Las Smaw 9 - Q2 W3-4
Las Smaw 9 - Q2 W3-4
Las Smaw 9 - Q2 W3-4
Region V
Naga City Division
District 1
Quarter 2, Week 3-4
I. Introductory Concept
Shielded metal arc welding (SMAW) is often referred to as stick welding. The
welding process can use either alternating current (AC) or direct current (DC). This
unit covers the skills, knowledge and attitudes in Laying Out Beads on Carbon
Steel Plates.
Specific Objectives:
1. Identify the methods of striking an arc and factors in selecting
welding electrode
2. Understand the importance of selecting the type of arc welding
3. Draw and label the parts of welding process
Strike an Arc
Shielded metal arc welding is defined as arc welding with covered electrodes
manually controlled by the welder, without automatic or semi- automatic
replacement of electrode. This process uses a length of flux coated electrode which
provided filler metal and atmospheric shielding.
The electrode is held by the welder in an electrode holder with an insulated
handle. The holder grips the bare end of the electrode for good current transfer.
The welder strikes and draws an arc which melts the base metal forming a
weld pool at the same time. The tip of the electrode melts and metal droplets are
projected into the weld pool.
The chemicals and minerals in coating, melt and decompose to serve as an
alloying element and to form a protecting gas shield around the arc and weld pool.
Furthermore, a slag is formed to cover the deposited weld.
Strike an Arc
The choice of the right electrode depends on the following factors:
1. Kinds of Base Metal. Electrodes are classified according to the kind of the base
metal for which they are recommended into mild steel low hydrogen, low energy,
cast iron, stainless steel and various non-ferrous electrodes.
4. Joint Preparation and Set up. Deep penetration electrodes are required when
edge is not levelled and fit-up is tight. Mild penetration, thin-coated electrodes are
best when gaps are open.
1. Bare-Electrode
2. Dusted Electrode
3. Flux-Dipped Electrode
4. Extended Electrodes and Covering
Electrode End Color Spot Color Group Color
9016-B3 Brown
10013 Red
10015 Orange
10016 Orange
Mild Steel and Low Alloy Electrode AWS-A5.1-89 and A5.1-89. All mild steel
electrode and low alloy electrode are classified with 4- and 5-digits number prefixed
by “E”
First two (or three) digits - tensile strength (Psi) stress relieved as welded.
Third of Fourth - position of welding.
Best for all position, deep penetration, x-ray quality, light slag, medium
deposition rate.
USES: For pipe welding, and structural work, shipbuilding and repair joints
required deep penetration galvanized steel, small diameter wire on straight polarity
for sheet metal, and where quality welds and excellent ductility is required.
USES: For fabrication of structural work, storage tanks, railroad cars, poor fit up
and for joints not requirement deep penetration.
USES: For fabrication of structural work, poor fit up and joint not requiring deep
CHARACTERISTICS: A slag shielded type electrode. Its quick solidifying slag and
quiet arc gives an outstanding performance in vertical and overhead welding. T as a
very shallow penetrating arc which suit galvanized steel, and poorly fitted joints
without tendency of burning through. The bead has a smooth and finely ripple
appearance which eliminate post welding. Easy slag.
Low hydrogen type electrode for mild, low alloy, and problems steels. All-purpose
USES: For joining high Sulphur, low alloy high carbon, and cold rolled steel.
Structural fabrications of flanges, angles, channels iron pipes lines, and
shipbuilding, pressure vessels, bridges, hot and cold cast iron welding.
PROCEDURE: Clean weld area, removing all dirt grease, rust. Rounded the sharp
corners. Keep a medium arc length. Keep (1” – 2”) long bead length must not exceed
twice electrode diameter. Cool each bead slightly before proceeding. Keep base
metal at lowest temperature. Chip off slag between passes.
CHARACTERITICS: Electrode a basic coating for build-up work. High deposition
rate because of high efficiency. Procedure a strong, tough and machinable. Can
withstand 260-300 Brinell Hardness.
E-308 L-16
Electrode with extremely low carbon for welding steel of A.I.S.I. types 301 302,
304L and 308.
PROCEDURE: Clean weld area, Section of 10 gauge or thinner can be square but
weld. Bevel heavier gauges to 60 degrees. For long seam utilize accurate fit up.
Tack of clamp at short intervals to minimize warping. Keep short arc length. In
filling groove, deposit several light beads only. To preheat warpage, we skip or set
back technique. Use fast travel speed because stainless steel expands 50% more
and conduct heat 50% slower than milder steel.
USES: For welding stainless steel of the 18/8 Cr Ni Extra low carbon type Medium
hard overlays on steel requiring complete corrosion resistance. Applicable to
brewery, dairy, chemical, oil refining and food product.
CHARACTERITICS: Electrode with extremely low carbon content which gives the
weld a very high resistance against inters crystalline corrosion. Produce finely
rippled weld which can be polish.
Si – 0.30 % P – 0.02%
S – 0.02%
Welding Flux
Welding Lens
Steps in selecting a safe lens shade for shielded metal arc welding
a) Determine the electrodes size and amperage range because this are used
to dictate the lens protection required.
b) Select lens shade according to the lens manufacturer’s selection chart,
but never select less than a # 8 length shade for shielded metal arc
Note: When you remove your hood after arc welding and you see white
spots or white blotches as after image it means that you are getting much
light through the lens and you should switch to a shade at least at least one
number darker, or check the seal on your lens.
- 30 to 75 8
Objective: The student will perform the striking of an arc using Tapping and
Safety gears
10mm x 50mm x 100mm steel plate
Chipping hammer
Steel brush
1. Always check the welding machines and its accessories before and after
using them
2. See to it that there are no combustible materials near the welding area.
3. Always wear protective gears.
4. Observe safety measures while working.
Quality Criteria:
1. The height of the arc is maintained not more than diameter of electrode.
The proper distance of an arc must be maintained for at least 5-7 seconds
To strike and maintain an arc for 30 seconds with an arc length not to
exceed 4mm at an angle of approximately 75°.
1. Prepare the tools, equipment and materials needed.
2. Set up the welding machine and set the current to 100 amps.
3. Wear protective clothing and equipment.
4. Clamp the bare end of the electrode in the holder.
5. Position your body in such a way that your head will be cleared of the
column of fumes arising from the arc (Fig. 28)
6. Strike the arc by either of the two methods.
6.1.1 Point the electrode downwards at an angle of approximately 75 deg. and the
striking end about 30 mm above the start position on the plate surface
6.1.2 Strike the end of the electrode on the plate surface similar to striking a
6.1.3 When a spark appears, withdraw the electrode quickly and draw an arc of
approximately 6 mm.
6.1.4 Move the electrode to the start position and then reduce the arc length to a
distance equal to the diameter of the electrode.
6.2.1 Point the electrode downwards at an angle of approximately 75° and the
striking end to about 15 mm above the start position on the plate surface.
NOTE: If the electrode welds to the plate, quickly snap the electrode to one
If the electrode does not release, switch off the welding machine and
detached the electrode with a cold chisel
Directions: Write the letter of the correct answer for each of the following: Write
your answer in a separate sheet.
a. Flux
b. Shield
c. Covering
d. All of these
a. Shielded
b. Bare
c. Dusted
d. Dipped
a. Welding Position
b. Tensile Strength
c. Power Supply
d. Flux Coating
a. Welding Position
b. Tensile Strength
c. Power Supply
d. Flux Coating
a. Tapping method
b. Scratching method
c. Any of these
d. None of the above
a. Tapping Method
b. Scratching Method
c. All of these
d. None of there
9. It is done by moving the electrode downward until it steps to the base metal
then bringing the electrode up slightly to form an arc.
a. Taping Method
b. Scratching Method
c. All of these
d. None of these
a. Tapping method
b. Scratching method
c. Any of these
d. None of the above
1. Methods of Tapping (1-2)
2. Factors in selecting welding electrodes (3-10)
Briefly answer the following questions. Use separate answer sheet (tablet
paper/long bond paper).
Criteria 5 4 3 2
IV. References:
Prepared by:
Teacher I, TLE Department
Camarines Sur National High School
HTVI- TLE/TVE Department
Camarines Sur National High School