L19. Pentecost - Who Is The Holy Spirit - Worksheet

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XI L19 Total Marks 30

28th November, 2021.

Pentecost - Who is the Holy Spirit


Name: Division:

1. Fill in the blanks, using the word bank below:

consubstantial | equal | eternal | Promise | The Sanctifier | The Creator | Holy Spirit | third | The
Redeemer | Spirit

a. What are the major roles of: [1]

i. God the Father ________
ii. God the Son ________
iii. God the Holy Spirit ________

b. Who is the Holy Spirit ? [3]

The Holy Spirit is
i. The ________ of God (Mt 3:16-17)
ii. The ________ person of the Holy Trinity.
iii. The ________ of God The Father and Jesus.

c. Complete the following [5]

i. Each Person of the Holy Trinity is co-________ , co-________
and ________
ii. St. Luke’s Gospel is known as the Gospel of The ________ ________

2. What does the Holy Spirit do in the Sacraments ? [3]


3. What was the outcome of the Holy Spirit ? [3]

What happened in the early Church at the coming of the Holy Spirit

4. List the mission of the Holy Spirit [5]

5. What are the symbols of the Holy Spirit (any 5) and give the function of each [5]
XI L19 Total Marks 30
28th November, 2021.

6. 1 Cor 3:16-17 says [5]

“Do you not know that you are God’s temple and that God’s Spirit dwells in you?
If anyone destroys God’s temple, God will destroy that person. For God’s temple is Holy
and you are that temple”

Keeping these words in mind, How will YOU care for your body, the temple of the Holy Spirit
with regard to your :
a. Grooming and personal appearance
b. Dress
c. Food and Drink habits
d. Relationships - treatment of the other persons in your life
e. Being a witness for Jesus
(This is your personal answer, so please use the word ‘I … ’ and NOT ‘we … ’ or ‘one … ’ etc
when answering the above)

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