Life Pre-Int SB Units 7-12
Life Pre-Int SB Units 7-12
Life Pre-Int SB Units 7-12
86 Twenty-first century
How similar is the
Holl),wood cowboy to the
ρ θ+9"θ
:ι θ6`晰 ウ
ε J′
real thing? `r=″ `γ
90 Butler school
Avideo about the hard
work of becoming an
English butler
7a X― ray photographer
Listening 3 ■ 2.2 Listen again Choose the correct options(a― C)tO
complete the sentences about Nick′ sjob.
Look atthe photo.ツ Vhere is it?In what
The iob is
norlmal photos?
wvay is it different ion■
a creative b unskilled c highly-qualified
2 蜀 2.2 Listen to a documentary about He works in .
│■ ⅢⅢ■●│■●●IⅢ ■■■IⅢ ■
「「 ==■
│■ │■ ■■
│■ │
Unit 7 Work
Vゃ ch褥 購意 office equipment
Ⅲ Ⅲ Ⅲ Ⅲ Ⅲ Ⅲ ¨│… ■
S Look atthe photo on Page 82 again and find "Ⅲ
FoF furtheF"● ¨ │… 竜● │
these items.How rnany ofthenl have yOu got ・・・ ・
in your workPlace?
8 Look at the grammar box. Then underline the other
bo9k,helf c6ffee area desktop llmp prepositions of place and movement in the emails in
rilng cabinct newspaper ,otiCO bOard Exercise 6. Which are prepositions of place? Which are
ph616cO‐ pier svvivel chair 1/vater cooler prepositions of movement?
4y Office is on the ground floor When your PS The liftis out of ordertoday so you′ │l have to go
∼ 5 the reception area to the fire exit and 1/valk
technician comes into the bu‖ ding′ te‖ him
my dooris on the right Go through the first 6 the emergency stairs
office and into the next room The broken
phOtOcOpieris Opposite the door
Regards IA/e9ot 7 the lift on the fifth floor and noA/v it
Jennie Clark won′ t9o8 to reCeptiOn Please help!
Office Administration Manager
1 0 Pronunciation intrusive/w/
Sahi― m aAA/ay thisvveek so 9o up to my
office and the report is in the f‖ ing cabinet 寺 2.3 Sometimes when a wOrd endsin a vowel
behind my assistant's desk and the next verb startsin a vowe1/we add the
/w/sound Listen and repeatthese examples with
gθ +Preposition.
Grammar prepositions of l g。 /v`/in 3 go/V√ /at 5 go/` V/up
place and movement 2 go/` ´
√/。 n 4 go/` ハ
√/int。 6 go/・ へ
The State of Pennsylvania in the north-
east of the USA is famous for its beautiful
countryside. However, in 2004, an energy
company discovered natural gas under
the ground. Since then, this discovery has
changed many peoplet lives - in good
and bad ways. Many people have found
new jobs but it has also changed the
environment. Here are the opinions of
some of the local people...
colleaguesandteamwork independence
1 business a call
number'ofdays'hclidays pension promotion
2 monev breakfast
salary training working,hours
3 aiob
Complete these phrases with make or do.Use a
2 Look at the cowboys in the photo on page 87. dictionary to help you, if necessary.
What do you think is important their job?
1 your homework
2 a mistake
Reading J a decision
4 someone a favour
Read the article on page 87. \Mhich of these well at work/school
headings (1-3) best summarises the text? 6 your bed
1 How modern cowboys really live and work. 7 a noise
2 The truth about Hollywood cowboys. 8 work
3 \zVhy people don't want to be cowboys anymore.
8 Work in pairs. Ask your partner three questions
4 Read the article again. Choose the correct option using verb + noun combinations with make and do.
(a-c) to complete the sentences.
What kind of job do you do?
1 The writer explains that life as a cowboy
is . ......... . What do you normally make for breakfast?
a similar to life as a Holly'wood actor
b adventurous and romantic
c hard work
Critical thinking the author's
2 The cattle industry .
:■■│■ │■ ││
1■ ■枠 ■■■│■ │七
:t::-,*:.:,lll:r:.:l:.l::,: : : -.'
二事軒 ■
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│ヽ 1峯
Cowboys have always had a romantic image. When people So why do men - because it s usualy men - choose th s
frrst watched Hollywood films, being a cowboy wasn't a job. life? Pat Crisswell had a good 1ob rvith the govertrert te
It was a life of adventure, freedom, horses. lt was a classic made good money but he d dn't ike tne cir,. -ie ,'.a'l.c -3
symbol of the United States of America. ln reality, the real do something different So one day, ne ga,ie -c : s..c :-:
American cowboys have lived and worked here rn the west moved to a ranch in Texas, earning much ess ai a ac.'.t:_.
and south-west of the United States for over three centuries, He remembers his work colleagues in lhe cnv o..-. l._,
:ong before Hollywood. The adventure and romance have he Ieft. They all thought Pat was crazy. But he ,",;ar:ec-cl
disappeared but the hard work and long hours are the same satisfaction more than money.
as they've always been.
Two brothers - Tyrel and Blatne Tucker - have lived on
No one knows how many cowboys are still working. Maybe ranches and worked with cows since they were chtldren
cetween ten and fifty thousand. lts also difficult to define a Their mother had a ranch in Wyoming. Last wintel they
twenty-first century cowboy. Surely it can't be the big cattle looked after 2,300 cows. Every day from December until
owners who do business with a seventy-billion dollar beef April, they rode across nearly 'l 00,000 acres of land with
rndustry? These modern ranches use the latest technology only the cattle, the horses, and each other for company.
and employ ac(ountants. But even some of the old traditional Eighteen-year-old Tyrel Tucker says, 'lt was fun. You get to
cattle ranches make more money nowadays by offering be by yourself.'
nolidays to tourists; people come and stay for a holiday and
Blaine has a large moustache and Tyrel is growing his. They
rve the cowboys life (or a Hollywood version of it).
wear traditional cowboy clothes with the famous hat and
But even with technology and Hollywood romance, real boots. You could do the same job in a baseball cap and a truck
cowboys still do the same job they have done for years. but Tyrel and Blaine prefer the traditional cowboy culture: 'lts a
The cattle still need to walk across huge plains and eat real life about you, your horse and the open country.'
grass many miles from the ranch. And so cowboys ride on
horses to bring them home. Cowboys work in the middle symbol (n) /'srmbl/ something that represents a society.
of nowhere, in a place where you can't make a phone call country or type of life
because mobile phones don't work. Like the cowboys of cattle (n) /'kactl/ cows
the past, twenty-first century cowboys still get up early on ranch (n) /ra:nt.[/ large farm for cattle, horses or sheep
freezing cold mornings and make breakfast over an open fire, plain (n) /plcrn/ grassy areas of open land
There is no Monday to Friday, weekends off or paid holidays. good money /god 'm.tnr/ expression meaning 'a lot of money'
acre (n) /'erka(r)/ measurement of Iand
7d.Ajob inter宙 ew
Vocabulary iob adVerts 瘍 2.6 Listen again and complete these questions
■om the lllterview、 l Then lnatch them vvith the
l Look atthejob advertヤ Vould you apply for this correct category in the box.
kind ofjob?W町 ?/Why not? 1 long ha-"'e you there?
う4 ●υ ”仕 民υ ´
have vou for this position?
一 一 一 一 一
¨ 一 一 一 一
一 一 ¨ 一 一
you yourself as ambitious?
拿骰 :鬱 率 Å 拿霜:拿 鵞鋏 轟き
are some of your main strengths?
『渉鶉鞣 な櫃 :手 you any questions for me?
you me more about that?
E.l. Books is a large national bookshop. We are opening
our latest bookshop and so we are recruitlng sales staff
for full and part-time positions (flexible hours) Your current situation and job
Tell me about your current job.
輻 ba旬 ‖。b de¶ 1山 On and COttad ddaζ Why do you want to leave your current job?
All applicants must send their application and CV for applying
to prsvt.rt experience Why do you think you'd like to do this job?
Sala"y is
Strengths, weaknesses and personal qualities
Do you have any weaknesses?
Match words in the advert with the How would other people describe you?
definitions (1-8).
Questions for the interviewer
L people applying for the job What questions do you have about the job?
Can you give me some information about (the salary, the
2 aletter or email to say you'd like to apply for
hours, the benefits, etc.)?
the job
3 the amount of money you will make a year
4 looking for people to work for a company 6 Work in pairs. Look at the job advert. You are
(formal word for'employing') going to roleplay a job interview for this position'
5 a more formal word for'jobs'with a company
6 abbreviation meaning Curriculum Vitae (with
information about you, your qualifications and
ウ/ 00
Real life a job interview helping six staff including answering calls, doing
frling, answer ng enquirLes and helplng customers
Prevrous exper ence of offrce work is helpf u but
3黎 2.6 Rtlby applied forthejob h the advert h not essential. The abil ty to work tn a team and an
Exercise l and、 vas ll■ vited for an intervieル vl Listen enthusiasttc personaltty s more important. Some
to extracts from the interview、L Are the sentences knowledqe of English is also useful. i'.:, r' ,:''l'ir' for
full job description and contact details. All applicants
true(T)Or falSe(F)?
must email their applicat on and CV. Salary is
88 椰 GMNG】 REC■ ONS pAsr ExpERtENcEs youR optNtoN oF A JoB > EIEmEf,Eill
writinE a CV o writing skill action verbs for CVs Unit 7 Work
Mnuagt:d t nte;l.i;irri-sizeil Itof c!.
│││││■ │
■ │■ ││││││
‐ ‐ │││‐
│││‐ ││││
││││■ ││
│││││││‐ ││││
Unit 7 Work
Defり「 鯰 y蜻 輔 L緻 赳竃臨熙 6 Watch the final part of the video (05.01 to the end).
Answer the questions.
1 ャvOrk in gro,Ps.Look atthe photo and discuss the
questions Use as lnany ofthe、 へ
√ords and phrases
1 What three things are mentioned as'the finer
thinss in life'?
in the glossary as you can
l ヤ
Vho are the people? 2 vVl.r;li;tt Jia tn" people do before the course?
2 Vhat are they doing?ル ヽ
ヤ 「hy?
3 予
Vhat do you think the caption lneans?
2 Tick the things and People you think yOu rnight 7 Match the people (1-6) with what they say (a*f).
see in the video
1 Ivor Spencer
glasses hats a London taxi a neⅥ ′
spaper 2 tlne man in the pipe shop
talk and ask questions about events and ・ How llluch ll■ oney would you v√ antto earn?
experiences in the past
愚brk in pairs Tell your partner about your dreallliob.
Unit I Technology
一■ ■ 一
FEATURES Look at the photo and the caption. How do you think they
are going to 'work together'? In what ways do robots already
94 lnvention for the eyes work with humans?
An inventor finds a 2 2"7 Listen to someone talking about the importance of
solution to make the whole technology in our lives. Answer the questions.
world see
1 What everyday jobs does technology do for humans?
96 Technology for 2 Under what circumstances does technology ever make
explorers 3 Where does the robot in the photo work? What does it do?
How technology is
changing the world of 3 Which of these comments are true for a robot, a human
exploration or both?
speaking solving a problem . listening a science programme t grammar defining relative clauses '
speaking a new invention
:髄 黒鮒盤精盤朧 ch was
器ostilnportantin wheel
the ll■ human history
3te爾 ;爾 鬱
議■12.8 This■ betan man is wearing a The lens changes shaPe.
new、 rtype of glasses Listen to a science I The wearer turns the wheels on each side'
progranlllle about the glasses.Answver The silicone oll moves into the lens.
the questions The pump pushes the silicone oil through the pipe'
::■ ■
Grammar defining relative clauses
1:氏 ■ ? Look at the sentences (a-c) from the science programme'
Answer the questions'
a These people live in parts of the world where there
aren't manY oPticians.
b There is a scientist who has found a solution to
the problem.
c joshua Silver has invented glasses which don't need
an optician.
1■ つ4
The first person who used the new glasses was a
袋勒 櫻鑢
man in Ghana.
Silver started an organisation which is called the
'Centre for Vision in the Developinq World'.
The organisation has worked in many places where
over thirty thousand people now wear the glasses. There are still over one billion people in the
world 1 whq need clgq;n zuqfey. They live in regions
You can use that instead of who or which (but not water supply. Now, some
where). lt's less formal. inventors 3 have developed
Tim Berners Lee is the man that invented the World Lifestraw. lt's an invention a .. .. .. ...
Wide Web. while you drink. lt doesn't have any moving parts
It's the invention that's changed the world. so it lasts a long time and
This is the room that where he invented it. it's cheap to produce ($2 each). lt's also small and
easy to carry to places 6
i"r irr,f.r"r information and practice, see page 163.
other sources of water
8b Technology for explorers
Vocahulary the lnternet ◎寺中
do download
subscribe upload write
log on search sett p
□:ダ、 ::
3 Read the blog on the right. Answer the questions. Sites like Facebook and Twitter
also help if we have a problem.
1 How does ]ay Gifford use the internet? Someone in our group touched a
2 \Mhy does he think modern technology is strange plant and suddenly his skin
important for explorers? was red and painful. I asked for advice on Twitter:'Hand touched
a strange plant. ltt red and hot. Any advice?'Minutes later,
4 Read the blog again. \tVhich of these things does Jay someone who knew the region replied,'Probably a Pushki plant.
write about on his social networking sites? lf it is, it'll hurt but itwon't killyou!'ln the age of the modern
explorer, communication like this really helps to make decisions
. where he is and sometimes it even saves lives.
. what he is doing at the moment
. his plans for later
Continue reading this entry >
Posted by Jay Gifford I Comments (21)
. his recent news Filed.Under: Kamchatka, Karimskaya, Wild, River
. his opinions
Unit 8 Technology
Gramm ar zero and first 鰊 2.1l Look atthe grammar box.Complete tlle conversation
beれveen hvo exPlorers Planning a canoeing expedition lvith
cond itional the correct forin of the verbs.Then listen and check your
ansル vers.
5 Look at the sentences (a-c) from
the blog in Exercise 3. Answer the A:So′ what are wve goillg to take with us?
questions (1-2). B: ヤVell′ I don/t knowv vvhat the wveather/s going to be like.If it
a If the weather is this good for the rains/wel (need)all this waterproof clotl■ ing.
next few days, the expedition will A:Yes′ butif we take allthat′ tl■ ere 2 (nOt/be)
go well. space for anything else.Anywvaン ル vhen l go canoeing/
Sites like Facebook and Twitter also
13 (always/ get) wet. Why are you packing that?
help if we have a problem. If we don't have a map, we (probably / get) lost.
Don′ t worrv lf15 (bring) my GPS, we'IIknow
\Mhen explorers arrive in a new
place, they log on to their social exactly where we are at all times. What about food?
networking site. B: I normally take tins and packets of food when I 6
(go) on a trip like this.
1 ■ つ4
\tVhich sentences talks about things A: Good idea. If you carry the food in your canoe/
that are generally true? Iア (pack) both the tents in mine.
\tVhich sentence talks about a B: Maybe that's not such a good idea. If something
possible future situation? (happen) to one of us, then the other person either won't
have any food or won't have a tent.
A: Well, hopefully that e (not / happen) if we're
iflwhen + present simple, present simple
7 a
For further information and practice, see b Vヽ lork in pairs.Practise reading the conversation in Exercise 6
page 163. Pay attention to the rising and falling intonation lν here
榎 十オ 一
When zue haCIe a problen;
nature often has the ansu)er
In aroom at Stanford University, scientists are studying a Velcro is probably the most famous example of biomimetics.
sma1l animal called a gecko. It's an amazing animal because Most people have some Velcro on an item of clothing. It
it can move very quickly up and down a tree and it can even was invented by the Swiss engineer George de Mestral in
rvalk upside down on ceilings. The scientists are particularly 1948. He was walking in the countryside when he pulled a
interested in the gecko's feet. They want to use the same plant's bur from his trousers. He noticed how the bur stuck
design on their own robot. The metal robot looks very so well to his clothes. He worked on his idea and the result
similar to the gecko. It has four feet which can also walk up was Velcro, which became an afi-ordable alternative to the
rval1s made of glass or plastic. However, it still has a more traditional zip.
difficult time when it tries to walk upside down.
In 1982, Wilhelm Bartlott was another inventor who had a
Animals and plants can teach humans a lot about design great idea when he was studying the leaves of a lotus p1ant.
and engineering. As a result, many engineers, scientists Bartlett noticed that water always ran off the 1eaf. When he
and designers spend time studying them. When they have had a closer 1ook, he also noticed how the leafcleaned itself.
:r problem, nature often has the answer. This science is Bartiott copied the leaf's special surface and nowyou can
ca11ed biomimetics.,Bia- means'studying living things' and find it in specialised paint products where water and dirt
tnimetics means'copying the movement of things'. In other never stay on the paint.
rvords, scientists - or biomimeticists - stud1, animals and
In conclusion, biomimetics has helped to design our worid
plants in order to copy the design.
and there are many more future possibilities. Unfortunately,
Take, for example, a wha1e. Engineers in Canada are it might take a long time to discover all the possibilities.
studying their flippers because they move so effectir.ely This isnt really surprising because it's taken nature
through water. The engineers believe the shape can also thousands of years to design its animals and plants.
improve the movement of wind turbines. Similarly, the
i:oxfish is another animal from the sea which is helping flipper (n) /'fhpe(r)/ the f lat arm or leg of a sea animal, used
car manufacturers in German,v. Mercedes Benz is using the for swimming
-shape of the fish for one of its new cars.The shape makes it
bur (n) /bs:/ a seed from a plant
tl.ter rnd more luel elficient. zip (n) lztpl two rows of metal teeth-like parts which come
together (e.9. on a coat)
vocabulary technology verbs . pronunciation linking . real life asking how something works
Pronunciation linking
Where do I switch it on?
琲 2,13 A word ending with a consonantsound links How did you do that?
to the nextttvord ifit starts vvith a vowel sound.Listen What happens if I press this button?
and practise saying these instructions. What is this for?
How long does the battery last?
l Switch it on.
Why do you need to do that?
2 Plugvitvinto a laptop.
How do you make it switch on / record?
3 Rechargevitvovernigl■ t.
4 Send an email
5 Click on thelink Work in pairs. Take turns to ask and explain
how something works. Use these objects or
ヤVork in pairs.Thil■ k of more items you often use at
gadgets in your bag or in the school.
home or atwvork and rnake sentences using the verbs
in Exercises 2 and 3a.Pay attention to linking、 vhere a mobile phone a CD player
necessary. an MP3 player a computer
an interactive whiteboard a DVD player
ノswた cわ von m/mob〃 evノ nめ e a vending machine
mornFng and recわ arge、 ノt_OVernfgわ せ .
8e An argumentfortechnology
Writing a paragraph 3 Writing skill supporting sentences
1 Read the paragraph. \Atrhere do you think it comes The first sentence in the paragraph about LED
from? Choose the correct option (1-3). lighting is the topic sentence. It gives a general
introduction to the main idea of the paragraph.
1 an instruction manual Afterwards, all the other sentences support this
2 arcport on energy in the workplace main idea. \ /hich of these sentences (1-8) are topic
3 work about
a message to a colleague at sentences (T) and which are supporting sentences (S)?
the lighting
1 The Internet has completely changed our access
to information.
2 Take, for example, how many books and
articles you can read online.
3 For example, closed circuit television (CCTV) is
on our streets and in public places.
4 There are many different ways to use
technology in security.
5 In other words, all your personal information
can be put onto one identity card.
Firstly, Russia put the first satellite in space in
1957. Now there are thousands in space.
Over the last fifty years, there have been
many great achievements in space travel and
Furthermore, robots have now landed and
travelled on Mars.
LED lighting is a more effective form of 4 Read these notes for a paragraph about CPS
modern lighting technology. Firstly, LED lights 「rite the paragraph using the nOtes
last longer than normal lights. For example. and connecting words frolll Exercise 2.
a normal light bulb lasts for around 5,000
hours. LED light bulbs last 100,000 hours.
Furthermore, LED light bulbs change 80% ■ 豫晟ih轟 暉競なc臨 畿
of electricity into light. Normal bulbs only ‐
■‐ 0や Si∫ a goθ d ideaも F ttnyθ に ぉkθ l臼 vd,a lθ l
change 20%.ln other words, LED lights need
less electricity to produce more light. On the
・ 5吻 PPゃ 請 じ:感 ettf:
■ │れ
・. 多 ` ねε φtt
祟紘ι像裕滅絋ο relわ
γ :)
2 Watch the video and check your answers from Student B: You are the head teacher of a school.
Read the notes below and prepare questions to ask
, Exercise 1.
the salesperson.
3 Watch the video again and answer the questions. o You are interested in wind turbines but are
1 How much money could the wind turbines not sure whether to build one for your school.
save the school district in energy costs? Some parents have complained that wind
turbines are very ugly.
2 H;; *"rli the district spend the money? . Think of three or four disadvantages of wind
3 Why is it very important that the turbines . Ask the salesperson about the benefits of wind
in Spirit Lake can withstand strong winds? turbines.
4 What does the school disLrict do with the Act out the conversation. Then change roles and
energy from the larger turbine? repeat the conversation.
6rammar 5 Complete the questions with words from
Exercise 4. Then discuss the questions with
1 Make sentences with a relative clause using the your partner
l What′ s the best you've ever had in your
1 the invention / has changed the modern life?
world / the internet 2 What decisions do vou in your daily
The inaEntiau which has changed the wcdern ntarld or at work? How important are they?
is the internet. 3 What's the most common mistake you
2 camping / an activity / Ienjoy doing
3 GPS / a gadget / tells you where you are 4 Do you like to solve a on your owvn or
4 my parents / the people / always happy to a solution with others? Why?
see mel
I hate about TV / the adverts
6 Match two words (one from each box) and
5 the thing / complete the sentences.
6 the Space Shuttle / the first spacecraft / travel
from and to Earth click log plug forward into
push set tu rn on (x2) round up
I want to
2 How do you
an online account?
¨ 一¨
│=: recharge.
難 to
鶴 number 10.
5 You can pull it backwards for rer.erse or
it to go faster.
6 the icon in the top corner to open
the program.
璽曇彗 A FORM
vocabulary education . pronunciation stress in two-syllable wofds . listening a documentary
grammar present simple passive I by + agent . speaking adult education
9a Ways of learning
Vocabulary education 2 Pronunciation stress in two-syllable words
Unit 9 Language and learning
髭彗2.1 7 Listen to the docurlentary again.Choose the 8 Complete the article about adult education with
correct options. the present simple passive form of the verbs.
(send) for16wlllソ
further training by their employers to
2 Students havelearned Kung Fu atthe temple since
tl・ eノ 7カ /ノ 彎 4カ Century
acquire new skills. Others want a change of career,
フ カ
3 Shaolin θ ″ヶ“
チε 力 gF夕 /力 ′ ル/θ η
′ so new qualifications 3 (need). For
s″ グ
`α `sK夕 “ many adults, learning a (not / see)
blrs,ll`ssθ S.
4 1n the city of Dengfend there are 50′ 000 sc力 θθls/ as something only for school children. Studying a
st夕 ′ チ s of Kung Fu. subject can be fun and a good way to socialise. And
`れ these days, many courses' (nOt/
5 z41:′ 力 ι
4チ s/Nθ チαII′ llθ s′ ll′ s are atthe
`s`"′ `Jl′ take) in a real school. Adults are studying more in
school because they、 vantto be
6 Thereis alot of″ ′
″:れ θ/ル θ ′
f17`in the sch001 later life by distance or online learning.
`′ Books (send) to their
VVhat are your views aboutleanling Kung Fu in home. Course material
China?Complete the speech bubbles.Then compare (email) by their
your vie、 vs、vith the class online tutor. On some courses,
the lessons
One lわ ′
ng that stlrprised me v1/as.., (teach) with videoconferencing.
It all helps with the belief
d/И /otlノ dn竹 ′
ノ1/t/oυ ′ ′ke lo′ earn
that education doesn't
sometわ Fng[わ な 討ay becaυ se.…
■ │
7 Look at the sentences (a-b) and answer the 1 Degrees are normally taught by-ieeiurers for
questions (1-3). three years.
2 lllany degrees are now taught by lecturers
a Teachers teach Kung Fu in hundreds of schools working from home.
in China. 3 The ancient language of Latin isn't studied
b Kung Fu is taught in hundreds of schools in much by students anymore.
China. 4 Latin isn't known by many people under the
In sentence a, what is the object of the sentence? age of seventy anymore.
Does it say who does the action? L -y country, English is spokenby nearly
Look at the grammar box. Then underline all the everyone under the age of thirty.
verbs in the passive form in the audioscript on
page173. Speaking
10 Work in groups. Discuss these questions
In your country, is adult education seen as
normal or something new?
Are employees in your workplace sent on
training courses? What kinds of courses do
they take? Are the courses paid for by the
employee or the employer?
Are you enrolled on any other courses at the
4 In your country, are many courses taught
orrline these days? Who are these courses
offered by? Have you ever studied online?
For further information and practice, see page 164. How did it compare to traditional learning
in a classroom?
吻藤赳塁は A FORM
reading five thousand years of writing . grammar past simple passive . vocabulary by, for, with, in and on .
writing and speaking a general knowledge quiz
3000 BC I 20001 10001
ob19cts′ ‐
idea,eh。 19ns Ond s9unds
AFOlnd 250o BC,/pap,rus′ was Tade
,0● ●llant lld twaS W百 tten on
lylhe E9ypt an,ぃ tё l the ROmans
bヽ olsdd olp'′ む
│=■ ■│■ ■
Chinese /ogograms
(1 200 BC to present) 11=││:│││
4 Look at the grammar box on page 108. 慇 Make quiz questions abOut the article.Use the past silnPle
Then complete the sentences with the passive form
past simple passive form of the verbs.
l How/Cuneiform symb01s/make?(Answer:Vヽ rith clay)
(Note that some of the sentences jit it∵ │′ ご ″′
力輩毎 v,4わ o′ 5府 ″″
contain false information.) `F
2「Ho、「/papyrus/use/by the Egyptians and the Romans?
1 Papyrus (make) from a (Answer:For writing on)
type of tree. 3 1n thelndusヽ ζ
alley/v√ hy/stone Objects/possibly/use?
2 Objects from the Indus Valley (Answer:For people′ s identity or symb01s of a tribe)
(use) as identity cards. 4 やヽhere/the earliest Chinese writing/do?
3 Earlv Chinese writins (Answeri On bone)
(do) onbone. 5 Ho、 へ
F/dates and till■ e/represent/by the NIlaya?
4 The first alphabet (Answer:予 Vith Pictures)
(not / create) by the Phoenicians. 6 By the end Offifteenth century/what/books/publish/
5 Pictures (not / use) with?(Answer:Gutenberg/s printing press)
by the Maya to represent dates and 7 予Vhen/1nOre eB00ks/sel1/by Arnazon than paperback
times. books?(Answer:In 2010)
6 Lots ofbooks (publish)
because of Gutenberg's invention.
WFi竜 :爾 ⑮ 嬢爾 d Spe轟 な意爾鬱
7 The tvoewriter
(invent) n1873. 7 wOrkin grOups.Prepare a histOry general kno、 vledge quiz for
8 eBooks (not / sell) anOther group.予 Vrite live questions about historic or famOus
before 2010. people/inventions/places/obiectS and important dates Use
the past passive form.
Work in pairs. Read the article again
and decide which sentences in 8 予vOrk as a class.Ask your questions and ind out、 へ
/hich group
Exercise 4 are false. has the best general howvledge.
一一 〓
AD 1000 1 20001
Leuantine a/phabek
050 BC to present) │‐ ン。
│″ ィ ィri■′ │
7,││1 1‐
One ofthe first alphabets was
1榔鰤 拙
created by the Phoenicians which
became modern Arabic.The Greek
alphabet also came from this early
雉銀 5
17/rィ ′妬
″″″夕 ι
1lyt'l end Ofthe ifteenth ι
3θ ′ノ
lcentur,b6。 ks h Europe (2010)
lwlrl pubnshё d with a new
Forthe irst lme′
11VIltion― Gutenbergt
prlnllo preSS As a result,
more eBooks
were sold by the
│¨ 0子 │lnd mOre people
online bookse‖ eF
ltartld tO lё arn h。 ,´ ′
to read
Amazon than
and wltё :
paperback books
9C SaVing languages
Reading 6 Complete the sentences about learning
and studying with the correct form of the
"! Does your country have different languages and phrasal verbs in Exercise 4.
cultures? What are they? 1 How much of your English do you
2 Read the article on page 111. Answer the questions.
from listening to music or
watching films in English?
1 What culture is it about? 2 How often do you and your friends
2 What has happened to their languages? Why? and practise speaking English?
3 What is the purpose of the Enduring Voices Project 3 Do you think traditional classrooms
and the Salish school? 予vill and everyone will learn
Onlil■ e?
3 Read the article again. Complete the summary with
4 When you hear a new word, do you
words from the article.
have to it or can you
remember it?
Five hundred years ago, Europeans arrived on the
continent of 1 . Eventually, the Europeans
5 is it important for older people to
their knowledge to Yourrger
became more powerful than the native
people or is it quicker to use the internet?
and they moved these people to reservations. Their
3 and 4 began to disappear.
7 Work in pairs. Ask and answer the questions
Nowadays many native Americans speak 5 in Exercise 6 and give your opinion.
live in 6 . But on some of the reservations, the
tribes are recording the language of the older generation.
They are also setting up 7 for children to learn Critica! thinking fact or
the languages so they might save it for the future. opinion
8 An article can provide facts but also gives
Vocabulary phrasal verbs opinions. Look at these sentences from the
article and decide which three include the
4 Find tlle phrasal verbs(18)in the article.Match the author's opinion.
phra盟 l verbs to their meanings(a■ ).
1 Five hundred years ago, Europeans
1 take away ameet and discuss something arrived on a new continent.
2 giveup b learn informally 2 And so a terrible part of history began.
3 get together C remove from someone 3 But the good news is that some of these
4 die out d stop doing something people are keeping their culture and
5 write dor.,rrn e become less common and disappear language alive.
6 pass on f start something new (e.9. a 4 Many tribes also offer courses in the
7 pickup company or organisation) language.
g h
setup write something with pen and paper 5 The Salish tribe is an excellent example
give to someone (often your of how schools can help.
children) 6 It has 30 students aged two to twelve
during the day.
9 Look at the three opinion sentences in
Exercise 8. Underline the words which show
the sentence is an opinion. \44rat kinds of
words are they?
For further information and practice, see Workbook page 75
Thev bror-rght nerv cultures and languages to this
place rvhich they called America. Hou,ever, there
rvere already people living there g,ho hacl their orvn
cultures and languages. And so a terrible part ol
history besan.
As more Europeans arrived, there r,r,as a fight for the
land r,vith the native Arneric:rn Indi:rns. Bv the end of
the nineteenth century, the Indian tribes rvere moved
to reservations.A lot oftheir children rvere takerr
away to boarding schools and these children rvere
taught to speak English. By the end of the nventieth
centurv nrore than half of the Native Arnericans in
the US rvere living in cities.They gave Lrp speaking
their old tribal language and onlv used English. As a
resnlt, many Native Ar.nerican languages disappeared
and rvith them their culture.
one under 50 speaks the language. So norv, the local
people have set r-rp a school. It has 30 stlldents ased
two to tlvelve during the dav and there are also
collrses for adults in the evening. It is schools and
projects like these nhich - hopefully - nright save
Fiae hundred years ago, Earopeans languagcs [ol rhc [utulc.
arriaed on a neu) continent.
reservation (n) /,reza'vef.fn/ an area of
land where Native Americans live
boarding school (n) 'b::drq sku:l a school
ng on a course
Reading and speaking 膠 │12.19 Look atthese
eXPreSSiOns for describing
1 Work in pairs. Read the web page about three evening classes and a process.Listen to the
answer the questions. conversation again and tick the
expressions the speakers use
1 What kind of people might be interested in each course?
2 Are the courses for people with no knowledge or experience of
the subject?
3 Which course would you choose? Why? Firstly, you need to...
The first thing you're asked to
0キ 中 do is ...
″電 77Jθ たの能θ
l There are no more places on the course Prη α サわ
7/Pθ ′
Pθ ωθ ′たs`ll′ α″θηs.
112 誓
璽屹⑮ A FORM
writing filling in a form . writing skill providing the correct information Unit 9 Language and learning
9e Providi^g information
Writing filling in a form Writing skill providing the
correct information
Work in pairs. Answer the questions.
Match the questions (1-8) with the
1 kinds of forms do you have to fill in?
\zVhat places on the forms in Exercise 2
2 \zVhat kind of information do you have to provide? where you write the information.
3 Do you ever find them confusing or complicated? 1 Are you married, single or
Look at the forms. What is each one for? divorced? marital status
Do you take any tlpes of medicine?
How many children do you have?
4 5
Where did you receive your
current passport?
Where were you born?
Why weren't you allowed into this
country fwo years ago?
1島 鑢臨 ζ 澪やy饗 鬱 Who do we call if you need
help (e.g. your husband, wife or
1颯 Yes 因o
someone related to you)?
軸 What is the first letter of your
middle name?
b Look at the forms again. Notice how
forms use certain conventions and
abbreviations. Answer the questions.
目 Then check your answers on page 153.
1 How many abbreviations can you
find in the forms? lAtrhat do you
think they mean?
2 ldhat do you think these
abbreviations mean?
Titles:Mr, Mrs, Ms, Dr, Prof
Qualifications: BA, BSc, MBA, PhD
3 Which form has a section you do
not write in?
ロ PLEASE USE CAPITAL LETTERS 4 form does not want you to
write in lower-case (small) letters?
PASSPORT N0 PLACE OF SSUE I 4 Work in pairs. Design a one-page
enrolment form for a language school.
Make a list of all the information you
need about the students. Then prepare
the form.
Exchange your form with another
Have you vヽ led thL country before?Ofyes,give detaib) pair. Use these questions to check their
form. Afterwards, give your feedback
on the form.
. Is the form easy to follow?
Have you ever been refused entry or a visa on a previous occasion? (lf yes, give details) r Do you know what to write in
each part?
o Is all the information they want
useful and relevant?
Contact details of person in case of emergency (e.g. spouse, next of kin)
笙奎鯰憑 卜州
│‐ ' 1脅
9f I p9arlng vo19[pr壺
11ギ ー
■● .
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警‐ ―警
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一 ・
Unit 9 Language and learning
Before you watch 6 Complete what the people say with these words.
Then watch the whole video to check.
'l Work in groups. Look at the photo and the
caption. Discuss the questions. awareness interesting language Ioss
speakers younger
1 What are the people in the photo doing?
2 What do you think the caption means? What 'Every fwo weeks around the planet a 1
4 Watch the first part of the video (to 02.17). Are the
After you watch
sentences true (T) or false (F)?
Roleplay saying what you think and giving
1 Chris Rainier is a member of the Living reasons
Tongues Institute.
2 7,}}}languages are expected to disappear in Work in pairs.
the next 50 years.
StudentA: You are a young person from Hong.
3 The three men helped to create the Enduring
Look at the information below and make notes.
Voices project.
4 After Australia, the team went to northeast o You speak a little Apatani with older people
India. but you and your friends prefer to speak
5 The team never have any problems with their English and Hindi. You thinkApatani is old-
equipment. fashioned and you do not care if it disappears.
6 There is no written record of many of the local
Student B: You are a researcher from the Enduring
Voices project.
Watch the second part of the video (02.17 to the o Find out what languages the young person
end). Answer these questions. speaks, and why. Then try to persuade him/
1 What language do most of the older people in her that it is important to preserve Apatani.
Hong speak; Apatani, English or Hindi? Give reasons.
use the active or passive form of the present 惑 vvOrk in pairs Talk about、 vhen you were atscho01.
simple and past simple tense ExPlain VVhO or what was your favourite:
ask questions using the passive form of the ・ teacher
present simple and past simple tense e subject
e time ofday
O classr00m
Unilt 1CI Travel and holidays
reading a holiday problem o grammar past perfect simple . pronunciation 'd . listening what happened next? .
grammar subject and object questions . speaking a holiday you remember
Grammar past perfect Grammar subject and object
simple questions
5 Look at the sentence from the story and I Look at the questions and answers (a-b) from the second
answer the questions. conversation in Exercise 8. Answer the questions (1-3).
I was so excited after I had found the holiday in a Who took it?
the brochure. A man outside the hotel took my bag.
1 Which action happened first?
b When did it happen?
It happened after we'd arrived.
2 Which verb is in the past simple tense?
3 How do we form the past perfect 1 Which question asks about the subject (subject
simple? question)?
2 Which question asks about the object (object question)?
3 Does the subject question or the object question need
the auxiliary verb did?
Subject questions
subject verb ⅢⅢ■■
Who booked
For further information and practice, see page
1 65. My friend booked
Object questions
5 Complete the sentences with the past How much did she pay?
She paid one hundred dollars.
simple or past perfect form of the verbs.
1 \Atrhen we landed in London from 計
7 Pronunciation`d Speaking
奉 2.21 Listen to the lasttwO sentences in 増駿 Think Of a h01iday oriOurney you went On.Make notes
Exercise 6.Notice the prOnunciation of′ ′ .
under these headings:
Then listen again and repeat. O the type of accoll■ ll10dation and/or transPOrt
O other peoPle who went、 へ
rith yOu and local people
」 you lllet
O one day orthing you rememberin PartiCular
8 ≪
姜2.22 Listen toれ vo conversations about
(予 Vhat happened?E)id anything go wrong?)
holidays.2牡 ns、ver the questions.
13 40rk in pairs.Take turns to ask questions about each
1 予Vhat problems were there lvith each
other′ s holiday orjourney.
2 ツVere the problems s01ved? Nヽere d′ d yoυ .… 2
3 VVhat happened in the end?
What happened next?
Get ready for the holiday of a lifetime with A/ational Geographic! Walk through some
of the world's most stunning mountain ranges. Kayak down legendary rivers like the
Amazon. Let our expert guides take you to the birthplaces of ancient civilisations
and introduce you to the fascinating people who live there now: from the Hadza
tribesmen of Tanzania to Bhutanese villagers. This is your opportunity for a unique
adventure with active itineraries that combine spectacular places, cultural interaction
and physical challenge: the perfect mix for an unforgettable adventure.
疇蠅翻鼈醜r‐ ed/‐ ling 9 Pronunciation number of sy‖ ables
Tll′ s′
`γ `χ
θl1/′ sυ
′′,71g bθ ε
′lrs`I′ υθJ7θ υθ
γb`θ ll
10 vOrk in pairs.Talk about these topics using the― ′
予 4g or
`ry`χ ― form of tllese adiectiVes.
たγ γ `′
`bψ `.
1 シVhich adieCtiVe describes howv a person amaze annoy bore excite fascinate interest
feels? tire worry
2 シ
Vhich atteCtiVe descrbes a place/person
Or thing? 1 a place you visited recently
2 a new project you have
3 the last book you read
I We use -ed adjectives to describe feelings: 4 a person you met recently for the first time
I He feels bored I excited I worried I annoyed, etc" 5 a TV programme you saw last week
I We use -rng adjectives to describe ... 6 a present you received recently
. places: Venice is fascinating-
| . peopler Her brother is so baring. I recently visited London. I was excited because it was the
i things: This film is exciting. first time l'd ever been but in fact it was a bit boring ...
For further information and practice, see page 156.
8 Look at the grammar box. Then choose 貯 IⅢ ⅢⅢⅢ Ⅲ I工 ●│IⅢ ⅢⅢⅢⅢIIIII■ ││● │`Ⅲ ⅢⅢ●│″
the correct adjectives to complete the :"″ ed aboυ t l
:.._____._… ……… ・
…・ ‐―‐ __… …,一 つ
・‐―― ……・ ‐二 ・―=― ―― 鳳 ―
・―… ………… ……――― ‐―
conversation. see lA/orkbook,age 83
:For further informatiOn and practice′
'幸 警零霞鑽
│ ´
蒻鼈 陽鶉 鶉彬鱚
The great avenues are quiet, the shops are closed. Everywhere yoll go under Paris, there is history and legend.
There's the smell of fresh bread from a bakery Historians and novelists often refer to them in their books.
somewhere. It would be hard to say which time of For example, Victor Hugo mentions the tunnels in his famous
the day in Paris I prefer but this is probably it. Soon novel -Les Misero,bles and in the story and musical The
the streets will be full of people and trafflc. As with Phantorn of the Opera there is a pond beneath the old opera
most other cities, you see the real Paris when the house. Most people think this is my'th but in fact there is an
city wakes up. underground pond here with flsh. A'normal' tourist can visit
parts of Paris beneath the ground. For example, there are the
There is, however, another part of Paris which is
catacombs beneath the Montparnasse district. Here you can
silent and free from people 24 hours a day. Lrnder the
see the bones and skeletons of about six millions Parisians.
city are hundreds of kilometres of tunnels. There are
The bodies came from cemeteries above the ground two
sewers and old subways but there are also spaces
of all kinds: canals and catacombs, wine cellars centuries ago when the city needed more space.
which have been made into nightclubs and galleries. Horvever. it's illegal to enter other pafts of the tunnels and
During the 19th century the Parisians needed more police often search the area. It's also very dangerous because
stone for buildings above the ground so they dug some of the tunnels might collapse. Nevertheless, there are
tunnels beneath the city. After that, many farmers people u-ho uill take you to visit thern. I have found two
grew mushrooms in them. During World War II, the 'unofflcial'tour gr-rides - Dominique and Yopie (not their
French Resistance flghters also used them. Since the real nar-nes). They take me through many tunnels and after
1970s, many groups ofyoung people spend days and a couple of horus u.e arrive at a room which isn't on any
nights below the city in these tunnels. It's a place rrLap. \opie and sorre of his friends built it. The room is
for parties, theatre performances, art galleries - con.rfor-table alcl clean rvith a table and chairs and a bed.
an1'thing goes here! Yople tells me there are many other places like this. 'Many
people come ciorl hele to pafiy, some people to paint ...
\Ve do rrhat u-e u-alt here.
myth (n) /mrol a fictional story
illegal (adj) h'li:91/ against the law
collapse (v) /ke'1aeps/ fall down
2 に
‐ ‐
│ │││ ‐
? Distance:1 kilometres
writing a formal letter . writing skill formal expressions Unit 10 Travel and holidays
1 0e R.questing information
Writing a formal letter
1 \ 'hen you want to go on holiday, how
do you find out information about the Dear Sir or Madam,
holiday (e.g. online, from a high-street
travel agent, by letter or phone)?
Iam writing with regard to the 'Explorer's Holidays' on
your website. I would like to request further details of
2 Read the letter and answer the questions. your next expedition to Alaska.
1 What is the writer's purpose? First of all, I was wondering what level of fitness
2 What in{ormation does the writer is required for this kind of trip. The website says
want from the travel company? participants should have an average level of fitness. I'd
be grateful if you could define 'average' for me.
3 Writing skillformal expressions
Secondly, the website says that you will conlirm the
The phrases (1-10) are less formal. Find exact dates fbr next year in the near future. I'd like to
similar, but more formal, phrases in the know when the tour dates will be available.
letter in Exercise 1.
My last question is about accommodation. I understand
that for the parts of the journey with camping, we will
1 Hi...
share a tent with someone else in the group. Can you tell
2 It's about...
Asking for more information me if this is also the case for staying in the hostels and
3 Can you send me more information cabins or whether we will have our own private rooms?
about...? Thank you in advance for providing any further details
4 \zVhat level of fitness do I need? of the tour. I look forward to hearing from you.
5 Canyou tell me what'average'
means? Best regards,
6 Please tell me when you will know
Dr Walter P Faversham
the tour dates.
7 Will this'also happen when we stay in
■筆 ・
一嬌 .
賣 晰 >1幽 Ш 鵬 鵬 国
鸞孟Living in knice
■ ■ │││■ ■ ■ ││■ ■ │■ ││││■ ■ ■ │‐
Unit 10 Travel and holidays
tseTore you watcn 5 Match the people (1-3) with what they say (a-g).
1 the photo. shows people living and working in 1 Giovanni dal Missier
Venice. Read the sentences and choose the option
2 t}.:re narrator
Oh no! you (book) the hotel? 5 1ive― statt sunbathing/self― catering′ hostel
Yes, I had. Any'way, they 5 (phone)another 6 cellars′ tunnels′ bridges/catacombs
hotel and fortunately they 6 (have) rooms.
That was lucky.
︰A B
Well, I was really angry after everything that 覇 VVOrk in pairs.Tell your partl■ er about your
(happen), but the manager dream holiday
(paid) for a taxi to the other hotel.
た J′ た
′/″ ブ
1/tr_1,,F力 :メ ′でル:`ご ″ ♂ ゴ」″.` 7ザ
r′ ″
` ′ど ´
ド `ブ
… gFF`,″ `:/tt,Cr′ F`プ
ll .
メ rlig7・
describe how people feel
describe places, people and things
Uぬ :竜 History
ge rru鍋
■ │■ │■ ‐ ■
││││││││││││││││ 鑽
FE ATU RES The hut in the photo is about one hundred years old. Which
part of the world do you think it is in? Who do you think
130 An ancient civilisation Captain Scott was? What do you think he did?
Discovering the Aztecs in 2 ' 2.27 Listen to a historian talking about the hut and check
Mexico City your ideas in Exercise 1. Then answer the questions.
132 Modern history 1 What objects can you see inside the hut?
2 Why is it important to look after the hut?
The space age at 50
3 The historian says, 'the hut has become a time capsule'.
What do you think he means by a time capxile?
134 The !ife of Jane
Goodall Work in groups. Some people and organisations put objects in
a 'time capsule' and bury it under the ground so that future
A lifetime of working with
historians will learn more about our present day society.
Imagine you are going to make a time capsule. It only has space
137 The lost city of Machu for five items. Discuss which fir.e objects will be most useful for
future historians. Use these examples or your own ideas.
A video about the history of a copy of today's newspaper a tin of food
this ancient city in Peru a DVD showing a film of daily life
a CD with some popular music a menu from a restaurant
drawings and diaries money (coins and notes) a clock
a popular novel
4 Present your final list for the time capsule to the class and
explain the reasons for your choices.
Speaking 「
轟 Fy
抒 蜀 睫赳 雉 跛 量 archaeology
Unit ll History
Gramm ar used to 8 Pronunciation/s/or/z/
5 Look at the sentences (a-d) from the interview in a 審 2.29 Listen to tl■ e change in pronunciation of
the vvords 1/sθ θr lrsθ ′.7Vhatis the rule fOr the/s/or
Exercise 4. Answer the questions (1- ).
a Archaeologists discovered this pyramid
in1978. Tll`Nθ Lsθ グ ″υ 芍 アれ らタナ′ 力 ′″4′ れ S`
`滋 `ノ
b The Aztecs used to sacrifice animals. ′ ′θ
θ υ ll Elrrθ `θ
7′ ・Tll`ノ llsθ グ′
rθ ll bllナ
′ll′ F lrsθ
c Did the Aztecs use to keep dogs as pets? ′Jly sナ θll` `llθ
b 9
d No, they didn't use to have pets. Practise saying the sentences in part a.
1 \Atrhich sentence, a or b, describes a single action
ヤVork in pairs Test each other′ s knowvledge of
at a specific time in the past?
Other ancient civilisations.Use the prompts to
2 \zVhich sentence, a or b, describes a past sifuation
θ.In some cases′ both
ask questions v√ ith lrs`″ チ
or habit which doesn't happen now?
answers are correct′ only one is correct or neither
3 What form of the verb follows used to?
are correct
4 How does the negative and question form of
used to change? l Ancient Egyptians:build Pyralnids/castles
2 Ancient Greeks:watch theatre/sPoFt
3 The Celtsilive in South America/in Asia
llyoulhelshelillwe/they used to live in this house. 4 North American lndians:grottv corn/potatoes
llyoulhelshelit/we/they didn't use to live in this house.
Did l/you/he/she/iVwe/they use to live in this house? DFd the ancFent fgyplFans use to bυ ′
Yes, I did. i No, I didn't. dS and casfres2
We don't use used to with a particular time in the past.
Use the past simple: The3/LrSed lo bυ 〃d pyra177FdS bυ t
lased-tolive in this house in 1989. r the/dFdn′ f υse lo bυ ′
′d castres.
I lived in this house in 1989. /
For further information and practice, see page 166. 10 毛争2.30 Listen and check your questions and
answvers in Exercise 9.
獨 ト ロ:【
II.qョ D■ 【
speaking moments in history . reading modern history . grammar reported speech . vocabulary say or tell .
speaking reporting an interview
麟 cOmpare yourideasf‐ om 1 What is an important date and year in your country's history?
汐芍 炒 贔
. イ
S γ
‐ ‐―
摯 ・
‐ ・ ‐‐‐
・ ‐‐ ― │■
`θ │■ │││■ ││■ ││││■ │││■ │││││■ ││■ ■■││
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A C1
Eight years later, an American finally walked on the On October 4,1957, the Soviet Union sent Sputnik 1 into space and
moon and during the early seventies the US led a new age in history began -The Space Age.The Soviets launched
the Soviet Union in the space race. However, space more Sputnik satellites in the fifties and by 1961 they had put the
travel was expensive and they needed to co-operate first man into space.
more. As a result, in 1975 astronauts from both D
countries flew two spacecraft and met in space.
And what about the next half a century? ln 2009, a Russian Space
Afterwards, one astronaut said that the mission
Chief said Russia was planning a nuclear spaceship for Mars. ln
showed that the Soviet Union and America could
2010, the US president Barack Obama told an audience that by the
work together.
mid-2030s the US would send humans to Mars. The race for Mars
B has already started.
At the beginning ofthe twenty-first century, E
businessman DennisTito paid twenty million dollars
Nearly two decades later, leaders from both countrles said they
and told the world he loved space as he spent
had agreed on plans for a new international space station (lSS) and
eight days on the 155. Since then, space tourism has
by the turn ofthe century the l55 had started orbiting the Earth.
developed with plans for regular tours and floating
Nowadays, the ISS is used by scientists from all over the world.
●││■ ,■│■ ■ ■ ,│││■・ │・
Unit ll History
1 Tito said, 'I love space.' A: Did 11 say / tell you there was a great
2 The two leaders of both countries said, 'We agreed on TV programme on last night?
plans for a new international space station.' B: No, what was it about?
3 A Russian Space Chief said, 'Russia is planning a nuclear A: Space travel in the next century.
spaceship for Mars.' They 2 said / told humans would soon
4 Barack Obama told an audience that,'By the mid-2030s land on Mars.
the US will send humans to Mars.' B: Really? When did they 3 say / tell it
would happen?
A: The presenter didn't a say / tell ts
Direct speech ) Reported speech exactly but I think before the year
Present simple Past simple 2050.
Present continuous Past continuous B: I read another article and it
Past simple Past perfect slid / told there would be a hotel
Present perfect Past perfect on the moon soon.
И″〃 И/ο υノ A: Yes, but someone 6
c/ said / told rne a
For furtherinfOrmatiOn and practice′ see page 167
few years ago that there were going
to be space hotels orbiting the Earth
soon but nothing's happened yet.
9 Look at the grammar box. Then complete the direct and
reported speech sentences.
Spea ki ng
1 The boy said, 'One day I want to be an astronaut.'
X 2 Work in pairs. Interview each other
The boy said that one day to be an astronaut.
2 Last year the president said he had plans for a new with these questions and write down
mission to the moon. your partner's answers.
Last year the president said, .. . for a new 1 What's one thing you want to do in
mission to the moon.' your lifetime (e.g. jump out of an
3 In2010, Astronomers said, 'The Hubble Telescope has aeroplane, travel into space)?
found a new planet.' 2 \zVhich was your favourite subject at
In 2010, Astronomers said that the Hubble Telescope school (e.g. history, geography)?
..... a new planet. 3 What famous historical places have
4 Scientists said the robot had discovered water on the you visited (e.g. Stonehenge, The
planet. Creat Wall of China)?
Scientists said,'The robot water on the 4 Do you think you will travel to space
planet. in your lifetime? Where will you go
5 The radio announcer said, 'The rocket is landing., (e.g. Mars, the moon)?
The radio announcer said the rocket
6 The Government said they were discussing the problem. 13 Work with a new partner and report
The Government said,'We the problem., your original partner's answers. Use say
7 China said, 'We will visit the moon in the next few vears., or tell and reported speech.
Chilla said it the moon in the next few years.
He said he wanted ...
8 They said they couldn't afford the ticket into space.
They said,'We the ticket into space.' She told me it had been ...
2 \tVhat time did you . starting work?
3 Did you always to do the job you have
3 Read the biography again and answer the now?
questions. Underline the information in the 4 Have you evff wanted to yOuF OWn
article which gives you the answer. Then business?
compare your answers and the information
you underlined with your Partner. Writing and speaking
L \Atrho was ]ane travelling with when she
first arrived in Gombe? Work in pairs. Imagine you are biographers and
2 How soon after she arrived did she try to you are going to write a biography of Jane Goodall.
find her first chimpanzee? Prepare seven or eight interview questions for her
3 How qualified was she for this kind of based on the information in the article.
work? Example:
4 \Atrhat did she discover about chimpanzees? Do qou rerrctnber your first dny in Gombe?
5 When did scientists and academics start What did you haae with yott?
reading about her work? Why did you set off irno the forest?
6 \A/hy did Gombebecome a dangerous
place? 8 Work with a new partner and roleplay an interview
7 Did all the foreigners, including ]ane, leave between the biographer and jane Goodall. Take turns
the region? to be the interviewer and ]ane.
8 \tVhy were there only about a hundred
chimpanzees living in Gombe by the end of
the eighties?
1 134
Unit ll History
■■ ‐
に膨Ajourney tolMachu Picchu
Reか l‡ ife giving a 5h6rt 3 112.憾 l Listen again and cOmplete these exPreSSiOns for
giving a short presentation.
踊 Do you ever give talks or presentations
in your owvn language(or in English)? Good morning and 1
all for coming
予Vhat are they about?ル Vhy would people Today I would like to'z about...
Let me 3 by telling you about ...
give talks or presentations in these 4 .
5o, that's everything I wanted to . about ...
● at wvork part of my presentation is about...
● at school or university ............. .. you some of my photos.
of my talk. To sum up ...
・ atthe rneeting of a local club or town
council Ⅲ デ ‐
e at a special occasion(e.g.a wedding) … ・ ・=・
卜2.3燿 Listen to PartS Of a presentation 4 Fronunciation pausing
about Peru and Machu Picchu.ヤ Vhich of
the topics(1-6)does the presenter talk a Z":Z Presenters often pause at the end of a sentence,
Exercise 2 and remember to use the correct 。 シVhich topics in Exercise 2 has he/she included?
Qな 卜 四 露 幽 Ш
罐SIThё 110st city Of
Machu Picchu
Unit ll History
鯰@foFtt yo∪ 亀
顧畿tch After you watch
糧 ルvOrk in groups.Look atthe photo and discuss
the questions
7 Roleplay discussing the future of Machu
1 7Vho are the peoPle in the photo?
2 7Vhere are they? Work in pairs.
3 ルヽ 「hat are they doing?
Student A: You are a conservationist. Read the
4 VVhat do you think the caption rlleans? information below and make notes. Argue your
point of view with your partner.
While you watch Student B: You work in the tourist industry. Read
the information below and make notes. Argue
Watch the video and check your answers from your point of view with your partner.
Exercise 2.
. You want to increase access to Machu Picchu.
4 Choose the correct option to complete the . Give your reasons (for example, more tourists
surnmary. means more money for the local economy, hotel
owners will benefit).
Machu Picchu is an ancient city 1 8,0A0 / $,0A0 feet
up in the 2 Andes / Pyrenees.It is over 3 1,000 / 500 Act out the discussion. Then change roles and
years old. It is sometimes called the lost city of the repeat the discussion.
lncas / Aztecs. \Atrhen their civilisation ended, few
people knew Machu Picchu existed but in s L911- / 8 According to the narrator, time maybe running
2001 anexplorer, Hiram 6 Bingham / Birmingham, out for the 'Lost City of the hrca'. What do you
found it again. think she means by this?
5 Are these sentences true (T) or false (F)? Watch the 9 Work in pairs. Discuss these questions.
video again to check your answers. 1 Are there any ancient sites or ruins in your
1 It is always sunny at Machu Picchu. country? V\rho built them? Are they tourist
2 The lost city is not very popular with tourists. attractions?
3 You can't walk around the ruins. 2 Does tourism have a positive or negative
4 Machu Picchu is now a very noisy place. impact on these places? \tVhy? / \zVhy not?
5 Local people would like more tourists to visit 3 How can ancient monuments best be preserved
Machu Picchu. for future generations?
6 Conservationists say that tourism is good for
the environment.
The narrator
ancient (adj) /'crn.l'ent/ very old
It is a magic attraction. conservationist (n) /kons:r'vcr.fanrst/ a person who works to
Why not be like the rest of the world? preserve a natural or ancient place
c d
Why keep it to the few? explorer (n) /rks'plc:rai a person who goes to places where
Machu Picchu is one of the magnetic centres of people do not normally go
tlle ancient l∼ rorld. fog (n) lnu low cloud that makes it diff icult to see
e Tl■ is beautiful quiet place is covered in ruins (n) l'rutrnzl destroyed buildings
sunshine run out (v) /r,rn 'autl come to the end, finish
f Even in therain and fog/it′ s wonder■ 1lto walk stall (n) /stcrl/ a temporary shop without walls
through the ruins. step (n) lstep/ the place where you put your foot when you
go up stairs
summit (n) /'s,rmrt/ the top of a mountain
ー J tourist (n) /'tuerrstl a person who visits a place on holiday
G rarn ma r Vocabulary
1 Complete the sentences with the correct 5 Look at the photo. What does it show? \Atrhat do you think
form of used to. they were for?
1 石
ヤヽe live in England but now
we live in Scotland.
2 | have short hair but now it's
much longer.
3 They like vegetables, but now
they love theml
4 There be trees all around my
house but now there are other houses.
5 The town have caf6s and
restaurants, but now there are lots of
places to eat and drink.
. No■ v let′ s lllove onto rny next stop vvrhich v√ as the city
the news reader on the TV or radio said
of Florence
this morning.
. your English teacher told you in the iCAN
lesson today. give a short presentation
talk about past situations and habits Speak‡ 籟g
report what people said or told me
9 E)iscuss as a class WVhat′ s your favourite historical
period?予Vhy?VVhat do you like aboutit(e.g.the clothes′
the architecture′ the art)?
霰nit¶ 量 ]Nature
listening a documentary . grammar any-, every-, no-, some- and -thing, -where, -one, -body .
speaking promoting your region
4 忙酸2.34 Listen to the documentary
again.Are the sentences true(T)Or
Unit 12 Nature
玲嘔薇輻口r any‐ ′every‐ ′no‐ ′
わling′ ‐
50me‐ and口 古
‐ body
one′ 口
6 Look atthe highlighted wOrdsin these ノ
sentences frOm the dOculllentary in i卜覇 ≒, ヽ ■
ヽ r
簸 ゝ
卜 ヽ も 、″
ダ 12へ
ny who visits New
l Everyone looks at nature dillerently 亀 /
2 Ma〕 あe you′ re somebody who has no York visits Central Park but it isn't
晉 ヽ
interest in nature some that's famous for
. i‐ its natural life. However, the forest
3 1fyou go anyw、 rhere green′ you don/t
is fu1l of plants and animals.
麒 鰻 `摯
notice anything
4 Nowherein the wOrld is without
natural beauty
where is as beautiful
1 0ne 10ves taking photos lt/s very
as a coral reef and there's always
thing to look at: from
2 one likes that photo Wヽ 石
e alllook
the multi-coloured coral to the
terrible in it
orange, green and yeilow sea life.
3 one can take a photo.It′ s easy.
4 one took llly photo lt′ s in today′ s
ゝ 砕︱ ・ 鸞 鰺 縣
t 轟
8 Look atthe grallllnar box Then read
ヽ r ヽ ノ j
■1、1, ′ ¨
ヽ t
ecosystems on the right.Complete the who likes fishing knows about the
vvords SOmetimes IIlore than One answer Duck River. It's one of the most
Speaking I
9 Look at these slogans from different
ツ り雀
advertisements. \Atrhat are they
advertising? _::ツ γ‐
彎 (γ .11111‐ │.‐ 7年 1_
10rk in grouPs IInagine you vvork for a local tOurist
増醸 ル、
company v√ hich lへ「ants to attract more visitors 「 FI:¥‐ l,7P,Teand qubtbutsshhi DOnttttanyOnel
to the region.ヤ Vrite four slogans to use on your
濁穐 when you are ready/ch00se your bestidea and tellthe │い .Ⅲ is looking for natural Paradise
... We know where it is.
class.予Vhich is the best s10gan?
ltt early evening and Rex Geyerand hisfamily are eating dinnen On the丁 Ⅵ the weather
man iste‖ ing everyone to look outfortornadoes.:fa tornado hit Rex′ s house′ it lA/Ould
Suddenly, Rex's brother rushes through the front door.'Tornado! We
have to go now!'he shouts. The whole family run to the car. 2 As they drive away
to safety, two cars go past in the opposite direction - straight towards the tornado.
lf anyone else drove in that direction, they d be mad. But the people in the cars are Tim
Samaras and Pat Porter who follow and study tornadoes. This year they are trying to put
a'probe'into the middle of a tornado. So far they haven't been successful. lf the tornado
passed over the probe, it would record a lot of useful scientific data so they are keen to
try.' .. ... .. .
As Tim and Pat drive closer, the tornado gets bigger. They put a probe on the ground
and, at the last moment, they drive away. a The tornado passes
..:,ii right over the probe and gives Tim and Pat new and exciting
scientific data. Unfortunately, for Rex and his family, the
news is not so good. The following day they return to their
house but it's gone. Rex says,'There was nothing left, no
trees, no house, nothingl ,.i
Unit 12 Nature
5 Complete the gaps in the article (1-4) with 9 Complete the text about the Gulf Stream in the Atlantic
the sentences (a-d). Ocean with the correct form of the verbs. Addwould/
a Maybe they'll be lucky this time. wouldn' t where necessary.
b Tornadoes travel at over two hundred
miles an hour and the biggest are a
議 畿議 穣 糠
kilometre wide.
C This time it works!
d They leave everything except for a
mobile phone.
changed ...
6 Work in pairs. Complete the comments The Gulf Stream is a current
about the people in the article with your of warm water which begins
own words. in Florida and travels across
1 I feel sorry for Rex because ... the Atlantic Ocean. As a result,
2 I think people like Tim and countries on the west coast of
Pat have to be a bit crazy because ... Europe have warmer climates.
3 Rex and his family were unlucky but Iftherc l (be) no gulf stream, life in Europe
they were also lucky because ... (change) forever and countries like Great Britain
. . (become) much colder, especially in the winter.
If the sea was colder, spring and summer a
Grammar second (not / last) as long. Farmers (not / produce)
conditional certain qpes of food and heating costs 6 . . (go ,rp).
Ifthe GulfStream never (return), eventually
7 Look at the sentences (a-b) from the article. Europe (have) another ice age. As the world's
Answer the questions (1-2). climate changes, some scientists believe this might actually happen.
a Tornadoes travel at over two hundred
miles an hour and the biggest are a
kilometre wide. 10 Pronunciation would /'d
b If a tornado hit Rex's house, it would
a 磋 2.35 Listen to a short cOnversation.How manytimes
do you hearthe words ωθz:あ ωθ 夕:グ ηtt Orり ?
1 \tVhich sentence describes something real
or a fact? b Look atthe audiOscript on page 174 and check your
2 \tVhich describes something unreal or answers.Then PraCtiSe reading the conversation aloud
imagined? with your partnen
8 Match the two parts of this grammar 11 Work in PairS・ Prastise sllnilar cOnversations to the one
explanation. in Exercise 10.Use these questions to help you.
In second conditional sentences: l Would you live in another country if you could?
1 we use if + pnst simple inthe if-clause to 1/Vhere would you rnove to?
2 we use would/wouldn't + infinitive in the 2 Would you like to rneetsomeone famous?Who?
main clause to VⅥ latttrould you ask them?
3 1ヽ lould you go into space if you had the opporturuサ ?
a describe the situation. Which Planet WOuld you like to visi′
b describe the imagined result of the
Spea ki ng
12 Work in groups.Imagine you work for a special
department in the government and you must plan for
any future possibility. Discuss what action you would
take for each of the following situations. Afterwards
:yOυ rわ 。υSe 2 present your ideas to the class.
1 Work in groups of four. V\4rat do you know 暴 2.36 Listen to tl■ e answersin Exercise 6 and
about Greenland? Brainstorm as much information underline the stressed syllable in each wvord
as possible.
Then listen again and repeat.
θO塑 解′
2 Work in your groups again. The article onpagel47
has four paragraphs. Each student reads one
paragraph and answers the questions (1-4). Gramm ar will I might
1 in Greenland?
\Atrhat recent changes are there
慇 Look at the highlighted verbs in these
2 What are the problems and dilemmas for sentences from the article Both lllake
Greenlanders? predictions about the future.VVhich verb is
more certain?Which verb is less certain?
Take turns to report your answers back to the rest of 1 0il prOduction v√ ill begin in the next fe、 へ
the group. Write notes about the other paragraphs. years.
2 Driersummersll■ ight create new problems
4 Read the whole article and check all your information.
6 pind these adjectives and nouns in the article and There might be /ess countryside because ...
match them with the nouns.
More people will move
Adjective Noun
to the cities because ...
1 economic ----r resources
2 social \ season
lf more people have modern
3 traditional economy technology, there will I might ...
4 modern :difficulties
5 strong development
6 natural problems
7 growing industry
:… ⅢⅢⅢⅢⅢⅢⅢⅢ呻年摯摯││■■
t」 nit 12 Nature
│││││││││││││││││■ ■│
:■ │
■││││││■ │
│● │● │
││││■ ■
resources for the time being that hold as much potential as oili
speaking and reading problem for a zoo ' real life finding a solution
l ls it certain that the zoo vvill close? l givil■ g us ll■ ore rnoney?
2 WhatprobleΠ 、does the council need 2 the council doesn/t have any lnore rnoney
tO solve? for the zoo.
3 VVhat、 へ /ould happen tO the anill■ als 3 find a solution soon/then、 へ
″e′ 1l have to
lT置 オ
鍬鯖忠腎I∬ 驚Ⅲ I
1窟 瑞 辮 恵
> 目い1明 い【翻 朝10鮨 J回 ゛ 靱 A PRESS RELEASE
writing a press release o writing skill using bullet points Unit 12 Nature
剛劃 リ
2 How will the zoo use the new sponsorship money
m t
We use bullet points with:
h s
from the local company? o the main information you w
3 What special events are they planning? reader to know about.
short, simple phrases or sen
any extra or unnecessary informa
2 Work in pairs. Discuss the questions. 6 Exchange your press reiease n ith another
pair. Read their press release and use these
1 What is the purpose of a press release? questions to check their press release.
2 Does it include general news, a special event or both?
. Does the press release include words and
3 Read the press release again. Notice how press expressions for giving good news?
releases usually contain a lot of positive words or . Does it use bullet points effectively?
phrases for good news. Underline examples of
these kinds of words or phrases.
::,:i,a,:);a:,),: ii.,i:tlr,tirrrr,,
... ,',.aa:.:.a a::.:: ...
日NDlNG A SOLUT10N 輻 ト ロ劇日:4壽 ぷ :4硼 目■ヽ 瑠
Unit 12 Nature
Before you watch 5 Complete the extract about poaching. Use words
from the below to help you. Then watch the
穐 YOu are g9ing to watch a video about an anill■ al second part of the video (02.09 to the end) and
rescue centre in Cambodiaル 燃ork in pairs Look at check your answers.
the photos and discuss the questions.
can make a lot of moneyby selling a
1 ヤVhat kinds of anilnals can you see in the tiger's body parts 2
In some Asian
photo? countries, certain parts of the tiger are ground
2 WhatdOthey/have in cOlnlllon′ ? into 3 . . This is processed and sold as an
3 How dO yOu think the rescue centre helPs expensive tradifional .People think that
tl■ em? taking the product wilI5 their health.
判 烙 o yoM亀 顧at嘱 鶉
After you watch
﹁ ・
Exercise l
6 Roleplay talking about a plan
Work in pairs.
9 「atch the videO again.Put the anilnals in the
order you first see then1 0n the video. Student A: You want to go and work at the
Animal Rescue Centre in Cambodia. Look at the
a scorplons
information below and make notes.
b atiger
ヽ │
c an elephant r You plan to go for a year.
d crested eagles e You want to find out more about poaching in
e abear Cambodia.
f crOcOdiles o You want to help the animals at the rescue
g monkeys centre because you love animals.
/ h a gibbon r You have a particular interest in tigers and
/ know they help a lot of these animals.
ratch the irst part Of the video(t002.09)and
轟 ル、
answer the questions. Student B: A friend of yours wants to go and work
at the Animal Rescue Centre in Cambodia. Ask
l What dO the letters NIU stand for?
questions to find out why he/she wants to go and
what he/she plans to do there.
2 予Vhat,dOesthe MU dO?
anyone+anyvvhere everyone+anythin9
nobody+everybody novvhere+everyvvhere
someone+someⅥ ノhere Something+nothing
1 tree, grass, flower discuss problems and make suggestions for solving
2 cow, horse, human them
3 dust, ice, snow
4 snake, turtle, crocodile 5 peaki ng
5 lightning, rain, sun
8 Imagine you are the leader of your country. Write
down three changes you would make.
lf 1 u:ns the leader af mt1 cowtry, ]'Ll . ..
Comm un ication activities
UNl丁 5a Exercise 10′ page 59 3 You are the person at tourist information. Answer
the tourist's questions about this tour.
Student B
Speak to the radio presenter.Explain your views
about recycling and、 へ
″hatwve need to do aboutthe
problem in the future.Before you begin′ prepare some
of your comlll■ ents
and opinions.You can use some
ofthe expressions and ideas from the audioscript on
page 171.
O Hold an open day vvhere everyonein the city can
visit the zoo for free to learn more about their zoo
History_ ∪NIT爾 2d Ex@rcise Cr page 148
The Caves of Lascaux ur" ,
tf* Oordog* ,.gron of
France. The paintings on the cave walls are over
Student C
years old. Here are tvvo possible suggestions You can also lllake
more suggestions.
Tour information
O Start a z00 shopャ vhich sells T― shirts/POSters/hats/
Bus: The tour bus leaves your hotel (2)
Departure time: (3) a.m. to 5 p.m
O Invite newvspaper and TV journalists to a special
Tour price:100 euros(inCludes a‖ entrance fees and
unch)Each tourisl mた ed to 30 vstors only
day vvhere you exPlain the importance ofthe zoo
and its cOnservation work.
On some tours′ there is also a visit to a beautifullocal
town Check wth yourtour guide for detalls(4)
UNIT 5d Exercise 6, page 64 2 You are the person at tourist ir-rformation. Answer
your partner's questions about this tour.
Student B
Conversation 1
You are a customer service assistant for a clothing
company supplier. Answer the telephone.
. Ask for the customer's order number and his/her
. The clothes aren't in stock but they will be in two
. Offer some different clothes at the same price.
Conversation 2
You ordered a book online called Learn Spanish in History
One Week. You received an email from the company. The Caves of Lascaux are in the Dordoqne region of
The book is not in stock. Telephone the customer France. The paintings on the cave walls are over 17,000
service helpline. years old.
Student B
3 Now you are the tourist. Ask your questions about
1 You are the tourist. You want to ask about the the Catacombs of Rome in Exercise 1 and complete
missing information (1-3) and check some the missing information.
information (4) in this tour. Prepare indirect
questions using these words.
UNIT 12d Exercise 6, page 148
7 I'd like to know which . ..
2 I was'wondering which duy ... Student B
3 Do you know how much ... Here are two possible suggestions. You can also make
4 Can you tellme if .
more suggestions.
e Offer special tickets with discounts such as a
'family ticket'or cheaper prices for children.
. Ask people to buy an animal but it lives at the zoo.
UNIT l Use
We use the present continuous to talk about:
Present simple and adverbs of . things happening now. He's watching the news on
frequency TV at the moment.
Form . things happening around now, but not necessarily
at the moment. Viclcy's traoelling to seoeral African
countries this year.
l/you/we/they current trends and changingsTfi:ations.Fewer
work 1,■ 1侶 peoplearebuying cars this year.
he/she/it works he/she/it doesn't does he/she/it
work work? We don't usually use stative verbs (be, haae,like,looe,
hate, want) in the present continuous.
Use Notes
We use the present simple to talk about: Notice the spelling rules for the -lng form:
. habits and routines.l eat an apple eaery day. r for most verbs, add -ing (walk * walking,
. things that are always fiue. Lions eat meat. play - playing, read - reading).
We often use adverbs of frequency (alwnys, usually, o for verbs ending in a consonant + vowel +
often, sometimes, rarely, neaer) and expressions of consonant, double the last letter of the verb
frequency (once a week, on Fridays, at the weekend, in the and add -ing (sit - sittin1, run + running).
sltmmery eaery Saturday) with the present simple to talk o for verbs endingir:. -e, delete the final e and add
about how often we do something. -ing (make - makinS, write - writing).
or end of a sentence.
At the weekend they aisit their grandparents.
1 Carl usuaily |y:lllrr on Wednesday.
Present continuous
We form the present continuous with the present
紺 瀞
simple of the verb to be plus the -ing form of the verb. Use
We use the verb + -ing form:
o as the subject of the sentence. The -ing forrnis
often a noun. Eating a lot of fruit is important.
鮮 . after verbs such as like, loae, enjoy, prefer, don't
like, hate, can't stand, (not) mind as an object . I loae
:mey γe wasⅢ nし zaalking in the mountnins.
. after a preposition. l'm aery good at playing tennis.
Grammar summary
like + -ing Notes
There are two important difference s betw een must
and can and regular verbs in the present simple:
. There is no third person -s with modal verbs.
She must go. I can stay.
e There is no auxiliary do with modal verbs.
I mustn't lose. He can't play.
Haae to is a regular verb. I haoe to go. He has to help.
I don't hazte to play. She doesn't haae to compete.
υ rike t。 (=vyOurd rike t。 )
We use different modal verbs to talk about rules.
Would l/you/he/ . When something is necessary and an obligation,
she/iVwe/they we use must, harse to and mustn't. You must behome
like to go there
at eleaen o'clock. You hazte to finish your homework
tonight. He mustn't leave the house.
Use . When something is allowed according to the rules,
we use cnn. yes, you can go to the cinema on Friday.
Iike + -ing . When something is not necessary (but allowed),
We use like + -ing to talk about a general feeling which
we use don't hatse to.You don't haae to zuear a suit at
is true now.
the meeting.
Richard likes skiing a lot.
Ella doesn't like listening to rap music.
e When something is not allowed, we use mustn't
arrd cnn't. She mustn't tell anybody. He can't play
'd like to (= tlysul6 like to) football tomorrow.
We use 'd like to to talk about a future ambition.
l'd like to oisit Kenya next year. Practice
She wouldn't like to work in an office when she leaaes 3 put the words in the correct order.
1 get up he must tomorrow early
Practice He m.uat.get up eq.rly lqmerywq . .. .
麟∫ .申 勝S
:goOd better best
:bad wOrse worst
We add -er lo regular short adjectives to form An elephant is as A bus isn't (is not) Is a horse as strong
the comparative and we add -est to regular short heavy as a car. as comfortable as as an elephant?
adjectives to form the superlative: a car.
nezo+neu)er - nez}est
We addmore andmost to form the comparative and Use
superlative forms with longer adjectives: Wヽ 石
e use′s tt adieCtiVe+′ s to compare two things and
interesting + more interesting * most interesting say they are the same or equal
Rο bb′ αs′ ′II αs llノ s bγ θ′
Notice the spelling rules for comparative and `is
superlative adjectives: WVe use 17θ ′r7S+adieCtiVe+′ s to compare two things
o for regular short adjectives, add -er / -est: and say they are different Or not equal
long-longer-longest Pll17:′ s77ο ′′sθ :θ υθ
o for adjectives ending in -e, add -r / -st: 灯
『 a《 tice
o l vヽ「rite cOmparative sentences and questions using
for adjectives ending in -y (after a consonant),
′S.… ′S(十 )and(llθ ′ s.… ′S(― ).
change the -y to -i: happy - happier - happiest
r for adjectives ending in consonant-vowel- l Rosa/old/Maria(十
We usually use the before a superlative adjective. horse riding / healthy / running (?)
It's the quickest way to get to the station.
We use much to add emphasis to a comparative buses / quiet / trams (-)
Petrol cars are much more expensioe than electric cars. 6 books / exciting / films (?)
UNIT 4 4 When / Keruy / travel / the USA? ,.urr;;"
Past sirllple
USA / last year
Form 5 7Vhere/you/find/it? find/it/in south
A■ ica
she/it/we/ they vvalk an day?
they didn′ t
walk a‖ day Past continuous
l/you/he/she/iV 1/you/he/she/it/ Did 1/yoむ /he/sheЛ t/we/ We form the past continuous with the past simple of
we/they said we/they didn't they say? the verb to be plus tlne -ing form of the verb.
add -ed: try - tried, crA - crieil, study - studied ノτ υαS/θ α″′
IXr7ナ rrg 17 bθ θ lt/
r for verbs ending in vowel + consonant (not -w, -x ・ talk aboutthe backgrOund tO a stOry T77`Sι ′
77 7υ αS
ot -y), we double the consonant: stop - stopped sIIグ ″グrl.・ ′17′ チ
17`b′ /17s τυθrθ s′ I16・ ′
Some verbs have an irregular affirmative form in the We often use the past continuous、 へ
Fith the past silllple
past simple: to talk aboutt■ vo actions that happened atthe same
be- was / weqe, do - did, go + roent, drioe - drozte, time in the past.ル ヽ石
e canioin the tenses with the words
know - knew, take - took υ力 or υ力′
Grammar summary
Some nouns are countable. These are nouns you can T77%′ ιP′ α:θ サ``
υ げルθグ
count and they have both a singular and a plural T力 θ
″′sα J′ ″Jι z′ 7た .
form. We use them with an indefinite article (n/an) Vヽb use α4ン or Zttθ 力in negative sentences or
and numbers. questions.
There is a bag on the table. I力 α
υ ′
チgθ サα4ノ ′
There are two bags on the table. `れ
づbrf/7α ′
κ .
T77ι rιS4竹 ,7τ zε rr breα グ ,
Some nouns are uncountable. These are nouns you Hαυ θ夕gθ ′α4ソ γ ttbbjSll?
Grammar summary
"θ `″
Conlmon verbs which are fol10wed by the rθ 十
infhitive forln are:'4′ θ
′ Present continuous
ll″ ′ :α κ
′ ノυα4ナ /77θ ′ グJ'7fP/
θ′′ら 慇 物Sθ ′′η/7riS`・ `′ For the present continuous form see page L56.
Wヽ b don/t “
useチ οtt infinitive a■ er modal verbs.
′ Use
577`θ ακ′′Jα 1/′ θJ7れ た。フ
`セッ,7:s,α ノカι
1 going to
2 adiectiVe+lo+infinltive We use going to + infinitive to talk about a plan or a
1/fe useチ θ+infinitive after certain adieCtiVes′ often future intention.
to express a feelil■ g about sOmethil■ g. I'm going to make a costume.
Iチ 色ル4′θ′Jα 7 απzs′ θ
″効Sfr夕 ι
κ′ . She isn't going to take part in the celebrations.
I角 ′4′ ε
夕 わ υ
:′θη ∫ リ
5θ αグ
J′“ .
3 infinitive of purpose We use will to talk about a decision which is made
1/Ve can use`θ tt infinitive to exPlain the purpose during the conversation.
ofthe main verb or an action(=in Order to do Tim: Oh no! There isn't any sugar left.
somethinω . Sue: Don't worry. l'll buy some when I go into town.
九fα κο θυθ グチ
θNcω 10γ た,θ gο ′ θθθI1883.
“′ Present continuous for future
Tllθ ンフお ′ G″ θ
θJ`α ″παbθ tr′ Aれ θ′θπ′G″ θ
`グ `. We use the present continuous to talk about an
Practice arrangement with other people at a certain time in
l Putthe v70rdsin tl■ e correct orde■ the future.
I'm leaaing for the party at fiae o'clock.
l planning sumlner go diving to this we′ re We're mouinghouse next month.
νVc`雀 ′レィ″4g"ν ttiJ7g F17ぉ ,″ ″ We usually use the present continuous, not going to,
2 would like Australia EIIma and Pip“visit
`4 to with the verbs go and come.
l'm going to the parade later.
3 medicine get job she to studied good a He's coming to the festiaal with us.
4 have pension to it′ s important a
般 chOOse the cOrrect option(a― C)
5 wants his mybrother leave job tO
1ぽ 威
6 isn/t tO your save it easy money
寵 filξ :撻 1:L:Ⅸ tyttngO
2 1′ ve decided tO dO an evening class.I Italian.
a am studying b alll going to study
7 pronlised email Brenda every to マveek
c 、ハ rill study
3 ´、
lex:I′ ve left my ll■ Oney at home.
8 fun holiday a it/s Plan to
ThOmas:Never lllind l the tickets.
a alll buying b an■ going to buy c ′ 1l buy
4 予Vhat next、 へeekend?
a are you doing b are you going to do
c 、
vill you do
5 1′ lll sO excited!ン ヽe fOr Athens in a vveek!
a areleaving b are going to leave
c vvillleave
Grammar summary
6 Sam inLondonnextYear.
a 's working b 's going to work 1 Complete the text with these prepositions.
c '11 work
7 I don't know when it starts. I out now. along at in f ront next on opposite
a am finding b am going to find through up
c will find
8 to stay with you? Instructions for arrival
a Is he coming b Is he going to come \vVhenyou arrive ' q! the office, go
c Will he come the front door. Reception will be in
of you. A1l the meeting rooms are
the second floor. There isn't a lift, so go
the stairs. Your meeting is u
Prepositions of place and movement room 306. Coffee will be on the table, 7 . ..
i- ii i'q 憚
l___警 :___iF機 '?"' La.-t' l/you/weithey llyoulwel Have l/you/we/they found
in/inside on/on next to under in front behind have found they haven't the report?
top of of the report. found the
He/she/it has He/she/it Has he/she/it found the
found the hasn't found report?
report. the report.
Opposite at between outside in the Yes, l/you/we/they have.
,..,.. _lp塀
Yes, he/she/it has.
No, l/you/we/they haven't.
in the
on the
at the top
蜆at the
No, he/she/it hasn't.
Grammar summary
(approach) me withoutた
(apprOach)me ar I13
without fear. 113 (take)
We use the present perfect simple to talk about: hundreds of phOtOs of mOthers/cubs and lnales lt
o an action that happened sometime in the past v√ as incredible and exciting′ but 114
but we don't know the exact tirne. l'ae worked in (neVer/be)SO SCaredl
seaeral banks in London.
r an action that started in the past and is still true UNIT 8
today. Amy has lioed in Paris since Christmas. (She
still lives in Paris.) Markhasn't found the watchhe 艤efitti嬢 9 relative喧 lau$es
losf. (The watch is still lost.) Form
\Mhen we use the present perfect simple we often do He is the man 7t・ リア 71υ θ
7rο 71た ″オ
カ s/1″ ン
(ォ llα ヽグθNeb Z′
I'oe been to Rome. (We do not say when.) Thatis the place ω77′ ″ ″ θ夕γθ
θ717′ タチ
We use the past simple to describe a finished action Use
at a definite time in the past. When we use the past ルヽ石
e use υ力θ(fOr peOple)/η 7`′ θ
力(fOr things)and υ力θ ″
sirnple, we often say when something happened. (fOr places)tO intrOduce deining relative clauses.
I went to Rome last year. These clauses give us essentialinformation abOut the
We often use the present perfect simple withfor and person′ place or thing we are talking about
since. We use for to talk about the duration of a present Tll`″ θrsθ ″η力θttsε θυθ″′′
み わ″ sク θ″ C″ ′ .
situation, for example , for 30 minutes, for two months. Tll`ル εナθッ η力′ ε力177′ たθ
`s」 "′ "′ “ ・
S f力 θ777α ε力′
″θ Iθ
ノS2θθ′ ノθ
`177′ `ο
My sister has lizted in London for six months. T17`θ 役鉾 Sr7′ ′
θ71 Zυ 力θγθ17`τ θθγ たs,sε ′Iた ″Noυ θチ ll.
"lノ `θ
We use since to show the starting point of a present
ルVe can use Fll′ ′for people or things instead of υllο or
situatiory for example, since 2.00 p.m., since Friday,
ε′7.ThiS is less fOrlnal
since 2011. "17′
s the`η
2 That′`11カ farm They are exPerilllenting、
"み へ Fith
3We (see) this training film three new croPs atthe farm
times before.
4 your father (visit) 3 Thereisthe wOman.She wOrksin inv father′ s
the factory in Madrid yet?
5 She (not eat) Indian food before.
6 They (not be) in the office since
4 These are the lllachines.They use less energy
eight o'clock.
7 vou (copy)the 5 Thatisthe nuclear pov√ er station They had
8 PrOblems at the power station last year
Bob and Louise (buy) a ne\v car.
3 Complete the text with the present perfect simple 6 Thisis the dOcumentary.I vFas v√ atching it last
or the past simple form of the verbs. v√ eek
I' .hS?ebep;n (be) a photographer for over 20 7 She′ s the dOctOr She saved llly fatherア s life
years, so I know what I'm doing. I2
(change) jobs ten times and I3 8 That′ s the factOry They developed the newv
(work) in about fifteen different countries so I lamps atthe factory
(often / live) abroad. My first job
.. . (be) as an assistant photographer
for amagazine. I6 (take) photos for ZeFo attd first cottditio醜 嬢 │
17θ ′
First conditional
fclause (lf / When + present simple), main clause
If you drioe oery fast, it utill be more dfficult to stop. arelaren't taught in big classes.
the verbs. usually use the agent wvhen itis obvious who has
done the action/1vhen w、 re don/t knowv the name ofthe
1 \A/hen a mosquito lands on your skin, it agent or vvhen itisn′ timportant or relevant.
tfie"p (try) to suck your blood. Uれ わ γ Z′ S"θ rη ′ナ′力θsθ 力θθJ Zヶ 曲霧 毎・
2 If a dog wags its tail, it (mean)that it Lzη θ力,s sθ η 鉤 グαノ“
α′1・ θθ .
is happy. `グ `υ `ツ
Grammar summary
胸 僻
We form the past simple passive with the past simple
of the verb to be (was / ruere) + past participle.
were/weren't │││││││
中 Note: In spoken English we often use'd (=had).Don't
Were spices │ト ス晶,‐ ‐
│││ confuse the contracted forms of had andwould.
… l'd uorked in the hotel for fiue years. (= I had worked)
Use l'd like to work in that hotel. (= I would like to work)
VVe use the past simple passive、 へ
″hen we wvantto
fOcus On a past action or the object ofthe past action′
rather than the person who did the actiOn.The object We use the past perfect simple to talk about an action
of tl■ e active sentence becomes the sutteCt Of tl■ e
in the past that happened before another action or
passive sentence.
before a certain time in the past.
SubirCt obieCt
I had oisited Rome twice before I went to Venice.
Active: Scribes wrOte lettcrs fOr the PharOahs. We often use the past perfect simple and the past
31lblCCt Object simple together.
Passive: LetteJfs ぃrere v√ ritten by scllibes fOr the
I had bought my ticket online before I atioed at the
PharOal lS. station.
We often use the following time expressions with
the past perfect simple: already, just, before, preoiously,
曇 complete the text with the past silll■ ple passive
recently and eailier.
forΠ 1 0f the verbs
I had just bought my ticket when the trsin arriaed at the
carve discover f計 、J leave make paint
record use 1/vorship Practice
1 Complete the sentences with the past simple or
There are cave paintings and cave art all over
past perfect simple form of the verbs.
Europe.Famous examplesl ■,11■ :111l in
Lascaux′ France andソ ヽltilllera′ in Spain lllany 1 ]ames . w?nt........ (go) to Spain after he
years ago.In 2003′ ne、 へ
′paintings 2 .. .h"gd _aipilgd (visit) portugal.
by researchers in Nottinghamshire′ nOrthern 2We (be) in Brighton for two weeks
England. The question is, why 3 they before Mark (arrive).
? There are many theories but many 3 They (cancel) their flights two
experts agree that early hunters and priests or days after they (book) them!
'shamen' gathered before a hunt to pray for good 4 I (not meet) any other travellers
luck. Animal gods or spirits a in the until I (get) to the mountains.
hope that the hunt would be successful. After the 5 they (travel) abroad
hunt, the events 5 in drawings or before they (visit) ltaly?
paintings. Natural dyes and colours 6 \Arhen I (arrive) at the hostel l
and paints 7 from substances such realised I (forget) my sleeping bag.
as blood, plants and earth. Often, animals I (not explore) the jungle before I
from wood or stone and sometimes (get) to Costa Rica.
these objects e next to the paintings, 8 They (check) into the same hotel
ヤVhatever the origins of the cave paintings′ people that they (stav) in previously.
are still amazed by their beauty and ll■ ystery
Subject and object questions
Past perfect simple
We form the past perfect simple with the past simple
Who cancelled the ttight,
Grammar summary
z w;;; ir; ru#-lli-iilii-r in" i.,i" ior USA.They are often very dalnaging.
Note that the negative and interrogative forms do not We often need to make other changes when we report
have a final -d in use to. what someone said:
Sophie didn't use to like sightseeing. . Pronourrs: I - he / she; we they; mU his / her; - -
Did Sophie u'se to like sightseeing? -
our their; you (object) me -
o Time expressionst noTt) + then; today that daA) -
We use used to to talk about a situatiory a state or a
tomorrow the next day; yesterdaA the preoious day; -
habit in the past which doesn't happen now.
last night the night before
lots of dolls. ルMe can use Fθ llto report someone′ s words and tO say
2 In ancient Rome, captured warriors who someone is talking to Tc・ ::always needs an Obiect
such as 177`′ llJ′ ll`′ ,yθ 夕 /夕 s′ 17`,ll′ θ υθ /ノ θJlθ・
(work) as slaves. /1チ
3 the Vikings (wear) カプ
lllt/A/f1711θ llθ s′ ι
'7′ r l」 llル θ
″τ ′ノ:!τ υ l17 7 )P171r′ ナ0:″ r77θ
`,srr竹 `″
`rf7`ナ “
When we give advice/we often use rI″ θ″ratl■ er
Use than JIτ υ ′S yθ ″ :
lVe use indeinite pronouns tO talk ill general about 夕/1■ ι ′I′ gθ οη力 θ″ ′
γI″ `rι ノθ ノ :′
`″ pF機 嘔
in the affirmative
Eフ θツ fII′ II.・ βf17Sε ブ
れgθ 力′
s frψ 2 ch00se the correct options.
″ ο
た フ
,4gノ ′r Sο J7r`ル Ⅲθθ
I′ 7θ
l lfI師 ′
J/τ ′
ο″I″ b`rich/1η /∈ θ
夕励 on
I″ a
ルVe use,70-and″ θ′′″ノin negative sentences safari in Africa.
I Il17υ チgθ rrノ 7υ 77`γ θgθ . 2 1f it rr71″ ″/“ θ夕:″ γ
θ ′′ だ/
4 mOre′ the crops ηθ
`ll′ `′
`ααllyfII′ Jrg′
Tll`γ ′■ ,α s'7′ チ θ″θ ″:″ grθ υ better
3 1f Ben l17θ ″/“ θι″″7θ υθto London′ heル タ″グ/
Note that J7θ ′′11ノ ー=llο ―There is nO difference
θθι ノ77″ a g00diob. `子
between them.
力θrθ ′
θs′ ′
4 What″
″ノθ ll″ ο/t17θ ι
ll″ θif there"′ s/
T17`γ sfr′ 77ノ τ θsノ ′=Tllθ γ
υrrθ rθ ォ s rrθ rt・
ルVe can use these pronouns before adiectiVes tO give mountains ifthe weather"′ s/η θι イ:″ b`nice?
mOre detail.
L″ εy′ ′
sθ θυθrθ ″SOrrf`ω 力′″ bθ α″lirirr θ4ヵ θ7717α ノ
『 豪ξ電lc蟻
嗜 cOmplete the sentences with the■ vords
5 A=Attendant′ S=Shelley/J=Javier WV≒ Tl■ ey are ab′ ays decisive Tlley always
晰 1.17 think and lnove very qllicldy and so she
A: He‖ o Can lsee your PassPOrt?
Documentarア 1 S: Here vou are l doln′ t have a ticket because saved tlu・ ee lives lt′ s an important qualiサ
0n a beautiful・ suntmer lnoming in Thailand′ l booked online in a dilficult sitllation Ano■ er importal■ t
guests are arrivllng for a weddhg Sbme are A: That′ sOK Ho、 qualiサ tl■ ey need is determmation For
checkillg in?
`rnany bags are you example′ did you read about thirteen― year―
arrivhg in cars but the lnost special guests
are riding′ in traditlonal s、/1e′ On the backs S: None l onlv have this carrv on old Bethany Hamilton?She showed real
of elePhantS Elephallts are as heavy as cars A:OK V01ndOw Or aisle? deternunatlon One day M71■ en she Ⅵ″ as
butthey aren′ t as fast′ and lnost people also S: Ert l don′ tinind but can l have a seat next suring a shark attacked her and she lost
tO mv friend? an arm lt、 vas an incredlble story WVith one
1link elephants aren′ t as comfortable as cars
Ho、 vever7in Thailand these attals have A:Has he alreadv checked in? arm′ she swam back to tlle beach
great ttPortance The Asian elephallt became S:No′ m waiting for him
I: Incredble′ and there v7as another recent
a domestic anilna1 5′ o00 years ago ln the past A:Well′ I call′ t
silnilar story ¨err that couPle the
they trmsPOrted soldiers to M″ ars and worked Carlsons
J: Shelley!
h the forests Pulling up trees md carrylllg S: VVhere have vou been? IVL Sorr,v′ hat,vere tlley dolllg?
v√ ood NoM′ adays′ it′ s mOrecomonto see J: It′ S a 10ng storI I: They、ァ ere sailing their bOat、 /hen a wave
them tl・ ansporting tourists and people on hitthem The boat sank and tl■ ey were at
SPeCial occasions′ but they are as ilnPortant as sea for thrty― one days
2_l=ti 4 W:Oh yes′ I remember that story Butthey
ever in Thai socie与
Documentary 2
■ 1.21 、
vere exPerienced with boats so skll and
bowledge probabヶ Saved■ em more tllm
Lester Courhey and hs wile spend a lot of Mv name′ s Vic and llive in the state of anytl■ hg else
tilne with the士 horses′ not for leisure but
Tcnnessce During the、 Feek Iヽ「 へorkin a b.lnk ■ ■ gllt whatifl don′ t have special
but at tl■ e、 Feekends l go caving Colleagtles personal qtla■ ies or skills?Is tllere
for、 /ork They are traditlonal tree loggers
at、 in a bit crazv because it′ s anytlling l can do?
、vho cut trees lll tradi■ onal ways Tlley also `ork think I′
transPort tl■ et“ es tl・ aditionalサ ーWith horses
dangerOus and sometimes you have to take WVL Yes′ there is Most surv市 ors don′ t normally
risks′ butl hke the challenge Every cave take risks
Once the trees are down/Dan and NIaddy
iS a neヽ F adVenture l think iny biggest I: ヽ Vhat do you inean?
pullthem away They′ re Lester′ s tM′ o horses
へas reaching Rtlmbling
achievelnent so far、 「 WVL VVell′ on an aeroPlane′ the survivors
Lester has alv″ ays used horses Horses aren′ t
Falls Cave lt′ s trt really challenging cave usualけ wear Seat belts At sea′ you take
the fastest forin of transPortation but Lester
doesn′ t believe lnodern lnachhes are as good
because you clinlb dO、「n a hOle that′ s about extra food and、 vate■ ()n a inoulltam/a
t、Fenty llletres into the ground Then you go climber alv′ ays wears warコ n clothes _
lt′ s true that horses aren′ t as sttong as lorries′
up tl.7o、 Faterfalls and through a cave on your I: R■ ght l suPPoSe we normally think
or as fast but Lester prefers workllng、 へ ″ith
anin■ als For one thulg a horse isn′ t as heavy
hands and kllees fOr nearly a rnile sO you survivors are risk― takers butin fact most of
as rnodern machll■ ery so it doesn′ t damage tlle
need to be PhySiCally fit But atthe end′ you them are quite careful
old forests Lester also prefers horses because suddenlv come to、「 へhat、 Fe Call the Rulnble W:Exactly lMe all take五 sks― even when we
Roonl lt′ s an incredible Place lt′ S a gigantic 、 valk across the road― but mOst survivors
horses aren′ t as noisy
roon■ ―and it′ s like a dillcrent、 Forid don′ t tab unnecessary risks
瘍 1.19
■ 1.23 鶉 1.26
lJ=JaVieり D=Driver l VVhere did Edtlrne Pasaban live?In the A:Hi Mark How was your camping ttip?
J: Hel10?Aご e you the nexttaxi? mountainous Basque llegion of SPaill B: It M7as greatlll the end but v″ e had a
D:凝 s′ tllat′ s rigllt 2 ヽ へ
√hen did she clilllb her first rnountain? terrible tilne at the beglllning
J: I′ d like to go to tlle station′ please ヽ へ
√hen she、 FaS fOurteen A:VVЪ y?
D:Bus or tralll? 3 い√hat did she studv at universitv? B: First′ 、″
e left the house early on Sattlrday
J: Oh SOrry The tralll station Ellgil■ eering monling but after omy half an hour the car
D:OK Gettn tl■ en 4 ヽへ√hen did Stc、 en ShoPPman and Stephen brolce dowvn
2D=Driveル J=Javier 3ouev drive loulld the、 FOrld?Fron■ 2007 A:Oh nol
to 2010 B:Fortlll■ ateし tllere was a garage nearby and
D:There are road M7orks up by the entl・ ance 5 VVhat did they go acrOss?A minefield the mecha」 c ixed the problem But v√ hen
■ YOu Can drOp me ofl¨ re lt′ SIhe How 6 VVhat did thev find?Thatthe、 /orld we arrived at■ e forest′ it M″ as geting
much is that? wasn′ t as dangerOus as they thought dark After Ⅵre drove around for about
D:Six POunds tl■ ir与
all hour/、 ve finally found the campsite
J: SOrry/1 only have a t、7enty― pound note ■ 1.24 butit was completely dark by then
Do you have dhange? Unfortmateし it started rammg so we
D:Sure So′ s thirteen PoundS Sevenリ
1=Interviewet W=Sandy Weisz
I: Normallv、「e Onlv hear bad llev「 s so it′ s found a nice hotel down the rOad!
Do you want a receipt?
A:That was lucky!
J: No′ it′ s OK tllanks Bye 800d tO have some 300d ne、 ハ Is from tilne
to tirne For examPle′ did you hearill the B: Yes′ it、 ァ
as a great hotel and in the end M′ e
3S=Shelley/D=Driver へs abotlt h/1aria Carza?She、 ŕas sitting
stayed there for the whole、 veekend
on an aeroPlane in Denver airPort` Fith A:Sottnds g“ atl
S: Hi Do you stop atthe airport?
D:Yeah′ I do VVhich termlllalis it?North or her one― vear― old child、 へF a firO
`hen she sa、
south? frOm the、 FindO■ 、 「as con■ ing frOlan One
l lt、
S: Eri l need to getto the north ternlinal ofthe engines Did you read that?No?It
D:OK A slllgle or return ticket? ヾ
i´as amazing VVhile the other Passengers ■ 1.28
S: Single′ please ヽFere running to the exits′ Maria climbed Every day we use obieCtS like comPuterS′
D:That′ stwo Pounds out of the、 ハ
rindolAr and onto the、 「ing of mobile PhonCS and household aPPlianCes such
the plane She saved hor daughter′ s life as、 ハ
Fashing machines and cookers、 FithOut
4 J=Javier7 T=Ticket office clerk and she was pregnant atthe timel So′ in thinking So′ 、Fhen yOu see a scuIPture by tlle
■ A retllrn icket to tl■ e airport′ please fact she saved three lives artist Ceorge Sabra′ it′ s surprising because
■ OK The nexttrau1 80es h ive mmutes ln today′s Programme、 へ Fe′ re talking
he ttses these obieCtS in new ways Ъ ke the
I Rgllt Thatone′ Please about、、「hy some peoPle are survivors ヽ Vё
sculpture in the photo′ fOr example ltlooks
■ First or second class? √antto kno、 F、Fhat nlakes these peoPle
like a stilange anilanal and it′ s lnade of、 /ood′
J: SeCOnd so special FOr exalalPle′ ` `
Fhat are their metal and PlaStiC The body is v√ ood fronl a
■ OK That′ s fOurteen pounds ifty personal qualities?Here to help us ans、 Fer beach The rOund head is inade of metal and
J: VⅥ OW!Can I Pay by Cheque? that question is Doctor Sandyべ、isz Sandy the haillis made ofinetal and plastic computcr
■ Sorry Cash or credit card is a doctor of Psychology and an exPert parts Ceorge lllakes these sctllPtures
■ Oh nO… Oh′ One moment Maぅ わe l haVe in survival skills SO SandI、「hat kind Of becauso he、 /ants peoPle to think about the
enough 1eft. person is a survivor? environment and about recycling and reusillg
OK. Here you are. W:VVell′ the stOry of Maria Carza is a good cvcryday oblocts
V\4rich platform is it? one because she sho、●ed a PersOnal q■ lity lt■
筵ポ 1.29
C: One moment ... Do t ou have the order: ' ,, 1.38
P=Presenter/R=Reg′ S=Sandra J: Yes, it's 8-0-5-3-1-A. R=Reporter,L=Lorette
P: OK So′ ℃ek on Radio TallK′ we′ re
this ttν C: Is that A as h Alpha? R: It's about sir o'clock in the mon.ring here in
talbg abOutrecyclhg VVe、 ァ ant to lqnoM/: J: That's right. Nelv Orleans and the streets are verv quiet.
How l■■uch do you recycle?Al■ d do you C: Is that Ms.[ane Pon,e]l of 90 North Lane? But in about six hours the citv is 5;oing; to
tl■ ink it′ s llllPOrtant?The phone lllles are J: Yes, it is. havc the biggest part1. in the rvorlcl and
open …and our irst caller ths lnornhg is C: Hmm. Can I put you on hold for a thousands of visitors from all o\'€'r ale
Reg lronl Cambridgesm PNe.・ /you′ re on moment? going to fill the streets. Hon er-et N1ardi
Radib Talk Go ahead Reg?Are you there? J: Sure. Cras is rea11y about thc 1oca1 communities
R:Hello?Cm you hearlne? C: Helkr? in the citrr So, l'r,e come to the traditional
P: ■/es′
Reg′ I can l■ ear you md so can about J: Yes, hel1o. Trem6 neighbor.rrhood of Neu. Orleans
half a lnilllon otller peopleル VЪ at did you C: I'm verv sorry but this product isn't in therc arc alreacly some people
wantto say Reg? stock at the lnoment. We'll har.e it in seven preparing for the big dav. So, I'11 tr1,to
R: VVell:A lot of people talk about recyclin.・ davs. speak to some of thern ... Helkr? Hello?
tllese days and they say it′ s good for the J: I alleadv knor,r. that. But it's mv husband's L: Hello?
environlnent butI′ ln not so sure Talce birthdav tomorro\ ,. R: Helkr. \{hat's r.onr nane?
、vhere 1 1市 e′ for example There aren′ t any C: I see. Wel1, n ould vou like to order a L: Lorette.
recycling centtes in lny town similar clock? We have an Apple iPod one R: Hi Lorettc. \lou'le u.earing ;r fant;rstic
P: Rea■ ン Reg?But what about at your local for thirty-five pounds. costume. Are you going to be in the parade
supermarket?Are there any recycling buls J: Hnrm. I really likcd the one I ordcrcd. this afternoon?
tllere? C: Oh, I'm sorry about that. Wcruld vou like tcr L: That's right. I'm meeting er,eryone at the
R:()K′ yes there are some recycling bins cancel the order? float in a fen, minutcs and thcn rvc're
l adnlit and a lot of peoPle take their f: Yes, I think so. Flolv does that u.ork? riding through the citr''.
rubbish there But listen to this A lorゥ C: Well, u,e'li refund the anount of thirt1- R: As I s;-ry vour dress looks amazing. Did
connes every single week to take it all nine pounds to vour credit card. you n-Lake it?
away l ask youl Hov√ is that good for tl■ e J: OK. Thanks. L: Yes, rt e all make our o\\.n costumes for
enviroment?Tlulk about all the fuelit C: And rvould vou like confirmation by N4ardi Gras.
uses No′ ln not convinced ttd anotller
I′ email? R: And do rou have a mask?
■lhg_ J: Yes, please. L: Sure. Hele it is. I'11 put it on.
P: Actually Reg I′ n■ go■lg to stop you there C: Let me check. Your email is j pou'ell at R: Wolr That's perfect. So tell me. Horv
because on line t、 vo l have anotl■er caller S-mai1 dot com. impoltant is Mardi Gras for the people in
P: hdM″hat′ s your name? No, thanks. That's everl,thing. brings people together'.
S: Sandra OK. Goodbye. R: We1l, good luck this afternoon. You're
P: OI〔 Sandra You are l市 e on Radio Talk Bve. going to have a great time, I'nr snre!
S: VVell′ I′ m really angry M7ith the nnan、 へ
wasjust on ".,."1.40
P:You mean Reg? 螂nitう
Conversation L
S:Yes He′ s iust lilKe all tlle PeoPle wh0 1iVe ■ 1.35 I=Ian,A=Abdullah
round lne They don′ t recycle lnuch sttlfl
eitl■ er
1n the story ofthe SPhinX′ the ans、 ´ √er to the I: Hi Abdullah. Hol"s it going?
question is′ man′ This is because′ a baby A: Goocl. I finished .rl1 mr corLrses
P: Vヽ hat?None of tlleln?
lmoves using t、 Fo hands and two feet An adult I can relar.
S: VVell′not many people on n■ y street recycle
l don′ t know about other Parむ of the toM′ n
ぃ√ alks on t朴「o le3S and an old Pers01■ 、 「alks I: Great. -Nlavbe vou'11 h.rr t time for some
01l tヽ ヽ
F01egs but also nccds a l´ ヾalking stick travelling .rncl sightseeinr norr.
Every、 ′ eek lsee them They throwv away a
lot of bags l suppose some peoPle recycle
ln the question the SPhillx alsO talks about A: N, Bui I thir-Lk I'11 take- it easv tl.ri-<
three diffcrcnt parts of the day:rnornlllg′ noon n,eeker-Ld.
a little rubbish every Mreek They don′ t
tlllnk they have time for recycling
and evening These parts of the dtly rePlesent I: Ohl lVell, l'hr, don't volr come ti) rn\-
the different stages of our life Morning is house? N'[v familr- is coming over. lVe're
P: And do you ever say anyllling to them?
childhood Noon is the rniddle of our life; a barbecue in the back gartlen. 1t'11
S:Yes′ I dolltellthem You onヶ ¨ed a
Evening is old― age ln the Original Greek storシ be ftrn.
few mulutes every day to separate your
the SPhinx killcd lnany travellers because A: Thanks, but I have a fcn, things to do at
glass′PlastlC and Paper And there are a thev didn′ t knov/the ans、 Fer Finall、 olle home and it's n,ith your family so )'ou
lot of places,vhere you can take recycling
man ans、「 、ered the question colrectlI He` 'as probablv don't u,ant other people there . ..
There′ s no excuse at all
P: That′ s an interesting oplluon Sandra and so
Oedipus and when he answeretl′ man′ ′the I: No, really. Don't worry because I'm
SPhinx killed itself inr.iting a felv people from our class as
、vhatI M7antto do is brhg back Reg who′ s
u,e11. So vou'l1 know peoplc. I'd rca11y like
waitlng on lme one ¨Reg?
R:Hello? ■ 1.36 Yotl to come.
P:Reg/1′ d like to you repけ tO Sandra because Speaker l A: OK. Thanks, that n,oulcl be great. Is it a
she says it′ s easy to recycle Wヽ hat do you
special occasion?
One day I Plan tO go to llniversity but first
say to tl■ at? liド ant to take a year OfftO get sorne、 、 FOrk
I: lVell, mt oldest sister has a neu. baby girl
R:V`e■ ′she miま t be ri.・ ht but where l live so it's a bit of a celebration for that.
eXPerience abroad So′ atthe rnomentI′ ln
you can′ t _ A: Ohl So I should bring something.
、へForking at a local supermarket and I′ rn going
to save ali nly lnnonev Then I′ d like to tra、 lel to
I: No, please don't. Tt isn't like that. There's
餞 1.32 somoiド here like Atistralia if l can affOrd it
no need .. .
V=recorded voice/C=Customer care Conversation 2
assistant J=Jane Speaker 2
Peoplc seelll to think this stage ill life means
ヽl Thalllc you for calling Teco Art dot
looking after grandchildren and Playing 8olf J: Ht'llo Salh. Hou aLe r orL?
com Your callis inPortantto us For S: thanks. It's been .r busl rreek.
ぺQll forget tht・ ttl l intend tO dO all tl■ e things I
il■ormation about our latest products′
iド anted to do but never had tirne And as for
l: \c-. I rrr. t lp \\ lrcr' .1. r ".r r''rr -l-l
press one For orders′ press tM7o For S: TomorLorr.
problems、 vith your ordeし press thee ¨ wOrk!V`ell′ I′ 1l be haPPy to leave llly,ob′ I Can
tell vou J: Ol.r, realh. l didn't realise- it rr-as so soon.
All our customer service assistants are S: \\ell.r.rrr' ) i.-lrr lr,.rrei>un
busy We apologise for tlle delay Your call
rr )'
Speaker 3 Saturdar.
is importantto us One of our customer f: But r.or,rrre st.rving for another rr,eek?
We hope to gct a PlaCe of ottr ov.rn but these
service assistanむ 、
vill be witll you as soon S: No.
aS POSSlble
days it′ s rea■ y difficulttO buy a house House
prices arc so high so、 Fe′ re Still living、「ith llny f: Oh. \{e11, l'h.rt are doing tonight?
C:Good mormng Can l help you? S: Nothing at the moment. I'11 tre at mv hotel.
husband′ s Parents lt′ s hard notto fcolsad
ln calling about an order for a
J: Hi′ I′
― J: Of COurse I′ d like to take you to n■y jobs back to Pelansy市 ania So′ Ith』 k most peoPle Lve in Parts Of the、 vorld where there
favourite restaurant people have understood how inPortant aren′ tlnany optlcias For exall■ Ple′ ■l parむ
S: That、 vould be、 vonderflll I′ d like that very ths is¨ of Africa there is only one optician per n、 illlon
much people But novみ tl■ ere is a scientist who has
l Great Let′ s g6 straigllt after work I′ 1l meet 薇 2.6 totlnd a soluion to■ e problem Joshua Si市 er
you doM/nstairs in receptlon 1=Interviewerr C=Candidate has lllvented glasses、 vhich don′ tneed m
S: C)K Vヽ hat tu■ ■
e? optlclan
I: R■ght Have a seat′ Ruby
I If廿 iSh atsix ls that OK for you? C:ThalnlKs They look like a pair of normal glasses but
S: Sure I′ llsee you then Bye
I: So′ ve received your CV and your letter
I′ tllere is a pllllnP on eaCh Side witl■ s■ cone
of application Alld l see your curre■ job is oil First′ you tunn a v′ heel、 vh」 ch controls
Unit 7 as a sales assistant at Raystone′ s Bookshop tlle pump The pumP pushes tlle sihcone o■
瘍 2.1 So′ hoM71ong have you worlced there? tlarougll tl■ e pipe and it moves hto tl■ e lenses
C:I′ ve been there for about eigllteen mOntlls The shape of the lens challges and you turn
People olten say tv′ ins and triPletS have I: Oh′ yes′ I see no、 l So′ in that case′ M√ hy tl■ e wheellmi you can see correctヶ
silnilar emotions and feehngs as well as tlle ∼
have you aPPlied for tl■ is PosiiOn? Silver had the idea a few years ago and he did
same appealance VVell′ these triPleじ alsO C:VVelL I′ ve realヶ enlord my WOrk at many exPeriments before he got it rigllt¶ ne
have tl■ e salllejob ney a“ tlle Koratta Raystone′ s I′ ve ab′ ays been interested m llrst person、 vho used the ne、 ァglasses、 /as
brothers That′ s Alldrew on the left′ JosePh in books and usualけ tlle customers are really
tlle middle and Robert on ie rigllt ney al
a man m Ghana Tl■ e inan made clotl■ es but
nice And llike ttyhg to frld books for he had bad eyesight and found it difflcult to
became police officers fourteen years ago so if tl■ em Especially the rare coPieS Of books
M7ork But、 vl■ en the mall put on the glasses′ he
you add uP their tOtal years Of service′ that′ s I So′ why do you wantto leave■ em? ′
could start、 vorking agam Si市 er says′ I will
about for,― 椰′ 。years Alnd they all work C:Because it′ s quite a small mdependellt
for tl■ e New JerSey State Police so tl■ ey deal
notforget iat mOment′
bookshoP whereas E I Booksis a lnuch
witl■ everydilg"om serious crime to trafllc bigger cOmpany lread on your websie As a result′ Silver started tt organisat10n
accidents across the state of Nev/JerSey you have over fif、 /branches noM7 and M√ hich is called the′ Cent℃ forヤ lsion in tl■ e
you′ re stlll growing And l see you also
DeveloPing WOrld′ The glasses are cheap
瘍 2.2 have a website、 /here people can order to produce and so far the orgamsaiOn has
Nick Veasey takes PhOtOgraphs of ordmaゥ books So′ I tlulk there are probably lots worked m Africa′ Asia and Eastern EuЮ pe
whe“ over tllirサ lhOusand people now wear
PeOPle′ places and oblects but no one could of opporttttlities for me in the Llture
descrlbe the inal Photographs as ordlllaIァ In I: VVell′ it′ s trtle that we′ ve growvn quickly
tlle Jasses Joshua hOpes a b■ lion pecPle
fact′ ■ ey are very creat市 e Nlck uses X― ray ■l recent years And it′ s nice to see you′ ve across the M/hole M′ orld M′ ill have then3 by
photoraPhy and′ as a result′ you see■ lside found out aboutthe compa町 _So WOuld 2020
tl■ e obiect The lmal■ lages are often beautiflll′ you descrbe yoursell as ambitious?
時 2.11
strange or surprising Workng with X― rays C:Um′ I don′ t kl■ ow Not especialサ butI′ d
can be dalgerous because oftlle radiatlon So like to have a successful career A: So′ what are、 ve golllg to take M′ ith us?
Safeサ al■1/ays comes ttstfor Nick His well― ■ And what are some of yollr malll sttengtlls? B: VVell′ I don′ t know whatthe weather′ s
equiPPed studiO is a large black buildhg lt C:Erι l work hard and l enloy WOrkng with going to be like lf it rains,v″ e′ 1l need all
has thick concrete walls to stop the radialon other people And′ er/1 can solve problems tllis waterproof clotl■ hg
lnside he has different X― ray lnachines for I: So′ I can ask you to do sometling and you A:Yes′ but if、ve take all that′ there won′ t be
different sizes and types of Lnages But can do it on your owvn? space for my■ lulg else Anン vaン When I
not everythhg he photographs will■ t ul C: Yes′ I thll■ k so go canoemg l always get wetル ヽ ■ya“ you
the studio so sometimes l■ e has to travelto I: Well,I′ ve aslced you a lot of questlons Do packng that?
tlnem For example′ he has photographed you have any ques■ ons fOr me? B: If v`e don′ t have a map′ ,ve′ ll probably get
m aeroPlane′ a bus and al■ ofhce buildll■ g C: Yes′ I have I′ ve applied for tlle post of lost
M7ith peoPle WOrku■ g inside These k」 nds of sales assistal■ t here bllt earlier l said l was A:Don′ t worry lflbrhg my CPS′ we′ ll know
exac」 y M7here、 ve are at all tllnes VVhat
PrOleCtS take■ any days and mmy difle“ ■ terested in develoPing a career Are there
X― rays Thel■ /he takes tlle bestimage back often OPPOrtumties in the company for about food?
to his sttldio and sPendS a 10t of hs、 /orkng promotion? B: I normally take ins and Packets of food
day improvhg tlle llllage on lus computer I: Yes′ we′ re groM′ ing all tlle t■ me and if you v√hen l go on atrip lib its
unilitis ready for an exl■ biion You can see are p“pared to move′ tllere are jobs at A:Good idea lf you carry the food in your
hs photos in gallerms al1 0ver the world and other branches canoe′ I′ 1l Pack bOth the tents in nine
mal■ y companies also use his images in the士 C:OK Great And in tlleiob descrlptlon′ lt B:Maybe tl■ at′ s notsuch a good idea lf
advertisements says you offer lle対 ble hours Can you tell solnething happens to one of us′ then the
me more about that? otller PersOn either M′ on′ t have any food or
蝙 2.5 I: Sure Because、 7e open our bOokshops lla won′ t have a tent
the evettgs as M″ ell as durulg tl■ e daン , A:VVell′ hopefully that、 ●on′ t haPPen if M/e′ re
1=Interviewer7 E=Engineer careflll
we ask staff when tl■ ey prefer to M7ork
″long have you wOrked for your
I: Ho、 へ
V`e have one n■ ember of staff who likes to
company? work a few hoursin the lnorttg and then 鶉 2.14
E: For t,venサ ー
fiVe years Su■ ce l left college A:OK Allpacked?
a feM/hours in the evenlllg
I: So′ wl■ endid you study enguleerhg? B:Neartt I′ Ve got tl■ e tent I′ ve got my
C: I see
E Istarted college when l was nmeteen and 、valklllg boots
l qualilled as an entteer abOut four years A: Have you got a good coat?■ ■
unit 8 ey say it′ s
later goコ ng to ram
I: And have you always lived in 瘍 2.7 B: Erち I only have this one
Pennsy市 al■ ia? A:Yealn′ it′ 1lbe OK Hey/■ /hat′ s that?
1t′ s dificult to remelnber v′ hat life was like
E: No I′ ve■ved in lots of differellt PlaCes B: Oh yeah′ rny brotl■ er gaveitto me
Ll the energy busllless′ you live v√ here tl■ e
before techl■ olo"It s01Ves mattmatlcal
problems for us lt sends rnessages to ttiends A:Wo予 ν here do lswith it on?
l That is cool!ヤ ヽ
、7ork is B: Here But you press this if you、 /ant
ll a second lt even cooks d血 er for us Vヽ 性 n
I: Soァ ル did you lnOve here? dlferent tteS Oflight
technology makes a nustake′ it′ s only because
E: In 2007 Just after they found the gasllere A:Wヽ hat do you mean?
I: So′ hoM7 1nany different places have you
it′ s folloM7ing itttructions tron■ a human
So′ what's the next big step in techlology?
B: Press here if you、 vant normal ligllting But
l市 ed● ′dO you thlllk?
you need to press l■ ere for long distances
Some people didn't want us here in the durmg the day and you need help
beginning because they were worried 瘍 2.8
A:Br■ lianI Vヽhat is tlnis fOr?
about the environment. But the changes NIore than one blllion people nl dle world
B: Pluggll■ g it ll■ to your laptop
have been good for this region. It's brought don′ t have glasses but need them Tl■ ese
A:予 颯ly do you med to do tllat?
& A B
ヤVЪJe I、 vas wOrklng as an Enghsh teacher m NOVV′ button′ the llrst thing you′ re asked clar lile on tire rit er.
tO dO is tO l11l in an enr01lnent fOrm
齢難鮮 g
[ C:Right
H:Have vou seen the、 ●ebsite?
C: Yes′ butl didn′ t knO、 へ
rif l had tO fill in
Sto■ 72
A: llfhere did you stay?
B: In a hotel near the train station Butit、 、as
:Fl動 7[温1羞∬響縫熙 「
the fOrm for a shOrt course There isn′ t an a nlistake My bag、「as stolen frOlnn hotel
shou′ in JaPanese A lot ofJaPanese、 ァ
ords intervie、 t is there? reCePtiOn!
are homophones so they have the same sound H:No′ ■o Nothing like that But when you′ ve A:Oh nOlい √
hen did it haPPen?
completed the Online enr01lnent form′ a B:JuSt after we′ d arrived
讐 :留:酬翻:鶴 鯖 T::[幌 :l£:猟
│』 copy is sent to us here at the office and also A:VVho took it?
thousand′ most Of、vlnlch have come ll・ om to the courso trainer B: A man Outside the hotel He′ d f0110、 、
Clttese lt′ s slllnilar to English h tlle se“ e C: And dOIPay、「hen l send you the fOrm? us into the hotel Fortunatelル the hotel
胤l意轟 F轡 醸
盟:遺 ‰嘱辮
lots ofttngLsh words whch have come from
s up tO you Paymentis accepted either
vhen you enrol or nO later than six、 、
receptionist ran after hirn and 80t it back
After that it、 FaS fhe ヽ
Ve、 rent sightseeing′
ay visited a couPle of rnuseums YcDu knov.77 all
the languages of German and French H撃 鯉 ∬ 露 誕戦 き露 31∬ ;∬ the usual things But then′ on the very last
C: Vfell′ I can Pay it all straight a、 Fay because night′ tllere、 Fas no electricity at the hotel
磋 2.17 my emPloyeris paying A: So′ v.Th.nt did you all do?
H:Fine After、 /e′ ve received Paymenし B: Well′ first I、「ent t0 1ook fOr the lnanager
a receiptis emailed tO your employer but she′ d already left The person atthe
C: And then what haPpenS? front desk had sOme candles and allthe
H:Before the course starts′ you mean? guests sat together in the bar aroa and sang
憮 C:Yes
H:Once you′ ve enrolled′ you′ re sent a list Of
songs Actuallシ it was a lot ofltln in the
end That、 FaS PrObably the best part of the
『 出譜 盤 盤識徊 tFtth
books tO btly or any course lnaterials But holidav…
actually for your course l don′ t think
鍔 僣 lttl脚 ‖ 蹴 尉 撫器 :智
…no′ all the rnaterials are provided by the
trainer He′ 1l provide thOse on the flrst day
寺 2.23
and TV and so thqy allcOme tO the ShaoLn
C: OK Well′ 1l book it nOM√ in that case
翻 騨 i脩
I: So′ Madelaine We′ ve talked about sOme of
Thanks fOr yOur helP your PhotograPhy and your travel、 Friting
H:You′ re、 7elcome 、√
ith Nll″ ο″′′G′ ο
g″ ′
ρ7″ ごInagazine but I
centllry Shce then′ Kung Fu teachers have knO、 へ
rthat yOu′ re also very excited about
響攪it市 3
taught general■ ons of students your new iob
姜 2.20 M:That′ s right RecentlI I′ ve also started
″orking as a tour guide with氏 ■″ο″′ 7
Pyramids and l went sightseeing there but M:Actuallシ S fascinating because it isn′ t
躙 盤 織 iサ it、 √
as al、 vays because rny、 /ork t00k nle anything like、 ,hat you′ 、e luSt described
壺 鸞 冤 毬『i「 there FOr rny last triP Iiド as iln the Sudan These are氏へflο ″′′Gビ ο
g′ ′ 771t
〃 Aゴ で′″′″
e Shaolin Temple′ mOre than 50′ 000 stlldents
tl■ and l vv7ent looking for snakes holidays so they′ re special t〕 ,pes Of “
are enro■ ed at one of the s破 サ marial arts I: But you lnust take a holiday sOnletimes? holidays for people、 h010ve adventure
schools Z: Well′ Once Or twice l have travelled tO and′ on my tours′ they are esPeCially
places not connected to snakes For interested in PhOtOgraPh)i
3 exalnPle′ I Spent a holiday in the Seychelles I: So′ this isn't your traditional PaCkage
witll some friends They ellloyed the beach
tour holidav by the beach、 Fith a bit Of
欄欄 誇
螢鞣融 and the rnarkets、 vhile l went diving、 へ
my underwater camera
[m耀 躍ぶ∬』
my nextiob iS in the famous GaliPagOS
町器鷺ぎ Archipelago
獅榊 聯 戦
驚撫 you、 vant
I: So′ do you ever stay in hotels?
I: ■VowI
M:Exactly Tl■ is tour is very exciting because
胤 跳¥耀 :諸 鑑:1艦鼻鼻emi Z鳳 ∬罵 :臨 精 鳥:胃 想T' I′ ・e llever been there before and it′ s such a
legendary Part of the、 へ
by■で ―
ir parents because tl■ e scho01s are we■ own so l rarely b00k a hotelin advance I: So′ gi、「e us a basic idea `Orld
ofthe tyPe Of
躙 亀 織 :糊 登揚 躙 hat abOut when you、 t I: 1ヘ ア ァere a child?Did peoPle、 'ho g0 0n thetOur HO、F big is the
your family take holidays? grouP′ for e、 anlple?
They tra■ n Outside elen、 ァ
hen the、 veatl■ er is Z: Yes′ butl have been interested in snakes M:頭 tll′ it's a small group of us′ about nine
beloM/zero degrees They httrees to make since the age of fou■ SO′ 、7hen、 7e
:lmttI魂 漱撃
:1臨 寵遇詰諸
the士 hands strOnger and the movements are travelled′ 1100ked fOr snakes and took
repeated agall■ and agam for hours on end
』な yS you nlake ne、 、friends
瘍 2.19 星
ill:l:よ 革 i::#ll:ilttlittξ I: But dOn′ t ildependent tavellers get
anl■ oyed、 、 ith other peoPle in the group
H=College helpdesk/C=Caller l mean′ after all′ they normally travel on
■ 2.22 their O、 Fll
事:Hel10′ COrfleld COllege Thls is Melarue
Story l M:Well′ of cOurse′ evervone has the same
ttp銚密W憾 貯
A: SO′ 、
vhere did you go exactly? interests so quite a fevゞ People come On
B: On the River Nile from As、 ′ their O、 へ
In and then inake friends v.7ith
an to Luxor
everyone in the grouP ButifSOmeone
v√ ants to go and、「alk up the side of a
volcano on their ov`n or spend the day s tteo′ clock in the evening so it′ s difficult
ul a canoe out on the sea′ that's ine The 電ポ 2.28 to see Butif you wait md look really closeヶ
itineraり is Veヮ fleXible But there are R=Reporter/A=Archaeologist you startto see the ground lnOve And what
:膳 ね 誌』
路謬∬庸 :f」
m the evettgs、 ve usually cook our rneals
R: I believe archaeologists discovered tllis
Pyral■ ud in 1978
looks like leaves is startulg to n10ve But they
aren′ t leaves′ they are toads and during the
day they hide lrOm other anin■ als On the
A: That's right. But we haven't excavated
together on a barbecue― it′ s a lot offun everything yet. There's still a lot to do. side of tlle tree′ tl■ ere are椰 ′o eyes lookllng at
I: Ol■ e last question Some of oШ Lsteners are R: \Vhere are we standing now? me ln fact′ they are the wings of a butterlly
probabサ tllttg lt all sotlllds amazing A: We're near the north wall of the pyramid. These al■ 1lnals are experts at ushg PlantS tO
but tlley′ re worried about tlle physical R: And why have you brought me here? lude themselves md not only、 7hen they are
requirements for this kind of ho■ day HoM7 A: We11, recently we discovered this box in ndllag but also、 vhen they go hunting Take
PhySiCally llt do you need to be? the ground which tells us a lot about the snakes′ for example l can′ t see any in the long
M:You don′ t have to be an atl■ lete or Aztecs. grass I′ m walldng in butl kno、7 that tl■ ere are
anything′ but you should be an act市 e R: Yes, I can see that it's fu11 of objects. What hundreds ofthem l市 ing here so l have to be
person and、 ve tell PeoPle that before are they? really carehll
they come Thsis an adventure ho■ day A: Some of them are pots or plates. They used
after all But there′ s also Plenty oftime for to make them for cooking. 鶉 2.34
relaxlllg by the beach lll tlle evenings And I see. And what else is in there? Eve,one 100ks at nature diflerentヶ Ma力 e
you never get tlred of the views ltlnust be There were some sma1l pieces of gold and
フЮu′ re somebody who has no in“ rest h nature
the bestiob in tlle world ¨ a precious blue stone calied jade but we've and r you gO mン,vhere green′ you don′ t
taken them out now. The Aztecs used to nOuce anydilg Or ma)あ e yOu can nallle a
晰 2.25 do a lot of business and so these types lm dtterent plants and anln■ als in your local
TI=Tourist informationフ T=Tourist of stones were important. We also found park Butfor peoPle Lke David Liittschル vager/
TI:Bottour MOnsieur some small statues which had religious nowllere lll tl■ e world is witl■ out nat■ lral beau与
T AL bonlour sOrry/do you speak English? importance. And also there were knives. He sees PlantS and alulllals everywllere lle
T■ Y3s′ I do How can l help? The Aztecs used to sacriflce animals - and looks David is a photographer for Nα チ ′
Oll″ 7
■ I′ ln interested in the catacombs rnusellln even other humans - to their gods. So the G`Dざ n■ agazule md he wal■ ted to show
Can you telllne ifit′ s open today? knives are probably for sacrifices. how lnudh nattlre there is around us all
TI:Ert letrne check l don′ t thlllk so A lot of Did you find any bodies? dle J壼ne So′ lle took a[ヌ een inetal ialne
Actua11y, yes. The skeleton of a dog but it measutt ol■ e Cubic foot to dilferent locaions
PlaCeS are closed on a Ⅳlonday in Paris
No Every day except Monday wasn't from a sacrifice. It wore a beautiful arolll■ d tlle world For exalnple′ to the mdddle
■ Oh′ well That′ sOK Vヽ hat time does it co11ar so it was obviously an important of a forest on the side of a inountall■ 7in the
open? animal. ocean and■ lar市 e■ No● √
ng l.cengage. com/lif e
鰈鰊覺凩瘍毀 袂鰤 ジ●メ
in exd日 ng six level serics that makes]earning Engish an
/ing on National CcosiaphiC COntent/
=i(P10ration ofthe vvorld DraⅥ
二it transfOrms the learning experience into a fabulousiourneyひ 五th
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