Vision & Sustainable Development Goals of Arunachal Pradesh - An Eastern Frontier State of India
Vision & Sustainable Development Goals of Arunachal Pradesh - An Eastern Frontier State of India
Vision & Sustainable Development Goals of Arunachal Pradesh - An Eastern Frontier State of India
Department of Finance, Planning & Investment (State Plan Division), Government of Arunachal Pradesh (2016 )
“Forwarding of CM”
Department of Finance, Planning & Investment (State Plan Division), Government of Arunachal Pradesh (2016 )
Department of Finance, Planning & Investment (State Plan Division), Government of Arunachal Pradesh (2016 )
Infrastructure bottleneck has been the bane for the development of the state’s overall economy. It has
affected every aspects of life in the state. Of late lots of emphasis has been made in this aspects by the
State Government as well as by the Central Government to improve the infrastructure in terms of
connectivity, health, education, security etc. The primary objective of the State Government will be to
develop overall infrastructure in the state to achieve the next objectives i.e., harness the potentialities
the state has in abundances.
The State of Arunachal Pradesh is rich in its natural resources and scenic beauty. The State Government
aims to identify amongst many potentiality, give emphasis on Organic Agri Allied Activities, Tourism and
Hydro Power. When these potential areas are harness by the state government it will empower the
farmers of the state, employ the youths and empower the State financially. The objective to harness
these potentialities of the state is in tune to sustainable development goals adopted by the
As a welfare state enshrined in the constitution, the duty of the government is to provide a quality life
for all to live in dignity. When the State government is able to improve infrastructure, harness the
Department of Finance, Planning & Investment (State Plan Division), Government of Arunachal Pradesh (2016 )
potentiality and provide an environment of peace and equality of opportunities, quality of life will
Being a signatory to the United Nation Sustainable Development Summit in September 2015, India
as a member country has also adopted the Sustainable Development goal 2030 (SDG 2030) as the
funding framework for its National Development Agenda till 2030.
The issue of sustainability has gained popularity of the policy makers with the advancement of
human rights where the premise of few wealthy individuals taking advantages over larger poor
individuals over the usage of scarce natural resources has risen with priority. In this context the
definition of sustainability development means “economic development that meets the needs of the
present generation without compromising the ability of future generation to meet their own needs”.
Another definition takes a broader view by defining sustainable development as “ The kind of human
activity that nourishes and perpetuates the historical fulfillment of the whole community of life on
Sustainable Development Goals indicators play a role in giving directions to the objectives of the
goal by meeting two distinct requirements of indicator sets:
(1) They have to provide vital information, providing a picture about the current state
and corresponding viability of that system; and
(2) They have to provide sufficient information about the system’s contribution to the
performance of other systems that depend on them.
In keeping with the objectives, the following Sustainable Goals have been set.
Targets of HDI ratio of the State Government
High HDI
Department of Finance, Planning & Investment (State Plan Division), Government of Arunachal Pradesh (2016 )
By 2019
o Rs. 160 lakh persondays covering 2 lakh rural households on demand basis.
By 2022
o To provide sustainable (Pucca) house with basic amenities to all houseless
households and households living in kutcha and dilapidated house by 2022 under
o Providing wage employment of US $ 253.95 (Rs. 17200/-) per household is being
By 2030
o To cover 82855 rural households under PMAY-Gramin.
Department of Finance, Planning & Investment (State Plan Division), Government of Arunachal Pradesh (2016 )
Current irrigation efficiency is 1200 hectare in 2016-17
By 2019
o Reduction of underweight children (0-5), Anemia (0-5 year children) and Anemia
(Pregnant Women) to 22 %, 54% and 50% respectively.
o To increase food grain productivity up to 5, 22,873.
o To enhanced the irrigation efficiency to 6600 hectare.
By 2022
o Reduction of underweight children (0-5), Anemia (0-5 year children) and Anemia
(Pregnant Women) to 17 %, 44 % and 40 % respectively.
o To increase food grain productivity up to 68, 2000.
o Enhanced the irrigation efficiency to 33000 hectare.
By 2030
o Reduction of underweight children (0-5), Anemia (0-5 year children) and Anemia
(Pregnant Women) to 10 %, 34 % and 30 % respectively.
o To increase food grain productivity up to 86, 7000.
o Enhanced the irrigation efficiency to 110800 hectare.
Reduction of anemia in P & L Mothers and adolescent girls by extensive use of IFA tablets.
Organizing awareness programme on young child feeding practices, cleanliness and hygiene.
Providing health education to adolescent girls and P&L mothers on hygiene and young child
feeding practices, exclusive breast feeding to children up to 6 months.
Promoting diversified agriculture through assured irrigation (PMKSY),(MGNREGA)
Protection and restoration of natural water resources such as rivers, lakes, ponds, streams.
Providing technical support for promotion of improved and resilient agricultural practices while
maintaining ecosystem.
By enhancing irrigation efficiency through up gradation of existing irrigation infrastructure (Ha);
through implementation of new schemes.
Department of Finance, Planning & Investment (State Plan Division), Government of Arunachal Pradesh (2016 )
By 2019
o RNTCP Arunachal Pradesh envisions achieving the goal of “Universal Access to TB care
reaching the unreached.
o To achieve an incidence of less than 0.02 per cent in a year by 2030 by halting and
reverse the incidence of TB.
o To achieve a target of over 95 per cent cure rate of new smear positive patients and
more than 95 per cent case detection rate.
By 2022
o Reduce Maternal Ratio (MMR) to less than 100 per lakh pregnancies/live births.
o Reduce the Infant Mortality Rate to less than 15 per 1000 live births.
o Reduce Total Fertility Rate to less than 2.1 per cent.
o To keep in step with National goal to “Halt and Reverse” HIV/AIDS epidemic in the state.
o 100 per cent blood donation.
By 2030
o To provide institutional infrastructure in all the existing health facilities.
o To provide residential quarters for all categories of health manpower in all health
facilities of the state.
o ABER (Annual Blood Examination Rate will be maintained above 10 per cent.
o API (Annual Parasite Index) will be maintained at 1 (1/1000 population).
o Aim will be to achieve nil death.
o To aim to prevent recurrence of Dengue.
o Availability of sufficient blood for the entire population of the state.
o Complete elimination of leprosy (both new case emergence 7 patients remaining under
treatment) - Zero leprosy.
Department of Finance, Planning & Investment (State Plan Division), Government of Arunachal Pradesh (2016 )
To functionalize Arunachal State Hospital and General Hospital, Pasighat as tertiary hospital.
To functionalise all the DH as secondary level care hospitals.
To functionalise all the Community Health Centers as First Referral Centre (FRC).
To functionalise all PHC and SC as per IPHS.
Real time data retrieval monitoring mechanism to identify shortcoming in the implementation
process instantly and to take need based corrective measures.
As per the Census 2011 literacy rate was 66.95 % which has arisen to 79.60 % by 2015
Gender Gap narrowed from 14.12% (Census 2011) to 7.12 % (2016)
GER (2015) 85.45 %
Impart functional Literacy and numeracy to non- literate and non- numerate adult.
Enable the neo- literate adults to continue their learning beyond basic literacy and acquire
equivalency to formal educational system.
Impart non and neo- literates relevant skill development programmes to improve their earning
and living condition.
Promote a learning society by providing opportunities to neo-literate adults for continuing
Improve the overall quality of existing state higher educational institutions by ensuring their
conformity to prescribed norms and standards.
Adoption of accreditation as a mandatory quality assurance framework.
Usher transformative reforms in the state higher education system by creating a facilitating
institutional structure for planning and monitoring.
Department of Finance, Planning & Investment (State Plan Division), Government of Arunachal Pradesh (2016 )
By 2019
o Increase representation in State Assembly to 10 seats (16 %)
o To increase sex ratio and child sex ratio 930/1000 and 965/1000 respectively.
By 2022:
o Increase representation in the State Assembly to 15 seats (25 %).
o To increase sex ratio and child sex ratio 945/1000 and 970/1000 respectively.
o To achieve Women elected members in PRIs to 50 per cent.
By 2030
o Increase in representation in the State Assembly to 20 seats (33 %).
o To increase sex ratio and child sex ratio 950/1000 and 980/1000 respectively.
o To achieve women elected members in State Assembly to 33 per cent.
o Increase women representation in govt. services to 50 per cent.
Efforts must be made as legally binding on political parties to reserve minimum quota for
women in party decision making bodies as well as in the distribution of party tickets during
Policy initiative through enactment of legislation for reservation of seats for women in legislative
assembly seats.
Focus would be to empower women to be self-employed, self reliant with access to institutional
credit facilities.
Increased financial allocation and improved policy orientation for achieving gender parity in all
Promote healthy, safe and secure environment for women.
Striving for maximization of women participation under MGNREGA through Gram Sabhas.
Department of Finance, Planning & Investment (State Plan Division), Government of Arunachal Pradesh (2016 )
Out of 175 nos of Semi-Urban Townships only 40 nos are covered by drinking water facilities
and 11 nos are under progress. 124 nos of Semi-Urban Township require comprehensive
overhauling of water supply systems.
Out of 29 nos of urban townships, 12 townships are covered, 14 townships are under
progress, and improvement of water supply system is needed in 6 urban towns and 3 new
towns needs water supply system.
Being a tribal state, open defecation was practiced earlier. With the intervention of
government schemes 68% of Individual House Hold are covered by Latrine facilities.
26% of Community Sanitary Complex have been covered
5% of Solid Liquid Waste Management activities are covered.
100% 100%
By 2019:
o To provide water supply to all Schools and Anganwadis
o 100% coverage of sanitary latrines and sanitary complexes at Gram Panchayat
o 100% of Individual House Hold will be covered by latrine facilities
o 100% of Community Sanitary Complex will be covered
o 100% Solid Liquid Waste Management will be covered
By 2022,
Department of Finance, Planning & Investment (State Plan Division), Government of Arunachal Pradesh (2016 )
o To provide safe and sufficient drinking water to all rural habitations at the rate of at
least 55 LPCD, at least 70 LPCD with drainage system to all rural administrative hq’s
and 135 LPCD to all urban township in the State.
By 2029:
o To provide 100% sewerage system in all Urban townships
o Command Area Development of catchment area for irrigation and water supply has
been carried out through district irrigation program under Pradhan Mantri Krishi
Sinchayee Yojana (PMKSY).
o Development of water ways in Siang river, Lohit river etc.
o Proactive participation under SBM (Gramin) and NRDWP for ensuring universal and
equitable access to safe and affordable drinking water to all rural households: 1. Target
based construction of IHHL under MGNREGA (Part of Focus Area under MGREGA); 2. All
rural households assisted under PMAY-G shall be provided with IHHL.
o Paying special attention to the needs of women and girls for sanitation through
orientation and sensitization at Gram Sabhas.
By 2019:
o To harness 5% (2,854 MW) of the total hydro power potential
o To cover 89% of the household access to electricity
Department of Finance, Planning & Investment (State Plan Division), Government of Arunachal Pradesh (2016 )
By 2022:
o To harness 27% (15,624.7 MW) of the total hydro power potential
o To cover 100 % of the household access to electricity
By 2029:
o To harness 100% (58,147.20 MW) of the total hydro power potential
By 2019
o Setting up of New ITIs in all districts – 25% of 20 Nos.
o Skill development centre in the CD Block -10% of 150 Nos.
o Strengthening & up gradation of Govt. craft centre- 30 % of 55 Nos.
o Setting up of multi-skill development at International Border Block- 25 % of 38 Nos.
o Introduction of Vocational courses in School- 20 % of all Govt. secondary schools.
o Establishment of Livelihood Mission Centre in all districts- 10 % of 20 Nos.
o Computerization and up gradation of State Employment Exchange- 10 % of all
employment exchange of the state.
o Institute for Training of Trainers – 100 % of 1 Nos.
By 2022
o Setting up of New ITIs in all districts – 50 % of 20 Nos.
o Skill development centre in the CD Block -50 % of 150 Nos.
o Strengthening & up gradation of Govt. craft centre- 50 % of 55 Nos.
o Setting up of multi-skill development at International Border Block- 50 % of 38 Nos.
o Introduction of Vocational courses in School- 50 % of all Govt. secondary schools.
o Establishment of Livelihood Mission Centre in all districts- 50 % of 20 Nos.
Department of Finance, Planning & Investment (State Plan Division), Government of Arunachal Pradesh (2016 )
o Computerization and up gradation of State Employment Exchange- 50 % of all
employment exchange of the state.
o Institute for Training of Trainers – 100 % of 1 Nos.
By 2030
o Setting up of New ITIs in all districts – 100 % of 20 Nos.
o Skill development centre in the CD Block -100 % of 150 Nos.
o Strengthening & up gradation of Govt. craft centre- 100 % of 55 Nos.
o Setting up of multi-skill development at International Border Block- 100 % of 38 Nos.
o Introduction of Vocational courses in School- 100 % of all Govt. secondary schools.
o Establishment of Livelihood Mission Centre in all districts- 100 % of 20 Nos.
o Computerization and up gradation of State Employment Exchange- 100 % of all
employment exchange of the state.
o Institute for Training of Trainers – 100 % of 1 Nos.
Infrastructure projects are complex, capital intensive, and have long gestation periods that
involve multiple and often unique risks to project finance.
There are 9,61,743 nos of phone connection during 2015
Financial inclusion and credit linkage is very low in the state
CD ratio of banks operating in the state is very low compared to national avarage
Department of Finance, Planning & Investment (State Plan Division), Government of Arunachal Pradesh (2016 )
By 2019
o Funding from State Plan Fund for completion of infrastructure projects started from
o Setting and operation of airports in the state for both civil and defense purposes.
By 2022
o Completion of trans arunachal highway.
o Completion of double lane high way projects to improve the capacity of the highway in
the state.
o Completion of optic fiber network linking every panchayat of the State.
By 2030
o Linking of all the district headquarters either by national highway or state highways.
o Linking of all the villages with rural roads from PMGSY Schemes.
Improve the infrastructure capacity by way of infusing more investment in this sector through
private investment
Train & retrain the youths for cheaper labour for the industry to come up in the region
Significantly increase access to information and communication technology and strive to provide
universal and affordable access to the internet in the state
Promote employment generation schemes by way of encouraging the youths to take up various
vocations and government to handhold by way of providing subsidies.
Population below poverty line 2011-12 (Tendulkar Methodology) 34.67 %, All India – 21.92%
Poverty lines -Monthly per capita - Rural Rs. 930, All India – Rs. 816
Poverty lines -Monthly per capita - Urban Rs. 1,060, All India – Rs. 1,000
By 2030
o Ensure all the social security schemes reaches the poorest of the poor and in the most
remote places of the State.
Department of Finance, Planning & Investment (State Plan Division), Government of Arunachal Pradesh (2016 )
Inequality is multi-faceted in nature. There is inequality in income; but there is also inequality in
educational attainment, health status, employment, access to food, access to water, access to
social security and in general access to opportunities and choices.
These different aspects of inequality are interlinked; improved access to water and sanitation
may reduce inequality in health outcomes, improved educational attainment may help people
find better jobs and reduce the inequality in employment and income, and son on.
Therefore the achievement of Goal 10 will be closely linked to the achievement of all other
0% 20 % 4 0 % 60 % 8 0 % 0 0 %
By 2019
o Individual Household Toilet – 40%
o Community Toilet – 36%
o Households connected to Sewage Network – 20%
By 2022
o Individual Household Toilet – 67 %
o Community Toilet – 67%
o Households connected to Sewage Network – 67%
By 2030
o Individual Household Toilet – 100%
o Community Toilet – 100%
o Households connected to Sewage Network –100%
Department of Finance, Planning & Investment (State Plan Division), Government of Arunachal Pradesh (2016 )
Due to difficult and rug topography, all the households are connected with isolated septic tanks
& soak pits. So instead of sewerage network, the Septage management (sludge suction tankers
and sewage treatment plants) is feasible for urban areas, hence proposed
By 2019
o Switch to Energy efficient light bulbs - 20%
o Electric productivity capacity – 5%
By 2022
o Switch to Energy efficient light bulbs - 25%
o Electric productivity capacity – 22%
By 2030
o Switch to Energy efficient light bulbs - 35%
o Electric productivity capacity 75%
Creation of awareness amongst all the sections of people about energy efficiency and
Frame Arunachal Pradesh Energy Conservation Building Code (APECBC) for energy efficient
Increase investment in hydro power sector by inviting potential power developers
Focus on action points and improve infrastructure related to hydro power sectors
Department of Finance, Planning & Investment (State Plan Division), Government of Arunachal Pradesh (2016 )
By 2019:
o Protect and restore water-related ecosystems including mountains, forests,
wetlands, rivers, aquifers and lakes
o Replacement & reduction in use of chemical fertilizers & pesticides by organic
fertilizers & pesticides – a step towards declaring Arunachal Pradesh as Organic
State by 2020
By 2029:
o Substantially reduce the number of deaths and illness from hazardous chemicals of
air, water and soil contamination
o Organic waste, including biomass generated during the harvesting and conversion
of forest produce, to be conve3rted into bio-fertilizers and bio-pesticides
o Identification and rehabilitation of abandoned /degraded jhum lands by suitable
o Catchment area development for water conservation at sources
o The State Action Plan on Climate Change has been finalized in consultation with Govt. of
o Arunachal Pradesh State pollution Control Board is responsible for issue of advisory to
concerned departments and industries for strict compliance of various Acts and Rules.
o All tea manufacturing/wood based industries of the State to compulsory adopts techniques
for production of bio-fertilizers and bio-pesticides from the waste generated by them.
As per satellite survey of December 1988 to February 1999, the forest cover of the state was
68,847 Sq. Km. (82.21%).
Department of Finance, Planning & Investment (State Plan Division), Government of Arunachal Pradesh (2016 )
As on 31.3.2015 forest area is 51,541 Sq. Km. which is 62 % of the total area of the state.
By 2029:
o To achieve the target of 80% forest coverage area
o Eco Clubs have been formed among school children under National Green Corps
o Environment Information System (ENVIS) Centre has been set up under Director
Environment with funding received from Ministry of Environment, forest & Climate
Change , Govt. of India.
o Climate change adaption cell to carry research and issue advisory notes to various
stakeholders of the State.
By 2019
o E-Office to be extended to extended to line departments
o On line service in most of the governmental services to be prioritized
o Governmental payments to be made on-line
By 2022
o All governmental transactions to be made through cashless mode
o All governmental payments to be made through cashless mode
o To integrate all the governmental payments to Public Finance Management System and
o All the government procurements to be made through GeM platform for greater
transparency and efficiency in public procurements
o On line application of land records to be made
By 2029
Department of Finance, Planning & Investment (State Plan Division), Government of Arunachal Pradesh (2016 )
o All police stations and jail to be integrated with crime tracking records online
o All the civil & criminal courts to be networked and records to be kept and transferred
though electronic modes
o All the land & revenue records to be in electronic mode.
By 2019:
o Ranked above 25
By 2022:
o Ranked between 25 - 15
By 2029:
o Ranked among the top 15
Reforms Areas
o Environment Registration Enablers
o Labour Regulation Enablers
o Access to Information and Transparency Enablers
o Land Availability and Allotment
o Inspection Enabler
o Single Window System
o Contract Enforcement
o Registering Property
o Construction Permit Enabler
Department of Finance, Planning & Investment (State Plan Division), Government of Arunachal Pradesh (2016 )
o Obtaining Utility Permits
o Paying Taxes
Department of Finance, Planning & Investment (State Plan Division), Government of Arunachal Pradesh (2016 )
Directorate of Economics and Statistics. (2015). Statistical Abstract of Arunachal Pradesh 2015. Itanagar:
Government of Arunachal Pradesh.
Engle, J. R. (1990). Introduction. The ethics of sustainable development. In J. R. Engel, & J. G. Engel,
Ethics of environment and development: Global Challenge, International response (pp. 10-11).
London: Belhaven Press and Tucson, University of Arzona Press.
Planning Department. (2015). Sunrise Andhra Pradesh Achieving Sustainable Development Goals 2030
Baseline, Targets and Strategy. Hydrabad: Government of Andhra Pradesh.
Rajiv Gandhi University. (2004). Arunachal Pradesh Human Development Report. Itanagar: Government
of Arunachal Pradesh.
Technology and Action for Rural Advancement A Social Enterprise of Development Alternative Group.
(August, 2015). Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals in India A Study of Financial
Requirements and Gaps. New Delhi: Ministry of Environment, Forest and Chimate Change.
(1987). World Commission on Environment and Development (WCED), Our common future: The
Brudtland report. Oxford University Press.
Department of Finance, Planning & Investment (State Plan Division), Government of Arunachal Pradesh (2016 )
Department of Finance, Planning & Investment (State Plan Division), Government of Arunachal Pradesh (2016 )