Familiarize!!!! Part 2

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Master Plumber Board Examination 2022

Lord you know all things, you can do all things and you love me very much.
1) The smallest diameter wet vent allowable is? 17) Storage tanks must have...
1 1/2 inch A drain cock and a T&P valve

2) True or False. Single and double sanitary tees may be used? 18) True or False. Clean out plugs may be used for installation of
True new fixtures at the discretion of the plumber.
3) Slip joints may be used...
both sides of the fixture trap and in the trap seal 19) How far from the stub out do the building drain end and the
building sewer begin?
4) No vent pipe shall terminate under any door or window of a 30 inches
building and must be at least ____ feet horizontally and ___
feet above any opening. 20) When water pressure exceeds ___ p.s.i., a water pressure
10, 2 reducing valve shall be installed.
5) Sand interceptors, when required, shall have a seal of not less
than... 21) A building used as a dwelling shall have at least ___ plumbing
6 inch fixtures in addition to a hot water supply.
6) Iron pipe sleeves passing through foundation walls or footings
shall be ___ than the pipe passing through them. 22) Water closet seats for public use shall be...
2 pipe sizes larger Impervious, open front, elongated

7) For installations of a hot water system where a storage tank is

used, the T&P valve shall be installed in the... 23) Vent terminal flashing's of lead shall weigh at least ___ p.s.f.
water heater and storage tank 3

8) Clean-outs may be concealed... 24) 3 inch vertical plastic pipe shall be supported at...
Behind a cover plate or access panel 10 foot intervals

9) Existing work is a plumbing system which has been installed... 25) The hot water supply shall be installed on the ___ of the
prior to the effective date of the code fixture.
10) True or False. Every water heater or storage tank shall have a
shut off valve in the cold water supply line. 26) Sinks shall be provided with waste outlets of ___ in diameter.
True 1 1/2 inches

11) A kitchen sink may not drain into a stack that is less than ___ 27) No fixture trap shall have a water seal of less than ___ inches
inches in diameter. or more than ___ inches except where required for special
2 inch conditions.
2, 4
12) Which of the following types of pipe must be supported at the
base when installed vertically, copper tube, threaded pipe, or 28) Backwater valves, when fully opened, shall have a capacity
lead pipe? not less than ___ of the pipes in which they are installed
All of them 100%

13) How many water closets can a 3 inch horizontal branch 29) A.B.S and PVC can be used in the same system provided...
receive in a public installation? Proper adapters are used
30) True or False. Backwater valves shall be so installed to be
14) 2 inch copper tubing installed in a horizontal position shall be accessible for service and repair.
supported at ___ intervals. True
10 foot
15) True or False. The outlet of a T&P relief valve shall not be 31) A fixture is said to be flooded when the...
directly connected to the drainage system. Liquid reaches the flood level rim
32) The connection between a vent pipe and a vent stack or stack
16) Fixtures shall be ___. vent shall be at least ___ inches above the flood level rim of
Trapped the highest fixture served by the vent.
Master Plumber Board Examination 2022
Lord you know all things, you can do all things and you love me very much.
48) Indirect waste connections shall be used for the following, ice
33) Change in diameter of the vent terminal shall be made with an boxes, coffee urns, or commercial dishwashers.
increaser at least ___ inches below the roof. All of them
49) Slope is the same as...
34) True or False. Interceptors shall be properly vented. Fall
50) A floor drain connected to a storm drain...
35) The minimum size vent for a 4 inch soil stack is... Is prohibited
2 inches
51) Extension of vent pipes through a roof shall extend ___ above
36) Horizontal supports for steel pipe shall be at ___ foot the roof.
intervals. 6 inches
52) The maximum distance that a 3 inch trap can be from the vent
37) The minimum size water service pipe is... is...
3/4 inch 12 feet
53) The overflow pipe on a fixture shall be connected on the ___
38) Where the water service pipe and the sewer are permitted in side of the trap.
the same trench, the bottom of the service pipe shall be ___ Fixture
above the top of the sewer. 54) The building drain extends to ___ outside the building wall.
12 inches 30 inches

39) Valves in the water supply distribution system, except those 55) True or False. Storm water shall not be drained into sewers
immediately controlling one fixture supply, shall have an intended for sewage only.
opening at least ___ of the size pipe in which they are True
100% 56) Vent stacks shall terminate not less than ___ above any roof
which is used as a sun deck.
40) A vent terminal shall stop at least ___ inches above a roof 7 inches
solely for weather protection.
6 57) True or False. A crown vent is prohibited.
41) True or False. Each fixture shall have a shut-off valve.
True 58) The final test of the drainage system shall be...
A smoke test and visual and in sufficient detail to assure
42) A pipe making an angle of 60 degrees with the floor is the code has been met
considered a ___ pipe
Vertical 59) True or False. Lead pipe shall be supported by strips or
otherwise for its entire length when installed in the horizontal
43) True or False. Horizontal drainage pipe of 2 1/2 inches and position.
less shall be installed with at least 1/4 inch per foot slope. True
60) The drainage system shall be designed so that no fixture trap is
44) Commercial laundries shall be equipped with an interceptor subjected to pressure differential of more than...
with... 1 inch
A removable wire basket
45) Sterilizers shall discharge into the building drainage system 61) True or False. Floor drains are required in public restrooms.
by... False
Indirect waste.
62) True or False. Plumbing includes the installation, alteration,
46) An air test in a DWV system is made at... repair, or maintenance of automatic sprinklers when intended
Any suitable opening for fire protection.
47) True or False. Food grinders may be connected through a
grease interceptor. 63) Vertical 1 inch copper shall be supported at ___ intervals.
False 10 foot
Master Plumber Board Examination 2022
Lord you know all things, you can do all things and you love me very much.
64) Vertical cast iron piping shall be supported at maximum
distances of... 80) Poured lead joints in cast iron soil pipe shall be at least ___
15 foot deep
1 inch
65) Caulking ferrules shall be of...
Red brass 81) Safe pans of lead shall weigh at least ___ p.s.f
66) Where a fixture come in contact with the floor, the joint shall
be... 82) A 2 inch solder bushing of red brass shall weigh at least ___
Watertight ounces.
67) A circular multiple wash sink 36 inches in diameter would be
equal to ___ single lavatories. 83) Old plumbing drains or sewers may be used in new plumbing
2 work...
68) True or False. No direct connection of a steam exhaust pipe If upon examination they conform in all respects to the
shall be made with the building drainage system. requirements for new building drains and sewers
84) The length of a 3 inch caulking ferrule is...
69) A dead end pipe has a developed length of ___ or more 4 1/2 inches
2 feet
85) An underground water supply system shall be a minimum type
70) True or False. A straight branch tee may be used in place of a of type ___ copper.
drainage tee in the drainage system. K
86) Sheet copper used for safe pans shall not weigh less than ___
71) True or False. Plastic pipe shall be brought to grade by the use ounces p.s.f
of bricks or other support. 12
87) All automatically controlled water heaters shall be equipped
72) Horizontal building drains 3 inch in diameter and larger shall with an energy cut off device which would shut off the energy
be installed with a slope of not less than ___ inch per foot. before the water reaches...
1/8 210 degrees

73) The building sewer shall be tested with... 88) True or False. Electric water heaters may not be installed in
Not less than 5 foot of head with water bedrooms or bathrooms.
74) True or False. Leaders and storm drains, when connected to a
combined sewer, shall be trapped. 89) Horizontal 1 1/4 inch copper tube shall be supported at...
True 6 foot intervals

75) Single and double sanitary tees can be used for flow from, 90) Each length of pipe and each fitting used in the plumbing
vertical to horizontal or horizontal to vertical. system shall be marked with the...
Both Makers name and mark

76) The flush valve seat in a close coupled water closet 91) True or False. Floor through urinals may be used when
combination shall be ___ or more above the rim of the bowl. necessary.
1 inch False

77) A single flushometer valve may serve how many water 92) A laundry tray waste outlet shall not be smaller than...
closets? 1 1/2 inches
93) Short sweeps of 3 inches in diameter may be used in soil and
78) Closet screws and bolts shall be... waste lines...
Brass or corrosion resistant Where the change of direction is from horizontal to
vertical or vertical to horizontal
79) Plastic pipe and fittings used for water service shall have a
working pressure of ___ p.s.i with permanent identification 94) A separator is required for a residential toilet, public restroom,
markings. slaughter house, or residential disposal?
160 Slaughter house
Master Plumber Board Examination 2022
Lord you know all things, you can do all things and you love me very much.
109) True or False. Conductor pipes shall not be used as
95) Urinals with direct flush valves shall have a minimum supply soil pipe.
of not less than... True
3/4 inch
110) A vent stack shall be installed with a soil or waste
96) Reclaimed water pipe is color coded in... stack that is ___ or more branch intervals.
Purple 5

97) When a house water system is connected to both a well supply 111) Circuit or loop vents cannot be smaller than...
and a public supply, the condition should be corrected by... 1 1/2 inches
Disconnect the well supply and cap it off
112) The vent shall not be installed within ___ pipe
98) True or False. Saddle type fittings are illegal in the drainage diameters of the trap weir.
and vent system. 2
113) Shower receptacle waste outlets shall be ___ inches
99) The connections between floor outlet fixtures and the and shall have a removable strainer.
plumbing system shall not be soldered, solvent welded, Not less than 3
plastered, or threaded?
Plastered 114) A building water service pipe and building drain
must be no closer than ___ horizontally.
100) Floor drains shall have traps a minimum diameter 5 feet
2 inches 115) Manholes are required for building sewers larger than
___ inches in diameter at each change of direction and not
101) A single trap may be used in combination if... more than 400 feet apart.
One compartment is 6 inches deeper than the other or the 12
outlets are 30 inches apart
116) True or False. Two fixtures set back to back within
102) A waste stack vent is a vent which receives the the distance allowed between a trap and its vent may be served
discharge from wastes other than... by one common vent pipe.
Water closets True

103) When there is the possibility of frost closure, the vent 117) Clean outs shall not be more than ___ feet apart in
extension through the roof shall be at least ___ in diameter. horizontal drainage lines of 4 inch.
3 inches 100

104) The maximum temperature of water that can be 118) A clean out of 3 inch through 6 inch diameter
discharged into a drainage system shall be... requires ___ inches of rodding space.
140 degrees 18

105) With the exception of washing machines, the vertical 119) A clean out of 2 1/2 inches or less require a minimum
distance from a fixture outlet to the trap weir shall not of ___ inches rodding space.
exceed... 18
24 inches 120) The receptacle receiving the wash from garbage cans
shall be provided with a...
106) True or False. No fixture shall be double trapped. Removable basket or strainer
121) The size of the water suppy required for a drinking
107) Flushometers shall be equipped with a vacuum fountain is...
breaker on the discharge side of the flushing valve with a 3/8 inch minimum
critical height of at least ___ above the overflow rim of the
bowl. 122) All storage tanks shall be equipped with an
6 inches adequate...
Relief valve
108) Grease interceptors are required for bars, cafeterias,
or restaurants? 123) The maximum size trap which may be connected to a
All of them 2 inch drain is...
2 inch
Master Plumber Board Examination 2022
Lord you know all things, you can do all things and you love me very much.

124) The air gap between an indirect waste and the 138) A washing machine is rated as ___ fixture units in a
building drainage system shall be at least ___ times the residential installation.
effective diameter of the drain served. 2
139) The minimum size supply piping to a hose bib shall
125) Joints between lead pipe and cast iron or steel shall be...
be formed by means of a ferrule, soldering nipple, or bushing? 1/2 inch
Any of them
140) True or False. Oversize soil stacks may be used for
126) True or False. An individual residential dwelling vertical storm drains.
requires a grease interceptor. False
141) Temperature sensing elements of water heaters must
127) True or False. Commercial dishwashers shall be be immersed in the ___ of the tank.
connected through an indirect waste. Top 6 inches
142) Joints in copper tubing for water supply piping may
128) True or False. Saddle fittings are permitted in water be soldered with approved solder, may be made with flare
distribution system piping. fittings, or may be made with slip joints.
False May be soldered with approved solder or my be made with
flare fittings
129) When the water test is being used to test the drainage
system, the water shall be kept in the section being tested at 143) No portion of the drainage piping underground shall
least ___ minutes before the inspection begins. be less than ___ in diameter.
15 2 inches

130) PVC piping shall be horizontally supported at ___ 144) The diameter of an individual or relief vent shall not
foot intervals. be less than...
4 1 1/4 inch

131) True or False. Reclaimed water may be used for 145) Bottom fed water heaters or tanks shall have a ___
flushing water closets, urinals and other fixtures not requiring installed on the water supply.
drinking water. Vacuum relief valve
146) Water used for cooling equipment...
132) The maximum size hole that may be drilled mid-span Shall not be returned to the potable water system
of a 2 by 10 floor joist 12 foot long is...
Not permitted 147) A backwater valve, when required due to potential
back flow of sewage, shall be in the building sewer, in the
133) Slip joints may be used on the inlet side of the trap, building drain, or in the branch of the building drain.
on the outlet side of the trap, or in the trap seal? In all of these.
Any of these
148) Which of the following is prohibited in the drainage
134) Shower pans shall turn up around all edges at least system. Sanitary tees, quarter bends, running threads, or 45
___ above the curb. degree Y.
2 inches Running threads

135) Interior conductor pipes or rain leaders require a leak 149) Floor outlet fixtures shall be rigidly secure to the
test... floor with glue, bolts, or screws?
At all times Either bolts or screws
136) A public bathroom group with a 1.6 GPF water closet
installed is rated as ____ fixture unit. 150) Hangers and supports shall be made of...
5 Approved material that will not promote galvanic action

137) The drainage system includes the vent piping, the 151) The vertical main of a system of soil, waste, or vent
rain water leaders, the mains of a public sewer, or the piping piping is called...
in a private disposal plant? Stack
The rain water leaders
Master Plumber Board Examination 2022
Lord you know all things, you can do all things and you love me very much.
152) A wall hung, 1.6 gallon per flush tank type water Galvanized steel
closet in a residence is rated as ____ fixture units.
3 166) True or False. Sanitary sewers and storm sewers shall
not be placed side by side in the same trench
153) Underground piping shall be supported... False
Throughout its entire length
167) For a semi continuous flow into a drainage system,
___ fixture units shall be allowed for each GPM of flow.
154) Pumps connected to the drainage system shall 2
connect through a ___ fitting.
Wye 168) Openings for pipe passage through walls, floors, and
ceilings shall be...
155) An interceptor is not required the waste is harmful to Caulked
the ____ only.
Fixture 169) Indirect waste pipe exceeding ___ horizontally long
shall be trapped.
156) No more than ___ fixture units may drain into a 2 2 foot
inch diameter vent.
4 170) Test pressure for water piping shall be at least ___
the P.S.I. of the of the working pressure under which it is to be
157) True or False. An overhead shower on a bathtub operated.
increases the fixture units on the bathtub. Equal to
171) No water closet or bidet shall be set closer than ___
158) Clean out plugs shall be made of Lead, Brass, or inches from its center to any side wall or partition nor closer
Plastic. than ___ inches center to center with adjacent fixtures.
Brass or plastic 15, 30

159) The joint between lead and cast iron or steel pipe 172) No urinal shall be set closer than ___ inches from its
shall be formed by means of ___ joint and a caulking ferrule, center to center to any side wall or partition nor closer than
soldering nipple, or bushing. ___ inches center to center with adjacent urinal fixtures.
Wiped 15, 30

160) True or False. Interceptors shall be so installed as to 173) Traps shall be set level with respect to their...
provide ready accessibility to the cover for service and Water seals
True 174) Food grinders used in commercial buildings shall
have ___ and shall be provided with not less than a 2 inch
161) A vent terminating under an overhang of a building waste line.
shall be... A hand operated water supply or an automatic water
Not permitted supply

162) The minimum size clean out for an 8 inch building 175) Every plumbing fixture, device, or appliance
drain is... requiring or using water for its proper operation shall be...
4 inch Directly or Indirectly connected to the water supply
163) Wiped joints shall have an exposed surface on each
side of the joint not less than ___ and at least as thick as the 176) On whirlpool bathtubs, an access panel of sufficient
material being joined. size shall be installed to provide access to the pump for...
3/4 inch Repair or replacement

164) The open area of floor drain strainers shall not be less 177) On a sump pump or sewage ejector, which of the
than ___ of the cross sectional area of the trap to which it following types of valves are required on the discharge piping
connects. between the pump or ejector and the gravity drainage system?
100% Check valve, mixing valve, gate valve, or line valve.
Check valve and Line valve
165) Which of the following types of drainage pipe may
not be used underground cast iron soil pipe, copper, PVC, 178) All solder and flux used in the installation or repair of
galvanized steel. water supply or distribution systems shall be...
Master Plumber Board Examination 2022
Lord you know all things, you can do all things and you love me very much.
Lead free 191) True or False. Drainage fittings on threaded pipe
shall be of the recessed drainage type.
179) In sizing roof drains and storm drainage piping, ___ True
of the area of any vertical wall which diverts rain water to the
roof shall be added to the projected roof area. 192) True or False. Line cleanouts which may be rodded
50% both ways shall be used at all times.
180) True or False. Cleanout plugs with countersunk heads
shall be used where raised heads may cause a hazard. 193) Joints of cast iron soil pipe shall be, A positive seal
True elastomeric compression gasket, Caulked with lead and
oakum, or A neoprene gasket and stainless steel retaining
181) True or False. Back water valves shall have all sleeve.
bearing parts of corrosion resistant material. Any of these
194) True or False. Drinking fountains are permitted in
182) Water heater pans shall be drained by an indirect public toilet rooms.
waste pipe of no less than ___ diameter or the diameter of the False
outlet of the required relief valve for the water heater.
3/4 inch 195) Which of the following fittings would be used to
make an offset in a line of piping. One 1/8 bend, one 1/8 bend
183) Pipe joint cement and sealing compound shall be and one 1/4 bend, one 1/8 bend and one wye, or two 1/8
used ___ and be insoluble and non toxic. bends.
On male threads only Two 1/8 bends

184) A subsoil drain of perforated clay tile pipe under a 196) Solder may have a maximum of ___ lead when used
cellar basement floor shall not be less than... for water piping.
4 inch 0.2%

185) True or False. Expansion joints must be used only 197) Co-extruded plastic pipe shall be ___ when used for
where necessary to provide for expansion and contraction of DWV systems.
pipes. I P S schedule 40
198) Joints between copper and threaded pipe shall be
186) Which of the following types of fixtures are not formed by use of...
required to be located in compartments or rooms provided Brass converter or Dielectric fitting
with light or ventilation. Drinking fountains, single lavatories
or kitchen sinks. 199) Underground traps, except P traps, into which floor
Any of these drains with removable strainers discharge, shall be provided
187) The effluent level control shall be adjusted and Cleanouts
maintained to at all times prevent the effluent in the sump
from rising to within ___ of the invert of the gravity drain inlet
into the sump. 200) Building sump vents shall not be less than ___ inches
2 inch in diameter.

188) True or False. Apiece of 1 1/2 type L copper was
used as a vent then reused in the potable water supply system. 201) Interceptors shall be maintained in proper operating
This is permissible by code. condition by periodic...
False Removal of accumulated contents

189) An existing metallic water service pipe used for 202) Which of the following is not a requirement for
electrical grounding may be replaced with non-metallic pipe fixtures, Made from smooth non absorbent material, free from
or tubing... concealed fouling surfaces, be unbreakable, or be located in
When other grounding means are provided ventilated enclosures.
Be unbreakable
190) Backwater valves shall be so constructed as to insure
a ___ against backflow. 203) Sewage ejector sumps may be constructed of steel,
Mechanical seal plastic, or tile?
Any of these
Master Plumber Board Examination 2022
Lord you know all things, you can do all things and you love me very much.
Two traps and one vent, two traps and two vents, one trap and
204) A cleanout shall be installed... one vent, two traps and two vents
At the junction of the building drain and the building Two traps and one vent
218) The minimum air gap for food handling equipment
205) Which of the following does not require a permit. A is...
homeowner installing new fixtures, a sewer replacement, a 2 times the outlet pipe diameter
leaking P trap repair, or a bathroom remodel. 219) A length of soil or waster stack corresponding in
A leaking p trap repair general to a story height but in no case less than 8 feet which
the horizontal branches from one floor or story of a building
206) When using air to test the drainage system, the gauge are connected to the stack is referred to as...
pressure shall be maintained at... Branch interval
5 P.S.I
220) The minimum distance between cleanouts to a 2 inch
207) The plumbing system may be permanently building drain is...
concealed... 100 feet
After being tested, inspected, and approved
221) The minimum size trap for a bidet is...
208) Which of the following is not a requirement for final 1 1/4 inch
inspection. All traps filled with water, All fixtures set, Water
lines pressurized, or All cleanouts removed. 222) True or False. Vents from an acid waste system may
All cleanouts removed be connected to the conventional plumbing vent system.
209) All sections of the drainage system shall be tested
5 ft. head with water 223) The minimum size water service pipe shall be...
3/4 inch
210) A side-inlet closet bend may be used to connect a
bathtub, provided... 224) Fuel fired water heater may be installed in a sleeping
The bathtub is individually vented room, Bathroom, or closet accessed through sleeping room or
211) Which of the following is an approved material for NEVER
caulking ferrules. Red brass, lead, bronze, or copper
Red brass 225) Can a vitrified clay trap be installed underground?
Only if embedded in concrete
212) The vent pipe opening from a soil or waste pipe,
except for ___, shall not be below the top weir of the trap. 226) Is a building (house) trap allowed?
Water closets or similar fixtures No unless required by code official

213) Cleanouts shall not be more than ___ feet apart in 227) The height of water closet for ADA shall be ___
horizontal drainage lines of 3 inch or less. inches.
100 17 to 19

214) Test pressure on forced sewers shall be... 228) Flush controls for ADA water closet shall be
5 P.S.I greater than the pump rating mounted on the ___ side of the toilet.
215) Which one of the following types of fixtures may be
installed in a room containing air handling equipment when 229) Closet screws or bolts shall be made of...
the room is used as a plenum. Floor drain, Mop sink, Electric Any corrosion resistant material
water heater, Floor sink.
Electric water heater 230) True or False. Drinking fountains may be installed in
public restrooms.
216) The minimum wall thickness of pipe wrapping False
material is...
.025 inch 231) Shower pans shall turn up on all sides at least ___
inches above the threshold level.
217) Which of the following trap/vent arraignments would 2
be the minimum allowable for two adjacent single lavatories.
232) Backflow preventers shall be tested at least...
Master Plumber Board Examination 2022
Lord you know all things, you can do all things and you love me very much.
Annually 247) Can work commence prior to issuance of permit with
building official approval?
233) Irrigation sprinklers shall not be installed within ___ Yes, provided work is at risk of applicant or provided
of building sidewall. work does not proceed past first inspection
1 foot
248) What is the penalty for commencing work prior to
building official approval?
234) What fixtures are required for single family 100% of permit fee plus permit fee
1 water closet, 1 lavatory, 1 bathtub/shower, 1 kitchen 249) True or False. Chemical waste vent may be
sink, 1 washing machine box connected to sanitary vent prior to extending to open
235) True or False. A urinal is not allowed in a unisex False
False 250) True or False. Chemical waste shall be connected to
the building sewer after it exits the building.
236) The building drain changes to building sewer ___ False
beyond walls of building.
30 inches 251) True or False. Food handling equipment may
discharge to the sanitary system thru an air break.
237) Water service pipe shall be installed a minimum of False
___ inches deep or ___ inches below frost line.
12, 6 252) True or False. Every trap and trapped fixture shall be
238) True or False. Bell and spigot pipe shall be supported True
on blocks to allow room for bell when installed underground.
False 253) Sheet lead for vent pipe flashings shall weigh not less
than ___ pounds per square inch.
239) Drainage and vent test shall be applied within 3
minimum ___ foot head for at least ___ minutes.
5, 15 254) All indirect waste piping that exceeds ___ feet in
developed length horizontally, or ___ feet in total developed
240) What plumbing inspections are required? length, shall be trapped.
Underground, Rough-in, or Final. 2, 4
255) True or False. Waste receptors may be installed in
241) Give definitions of Shall, Should, May. bathrooms or toilet rooms.
Shall-Have to, Should- What is probable/expected, May- As False
an alternative
256) An open pipe may be used as a waste receptor...
242) How far outside does the building drain extend? If pipe extends 1 inch above water-impervious floor
30 inches
257) A maximum of ___ fixtures connected to a horizontal
243) Is rain water included in the building drainage branch shall be permitted to be circuit vented.
system? 8
258) True or False. A yoke vent is a relief vent.
244) True or False. Where plumbing alterations are True
required that is not included in original permit, specifications
or drawings, separate permit shall be required. 259) Spraying the water into the atmosphere through jets
True or passing it over rough surfaces to remove entrained noxious
gases such as carbon dioxide or hydrogen sulfide
245) How long after filing for a permit must work begin? AERATION
6 months
260) Addition of coagulants, such as ferrous sulfate and
246) How many copies of drawing must be accompany lime, to the water which cause the larger suspended particles
application for permit? to form a gelatinous mass which precipitates readily. The
2 precipitate is gathered in large dumps and disposed of.
Master Plumber Board Examination 2022
Lord you know all things, you can do all things and you love me very much.
261) Water is passed through layers of sand and gravel in
concrete basins in order to remove the finer suspended 274) Jet pumps are centrifugal pumps typically used for
particles. drawing water up from a well.

262) Water is passed through basins so sediments can 275) Rotary pumps are piston pumps that make use of a
settle through a period of time pump driver
SEDIMENTATION Rotary Pumps can discharge from 900 to 1200 GPM
Rotary Pumps are more efficient for viscous fluids
263) Water is injected with hypo-chlorite or chlorine gas ROTARY PUMP
to kill the harmful bacteria.
CHLORINATION 276) are used in applications where excess water must be
pumped away from a particular area.
264) Types of wells Sump pumps,
Shallow and Deep Well
277) in general, is a category that encompasses a number
265) Similar to dug well, but constructed using an auger of styles of pumps that are used to pump out collected fluid
driven in by hand or with power tools. Seldom hand driven Sump pumps
below 15 meters, but can reach 40+ meters with power tools
BORED WELL 278) are centrifugal pumps used for large applications
because of their multiple impellers
266) Use of extreme water pressure so as not to affect Turbine Pumps
existing foundations in the vicinity. Makes use of a suction
pump above, while casing acts as the pump riser. Used only 279) can discharge up to 2000 GPM
where ground is relatively soft, hence sometimes referred to as Turbine Pumps
"Sand-Point Wells".
JETTED WELL 280) Does not have any pressure concerns but relies on
gravity to supply water to fixtures below. Usually made of
267) Dug with a sharp pointed hollow slotted iron rod and galvanized steel, stainless steel, or reinforced concrete, it can
well screen. Depths are from 10-15 meters come in various shapes and sizes
DRIVEN WELL Overhead Tank

268) Used for drilling oil. Can reach up to 1000 m 281) Usually built of reinforced concrete underground and
DRILLED WELL connected with a pump
269) 2 Most Common Sources of Contamination: Septic
Tank / leach fields 282) Used in the Air Pressure System. Often used with a
Livestock feedlots pump. Also makes use of a pressure relief valve, which
270) Distance of Septic Tank/ leach field and livestock to relieves pressure automatically if necessary.
avoid contamination of wells. PNEUMATIC WATER TANKS
not less than 100 ft.
283) Used mainly to completely close or completely open
271) Water is sucked into a sealed vacuum by use of a the water line (does not control flow of water). Best suited to
piston the main supply and pump lines wherein operation is
a. Single Action (water is drawn in with only 1 motion). infrequent.
b. Double Action (water is drawn in with either stroke). GATE VALVE "aka-full way valve"
c. Duplex
d. Twin Piston Pump 284) Used mainly to completely close or completely open
PISTON PUMPS the water line (does not control flow of water) Best suited to
the main supply and pump lines wherein operation is
272) Water is drawn into the pump & discharged with a infrequent
centrifugal force GATE VALVE
273) Piston pumps that operate with controlled speed. The The Wedge Shape or Tapered Disc
discharge from a reciprocating pump is pulsating and changes
only when the speed of the pump is changed. Sometimes an 286) The Double Disc Valve Main function is to prevent
air chamber is introduced to regulate the pulsation. reversal of flow (backflow) in the line
Master Plumber Board Examination 2022
Lord you know all things, you can do all things and you love me very much.
There is greater Friction Head Loss with longer pipes, small
4 TYPES OF CHECK VALVE diameter pipes, and a high number of valves of fittings
The Swing Check Valve Friction Head Loss
The Lift Check Valve
Vertical Check Valve 299) Water is obtained through a large intake installed on
Horizontal Check Valve the lake basin & extended into deep water
Direct Pressure Distribution
287) Operates in the same manner as globe valve (disc &
seat design) used to make a 90° turn in a line Reduces number 300) Water is taken form a drilled well or underground
of joints water. Involves individual special mechanical equipment.
ANGLE VALVE Indirect Pressure Distribution

288) Located at the lower end of the pumps. Used mainly 301) pipe from the street water main or other source of
to prevent loss of priming of the pumps a.k.a. 'Retention water supply to the building served
302) device used to measure in liters or gallons the amount
289) Used on water systems, heating systems, compressed of water that passes through the water service.
air lines & other pipe lines with excessive pressure Water Meter
Safety Valve
303) the principal water distribution pipe running from the
290) Operates by the compression of a soft packing upon a water meter from which the various branches and risers to the
metal sheet fixtures are taken.
COMPRESSION COCK Horizontal Supply Main

291) Operates with a round tapering plug ground to fit a 304) a water supply pipe extending vertically to one full
metal sheet. 'Hose bibb"-has grooves fit for a hose story or more to convey water into pipe branches or plumbing
Key Cock fixtures
292) Constructed with a ball connected to the handle 305) the water supply pipe between the fixture supply pipe
key cock and the water- distributing pipe
Fixture Branch
293) a knocking in the pipes caused when faucets in the
lower levels are shut off abruptly or automatically the force 306) used for control, isolation and repair of the water
exerted by the decelerating water causes the pipes to shake distribution system
and rattle Controls Valves
Water Hammer
307) Water is provided by the city water companies using
294) the flowing back of used, contaminated or polluted normal pressure from public water main
water from a plumbing fixture or vessel into a water supply Direct Upfeed
pipe due to a negative pressure in such pipe
Back Siphonage 308) When pressure supplied by city water supply is not
strong enough. Compressed air is used to raise and push water
295) the flow of water or other liquids, ,mixtures, or into the system
substances into the distributing pipes of a potable supply of Air Pressure System (Pneumatic)
water to a tank, plumbing fixture, or other device and the flood
level rim of the receptacle. 309) Water is pumped into a large tank on top of the
BACK FLOW building and is distributed to the fixtures by means of gravity.
Downfeed (Overheadfeed) or Gravity System
296) Pipes expand and contract due to continuous changes
in temperature. An air space should be provided to allow for 310) Used for Hot Water Space Heating System
breathing room System Relief Valve
Expansion / Contraction
311) Used for Hot Water Supply System
297) Friction occurs when liquid flowing through the pipe Temperature & Pressure Relief
makes contact with the pipe enclosures, thus reducing the
speed of
water flow .
Master Plumber Board Examination 2022
Lord you know all things, you can do all things and you love me very much.
312) The standpipe is a pipe installed in buildings not as Direct Flush Valve
part of the water supply or waste disposal system but primarily
for use as water conveyor in case of fire 322) Receptor floor shall drain not less than
DRY STAND PIPE 2% - 4% slope.

313) Height of Dry stand Pipe 323) conveys only wastewater or liquid waste free of fecal
1.20 meters matter.
314) The minimum diameter for a wet standpipe is ____
for those less than ____ form the fire service connection 324) used for ensuring the circulation of air in a plumbing
51 mm - 15meter system and for relieving the negative pressure exerted on trap
315) For those wet stand pipe more than ____ from the VENT PIPE
fire service connection, the minimum diameter is ____
15 meters - 63mm 325) a fitting or device designed and constructed to
provide, when properly vented, a liquid seal which prevents
316) Coverage of 1 sprinkler head for Light Hazard the backflow of foul air or methane gas without materially
Occupancy affecting the flow of sewage or wastewater through it.
20 square meter TRAP

317) Coverage of 1 sprinkler head for Extra hazard 326) the vertical main of a system of soil, waste or vent
Occupancy pipings extending through one or more stories and extended
10 square meter thru the roof.
318) Minimum dimension of Water closet center to side
wall 327) any part of the piping system other than a main, riser
0.375 meters or stack.
319) Minimum dimension of Water closet center to WC
center 328) part of the lowest horizontal piping of a plumbing
0.75 meters system which receives the discharges from the soil, waste and
other drainage pipes inside of a building and conveys it to the
- Flushes through a simple wash down action house sewer outside of the building.
- Discharges waste into a trap way located at the front of the House/Building Drain
- Has a bulge on the front 329) extends from the house drain at a point 0.60 meters
- Has a small amount of standing water from the outside face of the foundation wall of a building to
- Cost less but is least efficient and noisiest the junction with the street sewer or to any point of discharge,
Wash Down and conveying the drainage of one building site.
House/Building Sewer
320) Flushes through a siphon action created in the
trapway 330) use 45° wye branches, combination wye - 1/8 bend
Reverse Trap branches, or other approved fittings of equivalent sweep
Horizontal to Horizontal change in direction
- Has a larger trapway making it less likely to clog
- Quieter flushing action 331) 45° wye branches or other approved fittings of
- Retains a large amount of equivalent sweep
standing water Vertical to Horizontal change in direction
Siphon Jet
332) use 45° or 60° wye branches, combination wye -1/8
- Less noisy and very bend branches, sanitary tee or sanitary tapped tee branches, or
efficient other approved fittings of equivalent sweeps.
- Flushing action is started by a whirlpool motion followed by Horizontal to vertical change in direction
a complete flush down
- Retains a large amount of standing water 333) A lavatory discharges ____, which is equivalent tothe
Siphon Vortex Fixture Unit (F.U.)
0.47 liters/sec or 28.3 liters/min (7.5 gallons per min or 1 cu ft
321) flushing action is obtained directly from a flush valve per min)
connected into the bowl
Master Plumber Board Examination 2022
Lord you know all things, you can do all things and you love me very much.
334) Minimum slope or pitch of horizontal drainage pipe 347) a group vent pipe which starts in front of the extreme
2% or 20mm/m (¼" per foot) (highest) fixture connection on a
horizontal branch and connects to the vent stack.
335) Traps used for lavatories, kitchen sinks, laundry tubs, Circuit Vent
& urinals
Common P-Trap 348) a vertical vent connection on a horizontal soil or
waste pipe branch at a point downstream
336) Water seal is about twice the size of The common P- of the last fixture connection and turning to a horizontal line
trap above the highest overflow
Deep Seal P-Trap level of the highest fixture connected there
337) Used for fixtures such as slop sinks that are usually Used in spaces without partitions
built low in the ground, leaving very little space for a Looped Vent
foundation & a trap
Stand Trap 349) that portion of a vent pipe through which wastewater
also flows through.
338) Used within the line of the house drain Wet Vent
Running Trap
350) a pipe or shaft to convey foul air from a plumbing
339) Used for fixtures that discharge large amount of fixture or a room to the outer air.
water (bathtubs, shower or floor drains) Local Vent
Drum Trap
351) a vent that does not carry liquid or water-borne
340) Each fixture trap shall have a trap seal of water of not wastes.
less than_____and not more than ____ (except where a deeper Dry Vent
seal is found necessary by the Administrative Authority for
special conditions. 352) the extension of a soil or waste stack above the
51 mm - 102 mm highest horizontal drain connected to the stack.
Stack Vent
341) The vertical distance between a fixture outlet
tailpiece and the trap weir shall not exceed ____ in length. 353) the vertical vent pipe installed primarily for providing
0.60 meters circulation of air to and from any part of the soil, waste of the
drainage system. The uppermost end above the roof has
342) The developed length of the trap arm (measured from traditionally been referred to as Vent Stack Through Roof
the top of closet ring to inner edge of vent ) of a water closet (VSTR).
or similar fixture shall not exceed ____ Vent Stack
1.80 meters
354) The diameter of an individual vent shall not be less
343) Clean out distance is _ than_____nor less in size than ____ the diameter of the drain
15 meters to which it is connected.
32mm (1-1/4") - ½
344) a pipe installed to vent a fixture trap, that connects
with the vent system above the fixture served or terminates in 355) Direct effect of the Minus & Plus Pressure inside the
the open air system due to inadequate ventilation of traps
Individual Vent or Back Vent Trap Seal Loss

345) a vertical vent line that provides additional 356) A watertight covered receptacle designed and
circulation of air between the drainage and vent systems or to constructed to receive the discharge of sewage from a building
act as an auxiliary vent on a specially designed system such as sewer, separate solids from the liquid, digest organic matter
a "yoke vent" connection between the soil and vent stacks. and store digested solids through a period of detention, and
Relief Vent allow the clarified liquids to discharge for final disposal
Septic Tank
346) a pipe connecting upward from a soil or waste stack 357) Solid organic matter that are denser than water and
below the floor and below horizontal connection to an settle at the bottom of the septic tank
adjacent vent stack at a point above the floor and higher than SLUDGE
the highest spill level of fixtures for preventing pressure
changes in the stacks. 358) lighter organic material that rise to the surface of the
Yoke or By-pass Vent water
Master Plumber Board Examination 2022
Lord you know all things, you can do all things and you love me very much.
359) liquid content of sewage

360) Waste water with the exception of human wastes .

From laundries, wash basins, sinks, tubs, etc.
Grey Water (or Area Water)

361) Water plus solid and liquid human wastes

Black Water

362) Brick lining shall have a minimum Private Sewage

Disposal Systems compressive strength of
17225 kPa.

363) Oldest form of disposal of organic waste. Consists of

a vault constructed of concrete for the collection of raw
sewage and a wooden shelter
Outside Privy

364) Installed in chemical laboratories, industries and

other installations where acid wastes are being discharged
Acid Resistant Cast Iron Pipe

365) Light in weight, slightly flexible and can take slight

soil movement without danger of cracking or pulling out of its
joints. It is thus suited for house sewer and septic tank
Bituminous Fiber Sewer Pipe

366) One of the oldest materials used for sewer lines

Highly resistant to most acids Because it is made of clay, it is
brittle and cracks easily when laid on unstable ground Made in
short lengths of 750mm
Vitrified Clay Pipe

367) The oldest pipe used for plumbing systems Poisonous

and injurious, is therefore not recommended to convey water
for human consumption
Lead Pipe
368) Made out of mild steel and expected to last 15 to 25
Galvanized Steel Pipe

369) Better then steel pipe for plumbing installation more

resistant to acid waste
Galvanized Wrought Iron Pipe

370) Durable and extremely corrosive resistant

Copper Pipe

371) Most expensive Made of an alloy or zinc (15%) and

copper (85%) Resistant to acids and has a smooth interior
Brass Pipe

372) Superior type of pipe because it weighs less, is easy

to cut, is flexible, has a smooth interior surface, and is cheaper
than steel Most are produced from synthetic resins
Plastic or Synthetic Pipe

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