Cost Estimation Manual For Low Rise Buildings: Acfl Nyms

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F()FlE:,",()Fl[) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

TABLE: ()F C() NTE:NTS- - - - ------ - - - ---------- - - ---- - ---- - - --- - - ------ - - - ----- - ---- - --- - ii

[)E:FINITI()N () F TE:FlMS ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- iii

UNITS, ABBFlE:VIATI()NS AN[) ACFl()NYMS----------------------------------------------- vi

PFlE:FACE:------ - - - - - - - - - - - ------- - - - ---------- - - ---- - ---- - - ---- - - ----- - - - ----- - ---- ---- ----- - vii

INTFl()[)UCTI()N----------------------------------------------------------------------------. 1
G E:N E:FlAL N ()TE:S- - - - - - -------- - - - --------- - - - ---- - ---- - - ---- - - ----- - - ------ - --- ---- --- - - -- - - 2

A. C()ST E:STIMA TI()N PFl()CE:SS ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 4

B. STAN[)AFl[) [)E:TAILE:[) UNIT PFlICE: ANALYSIS ([)UPA) SHE:E:TS ------------------------- 10

B.1 Summary Table of Items of Work and Description --------------------------------------------. 11

Part A - Earthworks ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------. 23

Part B - Plain and Reinforced Concrete Work --------------------------------------------------- 38

Part C - Finishing-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------, 49
Part D - Electrical ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 202
Part E - Mechanical ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 252

C. CALCULATI()N ()F CYCLE: TIME: F()Fl HAULING E:QUIPME:NT ------------------------------ 272

C.1 Estimated travel speed, loading/unloading time & allowance for delay -------------------- 273
C.2 Formula for the calculation of dump truck travel time ----------------------------------------. 273
C.3 Computation of cycle time -------------------------------------------------------------------------. 273

[). C()M PUT ATI()N ()F LAB()Fl FlATE:S ----------------------------------------------------------------- 274

D.1 Basis of Com putation' -------------------------------------------------------------------------------. 275

D.2 Condition for the usage of the labor rates ------------------------------------------------------. 275
D.3 Sample tabulation of labor rates for NCR -------------------------------------------------------- 276

E:. E:QUIPME:NT FlE:NTAL FlATE:S ------------------------------------------------------------------------. 277

E.1 List of equipment adopted in the standard DUPA with make, model and capacity ------- 278


Program of Works (POW)

_ - is the total estimated cost of the project which covers the Civil Works Cost,
Engineering Supervision and Administrative Overhead, Road Right-of-Way Acquisition Cost,
Construction Contingency, etc. The POW shall include information about the project location
and limits, quantity and unit cost for each item of work, construction duration, funding
source, equipment requirements, etc.

Approved Budget for the Contract (ABC)

- is the total estimated agency estimate (direct cost, indirect cost and tax) for civil
works contract of infrastructure projects, wherein it is the ceiling of award of contract for
government locally-funded projects and reference for comparison of bid costs of contractors
for both locally-funded and foreign-assisted projects.

Oetailed Unit Price Analysis (OUPA)

- is the determination of reasonable unit cost of each item of work which reflects the
breakdown showing the quantities of work items, unit prices of materials, equipment rental
rates, labor rates and DPWH-prescribed indirect costs including taxes.

Standard Labor Rates

- are matrices prepared and issued by Department of Public Works and Highways
(DPWH) periodically showing the required compensation for manpower workforce of
different categories, which comprises the minimum wage as approved by the NWPC, DOLE
plus the monetary benefits.

ACEL Guidebook 2014

- is a guidebook where rental rates of commonly used equipment for infrastructure

projects are based. It is published by Association of Carriers and Equipment Lessors, (ACEL)

Construction Materials Price Oata (CMPO)

- is a compilation of unit prices of construction materials updated quarterly per

District Engineering Office to be used as reference in the pricing of materials component of
the pay items of work in the preparation of DUPA, ABC & POW, including new items .of work
. involved in a va.

DPWH Standard Specifications for Public Works and Highways

- commonly called as "Blue Book", is a compilation of detailed descriptions of work

items in constructing public works and highways projects such as roads, bridges, buildings,
etc. In other words, a compilation of specifications of standard works acceptable to the

- is composed of specifications containing detailed description of the workmanship,

material requirements, technical dimensions, materials proportion, datum lines and grades
and other established references to follow or adhere to, e.g. AASHTO,ASTM, etc.; basis of
measurement, payment and unit of measure/measurement; and basis of acceptance and
special details that would give the user a clear view of the work to be done.

Low Rise Building

"One-storey up to 5-storeys in height, i.e. from 3.00 m up to a maximum of

15.00 meters above established grade; while not generally requiring an elevator if the
building/structure is purely residential use; fire escapes and other safety systems are
mandatory for all low-rise buildings/structures."
Source: Implementing Rules and Regulations of
the National Building Code of the
Philippines (PD 1096), 2005 Revised


0 diameter AASHTO American Association of State Highway

" inch and Transportation Officials
foot ABC Approved Budget for the Contract
% percent ACCU Air Cooled Condensing Unit
A ampere ACEL Association of Carriers and Equipment
bd-ft board-foot Lessors, Inc.
dm cubic foot per minute ACP Asphalt Concrete Pavement
cm centimeter ASTM American Society for Testing and Materials
cyl cylinder BI Black Iron
ea each BOC Bureau of Construction
ft foot BOD Bureau of Design
ft3 cubic foot CFL Compact Fluorescent Lamp
Ga/# Gauge CHB Concrete Hollow Block
gal gallon CI Curb Inlet
h hour CMPD Construction Materials Price Data
ha hectare CP Contractor's Profit
hp horsepower CPMC Central Price Monitoring Committee
kg kilogram CWN Common Wire Nail
km kilometer DEO District Engineering Office
L liter DO Department Order
Is lump sum DOLE Department of Labor and Employment
m meter EAG Exhaust Air Grilles
m2 square meter ECC Employer's Compensation Contribution
m3 cubic meter ECOLA Emergency Cost Of Living Allowance
min minute EDC Estimated Direct Cost
mm millimeter EMT Electrical Metal Tubing
mt metric ton FAG Fresh Air Grille
pc piece FCU Fan Coil Unit
PhP Philippine Peso GI Galvanized Iron
psi pound per square inch HDPE High Density Polyethylene
thk thick IMC Intermediate Metal Conduit
tph ton per hour LED Light Emitting Diode
yd3 cubic yard NCR National Capital Region
NEMA National Electrical Manufacturers
NWPC National Wages and Productivity
OCM Overhead, Contingencies & Miscellaneous
OS&Y Outside Screw/Stem and Yoke Valve
PACU Package Type Airconditioning Unit
PCCP Portland Cement Concrete Pavement
PE Polyethylene
PN Pressure Nominal
POW Program of Works
PPR-C Polyprophylene Random Copolymer
PVC Polyvinyl Chloride


RC Reinforced Concrete
RCD Return Ceiling Diffuser
RCPC Reinforced Concrete Pipe Culvert
RLD Return Linear Diffuser
RO Regional Office
RPM Raised Pavement Markers
RSB Reinforcing Steel Bar
R_SC Rigid Steel Conduit
SCD Supply Ceiling Diffuser
SLD Supply Linear Diffuser
SPT Standard Penetration Test
SSS Social Security System
THHN Thermoplastic High Heat Nylon-coated
TW Thermoplastic Wire
TWHN Thermoplastic Water and Heat resitant
UPMO Unified Project Management Office
UPVC Unplasticized Polyvinyl Chloride
VO Variation Order
VRF Variable Refrigerant Flow
XLPE Cross-Linked Polyethylene


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