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Fas Directory 04-04-2020

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Table of
S.NO. US Complex, Plot No.120, Unit-122, Mathura Road,

1 Introduction
Opposite Apollo Hospital, New Delhi-110076

2 Introduction to Fire Alarm System

3 Terminology

4 IS Codes & Standard

4 Types of Fire Alarm System

5 Installation Guidelines as per IS 2189

6 Selection criteria

7 Technical Specification


9 Manufacturer Details

This Directory is made for the following people; Govt/ Non-
Govt heads, Contractors, Designers & Industrial/ functional
people. Consolidated platform for the Fire Alarm System on
Designing, selection, manufacture, guidelines, costing etc

Benefit of directory to enable govt head, contractor, to have
comprehensive knowledge in this. Training module which are
good for the development of the skills of the technical people
involved in day to day basis.

Give a comprehensive end to end knowledge of Fire alarm

system & its type for the sake of convenience of user,
manufacturer across country has been listed with contact

As per the codes & standard for the designer & user have been
listed with Indian code & international codes. Hope this
Directory will provides you with the basics technical knowledge
for the Fire Alarm System.


Before attempting to understand fire detection systems it is

beneficial to possess a basic knowledge of fire development
and behavior. 

Basically, a fire is a chemical reaction in which a carbon based
material (fuel), mixes with oxygen (usually as a component of
air), and is heated to a point where flammable vapors are
produced. These vapors can then come in contact with
something that is hot enough to cause vapor ignition, and a
resulting fire. In simple terms, something that can burn touches
something that is hot, and a fire is produced.

A key aspect of fire protection is to identify a developing fire

emergency in a timely manner, and to alert the building's
occupants and fire emergency organizations. This is the role of
fire detection and alarm systems.

A fire alarm system consists of number of devices working

together to detect and warn people through visual and audio
appliances when smoke, fire or other emergencies are present.

A fire detection and alarm system provides audible and visual

signals as a result of the operation of manual or automatic fire
alarm initiating devices such as a Manual Fire Alarm station,
smoke detector or heat detector.

Manual Fire Alarm Stations (Pull Boxes), Smoke detectors, heat

detectors, are initiating devices. Audible devices, like horns,
bells, buzzers and visual signal devices like strobes and signs are
all notification appliances.

Terminology Used:-

1. ) Annunciator - A unit containing one or more indicator

lamps, alphanumeric displays, graphical displays or other
equivalent means in which each indication provides status
information about a circuit, condition or location.

2. ) Detector- A device suitable for connection to a circuit that

has a sensor that responds to a physical stimulus such as heat
or smoke or flame.

3. ) Sensors- A sensor is a device that detects and responds to

some type of input from the physical environment.

4.) False Alarm - Alarm of fire that is, false, because the fire
reported does not and did not exist. This false alarm may arise
by malicious, mistaken or accidental intent

5.) Maintenance - Repair service, including periodic inspections

and tests, required to keep the fire alarm system and its
component parts in an operative condition at all times, and the
replacement of the system or its components when they

become undependable or inoperable for any reason

6. ) Zone - Area or space that has a group of automatic and/or

non-automatic fire detection devices for which there is a
separate common display in the control and indicating

7. ) Loop:- In a fire alarm system, a loop is a pair of wires. It

carries power and signals between the circuit boards inside the
control panel and the off-panel devices in the field.

The standard large panel will be able to handle four loops or

circuits, and each loop accommodates 127 to 256 devices.

8.) smoldering fires :- Fire which burn slowly with smoke but
without flame.

9.) Gas Detector:- A device that detects the presence of a

specified gas concentration.

10.) Duct Detector:- A duct smoke detector is a device or group

of devices used to detect the presence of smoke in the
airstream of duct work sections of the HVAC air handling
systems typically used in commercial buildings.

11.) Response Indicator :-Response indicators are connected to
automatic fire detectors in order to indicate quickly the source
of an alarm signal from detectors which are not easily
accessible or visible.

12.) Fault Isolator:- Its purpose is to isolate the line (loop)

segment when a short circuit is detected. thus the fire
detectors, which are not located in the short circuited segment,
continue operation.

13.) Control Module:- A control module is in output side. It

activates warning devices like a bell or horn strobe. It can also
activate relays connected to FAS. Control modules take order
from the fire alarm control panel to apply necessary action .

S.No. IS Codes Specification

& Norms
This standard covers the planning,
design, selection, installation and
1 IS 2189(2008)
maintenance of Fire detection and
alarm systems.
2 NFPA-72 The purpose of this Code is to
define the means of signal
initiation, transmission, notification,

and annunciation;
3 NFPA 70E Describes safe work practices for
electrical construction and
maintenance but not how to design
or install electrical systems
IS Codes & Standard

The Basic Fire Alarm System consists of the following:

1. )Fire Alarm Control Panel:- The Fire Alarm control panel is

the "brain" of the fire detection and alarm system. It is
responsible for monitoring the various alarm "input" devices
such as manual and automatic detection components, and
then activating alarm "output" devices such as horns, bells,
warning lights, emergency telephone dialers, and building


Thus Control panel connects the initiating devices and the

notification appliances together to form a system.

2.) Initiating devices

Fire alarm system initiating device is a device that transmits a

signal to the fire alarm control unit indicating that the device
has undergone a change of state. A change of state might be
closing a sprinkler control valve, operating a manual fire alarm
box, actuation of a fire detector, or operation of a fire
suppression system.

Initiating devices usually operate automatically. The only
manual initiating devices are manual fire alarm boxes.

Types of initiating devices in the Fire Alarm System:-

I.) Manually Operated Initiating Devices :- Manual fire alarm

box or generally know as manual call point is operated
manually in case fire emergency condition is raised.

 Manual fire alarm boxes :- As discussed they operates

manually & are used to initiate an alarm signal, and operate
by means of a simple button press or when glass is broken

revealing a button as shown below in Fig-1 by indicating arrow.

They can form part of a manual alarm system or an automatic
alarm system.

Fig-1 Manual Call Point

Type of Manual Fire Alarm boxes

S.N Type Description


Single handle fire boxes
are operated manually
by just pushing the push
down button at arrow
1 Single sign as shown & thus
handle giving command to the
Control panel to give
further command to
Audible devices, like
horns, bells, buzzers to
sound .

As the name suggests,

glass break fire box give
commands to the
2 Glass control panel only when
Break the glass plate or rod is
broken manually. Glass
break fire box once used
need to be replaced by
new one.

Two action are necessary

to initiate an alarm i.e.
Either break a glass to
3 Double open a door or lift a
Action cover to gain access to a
switch or leaver to
initiate an alarm.

II) Automatic Operated Initiating Device

A.) Smoke detectors:- These are the devices that detects visible
or invisible particles of combustion. Smoke Detectors are very
useful in homes, offices, schools and industries.

Types of Smoke Detector

Generally there are two types of smoke detector

I.) Photoelectric Type:- The principle of using a light source and

a photosensitive sensor arranged so that the rays from the light
source do not normally fall onto the photosensitive sensor.
When smoke particles enter the light path, some of the light is
scattered by reflection and refraction onto the sensor &
initiating the alarm.

Application:- Photoelectric smoke detector alert faster to
smoke fire & thus better for smoldering fires application.

II.) Ionization Type:-

The principle of using a small amount of radioactive material to

ionize the air between two electrically charged plates to sense
the presence of smoke particles.

Smoke particles entering the ionization volume decrease the

conductance of the air by reducing ion mobility. The reduced
conductance signal is processed and used to convey an alarm

Ionization type detectors should be located where the largest
combustible gas concentration can be expected.


1.) Inside the smoke alarm, there are two tiny metal plates
called electrodes that are connected to a battery. This is called
a circuit.

2. ) There is also a substance called Americium- 241.

Americium-241 converts air molecules into positive & negative
ions. Because opposites attract, the negative ions move
towards the positive plate & the positive ions move towards
the negative plate. This movement creates a complete circuit or
path of electricity as shown below.

3.) When smoke enters the smoke alarm, the ions bond with
the smoke, breaking the path of electricity.

4.) When the flow of electricity is reduced, the alarm goes off.

Application:- Ionization smoke detector alert faster to Flaming

fires. The flaming fire produced because of Gasoline, cooking
oil, grease etc present at home or any other place. Ionization
alarm alert 30-90 second faster than photoelectric detectors in
flame fire detection.

B.) Heat detectors :- A heat detector is a fire alarm device

designed to respond when the energy of a fire increases the
temperature of a heat sensitive element.

The most common fixed temperature point for electrically

connected heat detectors is 58°c (136.4°f).after this
temperature alarm star beeping.

A heat detector will notify of a fire in a kitchen or utility

area, e.g., laundry room, garage and so on.

Heat Detector

Types of Heat Detector

 Fixed-Temperature Detector:- A device that responds when

its operating element becomes heated to a predetermined

 Rate-of-Rise Detector:- A device that responds when the

temperature rises at a rate exceeding a predetermined


Rate-of-Rise detectors operate on a rapid rise in element

temperature of 6.7° to 8.3°C (12° to 15°F) increase per
minute, irrespective of the starting temperature. 

Difference between Smoke detector & Heat detector

S.No Smoke detector Heat detector
1.) Smoke detector warns of Heat detector is an
fire when it comes across instrument that warns of
combustion or soot fire when the temperature
products in the around the smoke
atmosphere. detector reaches some
2.) Smoke detectors will give On the other hand, heat
off the alarm even when a detectors will not detect
small amount of smoke is even the smallest amount
detected. of temperature change.
3.) Smoke detectors are very heat detectors are more
sensitive and may give off reliable fire detectors,
false alarms. only sets off the alarm
when the temperature is
really high.

4.) Suitable in Slow burning Suitable in Clean burning

fires, smoldering fires, for fires, such as those
most of the areas where involving certain
principal fire hazard is flammable liquids. Areas
not from the presence of subject to smoke, steam,
flammable liquids. Fires dust or dirt during normal
involving wood, paper, use, fires that evolve heat
textile, etc, in earlier and flame rapidly, suitable
stages. for rooms where heat
producing equipment like
kitchen, pantry,boilers,
DG sets, etc, are

C.) Flame detectors:- A radiant energy-sensing fire detector
that detects the radiant energy emitted by the flame.A flame is
simply the visible, gaseous part of a fire.

Flame detector

Note:- Radiant energy is the energy of electromagnetic waves.

It is a form of energy that can travel through space. For
example, we receive the heat from the sun, which is located
very far from the earth via radiation.

Application of Flame detector:-

1. ) High-ceiling, open-spaced buildings, such as warehouses

and aircraft hangers.

2. ) Outdoor or semi-outdoor areas where winds or draught can
prevent smoke from reaching a heat or smoke detector.

3. ) Areas where rapidly developing flaming fires can occur,

such as aircraft hangers, petrochemical production areas,
storage and transfer areas, natural gas installations, paint
shops, or solvent areas.

4.) Areas needing high fire risk machinery or installations, often

coupled with an automatic gas extinguishing system.

Flame detector are of following type

S.No. Type Description

I) UV Flame detector makes use of
ultraviolet sensitive photo cathode for
detecting flame. It has a narrow spectral
UV Flame sensitivity of 185 to 260 urn which is
Detector insensitive to visible light.

II.)Good for Hydrogen & methane fueled

I.) Single or multiple wavelength infra-red
flame detector sense wavelength in the
infra-red spectrum. Almost all the materials
that participate in the flaming combustion
emit ultraviolet radiation to some degree

during flaming combustion, whereas only
carbon containing fuels emit significant
2.) IR Flame detector
radiation at the 4.35 micron (carbon
dioxide) band used by many detector types
to detect a flame.

II.) Good for hydrocarbon based flames.

3.) I.) Both UV and IR sources must be present
and exceeding their threshold levels to
UV/IR Flame
activate the alarm in one configuration.

D.) Beam Detector:- Beam smoke detector is a device that uses

a projected beam of light to detect smoke across large areas,
typically as an indicator of fire.

They are used to detect fires in buildings where standard point

smoke detectors would either be uneconomical or restricted
for use by the height of the building.

 If smoke is present in the beam, usually for a period of 8–10 s,

a fire alarm indication is activated. 

Beam Detector

Beam detector are of two type i.e. Receiver-transmitter type &

Reflector type.

1. ) Receiver-transmitter Beam detector :- It consists of

receiver and transmitter unit. In normal state, IR light beams
sent from transmitter reach the receiver unit. In case of fire,
smoke obstruct the IR light beams and some of light rays can
not reach receiver unit. The distance between two units can be
between 5-100 meters as shown.

Receiver-transmitter Beam detector

2. ) Reflector type Beam Detector:-It consist of reflector and a

unit that works as both receiver and transmitter.

In normal state, IR light beams sent from receiver-transmitter

unit reflect from reflector and reaches the unit.

In case of fire, smoke obstruct the IR light beams and some of

light rays can not reach receiver-transmitter unit. Due to this
disturbance the alarm.

if there are 4 reflectors, the distance between reflector and the
unit can be between 5-50 meters. If there is 1 reflector, the
distance between reflector and the unit can be between 5-35

Reflector type Beam Detector

Choice of Fire Detector/ Selection Criteria of Fire Detector

Fire detectors are designed to detect one or more of three
characteristics of a fire that is smoke, heat or radiation (flame).
No one type of detector is the most suitable for all applications.

Since each type of detector has its own advantages and

disadvantages, and no one type of detector is most suitable for
all applications, the choice of a detector to be used for a
particular application is always a compromise.

Final choice will depend primarily on:

(a) The speed of response required;

(b) The need to minimize false alarms; and

(c) The nature of the fire hazard.

(d) However, other factors such as cost, suitability for the

environment and maintenance requirements shall also need to
be considered

1.) Life Safety Installation

Whenever optical density of smoke exceeds 0.1 dB/m (10 m
visibility), temperature rise beyond 66°C and concentration of
carbon monoxide in the atmosphere exceeds 0.04 percent, and
human survival is endangered.

An alarm should be initiated before these limits are reached so

that the occupants are able to escape to safety. Time overriding
priority is to be given for detection of smoke because of the
following factors:

In a life safety installation, it is, therefore, essential to:

I) pay primary attention to early detection of smoke and to

protect escape routes including those areas from which the
routes might be hazarded by smoke detectors;

2) ensure operation of detectors on escape route before optical

density exceeds 0.05 dB/m that is, visibility falls below 20 m;

3) take into account any scheme of pressurization/ smoke

control while providing detectors there.

2.) Property Safety Installation

People are not always present, mobile or alert in all parts of

premises, housing property even during normal occupancy
hours. When fire starts in such areas it gets time to grow to a
stage where it cannot be easily extinguished. Installation of fire
detectors enables early detection and easy extinction by
reducing delay between ignition and start of fire fighting

Installation of Fire Detectors

 At the time of installation and prior to commissioning, every

fire detector should be allotted an identification number,
preceded by alphabetic initials showing the type of
detectors, for example Z1/SOI/20 meaning Smoke Detector,
Ionization, Zone 1, 20th Detector.Z2/SDOT/3 meaning
Smoke Detector Optical, Zone 2, 3rd Detector. HFT/4 (Fixed
Temperature Heat Detector, 4th Detector) HFR Rate of Rise
Heat Detector, etc. A record of this should be maintained in
the control centre.

 For Heat detectors should be so installed that the sensing

element is not less than 25 mm and not more than 150 mm
below the ceiling/roof level.

 For smoke detectors, the sensing element should not be less
than 25 mm and not more than 600 mm below the ceiling/
roof level except as necessary by site test

 Installation and spacing of detectors

a. ) As per IS 2189 Ref 6.3.2 Under flat ceilings, the horizontal

distance between any point in a protected area and the
detector nearest to that point shall not exceed

(1) 7.5 m in case of smoke detector, and

(2) 5.3 m in case of heat detector

b.) In case of a sloping roof or pitched ceiling (where the
distance between the top of apex and bottom of the roof
exceeds 600 mm), spacing of detectors at or in the vicinity of
apex may be spaced between 7.5 m and 8.5 m for smoke

c.) Detectors shall not be mounted within 500 mm of any walls,

partitions or obstructions to flow of smoke or hot gases, such
as structural beams and duct work, where the obstructions are
greater than 250 mm in depth.

d.) Detectors shall not be mounted within I m of any air inlet
(supply air inlets of HVAC system) or a forced ventilation

e.) Detector installation shall be such that a clear space of 500

mm is maintained below each detector.

f.) All stairwells, lift shafts, other utility shafts, etc, shall have a
detector at the top. Lift machine rooms shall be provided with a

g.) A detector shall be placed on the protected side of the

premises on the ceiling 1.5 m from any door, window or any
opening in the wall partitions separating the protected
premises from the other premises.

h.) Every enclosure (that is, room or cabin) shall have a

detector at ceiling level and also under false ceiling, if provided.

i.) Voids as in false ceiling/flooring more than 800 mm shall be

protected with detectors with spacing like in normal
installation. However, voids as in false ceiling/flooring less than
800 mm height need not necessarily have independent
coverage unless the void is such that the spread of fire products
between the rooms or compartments take place through it.

As per IS 2189 Ref. 6.3.3 spacing of detector considering height
is as such


7m Smoke detector  7.5m

Heat detector 5.3m
7m-10m Smoke detector 5m

Heat detector 3.5m

 Installation of Flame Detectors

The location and spacing of the detectors shall be based on

sound engineering evaluations taking into account the

1) Size of the fire requiring detection,

2) Fuel involved,

3) Sensitivity of detectors,

4) Distance between the fire and detector,

5) Radiant energy absorption of the atmosphere,

6) Presence of other sources of emission,

7) Purpose of detection system, and

8) Response time required.

 Installation of Manual Call Points

Manual call points shall be so located that, to give an alarm, no

person in the premises has to travel distance of more than 30
m to reach them.

When manual call points are also installed external to the

building, the travel distance shall be 45 m.

Call points shall be fixed at a height of 1.4 m above the

surrounding floor level, at easily accessible, well illuminated
and conspicuous positions, which are free of obstructions.

3. ) Notification Appliances:- The devices that notify the

occupants of a building of the fire condition.

Notification Appliances are of following type:-

i.) Horn/Strobe:- Intended for full building notification as well

as on the property ground, they produce a loud sound to notify
occupants to evacuate the buildings; the strobe is intended to
notify those that may have a hearing impairment. Often used in
high noise environments, such as manufacturing plants.

ii.) Sirens: Extremely loud devices generally limited in use to

outdoor or heavy industrial areas.

iii.) Bell :- A fire alarm is an electronic sounder or a bell.
The alarm makes a loud, high pitched sound to notify people
that there is a fire in the building. The sounders can be
programmed to sound different tones.The bell makes a
continuous ringing sound

Bell, Sirens & Horn/Strobe.

4. Primary and Secondary Power Supplies :- Power supply is
feed to the Notification appliance circuit & Initiating device

Types of Fire Alarm Systems :-

I. Non -Addressable System

 The system consists of one or more zones each having

either manually operated call points or automatic detection
devices. When the alarm is activated, the zone in which the
activation has occurred is shown on the control panel.

 Also commonly known as “ Conventional fire alarm system”.

Conventional fire alarms are ideal for small buildings, such

as individual offices or retail shops.

 Fire detectors are wired to the panel in groups known as

zone as shown below.

Conventional Fire Alarm System

 Identification of alarm status by zone with each zone

hardwired to a control panel. 

 Fire detectors indicates either “Fire” or “Normal” status


 Conventional fire alarm systems are much less expensive

and require significantly less labor to install.

Disadvantage of Non -Addressable System

The main disadvantage of having a Non- addressable system is

that if any one of the detector failed due to any reason, other
detectors like smoke, heat detectors etc connected to that
failed detector in series ahead of it will also stop working.

II. Addressable System

 An addressable fire alarm system is made up of a series

of fire detectors and devices that are connected back to a
central control panel.

 In addressable systems, each device has an address or

location, enabling the exact detector that was triggered to
be quickly identified

Addressable System

 Identification of alarm status by zone and by address.

 Indicates and records system events.

Advantages of addressable fire alarms

1.) Specifications can be programmed by the user:-

For example, cause and effect programming can be used to

say that a particular ‘cause’ such as activation of a fire detector,
has the effect of alarms sounding in a specified area and the
system being put on alert mode in another. This means that
phased evacuation can take place, with priority areas
evacuated first. Each area of a building can then be evacuated
one at a time, which allows safer fire evacuation procedures in
large buildings.

2.) Reduced likelihood and better handling of false alarms:-

False alarms cause disruption and can be costly.One of the

advantages of addressable fire alarms is that they can allow air
to be monitored through the detectors, so if air is
contaminated for example with dust (which can activate some
fire alarm systems) then a ‘pre-fire’ warning is triggered. This
allows investigation to take place, so any issues can be rectified
before a full scale false activation of the system takes place.

1. ) More reliability, less likely to lose connection:-

Due to the way that addressable alarm systems are connected,

any breaks in the circuit caused by damage are less likely to
result in devices being disconnected. Unlike conventional
systems, all devices are wired up on a loop and are connected
to the panel unit at both ends as shown below. Therefore if

connection breaks at one end, devices will still be connected.

Addressable Fire Alarm System

2. ) Lower overall cost of wiring:-

Addressable fire alarms are wired on a loop, which is basically

a circuit that connects the system to other devices such as call
points and detectors. With conventional fire systems each
zone and sounder circuit has its own wire, so the cost of wiring
can potentially be higher, depending on how many devices
need connecting up

Do you need an addressable fire alarm?

 This will depend on the requirements of your premises.

Usually addressable fire alarms are more suited to larger
commercial premises, as they provide accurate and detailed
information as to the location of a fire, which isn’t necessary in
smaller buildings.

Addressable FAS for Larger Buildings

 These systems provide sophisticated fire protection, so

therefore they do tend to be more expensive than conventional
alarms overall. However if having a reliable method of alerting
you to danger, that cuts down false alarms and allows for
smooth evacuation is critical to your business, then it’s a

worthwhile investment.

 Of course, the type of fire alarm system installed is

important to get right and we’d strongly advise talking to a
fire protection expert before making a decision.

III. Hybrid System (conventional + addressable)

 The Hybrid Fire Alarm System combines the capabilities of

both Intelligent Addressable and Conventional Fire Alarm

 The system thus helps in the gradual up gradation from

Conventional to Addressable Fire Detection and Alarm

 This also helps in avoiding the huge costs that customers
can incur in case of a total replacement of the
Conventional System with an Addressable System.

Hybrid System


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