Your Sacred Wealth Code Guide
Your Sacred Wealth Code Guide
Your Sacred Wealth Code Guide
By following your Vedic Astrology and knowing your Sacred Wealth Code you
can find your unique gifts and the type of work that you can easily thrive in, and
that's where you will attract the ideal high paying clients and customers.
Vedic Astrology shines a light on your sweet spot, that intersection of what you
are divinely appointed to do, who you are divinely appointed to serve, and how
you are meant to blend those for expansion and wealth.
This book is meant to show you how to discover your own Sacred Wealth
Code so you can attract the ideal client and customers that you are truly
meant to serve and take your conscious business to the next level.
Thanks to some deep spiritual work, I realized that this had all
happened because I was not following my Sacred Wealth Code. In
fact, I was working from the shadow side of my wealth code, which
included being over responsible and believing that to be
successful I had to do it all alone. At the time I was unconsciously
setting myself up to go broke and fail, instead of succeed and
create a lot of money for myself.
I picked myself back up, grateful to know that there was a way to
fix it all, and started following my Sacred Wealth Code. I quickly
attracted my ideal high paying clients and created a profitable
business within just six months.
Everyone has their own unique wiring for making money based on their Soul
Blueprint. Vedic Astrology is a scientific lens to look through that reveals our
Soul Blueprint. It is not about prediction. It's about understanding and following
your soul's choices.
Your Sacred Wealth Code is an important part of your Blueprint and if you're
not following it, chances are you are not making the money you want or you're
making it in a way that does not feel authentic to you.
If you tune in, pay attention, and really get honest with yourself you can "feel"
when you're not following it or not. If you're happy and thriving in your career
and business, have ideal clients and customers, and a steady flow of income
then you're on track with your Sacred Wealth Code.
If you're frustrated and unhappy in your career or business, lack clarity, are
struggling to find your ideal high paying clients and customers, and don't have
the cash flow you want... you're not following your Sacred Wealth Code.
It is crucial to know why you want the money. Why you want to take
your business to the next level, have more ideal clients, and create
more wealth. Then you are connected to purpose and purpose will
pull you forward.
For me, it's all about freedom and making a difference. When my
business was struggling I felt trapped. I had no time and no money.
I longed for a sense of freedom to travel with my kids, buy a home,
and go on a retreat. I was making a difference, but was too tired to
make the difference I really wanted to make for the people closest
to me.
Your soul knows your big WHY. Your heart is the pathway to your
soul. Get something to write with and record your answers.
Now you have your WHY! Read this daily and keep it posted in front of you
where you work. I go deeper into defining and activating your WHY
in my Soulutionary Mentoring and Mapping services,
but I promise you, if you do stay connected with your why you will
be on the path to your Sacred Wealth Code and attracting more
ideal high paying clients, and creating more wealth.
When you're not in your passion you're not even near an onramp to
your Sacred Wealth Code and are tired and broke.
When you are just doing the things you are good at but don't love
to do, or doing what you think you have to do, you're not activating
your gifts. You're not doing the work you were meant to do. You're
not attracting your ideal clients. You're not activating your Sacred
Wealth Code and making more money.
You can also send an email out to a few friends and ask them this
What keeps you from following your Sacred Wealth Code and
making conscious choices about increasing your business and
money, is limiting beliefs. These beliefs often show up as fears.
You acquired most of these beliefs when you were a child as a
strategy to keep you safe, loved, or valued. They are not part of
your programming in your Sacred Wealth Code. They are not your
true soul coding. You acquired them and you can release them.
You can't have a problem without having a solution as well. They always come
together. Awareness precedes change, and to change what's not working you
have to be aware that it's not working. If you don't have the ideal clients and
customers you want then it's time for something to change.
If you are a Connector - Teacher - Organizer then you will want to create
structures to organize what is important to you and your clients. Make sure you
are connecting deeply with your clients so you know their deeper desires and
needs, and with your unique expertise teach them the principals to get them
the results they are looking for.
Great Connector, Artist,
Diplomat, Muse,
The Beautiful One
Leader, Celebrity,
King, Politicians
Teacher, Visionary,
Spiritual Teacher, Lawyer
Honorable Warrior, Engineer,
Persevering Leader, Administrator,
Communicator, Writer,
Business Person/Marketer
Great Nurturer, Divine Mother,
Queen, Collaborator
Material Wealth
Magician, Alchemistr
Spiritual Wealth
Intuitive, Rebel
By now you can see that when you get in sync with your Sacred
Wealth Code you can find the work that you thrive in, attract your
ideal clients and customers, and take your business to the next
level to increase your wealth and impact.
If you're ready to find the work you can thrive in, up level your
business, and create the profits and abundance you deserve,
then click below for your Sacred Wealth Code Reading.