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Institute believes that: B sc nursing programme is essential to prepare nurses to improve the quality of nursing education and practice in India B sc Nursing Programme in nursing builds upon and extends competence acquired at the graduate levels, emphasizes application of relevant theories into Nursing practice education, administration and development of research skills. The Programme prepares nurses for leadership position in nursing and health fields who can function as nurse specialists, consultants, educators, administrators and researchers in a wide a variety of professional settings in meeting the national priorities and the changing needs of the society The programme provides the basis for post master programme in nursing. Further the programme encourages accountability and commitment to life long learning which fosters improvement of quality care AIM:

The aim of the B sc nursing programme in nursing is to prepare graduates to assume responsibilities as nurse specialists, consultants, educators, administrators in a variety of professional setting OBJECTIVES On completion of the four year B sc Nursing programme, the graduate will able to do 1. Utilize/ apply the concepts, theories and principles of nursing science 2. demonstrate advance competence in practice of nursing 3. practice as a graduate nurse 4. demonstrate leadership qualities and function effectively as nurse educator ad manager 5. demonstrate skill in conducting nursing research, interpreting and utilizing the findings from health related research. 6. demonstrate the ability to plan and effect change in nursing practice I the health care delivery system 7. establish collaborative relationship with members of other discipline 8. demonstrate interest in continued learning for personal and professional advancement PHILOSOPHY 2

The college of Nursing, believes that the programme of B Sc. Nursing Course is to impart formal educational preparation to an individual based on sound educational doctrines. This Teaching Institution believes that patient satisfaction is the ultimate goal which to be achieved through the preparation of Basic Nurses who will provide qualitative & comprehensive need based care.

This Basic Nursing Course will facilitate the overall professional development of the students through adaptation of new methods & modern technology that will make them capable to work in any institute & community field at large. AIM: The aim of the institute is to prepare graduates to provide an innovative and academically challenging experience in order to meet the technological revolution globally

Objectives To help the students: To acquire knowledge and understanding of the basic principal underlying techniques and methods used in nursing. To develop skills and attitude necessary to planning and carrying out comprehensive Nursing care for sick person of all ages in the community. To develop an ability to think and act independently and to accept responsibility as an individual, a nurse and a citizen. To develop an ability to provide individual care to sick or well which contribute to total health. To co-operate with other in the hospital and in the community for the care of the sick, prevention of disease and promotion of health. To create interest to develop professionally. PHILOSOPHY 3 Nursing is a systematic, deliberate process directed towards assisting individuals and groups in promoting, maintaining and restoring maximum health potential and supporting the dignity of the individual in life. This process is based upon the combination of scientific knowledge and skills and consists of actions that are independent but coordinated with other health care programmes.

The staff of college of Nursing believe that the basic course in Nursing college is a formal education and preparation, which should be based on sound Medical & Scientific foundation. Further the faculty of college of Nursing believes:

(a) That learning occurs not only in classroom, but also in the peer group and through participation in a wide variety of extra-curricular activities in different fields.

(b) That Nursing is a profession, which is influenced by advances in Science & Technology.

(c) That skill in all of aspects of communication is essential for learning and for the practice of Nursing. (d) That the nature of Nursing is such that substantial portion of students learning is acquired in clinical area. (e) That interdependence of Nursing with allied profession and occupation is necessary in promoting, maintaining and restoring health. (f) That the new persons entering in the pioneering profession must be guided for their brilliant career in Nursing so that they may prove efficient in imparting services to the society.

Aims & Objectives

The general aim of the college of Nursing Programme is to prepare the graduates to assume responsibility in preventive, promotive & curative care of people, sick or well and to act as professional Nurse. They are prepared to assume first level positions in all areas of health and are expected to participate in teaching & managerial functions as well. The specific objectives are as follows: 1. To meet the requirement of dedicated Nurses 2. To meet the acute shortage of qualified Nursing personnel in the country in general hospital. 3. To promote & strengthen the Nursing skill for better competence in the nursing profession in general and Patient care in particular.

4. To produce Nursing administrators & educators in the Hospital and in community for better implementation of National Health Programmes. 5. To provide qualified Nurses to the country to cope with advancement in Medical Science & Technology. 6. To enable them to get job opportunities at economically better positions. PHILOSOPHY: 5

Philosophy of Institute of Nursing

The faculty of the Nursing Institution believes that The basic course in Nursing is a formal educational preparation which should be based on sound educational principles as the foundation on which the practice of nursing is built and on which further education depends. Nursing is a profession, which is influenced by advance in services and technology. So nurses need to evaluate the curriculum periodically and make needed changes both in theory and practice. The nature of nursing is such that a substantial portion of the students learning is acquired in the clinical area and provision of appropriate clinical facilities and clinical guidance with periodical evaluation is the responsibility of the staff. Persons drawn to nursing have concern for others welfare, a belief in personal efficiency and desire to actively engage in life activities. Professional and non-professional personnel who are organized into self-directed work team can best provide high quality of nursing care. Ensure continuous improvement of nursing care quality, the role of professional nurse must team can best provide high quality of nursing care. When jobs for nursing personnel are designed the leader needs to ensure employees autonomy and self-actualization for patient care quality, patient satisfaction and employee satisfaction. Nursing leader has a responsibility in helping the student develop pride in the profession and in guiding her / him with respect to the future in nursing by demonstrating a high standard of professional behavior. Objectives of Institutes of Nursing

Provide an educational programme through which the graduates will be prepared to assume responsibility in the primary, secondary and tertiary care peoples as professional nurses. Graduates are prepared as capable of teaching and supervising in appropriate nursing and health care settings and participate in the administration of nursing service and education.

Ensure that the nurse achieves an all round development so that she is able to meet the needs of the individual, family, community and society and thus make herself an asset to society. Promotes teaching and learning process in the classroom as well as in the clinical area through appropriate supervision and ongoing evaluation based on well defined criteria. Assist and co-ordinate with other members of nursing team and the multidisciplinary team in prevention of diseases and promotion of Health in the hospital and community. Practice ethical values in personal and professional life through continous guidance and counseling services whenever necessary.

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