Research Article
Research Article
Research Article
International Journal of
Recent Scientific
International Journal of Recent Scientific Research Research
Vol. 10, Issue, 07(C), pp. 33508-33511, July, 2019
ISSN: 0976-3031 DOI: 10.24327/IJRSR
Research Article
Clady PC Zothankhumi., PallabiChetia and Betbhalin Mary Mukhim
Department of Medical Surgical Nursing, Assam downtown University, Guwahati, Assam
Article History: Bed sore is a localized injury to the skin or underlying tissues, usually over a bony prominence, as a
Received 15th April, 2019 result of pressure in combination with shear or friction occluding blood flow to that area.
Received in revised form 7th In this study, the data was collected within 1month. A descriptive survey design was adopted for the
May, 2019 study. In this study 82 numbers of the staff nurses working in ICU, SICU, General Ward and Private
Accepted 13th June, 2019 ward in Apollo Hospital, Guwahati, Assam were selected by using Non-Probability Convenient
Published online 28th July, 2019 Sampling Technique. The tool used for the study were demographic variables, Structured knowledge
questionnaire and observational checklist. The analysis was done by using both descriptive and
inferential statistics in terms of frequency distribution, percentage, mean, standard deviation, Karl
Key Words: Pearlson correlation coefficient and chi square test.
Braden Scale, Bed sore, Staff nurses The result showed that majority of the staff nurses had moderate knowledge level (65.9%) regarding
use of Braden scale for the prevention of bedsore and in practice the findings revealed that there is
good practice level (62.2%) of the staff nurses regarding use of Braden scale for the prevention of
bedsore. In the association there was association between the knowledge and demographic variables
viz. age (χ2=14.47), sex (χ2=6.85) at p<0.05. and the association of practice and demographic
variables viz. exposure to any in-service related to Braden scale (χ2=4.75) at p<0.05 significant
level. There was a correlation between the knowledge and the practice of the staff nurses r=0.365 at
p<0.05 significant level.
Copyright © Clady PC Zothankhumi et al, 2019, this is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative
Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the
original work is properly cited.
in intensive care clinics (35.3%). The age of the patient, the Research Analysis and Interpretation
duration of the hospital stays, the presence of incontinence,
Table 1 Frequency and percentage distribution of knowledge
albumin level problem, and the Braden scale below 17 were
score staff nurses regarding use of Braden scale
found to have impact (p,0.05).4
Ibrahim R (2015) conducted “a study assessment of nurses
knowledge concerning Braden Scale in Critical Care units in Score Frequency Percentage
Range (f) (%)
Baghdad teaching hospitals, the objectives of the study is to
Adequate 14-20 11 13.4
identify nurses knowledge concerning Braden scale. A non- Moderate 7-13 54 65.9
probability sampling technique which is purposive sampling Inadequate 0-6 17 20.7
technique was used. The study revealed that most of the sample
The analysis presented in Table 1 showed that, majority
of nurses they have moderate knowledge about the use of
(65.9%) of the staff nurses had moderate knowledge level,
Braden scale. The study concluded that there is a relationship
20.7% had inadequate knowledge and 13.4% had adequate
between knowledge of nurses with some variables such as level
of education, year of experiences in nursing and experiences in
CCU. In general, the study concluded that the nurses had Table 2 Frequency and percentage distribution of practice
moderate knowledge about the Braden Scale.5 score of the staff nurses regarding use of Braden Scale for
prevention of bedsore.
A study was conducted by Saravanan SS (2014). “to assess the
existing knowledge and skill in the use of Braden scale for
prevention of pressure ulcers in the bed ridden patient among Practice Score Frequency Percentage
the staff nurses. The aim of the study is to test the effectiveness Range (f) (%)
Poor 0-2 31 37.8
of the planned teaching use of Braden scale and to associate the Good 3-5 51 62.2
pre-test knowledge and skill in use of Braden scale for
predicting risk and prevention of pressure ulcer with The analysis presented in Table 2 showed that, majority
demographic variables. Mathod a pre-experimental one group (62.2%) of the staff nurses had good practice and 37.8% had
pre-test and post test was used. The sample of the study were poor practice.
the staff nurses working in MIMSR YaswanthraoChavan rural Table 3 Association of knowledge of staff nurses regarding use
hospital, Latur selected by using convenient sampling of Braden Scale for prevention of bedsore with selected
technique as per the criteria informed consent was taken from demographic variables.
the staff nurses. The result show that 39 (97.5%) nurses had N=82
inadequate knowledge and 1 (2.5%) had moderate knowledge Table
in the pretest and post test 13 (32.5%).6 Demographic
Knowledge Score
χ2 value df Inference
Adequate Moderate Inadequate
Age in years
20-25 6 28 4
b) 26-30 5 22 2 14.47 12.59 6 S
The present study was conducted in a superspeciality hospital, c) 31-35 3 3 2
Guwahati, Assam. In this study 82 numbers of the staff nurses d) 36-40 3 1 3
working in ICU, SICU, General Ward and Private ward in 2. Sex
a) Female 13 52 9 6.85 5.99 2 S
Apollo Hospital, Guwahati. b) Male 4 2 2
3. Years of
Period of Study: 12thNovember 2019- 12th December 2019 experience
a) <3years 8 32 5
Type of Study Design: 82 numbers of the staff nurses working b) 3-6years 5 20 3 8.67 12.59 6 NS
in ICU, SICU, General Ward and Private ward in Apollo c) 7-10years 4 2 3
d) >10years - - -
Hospital, Guwahati, Assam were selected by using Non- 4. Areas of working
Probability Convenient Sampling Technique. a) Intensive care unit 8 24 5
b) Semi-Intensive
5 19 3 0.82 12.59 6 NS
Mode of Data Collection: A descriptive survey design was unit
c) General Ward 2 7 2
adopted for the study. d) Private ward 2 4 1
5. Educational
Tools of Data Collection: A study was conducted by using qualification
Structured Knowledge Questionnaire and Observational a) GNM 8 27 4
b) BSc 5 18 5 1.01 12.59 6 NS
checklist regarding Braden scale to assess the knowledge and c) PBSc 4 9 2
practice among staff nurses. d) MSc - - -
6. Exposure to any
Sample: Staff nurses working in ICU, SICU, General Ward in-service
education related
and Private ward. to Braden scale
a) Yes 14 31 9
Sample size: Convenient sample of 82 b) No 3 23 2 5 5.99 2 NS
A sample of 82 staff nurses working in ICU, SICU, General S=Significant, NS= Not significant
Ward and Private ward were taken.
The analysis presented in Table 3 showed that there in s
significant association found between knowledge of staff
nurses with demographic variables viz. age and sex. Hence, the
33509 | P a g e
Clady PC Zothankhumi et al., A Study To Assess The Knowledge And Practice Regarding Use of Braden Scale For Prevention of Bed Sore Among The Staff Nurses In Selected Hospital, Guwahati, Assam
null hypotheses is rejected and research hypotheses is accepted the staff nurses regarding use of Braden scale for the
in terms of Age in Years and Gender inferring that there is prevention of bedsore So, the null hypotheses is rejected and
association between knowledge of staff nurses with Age in research hypotheses is accepted.
Years and Gender. But no significant association was found
between knowledge of staff nurses and other demographic RESULT
variables such as Area of working, Years of experience, In this study the knowledge of the staff nurses were assessed
Educational Qualification and Exposure to any inservice with structured knowledge questionnaire and found to be
education related to Braden Scale. 11(13.45%) with adequate knowledge and 54(69.9%) with
Table 4 Association of practice of staff nurses regarding use of moderate knowledge and 17(20.7%) have inadequate
Braden Scale for prevention of bedsore with selected variables. knowledge regarding use of Braden scale for the prevention of
bed sore. the practice of the staff nurses were observed with the
N=82 observational checklist and 51 (62.2%) of the staff nurses have
Table good practice and 31(37.8%) have poor practice.Chi square
Demographic Practice Score χ2 df Inference
Value was computed to find out the association between knowledge
Poor Good and practice of the staff nurses regarding use of Braden scale
1. Age in years
a) 20-25 18 20 for the prevention of bedsore with selected demographic
b) 26-30 10 19 1.37 7.82 3 NS variables viz. age in years, sex, years of experience, area of
c) 31-35 3 5 working, educational qualification, exposure to any in-service
d) 36-40 3 4 education related to use of Braden scale. It is found that there
2. Sex
a) Female 29 45 1.17 3.84 1 NS
was a significant association between knowledge of the staff
b) Male 5 3 nurses with demographic variables viz..age,(χ2=14.47), sex (χ2=
3. Years of experience 6.85) at p <0.05 and there was a significant association
a) <3years 19 26 between the practice of the staff nurses with demographic
b) 3-6years 9 19 3.36 7.82 3 NS
c) 7-10years 6 3
variables viz.. exposure to any in-service education related to
d) >10years - - Braden scale. (χ2= 4.74 at p<0.005). Karl Pearson’s correlation
4. Areas of working coefficient was computed to find out the correlation between
a) Intensive care unit 16 21 knowledge and is found that there was a significant
b) Semi-Intensive unit 9 18 1.95 7.82 3 NS
c) General Ward 6 5
correlation between the knowledge and practice of the staff
d) Private ward 3 4 nurses (r=0.315 at p<0.005).
5. Educational
qualification CONCLUSION
a) GNM 15 24
b) BSc 14 14 1.35 7.82 3 NS The present study was conducted to assess the knowledge and
c) PBSc 5 10 practice of the staff nurses regarding use of Braden scale
d) MSc - - among staff nurses in Apollo Hospital, Guwahati, Assam. The
6. Exposure to any in-
service education
result reveal that 65.9% of the staff nurses had moderate
related to Braden knowledge and in the practice 62.2% had a good practice.
scale Correlation between the knowledge and the practice was
a) Yes 27 27 calculated and found that there was a significant correlation
b) No 7 21 4.74 3.84 1 S
which means that adequate knowledge will infers good
p<0.05 practice.
S=Significant,NS= Not significant
The analysis presented in Table4 showed that there is
significant association found between practice of staff nurses I am highly grateful to the authority of the organization and the
with Exposure to any in-service education related to use of Dean Incharge of Faculty of Nursing, Assam down town
Braden Scale. Hence, the null hypotheses is rejected and University, Panikhaiti, Assam for giving the permission to
research hypotheses is accepted in terms of Age in Years, conduct the study successfully.
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How to cite this article:
Clady PC Zothankhumi et al., A Study To Assess The Knowledge And Practice Regarding Use of Braden Scale For Prevention
of Bed Sore Among The Staff Nurses In Selected Hospital, Guwahati, Assam. Int J Recent Sci Res. 10(07), pp. 33508-33511.
33511 | P a g e