Survival Logbook Text

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Five Nights

Se employens needto survive
hope Firat Fine nights onthe job!
a ar
Based on the series Five Nights at Freddy's,
created by Scott Cawthon

Copyright ©2018 Seat Cowthon AN rightsreserved,

‘Allrigh rexerved. Published by Scholostic Inc., Publishersand/or since 1920.
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ISBN 978-1.33822930:1
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detbyTine Francisco ond Katrina Mae Hao
Book design by Corotyn Bell

Welcome to the first day of your exciting new career!
This journal was designed for you, Fazbear Entertainment's
newest employee, to both welcome you and ensure you feel .
fulfilled and prepared during your first week on the job. We
don't want you to feel overwhelmed, otherwise you might
not come back!

After each night's work, we ask that you take a moment for
self-reflection by completing the various activities in the
pages that follow. Some of these activities will review your
training, while others will help you clear your mind and
t ) focus. And, of course, don’t forget to log any strange events
already wri that occur throughout your shift.

tou aon Let's get started!

lo begin, we suggest you fill out some basic information in
the unlikely event of an emergency. All set? Please cut out this
ontact card and return it to your supervisor at the end of your
NIGHT 1: lirst shift

NEW Name:

jy) \

/ Address:



Organ Donor:

End-of-Life Preferences:

In case of Name:
emergency, Phone:
please contact: Relation:
Ss Feeling down? Don’t! Would You Rather ...
* Uistten reasons why applying to Freddy Fazbear's Pizza
seemed like a good idea at the time.

B Hug Freddy? .. . or... Hug Foxy?



4. Work day shift with Work night shift

two parties? .or... and clean up?


Play guitar with Bonnie? .. .or .. . Sing with Freddy?


2, a
Listen to Ballora’s Listen to the Puppet’s
music all night? =... or... music box all night?


“NX Get an ice cream Get a cupcake

é from Circus Baby? ... or... from Chica?
7 Special Features:
| If you were going to design a new animatronic friend for the kids at ie
one of Fazbear.Entertainment’s numerous enterprises, what would =. = = uz
it look like? What special features might it have? oe 2
me ,

ewing |Your Training

a — nn
7 3
Fae f Re bad
‘to all the night guard training 4. |f the animatronics see you after hours, they'll most
Ige here and see how you fared on likely believe you're...

a. A metal endoskeleton without its costume on

b. A security guard .
it Freddy Fazbear’s Pizza? z |
c.A child in need of a hug
sesforkids and parents, where fantasy and
5. Why should you only close the doors and operate
b. Amagical place for kids and grown-ups alike,where fantasy the lights/cameras when absolutely necessary?
and fun come to life -
a. We are currently involved in an “eco-friendly” initiative.
¢. Amagnificent place for kids and grown-ups alike, where fun
comes to life b. The building has limited power supply between 12 and 6 a.m.

Fazbear Entertainment is not responsible for c. The animatronics are drawn to the light.
lamage to...
6. Where are the most crucial blind spots in
Property or person
your cameras?

! } * a. The kitchen

b. Outside Pirate Cove

tronics left in free-roaming mode ¢, Right outside the office doors

, When you're scared, it can sometimes help to imagine what
@ ss. Quiz Results: How Did You Do? you fear in a funny way. Let's try it out—sketch and color in a
silly costume for the Puppet to wear.
pa Mee Tally up your score!
1. Correct answer: b. 4. Correct answer: a.
2. Correct answer: a. 5. Correct answer: b.
f 3. Correct answer: c. 6. Correct answer: c.

of 2 or fewer correct answers

Are you sure this is the job for you? You made some serious
errors in your responses. Please thoroughly review your training
before returning tomorrow.

3-4 correct answers

Your answers were partially correct, but we recommend brushing
up on some of your responsibilities before your next shift.
After all, one mistake could have dire consequences.

5 or more correct answers. , A

You have the best chances for Sueeessinthis position.
Job well done!
You know what they say—laugh and the world laughs with
you. Cry and you cry alone. Make up some jokes for Freddy
~-and hisfriends to make you laugh on the next page!
Working the night shift can be hard, es pecially Take your family OUT...
when the people
closest to you work daylight hours. Lisi t the five for a night of fun at
e you most

Freddy Fazbear’s Pizza!

want to see at the end of the day.

43 ae ie ee

_ T
eS a a - Jaa
3 ae alte ee
4. = —2! _

Bi = ee = <=


Who would you recommend for this job?

st; =

Seis a ar .

Offer not valid when

combined with other

: = Hs —=—
J you want to be when you grew up? Imagine that you've received a promising new opportunityto
from your current job prospects? become a manager at a Freddy Fazbear’s Pizza. It's up to you to
- tnake the big decisions that keep our customers coming back. Try
making some of these decisions in the space below.

|. Would you make more human or animal animatronics?

). Would your animatronic friends be shiny and glossy, or soft

and fuzzy?

}. Which would you serve the most of—cupcakes, ice cream,

or pizza?
. &

4. Would you give Circus Baby a hug if she gave you an ice
cream cone?
se Em 3
_ Make a bucket list of all the things you'd most like to do in Alter your first night on the job, we bet you're feeling pretty
life. What is holding you back from doing them? You never «jrateful to be alive. Reflect on the things in life that you are
“know how much time you have left! most thankful for.
Please report any unusual events in the space below. Feelings About Tonight's Shift
\ * llease circle how you would rate your feelings on a scale of
Date: Time: _ _—__a.m/p.m. 1-10, with 10 being the best, and 1 being the worst, on the
Night Guard on Duty:
cale below.
Person(s) Involved:
Animatronic(s) Involved:
Description of Events: Overall: 1 23456 Tee een,

Injury O Property Damage O Death O Fulfillment: 1 23456 7 8 9 10

Missing Persons (1 Police Involved O
Health: 23456 7287-10

Stress: 23456 7 B2910

Date: _ Time: _
Night Guard on Duty
Person(s) Involved: Purpose: 23456 78910
Animatronic(s) Involved: _
Description of Events Hope: 23456 paige:
Fo Ps (9)
Injury O Property Damage 0) Death O
Missing Persons (] Police Involved 0 Existential 23
4 5% 10
Signature Dread:

Date: Time: am/pm

Night Guard on Duty-___
Person(s) involved:
Animatronic(s) involved:

Description of Events:

Injury O Property Damage O Death O

Missing Persons 0) Police involved O



TO SH I NE ! Employment is vital to any well-functioning society.
List ten reasons why you really need this job.
prizes would you want to see behinc
them here.
© aspir4 e to. List yourfavorite
j as ralorision tte showe . x
Reflect on the happiest day 7 deai ee,
e obstacles. Can you relate your one specific memory from ai ‘is nee
eir heroic eomeys? y
feel better if you find yourself facing CERTALY Dent


hus place
| — =
* -

One way to find hope in a seemingly hopeless situation Take a BITE...

; &; \, ™ is to fast-forward and try peeking into the future. out of fun
ic ge lets ive it a try—what will your life look like in five years?
On your next birthday!


. 2a <
“Tohelp youreach a more stable and relaxing frame of mind,
write down your favorite therapeutic musical selections. if you had to survive in a small crawl space under a desk for
Please note that some animatronics are audio-activated, so a week while surrounded by baby-themed animatronics,
refrain from playing music in the workplace. would you rather...
(song) (artist)

/ —_____
Sleep with one eye open? ... or... Not sleep at all?
{song) (ortist)

feong) (artist) Eat only baked beans? . .. or. . . Eat only tuna salad?

(ong) (artist)
Make a plan to escape? ... or... Make a plan to call for help?

Listen to a creepy voice? . . . or. . . Listen to the silence?

Lose your frontal lobe? ... or. . . Lose an arm?

Make an exercise schedule! Working out can keep THURSDAY
se mind healthy, too, speeding up reaction times that
we key to sueeessinyour new position. Plan some Sam. Tp.m.
activities for the week. Bini: 2 p.m.

2 10 a.m. 3 p.m.

_MONDAY liam. 4pm.

12 p.m. 5 p.m.
“Bam. 1pm.
9am. 2 p.m. FRIDAY
10 a.m. 3 p.m.
8 a.m. 1pm
11am. 4p.m.
9am. 2pm.
12 p.m. 5 p.m. fir
10.a.m. 3 p.m.
Ham. 4 p.m.
12 p.m. 5 p.m.
8 a.m. 1pm.
10a.m. 3 p.m. Barr tp.m 8am. =p
11am. 4 p.m.
am, 2pm Fam 2p
12 p.m. 5 p.m.
10am 3 p.m.___ 10am
Mam. 4pm = iam. 4
12pm. Spm. 12 p.m.
8 a.m. 1 p.m.
9am. 2p.m.
10 a.m. 3 p.m.
Workout Suggestions
1am, 4p.m.
12 p.m. 5 p.m. Run five mle
an Ok ster

Toke a self-defense class

Draw yourself as an animatronic. What special abilities would
you have?

Think about some steps you can take to improve your

productivity at work.

Step 1:

down on distractions is key to noticing sub-

8 in your environment. These subtle changes
© often the forerunner of-séeurity threats,
anumat ron
"Studies show that you forget half of your dreams in the first
ive minutes after waking. Use this page and the next page to
_-skétch and write notes about your recent dreams. Reflect on
the meaning of your dreams.
: Bt

‘Story Starter: Where's Foxy?

‘your creative muscles by writing your own short story in

space below. You can use this starting prompt to kick your
gination into high gear.

hecked the security cameras, cycling through

feeds until I came back to Pirate Cove once
in. Where could Foxy be? Suddenly I heard a
d, thud, thud, like the heavy pounding of
matronic footsteps. I turned to my left,
eee et NIGHT
_ Please report any unusual events in the space below.
2 Feelings About Tonight's Shift
Please circle how you would rate your feelings on a scale of
Dato: Tine: AW 1.10, with 10 being the best, and 1 being the worst, on the
Night Guardon Duty: scale below,
Person(s) tnvolved: ———S
Animatronie(s) Involved: Overall: 1.2 3: 4 5-627-829-2510
Description of Events:

Fulfillment: 12-354 So. = BO

Missing Persons 1 Police involved
INCIDENT ____ Health: 1 2 3 4 Se6" 758.910

Stress: 123 4:5 6772829500

Date: ___ _ Time: am/p.m
Night Guard on Duty. a ee Purpose: 123 4 5 627se9500
Person(s) Involved: — = ~
Animatronic(s) Involved:

Description of Events: Hope: 123

7 2 6 Fae

injury 0 Property Damage 0 Death O Existential 1 2:3 4°5%76 # Grea

Missing Persons (1 Police Involved O Dread:

) Date: Time: _am/p.m

Night Guard on Duty:
Person(s} Involved:_ 2 =
Animatronic(s) Involved:
Description of Events. Jas

Injury O Property Damage O Death O

Misting Persons 01 Police Involved O


GETTING IT! Welcome back to another pivotal night of your thriving new
career, where you get to really ask yourself, “What am | doing
with my life? What would my friends say?” And most impor-
tantly, “Will |ever see my family again?” Let's get started by
listing ten bad habits you'd like to break.

C\, ab
eS 0)
| Quiz:Operating Spring Lock Suits
do to the
Ba the training tapes about our new spring lock 4. Which of the following should you not
spring locks?
suits? Remember: You must review this vital training before
interacting with a spring lock suit/animatronic. a. Breathe on them

b. Touch them

c. All of the above

1. What makes a spring lock suit different from a ld you do?

standard animatronic? 5. If you trip the spring locks, what shou

a. It can make ice cream and inflate balloons. a. Die in front of customers

b. It's more dangerous than the standard animatronic.

b. Scream for help
¢. It doubles as both an animatronic and a mascot costume. ¢. Head to an offstage area before bleeding

6. Failing to follow the rules may result in
2. While in animatronic mode, spring lock suits walk
toward what? a. Firing

grotesque maiming
a, Light b. Accidents/injury/death/irreparable and

b. Sound c. Promotion

©. Birthday cake

3. To recoil the animatronic parts, you must use

which tool?

a. Ahandcrank

b. Your fingers

¢. Awrench

ft ven the animatronics get stressed out sometimes. Imagine
Quiz Results: How Did You Do? you were going to send the animatronics on vacation. Where
would you send each one?
Tally up your score! 4
1. Correct answer: c. 4. Correct answer: c.
2. Correct answer: b. 5. Correct answer: c.
3. Correct answer: a. 6. Correct answer: b. Why:

2 or fewer correct answers

Please review your training before you even look at another
spring lock suit, and don’t speak to any insurance agents should Chica:
you encounter them.

3-4 correct answers

You gave some half-right answers here. We recommend
reviewing your training with the audiocassette tapes.

5 or more correct answers

ou paid attention! You may not need to wear a spring lock suit as
part of your night guard duties, but you know how to handle ,
a spring lock animatronic if you encounter it.

pisregard this
mention the
in fact, don't
e to anyone.
spring lock suit
Design a new and advanced endoskeleton.

During your first week on the job, it can be hard to keep the
tules straight, so we've made you this handy checklist!

+ DO follow custom rules for specified animatronics

+ DO listen carefully for new/unfamiliar sounds
+ DO monitor systems and animatronics as necessary
+ DO avoid the animatronics to the best of your ability

- DON'T stare at the camera feeds for too long

- DON'T admit any prior employees

st would be great to have in a pizzeria that Create a new game for kids to play with Ballora.
istract people from the depressing realities of life. Remember, Ballora inspires kids to get fit and enjoy pizza!

How to Play:

if Word Search
Seeif you canspot all the Fazbear Entertainment-related
= words in the jumble below!

ci Sie su seit MEI GT W

MieM BrCcTs MEI? Ss UM H
Poecr tT 69S M EP IT SM AE O
TePenee rem P LO AY EB I RT A
Gmex ES Of T F 0 xX Yes DM R
ox 2 T BS M E T TaRSseMee §E
far T'S O ME. I D S'TagMegenty
Eat SM RE I? S © Newmar co
CE 5.0
Seow 0 fF PI C Rit iva Te
EeMog EF T I U Y DD BGR Ff T.S ,
Poet Ek F INT SM EBT... SM ’
Ral Nf : ®

Afton Robotics — Chica Party Foxy -

Freddy Bonnie Let's Eat Pizza Laugh ar
Fun Cake Guard Play

Ifthe animatronics could talk, what do
__» you think they would say?
Weethe.comic panels below to illustrate your own comic
ry . about Freddy and Foxy.

Fazbear Entertainment is often looking to rebrand SLICE...
whenever a PR disaster strikes. up some family fun at
Use the space below to design a new logo!
Freddy Fazbear’s Pizza!
=? “re

ofthe Fazbear family now! Draw yourself into

You're part
__he photos below.
= ache
Feelings About Tonight's Shift eras
Please report any unusual events in the space below.
: =. 3 Please circle how you would rate your feelings on a scale of
Ce bee Time: _am/p.m. 1-10, with 10 being the best, and 1 being the worst, on the
Night Guard on Duty: scale below.
Person(s) Involved "= =
Animatronic() Involved: : er ,
Overall: 123456789 10
Description of Events: = a “Ss
InjuryO Property Damage C1 oe Fulfillment! 12345 67 8 9 10
Missing Persons 1 Police Involved 0
INCIDENT Health: 1.2) 345565758 9-10

Stress: 1.2.3 4 55657, ea9in6

Date: ____ Time: __a.m/p.m
Night Guard on Duty: m - Purpose: 123 4 5 Ge7eeege0
Person(s) Involved:
Animatronicis) Involved:
Description of Events Se or i Hope: 12.3 4.5 6 7eaeoetD
ae ~
injuryO Property Damage 0 Death O
eer 1 (2.3 4 596 Fe oc9eag
Missing Persons ) Police involved

F Date: ____ Time: a.mJpm

Night Guard on Duty; __ 4
Person(s) Involved:____ 4
Asimmiatronic{s) Involved: __ —
Description of Events:

Injury O Property Damage C) Death Oo

Missing Persons 0) Police Involved 0
Signature __
NIGHT 4: |

WHAT ARE, YOU What are some poor decisions made by previous

STILL Dota ae aa security guards that you will not repeat?

P| |
ay: 4 : Write a personal message to each person describing how you
ee met your terrible end, including the animatronic that got you.
ee were to die in a grisly work accident—for instance, Dear
‘beingstuffed inside an animatronic suit—who are the people
you would miss the most?
Draw two screenshots from your game!
art game based on the adventures of
rf Will Foxy sail the seven seas, or will
* Chic Paks a cupcake fit for a king? Write about it here,
¥ and then draw a prototype arcade machine.

Gane Title:

hf? Ao - “Or

security quardislooking pretty defenseless outin In the face of extreme fear, it can be calming to think back
after hours. Best draw an animatronic costume on to your childhood. Did you have a stuffed animal or blanket
that you took with you everywhere? What about an imaginary
friend? Write about them here.

gotten your Bearings, it's time to really test 4. Foxy and Bonnie tend to stick to the left side of
inowledge tet see if you've mastered the job! the restaurant, while Chica and Freddy typically
approach from . . .

a. The right side of the restaurant

b. Behind you

| 1. Over time, you've learned that it’s perhaps most c. The left side of the restaurant
| _ important
to. ..

a. Scream when an animatronic approaches. 5. In general, if you hallucinate seeing strange

animatronics while on the job, it’s best to . . .
b. Make loud noises.
a, Take a good look at them.
c. Watch the video feeds.
b. Abandon all hope.

2. When you hear clanking in the kitchen, it’s c. Bring up your video feeds.
{1 probably...

|{ a. Foxy 6. If you do encounter an animatronic, it's best to

tefrain from... |
» b. Bonnie
a. Making eye contact
€ EiChica
b. Doing a dance
3.Freddy and his friends tend to become more
c. Running away screaming
: Join us at the new

Quiz Results: How Did You Do?

Tally up your score!

1. Correct answer: c. 4. Correct answer: a.

2. Correct answer: c. 5. Correct answer: c.
3. Correct answer: b. 6. Correct answer: a.

2 or fewer correct answers

Uh-oh. Looks like you've got quite a way to go before you've
mastered your duties. You might just need more on-the-job
experience, but we're afraid the learning curve is quite steep.
Still, we hope you make it long enough to improve!

3-4 correct answers

You're getting there! You may have made a few mistakes in your
answers, but it looks like you're starting to catch on.

5 or more correct answers

Wow! While we admit that a person in this unskilled position is
usually considered expendable, we're very impressed with how
quickly you've mastered your night guard responsibilities.
Well done!


‘Switching to the Day Shift

aoe oo = :
Flex your creative muscles by writing your own short story in
‘the space below. You can use this starting prompt to kick your
imagination into high gear.

7. =

rd only been on night shift for about a week,

but I was so relieved to be switched over to
the day shift. There’s a lot of stress working
12 a.m.—6 a.m. My boss had told me that the
animatronics were acting strangely—almost
aggressive toward the staff—but I wasn’t
about to let that scare me off. After work
I had an unsettling feeling that I was being
followed home . .
Now that you have dare down
animatronics moving to the

‘ *¢
SS ae [oS

Freddy Fazbear's Pizza is committed to family fun,and above —

all—safety! By now we're sure you have our Rules for Safety —
memorized, but are there any that you would add to the list?
pa ST

1. Don't run.
2. Don't yell.
3. Don't scream. ad
4. Don't poop on floor i
5. Stay close to mom.
6. Don't touch Freddy.
7. Don't hit.
8. Leave before dark.
. mee
afer 12.
. 13;
thank you,
d Win? —__/_
battling for control of the pizzeria,
nk would win and why?

r the glory

ot pizzal

: ; Feelings About Tonight's Shift
Please report any unusual events in the space below.
x - Please circle how you would rate your feelings on a scale of
Popes ater oe rare 1-10, with 10 being the best, and 1 being the worst, on the
Be Night Guard onDuty: scale below.
< Persons) Involved.
=| Animatronic(s) Involved: Overall: 4 678 91
= a +
fi st “= :
S igayD) Property Damage O Death O Fulfillment: 4 678 FeO:
Oo Missing Persons (1 Police Involved 1
ia] Siete | can hear sounds: 4 6789 10

Stress: 4 (a a: 6)
BR Date: Time: ___ a.m/p.m.
Es Night Guard on Duty: ite ee Purpose: 4 6478 9-10
B Person(s) Involved: =
[v4 Animatronic(s) Involved: = = a z
4 Description of Events: y ‘ Hope: 4 678 9 10
Qs Injury 0 Property Damage 0 Death O It was for me: 4 6789 10
©} Missing Persons 0) Police Involved

Date: _—_ Time: am/pm

Night Guardon Duty =
Person(s) Involved:
Animatronic(s) Involved:
Description ofEvents:

Injury © Property Damage O Death O

Missing Persons [] Police Involved (]
Welcome back to your last day on the job!
That is, the last day of your first week!
We can’t believe you've made it this far—
what would it take to get you to come back next week?
fe | You've earned your one-week bonus, which will be If you had one piece of advice to give to
aan you in the form of a delightful gift basket, the cost of the next night guard, what would it be?
which will be taken out of your next paycheck.
~ Design the gift basket you would like to receive in
the space below.
Here at Freddy Fazbear's Pizza, many of our
arcade machines use 8-bit graphics.
Use the grids below to convert Foxy into an 8-bit graphic!
Would You Rather ... eee Ee PEPER PEPE ree oe

Dance with Ballora? . .. or . . . Sing with Circus Baby? ¢

Spend all night in a

spring lock suit? ... or. . . Spend all night in the dark?

Perform maintenance
on Funtime Freddy? . . . or . . . Try to fix Mangle?

Win a prize from the (

Get a gift from the Puppet? . . . or ... prize counter?

Try to outrun the Puppet? . .. or . . . Try to outrun Foxy?

Draw your dish here.
& et
Draw a birthday:themed animatronic worthy of delivering
When a PR disaster strikes, it's always good to have a plan.
“your new birthday cake in the space below. Think of alternate explanations to these common

“My child said Freddy bit him!"

“My child went missing in your pizzeria!”

“My pizza has mold on it.”

Fe E > 2 5 i
belowto get it organized.

People to Invite
: f é
icle all about the life and
heroic security guard who perished
nding the pizzeria and its guests.

Draw or paste an image of yourself here.

*Bonus::Considerseeking legal counsel to
turn this list into a living will.
Feelings About Tonight's Shift
Please report any unusual events in the space below.
Please circle how you would rate your feelings on a scale of
Date: — Time: ____a.m./p.m. 1-10, with 10 being the best, and 1 being the worst, on the
Night Guard on Duty: scale below.
Person(s) Involved.
Animatronic(s) Involved:
Overall: 1 2.3 405) 68am
Description of Events:

Injury 1 Property Damage O Death 0 I can't see: 125358 5 6M 9 10

Missing Persons C1 Police Involved 0
Signature Health: 1 2°34" SR6e7 9 10

Stress: 1 2:3 Se Gus 9 10

Date: Time: am/pm
Night Guard on Duty: _ = I'm scared: 1 2 3.035 s6e 9 10
Personi(s) involved
Animatronic(s) Involved:
Description of Events: _ Hope: 123 43530ey 9 10

Injury 1 Property Damage 0 Death O

Existential Dread: 1 2 364 3) one 9 10
Missing Persons (] Police Involved 0

Date: ______ Time; 0d) amsp.m

Night Guard on Duty
Personfs) involved:_
Animatronic(s) involved:
Description of Events:

Injury O Property Damage 1 Death O

Missing Persons 0 Police Involved 0


e at F Beer Es inment would like to thank you

~ for joining our company. We hope this logbook helped you
get a better handle on your responsibilities and also provided
5 a bit of fun for you at the end of a long shift.

It’s no small feat to survive the daily grind here, and we

commend you for your courage and lack of common sense.
Until next time!
Wee to Freddy Fazbear's Pizza, where we are
committed to family fun, and above all—safety!
This logbook was designed for YOU, our newest night
guard, to provide you with support during your first
week on the job. Inside these pages, you'll find quizzes SOP

and activities to reinforce your training, unwind

at the
end of your shift, and log any strange events that occur
throughout the night.

We also ask that you use this logbook to reflect on the

most valued qualities of a Freddy's employee, namely
a genuine disregard for instinctive self-preservation.
It's all here in this logbook, the perfect way to relax
after a thrilling night at one of Fazbear Entertainment's
numerous enterprises. Just be sure to fill out your
emergency contact information first!


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$12.99 us 1 $14.99 CAN

Cover art © 2018 by Scott Cawthon


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