Cma Course Going Global

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Statutory Body under an Act of Parliament


CMA Bhawan, 12 Sudder Street
Kolkata - 700016

Delhi Office
CMA Bhawan, 3 Institutional Area, Lodhi Road
New Delhi - 110003

1800 345 0092 / 1800 110 910 /

Behind Every Successful Business Decision, there is always a CMA

CMA Course: Going Global

Mission Statement
“The CMA Professionals would ethically drive enterprises
globally by creating value to stakeholders in the socio-
economic context through competencies drawn from the
integration of strategy, management and accounting.”

Vision Statement
“The Institute of Cost Accountants of India would be the
preferred source of resources and professionals for the
inancial leadership of enterprises globally.”

Institute Motto

असतोमा स गमय
तमसोमा यो तर ् गमय
म ृ योमामतं
ृ गमय
ॐ शाि त शाि त शाि तः

From ignorance, lead me to truth

From darkness, lead me to light
From death, lead me to immortality
Peace, Peace, Peace

As a long-term vision of the Institute and professional social

responsibility towards the society, the Institute needs to ensure that the
students pursuing the CMA Course should possess and acquire robust
employability skills to cope with the Global challenges and become a
future-ready professional. Hence, the Institute has introduced SAP Finance
Power User Program, Microsoft Certi ication Program, Cambridge
University Certi ication Program and E- iling as a bouquet of World Class
Employability and Techno-Skill Training facilities for its Intermediate
Students from August 2020 Batch onwards. With these revolutionary steps
coupled with the introduction of online examination facility for the
students the Institute is now really going Global.

tremendous opportunities for cost at Kolkata, Delhi, Mumbai and Chennai

About The Institute accountants in India and abroad. and 110 Chapters situated at important
cities in the country as well as 11

T he Institute of Cost Accountants of

India (ICAI) is a statutory body set
up under an Act of Parliament in
the year 1959. The Institute as a part of
its obligation, regulates the profession of
After an amendment passed by
Parliament of India, the Institute is now
renamed as ''The Institute of Cost
Accountants of India'' from ''The Institute
Overseas Centre headquartered at
Kolkata. It is under the administrative
control of Ministry of Corporate Affairs,
Government of India.
of Cost and Works Accountants of India''.
Cost and Management Accountancy,
enrols students for its courses, provides This step is aimed towards synergizing Our Institute apart from being a member
coaching facilities to the students, with the global management accounting of International Federation of
organizes professional development bodies, sharing the best practices and it Accountants (IFAC), South-Asian
programmes for the members and will be useful to large number of trans- Federation of Accountants (SAFA),
undertakes research programmes in the national Indian companies operating Confederation of Asian & Paci ic
ield of Cost and Management from India and abroad to remain Accountants (CAPA), National Advisory
Accountancy. The Institute pursues the competitive. With the current emphasis Committee on Accounting Standards
vision of cost competitiveness, cost on management of resources, the (NACAS), and National Foundation for
management, ef icient use of resources specialized knowledge of evaluating Corporate Governance (NFCG) is also a
and structured approach to cost operating ef iciency and strategic member of Government Accounting
accounting as the key drivers of the management the professionals are Standards Advisory Board (GASAB).
profession. In today's world, the known as ''Cost and Management
profession of conventional accounting Accountants (CMAs)''. The Institute is the
and auditing has taken a back seat and 2nd largest Cost & Management
cost and management accountants Accounting body in the world and the
increasingly contributing towards the largest in Asia, having approximately
management of scarce resources like 5,00,000+ students and 85,000+ members
funds, land and apply strategic decisions.
all over the globe. The Institution
This has opened up further scope and
operates through four regional councils

2 Behind Every Successful Business Decision, there is always a CMA

CMA Course: Going Global

¤ Develop the Cost and developments in the cost ¤ Conduct research and
Objectives Management Accountancy and management accounting publication activities
function as a powerful tool of principles, practices covering various economic
management control ¤ Exercise supervision for the spheres
¤ Promote and develop entrants to the profession ¤ Publishing of books and
scienti ic methods in cost and to ensure strict booklets for spreading
and management adherence to the best information of professional
accountancy ethical standards by the interest to members in
¤ Develop the professional profession industrial, education and
body of members and equip ¤ Organize seminars and commercial units in India
to discharge their functions conferences on subjects of and abroad for overall
and ful ill the objectives of professional interest across development and sustaining
the Institute in the context of country for cross- the Cost & Management
the developing economy fertilization of ideas for Accounting profession
¤ Keep abreast of the latest professional growth

85,000+ 5,00,000+
Quali ied CMA CMA Students
Institute’s Network Professionals Headquarters at
133 Exam Centres Kolkata with
(including Overseas another of ice at
Exam Centres) New Delhi

434 Recognized 4 Regional Councils

Oral Coaching at Kolkata, Chennai,
Overseas Centres Centres Delhi & Mumbai
¤ Bahrain ¤ Nepal
52 CMA Support 11 Overseas
¤ Botswana ¤ Singapore Centres
¤ Canada ¤ Tanzania Centres
¤ Dubai ¤ Washington 110 Chapters
¤ London ¤ Zambia 2 Centres of across the Country
¤ Muscat Excellence



¤ CMA quali ication STRATEGIC DECISION- potential - Service or
enhances employable MAKING SKILLS Profession
skills through technical ¤ Earn while you learn
and industrial exposure CMA PROFESSIONALS ¤ Entrepreneurship skill

CMA ¤ CMA quali ication

employability at
various sectors
¤ Manage funds and
¤ Facilitate stability,

sustainability, growth
of organization

“It is for cost accountants to help fight “If we have to succeed in the globalized “Without cost accountancy one works
aberrations of gold plating that may world, we have to enlarge the scope of Cost rather in a vague undefined way without
sometimes appear on our business landscape. Audit to cover all aspects of manufacturing knowing where an industry exactly stands but
All this will strengthen the national effort to and service sector activities including in cases where there are cost accountants,
establishing India as a low-cost and healthcare and education.” correct assessment of its proper growth &
competitive manufacturing hub for working can easily be made.”
world-class products.”

- Shri Ram Nath Kovind - APJ Abdul Kalam - Lal Bahadur Shastri
President of India Former President of India Former Prime Minister of India

Behind Every Successful Business Decision, there is always a CMA 3

CMA Course: Going Global

CMA Profession - Core Strengths CMA Course Curriculum

Cost &
Building Cost
Benchmarking Management FOUNDATION COURSE
P1 - Fundamentals of Economics & Management
P2 - Fundamentals of Accounting
Business Analytics, Effective P3 - Fundamentals of Laws and Ethics
Strategy & Regulatory
Management P4 - Fundamentals of Business Mathematics and
Sustainability Landscape

Auditing & Enterprise Direct & Indirect
Assurance Governance Tax Management
Group I

P5 - Financial Accounting
Business P6 - Laws & Ethics
Cost-Bene it Management
Valuation &
Product Pricing
Analysis Control Systems P7 - Direct Taxation
P8 - Cost Accounting

Group II
Knowledge Pillars
Management Strategy Regulatory Financial P9 - Operations Management & Strategic
Framework Management
P10 - Cost & Management Accounting and
Financial Management
P11 - Indirect Taxation
P12 - Company Accounts & Audit


Group III

P13 - Corporate Laws & Compliance

P14 - Strategic Financial Management
P15 - Strategic Cost Management - Decision
P16 - Direct Tax Laws and International Taxation

Group IV
Management Strategy Regulatory Financial
Framework Reporting
P17 - Corporate Financial Reporting
Knowledge Pillars P18 - Indirect Tax Laws & Practice
P19 - Cost & Management Audit
P20 - Strategic Performance Management and
Business Valuation
Eligibility Criteria for CMA Course


¤ Class 10 or ¤ CMA ¤ CMA
Equivalent Foundation Intermediate
Pass ¤ CAT
(minimum ¤ Graduate
criteria for ¤ ICSI
Admission) Foundation
¤ Quali ied
¤ 10+2 or Engineers/
Equivalent Pursuing
(for Engineering
appearing Course
Examination) ¤ ICAI

4 Behind Every Successful Business Decision, there is always a CMA

CMA Course: Going Global

The Future Ready Professionals

Career Opportunities for CMA Professionals

Career Opportunities for CMAs CMAs – Job Opportunities

Identi ied Areas Administrative
Service Practice Start-up Services
¤ Cost & Management
Accounting ¤ Indian
Industry Academia ¤ Finance & Accounts Administrative
¤ Taxation Services (IAS)
¤ Internal Control & ¤ Indian Revenue
Auditing Services (IRS)
Important Job Roles of ¤ Treasury & ¤ Indian Foreign
CMAs Investment Services (IFS)
Management ¤ Indian Economic
¤ Project Management Services (IES)
¤ CMD ¤ Finance Controller ¤ Financial/ Business ¤ Indian Cost
¤ CEO ¤ Cost Controller Analyst Accounting Services
¤ COO ¤ Risk Managers ¤ Systems Analysis & (ICAS)
Management ¤ Indian Audit &
¤ CFO ¤ Business Analyst ¤ Academia Accounts Services
¤ Director - Finance ¤ Research Analyst ¤ Banking (IAAS), etc.
¤ President - Finance ¤ Dean/ Professor of ¤ Resources
¤ Vice President - Finance Management
Finance ¤ Risk Management
¤ Head of Finance and many more ..... ¤ Financial Reporting
& Strategies and
¤ Strategic Head many more ……
¤ Cost Advisor

CMA Professionals –
Opportunities for Practice

¤ Cost Auditor Audit, Forensic

¤ Internal Auditor Audit
¤ Valuation and Audits ¤ Certi ication under
under GST SEZ, EOU, Foreign
¤ Insolvency Trade Policies
Professional ¤ Consultancy
¤ Registered Valuer Services
¤ Loss Assessor,
Surveyor and many more ….
Course Fees ¤ Tax Consultants and
Tax Practitioner
¤ Advisor on Funds
INLAND - Rs. 6,000 INLAND - Rs. 23,100 INLAND - Rs. 25,000
FOREIGN - $250 FOREIGN - $1,100 FOREIGN - $800 Management
¤ Financial Services
Installment Facility Available for Intermediate and Final Students ¤ Information System

Behind Every Successful Business Decision, there is always a CMA 5

CMA Course: Going Global

World Class Employability and Techno Skill Development Training Facility for CMA Students

SAP Training Employability & Knowledge Support Performance Practical

60 Hrs Soft Skill Training 60 Hrs Monitoring & Training
80 Hrs Assessment 15 Months
¤ SAP Finance ¤ Live Online
Power User Class
¤ Microsoft
Education & ¤ Recorded
¤ SAP Certi ication Class
Hub ¤ Cambridge ¤ Webinars
¤ Global Education & ¤ Projects
Certi ication Certi ication
¤ Assignments
¤ E - Filing

6 Behind Every Successful Business Decision, there is always a CMA

CMA Course: Going Global

Few Participating Companies in Campus Placement Drives

Highest Salary `22 Lakhs p.a. I Avg. Salary `10 Lakhs p.a.

CMA Campus Placement Titbits

¤ Over 60% of the students are recruited in campus in both Public & Private Sector Organizations
¤ Average Pay-package INR 10 lakh p.a.
¤ Highest Pay-package offered to fresh qualified CMAs INR 22 lakh p.a.
¤ Off-campus placement rates are ranging between 85% - 90%
¤ Various Sectors where CMAs are placed - Automobile, Metal & Mining, FMCG, IT, Tourism,
Construction, Consultancy, Banking, Logistics, Energy, Engineering, Export, Insurance, Pharma &
Health Care, Project Management, Telecom, Rating Agency and many more ........

Behind Every Successful Business Decision, there is always a CMA 7

CMA Course: Going Global

Statutory Body under an Act of Parliament
CMA Bhawan, 12 Sudder Street
Kolkata - 700016

Delhi Office
CMA Bhawan, 3 Institutional Area, Lodhi Road
New Delhi - 110003

1800 345 0092 / 1800 110 910 /

8 Behind Every Successful Business Decision, there is always a CMA

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