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Spin-transfer torque in altermagnets with magnetic textures

Hamed Vakili, Edward Schwartz, and Alexey A. Kovalev

Department of Physics and Astronomy and Nebraska Center for Materials and Nanoscience,
University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Nebraska 68588, USA


Recently, a new class of materials, termed altermag-

nets, has received substantial attention due to poten-
tial spintronics applications [1–5]. These materials can
potentially combine the advantages of antiferromagnets,
such as fast dynamics, with new features of altermag-
nets such as the d/g/i-wave splitting appearing in the
non-relativistic band structure [6]. For applications rely-
ing on spin-orbit torques [7], these materials offer uncon- FIG. 1. Schematics of the spin current produced due to spin
ventional torque contributions that arise even without transfer torque (SST) and spin splitter torque (SST) in an
spin-orbit interactions due to the spin-splitter effect [8– altermagnet and dynamics of skyrmion.
11]. In addition, altermagnets are predicted to exhibit
the crystal anomalous Hall effect [12, 13] and anisotropic
strength of antiferromagnetic exchange stiffness, B de-
magnon bands with lifted degeneracy [14, 15]. The tex-
scribes the strength of altermagnetic interaction, and Ms
tures in altermagnets also exhibit an unconventional be-
is the volume saturation magnetization (note that axes
havior manifested in magnetization arising in a magnetic
are rotated by 45 degrees relative to the convention in
domain wall, which in turn leads to an anisotropic Walker
[16]). The dynamics of the magnetic texture can be de-
breakdown [16].
scribed using the Lagrangian
The above suggests that various effects characteris-
tic to antiferromagnetic textures can be revisited in the
context of altermagnets. The spin-transfer torque of L=d× m · (ṅ × n)d2 r − H, (2)
the Zhang-Li form [17] appears in textured antiferro-
magnets, as has been established some time ago [18– where γ is the gyromagnetic ratio. In some cases, we also
21]. Spin-transfer torque can be used to control both consider the effect of DMI in what follows.
skyrmion dynamics [22–24] and domain wall dynam- To drive the magnetic texture, one can use the spin-
ics [20, 25] in antiferromagnets. A peculiar feature of transfer torques [20, 30] amended by inclusion of the spin-
current-driven skyrmions in antiferromagnets is the ab- splitter effect
sence of the skyrmion Hall effect [22, 24], which can be
attributed to the cancellation of the topological charge τn = −(u · ∂)n + β ′ n × [u′ · ∂]n, (3)
of two sublattices. Fast motion of domain walls in an- τm = βn × (u · ∂)n − [u′ · ∂]n, (4)
tiferromagnets has been predicted due to the absence of
the Walker breakdown [26, 27]. Domain walls in mag- where u = − gµ BP
2eMs j describes the adiabatic spin-transfer
netoelectric antiferromagnets [28] and ferrimagnets [29] torque in terms of some effective polarization P , the g-
exhibit domain wall precession, associated with oscilla- factor g, and the Bohr magneton µB , [21], β describes the
tions between the Néel and Bloch types of domain walls. non-adiabatic contribution to the spin-transfer torque,
In this paper, and j is the charge current density. The terms includ-

ing u′ = − gµ BP
2eMs (σ̂z · j) describe the correction to the
adiabatic (non-adiabatic) torque arising in an altermag-
II. MODEL net due to the spin-splitting effect where σ̂z is the Pauli
matrix reflecting the symmetry of spin current response
Following Ref. [16], we define the Free energy of alter- in altermagnet [9], P ′ describes the magnitude of the
magnet as spin-splitting effect, and β ′ describes the nonadiabatic
Z correction. The form of torques in Eqs. (3) and (4) can
H =d×

Hex Ms m2 /2 + A(∂α n)2 (1) be established using the method in Ref. [31] applied to
a system without spin-orbit interactions. In particular,
+ B(∂x m · ∂x n − ∂y m · ∂y n) − Han Ms n2z d2 r, the first terms in Eqs. (3) and (4) are obtained by assum-

ing a full rotational symmetry under separate rotations
where d is the thickness of a quasi-two-dimensional film, of the spin space and the coordinate space, and the sub-
the antiferromagnetic exchange and anisotropy fields are lattice symmetry of ordinary antiferromagnet. The last
described by Hex and Han respectively, A describes the terms are obtained by taking into account the symmetry

group of a typical altermagnet with d-wave symmetry, III. DOMAIN WALL DYNAMICS
e.g., analogous to RuO2 .
From the Euler-Lagrange equation, we can find the It has been found that altermagnetic interaction can
equation of motion for the slow variable m, where, to affect the Walker breakdown and oscillatory dynamics
leading order, we obtain of magnetic domain walls in altermagnets [16]. Here,
we explore how the domain wall dynamics is affected
1 h i
m= ṅ + Λn × (∂x2 n − ∂y2 n) × n, (5) by the spin-splitter torque. In what follows, we de-
γHex scribe the staggered field in spherical coordinates, i.e.,
n = (sin θ cos ϕ, cos θ sin ϕ, cos θ). We use the collective
where we define Λ = γB/Ms . Using Eq. (5), we obtain coordinate approach with the following ansatz describing
the Lagrangian containing only the staggered field: the domain wall profile [16, 37]
Z h
ϵ0 x − X(t)
L= 2 ṅ2 − c2 (∂α n)2 + ω02 n2z cos θ(x, t) = −p tanh , (10)
c (6) ∆(t)
+ A · ṅ + Awz (u′ · ∂)n d2 r, x − X(t)
ϕ(x, t) = Φ(t) + b(t) , (11)
with the altermagnetic interaction described by
where p = ±1 describes up-down or down-up domain
A = Λn × (∂x2 n − ∂y2 n), (7) wall, X(t) and Φ(t) are the collective variables describ-
ing the position and the tilt, and the collective variables
b(t) and ∆(t) are in general time-dependent but can be
√ ϵ0 = Ms dc2 /γ 2 Hex , c = γ Hex A/Ms , ω0 =
γ Hex Han , and the time derivative should be replaced treated as slow collective variables. After writing the
by the substitution ṅ → ṅ + (u · ∂)n to account for the equations of motion for collective variables, we are able
adiabatic torque in Eq. (3). The adiabatic spin-splitting to find the slow variables b and ∆. With substituted b
torque is included in the Lagrangian (6) by adding a term and ∆, we obtain the Lagrangian expressed in terms of
containing the vector potential of the Wess-Zumino ac- X(t) and Φ(t)
tion Awz [32–34], such that ∇n × Awz = −γHex n. The p
non-adiabatic torque in Eq. (4) can be included via the L = −4 1 − Ẋ 2 − Φ̇2 + 2Φũ′0 , (12)
Rayleigh function:
where ũ′0 = (u′0 · u0 )/u0 and we assume that the charge
ϵ0 γHex current is applied along the direction of domain wall mo-
αṅ2 + 2β ṅ · (u · ∂)n ,

R= 2
(8) tion. After including the Rayleigh function, we solve the
Euler-Lagrange equations for a steady stationary state
where α is the Gilbert damping parameter. In Eq. (6), for which X(t) = vt and Φ(t) = Ωt, and obtain the fol-
we switch to dimensionless variables arriving at lowing expression for the domain wall velocity:
Z h q
2 2 2
L= ṅ2 − (∂α n)2 + n2z + A · ṅ + Awz (u′0 · ∂)n d2 r, ũ′2 2 2 2
0 + β u0 + α 0 − (α02 + ũ′2 2 ′2 2
0 − β u0 ) + 4β ũ0 u0
v= ,
(9) 2α0 βu0
where the unit of speed is c, the unit of time is 1/ω0 , the (13)
unit of length is c/ω0 , ∇n × Awz = −n, and we define Note that the altermagnetic interaction Λ0 does not enter
dimensionless u′0 = (γHex /ω0 )u′ /c, u0 = (γHex /ω0 )u/c, above equation. We observe good agreement of the above
and introduce a convenient notation α0 = (γHex /ω0 )α. result with micromagnetics as long as the dimensionless
The altermagnetic interaction is described by dimension- domain wall velocity v ≪ 1.
less Λ0 = Λω0 /c.
To perform micromagnetics of a thin layer of altermag- IV. SKYRMION DYNAMICS
net, we use mumax3 code [35] implementing two AFM
coupled ferromagnetic layers, with anisotropic intralayer
exchange interaction described by exchange stiffness pa- To stabilize skyrmion, here we assume the presence of
rameters Aex ex interfacial DMI interaction in Eq. (1),
x and Ay [36]. For micromagnetics and in
Eq. (1), we use parameters corresponding to Ref. [16]: Z
the lattice spacing a0 = 0.448nm, the intralayer ex- Hdmi = d × D[nz ∂ · n − (n · ∂)nz ]d2 r, (14)
change A = Aex ex
x + Ay = 2.7 × 10 J/m, the AFM
coupling between layers a0 Hex Ms /2 = 4Aex
z = 3.2 × where D describes the strength of DMI interaction. In
10−11 J/m, and the altermagnetic interaction correspond- dimensionless units, the DMI strength is described by
ing to anisotropy in the exchange B = 2(Aex ex
x − Ay ) = dimensionless D0 = Dc/A0 ω0 . We assume a travel-
1.1 × 10 J/m, where the exchange anisotropy has op- ing wave solution of a form n(r − vt). After substitut-
posite sign in the second layer. ing a traveling wave form in Eq. (9), we can find the

shape of skyrmion by extremizing a time-independent

Lagrangian. For speeds that are much smaller than c,
we recover the solutions that are close to the 360◦ do-
main wall ansatz [38], while at large speeds we recover
the ”relativistic“ elongation of skyrmion [39, 40].
We parametrize the skyrmion position in terms of the
generalized coordinate X(t) and use the Thiele equa-
tion to describe the skyrmion dynamics. The Lagrangian
Eq. (6) results in the following equation for X(t)

M̂Ẍ + Ĝ Ẋ + α0 D̂Ẋ + B̂(Ẋ + u0 ) = F, (15)

where M̂ is the skyrmion mass tensor, Ĝ is the anti-

symmetric gyrotensor, D̂ is the Rdissipative tensor, and
Bαβ = ∂α Aβ − ∂β Aα with Aα = (A · ∂α n)d3 r. In con-
trast to the result in Ref. [36], for rotationally symmetric
skyrmion the tensor Bαβ vanishes. Furthermore, for a
compensated antiferromagnet the gyrotensor vanishes as
FIG. 2. Skyrmion vx and vy calculated from numerical sim-
the total topological charge of skyrmion is zero. How- ulations and 17. Parameters used: α = 0.01, β = 0.01,
ever, the weak ferromagnetism can result in some non- Hk = 0.22 T, DM I = 0.55mJ/m2
vanishing gyrotensor. Here, we consider a compensated
antiferromagnet. For the force, we obtain
F = 4πẑ × u′0 − β D̂ · u0 , (16)
where due to the presence of the spin-splitter effect the
direction of the force is not aligned with the current di-
rection, and we expect the skyrmion Hall effect induced
by the spin-splitter torque. For the rotationally sym-
metric skyrmion, the dissipative tensor is diagonal with
Dxx = Dyy = D, and we obtain the components of sta-
tionary velocity
FIG. 3. (a) Dynamics of Bloch domain wall with spin splitter
4π(P ′ /P )uy − Dβux torque included. (b) Dynamics of Bloch domain wall without
vx = , (17)
Dα spin splitter torque. Parameters used: α = 0.001, β = 0.01,
′ Hk = 0.22 T.
4π(P /P )ux − Dβuy
vy = . (18)

In order to solve for the altermagnetic skyrmion con-
figuration we can treat the altermagnetic exchange as a
small perturbation. When AALT → 0 we have m → 0, AAM
n × (∂x2 − ∂y2 )n × n

m= (22)
and we may assume a 360◦ antiferromagnetic domain wall Hex Ms
for our initial solution. We may write this by parameter-
izing n = (cos nϕ sin nθ , sin nϕ sin nθ , cos nθ ) where
This result is compared to the result from micromag-
netics simulation in figures (4) and (5). The agreement
sinh R/w is excellent, although there is some deviation in the in-
nθ = 2 arctan + O(A2ALT ) (20)
sinh r/w plane component of the magnetization due to the neglect
y of DMI.
nϕ = arctan + γ + O(A2ALT ) (21)
x We see that the skyrmion does not posses a net
Here R and w can be interpreted as the radius and the magnetic dipole moment, but does generate a weak
width of the skyrmion, and γ is the helicity, which we will quadrupole moment, in contrast to antiferromagnetic
assume to be zero for now. The leading corrections to n skyrmions which posses no magnetic moment, or ferro-
must be second order or higher because of the form of magnetic skyrmions which have a strong out of plane
the coupling between m and n, and because the leading dipole moment. This opens up the possibility to detect
term of m is first order in AALT . and distinguish skyrmions in altermagnets using stan-
Now we substitute this into (1) and minimize H with dard magnetometry techniques such as magnetic force
respect to m, subject to the constraints m · n = 0 and microscopy (MFM), or nitrogen vacancy (NV) center
m2 + n2 = 1, which gives solution (22). imaging.

FIG. 6. Out of plane component of the demagnetizing field

at height 20 nm above the film.
FIG. 4. Out of plane magnetization mz and in plane magneti-
zation m∥ comparison between mumax simulation and result

FIG. 5. Cross section of the magnetization of the altermag-

netic skyrmion along the line ϕ = 0. Points are micromagnet- FIG. 7. Demagnetization field at 20 nm above skyrmion of
ics results, solid lines are solution (22). Fig 1 using Mumax3


In this section we discuss some possible detection ∇ · m(r′ ) ′ Ms ẑ · m(r′ ) ′

methods due to the unique properties of skyrmions in U =− dr + dr (23)
4π V |r − r′ | 4π S |r − r′ |

Figure (6) shows the out of plane component of the

stray field at a height of 20 nm above the film. This
A. Demagnetizing Field skyrmion generates an unusual stray field pattern with
d-wave symmetry, and a peak value of nearly 0.5 mT. I
Although the dipole moment is zero, the quadrupole added a figure for the demag field from Mumax. I can
moment allows the generation of stray field above a send the raw data for the formatting if you find it useful.
skyrmion in an altermagnetic film. We calculate the stray Or if you need one with different parameters. Otherwise,
field Bdemag = −µ0 ∇U where feel free to remove it. Hamed

FIG. 8. MFM image at height of 20 nm. FIG. 9. Skyrmion hall angle θSKH (radial coordinate) as a
function of applied current angle (polar angle). The hall angle
is zero along the lines ϕJ = π/4 and ϕJ = 3π/4 corresponding
to the [100] and [010] axes.

The quadrupole moment of the skyrmion also allows the usual spin polarization which must be perpendicular
for a force in the presence of a nonuniform magnetic field, to both the electrical field and the interface. If spin orbit
such as that produced by an MFM tip. We model the coupling is also considered, there may be additional spin
MFM tip as a point dipole and calculate the MFM image polarization perpendicular to the interface.
using mumax3. We find that the force on the tip as a These additional SOT depend on the direction of the
function of position again has d-wave symmetry. electric field relative to the crystal axes, and can lead
This also shows that it may be possible to manipulate to motion in the transverse direction, and a non-zero
skyrmions in altermagnets by application of non-uniform skyrmion Hall angle.
magnetic fields. Here we will consider only time reversal even
(damping-like) torques, due to spin polarization perpen-
dicular to both the interface and the applied electric field
C. Skyrmion Hall Effect ξ⊥ , parallel to the field ξ∥ and parallel to the interface
normal (z-direction) ξz , given by the forms;
It is known that skyrmions in antiferromagnets dis-
play a hall angle of zero in response to spin orbit torque
(SOT). This is because the topological charge is com- ξ⊥ = (χ0⊥ + χ⊥ sin2 ϕJ )ẑ × E (24)
pensated between the two sublattices, leading to a can- ξ∥ = χ∥ sin ϕJ cos ϕJ E (25)
cellation of the transverse gyrotropic force due to the ξz = χz sin ϕJ E ẑ (26)
skyrmion motion [? ].
To first order in AALT the same is true in altermag- Where χ are the polarization susceptibilities. The
nets, if only the usual damping-like SOT is considered, torque on the Néel vector is given by τ = n × ξ.
however altermagnets are intrinsically low-symmetry sys- We use a collective coordinate model n(r, t) → n(r −
tems, and additional types of torques are possible in re- q(t)) along with micromagnetics to determine the effect
sponse to an electric field E. These may include higher of these torques on the motion of a skyrmion.
order spin-orbit torques, as well as non-relativistic spin- The symmetry of the spin conductivity tensor pro-
splitter torques which originate from collinear exchange jected to each sublattice can be written as (based on
combined with local crystalline anisotropy. In particular, RuO2 ):    
at an interface of a d-wave altermagnet where inversion 0 0 0 0 0 0
symmetry is broken it is possible to have spin polariza- σx : 0 0 0 , σy : 0 0 0 , σz :
tion parallel to an applied electrical field, in addition to 0 0 0 0 0 0

FIG. 10. Skyrmion speed as a function of current direction.

 
σzxx σzyx 0
σzyx σzxx 0 .
0 0 σzzz

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