01 - Developing A Contracting Strategy
01 - Developing A Contracting Strategy
01 - Developing A Contracting Strategy
March 2018
This Best Practice guideline ("guideline") was developed through a consensus development process
approved by the Construction Owners Association of Alberta (“COAA ). This process brings together
volunteers representing varied viewpoints and interests to achieve a reasonable consensus to develop a
general guideline for industry use. The content of this guideline does not represent the views of any
particular committee member. This document is a general guideline and COAA strongly recommends
legal and other professional advice being obtained to complement and clarify this guideline. This
guideline is also subject to periodic review and readers should ensure they are referencing the most
current version of this guideline. Suggestions for improving this guideline are welcome and can be
submitted directly to COAA.
This guideline is provided without any representations, warranties, or conditions of any kind, express or
implied, including, without limitation, implied warranties or conditions concerning this document's fitness
for a particular purpose or use. In publishing this document, COAA and the committee members do not
accept responsibility arising in any way from any and all use of or reliance on the information contained in
this document. COAA and the committee members are not rendering professional or other services for or
on behalf of any person or entity, nor undertaking to perform any duty owed by any person or entity to
another person or entity. The information in this guideline is directed to those who have the appropriate
degree of experience to use and apply its content.
Copyright © 2018
Construction Owners Association of Alberta
The information in this publication may be reproduced, in part or in whole and by any means, without
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Construction Owners Association of Alberta.
T: 780.420.1145
E: admin@coaa.ab.ca
Within the industry, there are a myriad of approaches to developing Project contracting
strategies, and in many organizations, no documented/rigorous process exists. This perception
of the COAA Contracting Committee members was validated in the Contracting Strategy Best
Practice Workshop held at the COAA Best Practices Conference in May 2012.
The COAA Contracting Committee recognizes that early development and implementation of a
fit for purpose Contracting Strategy is a critical deliverable to facilitate successful Project
This Best Practice has been prepared as a guideline for Owners and Contractors (re: their sub
Contractors) to facilitate the development of Contracting Strategy for industrial Projects in
Alberta. Its purpose is to ensure that Project Owners have comprehensively considered Project
specifics (goals/objectives, work environment, scopes of work, Project and contract risk
allocation), weighed the pros and cons in consultation with all of the key Parties and clearly
articulated the appropriate Contracting Strategy for the Project.
A standardized approach (i.e. the participants, considerations and steps taken to develop
Project contracts strategies will enable this). However, by definition, this will result in numerous
different solutions, as most or all Projects are unique with their own specific objectives,
considerations, location, Contractor market, risks, etc.
It should be noted that there are numerous references and practices already developed and
available on this topic. This Best Practice is meant to distill the common themes, summarized
into a relatively short guideline. If Project stakeholders desire more in-depth research in order to
develop their Project Contracting Strategy, a listing of many, but not all, reference resources is
included in Appendix G. The practices are generic in nature and must be adjusted for Project-
specific requirements.
1.2 Acknowledgements
Recognition is owed to all industry stakeholders who take an interest in making our industry
more efficient; particularly those who have supported the creation of this Best Practice and
those who will champion its use.
The COAA membership and board of directors, through to the working committee members,
who worked collaboratively on this best practice, should be commended for contributing their
valuable time and experience for the mutual benefit of the industry.
Project management practices as espoused by various industry sources (CII, PMI PM BOK, IPA
Consultants, many Owner company internal Project management stage gated Project
processes) state that in addition to completing a comprehensive, detailed scope of work in the
front-end loading phase of a Project, similar rigor and comprehensive attention and approach by
the Project team is needed on execution strategies.
In layman s terms, we don t just need to know and detail things like equipment counts and
specifications, bulk materials MTO s, construction DFL hours and CWP s, cost estimates and
schedules. For increasing our probability of Project success, we also need to be clear on key
Project constraints (e.g. local/ regional contracting capability, capacity, and Project
commitments; current supply / demand, other work in the region, schedule constraints),
responsibility splits, assignments of various scopes of work to all Project participants (Owner,
Contractors, suppliers), be aware of and address scope of work interfaces, allocation of risk to
the Party best able to manage the risk, and have an appropriate compensation model for the
scope of work and risk assigned to a Contractor. Another key consideration is the risk
acceptance/avoidance of the Owner.
Research has shown that when execution strategy component of front end loading of a Project
is poorly done, probability of Project failure (cost growth, schedule slip) is higher. In particular,
we rely on research done by Ed Merrow of Independent Project Analysis, (Presentation: “Attack
the Real Issues , May 2015) represented in the two tables below:
As such we advocate earlier development of the Contracting Strategy at FEL2 and FEL3
phases. (FEL 2 is the planning phase in which the preliminary design, schedule and budget are
completed. In the FEL3 phase, the preliminary 3D model, the Project execution plan and the
definitive estimate are completed.)
This COAA Best Practice will provide those in Project development, planning and execution with
an approach, key principles and a tool box to assist cross-functional Project teams develop
optimal Contracting Strategy/strategies for their specific Project(s). The scope of the Best
Practice development is described in Appendix A.
To ensure implementation of this continuous improvement process, and to measure the value
that industry derives from the use of the Best Practice, the subcommittee requests the following:
For companies that use this Best Practice once it is formally issued, upon completion of the
development of Project Contracting Strategy using the best practice, and on completion of those
Projects, COAA requests feedback be provided to the e-mail below on your assessment;
whether the Best Practice added value to your Project and/or any recommendations for
Include in the subject line: Suggestions for Contracting Strategy Improvements
Feedback will be collected, tabulated and key themes and findings reported back to a
subsequent COAA Best Practices Conference. Following that update, the Best Practice will be
revised and re-issued for use, addressing the feedback and recommendations received from
Key considerations of Project scope, risk, work location conditions are addressed
The appropriate Project stakeholders are involved in the development, understand and
support the Project contract strategy
Clear and appropriate allocation of Project and contract risk to Contractors and Owners
Minimize/avoid contract claims and/or disputes
Clear definition of Project scope roles/responsibilities, communication channels and
decision making (this supported by well written, comprehensive contracts and scopes of
work aligned to the contract strategy)
The Contracting Strategy is, by definition, the top-level plan for delivering a major capital asset
within an uncertain environment. Deviations from “the plan are to be expected: the strategy
should contemplate both potential changes which can be managed and mitigated, and the
potential for unknown changes which cannot be managed and simply require adaptation. The
strategy should be framed such that changes are recognized promptly with a responsive
planning process immediately assessing “manage or “adapt options. Staying “on strategy will
expedite the recovery from “off plan .
The swim lane work process flow diagram in Figure 1, on the following pages, provides a high-
level description of the key activities, steps and Project personnel involved in generating a
Project Contracting Strategy.
During the development of this Best Practice, as evidenced in COAA Best Practices 2013
workshop on Contracting Strategy Best Practice, there are many different perceptions and
definitions of what a Contracting Strategy is and isn t. For the purposes of this Best Practice, a
“Contracting Strategy is:
A Project deliverable, in the form of a document, typically produced by a multi-disciplinary team,
which describes a set of planned contracting decisions and activities that are aligned with and
support, Project:
organizational goals
Project objectives
Project key success factors
In addition, to this alignment, an optimal Contracting Strategy should clearly define, at least, the
following considerations:
This Best Practice is developed as a narrative with a tool box of simple, easy to use documents
and references for Project teams Developing a Contracting Strategy. The complete scope is
represented in Figure 2 - Contracting Strategy Best Practice Document Tree.
Figure 2.
The first section of this guide provides an overview and a level of detail on key Project issues to
be considered and addressed by the Project team when developing a Contracting Strategy.
Many of these issues can help assist the team with the generation of criteria to evaluate various
Contracting Strategy alternatives.
The purpose of this section of the Best Practice is to provide a summary of factors, risks and the
key elements of certain contractual strategies that Owners and Contractors should consider in
order to identify what Contracting Strategy may best suit their circumstances including:
identification of the Key objectives and Constraints
what are some of the key considerations / risks
how the Project or scope is to be allocated
which contractual framework suits the Project being proposed (and why)?
which compensation framework suits the Project being proposed (and why)?
The list of key consideration factors, risks, and contractual types is not exhaustive. This
document is intended to provide general guidance to Owner and Contractor Project personnel.
There is no substitute or shortcut to a Party conducting an objective, thorough review of a
Party s particular circumstances. Parties should assess for their specific Project the relevance
and significance of the merits/shortcomings of the factors detailed in this document as part of
the Party s overall Project planning process.
3.1 Definitions
Compensation Models: the method of calculating the price to be paid for the scope or Service
to be provided which may be lump sum, unit rate, target price, reimbursable or some other
compensation methodology.
Contractor: means a provider of services (i.e. fabrication/construction/others).
EPC: means Engineering, Procurement and Construction Services
EPC Contractor: means a Contractor providing Engineering, Procurement and construction
materials and services to an Owner with respect to the Project.
E&P: means Engineering and Procurement services
EPCM: means Engineering, Procurement and Construction Management Services, where the
Construction services are executed by a third Party but managed by the Party providing the
Engineering, Procurement and Construction Management services.
EPCM Contractor: means a Contractor providing Engineering, Procurement and construction
management services to an Owner with respect to the Project.
Owner: For the purpose of this guide, “Owner includes an EPC subcontracting for EPC, an
EPC acting as agent for Owner or the asset Owner directly.
The Developing a Contracting Strategy Best Practice will provide a step-by-step guide of some
key considerations that a Project team should evaluate prior to deciding on either an overall
Project Contracting Strategy or a scope specific Contracting Strategy. The selection of
appropriate and Contracting Strategy will require knowledge of:
Key Objectives: Identifying and understanding the key objectives of, and constraints on,
the Project
Complexity: Considerations around the level of complexity of the Project (e.g.
remoteness, technical innovation involved, contingencies presented by the marketplace,
etc., all contribute to complexity)
Risks: Identifying and understanding the risks (both typical and specific) that might
impact upon or be encountered at each stage in the delivery of the Project, and how best
to deal with those risks (refer to Appendix C – Alberta Risk Model)
Scope Split: The split of the overall scope and the key interfaces that require to be
managed refer to scope matrix in section x provided herein
Key Delivery Processes: The key processes and activities that must be performed in
delivering the Project
The key objectives of each Project should be identified during the Project definition stage, as a
precursor to any Contracting Strategy selection. Objectives of a Project must be identified and,
in some cases, specified by a Project s stakeholders. The objectives can include or be drawn
from any of the following:
Scope (i.e. what is to be delivered) together with any required provision for flexibility -
optional scope / staged performance / pre-investment for future phases for example
Cost, including life-of –Project and transaction costs including
Reliability of cost estimates or
Lowest costs to achieve completion
Time and Schedule, including an appropriate allowance for the necessary
Sanction/Regulatory approval processes and the contract formation, negotiation and
finalization period
Quality of the Services, including “fitness for purpose considerations
Fundamentals - a Party s fundamental mandate, including the Project charter
document(s), internal policies, industry customs/agreements, etc.
Sociopolitical - sustainability and political considerations, including social, economic and
environmental aspects including contribution to the advancement of government
priorities / local businesses community, political, regulatory or stakeholder needs and
Standardization versus Innovation – is innovation, encouraged over prescriptive,
Comparative Ranking - A conscious decision to strive for better than business as usual'
outcomes which may be through the use of various types of performance incentives or to
be aligned with certain peers
Pre-Construction Service Needs (i.e. the importance of value Engineering,
constructability advice and cost estimates at the pre-construction phase
Design Process Interaction (i.e. required degree of Owner control over the detail design)
A team lead Project risk analysis is a critical step in not only ensuring that the key members of
the Project team have as full and detailed understanding of the Project risks but also how the
elements of risk within each team members domain may affect (or could be mitigated by) other
areas of the Project. The exercise itself can also be a worthwhile tool for team building and
identifying constraints and reiterating the common objectives that will provide the guidance for
the decisions to be taken in addressing these areas of risk.
The Risk Assessment Table (see Appendix C for a template and list of commonly encountered
risk which should be assessed for applicability to the Project in question) can be used by the
Project team to categorize the risks. The effects of the perceived risks will usually fall into the
following general categories:
scope definition / changes
schedule Impact
commercial consequences
interface and prioritization clashes
technology limitations
All of which may affect the schedule, cost and performance outcomes.
These categories should be carefully considered when selecting a contractual strategy as the
ability to mitigate the commercial, performance and schedule effects of such risk, should they
arise, may vary significantly depending in the contract type and its flexibility to accommodate the
The outcomes of the initial steps will allow the Project team to consider the various factors to be
addressed when reviewing how certain Services should be allocated. Schedule may dictate
certain issues:
technology choice
market availability
Owner competence
The multi-discipline Developing a Contracting Strategy Workshop detailed in Appendix D will
provide the forum for the facilitation of open dialogue necessary to ensure that appropriate
functional disciplines are involved and consulted and thus a wider scope of issues which are
pertinent to the Contracting Strategy decisions are captured and addressed. This forum also
facilitates the alignment of the team with respect to communication and reinforcement of the key
objectives (which should have been agreed and weighted as per Appendix F) and awareness of
team members of areas of risk which are not necessarily within their domain, but which could be
mitigated by their actions.
By Parties considering the whole Project and its stages as a matrix, the team should be able to
visualize all the key elements of the Project as it progresses and most importantly the interfaces
between stages (Engineering to Procurement to Construction) and between work packages or
silo s. Generally, as more Parties become involved in carrying out services, greater commercial
and schedule risk will fall to the Owner, unless that particular interface is specifically addressed
in the Contract.
See table on the following page for a graphic representation. Note that different Contractors are
denoted by different colours. Generally, the more Contractors, the more interface risk between
the Contractors which must be considered both vertically and horizontally – the Owners must
recognize and be willing to manage the complexity presented by the interfaces.
Not all interfaces are as important or impactful on Projects: the vertical interfaces (i.e. the lines
between the vertical silos) can be easier to define and typically have limited information flow
across them. Those between stages (i.e., Engineering to Procurement to construction) within a
Project area or sub-Project generally involve significant flows of information or materials, or
transfers of responsibility, making them much more critical to Project success and more difficult
to manage. The Contracting Strategy should recognize these differences.
Licensors N/A
Engineering Specialty - EHT EHT Contractor N/A
Engineering Specialty - HV Elec HV Electrical Contractor N/A
Construction Management Owner CMT
Scaffolding Supply/ Yard Mgt Owner Contracted / Managed by Construction Contractors
Owners, engineers, and construction Contractors make the decisions, provide the services, and
perform the work to deliver constructed Projects. The Project delivery process model describes
how the participants are organized to interact, transforming the Owner s Project goals and
objectives into a finished Project.
Whilst this document will endeavour to separate the consideration of choice of Project Delivery
processes or contracting types (E&P, Construction Only, EPC, EPCM…) from compensation
models (lump sum, unit rate…) in practice these are closely related and have overlapping risk
and scope considerations.
Determining the appropriate contracting type requires consideration of market and Project
conditions and the preferred allocation of risk based upon those conditions. Market and Project
conditions may determine, by process of elimination, certain contracting types that are not viable
for a given Project; e.g. Project complexity may determine a limited pool of appropriate
Contractors, Project constraints such as fast track requirements may eliminate certain contract
types, and market conditions may dictate favour certain contract types in common use.
Appendix B contains a number of comparison tables providing a Reference Guide for some
commonly used delivery models, the relationship of the Parties, associated compensation
strategies, potential performance risks and issues to consider in their use.
Generally, in the consideration of the adoption of a Contracting Strategy for a particular scope,
there are a number of actions that a Party can take that typically contribute to value-for-money
outcomes, including:
optimizing risk allocation between the Parties - the common principle being that risk
should be allocated to the Party best able to control the risk
using performance specifications, where appropriate, to encourage maximum innovation
ensuring the flexibility to secure scope changes at a reasonable cost
using incentives to reward better than business as usual' outcomes
setting an appropriate contract period / schedule realism (i.e. The schedule should allow
a Party sufficient opportunity to recognize, investigate, price and implement innovation or
other value or money outcomes)
ensuring participants have the required skills and capabilities to deliver the planned
Project outcomes
adopting a Contracting Strategy appropriate to the complexity of the Project.
The Owner engages engineers at an early stage to design the Project and prepare
documentation and which fully describes the Services to be undertake and usually provide or
assist in preparing the budget or sanction estimate. Some Engineering phases may include a
Procurement function. The Procurement services may be undertaken by the engineer either;
In its own right i.e. procuring directly as the contracting entity from the vendor and assuming all
the associated risk (schedule, quality and payment); or
As agent of the Owner i.e. the engineer procures on behalf of Owner. The Owner is the
contracting entity and the payment is made directly from Owner to the Vendor but the
management, expediting and other associated services are performed by engineer. The risk of
performance, quality and cost remains with Owner except where the engineer exceeds the
scope of the agency.
The Owner having engaged an engineer to design the Project and to prepare documentation
(which fully describes the Services to be undertaken) awards the construction services to a
construction Contractor. The (construction) Contractor then (i) procures the material and
equipment as per the Owner engineer s documentation (or the material and equipment may be
procured by Owner and “free-issued to Contractor) and (ii) constructs the Project in strictly
accordance with the Project Engineering / design documentation.
The Owner may contract one general Contractor for a given Project or enter multiple prime
contracts; i.e. engage multiple trade Contractors directly (in effect acting as its own general
Contractor). The Owner retains more control, but also more risk, in engaging multiple
Contractors directly. Adopting this strategy requires careful examination if the Owner has the
capacity and qualifications in-house to coordinate and manage the construction Project.
The Owner engages consultant engineers to prepare a detailed Project brief which defines the
scope, quality and functionality requirements of the Project. The EPC Contractor then completes
the design of the Project, procures the necessary material and equipment, prepares
construction documentation, and constructs the Project. The Parties may decide to exclude the
commissioning and start up activities, activities which are commonly included in an EPC
Turnkey Project. This form of Contract implies the Owner has agreed to a lower level of
control/influence with regards to Project execution insofar as the Owner wants to avoid
cost/schedule impacts.
In an EPCM arrangement, the Owner selects an EPCM Contractor to manage the whole Project
on its behalf. Generally, the EPCM Contractor performs Engineering, Procurement and
construction management services i.e. the EPCM completes the design / Procurement phase
and manages the construction phase of the Project. The actual construction work is performed
by one or more "Works Contractors" under the direction of the EPCM Contractor.
The EPCM Contractor acts as agent of the Owner in construction management activities (and
often for the Procurement activities). The EPCM model also recognizes that the Owner may also
procure materials and equipment directly which will be incorporated into the services.
Consequently, the services contracts are usually entered into between the EPCM Contractor (as
agent for the Owner) and the Works Contractor. In this model, more execution risk is retained by
the Owner relative to the EPC model. However, Owners can typically exercise more control over
the EPCM Contractor and have more input into the Services being performed than is available
in the EPC model. The EPCM model allows the Owner to be more involved in the Project
execution, including the design process. Whilst the Owner and the EPCM Contractor may select
the optimum strategy for the Project however, the Contracting Strategy for the Project, and the
selection of Works Contractors, is ultimately the Owner s responsibility. The Owner retains
responsibility for the Works Contractors and the EPCM Contractor does not take responsibility
for the Project estimates or final completion schedules.
This relatively complicated Contracting Strategy provides for early Contractor involvement. This
framework entails that an alliance (or collaborative team) is established among key Project
participants, including the Owner and Contractor(s) is supported by inter-dependence and
accountability agreed to by Parties. All Parties in the alliance (or collaborative team) are
collectively responsible for all aspects of the delivery of the Project. The alliance (or
collaborative team) is generally structured so that commercial risks and rewards are shared by
the alliance (or collaborative team) Parties.
Documenting the allocation of Services and commercial risk and reward is complicated and time
consuming. It is therefore often best suited to complex, high risk Projects where alternative
strategies for risk allocation will be ineffective.
See Appendix B: Contract Types – Comparison
Whilst the compensation strategy serves as a means of pricing the Services to be undertaken, it
also structures the allocation of commercial risk to the various Parties involved. COAA believes
that some compensation frameworks (i.e. “lump sum ) are not ideal in certain circumstances.
The choice of compensation model has fundamental implications for the allocation of Project
risks and the determination of Project success. However, the allocation of risks, and the
applicability of the comments that follow, may vary greatly among different contracts employing
the same compensation model. That is, individual contracts may vary greatly while employing
the same compensation model. Scope of Services definitions, payment provisions, change
mechanisms, indemnity provisions, and many other contract provisions are also used to allocate
risk, and have implications on Project success. Contracts may also contain blended features of
more than one compensation model. As such, the following descriptions set out “typical
attributes of each compensation model. Tailoring contract terms and conditions to the Parties,
the Project, and the market is as important as selecting the right contract type and
compensation model; however, this is a separate topic beyond the scope of the present
documents. Below is a summary of factors to consider in order to identify the commercial risk for
an Owner / Contractor.
The following table summarizes the key issue of scope definition applicable to various
compensation models, in very generalized terms.
Such Contracts require the Contractor to perform the contracted services and deliver services or
materials for a pre-agreed price (a lump sum or fixed price). A lump sum Compensation model
for construction is best suited to Projects where there is a high degree of certainty regarding the
specific Project requirements and should be used where the scope of the Services is at an
advance stage of definition and the changes that can be anticipated are minimal. The Owner
may be required to take a hands-off approach with a lump sum contract so the ability for the
Owner to provide the level of inspection and review of Contractor s activities that it desires
should be clearly defined within the other sections of the contract (i.e. quality surveillance,
vendor selection criteria, design approvals, audit). In a lump sum contract, the Owner has
essentially assigned all the risk to the Contractor, who in turn can be expected to charge a risk
premium in order to accept responsibility for unforeseen contingencies. Contractor bears the
financial burden of underestimating the actual cost of construction and benefits from an
overestimate that is accepted by an Owner. Beside the fixed lump sum price, other
commitments are often made by the Contractor such as a specific schedule, the management
reporting system or a quality control program.
Careful drafting and review of the scope of Services should be undertaken to ensure there is no
contradiction or ambiguity in the obligations being undertaken for the fixed price or lump sum
agreed to avoid disputes.
The use of lump sum contracts is prevalent in commercial and small to medium industrial
Projects but is rare in major industrial Projects involving significant risk and complexity. Lump
sum contracts are most conducive to competitive sourcing strategies when the Parties have
good scope definition, price predictability for Contractor s input costs and abundant availability of
resources permitting the Owner to achieve savings through competition.
Unit Rate Contracts allow for payment of the Services and materials on an quantitative basis.
The cost elements within the compensation section are usually all-inclusive unit rates (i.e.
Implicit estimates of costs to be incurred).
Unit Rate contracts provide a fixed price for a defined unit of Services (quantity), which may
include labour, equipment, and/or material. The final contract value is determined by summing
the actual quantities multiplied by the specified unit rates. Contractor accepts the productivity
risk and risks of inflation. Reimbursement should be based strictly on actual quantities and no
minimum price is guaranteed. For administration simplicity - the unit rates may, where possible,
be “all-inclusive rates and be valid for quantities both large and small, however this may not
provide the most economical solution for the Owner as the risk factors the Contractors may want
to include may inflate the unit rates, or the escalation of quantities may lead to disputes and
Reimbursable contracts place more commercial risk on the Owner compared to lump sum
contracts. This may achieve cost savings for the Owner, as the Contractor may be required to
incorporate less risk premium into the contract price. On the other hand, there may be
decreased cost certainty with reimbursable contracts. The Owner may incur cost inflation due to
changes in market conditions, materials prices, labour costs and Contractor productivity among
other factors. Cost-reimbursement types of contracts provide for payment of allowable incurred
costs, to the extent prescribed in the contract. These contracts establish an estimate of total
cost for the purpose of obligating funds and may also establish a ceiling that the Contractor may
not exceed (except at its own risk) without the approval of the Owner. Cost-reimbursement
contracts are suitable for use when uncertainties involved in contract performance do not permit
costs to be estimated with sufficient accuracy to use any type of fixed-price or all-inclusive unit
rate contract. Reimbursable contracts provide less incentive to cut costs and permit changes
much more easily than lump sum contracts. Therefore, reimbursable contracts may be favoured
where construction quality and design flexibility outweigh cost considerations. Market conditions
and Project complexity may in fact dictate that lump sum contracting is not viable, and some
variant of reimbursable and unit rate contracts must be used.
Cost reimbursement is a frequent subject of dispute, requiring careful contract drafting to ensure
all anticipated costs are identified as reimbursable or not. But reimbursable contracts are less
susceptible to disputes due to design change as the contract allows for automatic compensation
for extra Services
A cost-reimbursement contract should be used only when:
the Contractor s accounting system is adequate for determining costs applicable to the
contract; and
Appropriate surveillance (and/or use of contract incentives) during performance will
provide reasonable assurance that efficient methods and effective cost controls are
Reimbursable contracts are less suited to competitive tendering Sourcing Strategies.
The overall aim of this strategy is a balanced approach to commercial risk such that Contractors
are able to convert a reimbursable contract to a Lump Sum at a stage where there is a much
deeper understanding of the Project and the associated costs and thus ultimately have greater
cost predictability.
This type of compensation strategy originated in Middle East as a result of major EPC
Contractors being unable or unwilling to contract on a Lump Sum basis due to: Increasingly
complex Projects, Mega Projects with Capex investments of several billion dollars and
Increasing and unpredictable global and regional commodity and labour costs. However, given
the recent (2010 – 2015) reluctance of Alberta Contractors to work on a lump sum basis, this
methodology has not been frequently utilized. The advantage of establishing a convertible
contract at the outset is primarily the Owner s advantage; the Owner ensures that the Contractor
is required to submit a price to complete the Services on a lump sum when the design is
sufficiently advanced and establishes parameters for the performance delivery if the option to
convert to lump sum is exercised.
Some of the issues which can affect the overall success of this Compensation Model include a
need for the following:
Trust and openness between Owner and Contractor
A balance of risk between Parties and a best for Project approach
The Conversion needs to be mutually agreed based on an open book estimate
Ultimately the benefits that can be achieved by utilizing this Compensation model are for both
the Owner and Contractor as it allows Contractor better understanding of the Project before
submitting a fixed price for elements of the Services and for the Owner it can reduce the overall
negotiation time for the Contract thus shorten overall Schedule.
Conversions can be staged as the Project develops or full converted in a single step at the
appropriate stage of execution. Some pitfalls which can undermine its success include the
requirement for good quality early Engineering documentations (FEED / EDS) to allow early
transfer of Detailed Engineering / Procurement/ and Modular fabrication to lump sum. Clients
FEED /EDS budget needs to be accurate or this can lead to delay and disagreement when
converting the open book estimate into a mutually agreed lump sum.
Contract complexity: requires alternate contract terms addressing the parameters for a lump
sum tender, the cost and performance responsibilities that would apply if the Owner exercises
the option.
Whilst currently being investigated or proposed on a number of Alberta Project the readiness of
the Alberta Construction Market to embrace this model and thus fully accept the Construction
risk has not yet been fully tested on larger Projects.
Each of the compensation models listed herein refers to the Contractor s (EPC/EPCM/etc.) fee.
This term has some ambiguity within the Alberta contracting community. Commonly the term
implies the Contractor s profit (or profit margin); however, this definition is usually incomplete.
Contractor s typically include their overhead costs (or SG/A) within their fee, thus obscuring
what percentage of the fee is profit, and what percentage is the overhead. While the
nomenclature may shift from Contractor to Contractor, it is a point worth clarifying and agreeing
as it is an integral component of all compensation models.
The distinction is particularly important when using auditable compensation models like Cost
Reimbursable, Convertible lump sum, and may prove beneficial during the tender stage on Unit
Price or Lump Sum.
Definition of what is included in the overhead component of the Fee ensures greater
transparency around billable items and decreases the probability of dispute if and when an audit
Drawing this distinction allows profit to be discussed separately, and it can then become an
This guide provides an overview and a level of detail on key Project considerations related to
risk assessment of contract scopes and how they inter-relate. This tool will help in both the
evaluation of Contracting Strategy alternatives, the division of responsibilities for various Project
scopes of work amongst Contractors and Owner, and also in the selection process of the
appropriate compensation model for a contract.
The topic of Project and contract risk assessment and allocation between Owner and Contractor
is a large and complex one. In line with the approach of this best practice, this guide provides
some key criteria to be considered, but does not intend to be a complete treatment of the
This template is a basis to assist Project teams plan and implement the Contracting Strategy
development process. It “operationalizes the work process flow diagram, and includes all the
key steps, references to the various Best Practices tools, and lists the key Project disciplines to
be involved.
This meeting agenda template is completely scalable and can used to develop a Project
Contracting Strategy in one meeting for Projects with small scope, low dollar and complexity, or
as a basis for multiple sessions, for complex, high risk, high capital value Projects.
This guide is a tool to help with the often overlooked (and sometimes challenging) but critical
assessment of the Owner s or Contractor s (for subcontracting) capability and capacity in
various aspects of Project planning and execution.
This exercise is needed to help determine the appropriate scopes of work, Project responsibility
the Owner decides to self-perform, and indeed areas of focus for improvement if there is a gap
in areas that are to be self-performed.
Note to Draft: As of COAA Best Practices XXI, May 2013, this guide is very high level and refers
only to high level self-assessment areas and refers to CII IR-111-3.
As highlighted in the guideline introduction, the concepts presented in this draft best practice are
not new. There are many reference sources available, some in much greater detail resulting
from much in-depth research available, and this Best Practice is meant to provide an overview,
“point the way for Project teams.
Appendix G lists the key references the Contracting Strategy Best Practices Sub-committee
researched and sourced that informed the key concepts contained herein. This is by no means
meant to be an exhaustive list of pertinent references on the topic, but a good starting point for
Project teams to do further reading, learning etc.
The Best Practice is to be applicable to all capital Project planning for heavy industrial Projects
in Alberta. It will address the following points as a minimum:
1. Open/ honest/ authentic communication early in the Project development phase to
involve all stakeholders to obtain alignment
2. Contracting Strategy Best Practice will be applicable and useful for Owners, Engineers
and Contractors
3. Address contracting relationships between Owner, Engineer and Construction
Contractor, Contractor to SubContractor, etc.
4. Scalable to various size and complexity of Projects
5. Address the assessment and allocation of Project risk through optimum selection of
Contracting Strategy and compensation models, including the need to address risk
assessment and allocation to Parties
6. Selection considerations for the development of Contracting Strategy
7. Selection considerations for the compensation model appropriate for Contracting
Strategy, scope of work and Project conditions
8. Include Owner capability self-assessment
9. Need to incorporate potential recycle of Contracting Strategy development based on
supply market conditions and capacity, and/or change in conditions during Project
10. Link of Contracting Strategy to business and Project objectives
11. Need for early planning, avoid last minute rush negotiations
12. Contract strategy needs to look at life cycle of the Project
13. Impact of Owner management of scope of work / Contractor interfaces
14. Appropriate legal terms for the scope and work conditions
15. Aligned and supporting Project labor strategy
16. External Project constraints
The committee will not develop a set of detailed Contracting Strategy development algorithms /
selection criteria.
Roles Risks allocated to the Owner Risks allocated to the Compensation and Performance summary
Contractor Variants
Owner engages engineer That the basic design meets Generally, the risk rests with The accepted lump sum This type of contract is
and prepares the Project the Project brief. Owner the Contractor for cost and becomes the contract sum, predominantly used for Projects
brief, schematic design, should diligently ensure that schedule overruns, quality subject to adjustment for where there is a high degree of
developed design and the design can be built within issues requiring rework and variations to the contract certainty about Project scope and
contract documentation. the budget. Tenders should availability of resources at the documents and claims. requirements. Success is highly
be called after EDS design is tendered cost for the duration dependent upon the adequacy,
complete as without sufficient and various stages of the completeness and accuracy of the
Usually competitively scope definition the work. A Contractor may be contract documentation.
tendered or where market Contractor (and their required to offer an “all-in
conditions allow a SubContractors) may include schedule of rates in lieu of
negotiated firm price (usually a prohibitive premium to the Quality - Materials and a lump sum. Where the Will normally deliver the lowest
where specific technology/ overall lump sum thus workmanship are in quantities are “known this initial contract sum following
expertise involved). exceeding Owner budget. accordance with the contract effectively becomes a tender call, but not necessarily the
Contractor carries out the documentation. Lump Sum. lowest final cost.
detailed Engineering,
Procurement and That the contract
documentation reflects the Schedule - Completion of the Convertible Lump Sum – is Not well suited to fast tracking the
construction either on its execution of the phases if the a compensation framework Project.
own or with design (unless design
endorsement required) and work will be within the that initially makes
Sub-Contractors that the contract allocated time. available to Owner a
reimbursable Not well suited when there is new
JV partners documentation is complete, technology or high technical risk
unambiguous, accurate and Cost - That the cost of compensation contract
Consortium partners
suitable for the purpose of the execution will be within the until the Engineering is at a unless Contractor is a specialist in
Alliance Partners execution of the Project stage where the Contractor the field.
adjusted contract sum. can reasonably ascertain
through E, P and C. The final
cost to Owner is highly its forecast cost to Not well suited where there is a
Relationship between complete the Project and lack of availability of resources or
Parties is potentially dependent upon the quality of Interfaces - interface risk
the contract documentation between the phases must be take the risk on future experience in managing such
adversarial. With typically potential changes and thus types of contract – from both an
mentality is your gain is my prepared by the Owner and effectively managed without offer a lump sum without Owner and Contractor standpoint.
loss the impact of variations cost or schedule impact.
leading to additional cost / including a prohibitively
delayed completion. large risk factor.
Roles Risks allocated to the Risks allocated to the Variants Performance summary
Owner Contractor
Owner engages engineers to That the design meets the Little financial risk remains
For well defined scopes Success depends on how well the
prepare the Project brief, Project brief and that the with the Contractor under a Contractors may offer Parties understand and are aligned in
schematic design, developed contract documentation is reimbursable contract. Engineering services on a addressing the Project s objectives.
design and contract complete, unambiguous, Sourcing suitable lump sum basis. (confirm) Such understanding and alignment
documentation as the basis for accurate and reflects the experienced resources can Often Contractors are asked should minimize the development of
letting future EPC work. design allowing a smooth be an issue and can impact to undertake the multiple design solutions after initial
This engineer carries out the and successful Contractor where schedule Procurement services as an design stages
Engineering design (usually continuation from has been prioritized and a agent for Owner for long It can be difficult to control time and
with cost estimate). Engineering into penalty is associated. lead items that, if ordered, cost outcomes if there are many
Procurement, fabrication,
FEL1 – Feasibility / studies FEL construction and Where Engineering is priced should maintain the overall scope changes due to poor initial
2 – Conceptual / DBM FEL3 – commissioning. on fixed unit rates the risk of schedule. When performing definition and lack of good quality
Basic Design / EDS Detailed escalation in an overheated Procurement services as resources.
Design - Owner is responsible for market rests with Contractor. agent, Contractor will Reimbursable Engineering work is
ensuring that the design provide an evaluation of the predominantly used for early phases
Relationship between Parties can be built within the Ownership of innovative vendors and make a
often is collaborative designs invariably transfers recommendation – the of Projects where there is a
budget. fluctuating degree of certainty about
Requires trust and openness All interface risk between to the Owner unless decision, the underlying
specifically captured in the vendor contract and risk Project requirements. There should
working towards the same design, Procurement and be no excuse for a poorly defined
goals and deadlines. Contract. however rests with the
construction rests with the detailed design scope where the
Owner, including; Owner. earlier phases were executed on a
Quantity growth and its Performance targets may be reimbursable basis. However, this
impact on Construction introduced to provide some form is commonly used on detailed
incentive for the Contractor design that will undergo ongoing
Engineering delay and its to meet key Owner / Project Project changes.
impact on construction goals and provide the Owner Where Contractors act as agent for
sequencing and efficiency some comfort of alignment. Procurement services (see Example
Overall Facility #3) the added value is that of
performance / efficiency management only, there is usually no
recourse for vendor non-performance
(quality / delay / performance)
unless, for example, the Contractor s
recommendation of a particular
vendor was evidence of sub-standard
COAA – Developing a Contracting Strategy – Appendix B Page 4
Tender process, cost and Scope Design/quality Time Generic contracts & Administration
Tenders may be called at any Scope is generally outlined This promotes Engineering Design and documentation Contract administration is not overly
stage of the design process. in the contract documents innovation, but initial quality should be completed before complex. Claims are not common.
Competitive bid (or single with deliverables including; can be compromised if construction commences. If Owners and Major Contractors
sourced for specific PFD s, Plot plans, reimbursement for rework the Engineering and usually have their own forms.
technology). Estimates, Specifications and corrections during the construction work package
delivery by the Engineering FIDIC
Tenders will be evaluated on etc. design development.
price criteria / Estimated Scope can be varied. Warranty period of a Contractor is late, un-
manhours / Key Personnel / Variations will normally minimum of x months (from sequenced or incomplete
Internal control systems give rise to an estimated Mechanical Completion or then the potential financial
contract sum adjustment longer period from the effect on the construction
/Technical experience / performance can be
Expertise. Estimated price and extension of time. delivery of Construction
Work packages) (depending incommensurable.
offered by tenderers based on
cost plus basis / multiplier or on nature of Project.
average unit rates and their Contractors often undertake
estimate of the manhours unlimited rework (redesign)
required. and may accept direct
Contractor (engineer) is financial consequences of
reimbursed for the manhours errors in their design work if
expended. Engineer s Final it affects the construction
cost is dependent on the (including ripe and tear)
productivity/quality of the - but this liability is usually
Engineer/Contractor personnel. capped in both time and
Roles Risks allocated to the Risks allocated to the Variants Performance summary
Owner Contractor
Owner engages engineers/ That the design meets the That the Engineering is in Assignment of early/long lead If Lump Sum Owner should include
consultants and prepares Project brief and the accordance with the contract Procurement packages from rights to allow review of the vendor
the Project brief, schematic associated contract documentation. The Owner to Contractor for a choices made by the Contractor to
design, developed design documentation reflects the associated documents and mark-up / fee. ensure compatibility with Owner
and contract documentation. design and the schedule equipment are delivered in a Early involvement of the requirement. Lump sum would be
Contractor carries out the objectives. timely manner. Owner Preferred Constructor used predominantly used for Projects
Engineering design (usually That the contract That the procured or can capture potential where there is a high degree of
after completion of DBM documentation is fabricated items conform to construction issues whilst still certainty about Project requirements /
and/or EDS) and continues complete, unambiguous, the contract in terms of quality in design phase and prior to equipment lists etc.
to commit to the accurate and suitable for and performance and are arriving on site. Interface Success is highly dependent upon
Procurement of equipment the purpose of delivered on time and within issues between Contractor for the adequacy, completeness and
and materials. construction. the cost tendered. E&P and Constructor for F+C accuracy of the contract
Relationship between Where a Lump Sum is Residual risk remains if early can be managed through documentation.
Parties will depend on the accepted: commitments made for proactive interface Difficult to control time and cost
compensation method procured and fabricated items management and ensuring outcomes where contract
Those changes are the EP Contractor has
applied - usually minimized / managed and prior to a fully developed documentation is inadequate or
collaborative at this stage. that the quality conforms to design and changes that significant incentive / key variations are needed. Claims are
Requires trust and openness expectations - this can be cannot be directed to Owner performance indicators common where Owner and
working towards the same achieved by ensuring that (when on lump sum basis). (KPI s) manhours / schedule Contractor goals are not aligned or
goals/clear reputable vendors (from / quantities growth / average where Owner does not have the
design/operational Owner pre-approved manhour cost / quality / safety experience to manage a lump sum
objectives. vendor list) are utilized / personnel turnover / timely & contract.
thus mitigating quality / complete delivery of Will normally deliver the lowest initial
performance issues. documentation and contract sum following tender call,
equipment. but not necessarily the lowest final
`Where a Reimbursable Compensation alternatives cost.
variant is used: Lump sum Risk of significant knock on cost
Productivity and focus on during construction with limited
end deliverable may be an Reimbursable with fixed fee
recourse to E&P Contractor.
issue where no penalty
Target Price
Incentivized (KPI s) where
profit risked
Roles Risks Allocated to the Risks allocated to the Variants Performance summary
Owner Contractor
Owner has engaged engineers Owner is responsible for That the construction meets The Owner may complete Predominantly used for Projects where
with whom it prepares detailed ensuring that the the Project brief and that the the design, such that the there is a high degree of certainty
Project brief (to define scope, requirements of the materials (provided by Contractor is only required about Project requirements.
quality and functionality Project brief can be met Contractor) and to document and construct Quality outcomes are dependent upon
requirements) and may complete within the budget. workmanship are in the Project. the adequacy of the Project brief and
part of the design. That the Project brief accordance with the The Owner s how it is (or can be) interpreted;
Construction Contractor utilizes adequately describes the construction documentation. engineer/consultants may therefore, high quality is often difficult
the design to develop the Project requirements and Owner may “free issue long be nominated to the to control in a Lump Sum environment.
construction documentation, that the contract lead material and equipment Contractor with the Lump sum construction is preferable
methodology and schedule and documentation is to Contractor after award for expectation that the when cost outcomes outweigh the
executes the construction. complete and clear for a risk premium whereby Contractor would engage need for quality and schedule
Relationship between Parties construction. Contractor absorbs any them directly for adherence.
That any materials and residual risk of costs, quality Engineering support
Potentially adversarial. Zero and delivery. throughout the construction Claims are common, particularly
sum mentality (i.e. your gain is equipment provided by phase. concerning quality / timeliness of
my loss ). Owner are delivered in a That completion of Owner (or Engineering deliverables) /
timely manner in meet the construction will occur within There may be some material deliveries for Owner supplied
quality and quantity the allocated time and that benefit in making the items.
required for construction. the cost of construction will Contractor responsible for
Gaps potentially become be within the adjusted maintenance of the Project
Owner risks and they will contract sum. facility as an incentive for
likely trigger Change the Contractor to be
order procedures. proactive in achieving a
low-maintenance outcome
Cost prior to tender - during the design and
construction of the Project.
Description Risks allocated to the Risks allocated to the EPCM Variants Performance summary
Owner Contractor
The Owner initially engages engineer That the Project brief The EPCM Contract is Used for major or complex
/consultants to prepare the Project adequately describes the That the scope contained in usually structured to Projects.
brief, which includes budget estimate Project the revised Project brief can provide for compensation Can be effective where there is
and estimated completion time. requirements. Trade be built within the offered, on a cost- reimbursable, some degree of uncertainty
Packages are contracted and within the time offered. plus a fee, basis. However, about Project requirements.
by EPCM Contractor as may also include an
The EPCM Contractor works agent for Owner; Owner That the design meets the incentive component Provides for early Contractor
collaboratively with the Owner to takes on commercial /legal revised Project brief and is (whether positive or involvement.
revise the Project brief and refine the risks in accordance with suitable for its purpose. negative), i.e. an under or Incorporates many of the
design to meet budget and time the form of trade contracts That the construction overrun of the actual principles and benefits of
constraints. used. documentation meets the construction cost versus alliance contracting on more
Issues between the final design and is suitable the estimated or targeted typical commercial terms.
for the purpose of cost. The Owner needs to be realistic
The EPCM Contractor then completes Construction Contractor construction.
design and construction and the EPCM Contractor In general, the intent of the as to what involvement to have
documentation, calls tenders for and depending on how the That materials and payment terms is to and what resources are
lets subcontract trade packages responsibilities flow workmanship are in motivate the EPCM available to provide effective
(usually on behalf of the Owner) and between them and the accordance with the Contractor to be rewarded and timely input to the design
manages construction. Owner; risk of gaps in construction documentation. for superior performance process. This requires
responsibility and financial That completion of through fair risk and enhanced communication
accountability. construction occurs within compensation provisions. between the Owner and the
Relationship based (rather than Risks incurred by the the allocated time. As this strategy features a EPCM Contractor as opposed to
adversarial); objectives are aligned to EPCM Contractor flow to high degree of flexibility, other types of Project delivery
encourage win/win solutions. Parties Owner; EPCM Contractor Knock-on effects of design /
CWP issues on construction contracts can be tailored to methods.
must act in collaboratively to realize acting as Owner s agent suit individual Project It may also require a more
efficiencies in this model. and recourse to the EPCM
requires high degree of Contractor are an issue needs. significant Owner team to be
trust in addition to risk which will need addressed. available and engaged,
sharing mechanisms. especially in regard of
construction. .
COAA – Developing a Contracting Strategy – Appendix B Page 10
Tender process, cost and payments Scope Design/quality Time Administration Generic
The EPCM Contractor may be single The EPCM Contractor Relatively complex to
sourced or selected on RFP basis. During the early design The EPCM Contractor has engaged at earliest stages administer.
stage, design/quality is significant ability to influence of design.
Competitive tenders for trade defined in Project brief design and buildability of EPCM Contractor s obligations
packages, to be overseen by EPCM prepared by Owner; during the Project. Design must be largely are not as distinct as they would
Contractor on behalf of Owner, for the later stages, it is . completed before final be under an EPC relationship.
construction. defined in revised Project documentation and The Parties should expect
brief prepared by EPCM The warranty relative to
May be a Single-stage option or a Contractor collaboratively EPCM services commences construction can Owner to exercise greater
split option with the construction at the start of the services commence. authority over EPCM s non-
with the Owner and Engineering work. This
management “CM as an option to be vendors. and concludes at a specified
determined upon the performance of time frame following complicates the contract
Note that variations to the administration.
the earlier phases. Construction completion. Project brief may give rise
Cost and payments may be structured With regard to the actual to extensions of time.
in a variety of ways depending on the construction work, the
EPCM Contractor s appetite for risk. Owner relies on the warranty
flowing from the Works
Roles Risks allocated to the Risks allocated to the Variants Performance summary
Owner Contractor
Owner initially engages engineer and Cost overruns are borne by That the materials and Additional monetary Predominantly used for mega
prepares the Project brief, schematic the Owner after the workmanship are in incentives may be Projects where no one Contractor
design, developed design and Alliance cap has been accordance with the applied for performance has the skill or resources to
contract documentation. breached. contract documentation. relative to KPIs (Key execute the whole Project and
That completion of the Performance Indicators) where the Owner desires a
determined by the seamless execution in terms of
Contractors specializing in various That the design meets the execution of the E, P and C alliance at the outset responsibility and team and where
fields may “form a consortium or JV Project brief and that the phases will be within the which can add/detract it is difficult to transfer risk
as part of the Contractor Party to the contract documentation allocated time and within
the target price. from overall profitability. appropriately between the Parties.
Alliance. reflects the design.
Success is highly dependent upon
Relationship must be collaborative for That the contract That the cost of execution Target price mechanisms the attitudes and abilities of the
will be within the Target vary considerably
the Alliance to be effective. There is a documentation is Alliance partners to manage the
dependant on the Parties
policy of no blame, no disputes complete, unambiguous, Price and structured so that risk tolerance. Project as a team and the clarity of
between the Alliance partners. accurate and suitable for commercial risk and reward the scope split and battery limits
However, the relationship between the purpose of the is shared such that it is in between Contractors. An
Parties can remain potentially execution of the Project the Alliance partners alignment of common goals on a
adversarial but can be mitigated by through E, P and C. interests to work co- best for Project basis is usually
the openness of an Alliance and/or a operatively. best served by an achievable
“Risk Pot that is used to compensate incentive.
for growth / unforeseen risk. The The Owner s costs cannot
typical mentality is still to protect be capped even if Project Requires large team to manage
ones own interests. costs exceed expectations, the Alliance and interfaces, not
but the overruns can be well suited where there is a lack of
either borne by the resource availability or experience
Contractor or shared with in managing Alliance contracts –
the Contractor up to the from both an Owner & Contractor
Contractors agreed standpoint.
maximum cap.
Local Market
Community Affairs
This template meeting agenda is to be used to guide the preparation and facilitation of Project
Contracting Strategy workshop(s). It is a component of the tool box for COAA Best Practice on
the Development of a Project s Contracting Strategy.
The typical agenda here is meant to be illustrative and not a complete, exhaustive list of all
requirements to be addressed.
Prior to participating in this type of workshop session all attendees should have pre-read and be
familiar with the Contracting Strategy Best Practices Work Process Flow Diagram (section 2.2),
Contracting Strategy Key Considerations & Compensation Matrix/Selection Guide (Appendix B),
and Contract Risk Review Matrix (Appendix C) documents of this Best Practice.
This tool is to be used by Project teams to assess their relative capability and readiness in key
areas of planning and execution, in order to assist with the development of the appropriate
Contracting Strategy for a Project. Specifically, this self-assessment will assist in determining
which scopes of work and responsibilities should be self-performed and what scope should be
contracted to a third Party.
This tool is not intended to give a definitive readiness score or answer, but to drive the right /
pertinent questions for Owner companies to honestly reflect on their capability and capacity.
The detailed recommended Practice from the Construction Industry Institute is: IRR-111-3 Core
Competency Tool Kit
Project Management
Project Management
Cost Estimating
Cost Control/ Reporting
Planning/ Scheduling
Change Management
Construction Management
Construction Management
Materials Management
Quality Assurance
Information Technology
The initial step is to determine what the Project objectives are, the next and more difficult step is
to weight these as to priority. Typical objectives are Cost, Schedule, and Quality. Where a team
may find itself in difficulty is in trying to find consensus on the weighting of these 3 key
objectives and the inclusion and weighting of other key objectives in comparison. If everything is
equal, all strategies could be adopted.
Different Contracting Strategies affect objectives to a greater or lesser extent, so it s vital that
there is a real discussion about what it is the Project team wants to focus on.
A Decision Analysis can be used to score the various Strategies against those Project
Objectives. The Project team score, on a basis of 1-10, how well each of the contracting
Strategies will best meet the objectives of the Project. This is done to solely see what Strategy
best meets the company s objectives.
Schedule 80 0 0 0 0
Quality 60
Interface 20
Self 15
Flexibility to
Total Score:
This is a draft reference listing, of resources either reviewed in preparation of COAA Contracting
Strategy Best Practice draft documents, referred to in the draft documents, or researched and
found to be potentially applicable to the topic of developing contracting strategies.
It is by no means a complete, comprehensive list of the applicable references to the subject
matter, only those that have been sourced by the sub committee during their work 2011- 2016.
Construction Industry Institute: Implementation Resource IR 111-3 Core Competency Tool Kit,
Third Revision
International Conference on Transportation Construction Management by Masucci, Maury, P.E.
SVP - Hill International, Inc.
The Concept Research Program, NTNU, Department of Civil and Transport Engineering,