Computer Applications: CLASS IX (Code 165) (2022-23) Learning Outcomes
Computer Applications: CLASS IX (Code 165) (2022-23) Learning Outcomes
Computer Applications: CLASS IX (Code 165) (2022-23) Learning Outcomes
Total Marks 50
Computer Applications
CLASS X (Code 165)
Learning Outcomes
Ability to create a simple website
Unit 1: Networking
• Internet: World Wide Web, web servers, web clients, web sites, web pages,
web browsers, blogs, news groups, HTML, web address, e-mail address,
downloading and uploading files from a remote site. Internet protocols: TCP/IP,
SMTP, POP3, HTTP, HTTPS. Remote login and file transfer protocols: SSH,
• Services available on the internet: information retrieval, locating sites using
search engines and finding people on the net;
• Web services: chat, email, video conferencing, e-Learning, e-Banking,
eShopping, e-Reservation, e-Governance, e-Groups, social networking.
• Mobile technologies: SMS, MMS, 3G, 4G.
Unit 2: HTML
• Introduction to web page designing using HTML: create and save an HTML
document, access a web page using a web browser.
• HTML tags: html, head, title, body, (attributes: text, background, bgcolor, link,
vlink, alink), br (break), hr(horizontal rule), inserting comments, h1..h6
(heading), p (paragraph), b (bold), i (italics), u (underline), ul (unordered list), ol
(ordered list), and li (list item). Description lists: dl, dt and dd. Attributes of ol
(start, type), ul (type).
• Font tags (attributes: face, size, color).
• Insert images: img (attributes: src, width, height, alt), sup (super script), sub
• HTML Forms: Textbox, radio buttons, checkbox, password, list, combobox.
• Embed audio and video in a HTML page.
• Create a table using the tags: table, tr, th, td, rowspan, colspan
• Links: significance of linking, anchor element (attributes: href, mailto), targets.
• Cascading style sheets: colour, background-colour, border-style, margin,
height, width, outline, font (family, style, size), align, float.
• Netiquettes.
• Software licenses and the open source software movement.
• Intellectual property rights, plagiarism and digital property rights.
• Freedom of information and the digital divide.
• E-commerce: Privacy, fraud, secure data transmission.
4. Lab Exercises
• Create static web pages.
• Use style sheets to enforce a format in an HTML page (CSS).
• Embed pictures, audio and videos in an HTML page.
• Add tables and frames in an HTML page.
• Decorate web pages using graphical elements.
• Create a website using several webpages. Students may use any open source
or proprietary tool.
• Work with HTML forms: text box, radio buttons, checkbox, password, list,
combo box.
• Write a blog using HTML pages discussing viruses, malware, spam and
• Create a web page discussing plagiarism. List some reported cases of
plagiarism and the consequent punishment meted out. Explain the nature of the
punishment in different countries as per their IP laws.
Breakup of marks for the practicals: