Section 1200 (Subbase, Base, Hard Shoulder and Gravel)

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Page No.
1204 SHOULDERS 12-15


(1) Scope

This Clause covers the construction of subbase with naturally occurring

mechanically stable quartzitic gravel, river gravels and transported gravels,
or materials resulting from the weathering of rocks, or clayey/silty sand.

(2) Sources of Materials

Subbase materials shall be obtained from approved sources in borrow or cut

or from such other sources of supply as may be specified or approved from
time to time for use.

The Contractor shall comply with all requirements of Section 800 in respect
of borrow pits.

(3) Material Requirements

The subbase material after placing and compaction shall conform to the
following requirements:

(a) Gravel

The grading of the material after placing and compaction shall be a smooth
curve within and approximately parallel to the envelope given in Table 12.1.

The Plasticity Index shall not exceed 6.

Table 12.1: Grading Envelope for Gravel

Sieve Size (mm) Percentage passing by

63.0 100
40.0 70-100
20.0 50-85
10.0 40-75
4.75 30-60
2.36 20-45
1.18 15-35
0.075 4-15
(b) Sands, Silty and Clayey Sands

 % passing 2 mm sieve : max 95%

 % passing 0.075 mm sieve : min 10 – max 30%
 Plasticity Index : min 5 – max 12%
 Plasticity Modules : max 300%
(PI_ % passing 0.425 mm sieve)

(c) All Materials

The CBR of the material, after 4 days soaking, shall not be less than
30% at 95% MDD (Heavy Compaction).

(4) Compaction Trials

Before commencing construction and from time to time as may be

considered necessary by the Engineer, the Contractor shall carry out
compaction trials in the presence of Engineer on each main types of
materials to be compacted in the Works. He shall carry out all necessary
laboratory and field testing and supply the Engineer with the copies of the
results of all tests.

Following completion of the compaction trials, the Contractor shall submit

to the Engineer, for his approval, proposals for the compaction of each main
type of material. The Contractor’s Proposals shall include reference to the
type of equipment, the operating weights and tyre pressures and the method
of adjusting moisture content.

If, in the opinion of the Engineer, the results of the compaction trials
indicate that the Contractor’s proposed plant and methods shall achieve the
densities specified, the Engineer shall approve the same. Otherwise the
Contractor shall submit in writing proposals for modifying the plant and/or
methods and shall compact further trials in accordance with these modified
proposals until the Engineer approves the Contractor’s proposals.

(5) Laying and Compacting

The material shall be deposited in such quantity and spread in a uniform

layer across the full width required, so that the final compacted thickness is
nowhere less than shown on the Drawing or instructed by the Engineer.
Every reasonable effort shall be made to prevent segregation during mixing,
dumping, spreading, trimming and compacting operations.

The compacted thickness of any layer laid, processed and compacted at one
time shall not exceed 150 mm and when a greater compacted thickness is
required, the material shall be laid and processed in two or more layers. The
minimum layer thickness shall be 100 mm.
The material shall be down to the grading specified in Sub-clause 1201 (3).
Any oversize material which connot be broken down to the required size
shall be removed and disposed off.

The material shall be scarified and the moisture content adjusted by either
uniformly mixing with water or drying out the material such that the
moisture content during compaction is between 95% and 100% of the
Optimum Moisture Content (IS 2720 Part 8). It shall be graded and
trimmed to final line and level. Light compaction may be applied before the
final trim is carried out, but once 25% of the compactive effort has been
applied no further trimming or correction of surface irregularities shall be

All rolling shall be longitudinal and shall commence at the outer edges of
the pavement and progress towards the centre, except that on super elevated
curves, rolling shall progress from the lower to the higher edge. Where
laying is carried out in lanes care must be taken to prevent water

The final trim shall be in cut and the Contractor shall ensure that material
from the trim is neither deposited in low areas nor spread across the section
but graded clear of the works. Following the final trim the material shall be
compacted to a dry density of at least 95% of MDD (IS 2720 Part 8).
During the grading, trimming and compaction of the material the Contractor
shall ensure that the surface and/or the material does not dry out. If so, the
Contractor need to apply fog sprays of water or other approved means
sufficient to maintain the surface and/or material within the specified limits
of moisture content.

On completion of compaction, the surface shall be well closed, free from

movement under compaction plant and free from compaction planes, ridges,
cracks, loose or segregated material. If the surface fails to meet the
specified requirements, the Contractor shall take the action set out in the
appropriate part of Section 1100 or such other action as directed by

(6) Proofrolling

Unless otherwise directed by the Engineer, the Contractor shall proofroll the
completed layer with a steel three wheeled roller applying a load of not less
than 5 tonnes per metre width of roll and the layer shall be free from visible
movement under the proofroller. Approval of the layer shall only be given
after the satisfactory completion of the proofrolling and any remedial
measures shall be at the Contractor’s expense.

(7) Setting out and Tolerances

The layer shall be set out and constructed to the appropriate tolerance
specified in Section 1100.
(8) Drainage of Subgrade and Subbase

The subgrade and subbase shall be kept continuously drained and any
damage caused by water accumulating on or running off the surface shall be
made good at the Contractor’s expense.

Water accumulated on any part of the subgrade or subbase, shall be removed

and disposed off. Any material which becomes saturated, or cannot then be
compacted to the required density, shall be replaced as specified at
Contractor’s own expense.

(9) Testing

(a) Process Control

The minimum testing frequency for the purpose of process control

shall be as given in Table 12.2

Table 12.2: Minimum Testing Frequency

Tests One test in every Min. no of tests

per section
Gradation 200m3 or part of it and change in source 2
Plasticity Index 200m3 or part of it and change in source 2
Maximum Dry Density and
Optimum Moisture Content 200m3 or part of it and change in source 2
Field Density and Moisture
Content 500 m2 2

Construction Tolerance:
Surface Levels 10 m -
Thickness 25 m -
width 200 m -

(b) Routine Inspection and Testing

Routine inspection and testing shall be carried out by the Engineer to

test the quality of materials and workmanship for compliance with the
requirements of this section.

Any materials or workmanship that do not comply with the specified

requirements shall be replaced with materials and/or workmanship
complying with the specified requirements or be replaced to comply
with the specified requirements.

(10) Measurement
Mechanically stable subbase shall be measured in cubic metre by taking
cross Section at intervals of 10 metres or as directed by the Engineer in the
original position before the work starts and after its completion and
computing the volumes in cubic metres by average end area method.

(11) Payment

The subbase construction shall be at their respective contract unit rate. In

addition to stated in Clause 112, the contract unit rate shall be also full and
the final compensation for cost of making arrangement for traffic control
and other costs required to complete the work complying with the
requirement of Sections 500, 800 and Clause 1201.


(1) Scope and Definition

This clause covers procuring, furnishing and placing of approved crushed

stone on top of the complete subgrade or subbase and constructing a crushed
stone subbase or base, as the case may be, in accordance with the
requirement of this Specification.

“Graded crushed stone” shall mean crushed stone with a smooth grading
curve within a specified envelope.

The class of the stone of the graded crushed stone to be provided shall be
specified in the Special Specification or in the Bill of Quantities.

(2) Sources of Materials

The Contractor shall be responsible for locating and developing suitable of

material for graded crushed stone. Such sources shall be termed quarries.
The opening up of quarries, and the construction and maintenance of access
roads shall be carried out in accordance with Section 800.

(3) Material Requirements

The material shall comply with following requirements:

(a) It shall consist of crushed stone, free from clay, organic

or other deleterious matter.

(b) It shall comply with the physical requirements defined

in Table 12.3.
Table 12.3: Physical Requirements of Graded Crushed Stone

Tests Base Subbase

B* C1* D1*
LAA Max. % 30 35 40
AIV Max. % 20 25 30
SSS Max. % 12 12 12
FI % 25 25 30
CBR Min. % 80 80 60
CR Min. % 100 80 30
PI Max. NP NP 6

* B, C1 and D1 are classes of materials

(c) It shall comply with the Following Gradings

After processing, placing and compaction in the pavement the grading

of the material shall be smooth curve within and approximately
parallel to one of the envelopes defined in Table 12.4.

Table 12.4 Grading Envelopes for Graded Crushed Stone

Sieve Size Percentage passing by weight

(mm) Base Subbase
SB1* SB2*

63.0 - 100 100

40.0 100 75-100 85-100
31.5 85-100 42-75 75-95
20.0 62-92 25-60 60-87
10.0 40-70 15-45 50-80
4.75 26-55 12-37 12-32
2.36 21-53 6-25 7-21
0.60 12-28 5-21 6-17
0.075 2-10 3-12 3-10

* SB1 and SB2 are classes of subbase

(4) Crushing, Screening and Mixing

Unless otherwise instructed, crushing shall be carried out at least in two

The crushing, screening and proportioning of materials and their subsequent
mixing shall be carried out using methods and machines acceptable to the
Engineer. To avoid segregation, graded crushed stone shall be moistened
when being handled and shall not be stockpiled in heaps higher than 5 m.

If the Contractor wishes to add material from another source in order to

achieve the specified grading the following conditions shall apply:

(a) The Contractor shall be responsible for all costs associated with the
provision and mixing in of the material, including land acquisition.

(b) The material shall be non-plastic, hard and durable as specified.

Particles shall be free from organic materials, clay and other
deleterious substances.

(c) Only material passing the 6.3 mm sieve may be added, the percentage to
be added shall be agreed with the Engineer and in any case shall not
exceed 15% by weight of the mixture.

(d) The minimum crushing rations as well as other physical requirements as

specified in Sun-clause 1202 (3) shall be maintained.

(5) Transporting Graded Crushed Stone

Graded crushed stone shall be transported and dumped in such a way that
no segregation occurs.

(6) Compaction Trials

The Contractor shall carry out compaction trials in accordance with Sub-
clause 1201 (4).

(7) Laying and Compacting

The Contractor shall take appropriate measures to prevent segregation

during dumping and spreading operations.

The graded crushed stone shall be laid by plant capable of distributing the
graded crushed stone in a layer of uniform thickness and without

The compacted thickness of any layer laid, processed and compacted at one
time shall not exceed 150 mm, and where a greater thickness is required, the
graded crushed stone shall be laid in two or more equal layers.

The compacted thickness of any base layer shall not be less than 3 times the
maximum size of the graded crushed stone and the compacted thickness of
any subbase layer shall not be less than 2 times the maximum size of the
graded crushed stone.
As soon as possible after laying, compaction shall be carried out. The
moisture content shall be adjusted as necessary and, during compaction, care
shall be taken to maintain the moisture content evenly at the specified value.
Unless otherwise instructed by the Engineer, the moisture content at the
time of compaction shall be between 95 and 100% of the Optimum Moisture
Content determined as per IS 2720 Part 8. The appropriate Sections of Sub-
clause 1201 (5) shall also be applicable for this Clause 1202.

All rolling shall be longitudinal and shall commence at the outer edges of
the pavement and progress towards the centre, except that on superelevated
curves, rolling shall progress from the lower to the higher edge. Where
laying is carried out in lanes care must be taken to prevent water

The minimum dry densities to be achieved as a percentage of the Maximum

Dry Density (MDD) determined in accordance with IS 2720 Part 8 shall be:

Base : 98% of MDD

Subbase : 95% of MDD

On completion of the compaction the surface shall be well closed,

mechanically stable, free from visible movement under compaction plant
and free from compaction planes, ridges, cracks, loose or segregated
material. If the surface fails to meet the requirements of these
Specifications, the Contractor shall take the action set out in the appropriate
part of Section 1100 or such other action as directed by the Engineer.

(8) Proofrolling

The Contractor shall proofroll completed layers in accordance with Sub-

clause 1201 (6).

(9) Setting out and Tolerances

Graded crushed stone subbase and base shall be set out and constructed to
the tolerances given in Section 1100.

(10) Testing

(a) Process Control

The minimum testing frequency for process control shall be as specified

in Table 12.5.
Table 12.5: Minimum Test Frequency

Tests One test in every Min. no of tests

per section
Gradation 200m3 or part of it and change in source 2
Plasticity Index 200m3 or part of it and change in source 2
Flakiness Index 200m3 or part of it and change in source 2
Maximum Dry Density and
Optimum Moisture Content 100m3 or part of it and change in source 2
Los Angeles Abrasion 200m3 or part of it and change in source -
Aggregate Impact Value 200m3 or part of it and change in source -
Sodium Sulphate Soundness 500m3 or part of it and change in source -
Crushing Raito 200m3 or part of it and change in source -
CBR 500m3 or part of it and change in source -
Field Density and Moisture
Content 500 m2 2

Construction Tolerance:
Surface Levels 10 m -
Thickness 25 m -
Width 200 m -
smoothness 40 m2 -

(b) Routine Inspection and Testing

Routine inspection and testing shall be carried out by the Engineer to

test the quality of materials and workmanship for compliance with the
requirements of this section.

Any materials or workmanship that do not comply with the specified

requirements shall be replaced by materials and/or workmanship
complying with the specified requirements, or be repaired so that after
being repaired it shall comply with the specified requirements.

(11) Measurement

Graded crushed stone base and subbase shall be measured in cubic metre by
taking cross Sections at intervals of 10 metres or as directed by the Engineer
in the original position before the work starts and after its completion and
computing the volumes in cubic metres by average end area method.

(12) Payment

The graded crushed stone construction shall be paid at their respective

contract unit rate. In addition to stated in Clause 112, the contract unit rate
shall be also the full and the final compensation for cost of making
arrangement for traffic control and other costs required to complete the work
complying with the requirement of Section 500, 800 and Clause 1201.


(1) Scope

This work shall consist of clean, crushed aggregates mechanically

interlocked by rolling and bonded together with screening binding material
and water laid on a properly prepared subgrade/subbase/base or existing
pavement, as the case may be and finished in accordance with the
requirements of this specification and in close conformity with the lines,
grades, cross Sections and thickness as per approved plans or as directed by
the Engineer.

(2) Sources of Materials

The Contractor shall be responsible for locating and developing suitable

sources of material for water bound macadam. Such sources shall be termed
quarries or borrows. The opening up of quarries/borrows and the
construction and maintenance of access roads shall be carried out in
accordance with Section 800.

(3) Material Requirements

(a) Coarse Aggregates

Coarse aggregates shall be either crushed or broken stone, crushed

slag. The aggregates shall conform to the physical requirements set
forth in Table 12.6.

Table 12.6: Physical Requirements of Coarse Aggregates

Tests Base Subbase

D1* E1*
LAA Max. % 40 45
ACV Max. % 30 30
FI Max. % 30 30

* D1 and E1 are classes of materials

The crushed or broken stone shall be hard, durable and free from
excess flat, elongated, soft and disintegrated, dirt and other deleterious

After processing, placing and compaction in the place the grading of

the material shall be a smooth curve within and approximately parallel
to one of the envelopes defined in Table 12.7.
Table 12.7: Grading Envelope of Coarse Aggregates

Sieve Size (mm) Percentage passing by weight

Grading 1 Grading 2

75.0 100 -
63.0 90-100 100
50.0 35-70 90-100
40.0 0-15 35-70
25.0 - 0-15
20.0 0-5 -
12.5 - 0-5

(b) Screening

Screening to fill voids in the coarse aggregate shall generally consist

of the same material as of the coarse aggregate. However, where
permitted predominantly non-plastic material like crushed rock fines
or natural angular pit sand may be used for this purpose.

Screening shall conform to the grading set forth in Table 12.8

Table 12.8: Grading Requirements for Screenings

Sieve Size (mm) Percent passing by Weight

9.50 100
4.75 85-100
0.09 10-30

(4) Compaction Trials

The Contractor shall carry out trials in accordance with Sub-clause 1201 (4).

(5) Construction Operations

(a) Preparation of Base

The surface of the sub-grade/sub-base/base to receive the water bound

macadam course shall be prepared to the specified lines and crossfall
and made free of dust and other extraneous material. any ruts or soft
yielding places shall be corrected in an approved manner and rolled if
necessary by sprinkling water until firm surface in obtained.
As far as possible, laying water bound macadam course over an
existing thick, bituminous layer may be avoided since it shall cause
problems of internal drainage of the pavement at the interface of two
courses. It is desirable to completely pick out the existing thin
bituminous wearing course where water bound macadam is proposed
to be laid over it. However, in exceptional cases, where the intensity
of rain is low and the interface drainage facility is efficient, water
bound macadam can be laid over the existing thin bituminous surface
by cutting 50 mm x 50 mm furrows at an angle of 45 degrees to the
centre line of the pavement at one metre intervals in the existing road.
The directions and depth of furrows shall be such that they provide
adequate bondage and also serve to drain water to the existing granular
base coarse beneath the existing thin bituminous surface.

(b) Inverted Choke

If water bound macadam is to be directly over the sub-grade, without

any other intervening pavement course, a 25 mm thick screenings or
coarse sand shall be spread on the prepared subgrade before
application of the coarse aggregates is taken up.

(c) Spreading Coarse Aggregates

The coarse aggregates shall be spread uniformly and evenly upon the
prepared subgrade/subbase/base to proper profile by using templates
placed across the road about 6 m apart, in such quantities that the
thickness of each compacted layer is not more than twice the
maximum size of the aggregate. Whenever possible, approved
mechanical devices shall be used spread the aggregates uniformly so
as to minimise the need for manual rectification afterwards.
Aggregates placed at locations which are inaccessible to the spreading
equipment, may be spread in one or more layers by any approved
means so as to achieve the specified results.

The spreading shall be done from stockpiles along the side of the
roadway or directly from vehicles. In no case the aggregates shall be
dumped in heaps directly on the surface prepared to receive the
aggregate nor hauling over uncompacted or partially compacted base
shall b e permitted. No segregation of coarse or fine aggregates shall
be allowed and the coarse aggregate as spread shall be of uniform
gradation with no pockets of fine material.

The surface of the aggregates spread shall be carefully checked with

templates and all high or low spots shall be removing or adding
aggregate as required. The surface shall be checked frequently with a
straight edge while spreading and rolling so as to ensure a finished
surface as per approved plan.

(d) Rolling
Immediately following the spreading of the coarse aggregate, rolling
shall be started with three wheeled power rollers of 8 to 10 tonne
capacity or tandem or vibratory rollers of approved type. The type of
roller to be used shall be approved by the Engineer based on trial run.

Except on superelevated portions where the rolling shall proceed from

inner edge to the outer rolling shall begin from the edges gradually
progressing towards the centre. First the edge/edges shall be
compacted with roller running forward and backward. The roller shall
then move inwards parallel to the centerline of the road, in successive
passes uniformly lapping preceding tracks by at least one half width of
wheel of the roller.

Rolling shall be discontinued when the aggregates are partially

compacted with sufficient void space in them to permit application of
screenings. During rolling, slight sprinkling of water may be done, if
necessary. Rolling shall not be done when the subgrade is soft or
yielding or when it causes a wave-like motion in the subgrade or
subbase course.

The rolled surface shall be checked transversely and longitudinally,

with templates and any irregularities corrected by loosening the
surface, adding or removing necessary amount of aggregates and re-
rolling until the entire surface conforms to desired crossfall and grade.
In no case shall the use of screenings be permitted to make up

Material which have been crushed excessively during compaction or

have become segregated shall be replaced with aggregates of the same
or better quality.

(e) Application of Screenings

After the coarse aggregate has been rolled as above screenings shall be
applied gradually over the surface to completely fill the interstices.
These shall not be damp or wet at the time of application. Dry rolling
shall be done while the screenings are being spread so that vibrations
of the roller cause them to settle into the voids of the coarse aggregate.
The screenings shall not be dumped in piles but be spread uniformly in
successive thin layers either by the spreading motions of hand shovels
or by mechanical spreaders, or directly from tipper with suitable grit
spreading arrangement. Tipper operating for spreading the screening
shall be so driven as not to disturb the coarse aggregate.

The screenings shall be applied at a slow and uniform rate (in three or
more applications) so as to ensure filling of all voids. This shall be
accompanied by dry rolling and brooming with mechanical brooms,
hand-brooms or both. In no case shall the screenings be applied so fast
and thick as to form cakes of ridges on the surface in such a manner as
would prevent filling of voids or prevent the direct bearing of the roller
on the coarse aggregate. These operations shall continue until no more
screening can be forced into the voids of the coarse aggregate.

The spreading, rolling, and brooming of screening shall be carried out

in only such lengths of the road which could be completed within one
day’s operation.

(f) Sprinkling of Water and Grouting

After the screening have been applied, the surface shall be copiously
sprinkled with water, swept and rolled. Hand brooms shall be used to
sweep the wet screenings into voids and to distribute them evenly.
The sprinkling, sweeping and rolling operation shall be continued,
with additional screenings applied as necessary until the coarse
aggregate has been thoroughly keyed, well-bonded and firmly set in its
full depth an a grout has been formed of screenings. Care shall be
taken to see that the base or subgrade does not get damaged due to the
addition of excessive quantities of water during construction.

The minimum dry densities to be achieved as a percentage of the

specific gravity shall be:

Base : 82% of the specific gravity

Subbase : 80% of the specific gravity

(g) Setting and Drying

After the final compaction of water bound macadam course the

pavement shall be allowed to dry overnight. Next morning hungry
spots shall be filled with screenings or binding material as directed,
lightly sprinkled with water if necessary and rolled. No traffic shall be
allowed on the road until the macadam has set. The Engineer shall
have the discretion to stop hauling traffic from using the completed
water bound macadam course, if in his opinion it would cause
excessive damage to the surface.

The compacted water bound macadam course shall be allowed to

completely dry and set before the next pavement course is laid over it.

(6) Proofrolling

The Contractor shall proofroll compacted layers in accordance with Sub-

clause 1201 (6).

(7) Setting out and Tolerances

Water bound macadam base and subbase shall be set out and constructed
within the tolerances given in Section 1100.
(8) Testing

(a) Process Control

The minimum testing frequency for process control shall be given in

Table 12.9

Table 12.9: Minimum Testing Frequency

Tests One test in every Min. no of tests

per section
Gradation 200m3 or part of it and change in source 2
Flakiness Index 200m3 or part of it and change in source 2
Los Angeles Abrasion 200m3 or part of it and change in source -
Aggregate Impact Value 200m3 or part of it and change in source -
Field Density 500 m2 2

Construction Tolerance:
Surface Levels 10 m -
Thickness 25 m -
Width 200 m -
smoothness 40 m2 -

(b) Routine Inspection and Testing

Routine inspection and testing shall be carried out by the Engineer to

test the quality of materials and workmanship for compliance with the
requirements of this section.

Any materials or workmanship that do not comply with the specified

requirements shall be replaced by materials and workmanship
complying with the specified requirements, or be repaired so that after
being repaired it shall comply with the specified requirements.

(9) Measurement

Water bound macadam subbase/base shall be measured in cubic metre by

taking cross Sections at intervals of 10 metres or as directed by the Enginner
in the original position before the work starts and after its completion and
computing the volumes in cubic metres by average and area method.

(10) Payment

Water bound macadam subbase/base shall be paid at their respective

contract unit rate. In addition to stated in clause 112, the contract unit rate
shall be also the full and the final compensation for cost of making
arrangement for traffic control and other costs required to complete the work
complying with the requirement of Sections 500, 800 and Clause 1201.


(1) Definition

The term “shoulder” means the part of the road falling between the edge of
the pavement and the side ditch or embankment slopes above the formation

(2) Material for Construction of Shoulders

Material for construction of shoulders shall be as shown on the Drawing or

instructed by the Engineer. It may consist of and include:

(a) Gravel wearing course or natural material in accordance

with Clauses 1205 and 1201.

(b) Graded crushed stones in accordance with Clause 1202

(c) A single bituminous surface treatment (SBST) in

accordance with Clause 1303.

(d) A sand surfacing in accordance with Clause 1305.

(3) Construction of Shoulders

Shoulder shall be constructed concurrently with construction of the adjacent

pavement layers and with the same materials, except in case the base course
is bituminous mix, the “upper shoulder” shall be constructed subsequent to
the base course. Shoulders shall not be constructed ahead of adjacent
pavement layers and the Contractor shall ensure that the method of
construction is such that at no time water gets prevented form draining off
the pavement layers. The method of laying and compacting shoulder
material and the compaction requirements shall be in accordance with the
relevant Sub-clauses of 1201, 1202 and 1205.

(4) Setting out and Tolerances

Shoulders shall be set out and constructed to the tolerances given in Section

(5) Surface Treatment of Shoulders

Surface treatment of shoulders shall be as shown on the Drawing or

instructed by the Engineer. Material for Bituminous surface treatment shall
be in accordance with Sub-clause 1204 (2) and the method of construction
shall be in accordance with the relevant Clause of Section 1300.

Where topsoil and grassing is shown on the Drawing or instructed by the

Engineer, 50 mm of humus or topsoil shall be spread on the completed
shoulder and lightly rolled. Grass seeds shall be planted in accordance with
the relevant Clauses of Section 2800 and kept watered until growth is
established. Top soiling and grassing shall be in accordance with relevant
Clause of Section 2800.

(6) Measurement and Payment

Where shoulders are constructed with the same material as the adjacent
pavement layers no separate items shall be included in the Bill of Quantities
for shoulder construction and the measurement and payment shall be in
accordance with the relevant Clause of Section 1200.

Where shoulder construction differs from that of adjacent pavement layers

the method of measurement and payment shall be in accordance with the
relevant Clause relating to the type of material shown on the Drawing or
instructed by the Engineer for shoulder construction.

Bituminous surfacing shall be measured and paid in accordance with

relevant Clause of Section 1300. Top soiling and grassing shall be
measured and paid in accordance with relevant Clauses of Section 200 and


(1) General

(a) Definitions

The term “gravel” used throughout in this Clause means any material
used as a wearing course, and shall include crushed rock, natural or
crushed gravel, decomposed rock and clayey sands.

A “gravel wearing course” means a top surfacing course constructed

from one or a combination of the materials stated above and may be a
course placed on the formation of a new road where final pavement
surface is not included in the Contract, or placed on the formation of a
service, diversion or access road.

(b) Sources of Material

Material for gravel wearing course may be obtained from any of the
sources described hereunder:
(i) Borrow pits, alluvial deposits, etc.
(ii) Spoil areas
(iii) Excavation in cutting widened if necessary
In all cases the Engineer shall instruct the Contractor about the source
of material to be used and the location where the material will be

(c) Inspection of Site

Where a source of material is available for inspection during the

Tender Period the Contractor shall satisfy himself as to the nature and
amount of work involved particularly in respect of the volume of
overburden, the suitability of material in work, the degree of selection
necessary, the method of extraction, and access to the source.

(d) Borrow pits, Alluvial Deposits, etc. and Spoil Areas

The Contractor shall comply with all the requirements of Section 800
in respect of borrow pits, alluvial deposits, etc. and spoil areas.

(2) Classification of Material

Material for gravel wearing course shall be classified as RF2, SC, GC for
natural materials as per the definition given in Clause 609 or crushed

The material may require the use of either a grid or sheepsfoot roller with
more than 8 ton mass per metre width of roll to break it down and/or
screening to achieve the specified grading.

(3) Material Requirements

The grading of the gravel after placing and compaction shall be a smooth
curve within and approximately parallel to the grading envelope given in the
Table 12.10.

Table 12.10: Grading Envelope of Wearing Course Material

Sieve Size (mm) Percentage passing by weight

Class 1 class 2
37.5 - 100
25.0 100 85-100
20.0 95-100 85-100
14.0 80-100 65-100
10.0 65-100 55-100
4.75 45-85 35-92
2.0 30-68 23-77
1.0 25-56 18-62
0.425 18-44 14-50
0.075 12-32 10-40
The material shall have a minimum CBR of 30% after 4 days soaking at
95% MDD (heavy compaction) and plasticity index between 15 and 35..

Materials of the respective class namely D1, C2, E1 or E2 whichever may

be applicable shall conform to its requirements specified in Table 6.3 of
Section 600.

(4) Sequence of Works

Unless otherwise instructed by the Engineer, the Contractor shall commence

laying wearing course starting as close as possible to the source and shall
work away from it so that the maximum amount of compaction is given the
wearing course by the Contractor’s vehicles. The Contractor shall
route/regulate his vehicles to give even wear and compaction over the whole
width of the wearing course.

(5) Preparation of Formation

For new road construction, the formation shall be prepared in accordance

with Section 1000.

For existing roads the minimum requirements for preparation of the

formation area as follows:

The formation shall be cleaned of all foreign matter and loose materials.
Any potholes, ruts, corrugations, depressions and other defects which have
appeared due to improper drainage, traffic or any other cause shall be
corrected. If considered necessary by the Engineer, the Contractor shall
scarify, water, grade and recompact the subgrade to line and level all at his
own expense. The Engineer may require the formation to be proofrolled by
a loaded truck, scraper or other approved means prior to dumping of the
wearing course material. The cost of all such proofrolling shall be at the
Contractor’s expense.

(6) Setting Out

The gravel wearing course shall be set out to the tolerances given in Section
(7) Laying and compacting

The gravel wearing course material shall be deposited in such quantity and
spread in a uniform layer across the full width required, so that the final
compacted thickness is nowhere less than shown in the Drawing or
instructed by the Engineer. Every reasonable effort shall be made to prevent
segregation during the loading, hauling, dumping, spreading, mixing,
trimming and compacting operations.

The compacted thickness of any layer laid, processed and compacted at one
time shall not exceed 150 mm and where a greater compacted thickness is
required, the material shall be laid and processed in two or more equal

The material shall be broken down in the pavement to the grading specified
in Sub-clause 1205 (3). Any oversize material which connot be broken
down to the required size shall be removed and disposed off by the

The material shall be scarified and the moisture content adjusted by either
uniformly mixing with water or drying out the material such that the
moisture content during compaction is between 95% and 102% of the
Optimum Moisture Content determined as per IS 2720 Part 8. It shall be
graded and trimmed to final line and level. Light compaction may be
applied before the final trim is carried out but once 25% of the compactive
effort has been applied no further trimming or correction of surface
irregularities shall be allowed.

The final trim shall be in cut and the Contractor shall ensure that material
form the trim is neither deposited in low areas nor spread across the section
but graded clear of the works.

Following the final trim the material shall be compacted to a dry density of
at least 95% MDD (Heavy compaction). During the grading, trimming and
compaction of the material the Contractor shall ensure that the surface
and/or the material does not dry out by applying fog sprays of water or other
approved means sufficient to maintain the surface and/or material within the
specified limits of moisture content.

Vibratory rollers for the final compaction shall not be allowed.

(8) Proofrolling

The Contractor shall proofroll the completed layers in accordance with

Subbase 1201 (6).

(9) Tolerances
The gravel wearing course shall be constructed to the tolerances specified in
Section 1100.

(10) Testing

(a) Process Control

The minimum testing frequency for process control shall be as given

in 12.11.

Table 12.11: Minimum Testing Frequency

Tests One test in every Min. no of tests

per section
Gradation 300m3 or part of it and change in source -
Plasticity Index 300m3 or part of it and change in source -
CBR 300m3 or part of it and change in source -
LAA 300m3 or part of it and change in source -
AIV 300m3 or part of it and change in source
Maximum Dry Density and -
Optimum moisture content 400m3 or part of it and change in source
Field Density & moisture
content 200 m2 3

Construction Tolerance:
Surface Levels 10 m -
Thickness 25 m -
Width 200 m -
smoothness 40 m2 -

(b) Routine Inspection and Testing

Routine inspection and testing will be carried out by the Engineer to

test the quality of materials and workmanship for compliance with he
requirements of this Section.

Any material or workmanship that do not comply with the specified

requirements shall be replaced with materials and/or workmanship
complying with the specified requirements or be repaired so that after
being repaired it shall be comply with the specified requirements.

(11) Maintenance

The wearing surface shall be maintained by the Contractor in its finished

condition and shall be watered graded, dragged, reshaped, or recompacted as
necessary, until the certificate of Completion is issued, or until the Engineer
instructs that the road shall be opened to public traffic, whichever is sooner.
(12) Measurement

Gravel wearing course shall be measured in cubic metre by taking cross

Section at intervals of 10 metres or as directed by the Engineer in the
original position the work starts and after its completion and computing the
volumes in cubic metres by average and area method.

(13) Payment

Gravel wearing course shall be paid at their respective contract unit rate. In
addition to stated in clause 112, the contract unit rate shall be also the full
and the final compensation for cost of making arrangement for traffic
control and other costs required to complete the work complying with the
requirement of Section 500, 800 and Clause 1201.


(1) Block pitching shall consist of clean hard durable single size stones
of size equivalent to the thickness of the base course, but not less than 150
mm nor more than 300 mm in their longest dimension.

(2) A layer of sand or quarry dust shall first be laid over the base to a
thickness of 75 mm. The block pitching shall then be laid with the longest
dimension of each stone in the vertical direction and breaking joint with
adjoining stones. The highest points of protruding stones shall then be
broken off with a knapping hammer and the interstices filled with spalls.
The whole shall then be rolled with a smooth wheeled roller of not less than
8 tonnes capacity. Spalls shall be continuously added to the interstices
during rolling until the whole remains immovable under the roller and has a
uniform surface without high or low spots.

(3) Measurement

Telford base shall be measured in cubic metre by taking cross Sections at

intervals of 10 metres or as directed by the Engineer in the original position
before the work starts and after its completion and computing the volumes
in cubic metres by average end area method.

(4) Payment

The Telford base construction shall be paid at their respective contract unit
rates. In addition to stated in Clause 112, the contract unit rate shall be also
the full and the final compensation for cost of making arrangement for
traffic control and other costs required to complete the work complying with
the requirement of Section 500, 800 and Clause 1201.

(1) Scope

This work shall consist of clean, crushed or broken aggregates mechanically

interlocked by compacting rolling and bonded together with screening binding
material in dry condition and laid on a properly prepared
subgrade/subbase/base or existing pavement, as the case may be and finished
in accordance with the requirements of this specification and in close
conformity with the lines, grades, cross Sections and thickness as per
approved plans or as directed by the Engineer.

(2) Source of Material

The Contractor shall be responsible for locating and developing suitable

sources of material for dry bound macadam. Such sources shall be termed
quarries or borrows. The opening up of quarries/borrow and the construction
and maintenance of access roads shall be carried out in accordance with
Section 800.

(3) Materials Requirements

(a) Coarse Aggregates

Coarse aggregate shall conform to the requirements of Clause 1203 (3) (a).

(b) Screenings

Screenings to fill voids in the coarse aggregate shall generally consist of

the same material as of the coarse aggregate. However, where permitted
predominantly non-plastic material like crushed rock fines or natural
angular pit sand may be used for this purpose.

Screenings shall conform to the gradings set forth in Table 12.12

Table 12.12: Grading Requirements for Screenings

Sieve Size (mm) Percent passing by Weight

9.50 100
4.75 95-100
2.80 65-95
0.71 30-65
0.30 15-30
0.075 0-15

(4) Compaction Trials

The Contractor shall carry out trials in accordance with Sub-Clause 1201 (4).
(5) Construction Operations

(a) Preparation of Base

The surface of the sub-grade/sub-base/base to receive the dry bound

macadam course shall be prepared to the specified lines and crossfall and
made free of dust and other extraneous material. any ruts or soft yielding
places shall be corrected in an approved manner and rolled if necessary
until firm surface is obtained.
As far as possible, laying dry bound macadam course over an existing
thick, bituminous layer may be avoided since it shall cause problems of
internal drainage of the pavement at the interface of the two courses. It is
desirable to completely pick out the existing thin bituminous wearing
course where dry bound macadam is proposed to be laid over it.
However, in exceptional cases, where the intensity of rain is low and the
interface drainage facility is efficient, dry bound macadam can be laid
over the existing thin bituminous surface by cutting 50 mm x 50 mm
furrows at an angle of 45 degrees to the centre line of the pavement at one
metre intervals in the existing road. The directions and depth of furrows
shall be such that they provide adequate bondage and also serve to drain
water to the existing granular base coarse beneath the existing thin
bituminous surface.

(b) Inverted Choke

If dry bound macadam is to be laid directly over the sub-grade, without

any other intervening pavement course, a 25 mm thick screenings or
coarse sand shall be spread on the prepared subgrade before application of
the coarse aggregate is taken up.

(c) Spreading Coarse Aggregates

The coarse aggregate shall be spread uniformly and evenly upon the
prepared subgrade/subbase/base to proper profile by using templates
placed across the road about 6 m apart, in such quantities that the
thickness of each compacted layer is not more than twice the maximum
size of the aggregate. Wherever possible, approved mechanical devices
shall be used to spread the aggregates uniformly so as to minimize the
need for manual rectification afterwards. Aggregates placed at locations
which are inaccessible to the spreading equipment, may be spread in one
or more layers by any approved means so as to achieve the specified

The spreading shall be done from stockpiles along the side of the roadway
or directly form vehicles. In no cases the aggregates shall be dumped in
heaps directly on the surface prepared to receive the aggregates nor
hauling over uncompacted or partially compacted base shall be permitted.
No segregation of coarse or fine aggregate shall be allowed and the coarse
aggregate as spread shall be of uniform gradation with no pockets of fine

The surface of the aggregate spread shall be carefully checked with

templates and all high or low spots shall be remedied by removing or
adding aggregates as required. The surface shall be checked frequently
with a straight edge while spreading and rolling so as to ensure a finished
surface as per approved plan.

(d) Rolling

Immediately following the spreading of the coarse aggregate, rolling shall

be started with three wheeled power rollers of 8 to 10 tonne capacity or
tandem or vibratory rollers of approved type. The type of roller to be used
shall be approved by the Engineer based on trial run.

Except on superelevated portions where the rolling shall proceed from

inner edge to the outer, rolling shall begin from the edges gradually
progressing towards the centre. First the edge/edges shall be compacted
with roller running forward and backward. The roller shall then move
inward parallel to the centerline of the road, in successive passess
uniformly lapping preceding tracks by at least one half width of wheel of
the roller.

Rolling shall be discontinued when the aggregate are partially compacted

with sufficient void space in them to permit application of screening.
Rolling shall not be done when the subgrade is soft or yielding or when it
causes a wave-like motion in the subgrade or subbase course.

The rolled surface shall be checked transversely and longitudinally, with

and any irregularities corrected by loosening the surface, adding or
removing necessary amount of aggregates and re-rolling until the entire
surface conforms to desired crossfall and grade. In no case shall the use of
screenings be permitted to make up depressions.

Material which have been crushed excessively during compaction or have

become segregated shall be replaced with aggregates of the same or better

(e) Application of Screenings

After the coarse aggregate has been rolled as above screenings shall be
applied gradually over the surface to completely fill the interstices. These
shall not be damp or wet at the time of application. Dry rolling with
vibratory roller shall be done while the screenings are being spread so that
vibrations of the roller cause them to settle into the voids of the coarse
aggregate. The screenings shall not be dumped in piles but be spread
uniformly in successive thin layers either by the spreading motions of
hand shovels or by mechanical spreaders, or directly from tipper with
suitable grit spreading arrangement. Tipper operating for spreading the
screenings shall be so driven as not to disturb the coarse aggregate.

The screenings shall be applied at a slow and uniform rate (in three or
more applications) so as to ensure filling of all voids. This shall be
accompanied by dry rolling and brooming with mechanical brooms, hand-
brooms or both. In no case shall the screenings be applied so fast and
thick as to form cakes of ridges on the surface in such a manner as would
prevent filling of voids or prevent the direct bearing of the roller on the
coarse aggregate. These operation shall continue until no more screenings
can be forced into voids of the coarse aggregate.

The spreading, rolling, and brooming of screenings shall be carried out in

only such lengths of the road which could be completed within one day’s

The minimum dry densities of the dry bound macadam to be achieved as a

percentage of the specific gravity shall be:

Base : 82% of the specific gravity

Subbase : 80% of the specific gravity

(6) Proofrolling

The Contractor shall proofroll compacted layers in accordance with Sub-

clause 1201 (6).

(7) Setting out and Tolerances

Dry bound macadam base and subbase shall be set out and constructed within
the tolerances given in Section 1100.

(8) Testing

(a) Process Control

The minimum testing frequency for process control shall be as given in

Table 12.9.

(b) Routine Inspection and Testing

Routine inspection and testing shall be carried out by the Engineer to test
the quality of materials and workmanship for compliance with the
requirements of this section.
Any materials or workmanship that do not comply with the specified
requirements shall be replaced by materials and workmanship complying
with the specified requirements, or be repaired so that after being repaired
it shall comply with the specified requirements.

(9) Measurement

Dry bound macadam subbase/base shall be measured in cubic metre by taking

cross Section at intervals of 10 metres or as directed by the Engineer in the
original position before the work starts and after its completion and computing
the volumes in cubic metres by average end area method.
(10) Payment

Dry bound macadam construction shall be paid at their respective contract

unit rate. In addition to stated in clause 112, the contract unit rate shall be also
the full and the final compensation for cost of making arrangement for traffic
control and other costs required to complete the work complying with the
requirement of Section 500, 800 and Clause 1201.

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