Fire Alarm System is designed to alert us to an emergency so that we can take action to protect
ourselves, staff and the general public.
Fire alarms are found in Offices, Factories, and public buildings, they are a part of our everyday routine
but are often overlooked until there is an emergency at which point, they might just save our lives.
Whatever the method of detection is, if the alarm is triggered, sounders will operate to warn people in
the building that there may be a fire and to evacuate.
The fire alarm system may also incorporate a remote signal system which could then alert the fire
brigade via a central station.
The “Brain” of the fire detector system is the Fire Alarm Control Panel. It is the central hub for all of the
detector signals to be wired to and provides a status indication to the users.
The unit can also be set up to simulate an alarm for use in routine Fire and evacuation drills, so all staff
knows what action to take in the event of a real fire.
Fire Alarm system:
The role of the alarm initiating devices in a fire alarm system is to activate the system when a fire occurs.
There are two types of fire alarm initiating devices:
Manual initiating devices – These devices include pull stations, break glass stations or buttons
that need to be manually activated by someone in the building when they identify a fire. Manual
initiating devices need to be well marked and accessible to make it easy to identify and use.
Automatic initiating devices – automatic initiation devices trigger the fire alarm system
automatically when a fire happens. These devices include heat, flame and smoke detection.
When heat, flames or smoke is detected, the devices send a signal to a central control panel that
activates the system.
The fire alarm control panel is the central hub of the fire alarm and detection system. The control panel
acts as the brain of the alarm system by monitoring and managing the initiation devices. When an
initiation device is triggered, a signal is sent to the control panel and the control panel activates the
notification devices. The status of the system is displayed on the control panel and allows you to see
when an issue is detected and allows you to control it manually.
The primary power supply for your fire alarm system is supplied by your power company. The primary
power supply is typically 120- or 240-volt AC power sources.
In the event of a power failure, the fire alarm system still needs to work in order to alert people if a fire
occurs. A backup power supply is an important part of any fire alarm and detection system.
Sprinkler systems – No life safety system is complete without fire sprinklers. When a fire is detected,
the fire sprinkler system is activated to suppress or extinguish a fire.
Exit lighting – When a fire occurs, people need to be able to get out safely. Having a lights to show
people how to exit safely is very important.
Alarm monitoring – Having a monitored fire alarm system alerts the authorities when the fire alarm
system is activated.
Voice communication systems – Voice communication systems give verbal commands to building
occupants telling them what to do during an emergency situation. Voice communication is especially
helpful in high rise buildings, arenas and hospitals.
Remote controls and display panels – In a larger building such as a high rise building with a lot of floors,
having remote controls and display panels throughout the building can be helpful. These devices allow
personnel to easily check, activate, and deactivate alarms from remote part of the building.
– Heat detectors
– Smoke detectors
– Multi-sensor detectors
– Conventional
– Addressable
– Intelligent
– Wireless
Each zone is indicated at the Fire Alarm Control Panel either with an indicator lamp, a text display or in
some cases both.
It makes sense that the more we can divide a building into zones, the more accurate locating the alarm
trigger will be. The Control Panel is wired to a minimum of two sounder circuits which could contain
bells, electronic sounders or other audible fire alarm devices.
The detection circuit is wired as a loop and up to 99 devices may be connected to each loop.
It is common for the loop to be fitted with Loop Isolation Modules so that the loop is sectioned in order
to ensure that a short circuit or single fault will only cause the loss of a small part of the system; allowing
the rest of the system to function normally.
In the previous two systems, the “Conventional Fire Alarm System” and the “Addressable Fire Alarm
System” the detectors are not considered “intelligent” as they can only give output signals representing
the value of detected phenomena.
It is left up to the Control Unit to decide whether there is a fire, fault, pre-alarm or other.
However, in our next type of System, which is an Intelligent Fire Alarm system, each detector effectively
incorporates its own computer which evaluates the environment around it and communicates to the
Control Panel whether there is a fire, fault or the detector head needs cleaning.
Essentially Intelligent Systems are far more complex and incorporate far more facilities than
Conventional or Addressable Systems. Their primary purpose is to help prevent the occurrence of false
Intelligent Fire Alarm Systems are available in 2, 4, and 8 loop versions which means large premises can
be monitored from one single panel.
These are an effective alternative to traditional wired fire alarm systems for all applications. They utilize
secure, license-free radio communications to interconnect the sensors and devices with the controllers.
It is a simple concept, which provides many unique benefits and is a full intelligent fire detection system
without the need for cabling.
In this article, we have learned that Fire Alarm systems are fitted in many buildings we encounter every
day and that they are used to warn people within the building of an emergency fire-related situation.
Fire alarm in Hospital
Hospitals or other healthcare and critical facilities such as nursing homes are important buildings in the
community. Thus, it’s essential to make sure it’s rightfully protected and secure from any type of damage
or catastrophe. Due to its large and complex construction type, the installation of fire alarm systems for
healthcare facilities may pose a challenge.
Aside from the sheer size of this type of establishment, hospitals are usually made up of numerous
buildings spread over a massive area. On top of that, most of the occupants of hospitals are not capable
of moving or walking on their own. Also, multiple activities go on every single day that can’t be
interrupted – even if there's a fire emergency or terror threats.
Fire alarm system notifications devices have improved over the years. Older systems only used chimes or
electronic bells. And older hospital buildings had coded signals to distinguish the zone where the alarm
was triggered.
Fire alarm systems and fire protection devices are required to operate efficiently – even more so in
hospitals and healthcare facilities. Even the best systems are of little advantage without proper training
and procedures from hospital staff.
It is usually installed in a suitable place approved by the competent firefighting authority, and each heat
or smoke detector head has an independent circuit connected to a special indicator on a part of the
panel, so that it is easy to infer the location of the fire. This panel is equipped with a means to test the
connections of the system to ensure their safety and validity, and some of these panels are equipped
with a means to clarify the false alarm resulting from a defect in the system connections.
These means give distinguishable audible sounds such as bell, whistle, horn and siren, and the warning
sound must be clear and audible inside the building or in the specific part of the building where the
warning sound is required according to the exigencies of the situation, it may be required that the
warning be comprehensive within the building.
The automatic alarm system does not perform the purpose for which it is intended unless the firefighters
are notified of the required speed so that they can fight and besiege the fire, and this is done by
installing a direct line between the explanatory board and the control room at the Civil Defense and Fire
Department, where the notification is made automatically as soon as the alarm system becomes
Network Components
All wires for the installation of the alarm system should be in conformity with the specifications and
approved by the official technical authority, and it is also necessary that the operation of the alarm
system depend on electrical suppliers, one of whom is the main current of the building and the other is
secondary (batteries) used in the event of a main power outage in order to ensure that the alarm system
His job in all circumstances.
Hospital Fire Detection structure
Hospital fire detection plan analysis
The system is divided to 6 levels with 8 slave control units for the system. The entities are connected to
heat and smoke detectors and manual starters also sound diffuser and action indicators and others all
these information from different parts of the building go back to the slave control units who transmit
them to the master process control unit then to the CMSI system.