, you will have a difficult time loving anyone, since you’ll resent the time
and energy you give another person that you aren’t even giving to yourself.” It is
true. You will feel depleted if you are constantly giving others what you cannot
give to yourself. There will be no reserves to dig into.

Eventually, you are led to experiencing resentment. And from a place of
resentment, your giving becomes conditional. Even though you do not say it, you
quietly hope for something of equivalent benefit in return. Your loved one or
friend does not know it of course. They have no knowledge that you have been
building anger underneath the false appearance of a smile.

Studies have shown that most of us make 300-400 self-evaluations per day.
About 80% of the evaluations are negative. Thus, chances are that if you have
picked up this report, you are likely to be engaged in negative self-talk.

If you are constantly belittling and criticizing yourself, it is hard to love yourself.
Your self-confidence suffers. You cannot be harsh and loving at the same time. It
is one or the other.

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2. Your Limiting Beliefs

Many of the beliefs that you currently hold have probably been developed since
childhood. You base your life scripts on the messages that you have accepted.
The inner voices that have influenced your self-talk have been echoing since you
were a child. These voices mainly come from your parents, caregivers, figures of
authority such as teachers and mentors and the media.

Take, for instance, the influence by the media. By being exposed to ads that
emphasize the importance of looking beautiful non-stop, it is possible that you
develop low self-esteem. And so, you start to compare your body proportions
with the models in fashion magazines. You do not realize that most of these
pictures have been photoshopped, altered or airbrushed.

Through an inability to accept your own body, you face the increased risk of
developing eating disorders such as anorexia. You punish yourself with strict
diet or extreme exercise regimes. Starving yourself of food takes place because
you are essentially starved of love. Eating disorders are very often symptoms of
the deeper root cause – a case of inadequate of self-love.

3. Myths about Loving Yourself

You may hold certain myths that obstruct your way to greater self-love. For one,

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many have mistaken beliefs about what self-love means. It may be the same for
you too, especially if you wonder why you continue to face challenges with loving
yourself when you have been engaged in acts of self-care. And so you equate self-
love to acts of pampering yourself. Maybe it means getting a body massage,
having your hair done or getting a manicure. Or it may mean buying yourself the
latest tech gadget or upgrading to a bigger car.

Obviously, such acts of self-care can bring about pleasure. However, the effects of
pleasure derived from material items do not usually last long. You may
experience a jab of joy but it fizzles out. You are off looking for the next item that
will satisfy you. Thus, it can seem as if you are perpetually on the hunt for one
item after another, in your search for happiness.

Self-love is more than a temporary fix on your senses. It is not externally derived
but comes from the inside. When you learn to love yourself truly, you do not
have to depend on external factors. Your foundation is solid. You are centered in
your being.

Another confusion that you may have lies with thinking that self-love means
narcissism. Perhaps you have been taught not to focus on the self because it may
mean becoming narcissistic. You also do not welcome the idea of being known as
someone who is selfish.

Well, there is a difference between healthy self-love and narcissism. They are not
the same thing. You need to understand the difference.

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The narcissist is someone who is full of hot air, operates out of ego and loves to
attract attention. He is excessively self-centered with issues of personal
inadequacy, power, and vanity. He is fueled on an empty tank. He needs to
depend on others to make him feel worthy.

Conversely, someone with healthy self-love is not boastful, and is one who
cultivates a sense of quiet confidence. This person does not need others to tell
him how good he is. He does not have to devise crafty strategies to win love
because he already has enough self-assurance. He knows that he is worthy. Most
importantly, he operates from the paradigm of love.

When you begin to realize what the difference is, you are less likely to put
yourself in the way of self-love. You understand that in the practice of healthy
self-love, balance is essential. You learn to nurture your own dreams but do not
do so in a selfish manner. You are considerate to the needs of others, but not
sacrifice your own well-being in the process.

4. Negative Emotions

Negative emotions such as depression, sadness, frustration, anger, shame, guilt,
regret and so on can cloud your ability to love yourself. Consequently, you cannot
forgive yourself, you blame yourself and you find it hard to function well on a
social basis.

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Obviously, it becomes hard to have clarity when you are overwhelmed
emotionally. From being clouded, you are not able to stand apart to gain a better
perspective. Negative emotions tend to feed off themselves. You find yourself in
a spiral downwards. You become stuck in a hole that is difficult to climb out.
Your performance at work suffers as a result.

And so you attract outcomes that vibrationally match what you are feeling, by
virtue of the Law of Attraction. Through these outcomes, you become even more
convinced of being unlovable and unworthy. You now have greater physical

Addressing your negative emotions is necessary in order to gain clarity. When
you get less hung up by your own internal issues, you experience a lightness. You
enjoy a freedom that you have not experienced before. You become free to love
yourself fully.

5. The Problem of Perfectionism

Expecting yourself to be perfect in every way can obstruct your way to greater
self-love. Through wanting to be perfect, you strive to be the top, error-free and
produce work that is impeccable. You would invariably find that the standards
you have set are unattainable.

Self-Love Guide: How to Love Yourself and Be Confident 17
And so you develop a sense of discontentment. It becomes pervasive. The
suffering is endless because you are never ever fully satisfied with your actions,
behavior or achievements. You are in the perpetual state of feeling incomplete
and unfulfilled. Happiness becomes elusive.

Do not be mistaken. Note that there is nothing wrong with wanting to produce
your best work or hoping to present yourself in a good light. However, having a
perfectionistic streak can have negative consequences.

Because you are expecting perfection, you tear yourself apart when you do not
meet a certain standard. You are merciless when it comes to judging the self.
Your standard is usually unreasonably high. You expect that the work you
produce or who you are to be superior to others.

In the strive for perfection, you can lose the sense of perspective. You are fearful
of losing out. Your fear may even prevent you from taking action. You would
rather not start work than risk being imperfect.

Understand the difference between pursuing perfectionism and the desire for
excellence. Perfectionism is in a way, an unattainable goal. The desire for
excellence is a better way forward. In the spirit of excellence, you go for
continuous improvements and aim to produce your best work possible.

When you learn to love yourself, you do not crucify yourself with harsh
judgments. Instead, you become more accepting of the parts about you that are

Self-Love Guide: How to Love Yourself and Be Confident 18
imperfect. You give yourself allowance for errors, mistakes or failings. You are
willing to forgive yourself more readily.

6. Inability to Open Your Heart to Receive

Past traumas can prevent you from opening your heart. You are afraid of being
hurt again. Admittedly, no one likes feeling vulnerable. The memory of raw pain
still haunts you. So you prefer to shield yourself from another possible attack.
You build a fortress around your heart that prevents you from receiving love.

An inability to receive may well be what is missing in your ability to experience
abundance. Perhaps too, you have been taught from an early age that it is wrong,
shameful or a sin to be receiving. Instead you have been taught the virtues of
giving only. You learn about being kind, considerate and helpful to others.

If you close your heart to receiving, it is impossible to enjoy more joy, peace and
happiness in your life. Yet, fear holds you back. You are afraid about meeting
with pain when you open your heart. You are afraid that others will take
advantage of your vulnerability.

Then again, suffering is a choice. You need to be able to see that there is beauty
that comes out from painful times. To receive love does not mean that you be
foolish or reckless. Instead, you learn about developing healthy and balanced
self-love, with the awareness that you are lovable enough to receive love from
others too.

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Receiving rests on a belief that you are worthy. Your ability to receive does not
have to depend on you fulfilling some condition or criteria. Just like anyone else,
you are deserving of love. There is no need for any conscious work. Put simply,
you allow yourself to receive. When you practice the art of allowing, you find
yourself receiving an inexhaustible supply of love, support and kindness. You
come to know that the universe is one of great abundance.

7. Lack of Spiritual Connection

Ultimately, an inability to love the self adequately can be hampered by a lack of
spiritual connection. Conversely, with a spiritual connection, you are able to
experience divine love. It does not matter whether you have a religion or not.
What is more important is the ability to connect with source from the heart.
When you can do so, you become aware of how unconditional love and
acceptance feels like. You are in a better position to love and accept yourself

I had at one stage experienced all the obstacles mentioned above. From working
through my obstacles, I was able to experience a business turnaround, more
loving relationships and great connections with spiritually minded coaches and
experts in the transformational field. I love what I do and overall, I have been
experiencing greater fulfillment in life.

Self-Love Guide: How to Love Yourself and Be Confident 20
Notably, my insights into the core issue of self-love came about when I started
reviewing my own past history. I had shared about my insights in the post that
had generated positive feedback on my site. The following is what my post says…

How to Love Yourself in 17 Ways

(This section was first published as a post on my blog.)

I have compiled a list on “how to love yourself” for readers who are facing
difficulty with knowing what to do in embracing themselves. When I first began
to be aware that I needed to love myself first prior to developing any meaningful
relationships with others, I realized that I did not know where to start. I was
surprised as I would have thought I’d be an expert on love and relationships by
then. After all, as I recalled, in my younger days, I have spent much time looking
for the best spouse or romantic partner.

I subsequently realized that my external search was meant to fill the void or
emptiness I had inside. Finding a good relationship with myself seemed an even
harder task! As things eventually turned out, I found myself failing miserably in
my early relationships because I had insufficient or little self-love.

As I gained greater awareness, I discovered that self-esteem and self-love are

issues that are often related together. If you suffer from low self-esteem, it is
possible that the root cause is a case of insufficient self-love. And so, you have
found it difficult to find that little bit of love for yourself. Loving yourself feels

Self-Love Guide: How to Love Yourself and Be Confident 21
unnatural for a start because your mind has been ingrained with self-sabotaging
thoughts for the longest time.

However, nothing is going to happen if you do not make a conscious decision. And
that includes attracting abundance. When you don’t love yourself, you are
basically telling the Universe that you are unworthy or undeserving of any love or
positive outcomes that have the same vibrational match as love.

Learning to love yourself starts with making a conscious decision, an intention to

become happy and lead a fulfilled life. When you do not love yourself and suffer
from low self-esteem, it is almost impossible to ever reach the potential that you
suspect you have.

“Love yourself first and everything falls into line.”

Lucille Ball quotes (American radio and motion-picture actress and comedy star,

When you make a decision to love yourself, you are really saying that you want to
come alive. You accept that you are responsible for the outcomes that you
experience in your life and would like yourself to shine from living a fulfilling life.

So if you’ve decided on loving yourself but are as equally stumped on how to love
yourself, as I was back then, here are 17 ways which I believe can be helpful:

1. Fall in love with yourself. Think about what makes you You. Just like a flower
that needs watering to grow, learn to nurture yourself in every way. Love
yourself for all the good that you see and accept your flaws and the fact that you

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are imperfect. This does not mean that you do not need to change from your
shortcomings; instead, you are being gentle and kind to yourself despite all your
“flaws”. Look in the mirror and fall in love with the reflection that is You.

“To love oneself is the beginning of a life-long romance.”

Oscar Wilde quotes (Irish Poet, Novelist, Dramatist and Critic, 1854-1900)

2. Eliminate Self Criticism. Do you often berate yourself over the tiniest thing?
Is there a little voice inside your head that often tells you that you are no good
because you are stupid or make mistakes? If you find that you criticize yourself
often, make an effort to stop the self criticism.

“I CAN is 100 times more important than IQ.” — unknown

3. Be Kind And Positive. When you start to think kindly and positively about
yourself, the love you have for yourself just grows. Make it a habit to praise
yourself everyday, while in the front of the mirror. Because of such thoughts, you
naturally undertake empowering actions that support your development.

4. Acknowledge Your Effort. It is not always about winning or coming up tops in

everything that you do. Many times, it is the effort that counts! Acknowledge that
you have done your best, even if you have failed to produce tangible results.

5. Let Go Of Worry. Loving yourself requires you to let go of your worry. It is a

horrible way to live a life filled with constant worrying. I can attest to that! Worry
does not help in any way. It cannot, on its own, make things happen. Only wise
actions can! So instead of worrying, spend time thinking about what you can do

Self-Love Guide: How to Love Yourself and Be Confident 23
to help in the situation. If the situation is beyond your control, then make a
request to the Universe/God about what you want. Next, surrender your

“There is only one way to happiness and that is to cease worrying about things
which are beyond the power of our will.” — Epictetus quotes (Greek philosopher
associated with the Stoics, AD 55-c.135)

6. Trust Yourself. Have confidence in your abilities. Know that you have the
ability to make important changes for yourself, for as long as you put your heart
to it. You can also support yourself by visualizing desired outcomes.

“Trust yourself. You know more than you think you do.”- Benjamin Spock (American
Pediatrician and Author, 1903-1998)

7. Forgive Yourself. If you have made mistakes in the past that had caused you
to feel less worthy, then you need to forgive yourself. All of us make mistakes; so
there really is no need to beat yourself up over them. Also, if you have been
carrying around a baggage of emotional hurt because of a childhood trauma,
learn to forgive yourself.

“To forgive is to set a prisoner free and discover that the prisoner was you.”
Lewis B. Smedes

8. Be Truthful To Yourself. Loving yourself requires you to be truthful about

your own feelings. If you are happy, acknowledge the joy. If you are sad,
acknowledge the sorrow. When you are truthful about your feelings, you do not

Self-Love Guide: How to Love Yourself and Be Confident 24
try to lie to yourself or seek to bury your negative emotions. Instead,
acknowledging what you feel provides a good guide to what your thoughts are.
And as we all know, thoughts can be changed, so that healing and self-growth can
take place.

9. Grow Spiritually. When you spend time growing spiritually, loving yourself
becomes automatic. You become more peaceful, connected, kind, loving and
compassionate. You nurture a mind that grows more beautiful by the day. You
naturally love yourself in the process.

10. Make Positive Affirmations Everyday. Reframe your mind with positive
affirmations. For instance, say this to yourself “I love and accept myself
completely and unconditionally.” Read your affirmations out loud several times a

11. Express Gratitude. Express gratitude for the person that you are. For
instance, cultivate an appreciation for your strengths and gifts. Also, feel a sense
of gratitude that you are alive and well, and fully capable of making a difference
in your life.

12. Nurture Your Dreams. Why deny yourself your dreams? When you nurture
your dreams, you would love the life that you are leading. Every moment that you
live is a joy because you are expressing yourself fully.

“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t
do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe

Self-Love Guide: How to Love Yourself and Be Confident 25
harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” —Mark

13. Boost Your Self Confidence. Make a deliberate attempt to look for
opportunities that can help improve your confidence. For instance, if you are
particularly good at doing something, set aside more time to indulge and improve
your skills on it. Knowing that you have particular gifts can boost your self-

14. Relax. Give yourself space to take breaks every now and then. If you spend
your time working, without paying attention to your health, it also means that
you do not love yourself well enough to take care of your own body. Fill your time
with silence, soothing music and visions of beauty; anything that nourishes your

15. Have Fun. Inject some fun into your life. Life is meant to be an enjoyable.
Don’t take life or yourself too seriously. If you can think of life in this manner, you
automatically relax and quit worrying over things that do not matter.

16. Look After Your Body. It is important that you strengthen yourself with
proper nutrition and regular exercise. Your body is a temple and you should treat
it with respect, love and care. It has been found that the lack of self love is often
the root causes of conditions like eating disorders, obesity or even terminal

Self-Love Guide: How to Love Yourself and Be Confident 26
“Take care of your body. It’s the only place you have to live.”
Jim Rohn quotes (American Speaker and Author. He is famous for motivational
audio programs for Business and Life. )

17. Learn To See Beauty. When you learn to see beauty in every thing, you will
also see beauty in yourself. Hence, stop to smell the flowers. Notice everything.
Feel everything. The pink blush of the flowers in your garden, the greenness of
the plains, the whisper of the gentle wind, or the myriad hues of an evening sky.

Self-Love Note
While the above 17 ways are great, they may not be
enough to address poor confidence issues at deep levels. If
you’d like to address low self-love and poor confidence at
the subconscious levels, click over here…

Self-Love Guide: How to Love Yourself and Be Confident 27
Benefits from Having Self-Love

Studies have found that someone in love experience changes in levels of
serotonin and dopamine, which are linked to feelings of happiness and wellness.
Although these studies did not make a distinction on which aspect of love, I
suspect that the same results similarly applies to self-love too.

More specifically, the following benefits arise from having self-love:

1. You enhance your ability to attract love and thereby, abundance. When you
have a healthy and loving presence, others are naturally attracted to you.
Including your clients, friends, associates, bosses, loved ones and family. You
have everyone rooting for you.

2. You enhance your ability to receive abundance. By knowing yourself as
deserving, you are ready to accept blessings from the universe with an open

3. You are less liable to be stuck. Loving yourself involves the practice of
forgiveness. Thus, it requires a release from the past. You view the past not as
failures but as learning opportunities for growth. Doorways to abundance start
to open up, when you become open to new ideas.

Self-Love Guide: How to Love Yourself and Be Confident 28

Self-Love in the Body, Mind and Spirit

Self-love is food for your mind-body-soul, the nourishment that you need even
before you attempt to do anything great or anything at all. You are full. When
you love yourself, it shows. You gain a natural glow. By giving yourself the
permission to be authentic, you also allow others to be who they really are.
Through your being, you inspire others to love themselves.

Self-love requires accepting yourself fully. You learn about embracing yourself –
both the beautiful and not-so-beautiful parts about yourself. As Vietnamese Zen
Master, Thich Nhat Hanh, said, “To be beautiful means to be yourself. You don’t
need to be accepted by others. You need to accept yourself.”

The balm of self-love will heal your psychological wounds. You will experience
the rewards of greater joy, happiness, peace, acceptance, intimacy and warmth.
You experience true abundance from within. You develop healthy self-assurance
that will be an excellent springboard for you to attract more abundance into your

Self-Love Guide: How to Love Yourself and Be Confident 29
Self-Love Affirmation Prayer

Here is a good affirmation to read and reflect on…..

“I am Me. In all the world, there is no one else exactly like me. Everything that comes
out of me is authentically mine, because I alone chose it — I own everything about
me: my body, my feelings, my mouth, my voice, all my actions, whether they be to
others or myself. I own my fantasies, my dreams, my hopes, my fears. I own my
triumphs and successes, all my failures and mistakes.

Because I own all of me, I can become intimately acquainted with me. By so doing, I
can love me and be friendly with all my parts. I know there are aspects about myself
that puzzle me, and other aspects that I do not know — but as long as I am friendly
and loving to myself, I can courageously and hopefully look for solutions to the
puzzles and ways to find out more about me.

However I look and sound, whatever I say and do, and whatever I think and feel at a
given moment in time is authentically me. If later some parts of how I looked,
sounded, thought, and felt turn out to be unfitting, I can discard that which is
unfitting, keep the rest, and invent something new for that which I discarded. I can
see, hear, feel, think, say, and do. I have the tools to survive, to be close to others, to
be productive, and to make sense and order out of the world of people and things
outside of me.

I own me, and therefore, I can engineer me. I am me, and I am Okay.”
- Virginia Satir (American Psychologist and Educator, 1916-1988)

Self-Love Guide: How to Love Yourself and Be Confident 30
Self-Love Healing

Self-love healing is needed when...

• you would like to heal your inner child

• you have experienced childhood wounds or trauma in the past
• you often believe that you are "not good enough", not worthy or that you
are "unlovable"
• you struggle with deep self-resentment
• you are constantly criticizing, judging or beating yourself
• you don't believe that you have a place on this Earth
• you either have inability to connect with your emotions or have trouble
managing them.
• you don't feel comfortable in your own skin
• you have deep fears of being seen or heard.

If you’d like to heal deep-rooted patterns at

the subconscious, click over here for Self-
Love Healing…

online-healing .

Self-Love Guide: How to Love Yourself and Be Confident 31
Secrets to Self-Love

“Wouldn't it be powerful if you fell in love with yourself so deeply that you
would do just about anything if you knew it would make you happy? This is
precisely how much life loves you and wants you to nurture yourself. The
deeper you love yourself, the more the universe will affirm your worth. Then
you can enjoy a lifelong love affair that brings you the richest fulfillment from
inside out.” ~ Alan Cohen

If you have difficulty with self-love, you are not alone.

After publishing my post on “How to Love Yourself in 17 Ways” on my blog, I
received more than 1,000 emails over a three-year period. Through the emails, I
found out that many people around the world share the same difficulty with
loving themselves too. I subsequently wrote a book to record my findings and

In my book, Self-Love Secrets, I reveal more secrets to loving the self in body,
mind and spirit. You will learn about:
- Dispelling the 6 myths or misconceptions on self-love;
- Differences between self-love, esteem and confidence;
- What 10 negative self-talk patterns you can possibly have;
- What 3 core beliefs are driving your actions and behavior;
- Flipping your negative self-talk to a positive one;
- Keys to a holistic approach to self-love; and much more.

Self-Love Guide: How to Love Yourself and Be Confident 32
“I first knew Evelyn through her website and I was immediately impressed and
inspired. Her honesty, warmth, and wisdom shine through in everything she writes.
Evelyn’s Self Love Secret’s is an insightful, comprehensive guide for anyone looking
to love and accept themselves more fully. Read it and feel good about yourself—in
mind, body, and spirit!”
--- Lori Deschene, Author, TinyBuddha.com

“Evelyn Lim illustrates the importance of self-love so beautifully. She unravels
complex themes such as issues of worthiness, self acceptance and self love to peel
back the layers and explore our unlimited potential. Each chapter covers in-depth
topics to awaken your own personal invitation to make the life-changing decision to
love you once and for all!”
--- Sarah Prout, Best-selling Author, Co-founder of Älska Publishing,

Master the Heart of Manifesting Abundance with Self-Love
Order my book-plus-additional-guides here http://www.SelfLoveSecrets.com

Alternatively, if you prefer a printed copy, my book is available on Amazon.

Self-Love Guide: How to Love Yourself and Be Confident 33
About the Author

Evelyn Lim is an Abundance Coach. She is also a Self-Love
Coach and Self-Love Healing Specialist. Evelyn specializes in
helping women clear their subconscious fears and low
confidence issues, so that they can love themselves and live
the life that they want. She has a 3-step system that draws
on a unique combination of energy healing, intuition and
belief-change techniques for lasting results.

Evelyn Lim is a Certified Master Neuro-Linguistic Programming Practitioner,
Certified EFT Practitioner, Matrix Reimpriting Practitioner and Intuitive
Consultant. She is the author to Self-Love Secrets (available as a collection at
http://www.SelfLoveSecrets.com ) as well as the book, Abundance Alchemy:
Manifesto for Your Journey (available on Amazon - https://amzn.to/2Uf2deY).

For more free articles, please click over to her site:

Follow me on social media

Self-Love Guide: How to Love Yourself and Be Confident 34

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