Micha Inception Report
Micha Inception Report
Micha Inception Report
Dessie, Ethiopia
1 INTRODUCTION ..................................................................................................................................... 1
2 MTHODOLOGY ...................................................................................................................................... 1
3 HYDROLOGY .......................................................................................................................................... 5
4.1 Potential Dam Sites Assessment And Selection Of Suitable Option ................................................... 7
Table 2: Axies_1 Option 75% dependable rainfall and catchment yield .......................................................... 6
Table 3: Axies_2 Option 75% dependable rainfall and catchment yield .......................................................... 6
Table 5: Axies_1 Option Reservoir Stage, Storage and Area Table ................................................................. 8
Table 6: Axies_2 Option Reservoir Stage, Storage and Area Table ............................................................... 11
Table 9: Annual Wind Speed Maxima from SE-W direction at Addis Ababa Observatory ........................... 17
Table 13: Indicative Guidelines for Bank and Lining Freeboard .................................................................... 25
Figure 11: Typical Masonry Rectangular Lined Canal Section (MC & SC) .................................................. 23
Figure 12: Bedesa Spring Irrigation command area & Irrigation Practice ...................................................... 26
Amhara National Regional State (ANRS) Government dues at most endeavor to prompt the
productivity of the farmers whereby to ensure food self-sufficiency and income generation of the
regional people. Irrigation development is one of the different forms of the GTP in the Agricultural
economic sector. Amongst these administrative zones South Wollo is one of them where the site
identification for Medium Scale Irrigation Projects was done. This task had insisted by the ANRS
Water Irrigation and Energy Development Bureau. So that Amhara Design and Supervision Works
Enterprise signed a contractual agreement to accomplish feasibility studies and detailed designs of
the project.
This document mainly focused on prefeasibility study, that was carried out for a duration of about
three (3) days by a design and study team members.
Micha Medium Scale irrigation project is found in South Wollo, Jama Degolo Wereda, El_Shama
kebela. The river is non perennial as observed by the ADSWE design and study team during the field
visit, that is 13/07/2014 e.c.).
Micha Medium Scale Irrigation Development Project is found in Amhara region, South Wollo zone,
Jama Degolo Wereda, El_Shama kebela (018) in administratively.
➢ Easting: - 533596.0238m
➢ Northing: - 1144599.4143m
➢ Elevation: - 2613.000m
➢ Easting: - 532121.48m
➢ Northing: - 1143212.60m
➢ Elevation: - 2625.650m
The project site is located at about 15km from ‘Jama Degolo Town’, which is the capital city of
Jama Degolo Wereda to project site. Out of this distance, about 0.5km is donkey road(barefoot)
which needs simply 20cm thickness of top soil with 4m width clearing following the path during
construction of the project.
1.2.1 Manpower
The study team have three professional groups; Engineering (engineers; geology, hydrologist; and
topography survey), Natural resource (Agronomist, Soils/land evaluation study and Watershed
management); and socio-economy sectors (socio-economy, Environmental Impact assessment and
Irrigation agronomy). The assigned engineer is a team leader of the site identification and
prioritization study.
The following table shown below are being part of the study team for site identification and
prioritization phase.
1.2.2 Organization
For Micha irrigation project the indicated professionals from nine sectors will be organized in a study
team to work together, exchange data, analyses the situation and identify the most appropriate site
for irrigation development. Preliminary characterization of the sites in terms of engineering, physical,
agronomic, social and environmental conditions give important evaluation data for comparison and
prioritization which thoroughly handled by professionals with intensive participation of communities
and stakeholders at grass root level. Considering the above noted preconditions the following
organization of the Team is proposed below.
➢ Initially, contact Zone and Woreda concerned staffs (List them including their post,
office and address/mobile) & discuss objectives of visit, and their room of
contribution/share in the study, (arrangement of staffs, participating in Dam site
selection, other sector studies like agronomy, socio-economy, security, etc.). Here try
to compromise selected sites from technic point of view and possibilities proposed by
beneficiaries and/or other stakes.
➢ Then confirm the identified name of the river to be used as source of supply and PA,
➢ Identification and confirmation of alternative headwork sites in discussion with
Woreda/PA concerned staffs, and coordinates in UTM Zone-37 projection, Adindan
➢ Investigation of these sites’,
➢ Take pictures of the selected site and banks of the river,
➢ Identification of catchment land use/land cover condition,
➢ Identification of Flood mark and its depth from river bed at selected Dam site,
➢ Measurement of base/lean flow in either available method but the most common are by
floating method.
➢ Identification of river bed material (to help select Dam type i.e., boulder, logs, sand,
gravely sand, etc.)
➢ Measurement of three cross sections at Dam site, u/s & d/s of it to know tail water
➢ Assessment of u/s and d/s water abstraction areas and amount on the source of supply
to study water balance, or collect from DA,
➢ Identification of traditional irrigation on the proposed area by hectare & beneficiary
➢ Identification of number of existing hours of irrigation per day,
➢ Confirmation of boundary of the command area,
➢ Identification of waterlogging condition of the command area,
➢ Identification of overall slope of the command area (visually as steeply, moderate,
➢ Identification of settlement condition in the command and reservoir areas,
For Micha Medium Scale irrigation project, the nearest meteorological station is Jama Degolo
meteorology station, which is found in Jama town, it is 9.4Km air distance far from headwork
site. The station is third (3) class meteorology station, which have an observed rainfall and
temperature data of 19 years from 1995 to 2013 e.c. Since the station has the same climate and
topographical nature to the project area and it is also nearest to the project area.
➢ Easting: - 527363.042 m
➢ Northing: - 1151860.592 m
➢ Elevation: - 2636.000m
During site identification the team have observed Micha stream is ungagged nonperennial
stream. Based on the 75% dependable flow, water demand accounted for irrigation. Domestic
demand and reservoir loss have been estimated.
➢ Easting: - 533596.0238m
➢ Northing: - 1144599.4143m
➢ Elevation: - 2613.000m
I. Advantages
II. Disadvantages
➢ High reservoir loss due to reduce command area by 30ha.
➢ Increase Resettlements of farmers living around the axis.
➢ Increase dam height as compared to Axies_2 option.
Elevation-Area-Volume curve
250.0 200.0 150.0 100.0 50.0 0.0
0.0 200.0 400.0 600.0 800.0 1000.0 1200.0 1400.0 1600.0
Series2 Series1
➢ Easting: 534133.1446m
➢ Northing: - 1145366.9534m
➢ Elevation: - 2617.000m
I. Advantages
II. Disadvantages
Elevation-Area-Volume curve
180.0 160.0 140.0 120.0 100.0 80.0 60.0 40.0 20.0 0.0
0.0 100.0 200.0 300.0 400.0 500.0 600.0 700.0 800.0 900.0
Series2 Series1
By taking the maximum irrigable command area elevation as outlet level is 2625 a.m.s.l., which
is the limiting factors for decision of axis option, Therefore, as shown on the table, axis_2
which found upstream of axis_1 is safe due to low reservoir loss, decrease dam height by 2.5
m and increase command area by 30 Ha.
Most countries have defined criteria and methods to select the design flood for dams to protect
their population. During the early 1980s and into the mid-1990s, IDF (Inflow Design Flow)
selec-tion criteria were used which were based on downstream hazard classification and
potential loss of project operations.
The methods to select the IDF have evolved over time and continue to evolve with the availabil-
ity and development of new tools and new approaches which give a better evaluation and
understanding of the possible consequences of a dam failure.
The determination of the IDF depends in most countries on a Dam Hazard Classification
System, which examines the risk related to the dam and/or structures; the greater the risk, the
greater the requirement to reduce, contain or manage this risk. The inflow design flood shall
be set as fol-lows, according to the dam classification:
The reservoir area of dam site is comprised the flood ,flat and grassing with cultivated land,
the downstream area of micha dam site is similar condition.
We expect that dam height will be under 20m and reservoir capacity will be 732.2Mm3. The
dam hazard potential classification of dam site is low because land use condition is no probable
loss of human life and low economic and/or environmental losses caused by dam failure or mis
operation. The Micha dam classification for design is adopted to be the intermediate dam (No
life loss but Major economic loss) considering land use development condition of future.
The inflow design flood of Micha dam is 1,000 years to 10,000 year or 0.75 PMF based on
inter-national standards of dam classification from ICOLD. Meanwhile, the inflow design
flood of Micha dam is 0.5 PMF by Criteria of flood magnitude used for design of spillway for
some dams in Ethiopia.
Hence, the inflow design flood of Micha dam is adopted 0.5 PMF and the dam crest will be de-
cided non-overflow from MWL of PMF based on freeboard design guideline.
Freeboard is vertical distance between the crest of the embankment and the reservoir water
surface. The more specific term normal freeboard is defined as the difference in elevation
between the crest of the dam and the normal reservoir water level as fixed by design
requirements. The term minimum freeboard‖ is defined as the difference in elevation between
the crest of the dam and the maximum reservoir water surface that would result should the
inflow design flood occur and the outlet works and spillway function as planned. The difference
between normal and minimum freeboard represents the surcharge head.,
a) Wind Surcharge
The free board of the Micha dam has been computed using the USBR method based on their
broad acceptance and local practice.
In order to estimate the amount of wave surcharge, it is necessary to select wind speeds for
various return periods. Since there is no wind speed data for the reservoirs themselves, wind
data analyzed from the Addis Ababa Observatory were used to calculate wave height generated
in the reservoirs
Table 9: Annual Wind Speed Maxima from SE-W direction at Addis Ababa Observatory
An adjustment is required to reflect the increased wind speed over open water, as opposed to
wind speed over land. This correction factor is based on fetch length of the reservoir.
An adjustment for duration of the wind is only applicable if the hourly wind is not considered
ap-propriate to the time required to develop full height of wave sets. For reservoirs, it is
expected that it will take about 30-40 minutes for waves to develop fully. In this respect, a
correction has not been applied because the duration is relatively close to one hour.
USBR (1981) recommends that several cases should be considered to assess freeboard for flood
surcharge and wave runup. For Micha Dam, the following two cases have been considered:
1. Maximum reservoir water level (from PMF) plus wind effects due to a moderate wind. The
1 in 100-year wind event for minimum freeboard (Table 6) has been adopted as the moderate
wind speed.
2. Normal reservoir water level (FSL) in combination with an extreme wind. For this load
case, the 1 in 1000-year wind event for normal freeboard calculation (Table 6) has been
Therefore, free board is calculated as shown below by using Stevenson formula (modified by
𝐹𝑏 = ℎ𝑤 + 𝑅 + 𝑆
Where Fb = Free board (m)
ℎ𝑤 = 0.032 √𝑉𝐹 + 0.76 − 0.27𝐹1/4
𝑜𝑟 ℎ𝑤 = 0.014𝐹1/2 From IDD Manual
V = wind velocity (km/hr)
F = Fetch length at maximum reservoir level (km)
R = wave Run up = 50 % HW
The Zuider Zee formula, which was originally developed from studies in Holland in the 1930's, is
commonly used to calculate wind setup and is given by the equation.
𝑉 2 𝐹∗𝐶𝑜𝑠 2 ∅
Wind set up= 𝑆 =
The crest length of the dam is determined from the AUTOCAD Civil 3D 2018 Software at an
elevation of dam crest level including freeboard.
A spillway system provides the means by which excess water is conducted past the dam
embankment from watershed runoff after the reservoir behind the dam has reached the full
supply level (FSL). If a spillway system was not included in the project, water levels may rise
and overtop the dam, causing varying degrees of damage to the embankment including
complete wash out or failure of the dam.
A spillway structure for this project is located flanked with the embankment section adjacent
to the right abutment depending on the required operating elevations and foundation conditions
where all concrete structures are placed on undisturbed material (in an excavation) to avoid
foundation settlement.
Required data for the design of Spillway types
➢ To do so, the geological condition along which the spillways will pass should be explored
in detail. If possible, it is advantageous to use the excavated soil along the spillway path for
It is determined by flood routing and its capacity should be equal to the maximum outflow rate
determined by flood routing. The following data are required for flood routing: -
➢ Inflow flood hydrograph
➢ Reservoir-capacity curve
➢ Outflow discharge curve
By flood routing on excel spreadsheet analysis and HEC-HMS-7.2 software, the maximum
outflow rate and the maximum rise in water surface are determined.
Currently, the farmers have been used traditionally furrow irrigation system using rain feed
agricultural system.
The proposed command area of the project is at the left side and right side of the headwork and
most of it was not come into irrigation due to non-perennial of the river. Some of it was under
grassing land.
From the Amhara National Regional State Bureau of Water, Irrigation & Energy Development
along with the consultant the identified gross command area is 640ha. But during our
identification time we observed that the catchment yield has a potential of 600ha and there is a
command of above 600ha, but there is the limitation of catchment yields.
Irrigation system layout comprises right and left main canal, which is lined rectangular
masonry canal. Which can be combined to open surface lined masonry secondary and earthen
territory canal are delivered to the command area. Moreover, the main canal will pass through
hilly, gullies, weathered roads and shrubs trees land area they are to be faced during detail
engineering surveying as well as design period. Therefore, gully crossing and road crossing
structures has been observed.
Considering the topography orientation and which is tapered and the command area large in
size there is territory canal in this project instead of field canals take water from the Main and
secondary canals and distribute to command area. Tertiary canals and their sections are
proposed to be trapezoidal in shape all are earthen canals. Tertiary canals supply water from
secondary canals through division box structures. Trapezoidal unlined earthen tertiary canal
sections are designed by using Manning’s equation.
Field canals are designed based on the existing canal system and footpath system alignment
and hence the length of field canals varies for ease of operation
The field canals will be constructed by the farmers and remove while they plough the irrigation
field. their sections are proposed to be trapezoidal in shape all are earthen canals.
Lined Masonry Canal design is made with the intension of lining the main canal considering
the pervious nature of the soil and increase the efficiency of delivery line. The lined canal will
save the limited water source available there. canal sections are designed by using Manning’s
equation shown below.
Q= n
AR 2 / 3 S 1 / 2
Figure 11: Typical Masonry Rectangular Lined Canal Section (MC & SC)
Unlined canals are to be designed so that the velocity is low thus the bed and sides are not
eroded by the water. For this reason, unlined canals tend to be wide and shallow, spreading the
flow over a large area to reduce the erosive influences of irrigation water.
Lined canals are expensive to construct. For this reason, they tend to be narrow and deep which
ensures the minimum area of lining for a given canal carrying capacity. The velocity also tends
to be high, but this is not usually a problem as the canal is protected from erosion by the lining
(up to 1.5m/s is allowable).
Roughness coefficient of 0.014 for concrete lining as in case of chute structure, 0.018 for
masonry lining and 0.025 for earthen canal sections has to be adopted in designing of canals.
A canal cross-section can be any shape. But it is sensible to choose a profile that is easy to
construct and does the job of carrying water for the least cost and with the best practical
hydraulic efficiency. This limits the choice of canal section to a few standard sections. For this
purpose, a rectangular section shall be used so as to avoid extended embankment width, reduce
land slide and easy to construct. For designing cross-sections of canals, the most commonly used
formula of Manning's and others shall be adopted.
6.3.5 Freeboard:
Freeboard is a safety reservation which can accommodate waves, a flood surcharge or a surge
flow caused by faulty operation of the canal. It can be regarded as an ignorance factor to allow
for inaccurate estimates in roughness or slope, or to accommodate the effects of poor
construction tolerances on the same parameters. Table below gives indicative guidelines for
bank and lining freeboard which have been found workable in practice.
Freeboard (mm)
Capacity, (m3/s)
Lining bank Total
0 - 0.5 50 150 200
0.5 - 1 100 300 400
1 - 10 200 500 700
Bank widths are also a subject which is often determined by local design rules. In areas of
restricted land take, it may be preferable to adopt a parabolic or rectangular flume with almost
zero bank width. In other cases, the bank may perform one or more of several functions:
supports the canal lining, restricts seepage, serves as an access road and contains temporary
flood surcharges. A reasonable minimum bank top width that can be handled for canals of
about 1 m3/s capacity is 1m such that a small vibrating roller is used for compaction. However,
this can be reduced if the canal has a self-supporting lining (such as precast parabolic segments)
and soil compaction is not critical.
6.3.7 Berms
Berms are usually provided to allow for lateral channel instability of medium and large unlined
canals which may either be eroded or further deposited over time, reducing risk of embankment
breaching. They shall be provided to unlined canals where depth of flow, is greater than about
0.8m. As breaches in fill sections are more likely than in cut sections, more damaging and
difficult to plug, berm widths are greater for canals in fill than in cut. For SSI projects this will
not be considered unless compulsory for example, the case if deep cut across hills encounter.
➢ 1.5D or 2D where the OGL is above the full supply level (cut section).
➢ 2D where the OGL is below the full supply level but above the bed level (cut &fill
➢ 3D where the OGL is below the full supply level as well as the bed level (fill section).
Note: In lined channels berms are clearly not required to accommodate change in channel prism
or additional discharge. They may be provided, in exceptional cases, to facilitate access to
inspect and maintain the lining.
Figure 12: Bedesa Spring Irrigation command area & Irrigation Practice
7.1 Conclusions
7.2 Recommendation
Based on the findings from reconnaissance study the following recommendations are
➢ Micha medium scale irrigation dam project has positive impacts to increase the
productivity of local society and improve food security.
➢ In general, some studies of the project that have been accomplished until now,
show that Axies_2 Option is: -.
❖ The ratio of irrigable area to the reservoir area is 3.48, which is
greater than 3 show that the project more economical.
❖ The ratio of dam crest length to dam height is 43, which is greater
than 15 show that the project safer structurally.
❖ The ratio of Gross reservoir volume to dam body ratio is 20,
which is greater than 10 show that the project more economical.