Landau - Ginzburg
Landau - Ginzburg
Landau - Ginzburg
Ginzburg-Landau Phenomenology
The divergence of the correlation length in the vicinity of a second-order phase transition
indicates that the properties of the critical point are insensitive to microscopic details of
the system. This redundancy of information motivates the search for a phenomenological
description of critical phenomena which is capable of describing a wide range of model
systems. In this chapter we introduce and investigate such a phenomenology known as the
Ginzburg-Landau theory. Here we will explore the ‘mean-field’ properties of the equilibrium
theory and perturbatively investigate the influence of spatial fluctuations.
While most applications occur in three-dimensions, there are also important phenomena
on surfaces (d = 2), and in wires (d = 1). (Relativistic field theory is described by a
similar structure, but in d = 4.)
A general coarse-grained Hamiltonian can be constructed on the basis of appropriate
1. Locality: The Hamiltonian should depend on the local magnetisation and short
range interactions expressed through gradient expansions:
βH = dx f [m(x), ∇m, · · ·]
βH[m] = βH[Rnm].
$ the degrees of freedom appearing in the Hamiltonian are functions of x, the symbol
Dm(x) refers to the functional integral. As such, it should be regarded as a limit of
discrete integrals, i.e., for a one-dimensional Hamiltonian,
! ! %
Dm(x) z[m(x), ∂m, · · ·] ≡ lim dmi z[mi , (mi+1 − mi )/a, · · ·].
a→0,N →∞
where minm [βH[m, h]] represents the minimum of the function with respect to variations
in m. Such an approach is known as Landau mean-field theory. For K > 0, the
minimum free energy occurs for a uniform vector field m(x) ≡ m̄êh , where êh points
along the direction of the magnetic field, and m̄ is obtained by minimizing the Landau
free energy density
βF t
f (m, h) ≡ = m2 + um4 − hm
V 2
In the vicinity of the critical point m̄ is small, and we are justified in keeping only the
lowest powers in the expansion of f (m, h). The behaviour of f (m, h) depends sensitively
on the sign of t (see Fig. 2.1).
1. For t > 0 the quartic term can be ignored, and the minimum occurs for m̄ ( h/t.
The vanishing of the magnetisation as h → 0 signals paramagnetic behaviour, and
the zero-field susceptibility χ ∼ 1/t diverges as t → 0.
2. For t < 0 a quartic term with a positive value of u is required to ensure stability (i.e.
to keep the magnetisation finite). The function f (m, h) now has degenerate minima
at a non-zero value of m̄. At h = 0 there is a spontaneous breaking of rotational
symmetry in spin space indicating ordered or ferromagnetic behaviour. Switching
on an infinitesimal field h leads to a realignment of the magnetisation along the field
direction and breaks the degeneracy of the ground state.
t>0 t<0
Ψ (m) Ψ (m)
h>0 h<0
m m
This implies that the specific heat exponents α+ = α− = 0. In this case we observe
only a discontinuity in the singular part of the specific heat. However, notice that
treating, by higher orders, we can in principle obtain non-zero critical exponents.
$ Susceptibility: The magnetic response is characterised by the (longitudinal) sus-
∂ m̄ && −1 ∂h && &
2& t t > 0,
χl ≡ & , χl = & = t + 12um̄ & =
∂h h=0 ∂ m̄ h=0 h=0 −2t t < 0,
$ Info: Before defining the Gaussian functional integral, it is useful to recall some results
involving integration over discrete variables. We begin with the Gaussian integral involving a
single (real) variable φ,
! ∞ + , + 2,
φ2 √ Gh
Z1 = dφ exp − + hφ = 2πG exp .
−∞ 2G 2
∂ 2 ln Z1
= *φ2 + − *φ+2 = G.
Note that, in general, the second derivative does not simply yield the second moment. In fact
it obtains an object known as the ‘second cummulant’, the physical significance of which will
become clear later. However, in the present case, it is simple to deduce from the expansion,
*φ+ = hG, and *φ2 + = h2 G2 + G.
Higher moments are more conveniently expressed by the cummulant expansion2
∂ r && - .
*φr +c = & ln ekφ
∂kr k=0
Applied to the first two cummulants, one obtains *φ+c = *φ+ = hG, and *φ2 +c = *φ2 + − *φ+2 = G
(as above), while *φr +c = 0 for r > 2. The average *ekφ + is known as the joint characteristic
Gaussian integrals involving N (real) variables
! N
∞ % + ,
1 T −1
ZN = dφi exp − φ G φ + h · φ , (2.3)
−∞ i=1 2
∂ ∂ && - .
*φi · · · φj +c = ··· & ln ek·φ
∂ki ∂kj k=0
Applying this result we find that the first two cummulants are given by
*φi +c = Gij hj , *φi φj +c = Gij , (2.6)
while, as for the case N = 1, cummulants higher than the second vanish. The latter is a unique
property of Gaussian distributions. Applying Eq. (2.5), we can further deduce the important
result that for any linear combination of Gaussian distributed variables A = a · φ,
2 % /2
*eA + = e$A%c +$A c
Now Gaussian functional integrals are a limiting case of the above. Consider the points i
as the sites of a d-dimensional lattice and let the spacing go to zero. In the continuum limit, the
set {φi } translates to a function φ(x), and the matrix G−1 ij is replaced by an operator kernel
−1 &
or propagator G (x, x ). The natural generalisation of Eq. (2.4) is
! + ! ! ! ,
1 & −1 & &
Dφ(x) exp − dx dx φ(x) G (x, x ) φ(x ) + dx h(x)φ(x)
+ ! ! ,
∝ (det Ĝ)1/2 exp dx dx& h(x) G(x, x& ) h(x& ) ,
The notation Dφ(x) is used to denote the measure of the functional integral. Although the
constant of proportionality, (2π)N left out is formally divergent in the thermodynamic limit,
it does not affect averages that are obtained from derivatives of such integrals. For Gaussian
distributed functions, Eq. (2.6) then generalises to
*φ(x)+c = dx G(x, x& ) h(x& ), *φ(x)φ(x& )+c = G(x, x& )
Later, in dealing with small fluctuations in the Ginzburg-Landau Hamiltonian we will fre-
quently encounter the quadratic form,
! ! !
1 2 3 1
βH[φ] = dx (∇φ)2 + ξ −2 φ2 ≡ dx dx& φ(x& )δd (x − x& )(−∇2 + ξ −2 ) φ(x) (2.8)
2 2
Substituting into Eq. (2.7) and integrating we obtain (−∇2 +ξ −2 )G(x) = δd (x). The propagator
can thus be identified as nothing but the Green function.
In the present case, translational invariance of the propagator suggests the utility of the
Fourier representation3
0 ! L
iq·x 1
φ(x) = φq e , φq = d dx φ(x) e−iq·x
L 0
where q = (q1 , · · · qd ), with the Fourier elements taking values qi = 2πm/L, m integer. In
$L !
this representation, making use of the identity 0 dx e−i(q+q )·x = Ld δq,−q! , the quadratic form
above becomes diagonal in q4
10 2
βH[φ] = (q + ξ −2 )|φq |2
2 q
where, since φ(x) is real, φ−q = φ∗q . The corresponding propagator is given by G(q) = (q2 +
ξ −2 )−1 . Thus in real space, the correlation function is given by
0 !
G(x, x& ) ≡ *φ(x)φ(x& )+c = eiq·(x−x ) G(q).
Here we have kept L finite and the modes discrete to emphasize the connection between the
discrete Gaussian integrations ZN and the functional integral. Hereafter, we will focus on the
thermodynamic limit L → ∞.
Here the system is supposed to be confined to a square box of dimension d and volume Ld . In the
thermodynamic limit L → ∞, the Fourier series becomes the transform
! ∞ ! ∞
φ(x) = φ(q) eiq·x , φ(q) = dx φ(x) e−iq·x
−∞ (2π)d −∞
! ∞ ! ∞
! dq !
dx ei(q+q )·x = (2π)d δ d (q + q# ), d
e−iq·(x+x ) = δ d (x + x# )
−∞ −∞ (2π)
In the formulae above, the arrangements of (2π)d is not occasional. In defining the Fourier transform,
it is wise to declare a convention and stick to it. The convention chosen here is one in which factors of
(2π)d are attached to the q integration, and the δ-function in q.
Similarly, in the thermodynamic limit, the Hamiltonian takes the form
! ∞
dq 1 2
βH[φ] = d 2
(q + ξ −2 )|φ(q)|2 .
−∞ (2π)
Cd (x − x& )
G(x, x& ) ≡ *θ(x)θ(x& )+ = − , ∇2 Cd (x) = δ d (x)
dCd 1 x2−d
= d−1 , Cd (x) = + const., (2.10)
dx x Sd (2 − d)Sd
where Sd = 2π d/2 /(d/2 − 1)! denotes the total d-dimensional solid angle.5 Hence
5 6 2 3 |x|>a 2(|x|2−d − a2−d )
[θ(x) − θ(0)]2 = 2 *θ(0)2 + − *θ(x)θ(0)+ = ,
K̄(2 − d)Sd
where the cut-off, a is of the order of the lattice spacing. Note that the case where d = 2,
the combination |x|2−d /(2 − d) must be interpreted as ln |x|.
The long distance behaviour changes dramatically at d = 2. For d > 2, the phase
fluctuations approach some finite constant as |x| → ∞, while they become asymptotically
large for d ≤ 2. Since the phase is bounded by 2π, it implies that long-range order
(predicted by the mean-field theory) is destroyed. This result becomes more apparent by
examining the effect of phase fluctuations on the two-point correlation function,
5 6
*m(x) · m(0)+ = m̄2 Re ei[θ(x)−θ(0)] .
(Since amplitude fluctuations are neglected, we are in fact looking at the transverse
correlation function.) For Gaussian distributed variables we have already seen that
*exp[αθ]+ = exp[α2 *θ2 +/2]. We thus obtain
+ , + ,
2 1 2 2 (x2−d − a2−d )
*m(x) · m(0)+ = m̄ exp − *[θ(x) − θ(0)] + = m̄ exp − ,
2 K̄(2 − d)Sd
implying a power-law decay of correlations in d = 2, and an exponential decay in d < 2,
m̄&2 d > 2,
lim *m(x) · m(0)+ =
|x|→∞ 0 d ≤ 2.
The saddle-point approximation to the order parameter, m̄ was obtained by neglecting
fluctuations. The result above demonstrates that the inclusion of phase fluctuations leads
to a reduction in the degree of order in d = 2, and to its complete destruction in d < 2.
This result typifies a more general result known as the Mermin-Wagner Theorem (N.
D. Mermin and H. Wagner, Phys. Rev. Lett. 17, 1133 (1967)). The theorem states that
there is no spontaneous breaking of a continuous symmetry in systems with short-range
interactions in dimensions d ≤ 2. Corollaries to the theorem include:
• The borderline dimensionality of two, known as the lower critical dimension dl
has to be treated carefully. As we shall show in Chapter 5, there is in fact a phase
transition for the two-dimensional XY-model (or superfluid), although there is no
true long-range order.
An important consequence of Eq. (2.10) is the existence of an unphysical ultraviolet divergence
of the theory (i.e. x → 0 ←→ q → ∞) in dimensions d ≥ 2. In the present case, this divergence can
be traced to the limited form of the effective free energy which accommodates short-range fluctuations
of arbitrary magnitude. In principle one can account for the divergence by introducing additional terms
in the free energy which control the short-range behaviour more precisely. Alternatively, and in keeping
with the philosophy that lies behind the Ginzburg-Landau theory, we can introduce a short-length scale
cut-off into the theory, a natural candidate being the “lattice spacing” a of the coarse-grained free energy.
Note, however, that were the free energy a microscopic one — i.e. a free field theory — we would be
forced to make sense of the ultraviolet divergence. Indeed finding a renormalisation scheme to control
ultraviolet aspects of the theory is the subject of high energy quantum field theory. In condensed matter
physics our concern is more naturally with the infrared, long-wavelength divergence of the theory which,
in the present case (2.10), appear in dimensions d ≤ 2.
• There are no Goldstone modes when the broken symmetry is discrete (e.g. for n =
1). In such cases long-range order is possible down to the lower critical dimension
of dl = 1.
1/ξ q 1/ξl q q
the quadratic Hamiltonian becomes separable into longitudinal and transverse modes,
dq K 28 2 −2
9 2
8 2 −2
9 2
βH[φl , φt ] = q + ξ l |φ l (q)| + q + ξ t |φ t (q)| .
(2π)d 2
Thus, each mode behaves as a Gaussian distributed random variable with zero mean,
while the two-point correlation function assumes the form of a Lorentzian,
where the indices α, β denote longitudinal and transverse components. In fact, this
equation describing correlations of an order parameter in the vicinity of a critical point
was first proposed by Ornstein and Zernike as a means to explain the phenomenon
of critical opalescence in the light scattering from a fluid in the vicinity of a liquid-gas
transition. To understand the mechanism by which ξ sets the characteristic length scale
of fluctuations let us consider the scattering amplitude.
In the case of the ferromagnetic model, the two-point correlation function of magnetisa-
tion can be observed directly using spin-polarised scattering experiments. The scattering
amplitude is related to the Fourier density of scatterers S(q) ∝ *|m(q)|2 + (see Fig. 2.2).
The Lorentzian form predicted above usually provides an excellent fit to scattering line
shapes away from the critical point. Eq. (2.12) indicates that in the ordered phase lon-
gitudinal scattering still gives a Lorentzian form (on top of a δ-function at q = 0 due to
the spontaneous magnetisation), while transverse scattering always grows as 1/q2 . The
same power law decay is also predicted to hold at the critical point, t = 0. In fact, actual
experimental fits yield a power law of the form
S(q, T = Tc ) ∝
Gcl(x) κ Sd(2-d) x d-2 -x/ ξ χ t
κ x (d-1)/2 ξ(d-3)/2 χ
0 ξ x Tc T
Figure 2.3: Decay of the two-point correlation of magnetisation, and the divergence of
the longitudinal and transverse susceptibility in the vicinity of Tc .
From the form of this equation we can interpret the length scale ξ as the correlation
This Fourier transform is discussed in Chaikin and Lubensky p 156. However, some clue to under-
standing the form of the transform can be found from the following: Expressed in terms of the modulus
q and d − 1 angles θd , the d-dimensional integration measure takes the form
where 0 < θk < π for k > 1, and 0 < θ1 < 2π. Thus, by showing that
! 1/a d/2
1 q dq
Id (x, ξ) = − Jd/2−1 (q|x|),
(2π) |x| d/2−1
0 q 2 + ξ −2
one can obtain Eq. (2.15) by asymptotic expansion. A second approach is to present the correlator as
! ∞ !
dq iq·x−t(q2 +ξ−2 )
Id (x, ξ) = − dt d
e ,
0 (2π)
integrate over q, and employ a saddle-point approximation.
Using Eq. (2.12) we see that close to the critical point the longitudinal correlation
length behaves as
(K/t)1/2 t > 0,
ξl =
(−K/2t)1/2 t < 0.
The singularities
√ can be described by ξ± √ ( ξ0 B± |t| , where ν± = 1/2 and the ratio
B+ /B− = 2 are universal, while ξ0 ∝ K is not. The transverse correlation length is
equivalent to ξl for t > 0, while it is infinite for all t < 0. Eq. (2.15) implies that precisely
at Tc , the correlations decay as 1/|x|d−2 . Again, the decay of the exponent is usually
given by 1/|x|d−2−η .
These results imply a longitudinal susceptibility of the form (see Fig. 2.5)
! Gcl (x)
> ?@ A ! ξl
χl ∝ dx *φl (x)φl (0)+ ∝ ∝ ξl2 ( A± t−1
0 |x|d−2
The universal exponents and amplitude ratios are again recovered from this equation. For
T < Tc there is no upper cut-off length for transverse fluctuations, and the divergence of
the transverse susceptibility can be related to the system size L, as
! Gct (x)
> ?@ A ! L
χt ∝ dx *φl (x)φl (0)+ ∝ ∝ L2 (2.16)
0 |x|d−2
The discrepancy between the mean-field results and experiment signal the failure of
the saddle-point approximation. Indeed, the results suggest a dependence of the critical
exponents on n (and d). Later we will try to explore ways of going beyond the mean-
field approximation. However, before doing so, the experimental results above leave a
dilemma. Why do the critical exponents obtained from measurements of the supercon-
ducting transition agree so well with mean field theory? Indeed, why do they differ from
other transitions which apparently belong to the same universality class? To understand
the answer to these questions, it is necessary to examine more carefully the role of fluc-
tuations on the saddle-point.
Inserting the dependence of the correlation lengths on reduced temperature, the singular
component of the heat capacity is given by
n dq 1
2 0+ t > 0,
∂ f 2 ! (2π) (Kq + t)2
d 2
Csing. ∝ − 2 = 1 dq 1 (2.17)
+2 t < 0.
8u (2π)d (Kq 2 − 2t)2
The behaviour of the integral correction changes dramatically at d = 4. For d > 4 the
integral diverges at large q and is dominated by the upper cut-off Λ ≈ 1/a, while for
d < 4, the integral is convergent in both limits. It can be made dimensionless by rescaling
q by ξ −1 , and is hence proportional to ξ 4−d . Therefore
1 a4−d d > 4,
δC ( 2 (2.18)
K ξ 4−d d < 4.
In dimensions d > 4 fluctuation corrections to the heat capacity add a constant term
to the background on each side of the transition. However, the primary form of the
discontinuity in Csing. is unchanged. For d < 4, the divergence of ξ ∝ t−1/2 at the
transition leads to a correction term that dominates the original discontinuity. Indeed,
the correction term suggests an exponent α = (4 − d)/2. But even this is not reliable — a
treatment of higher order corrections will lead to yet more severe divergences. In fact the
divergence of δC implies that the conclusions drawn from the saddle-point approximation
are simply no longer reliable in dimensions d < 4. One says that Ginzburg-Landau models
which belong to this universality class exhibit an upper critical dimension du of four.
Although we reached this conclusion by examining the heat capacity the same conclusion
would have been reached for any physical quantity such as magnetisation, or susceptibility.
C d>4 C d<4
Tc T Tc T
Figure 2.4: Sketch of the heat capacity in the vicinity of the critical point.
Fluctuations Destroy
No ordered Mean-Field Behaviour Saddle-Point
Phase But Not Order Exponents Valid
2 4 d
Lower Critical Upper Critical
Dimension Dimension
2.9 Summary
A summary of our findings for the Ginzburg-Landau Hamiltonian based on mean-field
theory and Gaussian fluctuations is shown in Fig. 2.8.